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    Monday, March 30, 2020

    Destiny Daily Questions [2020-03-30]

    Destiny Daily Questions [2020-03-30]

    Daily Questions [2020-03-30]

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

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    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    In Defense of Paul Tassi...it’s great that people with a voice are in tune with the dedicated player.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Paul gets a lot of crap from this subreddit. But if you listen to Destin on IGN Fireteam chat or the Tefty on DCP crew or any streamer or podcaster, they are all saying the same thing.

    Heck, Datto, the golden boy of this sub has also said that he's tired of menagerie lite every season, doesn't like having to swap weapons for daily kill with X weapon bounties, and raid loot isn't meaningful.

    Does he get destroyed for rehashing what the subreddit already said? His videos aren't being released BEFORE we post. But we give him a pass.

    Paul, on the other hand, gets crushed anytime he writes one of his articles.

    Take a step back. Paul being in tune with this player base here is a GREAT thing. It means he's not a casual player. He gets the issues and can give it a voice in another channel.

    This week the DCP crew had Andrea Rene on their podcast and she was WAY disconnected with the player base. I could only listen to like 5 minutes and had to turn it off. She seems like a streamer who is trying to be a Destiny streamer but doesn't know much about Destiny. Tafty asked her if she had Anarchy. Her response? Gee, I don't even know if I have it. I don't use exotics much so I don't even know.

    EDIT: I want to apologize to Andrea Rene and others for the way the original comment was made. It came off as insensitive and not what was intended. Not everyone needs to be hardcore or super serious Destiny players. And the various perspectives of how people engage should always be welcomed.

    I'm glad we have someone like Paul Tassi representing the dedicated player base because it would be A LOT worse. Paul is verified on Twitter and the Bungie crew know him and can see his comments, feedback, and twitter replies. It's a GOOD thing that people who have a platform and are verified (which gives them amplification to their message) are in tune with the general dedicated player base.

    Listen to Paul Tassi on the Rageless Roundtable from Say No To Rage and you'll see that he knows his stuff. Paul is also on the IGN Fireteam chat from time to time. He is solid.

    submitted by /u/Hollywood_Zro
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    I feel like our supers should have some kind of inherent anti champion properties.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Who would win

    The culmination of our light being unleashed in righteous fury


    Haha sheeld servitor go BWOIP

    It wouldn't replace champion mods as you don't get your super THAT often. For example Thundercrash would disrupt Overload champions, Golden gun disrupts barrier champions, etc. Hell you could even make it a mod for... your class item? I don't know, I just think it's kind of ridiculous that your Super pales in comparison to one shieldy boi.

    submitted by /u/LawlessCoffeh
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    Bungie, I have to believe that Destiny 3 is coming soon. I can't imagine this is how you envisioned the game to be.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    And I believe a lot of other people do as well. D1Y1 player. I would like to start with a positive and say that I believe the only reason this game is active right now is because of the brilliantly crafted and created with much love shooting experience the game has. The day to day mechanics are a big reason why I play. The gun fighting is simply just fun.

    Now, I know it's been posted over and over again, but I'd to list my personal play experience whenever I login. When I read this list it looks like a truly boring gaming experiences today, in my opinion of course.

    Wait 5 minutes to login

    Go to tower.

    Run to get Banshee bounties.

    Run to get Shaxx bounties

    Run to get Zavala bounties

    Run to get Gambit bounties

    Travel to the moon to get bounties

    clear the bunker in 5 minutes

    clear the legendary in 10 minutes

    go play crucible and not play how I'd like to because I have bounties to do... again.

    go play gambit and not play how I'd like to because I have bounties to do... again.

    go play nightmare hunts and not play how I'd like to because I have bounties to do... again

    finallby complete whisper because it's one of the few quests that 1. I have the time to complete and 2. is soloable.

    then I'll finally hit up strikes. Strikes are some of the most mine numbingly dull gaming experiences I've ever had. ever. I loathe doing them because they havent been truly updated since day 1 over 4 years ago. It's not a mindset of "oh I need to play strikes real quick. I'm glad they're adding at least one every 6 months of a year since we're paying each quarter for content and a larger purchase every year.

    then I travel to Eververse to look at the coolest stuff I'd love to have the most, but will never pay $8 for a finisher or or $15 for a set of ornaments. $2 for a projection or $4 for an emote. Which is quite insulting players that have been dedicated fanboy/fangirls since day one, during times when you had zero business having any. We're not asking for free new shit, but adding some things in from a couple seasons back would be nice. Charging for content 6 months old is kind scummy.

