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    Wednesday, March 11, 2020

    Destiny Remembrance

    Destiny Remembrance


    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48809

    Some time during the late Dark Age.

    Iron Lords Efrideet, Saladin, and Felwinter sat in a Warlock meditation chamber, around a massive oak table, in a keep on Felwinter Peak. A fire crackled in the corner out of the lips of a stone-lined hearth.

    A hand-written letter in messy scrawl rested atop the table.

    "Warlord Shaxx accepts my challenge," Felwinter said, summarizing its contents. "He advises us to enter from the south wall, which has been destroyed. The front door…" He picked up the paper and scrutinized it again. "Is undergoing weatherproof."

    "This is your plan?" Efrideet said, with some skepticism. "How did he get this to you?"

    "His Ghost brought it."

    "Your plan is Ill-advised," Saladin said. "And a waste of time."

    "No one's beat Shaxx in a fight. Iron Lords or Warlords," Efrideet continued. "Much less take territory from him."

    "Ikora has. And I believe I can," Felwinter replied, his eyes burning inside his sleek, Exo skull.

    Efrideet tapped the table with her fingers, and Saladin stared into the polished surface.

    "Unless either of you has a better idea? We're running out of time."

    Saladin shook his head. "It's true. Radegast wants to launch a frontal assault. Entire Lord fireteams."

    Efrideet's eyes narrowed under her helm. "He wouldn't. There's almost a hundred people in that castle."

    "Shaxx is holding those people hostage."

    "They stay with him willingly," Felwinter replied.

    "The Warlords might pull the trigger. But Radegast wouldn't," Efrideet repeated.

    "Have you seen Radegast lately? He's tired of the wars. No one's been at it longer."

    "That's no excuse. We came under him to end the infighting."

    Felwinter stood. "Then let me do my part for the cause."

    The sky was completely white and there was a stark chill to the air as the trio entered the castle from a gaping fissure in the ruined south wall. As they stepped into the exposed hallway, the Iron Lords passed a few of Shaxx's people, who hurried away from them. One child cried in her mother's arms. They looked tired, but they weren't starving. And they were clothed for the oncoming inclement weather.

    The Iron Lords found Shaxx as they turned a corner, and the hallway opened up into the massive entrance of the keep.

    He was cautiously applying a fast-drying liquid polymer as a draft stopper underneath a set of ancient plasteel doors.

    "Won't that hold a little too well?" Felwinter asked, as he strode up with the Iron Lords.

    Shaxx didn't stand. Or look at them.

    "I'll dissolve it when the storm is through," he said, liberally squeezing the paste with both hands from a gel tube.

    "A brute force solution. I hear that's how you fight."

    "I do what works with the tools I have," Shaxx said, standing to inspect his weatherproofing. "We'll freeze without this. The Ghostless would suffer."

    "That's something you care about?" Felwinter took a step forward.

    Shaxx turned to address the Exo.

    "These people are under my protection. I owe them. Something the Iron Lords should ponder more often about those they protect."

    "The Iron Decree was drafted to protect the Ghostless," Felwinter replied. "Give up your territory and join us. Let us show you how powerful your Light can become."

    "Strong words. I'll wager you said the same thing to Citan. Before you killed him and his Ghost."

    Saladin looked to Efrideet in shock. She pretended she didn't notice, and kept a hand near her cannon.

    "Your Decree disallows final-deaths of your opponents," Shaxx continued. "Yet you've killed countless Warlords. And an Iron Lord, if the rumors are true."

    Felwinter's eyes quietly blazed. He took a step closer. "Were they friends of yours?"

    "I don't have friends. Just people I protect."

    "We could use your help," Felwinter replied.

    "You already have a Saint-14."

    "Saint serves the Speaker, not the Iron Lords. He thinks highly of you."

    "Perhaps I'm not being clear. I'm not going anywhere, and you lot aren't coming in. As long as I hold this territory, there will be no collateral damage from turf wars inside our borders. Iron Lords and Warlords be damned."

    "Your south wall says otherwise."

    "And you're starting to piss me off. Are you here to duel or whine?"

