Destiny Sunday Plz - Give us a QoL and Refreshed Old-Content Focused Season! |
- Sunday Plz - Give us a QoL and Refreshed Old-Content Focused Season!
- Daily Questions [2021-08-02]
- I wish it would rain in the tower at certain times.
- If a gun has adrenaline junkie it’s an auto dismantle.
- Story explanations of current raids and dungeons for new players (as of Season of the Splicer)
- Can we PLEASE get an ornament for Verity's Brow lol?
- Crown of Sorrow was a really underrated raid/boss fight. Of all the raids that left the game, it was my favorite.
- Triumph for this old guy - finally got Unbroken
- NEW: Bungie and Ubisoft have filed a lawsuit against the makers of Destiny 2 Ring-1 Cheat earlier this month.
- The lock on for swords is atrocious right now
- Warminds Decree is an excellent addition to the game should be permanent
- Bungie, can you please fix The Lament?
- Turns out Wyverns are holding back.
- Hey friendly reminder on avoiding barrier champion shots in this week's GM
- Remember, barrier rounds work on other enemies...
- Add More Sensitivity Options For Controller
- QoL: Define drop rates for farming
- Bungie, Please fix Leviathan's Breath dmg vs Unstop Champs
- GM's are sooooo fun
- Fourth Horseman and Legend of Acrius are too overshadowed by swords
- Make material deconstruction a thing
- 2 Man Flawless Deep Stone Crypt - Post Update 3.2.1
- Please make Mods, Shaders, and Ornaments equippable via the Destiny API
Sunday Plz - Give us a QoL and Refreshed Old-Content Focused Season! Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:00 AM PDT Greetings Guardians! Ever since the conception of this sub, we've dealt with floods of reposts. We're sure you're familiar with them. Many are for important issues that are shared by the entire player base, while others are just for personal requests and desires for the game. The Bungie Plz was shortly implemented after conception as a central "wish-list" for all that we, the community, desired. It is completely user driven. With rare exceptions, nearly all submissions are sent in by you, the users of this subreddit! However, just like Destiny 2, our wiki article began to experience problems as it grew over time. It's been getting just a few sizes too big. We understand that the continued addition of topics has begun to encroach on your ability to continue the conversation towards matters that mean the most to you, and even though the Bungie Plz has seen so many successes over the years, with well over 100 officially implemented game suggestions and desires, there's still dozens upon dozens of retired topics that haven't seen the light of day for many months...even years! Every Sunday, this thread will focus on a certain retired Bungie Plz topic of your choosing, voted by the users. We will curate a list of 5 suggestions to help focus your voting process, but you get the final say on what is talked about each week. By all means, if one topic is overwhelmingly desired despite not being part of those 5 items we picked, then we'll be happy to go with that one. Our curated list is only to help you focus the conversation. The only stipulation is that the topic must be new every week. This thread is for the entirety of the Bungie Plz wiki, so no back-to-back voting! Think of these threads as a way to keep the spark alive, and to bring old topics up to fresh light. For example, do we still want to move Queenbreaker to the special slot? Or does Arbalest serve that purpose well enough now? Do we still want an all-black shader, or do we want to bring back Prismatic Matrix? You tell us! This is your conversation, guardians. For this week, you voted on: A season focused on quality-of-life improvements and refreshing old contentFor next week, here are some suggestions:
Sound off in the sticky comment for which one sounds good (just give us a moment to put it up), or anything else in the Bungie Plz wiki that catches your eye, and we'll do our best to accommodate! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Aug 2021 08:00 PM PDT New player? Please read the New Light Guide & Gameplay GuideWant to buy the DLC? Beyond Light GuideReturning and not sure what was vaulted? Destiny Content Vault: Year 4Unsure what you need to pay for and what's free? Check out the Season of the Splicer CalendarTop Known Issues List by BungieWelcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities! Be sure to use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself! We also have a nice collection of useful resources below "Useful links" in the sidebar / top menu. Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions! Rules
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I wish it would rain in the tower at certain times. Posted: 01 Aug 2021 03:58 PM PDT The only time we have seen rain in the tower was during the Red War events, and I think this fan art is the closest we can imagine what it would look like. It is not important, but it would give a really sad / relaxing vibe to the place. (It depends on you). [link] [comments] |
If a gun has adrenaline junkie it’s an auto dismantle. Posted: 01 Aug 2021 07:30 AM PDT Loud lullaby with adrenaline junkie and no distractions. Bungie. Please. [link] [comments] |
