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    Tuesday, March 31, 2020

    Destiny The Story of Shaxxercise

    Destiny The Story of Shaxxercise

    The Story of Shaxxercise

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48876

    Guardians can count on Zavala. The stoic commander of the Vanguard is always on hand for an encouraging word (and some fresh bounties) each time they visit the Tower. With Season of the Worthy, Zavala has his hands full, fighting alongside Ana Bray to save the Last City from the Almighty's deadly collision course.

    It begs the question: With all of this turmoil going on, how does Zavala relax? We already know that (according to Destiny lore) he likes his knitting and crocheting. But this week, with the introduction of the Fourth Horseman Exotic quest, Guardians learned about a new personal passion for Zavala: slinging iron and getting a good cardio burn, accompanied by sick beats and a most unusual trainer.

    This is the story of the Shaxxercise mixtape.

    Video Link

    [Fitness-related spoilers ahead! You've been warned, Guardian!]

    The first step in the Fourth Horseman Exotic quest is to visit Zavala's office, located in a lower level of the Tower Wall. Once you gain access to his office, continue through the back labyrinth of rooms and hallways, make your way into the Vanguard Vault, and continue your search for the famous Exotic shotgun. However, those Guardians who spent time rummaging through Zavala's office this week eventually found a secret sitting high on one of the shelves – a mixtape of workout music, complete with motivational encouragement from everyone's favorite Crucible host: Lord Shaxx himself.

    So how did this mixtape come about in Season of the Worthy? Like many things, it started as a conversation between friends…

    A Passion for Hard Work, I Like That

    Bungie's Kareem Shuman loves his job. As a technical dialogue designer, Kareem works on the Audio team and his job is to help make sure that the dialogue that is written, performed, and recorded sounds as good as possible in the final game. Think of Kareem as a shepherd for the content that makes up the dialogue audio experience. "Music and sound design and dialogue all have to share the same [audio] space," Kareem said. "It's my job to get [dialogue] across the finish line, sounding good, and delivering on the fiction and the experience."

    While hanging out one night during a Destiny 2 Crucible session, one of Kareem's friends commented on how supportive and enthusiastic Shaxx is. She wished she had someone like Shaxx yelling at her when she was trying to stay motivated at the gym.

    They laughed about it for a few minutes, but when Kareem came into work the next day, he couldn't stop the idea from knocking around in his head. He wondered if he could turn the joke into something real in the game.

    How would you make a workout mixtape real in Destiny 2?

    One thing was for sure: a project like this would require work from across the studio. Like all other aspects of Destiny's development, this would be a team effort, with input and creative ideas from every department, even down to figuring out if a "Shaxx mixtape" was something that Destiny lore could even support.

    "I had to talk to [the] Narrative team and make sure they were okay with Zavala having a Shaxx mixtape," Shuman said. "I didn't want to step on anyone's fictional toes."

    Narrative was fully behind the idea, which meant it wasn't as crazy as he'd originally thought. Still, to bring this project home, it would take creativity, it would take communication, and it would take teamwork.

    But first, it would take some music.

    This Is It, Show Me What You've Got

    The next step was to bring the idea to Bungie music director and composer Skye Lewin, who was immediately onboard. "My first reaction was [that] I laughed out loud and said, 'Of course we can, let's do it,'" said Lewin. He brought in Bungie composer Josh Mosser, and the two began discussing which music they could use for the mixtape. They were looking for the kind of tunes that, as Mosser said, would get Guardians in that "I want to get pumped up and run around in Destiny" mindset.

    Shuman also provided the music team with a handful of previously recorded Shaxx voice lines that could be used as motivational inserts while the music was playing. He had spent a good deal of time querying the content stores, looking for Shaxx dialogue (many of which Guardians might recognize from the Crucible) that would work and were funny to boot. It didn't take long for Mosser to get inspired.

    "I literally sat there and imagined, 'What would Zavala do at that point?'" Mosser said. "How would he go through a workout? Would he be high intensity the whole time, or [would] he need a moment to take a break?" After carefully editing the music selections and strategic voice drop-ins, Mosser came back to Shuman with the roughly eight-minute mix that ran the gamut from pounding beats to more contemplative moments (perfect for a brief mid-workout cooldown), all perfectly complemented by Shaxx's intense vocal stylings. The mixtape consists of numerous separate bits of music, all carefully edited together to tell the "story" of the tape.