    Felwinter guessed that Shaxx now stood a little more than three feet from him.

    The Iron Lord stepped forward, dragged a Solar sword from the air, and thrust it at Shaxx. The Warlord turned his stance sideways as the burning blade sang past his helm, ducked the horizontal cut that followed, and stepped back as Felwinter drove the blade into the stone floor. The chamber erupted with ethereal fire and Solar Light—

    Shaxx's backfist took Felwinter's head from his shoulders in a shower of sparks. The Iron Lord's Light died with his crumpling form.

    Efrideet coughed as Saladin blinked inside his helm.

    Felwinter's Ghost unfolded above his prone corpse and the Iron Lord reemerged from a pillar of cascading Light.

    "You should have used your Void instead," Shaxx said. "You could have brought the whole fort down on us. Gained a fighting a chance."

    The Iron Lord shook his head. "Your people wouldn't have survived that."

    Shaxx's hands engulfed Felwinter's shoulders like descending moons. "I would have stopped you. But I like your thinking. Now get out."

    The Warlord left the chamber without looking back, towards the direction of the south wall.

    "I need more time," Felwinter said, before Saladin or Efrideet could utter a word.

    Saladin shook his head. "Radegast already assigned us to strikes against the House of Devils. There's an uprising in the Cosmodrome. This was our shot to deal with Shaxx alone and we failed."

    "One Lord makes no real difference on a strike against the Fallen. Buy me time and I'll solve this."

    "We don't have time. You said it yourself. The Warlords will attack this fortress en masse."

    "Not if I challenge again."

    "He literally took your head off," Saladin replied.

    Efrideet had a hand on her helmeted chin. "We can buy time. Warlords in this region respect a prolonged challenge against Shaxx." Her eyes flickered to Felwinter beneath the helmet. "Shaxx has multiple confirmed kills. Final deaths. It's no small thing to challenge him. Most of those cowards won't, and they'll gladly let you try again, 'til Shaxx decides to go after your Ghost…"

    Felwinter stared at the weatherproofed plasteel doorway of the chamber. "I have a feeling that won't be a concern," he replied. "Besides. These people will never repair that south wall alone. The oncoming storm will be their end. I'll help them."

    "Change of plan, then," Saladin said. "You'll buy time for us."

    "What?" said the Exo.

    "Keep Shaxx busy until we finish this business with the Fallen. Then we're coming for this castle. Efrideet, if I could have a word?" Saladin asked, his cloak flowing around him as he departed in the same direction as Shaxx, leaving Felwinter alone in the chamber.

    Efrideet snorted. "You didn't know?" she exclaimed over the wind as she and Saladin descended the mountain on a gravelly, snow-covered road.

    "That Felwinter is an oathbreaker?" Saladin shook his head. "No."

    "You've never wondered why Radegast hates his guts?" she said. "That takes a lot."

    "Agreed. Why has he abided this?"

    "Every one of Felwinter's confirmed kills broke the Iron Decree. He provided ample evidence. Ghost-killers, murderers, and worse. All of them. But he never asked for permission."

    "Felwinter is no Saint-14. Why does he do it?"

    "He calls it operational necessity."

    Saladin scoffed. "I've never heard an Exo talk like that."

    "Like what?"

    "They're usually more expressive."

    "Does this change the plan?"

    Saladin looked up at a trio of circling carrion birds as they walked. "There is no plan. We'll quell this Devil uprising, then strategize a frontal assault with the full force of the Iron Lords behind it. Hopefully Felwinter keeps Shaxx busy until then."

    Efrideet shook her head. "People will die."

    "If the Warlords attack him first, it'll be catastrophic. Shaxx forced our hand."

    Shaxx and Felwinter watched Efrideet and Saladin descend the snow-covered mesa from the shattered south wall.

    "I thought I told you to get out," Shaxx broke the silence.

    "I mean to challenge again," Felwinter replied.

    "Not today," Shaxx shook his head. "My Ghost believes it'll snow before nightfall."

    "Yes," Felwinter said. "What did this?"

    "Fallen Walker."

    "No amount of Golden Age polymer can repair this wall before that storm rolls in."