Story explanations of current raids and dungeons for new players (as of Season of the Splicer) Posted: 01 Aug 2021 05:18 PM PDT I had some time, so here is an overview of what the hell is going on in raids and dungeons, following my overview of what the hell is going on in Vanguard strikes. As with that list, this is context for (new) players who feel lost. As before, I'm simplifying information where possible to be digestible. There are deeper lore guides on YouTube (e.g. Byf and Myelin), at, on Ishtar Collective, and r/DestinyLore, among many others. We have a rich lore community, so dive in and enjoy! What are raids? Raids are complex "final boss" missions for six players. They are capstone activities that often conclude the story of a campaign, and take place in the most breathtaking locations the franchise has to offer. However, throughout Destiny's history, raids have had varying degrees of story introduction. Unfortunately you aren't always sure what the raid is about or why you're doing it from a narrative perspective. I hope this overview clarifies some confusion around the current activities of the game, which come from different time periods and campaigns. (I'm not discussing retired raids here as this isn't a full recap of the game's lore.) What are dungeons? Dungeons are the Destiny term for mini-raids, intended for three players instead of six, and with simpler mechanics. They also take place in amazing locations, and are some of the best PVE content in the game. Finally, I've included links to video guides, created by others. :) Free-to-play content (accessible by New Light players)
From Forsaken DLC (2018) (paid content)
From Shadowkeep DLC (2019) (paid content)
From Beyond Light DLC (2020) (paid content)
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Can we PLEASE get an ornament for Verity's Brow lol? Posted: 01 Aug 2021 05:21 PM PDT A bowling ball? Dice? Little Mermaid...anything? No seriously...I'd even settle for a Q-tip ornament at this point. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Aug 2021 08:08 PM PDT The year 1 raids were created with two primaries in mind and it showed. Scourge was a fun beginner raid with amazing loot. Crown had underwhelming loot. The first encounter sucked just because of how long it was, there's not denying that. HOWEVER the boss fight may have been my favorite in Destiny 2. It was very chaotic with a lot to keep straight. It tested teams in a way that not many raids do. I really hope we see it again with a possible rework of the first encounter (or just shortening it). [link] [comments] |
Triumph for this old guy - finally got Unbroken Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:31 PM PDT Finally got my Unbroken title today after a long road to get there. I'm sure that's not impressive to many of you - I would consider myself average or a bit above average in PvP, but boy do I play it a lot. But, aside from being decidedly average, I'm pretty up there in years for a gamer at 53. That's old enough that the first computer games I remember playing were on hardcopy terminals. For all you youngsters - and that's the vast majority of you reading this - that meant there was no monitor on the computer - everything you did printed out on big green and white bar paper. Back then it was adventure games or the early ancestor of the Civilization series that I played. That evolved into Atari, Colecovision (Who remembers that one? We actually had one when I was a kid), then Nintendo, Playstation, Sega and the rest. I did a lot of console gaming through college and beyond and got back into PC gaming seriously with the Battlefield series. I was pretty good with that back in the day, but more as a vehicle specialist rather than a sniper or infantry. Fast forward to 2013 and news about a new game, Destiny, hit my radar. It sounded like something that I would enjoy, combining co-op, PvP, shooting and some RPG. I tried out the beta and have been hooked since. Sure, I've taken breaks over the years (Looking at you House of Wolves!) for shorter or longer periods of time, but have always come back to Destiny as my main game. When Destiny 2 competitive came out, I tried my hand at it - hard to ignore with stellar weapons like Recluse and Mountaintop on offer. I was able to get to 2100, but no way I was getting to 5500 and Legend status. I figured that the Unbroken title would be forever out of reach and didn't think much about it for the better part of a year. But along came Season 10 (Season of the Worthy) and I didn't have that much to do in game, so I decided to see if I could get to Legend with the changes and get my Not Forgotten. I grinded hard with solo queue and was able to get to 5500, earning my Not Forgotten and a MIDA catalyst along the way. Since I'd done it once, I figured why not try again in Season 11 (Season of Arrivals) and once again, solo queued my way to 5500. Now, with two seasons of Legend under my belt, I knew there was no way I'd not go for that final, third season needed for Unbroken. But Season 12 (Season of the Hunt) wasn't to be the time for me. I put up reasonable numbers for the season with a 1.08kd and 1.43 kad, but went 133-142 for a 48% win rate and came up a few hundred points short at the end of the season. In Season 13 (Season of the Chosen), I didn't play as much, nor as well, not really doing much until the end of the season, but again finished a