    "One of those pieces could have been 14 minutes by itself," Lewin said. "So we're taking musical excerpts, making sure they flow from one piece to the next and then timing the dialogue around the music so the two work well and they tell the story in a way that's funny."

    Lewin was especially pleased by Mosser's choice to use the theme from the Ghaul fight for the heart-pounding climax of the mix. "It's like the big payoff for your workout," Lewin said.

    If you ask the team which Shaxx line is their favorite, the vote is almost unanimous – Shaxx furiously demanding for the listener to calm down ("Relax more. I SAID RELAX!"); a moment that is perfectly accompanied by a momentary easing of the musical intensity.

    With the music and voice lines in a good place, there was still the matter of getting it all to work in the game.

    You're Halfway, Hold Strong!

    At this point, Shuman had what amounted to a big audio file, complete with the various tunes and Shaxx voice lines edited into place. A single audio file worked in theory, but there were drawbacks to implementing it in the game, including the need to create separate audio versions for all the languages supported by Destiny 2, as well as making it difficult to integrate with the game's subtitles system.

    The solution was to tie the music to a system called a "dialogue table" which contained all of the selected lines of Shaxx dialogue. Once the player interacted with the mixtape object in the game, the music would kick off and a timer would start, essentially sequencing Shaxx's voice lines based on timing determined by Shuman in the dialogue table. Now, you could have the music and the voice lines play in perfect synchronization, plus it could be more easily localized and subtitled.

    Now, how were Guardians going to find this mixtape?

    One Final Push, Guardian

    Eve Campbell, Bungie senior world artist, loves surprises in game worlds. "My favorite thing with any video game is finding secrets. If I play any game that, when I swing a sword and I accidentally hit a wall and the wall disappears and there's a chest, I freak out and I have to hit every wall for the rest of the game."

    That love of surprise has served Campbell well when creating Zavala's office and the labyrinth that lead to the Vanguard Vault. Having also worked on missions like Zero Hour and the Banshee-44 workshop pathway for the Leviathan's Breath quest, this was comfortable territory for her. Designing Zavala's office was also a chance to expand on the character a bit more. After all, how someone decorates their private spaces can say a lot about them as people.

    Remember how Zavala likes to knit? Look around his office and you'll see a small knitting kit tucked away on a corner table. Or a set of trophies presented to the commander for his many heroic efforts over the years. Or the set of barbells perched improbably high on the shelf next to the mixtape. And what executive suite wouldn't be complete with a peaceful (and interactive!) Newton's Cradle on the desk?

    "For the mixtape specifically, we wanted that to be a thing that players discover," Campbell said about the decision to place it high on a shelf near the office entrance. "We wanted it kind of hidden away a little bit. So we ended up with a jump puzzle to discover it, just so players could have that discovery of it. It feels a little earned."

    Even Steel Needs Sharpening

    It's no surprise that Destiny players found this musical Easter Egg in quick fashion with the weekly reset. The development team has enjoyed seeing the reaction from fans – and the inevitable mixtape remixes that are surely still to come.

    Those Guardians who, in their haste to finish the Fourth Horseman quest, missed it at first can take solace and know that the musical treat is still there, waiting to be found, tucked high away on the upper shelf of Zavala's office.

    Just look for the barbells.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Weekly Loot Hub

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    Welcome to Loot Hub!

    This is your weekly post for sharing about loot you've received, RNG woes, etc.

    Comment about Loot and RNG here instead of breaking Rule 2 by making your own post!

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    What I would do to make trials healthy and sustainable, from a top 1% PvP player with 8k hours logged in the destiny universe.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    I truly hope someone sees this, because I am sad.

    I dont want to reiterate points and beat a dead horse, here is how I would make trials worthwhile to the top players, mid tier, and bottom tier PvPers.