    Is this your vision that set out to create? I can't imagine you're at all happy with the state of the game that isn't profit driven. Creating a single activity and changing around some difficulties while simultaneously put activity specific conent, even cosmetic, behind a paywall when the geear that is awarded is paltry at best. And not even new I might add.

    I'm at a point, almost 6 years in, where I can't continue playing this game knowing the way we're being taken advantage of. At least that's how I feel about the state of the game.

    This isn't fortnite. We don't deserve the same treatment.

    EDIT: Wow. Nice response. I'm glad I was able to read a lot of both sides of opinions. I want to say that I play the game because I enjoy the game. I regularly play PVP and love it now than probably since launch. Especially with the D1 maps that just ported over. My point of the game is that the drive, the pursuits, the entire process of getting new loot in this looter shooter, are boring, uninspiring, repetative. People are saying you don't need bounties and that's not true. Powerful rewards, weekly bounty rewards, bunker upgrading, xp, bright dust, rank up pkgs (useless be we all have so many. hmm...), weekly planet powerful gear, etc. These all, if not literally, practically require bounties to complete. So yes, the game is essentially based around daily/weekly bounties outside of playing it for no other reason than it's fun (which I still do).

    submitted by /u/ChunkyDay
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    Why didn't Symmetry and Tommy's Matchbook come with inherent overload and unstoppable rounds?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    Title, I suppose.

    Seen as Eriana's came with anti-barrier rounds it'd have been a nice layover to have the other two seasonal exotics come with the other two types. Just kinda makes sense, at least until a change is made with the mod system to allow exotics to become viable in PvE endgame again.

    Everyone stay at home and be safe please x

    submitted by /u/Ayegoblin
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    If no changes are going to be made, and with real proof that those changes are actually going to happen, I don't think I'm going to spend my money on the September expansion.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    No, I don't think that one person not buying it will shake Bungie at their very foundation. No, I don't think one person abstaining from it will change the course of action.

    But, if I won't, then I'm willing to bet that money I'd be saving that many others won't.

    I've been a humongous Destiny fanatic since Taken King. (Passive before, but TK really drew me in.)

    I consume the lore of this game vehemently, I can say with no exaggeration that the lore of Destiny is one of the most well written piece of fiction I've read. It's stellar.

    I love this franchise. I've been pre-ordering everything since TK. I have been a part of the community through thick and thin. Easily one of my most favorite games of all time.

    When I started playing early on, I was going through some tough times, and continued to for a long while. But I could always go on Destiny to feel at least a bit better about life and do something else. The game lasted through that time and I gained friends because of it and I truly got to experience the fun of multiplayer with others which I hadn't before then.

    Warmind: All of my friends from D1 get sick of it and leave. The only game we ever really played together was Destiny. We inevitably split ways for good and I remained the last man standing. Fortunately I've got a group again, but the point is that I wanted this game to get good and I wanted to stick around because of how much I enjoy this game.

    What I'm trying to say here is that this game means a lot to me. I have a lot of experiences associated with this game that mean a lot to me.

    But at this point, I don't feel like I'm playing Destiny anymore, at least not the Destiny that was.

    The game has become a chore to play. I don't think about playing and say, "There are things I can do in Destiny! I want to get on and play!" Now it goes something like: "I've got things that I need to do on Destiny. Or I could just play something else, but that would just be a waste of the money I spent on this DLC."

    I don't have fun, I just do chores.

    I want this game to be good, I want this game to succeed, but after Shadowkeep, Undying, Dawn, and now Worthy I'm not sure I can keep supporting this "game". I feel like my nostalgia is being preyed on when they do stuff like reintroduce old exotics and game modes and promote that as a huge selling point. The amount of effort put into this season is laughable.

