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    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Destiny Destiny 2: Season of Dawn Livestream Megathread - 10am Pacific / 5pm UTC [12-04-2019]

    Destiny Destiny 2: Season of Dawn Livestream Megathread - 10am Pacific / 5pm UTC [12-04-2019]

    Destiny 2: Season of Dawn Livestream Megathread - 10am Pacific / 5pm UTC [12-04-2019]

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:00 AM PST

    Good Dawn, Guardians

    Welcome to the "Season of Dawn" Livestream!

    As usual, please keep all discussions related to the stream in this Megathread. Once the stream is over, high quality threads can be posted for discussion. This also includes posts like SGAs, Guides, Suggestions, and some Satire.

    The Stream starts at ONE HOUR FROM THIS POST (10am Pacific / 1800 UTC) - when this thread is an hour old. You can watch it on multiple platforms:

    You can also discuss this in the #d2-live channel on our Discord server!

    All Season of Dawn known info (Pre Stream) is Found here, Bungie.net


    • With the Vex Invasion now defeated, Osiris calls upon you to face a new threat. Stop a council of Cabal Psion Flayers from manipulating time and undoing our victory against the Red Legion.


    • Journey through time to save a legendary hero.


    • Defend the Sundial from the Cabal in an all-new 6-player matchmade activity


    • Choose which weapons to earn by completing Timelost weapon frames.


    • Upgrade The Lantern of Osiris to increase your Power and unlock seasonal gameplay mods.



    • Instantly unlock the Exotic Scout Rifle, Symmetry
    • Play the new 6-player activity: The Sundial
    • Exotic Quests, Seasonal Armor Sets, and Ornaments
    • New Triumphs, Bounties, and Seasonal Lore Books
    • Exotic Emote, Ghost, Ornament, and Finisher
    • Additional Season Pass rewards to unlock


    • Free Seasonal Rank Rewards
    • Seasonal Artifact: The Lantern of Osiris
    • Help Osiris fix the timeline by restoring Obelisks on four destinations
    • Unlock the Seasonal Armor Set: Righteous
    • Progress through Season ranks to earn the Exotic Scout Rifle, Symmetry

    In the words of Saint 14: "Push Punch it. Push Punch it real good, Guardians"

    Enjoy the Stream. <3 DTG Mod Team

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    The Accolade

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:43 AM PST

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48434

    The Accolade

    Jasleen was nine cycles old. She stared out from the top of a hill across a blasted, ashen landscape. This morning, this had been her village. Before the Fallen Ketch and its Walkers arrived. Those were equally ruined, reduced to a trio of smoldering, metallic husks at the center of town.

    But Jasleen was alive, and so were her parents, and her neighbors too, thanks to the Titan who patrolled the region.

    That Lightbearer, a giant in an iron suit, watched curiously as her father tried in vain to smoke a fire into existence. Her mother stared in silence at the burning ash that used to be their home.

    Together, they were waiting for the rest of the villagers to return with dinner. Local berries, if they were lucky.

    "You should come with me," the Lightbearer said to the three of them. "Humanity must unite. There is a foundation forming under the Traveler. Let me take you there."

    "We would never make it," Jasleen's father growled, fumbling with his bow drill. "We can't afford to dream like you can."

    "I would protect you," the Titan said.

    Jasleen's father ignored him. Her mother, too.

    "My neighbor says Dregs eat children," Jasleen said, to break the silence.

    "I've seen it," the Titan replied.

    "I feel sorry for them. The Dregs."

    The Titan looked down at her for a moment, then swept his gaze across the ruin of their lives. "What is their suffering compared to yours? You lost everything today. And still, it was a good day, as these days go."

    She craned her neck to look up at him. "What do you mean?"

    "About what?"

    "Why is it a good day?"

    "I did not arrive too late to help. I did not die today—"

    "Do you worry about dying?" she interrupted.

    "I worry about not helping."

    "Have you ever lost a fight?"

    "More than I can count. I am no Ikora Rey. No Radegast."

    "Who are they?"

    "Guardians, like me."

    Jasleen shrugged, her skinny shoulders sharp under her ratty tunic. "That's okay. You're my favorite."

    "We remember those who help us."

    "Has anyone ever helped you?"