    "No," Shaxx agreed. "My Light will be the wall."

    "A Ward of Dawn? Your people will freeze. A Well of Radiance is what you need. My Light will be the wall."

    "You think my Hammer of Sol wouldn't burn bright enough to last the storm?"

    "Of course it would. And you'd set this castle ablaze. Leave it to me."

    "I leave my people to no one. But if you're seeking shelter, you're free to stay."

    "You call them 'your people.' You rule them? Like a king?"

    "I protect them."

    "Some kings don't know the difference."

    A light dusting of snow started to fall.

    "Does your mountain have a name?" The Iron Lord asked the Warlord.


    "I call mine Felwinter Peak."

    "Do I look like I care?"

    For days, the storm had kept anyone from traversing the mountain path. Between Felwinter and Shaxx, the people of the castle were safe from the elements.

    Saladin and Efrideet had sent word the Fallen campaign would last at least another few weeks.

    So Felwinter challenged again. Shaxx accepted. Iron Lord met Warlord at the backfield beyond the shattered south wall.

    Felwinter aimed a palmstrike at Shaxx's center of mass. The Warlord slipped sideways, narrowly avoiding the burst of Void Light that blossomed forth, and cracked a backfist into Felwinter's skull, sending him sprawling backwards.

    Felwinter struggled to a knee, then to his feet, his long coat flowing around him. A fissure of sparks sprayed from his skull. "How many Warlords have challenged you?" he asked.

    "I lost count a century ago," Shaxx replied. He stayed in his sideways stance, waiting for the Exo to make a move.

    "I will never stop. Never rest," Felwinter said. "And the Warlords are just like me. They refuse to end each other, not because of a code, or an Iron Decree. Because they're afraid to die. And they will plague this world forever." Felwinter raised his arms in a striking position. "How many of us will you fight?"

    "As many as I need to." Shaxx closed the distance, slipping past the Exo's guard and snapped the back of his fist into Felwinter's temple, which promptly shattered.

    The skies were clear, so Felwinter challenged again the day after.

    Shaxx accepted.

    They met on the backfield.

    "How long will your people last out here?" Felwinter asked.

    "Longer than you," Shaxx replied.

    It was true. A flying knee separated the Iron Lord from his head within seconds of a short melee.

    When the Exo's Ghost put him back together, Shaxx was already halfway back to the south wall.

    "How long do you expect them to stay here?" Felwinter called after him.

    The Warlord turned back. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

    "How long do you expect your people to stay? They will not survive the winter."

    "I'll find a way."

    "You have a way. If you won't join the Iron Lords, let us help you."

    "Your wars have left my people homeless. And worse. They would never trust you."

    "If you asked them to, perhaps they would. You're the king."

    "I'm no king."

    "Prove it."

    "I have nothing to prove to you."

    "Prove it to them."

    Weeks later, Efrideet and Saladin brought a silver army with them, gleaming weapons in their hands.

    Nine Iron Lords dismounted their machines at the foot of Shaxx's mountain.

    Twelve Warlords armored in eclectic styles from across the region opposed them at the path that led up to the mountain peak. Particle weapons hummed to operational life on both sides. Slug rifles racked and readied.

    Felwinter and Shaxx watched them from the ruined south wall.

    "Your friends are here to back you up," the Exo said. "If they need to."

    "I don't have friends," Shaxx replied. "And they don't need to."

    "Tell them. Stop this before the shooting starts," the Exo said. "Your people will not survive this."

    "Is that a threat?" the Warlord asked.

    "No. They're not like us. Everything they might become dies with them."

    Shaxx stared down at the Iron Lords. "You people involve yourselves in matters that are not your own. Especially Radegast."

    "Radegast is scattered. He thinks he has the weight of all those we protect on his shoulders. No one has that kind of strength. Not even a Lightbearer."

    "Why do you back them?"

    "Because the Iron Lords are going to change the world; no one can stop them."

    "I stopped you."

    "Your people will not survive this. Tell the Warlords to stand down. They'll listen. They fear you. You're not bound to an Iron Decree."

    Shaxx shook his head. "They fear that everything they might become would die with them."

    The other Warlords had departed.