few hundred short of Legend, despite a 55% win rate, but dropping to a .99 kd and a 1.38 kad. This season I decided not to leave the push for Unbroken until the last weeks of the season, playing competitive more frequently than Season 13, putting my second gilded Conqueror and Dredgen titles on the back burner. I was able to get to 4k glory fairly well with a mix of solo queue and LFG groups, which I hadn't done often for PvP. But I stalled out at 4k for a couple of weeks until this weekend, when I was able to line up a couple of very good players to team up with (As much as LFG is better than solo queue at times, I'm not one of those guys whose going to even reply to an LFG post asking for 2.0+ kd's nor do I ask for them. I'd always post up or reply to posts looking for chill comp, but that does mean you're not always going to have top tier teammates.) Finally today, after a very winding road, I was able to get Unbroken with the help of two very good players. Did I get carried to the finish line? Maybe - although I held my own today in the home stretch with a 1.11 kd and 1.41 kad. Not bad for an old guy playing against teenage and 20 something reflexes. At the end of the day, I'm pretty stoked to finally have the title. Sure, I have a few - 22 titles and counting (Just missed Blacksmith and oh hell no I don't have Reckoner, nor have I ever even thought about Flawless) - but this one feels really good to have earned. And as a bonus, now I can go into the Survival playlist for the fun of it (I really enjoy the game mode) without worrying about my Glory rank. Double bonus - my wife will hear far less of me swearing at blueberries or opponents when close to Legend! Edit - Thank you for the Silver kind stranger. Not only Unbroken, but my first ever Reddit award in the same day? Damn, how am I going to one up this on vacation? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Aug 2021 12:31 AM PDT The cheat in question was not only for Destiny 2 but for Rainbow Six Siege, Rust, and other games as well. Love seeing different companies working together this way! [link] [comments] |
The lock on for swords is atrocious right now Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:56 PM PDT Lament is damn near useless because of how often it decides to swing past the target during a combo. Happens with other swords too. [link] [comments] |
Warminds Decree is an excellent addition to the game should be permanent Posted: 01 Aug 2021 05:29 PM PDT It's not OP, gives some flexibility to load outs in high level content and is a hell of a lot of fun [link] [comments] |
Bungie, can you please fix The Lament? Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:38 AM PDT While farming the Scavenger's Den 1310 Lost Sector for a good Dragon's Shadow on my Hunter yesterday, I realized just how broken and inconsistent The Lament is following its nerf a while ago. Here are three different aspects of the weapon which I found could need some tuning. 1) Combo Consistency. Apart from its massive DPS, The Lament's selling point has always been the satisfaction of killing a Champion or boss with that perfectly timed rev combo, finishing with an epic over-the-head swing. By far my biggest issue with The Lament in its current post-nerf state is how often the combo will just stop abruptly while performing the initial left-clicking part. There's even an awkward cool down before I can rev up and start a new combo. This feels incredibly clunky and unsatisfying for a weapon that is all about combo-ing enemies. Edit: I've since found the reason for the abrupt combo-shutting was an empty guard bar. 2) Enemy targeting and lock on. When I am looking directly at a Barrier Servitor, why would I want to begin the combo on the Vandal standing next to it? When I am mid-way through my combo on the Barrier servitor, why does it suddenly decide to lock on to the nearby Vandal instead? Is it too much to ask to consistently hit the target I am looking at when initiating, and then stay on that target until I've finished my combo? 3) The Lament Launch (as I like to call it). Raise your hand if you've ever completely missed the target while performing a combo and instead propelled yourself into the nearest wall at Mach speed. Raise your hand if you've ever had to physically chase down a Champion with several combos since you kept launching yourself past it. Although it can lead to some funny moments, I think this ability should be reserved for the Worldline Zero. Thank you for coming to my TED-talk. [link] [comments] |
Turns out Wyverns are holding back. Posted: 01 Aug 2021 06:35 AM PDT I don't know what causes this. I don't know why or how it happened. [link] [comments] |
Hey friendly reminder on avoiding barrier champion shots in this week's GM Posted: 01 Aug 2021 11:12 PM PDT In the second encounter, there's 2 barrier champions standing on boxes ahead of you. You can move out of the back room and into that open area, but turn right or left as soon as you go outside, then put your back against the wall so you're facing the champs. They don't have the range to even hit you here, and you can plink away with your scout rifles for easy takedowns. In the third encounter just before the boss room, there's a barrier champion who has the high ground on your left. You know the one. You can do the same thing here, he can't hit you if your back is against the rocks behind you. Have fun [link] [comments] |