    He nodded. "Yes. Oh, yes."

    "Who? The Speaker?"

    He thinks for a moment before replying. "No. A Guardian, like me. Saved me from the Fallen when I was young, when I had lost everyone I was meant to protect. That Guardian is why humanity must go to the Traveler."

    Jasleen furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?"

    "That Guardian's Ghost and Light showed me a vision of humanity's potential. The land beneath the Traveler becomes a place of safety. I—"

    The foraging party returned with rabbits. They would eat well tonight.

    As her mother and father moved to help prepare their dinner, Jasleen undid the bow in her hair and motioned the Guardian to come closer. She wrapped it around the Titan's gauntlet. "I think that's going to take a long time," she said.

    "Maybe." He stared down at his arm. "On that day, I will bring this with me."

    "What's your name?" she asked.

    "Saint," he said.

    "I'll remember it."


    A woman with gnarled hands and an aged face sat alone on a couch, basking in the dim glow of a Golden Age ruin. She held back a cough as she eyed ancient monitors on the walls and ceiling, which directed visitors to empty offices belonging to people long dead.

    It was cold, silent, and dark, and the woman felt she should leave. But just outside, through the doors behind her, an acid rainstorm showered the streets of a dead city.

    She had been traveling for weeks, and today she had eaten the last of the hermetically-sealed food from a vending machine she had found a few miles from here. If she could go back, she would; she had taken all that she could carry, but the machine held plenty more. Life in the Golden Age must have been paradise.

    Right now she wasn't hungry, and she felt no fear. It was an odd change of pace—she welcomed the respite.

    The room stretched on for a hundred meters in front of her, branching into rows and rows of doors that led to who knew where.

    There was enough space in this building to house a thousand families. For a moment she wished her daughter and her daughter's daughter were still here with her. They had begun their trip together months ago from Varuna, but she had urged them to go on ahead, giving her share of supplies to them. Supplies were heavy, and she was too slow.

    There were rumors a human settlement was growing under the Traveler, and the spoken plan was to reunite there.

    The spoken plan, at least. She rubbed her hands together to ward off the cold.

    And she coughed.

    Immediately, something creaked far down the hall. A door slammed open, followed by the sounds of rapid scuffling.

    She stood up from her couch and slowly backed away, pulling a plasteel shiv from a sheath strapped to her thigh. Five figures with glowing eyes emerged from the gloom and rushed toward her, brandishing weapons. Two ran like men, massive and four-armed, and two were leaner, crawling low to the ground. The last was small, about the size of a human. It loosed a howl no earthborn mouth could make.

    She hoped her child and grandchild still lived, and held her weapon up in silent salute.

    The sliding doors behind her opened with a whoosh, and a violet discus cut through the air above her, singing like a sword loosed from its sheath. Three of the creatures dissolved into screaming Void as the disc of Light caromed down the length of the corridor.

    As the woman turned to look over her shoulder, an iron monster alight with boiling Void energy leapt over her.

    He moved with a grace that contradicted his size, and caught one of the remaining beasts by the neck as it bounded at him. He reeled back, and bam! The thing went limp as he smashed its skull with the top of his helm. Its companion lunged with a crackling Arc Sword, but he stepped forward and kicked its knee out to bring it down to his height, reeled back, and bam! Bam! Bam! He jackhammered the beast's winged helm with his own. It fell back, dead.

    The corridor fell silent.

    He turned and asked quietly, "Where do you hail from?"

    "Patch Run," the woman replied.

    He nodded. "Lin sent me to look for you."

    The woman scoffed and sheathed her weapon. "She was supposed to go to the Traveler."

    "She made it. All the way," he replied. "They both did." He raised his armored hand, wrapped tight with a purple cloth, and keyed a switch on his helmet. "Jumpship will be here shortly. We'll get you home."

    "Who gave you that ribbon?"

    "An old friend. Probably about your age, now."

    "How long do you people live?"

    "We don't know."

    The woman stared at him, then tore a piece from her lavender-colored sleeve. She stepped forward and tied it to a hinge of his pauldron.

    "What is this?"

    "Your friend is clever. If I leave this with you, I'll live forever."

    He chuckled. She did not.