    1. Change the token system, rather than farmable rolls, Saint-14 sells 1 piece of armor, and 1 weapon per week, Each costs 50 tokens, Bounties are completable daily, and if you complete all bounties over the course of the weekend, you are rewarded with 70 tokens. Play some games to get 30 more, and you can get both drops. 0 wins required.
    2. Matchmaking is card based, 0-6 wins, then 7+ wins. No mismatching.
    3. Change entirely the way the cards work. Once a player succeeds on a flawless trials ticket, they LOSE the ability to reset that ticket, they are considered flawless for the entire week. (hear me out here streamers and carriers)
      1. If you have a flawless ticket that week, a few new things open up. A solo playlist, exclusive to flawless players, to continue to play trials in sweaty games. Every game post flawless, whether in solo or teams has a chance at receiving ANY reward. endlessly and infinite for that week, shaders, ships, titles, yes titles, banners and cosmetics added to the loot pool. ALSO ADD BRIGHT DUST TO THE LOOT POOL, amounts of 10-50 per drop for the highest skill players.
      2. The reward system has to be fundamentally changed, again no random loot from saint 2 pieces rotated weekly, 3, 5, 7 win cards reward a random drop, like d1. Only avail once per weekend.
    4. Aggressive matchmaking to make sure, flawless players only que against flawless players, and are adequately rewarded for continuing to play.

    Why does this all work, and need to be done?

    This gives a reason for lower tier players to play, they have a decent challenge token wise to farm, so if they are hopeless at getting even 3 wins, they can achieve rewards but they are forced to play.

    The mid tier players, are incentivized to try towards the end of the weekend, there may be some late to the party sweats, but most of the best of the best will be out of the matchmaking system for wins 0-6, allowing these mid tier players a chance at coveted success.

    Everyone is rewarded. Low end players, who undoubtedly will not play in the sweaty 7+ game playlists will get weekly rewards, the gamers/streamers/cracked out kids will be fully suited up and look like the badasses they are

    It solves the problems of hopelessness, lack of loot, and lack of reason to play for the entire community, Monday night will be a crapshoot of gamers, who just might be able to luck their way into flawless, do they deserve it? Absolutely, they won 7 games, and as a community we want everyone to have fun right? They don't need to be as good as us, they just need to complete what we did.

    I truly believe this is what the game needs, the sweats need to be put into a sweaty playlist, if we are that good, we'll find success against others of our kind.

    Lower tier players will see their chance, and take it, reviving the playlist for all who play.

    Some bad people will wait until Monday night to get an easy run, and so be it, they will finish their run, collect loot, and have no time to farm more, as they waited till the last minute. The incentive is there for them to get into those sweat playlists (hopefully)


    A Destiny fanboy who really wants to play, and really hates the state of Trials.

    P.S, stop making me look at everyones stupid dances. for the love of Osiris.

    Edit: my stance on carries, as this seems to be the biggest backlash to my thoughts, "streamers will never agree to this" youre right, but the fact that bungie has embraced lighthouse carries is beyond me. In a pinnacle activity, it actively defeats the pinnacle aspect, if you just get carried to victory...it is a hell of a lot sweeter to actually be a part of your success rather than have some other guy do all the work while you sit around and try not to die. Trials of Osiris should be about pushing players to their limits in PvP. It should not turn into trials of others do all the work.

    submitted by /u/McDons45
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    Bungie is allowed to go the route they want with their game. That being said, they are leaving the door wide open for another publisher/dev to take the looter shooter genre by the throat.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Right now they sort of have a monopoly on the genre. Borderlands is a looter shooter but only in the most literal sense. I can't think of a single other game that fits into this genre, at least no mainstream ones.

    Activision probably knows a lot about the inner workings of Destiny and has seen it's success. They have two teams that have worked closely on those DLCs, and know that Bungie is going to struggle to compete with their lack of manpower/budget. Wouldn't doubt we see a new looter shooter IP from them on next gen to try and challenge for the throne. I think it would be somewhat easy pickings at this point, and some sick twisted part of me wants to see someone else do Destiny better just for pure karmaic purposes.

    Just a quick discussion point I have never seen brought up

    edit: A lot of posts about division, anthem and borderlands failing to take away from their market share. Just because past attempts have failed doesn't mean all future attempts are guaranteed to.

    submitted by /u/CrashKeyss
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    I don't fully mind a Free to Play Destiny to use the eververse to make up some revenue for Bungie. But c'mon, there needs to be some balance between cosmetics that are bought and ones that are themed clearly for certain activites.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Ever since the introduction of themed specific cosmetics in the eververse, it blows my mind that these were in no way shape or form implemented into the loot rewards for certain activites.