    Shaxx stood with the Iron Lords on the path up the mountain.

    He stared down at them.

    "Who won?" Efrideet asked.

    "Shaxx," Felwinter said. He patted Shaxx on the shoulder. "Shaxx did." The Exo pulled Efrideet aside to arrange an evacuation plan for Shaxx's people to Vostok Observatory in the Cosmodrome.

    Saladin and Shaxx stood in silence as the other Lords began their march up the path.

    "Hello," said Saladin.

    "Hello," Shaxx said.

    They shook hands.

    "Iron Lord Shaxx?"


    Felwinter, Saladin, and Efrideet sat at a massive oak table on a keep atop Felwinter's Peak.

    A holographic blueprint of Shaxx's castle hung in the air.

    "It will take some time to breach the security codes," the Exo said, indicating an underground extension a mile under the fortification. "But this is it. One of several across the Earth. Perhaps across other worlds. Some are tied to more important systems than others. All Golden Age. Some hide weapons. Armor. Nanites."

    "What is it?" Saladin asked.

    "A Seraph Bunker. Rasputin tech."

    Some time after—during the Late Dark Age.

    "You seem far too obsessed with these 'Warminds,'" Timur said to Felwinter.

    They'd been walking for hours, dipping in and out of Fallen territory. Timur made no effort to avoid them, and Felwinter followed his lead. He didn't know where they were going. Timur had been talking almost nonstop, though. Asking Felwinter what he knew about SIVA. What he thought the Warmind might have to do with it. It was lucky that Felwinter already had a reputation for keeping quiet.

    He played dumb when Timur asked about Seraphs. Timur was easy to rile up that way. It was good; it made Felwinter feel like he was still in control.

    As they tore through another round of shanks, Felwinter fell back and let Timur do the heavy lifting. When Timur spoke again, his voice was breathless with a passion and enthusiasm that Felwinter couldn't feel.

    "Have you ever wondered what it is that calls to you in that void of memory," Timur breathed,

    "where the edge of the past infects your present?"

    Felwinter was tense with expectation. He felt the world contracting around him until nothing existed but the sidearm in his hand. He heard his Ghost in his helmet comms, whispering: "Wait."

    Timur strode recklessly ahead. He expected Felwinter to watch his back, and he did. Watched him walk. Watched his Ghost, too. There were a lot of Fallen out here. Anything could happen to either of them. It would be easy to tell this story back home.

    "Don't jump to conclusions," his Ghost whispered as they fell behind, but Felwinter heard uncertainty in her voice. He adjusted his grip on the sidearm, lifting his hand a little…

    … and dropped it again as Timur turned around. "It's an itch you can't scratch, isn't it? Well, maybe you can."

    Felwinter's expression was blank. His finger twitched on the sidearm.

    "You think I am one of them?" he asked as Timur turned back around to lead the way. "That all Exo are?"

    "Lord Felwinter, I know what you are," Timur said with a laugh in his voice. Felwinter lifted the sidearm again. An familiar dread coiled in his chest. He saw his future changing. Again. He saw himself running. Again.

    He was so tired of running.

    The sidearm was level with the back of Timur's head.

    Timur had a smile in his voice when he spoke next. "I know what you are," he said. "And you are no Warmind or even one of its puppets."

    Felwinter's arm dropped and swung at his side, as if all his energy had gone out of him all at once. It was impossible, but he almost felt lightheaded. His Ghost whispered something again, but he didn't hear it over his own relief.

    "Come," Timur said. He walked with the arrogance of a man who didn't realize he'd brushed shoulders with Death. "You must see this."