    "Make a mark on this world," she said. "Don't waste the time you have."

    "Yes, ma'am," he replied.

    They were quiet a moment.

    "None of this bothers you?" he asked, gesturing at the bodies and the raging storm outside.

    "Everything bothers me," she said, sitting back down on the couch.

    "What was your name again?"


    "I will remember it."

    They listened to the rain as they waited.


    Three children, two Awoken girls and a Human boy, slept against a rampart on the City wall. They were standing in for their parents, members of the City volunteer militia. They weren't old enough to carry weapons, but the boy clutched a remote access switch that would alert every guard in the district.

    He would need to be awake to trigger it, though.

    So Saint-14 stood watch in their stead. He would leave when his patrol cycle began in the morning.

    The children woke when the sun broke the horizon. They pretended not to see him, but when one of the girls tore her handkerchief in two and tied one half to the Titan's pauldron, the other two did the same with scraps of cloth and fabric.

    He asked for their names, but they weren't supposed to give their names to strangers, and all parted amicably.


    The Titan leapt atop the smoldering wreckage of a kit-bashed airship, a stripped-down Arcadia Class incapable of escaping orbit, and tore the Golden Age-polymer canopy right off the cockpit.

    He pulled a startled Awoken from out of the pilot's cabin as the airship's remaining engine crackled and roared. With the Awoken in his arms, the Guardian tumbled deftly off the Arcadian airframe and took off at full speed away from the wreckage. The Shock Cannon that tore the ship out of the sky had started an Arc reaction in the engine power cells that would—

    The shockwave overtook him and tossed him into the air. He rolled to his feet as he landed, dropping the pilot as a dome of Light snapped into being around them. A sleet of debris and shrapnel rolled across the Titan's Ward of Dawn.

    As the metal rain faded, so did the Guardian's Light. The two stood up. The Titan pulled a Daystar SMG2 from a back holster, checked to see if it was loaded, and handed it to the Awoken. "You are lucky. The Fallen shot you down twenty miles from the Traveler. They will not bother you again. Head due south," he pointed, and turned to leave. But the pilot tapped his shoulder guard.


    The pilot untied a bandana on his arm and held out the strip of plum-colored cloth.

    "You're joking."

    "I have nothing else to give," the pilot said. "That ship was my life."

    The Titan stared down at the man. "You've found a new life. Go to the Traveler."

    "It's bad luck to not give Saint-14 his due."

    Saint grasped the cloth. "What is your name?"

    "Georges," the pilot replied.

    Saint turned back towards the desert.

    "I will remember it."


    Saint stood at the gateway into the Infinite Forest.

    Six Fronts. Twilight Gap. Boyle Pass. The breaking of the Weapons of Rain.

    Other Guardians always seemed to remember where and when they found the engrams that revealed the most treasured pieces in their arsenals. The Gjallarhorns and the Dark Age antiquities. He had difficulty with that.

    But he could name almost every person who had awarded him an accolade over the course of his Guardian career.

    They covered every nook of his armor. They adorned his ship, the Gray Pigeon.

    He had never talked about them, and, as he looked up at the yawning translucent field before him, he wished that he had.


    I never found Osiris, but I've killed enough Vex to end a war. And they, in turn, struck a fatal blow: they completed a Mind with the sole function to drain the Light from me. It worked very well.

    Don't worry. (Not that you worry much). It took them centuries to build, keyed to the unique frequency of my Light. And I sit atop its shattered husk.

    I mourn that I will never reach the heights you have. To me, you represent everything a Guardian can become. Yours is a thriving City. So different from mine. My whole fourteenth life I fought to make my City yours. I never finished.

    All I have left is this weapon. The Cryptarchs say you crafted it yourself, built it out of scraps and Light and sheer will, inside the Infinite Forge. I'll make sure it finds its way back to you. When you gave it to me, I swore I would make it my duty to follow your example.

    I'm still trying.



    Panoptes, the Infinite Mind, was dead.

    And so was Saint-14.

    Osiris looked down at what remained of his friend.

    The Infinite Forest shimmered around him.

    The Vex had built a dais to carry the body of Saint-14. The Titan had been stripped of Light. There was no obvious killing wound on his armor. Perhaps they had repaired it.