    Taking for example with Shadowkeep's launch. We have the launch of a new raid: Garden of Salvation. A Garden Vex based raid that has us fighting our way through the mysterious black garden from D1. Within it we get a RESKINNED set of armour, a new exotic weapon quest, some kenetic and energy weapons and god fucking forbid why there is no heavy weapons is beyond me. A very below average loot pool I would say for a newly released expansion raid. However, there is no ship, no sparrow and no ghost within this raid. Except what should be considered the ship and sparrow for this raid is locked behind the premium tier of the season pass. And a Vex Harpy Ghost shell "Harper's Shell" can be purchased from EVERVERSE. Why wasn't any of this moved to help fill the absence of loot in a end game activity.

    Another one, the new dungeon with Shadowkeep: Pit of Heresy. Going down into the dark depths of the scarlet keep. Has a very fitting theme of the dark red with the hive, the loot rewards, just the Dreambreaker armourset that you got in the story and some of the missing weapons of the set. To possibly make something unique in the loot pool, why wasn't the "Herectic Robe" ornament for thorn (Turns it into a Scarlet Keep themed weapon) added as a loot drop chance at the end of the dungeon.

    The latest slander released with this season is a trials themed ornament for Outbreak Perfected. Why is this not put as a flawless reward at the lighthouse???

    Honestly there needs to be some kind of respect put towards these cosmetics Bungie. If you are designing something that is themed to a certain activity or season, don't hide it behind a eververse paywall and actually put it down as a earnable reward in activites. It shows that we have gone and earnt them through either a loot drop in a end game activity or like you've done before, certain high teir triumphs so as they are not as rng loot dependant. Why not have the thorn ornament as a reward for solo flawless, creates a sense of..........pride and accomplishment for doing so, rather then just an emblem.

    There has to be balance, you may have raked in bank with over $300 million in eververse alone, but you are quickly losing the respect of many players the more you push this angle on us. You have the capability to create some unique designs for the eververse, but if you are going to hide themed cosmetics in the shop that are clearly meant in acitivities that are lacking those rewards. Why should we even care at this point. Just do better by us and respect our time and comittment to the game and the world our gaurdians live in.

    It's wasn't a mobile game cash shop you started out with. But it's sure as hell one you've started turning it into.

    Edit: Someone pointed out that there was a Divinity-esque designed sparrow and ship in eververse. That could of been a better themed reward that in the GoS raid and the other vex offensive styled ones kept to the premium teir of the season pass.

    submitted by /u/Killomainiac
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    Been grinding so many bounties I TOTALLY FORGOT the almighty is hurling toward us!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I seriously totally forgot the whole plot of this season. I've just been doing some bunker bounties and leveling and have no story urgency which brought me back to even thinking what we are fighting for since the first day of the season.

    I just watched Myelin's story narrative and he reminded me that there is actually something going on this season. My bad, guardians! Save the last city or whatever we are doing by doing bunker bounties!

    Carry on!

    submitted by /u/eganatr
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    So bungie just released Shaxx's training mixtape. I'm in love.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Unpopular thought: Trials Of The Nine had a lighthouse that anyone could attend and get loot from but only the top could reach the apex. This made it better then current Trials because casuals would play for loot and to get at least partly in the cool area and explore some of it with it's NPC.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    Plus I'm gonna level with you, a cool tower in a empty void is much cooler then what is basicaly a plazza on Mercury now.

    submitted by /u/Kylestien
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    The looming threat of the Almighty is non-existent

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Title I was really hoping that we could see the almighty get closer and closer week to week just to feel some sort of looming threat.

    But no, we have to do busy work for a super weaponed A.I that for some reason is not capable to produce himself in secrecy.

    submitted by /u/lolTriggerHappy
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    Bungo, update the fallen nightclub so it sometimes plays Shaxxercise

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    It's not fair that us Guardians be the only one to experience such a masterpiece and it might be the fire that lights the torch of friendship between our races.

    And if you somehow haven't heard it, treat yourself, Guardian.

    submitted by /u/LowTierCharacter
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    There’s no worse a feeling in the game than being denied a flawless Lighthouse run because the last two players alive kill each other and the game decides to give the win to the other team.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    Especially when Saint-14's voice line on your end is congratulating you, but you lose.... for whatever reason. Absolutely gut wrenching... what waste of nearly two hours.

    submitted by /u/AmTheDog
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    Vex Invasions on the moon should become a public event

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    Vex on the moon don't get nearly enough attention as they did in season 8. The Vex Invasions were a seasonal thing, yes, but they had significance in the shadowkeep story. All that really has to be done is make the invasions look more like public events. It wouldn't really be much of a change to storage space, either. Bungie devs, please consider this.

    submitted by /u/SkippyDingleCha1k
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    An unhelpful fact

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    If you kill the drones around a forge saboteur, you will proc kill clip but not feeding frenzy

    submitted by /u/Godly_Pain
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    Bungie, you spent Millions of dollars making your campaigns with voice-overs, unique animations, in-game cut-scenes and more. I would love more of a reason to go back and play through them.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    You don't have to disincentivize the other parts of the game if you make this change.