    Money has been a subject that Bungie rely heavily on when explaining the lack of things, but sales don't reflect that. Where is all of the money going anyway? All the Eververse profits you are clearly getting as all you ever seem to spend time on is Eververse.

    The obviously stingy plot of Eververse is so wholly imbedded into what has become a mobile game with extra features that I feel cynical enough to bet on a Season of Fenchurch coming soon. Not only did you expand what each season gets for Eververse, you also took away getting new engrams, meaning the only way to get the items is either Silver Dust or Silver. Then, you made items dropped in the engram stop giving Bright Dust when dismantled. Then, you took away getting an engrams every level. Now all you can do is get measly scraps of Bright Dust from one of the most frustrating systems in the game, repeatable bounties. Frustrating because it is such a potentially good system, but is scorned by absurd prices, absurd requirements, and absurd rewards in relation to the said price.

    Now another thing. When I am playing Destiny these days, I am not "playing my way". My biggest irk is Champions. Champions were a good concept, but in practice have been done poorly as the mods needed to counteract these Champions are exclusive to a spare few weapons each season. And if I'm not using these mods and aren't in the presence of other Guardians, I barely stand a chance against them. I am not playing my way when I have to use a particular weapon to be able to rid of an enemy in an activity. I'm not playing my way when the bounties I'm forced to complete to progress are telling me to get x number or kills with x gun. It's not fun. The over reliance on bounties shouldn't even be a thing, much less have consideration. But you are aware of it and very much so. You even put it in your tips during the loading screens that bounties are the best source of xp.

    I want to like this game, I want to be excited to play, but for a supposedly evolving game, I feel like all it's been doing is regressing.

    tl;dr - I love this game and it means a lot to me, but am I even playing the same game that I got attached to anymore?

    submitted by /u/the-meerkat-king
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    Don't worry about sunsetting weapons...

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    If this season is anything to go on they don't have the manpower to do it

    submitted by /u/nunyabis34
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    Trials of Osiris is Starting to Make Me Angry - Forbes Article

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Thought I would leave this here, as it's quite topical to a lot of people right now. I think he makes a very good point personally, but read the article and draw your own opinions.


    submitted by /u/Lmjones1uj
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    Replace eververse tab with vault in the director.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    It's just useless and shows where bungie's priorities are at.

    We shouldn't have to use out of game apps for it to function well.

    I'd say put a tab to hit up vendors for bounties, but I'm asking to much; that would remove both the cash shop and the lengthened player times.

    submitted by /u/ZephyrZealot12
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    If you're not planning to fundamentally change how Eververse works, at least adjust the pricing

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Let's use this week's offerings as an example:

    Exotic Ghost - 2850 BD

    Exotic Armor Ornament - 1950 BD

    Exotic Weapon Ornament - 1250 BD

    Universal Armor Ornament - 1200 BD

    Legendary Multiplayer Emote - 1250 BD

    Ghost Projection - 1500 BD

    Transmat Effect - 450 BD

    Exotic Sparrow - 2500 BD

    I need to point out that I'm not here to discuss how the prices are unfair or how earning BD needs to change for the better. That's a well known fact and something that gets repeated here daily with no changes for our benefit in sight. So, with that in mind, let's just say that the ~1200 BD price range seems "fair" for most of the items sold under that category.

    Exotic Armor Ornaments being a tad bit more expensive than their Legendary counterparts is okay with me given their status. What I'm not okay with is shelling out almost 3000 BD for a Ghost and then half of that price again for a Ghost Projection. These two items are ridiculously overpriced, not just compared to the other more useful/visible items in the store, but on their own as well.

    You are paying 4250 BD for a Ghost and a Projection to go with it. This is more BD than it's even possible to earn per week even if you grind it out on all 3 characters - provided you even have/play them. That little pixel smudge that you're only ever going to see in your inventory and the projection that you're almost never going to see cost more than Weapon and Armor Ornaments that you'll use and reuse daily. There is no reason an Exotic Ghost should cost more than 1000 BD or that projections should cost more than 200-500 BD depending on how detailed they are.