    Sagira ran a beam of Light across the body.

    "Saint carried these ribbons everywhere," she whispered.

    "He called them his 'accolades,'" Osiris replied.

    "What were they for?"

    Osiris was quiet for a long moment. He sat staring at the tomb.

    "I never asked."

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    PvP focus is non-existent and for some players this is the whole game.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:49 AM PST

    The reveal was nice, setup like most reveals they have. But the only PvP mention was one new map which is a returning map. We had a whole DLC focused on just Gambit, every other DLC is PvE focused. We as a PvP community have yelled for trials for so long, Elimination is coming as a normal game mode which is a start but I feel as if they need to talk about it. Leaving us in the dark is saddening to me. No discussion of balancing or buffs or anything for Crucible was a let down.

    Remove one of the two Gambits, have the community vote which one they want to keep and bring back Trials, it was something to look forward to every weekend after doing all your PvE stuff during the week

    EDIT: I in no way thought this would blow up, thank you for the double platinum and multiple gold/silver guardians!

    submitted by /u/BDDNick
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    You should get an ascendant shard for valor resets

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:04 PM PST

    It takes hours if not days to reset valor when there's not XP boosts and you can get them in under an hour in a master Nightfall. It's a bigger time investment and it won't invalidate nightfalls since PvE players aren't going to just start grinding PvP if they don't like it in the first place and it would give PvP players a slower means of master working gear. Being forced to play Nightfalls as the only means of masterworking gear goes very, very far against "play how you want".

    Edit: ayyyyyy no ads

    submitted by /u/BreakStep_x
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    At the end of the day, Destiny is a PvE game first, PvP game second, and it has to be

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:02 PM PST

    Probably going to get downvoted to hell but here goes.

    The thing that makes Destiny unique is its overall PvE universe, mechanics, and MMO-lite experience for a shooter. There are hundreds of PvP games that are better pure PvP experiences and balanced purely for PvP. The goal of Destiny is to improve and grow your character to make it a better "monster killing machine", not to become the most balanced/fun PvP game.

    There's a reason Borderlands and Anthem don't even have PvP at all, because it is insane to try to balance RPG systems around a balanced PvP and the fact that Bungie is even trying this is an exercise in futility that they've been bashed by for years.

    I hope Destiny's PvP continues to evolve and that Trials comes back, but PvP will never and should never be the focus of this game. If that's what you want, there's Apex, Overwatch, CS and countless other games. But none of those games do what Destiny PvE does or is even close to it.

    I don't want Destiny to have it's defining characteristics to be compromised so that it can be a slightly better PvP game (that is still worse than the other games that are best in class for PvP) and you shouldn't want this either.

    EDIT: holy cow, my first golds and a platinum?!?Thank you guardians! Glad to hear others feel the same way

    submitted by /u/idiomech
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    So iron banner gets an armour set recycled for the 2nd time, shaxx and zavala will be dropping the same thing for the last 15 months now but Eververse will be fully stocked for the season, the dawning and crimson days. This is beyond absurd

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:55 PM PST

    Use some of that eververse money to hire more devs instead of drip-feeding recycled content or completely ignoring core elements of the game

    submitted by /u/Name_Checks-Out
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    I can't wait for Eris and the Pyramid to join the line of "Unresolved Plots" that Bungie likes to leave hanging

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:32 AM PST

    Right up there with Mara, The Dreaming City, Calus, Uldren, The Nine, Drifter, and countless other major plots lines that have started and never finished. I don't care if it's as simple as "Uldren died on the way back to his home planet", just finish something for once.

    submitted by /u/crookedparadigm
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    Year 3 is about playing How you want to play. Make your own Personalized monster killing machine.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:59 PM PST


    • here is the Weapons you should use.
    • here are the subclasses you should use.
    • here are new mods, but you can only use these in the new Seasonal Armor.
    • your old armor(which you just grinded) LOL.
    • you wanna use exotic weapons? Sorry no Mods for those.
    • you wanna use Exotic armor? Sorry wrong affinity.
    • you want Iron Banner Armor to be ornaments? How about we just give you the same armor again.
    submitted by /u/IamPaneer
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    Bungie, please clarify - is the plan to make us re-grind a full armor set every season just for the mod slot?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:55 AM PST

    See title. The live stream felt a little ambiguous in that regard.