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Destiny 2 Update 2.8.0

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48838

    Combat Systems


    • Titan

      • Barricade

        • Raised Barricade health from 500 to 600
        • Barricades now take extra damage from special-ammo weapons, anti-barrier weapons, and certain power weapons
        • The following weapons do 30% extra damage to Barricades
          • Sniper Rifles
          • Grenade Launchers
          • Linear Fusion Rifles
          • Machine Guns
          • Trace Rifles
          • Anti-Barrier Weapons
        • The following weapons do 60% extra damage to Barricades
          • Shotguns
          • Fusion Rifles
      • Shoulder Charges (Hammer Strike, Seismic Strike, Shield Bash)

        • Lunge auto-targeting angle decreased by 50%
        • Targeted lunge movement distance decreased from 6m to 5.5m
        • Untargeted lunge movement distance increased from 4.5m to 5.5m
        • Bonus damage vs. low-tier PvE combatants reduced by 20%
      • Striker

        • Fist of Havoc Super
      • Increased cost of light attack from 11.5% to 12.5% (Bottom Tree increased from 3% to 4.5%)

      • Reduced cost of heavy attack from 25% to 21%

        • Code of the Juggernaut

          • Frontal Assault
          • Reduced duration from 15 to 12 seconds
          • No longer increases weapon equip speed
          • Weapon stability bonus decreased from 75 to 44
        • Code of the Missile

          • Ballistic Slam
          • Increased knockback significantly
          • Now procs inertia override on hit
          • Bonus damage vs. low-tier PvE combatants reduced by 20%
          • Inertia Override
          • Added 0.5 second activation delay
          • Note: This change was made to allow the Titan to make the most of its duration
          • Ability indicator now displays time remaining
          • Thundercrash
          • Increased damage resistance while in super from 49% to 53%
          • Made flight speed more consistent
          • Increased detonation damage from 3200 to 3900
          • Impact Conversion
          • Reduced super-energy gain per hit from 4% to 3%
      • Sunbreaker

        • Code of the Devastator

          • Burning Maul
          • Reduced idle super duration from 28 seconds to 25 seconds
          • Heavy-slam explosion is now less likely to deal damage through cover
          • Added damage falloff to heavy-slam explosion
          • Fixed an issue in which ground follow attacks can go through walls
    • Hunter

      • Gunslinger

        • Tripmine Grenade
          • Can now stick to enemy players and combatants
          • Reduced base damage to 140
          • Damage remains at 160 when used with Young Ahamkara's Spine exotic
      • Way of a Thousand Cuts

        • Blade Barrage
          • Knife impact damage increased from 35 to 48
          • Reduced knife detonation radius from 5m to 3m
          • Should no longer apply large amounts of knockback to tanky combatants
      • Way of the Sharpshooter

        • Weighted Knife
          • Reduced tracking strength
          • Changed tracking style to reduce the chance of the knife being pulled away from its intended target
      • Arcstrider

        • General
          • Fixed an issue in which players in Arcstaff were able to dodge infinitely even after the super energy has been depleted
        • Way of the Current

          • Tempest Strike
          • Reduced auto-targeting angle by 50%
          • Bonus damage vs. low-tier PvE combatants reduced by 20%
        • Way of the Wind

          • Focused Breathing
          • Increased activation delay while sprinting from 0.25 seconds to 1.0 second
          • Reduced dodge recharge rate bonus by 10%
          • Combat Meditation
          • Reduced grenade and melee recharge rate increase while health is critical from 500% to 400%
          • Lightning Reflexes
          • Reduced Damage Reduction during dodge in PvP from 40% to 32%
      • Nightstalker

        • Way of the Pathfinder

          • Moebius Quiver
          • Increased time limit from 8 seconds to 10 seconds
          • Increased time limit from 10 seconds to 12 seconds when used with Orpheus Rig
          • Combat Provision
          • Increased melee recharge on grenade damage from 6% to 8%
          • Increased grenade recharge when you turn an ally invisible from 17.5% to 24%
    • Warlock

      • Basic Melee
        • Extended melee range from 4.5m to 5.5m
        • The Warlock melee range is now one meter longer than Titan and Hunter melees
        • All Warlock melee abilities that had a 4.5m range now have a 5.5m range
        • Note: Ophidian Aspect melee range is unchanged at 6.5m
      • Stormcaller

        • Stormtrance
          • Damage ramp-up now falls off more slowly after releasing attack button
        • Attunement of Conduction