    I don't want people to think I'm advocating for making Shaders more expensive, cause I'm not, but those darn things cost only 40 BD. There's not a single person who can't afford those and they are arguably your most used/reused Eververse items. So, why does a borderline useless Ghost-Projection combo cost more than 100x the price of a shader? Another comparison is Transmat Effects. They're neat, unique and usually stand out. What do they have in common with Shaders? They're properly priced for what they do.

    Other items that need pricing adjustment are Exotic Emotes (almost 3x the price of their Legendary counterparts at 3250 BD) and Ships and Sparrows. Unless you really like to visit planetary destinations daily, you really won't get that much use out of your Sparrow other than having a neat (if sometimes distracting) decoration in your inventory. There's not that much to be said about Ships, but 2000 BD is pushing it for me considering you're essentially buying a customized loading screen since Ships have no other purpose.

    submitted by /u/nitrousoxidefart
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    This might’ve been the highest base stat roll I’ve seen on an exotic

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    stat roll

    I got this last night from Banshee weekly reward. Unfortunately i don't use armamentarium that much

    submitted by /u/Potandi
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    I used to play the strike playlist in D1 for hours. Why are strikes in D2 so unbearable compared to D1?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    I'm curious if it's just me or if other D1 vets feel similarly. There's just something about newer strikes that I despise and I have no idea what it is. I don't think I've entered the strike playlist more than 10-15 times in Destiny 2's 3 year lifespan, whereas in D1 I could spend almost the whole day in it if I had no raids or quests to do.

    It feels like even doing a single strike in Destiny 2 is a dull, punishingly boring 20 minute chore. It doesn't even seem to matter which strike it is for the most part (the quicker the better though).

    I feel kind of the same way about many of the locations, so it could be part of that. For some reason I hate stand going to Io, Titan, or to a lesser extent, Nessus. They seem so void of inspiration compared to Venus, Old Russia, or (old) Mars.

    *edit: typo

    submitted by /u/Dualitatem
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    Bungie, why not do seasonal surveys to get feedback on the content you're releasing?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    A lot of developers do it, surveys, sent out via email. This can allow you as a developer to get vital feedback on releases, to help improve the next release.

    Something simple yet so helpful.

    CCP, dev of EVE Online, does this. They ask their player base questions based on the last expansion release. Things like:

    What were your favorite rewards? What you found to be the most engaging, what you want more of, what you liked, didn't like, ECT.

    You should use this as a tool to help develop some of the areas that the players would like addressed. There are a lot of improvements that can be made that would make many happy, and mass feedback is the way to go instead of angry upvoted posts that address one thing.

    I feel the voice of the community matters immensely.


    submitted by /u/Schodog
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    If you've never raided before, try Scourge of the Past

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Scourge of the Past (SotP) is a great intro raid for someone who has never done one before. There's only 3 combat encounters and the roles for everyone involved are pretty simple and straight forward.

    The main hurdle is communication, but as long as your fireteam stays vocal and does their callouts, none of the mechanics are particularly challenging. And you get a (sadly slim) chance at one of the better heavy exotics, Anarchy.

    submitted by /u/largothegalka
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    I think Warmind Cells are one of Bungies best ideas so far.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    When looking at this season, I think Warmind Cells will be remembered very fondly, and I'm truly sad they're going to rotate.

    They're one of Bungies best ideas to promote build diversity and they're so simple as well.

    You want warmind cells? Well the 7th Seraph weapons spawn them on kills, which means you can use any elemental affinity class! Or you could go arc subclasses and spawn them super consistently, and then use any weapons you want! Heck theres even a mod that makes them spawn from exploding other warmind cells!

    What do you want the Cells to do? Want them to explode with the fury of a golden sun? No problem! Want them to disrupt and dampen champs? Can-do! Heal allies? Even that, yes! Debuff enemies and weaken them? As if you had to ask.

    Don't want to shoot them? Theres mods that make them do things when you pick 'em up, and you can even chuck 'em around to do other things! Spawn Arc lightning, increase your melee regen speed, it's all here.

    My only 'complaints' are that allies can shoot my Cells, and if they don't have the right mods it won't do what I'm intending.