    It's more than a slight concern. Getting decent armor rolls in totals in the right slots and right affinity and the stat array you want, then masterworking them, is already an RNG infested pain and a serious time investment. God rolls drops are basically a pipe dream and a carrot that, at these effective drop rates, would last years.

    Surely, the expectation isn't that this investment is getting tossed every 3 months? I am not saying that making existing items obsolete is necessarily a horrible decision, plenty of MMOS and RPGS do this with major content releases... But the rate and RNG at/with which these items are acquired right now with relative frequency of seasons are NOT justifiable or respectful of player time. This isn't the path to making Destiny a "hobby," it's a sign to go play a game with less predatory player engagement chasing tricks.

    We either need a higher volume of high stat roll drops, a way to control or reroll said stat rolls, or have the ability to carry our rather hard earned loot forward in the spirit of infusion and the shadowkeep ornament system. Please.

    submitted by /u/whimsybandit
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    I hope Bungie found the time to create double the amount of Eververse items this season vs new in game rewards.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:10 PM PST

    It seems like they may be strapped for time, resources, etc so I wouldn't want them wasting any of that on making new Iron Banner armor or unique rewards for the new strikes in their yearly expansion called Shadowkeep or new crucible rewards.

    Hopefully they were able to create a new $15 per class armor set and more super cool unique rewards for us to buy with silver, the premium Destiny currency. Last season I was really impressed by how much time they saved giving the Hunter raid armor reskin hologram nipple covers which I can only imagine gave them so much more free time to pump out unique ornaments rewards you can only buy with real money!

    I'm really excited for this new season....'s offerings of brand new, exciting, and UNIQUE Eververse Ornaments! The only part you can guarantee will be stocked with new and exciting items to collect!

    submitted by /u/BurningGamerSpirit
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    I was today years old when I realised you can see the Guardians hand carrying the heart when you're taken inside of it.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:58 AM PST

    With apparently no raid coming with the upcoming season, now would be the perfect time to put older raids in a weekly pinnacle rotation.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:35 PM PST

    This would give us something more to play for each week and make some older content relevant again. I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but I think they need to do something to make older raid content worth doing other than getting triumphs and exotics you may have not received yet.

    submitted by /u/my9rides5hotgun
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    For what it's worth..

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:56 PM PST

    ..Season of Dawn is 100% worth the cost for the season. Simply from the roadmap and live stream, there's enough content to justify a 10$ price tag.

    10 bucks is two mornings of getting coffee. It's less than a GrubHub delivery. It's half of a single skin in Fortnite or Apex. I mean come on people.

    Sure, I could think up 100 things bungo could do to improve the game, but this team brings us amazing and gorgeous content on a regular basis.

    Prepared for the downvotes, but any chance we could be happy for what we have then what could be improved?

    submitted by /u/DarthChalupa_
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    I'm sorry guys, but Saint-14 is not here to stay

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:05 AM PST

    He hasn't been revived, we ''borrowed'' him from another timeline. It's a good setup to continue the cycle of the Perfect Paradox. Saint-14 said we gave it to him, but we took it from his corpse. The cycle must continue. We give him the Perfect Paradox, he helps us with the Flayers, and he leaves back to his timeline, where he'll battle the Fallen at Twillight Gap and then goes to Mercury to find Osiris. Of course we know how that will end up. Then, after a few years, our another-timeline-us comes by and takes Perfect Paradox for themselves. They kill Xol, cry about Cayde-6, kill Uldren, forge a few weapons, bank motes, entertain Calus, discover the Pyramid, kill 3 Undying Minds :), break the timeline and then comes Saint-14 again, but from another timeline. And it goes on and on and on and I don't know, why do I always have to make such a long posts. Thanks for sticking with me.

    submitted by /u/Domsou
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    Season of Dawn reveal stream rundown

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    I might not caught everything, but here's a rundown of what happend!