Remember, barrier rounds work on other enemies... Posted: 01 Aug 2021 09:18 PM PDT Hob goblins, knights, phlqnxes, hydras... I see players struggling sometimes in gambit or other pve activities with these enemies, granted people of course, use other weapon types, but if you plan on running an auto rifle or scout for various activities other than night falls, put on an antibarrier mod anyways. [link] [comments] |
Add More Sensitivity Options For Controller Posted: 01 Aug 2021 03:05 PM PDT If you look at any FPS game today you will see that they have a ton of great sensitivity options for controllers but when you look at destiny, a nearly 7 year old game, the only sensitivity setting is one look sensitivity capped at 1-10. Horizontal and Vertical sensitivity should be separate settings that go through 1-20 with ADS sensitivity also being a separate setting that is further separated for 1x scopes, snipers scopes, and more. Additionally there should be settings for aim acceleration, deadzone, aim response curve type, and traction (I shouldn't have to waste a mod slot for traction in order for me to not have a terrible turning radius). [link] [comments] |
QoL: Define drop rates for farming Posted: 01 Aug 2021 08:25 AM PDT Let's face it, the only reason to repeatedly run content is farming for loot and when the drop rates are misleading it drives frustration. I ran 27 Nightfalls on Hero and received approximately 25 Prisms which are deemed a "Rare" drop while I received 5 Nightfall weapons which are deemed "Uncommon". I do appreciate the Prisms and Enhancement Cores but my expectation was more weapons than Prism. Edit: the point being that I should not receive considerably more "Rare" drops than "Uncommon" drops. If the solution is to switch NF weapons to "Rare" and Prisms to "Uncommon" I accept that as well but based on my admittedly small sampling size the nomenclature is misleading and therefore frustrating [link] [comments] |
Bungie, Please fix Leviathan's Breath dmg vs Unstop Champs Posted: 01 Aug 2021 03:17 PM PDT I am one of the rare people who love this weapon and thank you for the catalyst, but can we please get the correct dmg agaisnt unstop champs? The initial stun doesnt do the full damage. I actually think this is a slept on weapon, just needs this little tweak and it would be fantastic. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Aug 2021 08:14 AM PDT This week because of double Nightfall rewards, I decided to try grinding GrandMaster Nightfalls and bro they are actually really good. I know that this is only because of double rewards, but you get showered in loot at the end. I actually managed to get my first adept weapons and adept mods and they are pretty cool. [link] [comments] |
Fourth Horseman and Legend of Acrius are too overshadowed by swords Posted: 01 Aug 2021 04:37 AM PDT I feel like they both need some sort of boost to give them something over even a Legendary sword like Falling Guillotine. If you have Falling Guillotine you don't need to aim much, or reload. That's REALLY huge in terms of ease-of-use. Swords are a very consistent experience; heck, you can even prevent yourself getting 'boss-stomped' away by using a sword lunge when they do their ground pound attack, but with 4th Horseman/LoA you get sent flying away. Falling Guillotine doesn't even take the Exotic slot so you can pair it with Witherhorde or Izanagi's Burden or whatever, whereas LoA takes the Exotic heavy slot all for a weapon with the lowest Handling stat in the game and requiring aiming effort and reloading. 4th Horseman is a Special weapon so it's not exactly in the same boat (ie. can't be expected to out-DPS heavy weapons) but it still occupies the same niche of only being good at point-blank range. So you still feel like you could easily just equip Falling Guillotine and then have a more diverse Primary and Special weapon loadout. If it's 'low' level content like Playlist Strikes, Gambit, Override, etc 4th Horseman's power doesn't feel very viable. You're spending too much time reloading it or with low ammo because even with all the ammo perks, it doesn't have the add-clearing or Major-melting longevity to its ammo reserves. And whenever you do empty the mag into a tough enemy but it doesn't die, you're in a pickle. Not to mention how dangerous it can be to get that close anyway. Imagine trying to use 4th Horseman in a Masters or GM Nightfall, or a Raid. You have to take so many risks to use it, and even when you do, it's doesn't exactly one-clip a Champion all on its own, or most Majors. Plus like I said before, if you're using it on adds, you're running out of ammo far too fast. Given how much more difficult it is to use these weapons compared to just spamming light attack a few times and throwing a heavy attack in every so often (not to mention how bonkers powerful Crown Splitter is with Energy Accelerant) thanks to the inherent nature of shotguns and reserve ammo issues, I think they need a damage and/or DPS buff to compete. Maybe drastically buff LoA's damage per shot so that it easily outpaces several swings of swords, to make up for it needing to be aimed, and reloaded, and with only like 8-10 shots total. Maybe it needs to be the