    If Bungie added this to the base game, I'm sure people wouldn't mind.

    submitted by /u/Nerkson
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    Just in case you didn't know, old raids are dropping pretty consistently high stats gear.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    I know nothing will ever be good enough for this sub, but I've done all of the old raids at least once in the past few days and went over my stat rolls out of curiosity. They all dropped between 58 and 64, with most being at least 60. They're also pretty easy and it's not hard to find some quick groups on the PC LFG discord.

    submitted by /u/LaughableFrog
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    Bungie, it’s ok to use any of the systems we had from D1, or please! All of them

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    It's easy. The systems in place for D2 is terrible and don't work. If only we had a good example of how these systems should work.... wait!!

    We had a functioning and enjoyable faction system.

    We had weaponsmith system that let people grind for weapon rolls and engage in weekly updates to guns and able to find perfect rolls.

    Vendors actually had weapons for sale that would rotate weekly so people would have a reason to check out new guns every week, not some lottery system

    Bounties were meaningful and in limited supply, and we didn't have a billion bounties to grind, we could do our bounties and move on to what we want to do.

    And lastly, trials encouraged all players to play it, could get drops after matches and bounties that dropped trials gear, tokens that also had a chance to drop gear.

    Why can't we just use these old systems that worked?

    submitted by /u/Greyfox_Forlorn
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    Can we move linear fusion rifles to the special ammo slot? They are hardly utilized at all in the power slot and they take just as much if not more skill to use in Crucible. (barring queensbreaker of course.)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    And obviously keep sleeper as heavy, but that things been nerfed so hard it could use primary ammo and still not be used, so it doesn't matter anyway.

    Queensbreaker could PROBABLY be okay in secendary slot, just needs some adjustments.... It was a secondary in D1 after all.

    submitted by /u/trueGator89
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    The fact that Survival is allowed to start with 2v3 or 1v3 and then losing your glory points (If you are losing in this situation) is Insane

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Yes, I'm that one guy who STILL tries to finish "The Stuff of Myth" to get The Recluse, the current problem here is the Imbalanced and constant random disconnection...

    submitted by /u/Rabbidscool
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    Please don’t let trials die again

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    As someone who is massively disappointed with the new trials, I'd like to make a small request, please don't let trials die again, bungie. The solution is there, we keep saying it over and over, but you don't hear us. It's like you don't care. The loot system is garbage and exploitable, I don't think anyone would care if you just copy and pasted the old system from d1, it would fix a lot, the sweats resetting at 3 wins would hopefully stop, casuals could actually get weapons without going flawless and in turn come back to the playlist.

    Adept weapons can't be that hard to make, slap a new coat of paint on the gun and give it a unique intrinsic perk, going flawless gives you those weapons. Make adept armor that permanently has the glows, you only get the pieces by going flawless, you can pick from the whole set of armor which piece you want, and one weapon from a selection of three, once you get every piece of armor you choose 2 adept weapons when you go flawless.

    This is all stuff that's been done before, right down to choosing a piece of adept armor, that was in trials of the nine, please do not let trials die again, give us new pinnacles only obtained from trials, give us literally any incentive other than a stupid flow to go flawless in trials, it's gonna die if you don't. It's probably already dead, there's no reason to play.

    Sincerely, rezmeihaveghorn

    submitted by /u/rezmeihaveghorn
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    Arc soul is NOT ability damage and Praxic Fire is NOT a melee.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    According to Tyrant's surge and Impact Induction respectively.

    submitted by /u/TGrim20
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    I know there's a lot going on and not many will care, but I just hit 555k total kills and I'm really proud of it.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:33 PM PDT


    As a lifelong fan of this game (and, well, mod of the subreddit), it's always been great reaching milestones like these.

    I'm honestly just really glad I caught it. One stray dreg, one wandering thrall, and the whole number would have been ruined. I was keeping a close eye on it, but even so, you can't constantly be tracking your kills in game.

    I logged on for the night and was incredibly lucky to catch it no less than 7 kills away. Guess that really is the world's luckiest number, huh?

    Anyway, uh, trials bad eververse greedy. I miss Activision and hate Hard Light. Give me Anarchy.