          • Arc Web
          • Reduced chain damage from 36 to 27
          • Reduced grenade energy recharge on chain
          • 3% to 2% in PvE
          • 10% to 8% in PvP
          • Reduced chain range from 12m to 11m
          • Ionic Blink
          • Increased super-energy cost from 4% to 6%
          • Reduced range of blink from 4.5m to 4.2m
          • Chain Lightning Melee
          • Reduced chain damage from 31 to 27
        • Attunement of Control

          • Ionic Trace
          • Increased leyline height so its more easily collected while airborne
          • Increased leyline travel speed by 14%
          • Increased leyline turn speed by 83%
        • Chaos Reach

          • Increased beam endpoint radius from 2m to 2.4m
          • Reduced intensity of VFX to improve visibility
        • Attunement of the Elements

          • Electrostatic Surge
          • Now correctly increases class-ability regen when near allies
          • Note: Was mistakenly increasing Super regen previously
      • Voidwalker

        • Attunement of Fission

          • Handheld Supernova
          • Reduced range by 20%
          • Increased activation time by 0.6 seconds
          • Reduced hold time from 3.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds
          • Bolt explosion now does self damage
          • Tightened horizontal spread of bolts by 25%
          • Reduced bolt explosion radius from 3m to 2.5m
        • Nova Warp

          • Increased damage reduction from 49% to 51%
          • Increased idle super duration from 22 seconds to 24 seconds
          • Reduced cost of Dark Blink by 12.5%
        • Dark Matter

          • Increased grenade recharge on kill from 10% to 14%
        • Attunement of Hunger

          • Vortex
          • Increased linger duration from 5 seconds to 7 seconds
          • Reduced linger damage per tick from 27 to 24
          • Increased projectile speed by 33%
          • Nova Bomb kills now proc Devour
          • Devour
          • Increased Devour duration from 10 seconds to 11 seconds
          • Insatiable
          • Kills now grant between 16% and 24% grenade energy depending on the tier of enemy killed
          • Player kills are 24%
      • Dawnblade

        • Attunement of Sky
          • Heat Rises
          • Fixed an issue in which Heat Rises buff was causing combatants to ignore you
        • Icarus Dash
          • Fixed an issue in which Icarus Dash cooldown was interfering with the Daybreak dodge


    • Increased the number of armor sets available from world drops to 11 sets, up from 3.

      • Several sets that were previously unavailable or extremely difficult to come by are now available as world drops.
    • Armor Energy

      • You can now change the energy type of any piece of armor to either of the other two energy types directly from the armor piece's inspection screen by hovering the cursor over the armor's energy icon.
        • The cost of changing the armor to another energy type at energy value 1 is 1 Upgrade Module.
        • You can also change the armor to another energy type at the equivalent energy value to its current energy value. The cost for doing so is 1 Upgrade Module + the aggregate cost of upgrading from energy value 1 to its current energy value.
    • Armor Stats

      • Prime Engrams will now more reliably drop armor with higher overall stat rolls and spikier distributions.
      • Exotic armor will now more reliably drop with higher overall stat rolls
      • Legendary armor now has an improved chance of receiving higher overall stat rolls, though low rolls will still be present
    • Armor Mods

      • The seasonal armor mod socket (i.e. Undying Mods, Dawn Mods) can now equip mods released during the season in which it was released, plus the previous season and the following season.
        • For example, armor with the Dawn Mod socket (from Season 9) can now equip Dawn Mods, Undying Mods (from Season 8), and Worthy Mods (from Season 10)
      • The Hands-On mod now provides energy on projectile melee kills (such as the hunter's throwing knife)
      • Enhanced armor mods have been added to cover all weapon types for all armor mods that have an enhanced version.
    • Exotics

      • Hunter

        • Assassin's Cowl
          • The invisibility and healing effect now triggers on powered melee (both against combatants and Guardians) and finishers
          • The duration of the invisibility granted by this exotic increases based on the tier of the enemy defeated
          • Arc Staff kills no longer activate this perk
        • FROST-EE5
          • Changed the ability regeneration so that it no longer stacks multiplicatively with other class ability energy generating perks.
        • Khepri's Sting
          • All of your smoke bombs deal 150% damage while wearing this exotic
        • Orpheus Rigs
          • The maximum amount of Super you can regain from this exotic with a single use of Shadowshot is 50%.
        • Young Ahamkara's Spine
          • Increases the explosion radius for tripmines by 14%.
      • Titan