    There are weeks worth of campaign missions and loose connected planetary missions that tie into those campaigns.

    Why not give us 1,000,000 XP for playing through a 4 hour campaign, instead of spending that same 4 hours in lost sectors on the moon grinding bounties? Also, why not give us a few upgrade materials while you're at it? You already have a planned update coming later next month to revitalize pinnacle power game-play loops and upgrade material loops as was outlined in a TWAB a few weeks ago.

    You have the analytics, see what makes sense. If you see it take the average person 8 hours to complete a certain campaign, and 2 hours to complete a different one.. do what makes sense, and provide experience and rewards accordingly so as to not create more problems. But, if people were playing through the hand-crafted story-lines you created, would that really be a problem? There's a giant chunk of the game you said wasn't going to go anywhere, the old campaigns. Let's see them get more use.

    Thank you.

    Signed, A guy who'd love to be GM NF ready by the end of the season, who also likes to go back and watch the kick-ass cut-scenes you've made throughout the years.

    submitted by /u/Brockelley
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    Throughout all the salt, Music team you guys have been amazing since day 1

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:27 AM PDT

    There's not a single track on destiny where I go "aww fuck it's this song". Like the music here is always amazing but my only recommendation is add every destiny track written for the orbit music ranging back to destiny 1 year one. Those pieces are also amazing and getting to hear those again like we got for TTK soundtrack would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/Cobra_9041
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    Get rid of the Guiding Light perk on Ghost Shells, and increase XP gains by 10% across the board.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    I got the Trials Ghost shell yesterday. It's a dope shell. I was excited to receive it...for about 5 seconds, before realising it didn't have Guiding Light. It's now in my vault where it will remain forever. This is the same scenario we have with weapons - why use one thing, when there exists another thing in the same slot that is just objectively better?

    submitted by /u/RitualKnif3
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    The "Envoys are dead" voice lines are still wrong

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    Title. They trigger on Primeval Slayer x1, when the envoys can still be very much alive.

    submitted by /u/asto1001
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    The Suros Simulation - A TRON inspired tribute to the OG Auto King

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Lay down your Hard Lights, and pay respect to the original blaze of bullets:


    Update - Thanks for the gold! Holy heck!
    Update 2 - And silver! For those who asked, it's now on the BNET Creations page as well: https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=255630633

    submitted by /u/legoleflash
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    Why you always get domed by a Revoker after dumping multiple shots into their face

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Flinch will pull you to the head if you are off target and knock you off if you are on target. Cool Guy has a great video on this topic. Since this video is over a year old now, here's a more up to date video from Banned Wipe showing it off. Pair this issue with massive aim assist and bullet magnetism and you quickly realize why snipers feel so strong and oppressive right now. This has been highlighted on Widows Court in Trials, where Revoker actually has more kills than Hardlight this week.

    Here is a more drastic clip from Cool Guy showing this off. He begins by aiming at his opponents knees, and without any inputs, gets flinched into a head shot with Revoker. This can't happen, this is absurd. You should never be rewarded for being off target and getting shot first in an FPS. This needs to be changed, flinch should always knock you away from the target.

    submitted by /u/lukesnofluke
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    Trials is getting a lot of negativity, especially from casuals. All of the feedback that I have seen is valid and warranted. I feel like Trials is getting a huge microscope right now though because of the enormous lack of content and rewards this Season.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    The last time we had a Season that was focused around 1 mode was Drifter. Even so, Drifter brought the following:

    Gambit Prime - Plus 2 new maps.

    3-Tier Reckoning Activity

    4 Sets of Themed Armor per class

    10 Weapons - All of which were pretty badass, with highly lethal perk combos.

    3 PINNACLE weapons - Recluse, 21% Delirium and Oxygen

    Gifts of Nine - Light Story Missions

    Zero Hour Outbreak Mission

    I might even be missing a few things. In any case, when you compare to this season, here is where we are at currently (fully admit we are simply 'in progress' on this season):

    Single, 1 tier public activity on different locations.