    You may now carry on with your night.


    submitted by /u/Hawkmoona_Matata
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    Reminder that Solstice armour glows are (or were) still a huge rip-off that Bungie probably knowingly released to drain Dust.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    I don't know how hard it would be to implement, but can we just get the items as universal ornaments? Or will we have to wait for Solstice 2020 to get a solution to this?

    submitted by /u/ThorsonWong
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    The menu load times on console are becoming a joke.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    I've took some time away from the game last season. I've come back this season and I feel like the menus have got much worse! It's borderline unusable. I've actually resorted to using an app on my phone to equip things. It's getting stupid. A looter shooter should really have a menu system that works to manage your loot.

    submitted by /u/Dionysus60
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    The state of the game and Bungie's lack of communication on many topics makes me feel like they don't care about Destiny 2 any more

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    I'm a pretty hardcore Destiny player and it hurts me to see how Bungie treats this game and its players. They say one thing and do something else. One of the bigger examples is the "Play how you want to play" marketing.

    I'm not a developer and I don't like trying to be an armchair developer, but honestly I see so so so many obviously great suggestions to make this game better (either new features or fixes to current ones) and the only thing from Bungie we get is a statement "We see your feedback/We're listening", if we even get that. I'm sorry but it's SO FRUSTRATING to see Bungie ignore great suggestions/feedback. Could Bungie at least tell us why you're not going to do something if you're not going to do it? Of course Bungie is not forced to answer why they aren't doing something, but when the state of the game is what it is right now and the community is giving good suggestions to the problems we have I feel like we could use at least an explanation? At least tell us why the issues exist and what you're going to do about them?

    Bungie's actions have made me lose almost all respect for the company and I used to love them (Halo is my favorite franchise of all time). To me it feels like they don't want to do anything that doesn't bring in straight revenue and fast. A couple examples: Pit of Heresy had the death bug where you could die randomly while transitioning from one encounter to another and it took almost 6 months to fix that. Last season the EDZ obelisk was bugged for at least 1,5 months before it was fixed, you couldn't access it without loading to the area again and again. Once it took me 10+ tries before it worked. It seems like they don't either have enough people to playtest, or they don't have enough people to fix the issues, or they just don't care that they're pushing BROKEN TIME LIMITED CONTENT and just broken content out to their players. This season 2/3 of the new exotics are now disabled because they're bugged. Honestly, what is going on Bungie?

    This season's content drops feels like the absolute bare minimum. Last and this season there seems to be more and more problems and things being broken. To me and to many others it seems and feels like Bungie is using D2 as a cash cow while they develop something else. This game and franchise has so much potential but Bungie seems to refuse to let the game live up to its potential. How more many years do we need to wait until this franchise reaches that potential?

    Before I'm being called entitled and whatnot I ask you to hear me out. I'm not saying that Bungie needs to do something I'm saying, I'm not trying to decide anything for them. I don't claim to know better than Bungie, I'm not saying that what I say is the absolute truth. I'm simply saying how Bungie's actions seem to me and how they make me feel. The state of the game isn't good right now and my trust in Bungie's ability to fix it is not great. The biggest reasons for all of this are the lack of transparency and communication on many topics.

    I'm sorry for the rant and the negativity but I love this game so damn much, though at the same time this is the most frustrating game I've ever played. Not because of difficulty or game mechanics, but because its developer seems to not care about the state of their own game. Maybe I should start caring less.

    submitted by /u/ThunderFi
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    Cleared Garden of Salvation with everyone only using white gear

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    we've done this with Last wish and SoTP so far, this one took a while to upload. I've said what I have with the loot/raid design in Destiny so if you want to understand why we did this just watch the first minute or so of the videos

    Here is the Garden clearhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AabeoRnh63k

    here are all 3 in a playlist:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AabeoRnh63k&list=PLB-P4C0GDAx1NYrS_pBqWepwwOx4zIkoR&index=3

    Edit : In my opinion this is how a raid should feel after you are geared, this two phase is standard is what is ruining the pve in this game especially for something like garden where we are expected to run this singular unchanging raid for an entire year.

    submitted by /u/Frostyhobo47
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