        • Ashen Wake
          • Killing an enemy with a Fusion Grenade while wearing this exotic now refunds grenade energy. The amount of grenade energy refunded scales based on the tier of enemy killed.
        • Anteus Wards
          • The shield created during a slide no longer allows chip damage through
        • Doomfang Pauldrons
          • Fixed an issue where Doomfang Pauldrons would sometimes grant Super energy from melee kills while in your Super
        • Dunemarchers
          • Increase the radius of static charge to 20 meters, up from 12 meters.
        • Mk. 44 Stand Asides
          • Reduced the delay from the start of sprinting until the overshield comes in to 0.5 seconds, down from 1.25 seconds.
        • One-Eyed Mask
          • The target marking from this exotic has been replaced with target highlighting, eliminating the ability to detect targets through walls
          • No longer provides a damage bonus when defeating your marked target
          • Restored the previous overshield granted by defeating your marked target, which now has a duration of 6 seconds (down from 8)
        • Severance Enclosure
          • The explosion now triggers on powered melee (both against combatants and Guardians) and finishers
          • The radius and damage of the explosion created by this exotic increases based on the tier of the enemy defeated
      • Warlock

        • Apotheosis Veil
          • This exotic is now guaranteed to drop with a minimum +16 to Intellect.
        • Contraverse Hold
          • Reduced the damage reduction granted by this exotic to 20%, down from 40%
        • Sanguine Alchemy
          • Completely redesigned with a new perk, Blood Magic, that allows the wearer to pause the countdown timer of any rift they are standing in by getting weapon kills, extending the rift's duration.
        • Ophidian Aspects
          • Now increases the lunge range of all Warlock melee attacks, even if the ability is on cooldown.
        • Verity's Brow
          • The buff provided by this exotic now increases your grenade damage by 10% per stack
          • The buff to allies' grenade recharge rates now kicks in when you cast your grenade
          • The wearer of this exotic now receives buff text notification indicating how many allies are currently benefiting from your increased grenade recharge ###Weapons
    • Exotics

      • Izanagi's Burden
        • Honed Edge's animation is no longer affected by reload speed.
        • Outlaw has been replaced with No Distractions.
      • The Last Word

        • Fan Fire
          • Now adjusts the precision scalar of the weapon while hip-firing
          • Impact values have been adjusted
        • 68.27/52.2 Precision Hip/ADS (Previously 67.95/67.95)
        • 38/38 Non-Precision Hip/ADS: (Previously 50.01/50.01)
        • Aiming down sights no longer provides additional effective range (damage falloff) for this weapon
        • Reduced stability for Mouse and Keyboard input
        • Adjusted the way target acquisition is handled for this weapon in hipfire to improve the experience
        • Reduced the effective range of this weapon
      • Fighting Lion

        • Due to backend changes with the grenade launcher archetype, Fighting Lion inherited minor adjustments
        • Rate of Fire increased from 72 RPM to 90 RPM
        • Direct hit damage in PvE is now 35 (Previously 27)
      • Devil's Ruin

        • Fixed an bug that allowed Pyrogenesis to proc in unintended circumstances, allowing the laser to be fired repeatedly
      • Symmetry

        • Fixed an issue that caused the weapon to randomly stop firing.
        • Fixed an issue where this weapon could damage allies under some circumstances
      • Lord of Wolves

        • Release the Wolves now significantly reduces the accuracy of the weapon while active.
        • Reduced stability for Mouse and Keyboard input
    • Swords

      • Sword attacks for all sword types have been altered, generally increased in efficacy to account for the energy system.
        • Sword stats are now the following:
        • Impact
        • Swing Speed
        • Charge Rate
        • How fast this weapon recharges its energy.
        • Guard Resistance
        • Damage reduction while guarding with this weapon against most attacks.
        • Guard Efficiency
        • Reduces the amount of energy required to guard an attack.
        • Guard Endurance
        • How long you can maintain your guard with this weapon.
        • Ammo Capacity
      • Energy
        • Swords now replace your melee ability with the Sword's energy meter while wielded. This energy recovers naturally on its own and is consumed by different Sword related actions.
      • Light attacks
        • Light attack strings can now be endlessly looped on all sword sub-archetypes.
        • Light attacks for all sub-archetypes can now cleave to hit multiple enemies.
      • Heavy attacks