    6 NEW Weapons - 2 in the Battle Pass - Not all available yet.

    Faction Rally Weapons and Gear - Random Drops

    Legendary Lost Sectors and Bunkers

    Trials - 6 reprised Weapons - 1 set of reprised Armor per Class

    It has been my observation that players are generally down about all of the new weapons, except the Shotty, because the weapons are either under performing archtypes or the perk pools are just weak. The Trials weapons, while reprised, all seem to be pretty good.

    Players are generally frustrated with the World Loot Pool because it is very hard to farm/get what you are after and the perk pools of the Faction weapons are also notoriously weak.

    All of the PvE activities have been meh at best.

    All of this is to say, Trials is THE THING to do right now. That is problematic all on its own. This is a pinnacle PvP activity. For some us, Flawless just isn't something we will ever get (although I won't stop trying). I'm 100% OK with that. I want the hardcore PvP folks to get some love too.

    IF Trials came with say, Season of Opulence OR even Shadowkeep, it wouldn't have to be in a position to hold up the entire player pop.

    submitted by /u/mwelsh2035
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    Trials Tokens Go Away - Trials Bounties Don't. Cash Bounties in After Tries and Use them the Next Week

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    You can cash your trials bounties in AFTER Trials has ended (like on Wednesday) and those tokens remain in your inventory throughout the next Trials weekend.

    So you can stack more tokens ready for the next event or hold onto the bounties in case you don't get your 3 win minimum and then use those tokens if you try again next week

    I have no interest in Trials and won't be trying again so this won't benefit me, but worth knowing for anyone who couldn't get 3 wins. Hold onto completed bounties until you do.

    submitted by /u/Cinobite
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    Only 12% Of Destiny 2’s Overall Playerbase Played ‘Trials Of Osiris’ This Weekend

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Source: https://www.thegamepost.com/2020/03/29/destiny-2-trials-of-osiris/

    Stat according to the Charlemagne bot is only for one day though.

    From the article:

    "The overall Destiny 2's population tracked by the Charlemagne on March 27th was 1.46M, across all platforms (PS4, XBO, PC, and Stadia). If we calculate the 12% of that, it comes down to 175,000 players played Trials on March 27, 2020."

    I wish there a way to know how much of that 12% went flawless. I expect it's absurdly low.

    submitted by /u/jordanlund
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    PC PLAYERS - Here's how you can track your ping, server location, see where you're being match made, contribute to this survey.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    1. Launch Destiny 2 and Select your Character
    2. Open Task Manager and navigate to Performance and at the bottom Open up Resource Monitor
    3. Navigate to Network that is right beside Disk
    4. Click on TCP Connections and you would see Destiny 2 on the top
    5. We'll be using this to monitor our ping and the servers we're getting connected with

    Here are my stats:

    Where I play from PvE/ General Region Character Select Courtyard Vendor PvE Spaces PvP PvP Region
    South East Asia - Pakistan Rio De Janeiro 289ms 278ms- 376ms 356ms 355ms 301ms-431ms North America

    What's the point of this Survey?

    I honestly don't know but the general idea is to see where you folks are getting connected so we can identify why all the network errors and issues are popping up after the season started. It could be high ping or the game having difficulties maintaining a connection with the server cuz you got connected with a data center that is out of your regions.

    I should be connected to a European server because that region is preferred for Gamer in Southeast Asia but after monitoring the Remote address that you will find in the same TCP Connections tab i was connected in Rio De Janeiro that resulted in a longer match queue and lag during my playthrough.

    Post your results

    submitted by /u/moinimran6
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    Bungie needs to release some new maps for gambit

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:45 AM PDT

    We haven't seen any new maps since prime came out. I'm so tired of playing on the same 5 maps. This is such a unique game mode, and I think bungie should show it some love

    submitted by /u/cmonjamie
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    Premium content (season pass and expansions) should drop more cosmetics. Free content shouldn't

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    This would allow those who pay for the experience to earn cosmetics. It would also establish a pattern that eververse should be super relevant to those who do not pay for the game and should be less relevant for premium players who pay for the game. It would make Destiny 2 into a F2P marketplace for those who don't pay and make it feel more like the Destiny looter/shooter the veterans used to know and love.

    submitted by /u/destinyvoidlock
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