    • Season of Dawn roadmap: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/444159126067478548/651849327546728458/chrome_5Rp7bl8sW7.png
    • Gatelord's Eye is renamed to Lantern of Osiris
    • New champion mods:
      • Antibarrier ranger – bows, scout and pulses
      • Unstoppable burst – scout rifle
      • Unstoppable shot – bows
      • Overload rounds - Auto rifles and Submachine guns (?) &amp;lt;- not confirmed
    • one of the new artifact mods in the 4th row:
      • Guardian angel – Grants a chance to generate healing orbs for you in scout, sniper, bow and linearfusion rifle precision kills
    • On armour pieces theres a mod slot for Season of Dawn - SOME WILL DECREASE YOUR STATVALUES
      • Protective Light - While charged with Light, you gain significant damage resistance against comabatants when your sields are destroyed. This effect sonsumes all stacks of Charged of Light. The more stacks consumed the longer the damage resistance lasts.
        • -10 Strenghth
      • Shield break Charge – Become Charged with Light by breaking an enemy shield with the matching energy type
      • Empowered Finish – Becomd Charged with Light by finishing a combatant, consuming one tenth of your Super energy
      • Precisely Charged – Become charged with light by getting miltple rapid prescision vlows with linear fusion rifles or sniper rifles
        • -10 Discipline
      • High-energy fire – While Charged with Light, gain a bonus to weapon damage. Each defeated enemy consumes one stack of Charged with Light.
      • 2 more, they didnt show.
    • The Sundial looks like a Menagerie encounter - You always complete the activity
      • There will be a hard mode
      • First you kill some enemies and you go into the Sundial
      • You go out in another time there are minibosses which need to be killed and drop an orb. This orb needs to be thrown at a boss in the middle to lower his shield via a big ass laser. &amp;lt;- This is one of the encounters
      • There are multiple new encounters
      • There are multiple new bosses
    • There will be a new blog lore post every day from today untill release
    • NO raid and NO Trials of .....
    • It seems there will be a power level increase

    But most important Saint 14 loves pigeons

    Cool art piece: https://imgur.com/a/yzWnmI8

    submitted by /u/iiDutchboyy
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    I really hope we get to see HOW and WHY Saint-14 is the greatest Titan who ever lived, rather than being told he is

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:30 AM PST

    Kinda goes back to Rasputin in Warmind, how we were told he was the most powerful warmind in the solar system, but we never get to see how.

    I have faith in Bungie they'll do our purple boi justice though.

    submitted by /u/Big_Melon_
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    Can Amanda finally get a new sparrow to fix? She’s been fixing that same sparrow for 2+ years now. The junk is just broke.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:47 AM PST

    Masterworking Armor is a Waste

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:55 PM PST

    I masterworked a full set of each affinity of armor 2.0... and it was Season of Undying armor... so now that armor is worthless because it won't have the Season of Dawn mod slots.

    Bothering to get the Ascendant Shards and using them to masterwork armor, is pointless, because the armor doesn't last all year, it's only good for the season, and you can do all content in the season without masterworking the armor.

    After all the content was done, I grinded nightfalls to masterwork the armor for no reason other than I'd have a masterworked set of each affinity for the coming year, but with the mods of each season only working on that season's armor, this was a complete waste of time.

    EDIT: Yes, it should have been obvious, cause there was an Undying symbol on the armor mod slot... but for some reason, cause it would have been an obviously better way, i was thinking we'd masterwork that armor and it'd be good all year. If it's only good for the season, then what's the point of masterworking it? Because of the temporary artifact power grind, you won't be high enough light to farm enough ascendant shards until late in the season when you already did all the content without the masterworked armor, then it's just useless at the end of the season cause everything else is done, and spending Ascendant Shards on your armor is pointless since the next season is coming and your current armor won't work with that seasons' mods, so the gameplay loop is broken. Sure, i have enough ascendant shards left over to masterwork full new sets of Season of Dawn armor, but why would I waste them on that temporary armor? Masterworking regular armor is a waste, best to use Ascendant Shards on exotics cause they have no temporary seasonal mod slot.

    submitted by /u/KissellJ
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    If after the first week of season of Dawn I see a Titan in PvE use a finisher and it’s NOT a headbutt, you will be reported to Zavala for being a disgrace to your order

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:11 AM PST

    I'm a Hunter Main, but I want to see lots of dented foreheads after everyone has earned the headbutt finisher