close-range DPS king by a sizable margin so that it at least has that going for it. Perhaps give 4th Horseman a generous buff to its ammo reserves, and make it reload much faster if all 5 shots connect in rapid succession. Because at the moment, we might be able to look at damage/DPS charts and see that these weapons aren't peashooters or anything, but they're simply a much less user-friendly experience than just equipping a sword and spamming the attack button, never reloading, and with tons of reserve ammo...even without ammo perks or Scavenger mods. Think about how much easier things feel with, like, your preferred Primary, a Special grenade launcher, and Falling Guillotine compared to using a loadout with either Fourth Horseman or Legend of Acrius. You can use the former loadout in tons of content, I never want to use the latter in...anything, pretty much. [link] [comments] |
Make material deconstruction a thing Posted: 01 Aug 2021 07:42 PM PDT 1 Ascendant Shard => 5 Enhancement Prisms 1 Enhancement Prism => 10 Enhancement Cores I'd think something like this could work? With all the high end materials endgame gives you you'd think that there would be an abundance of common materials. [link] [comments] |
2 Man Flawless Deep Stone Crypt - Post Update 3.2.1 Posted: 01 Aug 2021 07:27 AM PDT Video LinkSo, Update 3.2.1 disabled the joining allies finisher and patched one of the Crypt Security OoBs leading to more interesting strategies at Security and Descent. Crypt SecurityCrypt Security now requires the Warlock doing OoB scanning to also solo break all fuses using Bastion and Chaos Reach. After completing a damage phase, callouts are immediately given and the Warlock uses Vesper of Radius and Dynamo stacking to get his Chaos Reach back each damage phase. Light middle and left require a Chaos Reach to be broken. The Titan just..... sits down there doing nothing. Atraks-1Atraks-1 is the same as before -- bake him using Thundercrash and Lament, solo cleanse with Ricochet Rounds and go fast. Not much to say about her. DescentDescent became more interesting as for a long time, we used to use finishers to joining allies which would; 1) Despawn both cores and 2) Disable scanner, allowing us to dunk the cores where ever we wanted to bypass needing to do scanner. Now that it was patched, we needed to get more creative than leaving with the ball and rejoining which is lame. We would have the Titan player run Thundercrash and OoB outside the map, and we'd shoot the panel as he started Joining Allies to despawn one of the cores. The Warlock would then delay the second core pick until it was on 0:00, the Titan would then Thundercrash to the OoB location, drop down to the add spawn door in middle and pick up the second core through the wall and despawn it in order to disable scanner. After that, it's just 6 long boring rounds of dunking cores, delaying add kills in order to let Augment Lockout expire and waiting for the encounter to end. Taniks, the AbominationNot much changed here, radiation timing is a bit tighter due to Cryoclasm nerfs a while back and that's about it. As always, you use Behemoth Titan to throw ice in front of Taniks pathing in order to to let Radiation stacks and Augment Lockout to drop off. Warlock shoot Ikelos at him while jumping to reduce Suppressor Bug, stick with Anarchy and pick up the core and walk into the other two drones and let the Titan grab the core off you after they dunk - take back the core from him at the dunk if his augment is deactivated so he has an easier time seeing where Taniks is about to go. Swap to an energy slug and go nuts on his head for 2 - 3 phases until you hit final stand. Swap to two snipers and bake his ass before you die. That's it for Taniks -- by far the hardest encounter due to inconsistencies and small mistakes that can wipe you. If anyone has any questions, feel free to drop them below and I'll try to reply to all of them. And thanks for reading this post and watching the video. [link] [comments] |
Please make Mods, Shaders, and Ornaments equippable via the Destiny API Posted: 01 Aug 2021 09:31 AM PDT I'd absolutely love to be able to create a fully specced out, perfectly rounded build, and save it in something like DIM so that I can equip it instantly. As it stands, I have to write down which pieces go where and what mods need to be on, and then spend 15 minutes finding and equipping them. All that just to change my build for the next activity. Not to mention all the different outfits we can have with transmog, and the hassle of individually reselecting the pieces and shaders every time I equip a different armor piece. Making these things not cost glimmer and letting them be changed in the API would make so much sense and is exactly the thing that would drive people to go in depth with the outfits and builds they make. It's such a beautiful, core part of Destiny, but is overshadowed by how long it takes to equip everything individually. I'd even run the risk of losing all my glimmer to a glitch in a third party program if it meant that this feature was available. I really hope that someone at Bungie sees this, as I'm sure the desire for this QoL update is widely shared in the community. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
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