    Saint 14, admittedly, is awesome, can't replace cayde 6, but he is still awesome

    submitted by /u/TCA-Main_Man
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    I hope Fanboy Vance finally meet Osiris in Season of the Dawn

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:58 AM PST

    Poor dude is waiting for a long time.

    submitted by /u/DeadEcho_
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    I sincerely hope I'm wrong here, but the 'reprised' Iron Banner set seems to be the exact same set we've already earned not once, but twice now.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:55 AM PST

    Link to the Season of Dawn roadmap. As if they hadn't already made Iron Banner pointless enough, they had it as the iron banner armour for base D2, then for the season of opulence, and now it seems to be back for a third time. What a treat.

    submitted by /u/fishk33per
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    "To my inspiration. Your final gift to me I now send back to you. It will be good to see you again." - Saint-14

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:56 AM PST

    Below are lore pieces that include or are said by Saint-14. They all foreshadow the upcoming season.

    Helm Of Saint-14

    SX: You know what they say about Titans.
    C6: They're loud and abrasive?
    SX: The good ones are all dead.
    C6: You don't know that Saint is dead.
    SX: The greatest Titan who ever lived just disappeared. Call it a hunch.
    [A generator roars.]
    C6: No one ever put down a Kell faster than he could. But man, he was a real weirdo.
    SX: Eccentricity was his strength.
    C6: Talking about the Speaker like you're related to him is eccentric. Claiming he's seen the future, that he fought Six Fronts fueled on the idea that some Guardian savior is coming? That's insane.
    SX: Belief is a hell of a thing.
    C6: Sure, yeah. One Guardian's going to fix everything. Kick Crota off the Moon. Make it look like us Vanguard know our head from our hindquarters. Hey, where are you going?
    SX: One of the new recruits from Old Russia I've had my eye on—entering the Crucible for the first time.
    C6: Hey, maybe they're the one. We'll call 'em Crota's End.

    Perfect Paradox

    All I have left is this weapon. The Cryptarchs say you crafted it yourself, built it out of scraps and Light and sheer will, inside the Infinite Forge. I'll make sure it finds its way back to you. When you gave it to me, I swore I would make it my duty to follow your example.

    Saint-14's Gray Pigeon

    Ship's Final Log:


    I hope whatever you find in this place is worth it. My recommendation to install you as Vanguard Commander was not a gesture to stroke your ego. It was an order to stay and help the City achieve all that it could. An order you refused to follow. News of my demise will no doubt reach you late. I can already see your response—the guilt that will follow, however fleeting. I thought you had changed after Six Fronts; that seeing your people on the brink of destruction and spared from death would be reward enough to stay. To fight. I'll fight in your stead one last time.


    My duty is at its end. I've seen what the City can become. I know you can lead its people to it.

    To my inspiration.

    Your final gift to me I now send back to you. It will be good to see you again.


    Screenshot from CoO :)

    submitted by /u/NoochyByNature
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    Reddit 2019 review is out, DestinyTheGame is 3rd in Top Game Communities

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

    Reddit 2019 review is out


    DestinyTheGame is top 3. Keep it up guys

    Top Game Communities

    1. r/fortnitebr
    2. r/leagueoflegends
    3. r/DestinyTheGame
    4. r/minecraft
    5. r/classicwow
    submitted by /u/HunTr3x
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    I'm half tempted to let the cabal rewrite time just so it'll be like D2 Y1 never existed.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:12 PM PST

    Dark days man, especially with the memory of where we are going and two tokens and a blue..

    submitted by /u/malkavian_nutbar
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    Season of Dawn roadmap

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:18 AM PST

    If you think about it, Saint-14 is one of the only beings in the Destiny univerde that ever "taught" the Vex something, the Vex learned to respect him, you can see it by how divine he looked in his tomb on Mercury, the Vex probably set him up like that on purpose

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:31 AM PST

    (The ghost says that too when you arrive there with the quest)

    submitted by /u/AngelOfDisease33
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    The Ramen Shop in the Tower has been closed for a year now. This is an outrage!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:42 PM PST

    The ONLY food shop in the tower has been closed for a year. What was the point of brushing my teeth during the Festival of the Lost if I can't even use them?

    submitted by /u/Ventract724
    [link] [comments]

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