        • Heavy attacks have consume your Sword's energy when activated.
          • Note: Different swords can consume different amount of energy based on the attack used.
        • If your energy is full, your heavy attack is stronger. The reverse is also true.
      • Guard action

        • Guarding no longer consumes ammo, but instead uses the Sword's energy while active.
          • Note: You still require a minimum of 1 available ammo to begin guarding.
        • Shield Bypass
        • A portion of damage from Sword attacks now bypass elemental shields to strike the target directly.
          • Note: There are exceptions to this rule, particularly for projectile based attacks that Swords generate.
      • Sword Perks

        • Whirlwind Blade
          • This effect will now also end if the player guards.
          • Multi-Hit attacks no longer count as more than one hit.
        • En Garde
          • Reduced the damage bonus from +50% to +30%
        • Shattering Blade
          • Reduced the damage bonus from 3x to ~1.67x
        • Energy Transfer
          • Reduced the amount of ability energy gained from this perk due to Guard no longer consuming ammunition
        • Counterattack

          • Changed the activation requirements:
          • Blocking an attack immediately after guarding increases damage for a short duration.
          • Duration is now 2 seconds (Previously 5)
      • Glide can no longer be activated during sword attacks or other full body melee attacks.

    • Grenade Launchers

      • Aggressive Frame grenade launchers are now Rapid-Fire Frame grenade launchers

        • Rapid-Fire Frame grenade launchers have had their damage reduced to account for their Rate of Fire (0.8x), but now also have increased reserves.
          • Previously, Aggressive Frame grenade launchers fired faster than Adaptive but had the same damage.
      • Damage to Major enemies and above by Power weapon grenade launchers reduced by ~10%

    • Sniper Rifles

      • Damage to Major enemies and above reduced to pre Shadowkeep values (~-20%)
      • Adaptive Snipers
        • Reduced precision multiplier from 3.25x to 2.95x
      • Rapid-Fire Snipers
        • Reduced base impact from 100 damage to 90 damage
    • Shotguns

      • Target acquisition for non slug shotguns has been adjusted to no longer account for precision locations.
        • Previously, target acquisition could actually cause the player's spread to deviate from the intended aim vector, causing most of the spread to miss.
      • Cone angle is now adjusted on a per sub-archetype basis and is no longer adjusted by the Range stat.
      • Aiming down sights no longer adjusts effective range for this weapon archetype
    • Fusion Rifles

      • Target acquisition for fusion rifles has been adjusted to no longer account for precision locations.
        • Previously, target acquisition could actually cause the player's volley to deviate from the intended aim vector, causing most of the volley to miss.
      • Damage falloff for this weapon archetype can now floor at 0.5x (Previously 0.75x)
      • Effective range and the impact of the optics stat for this weapon archetype has been reduced across the board.
    • Auto Rifles

      • The following impact values have changed:

        • Precision Frame
          • 17/27.2 Default/Precision (Previously 17/25.5)
        • Adaptive Frame
          • 15.75/25.2 Default/Precision (Previously 13.75/22)
        • Rapid-Fire Frame
          • 13.4/20.1 Default/Precision (Previously 12.5/18.75)
    • Weapon Perks

      • Backup Plan
        • Backup plan now adjusts impact to match the Rapid-Fire sub-archetype while active.
        • Charge time is now set to match the Rapid-Fire's sub-archetype * 0.85 while active.
      • One-Two Punch
        • The effect now ends upon dealing melee damage or swapping weapons.
    • General

      • Fixed issue with emissive elements on the following weapons and ornaments
        • One Thousand Voices
        • Summer Storm for Riskrunner
        • Jade Countenance for Fighting Lion
      • Fixed an issue where Multikill Clip would remain active indefinitely.
      • Fixed an issue where killing Shanks with Lumina would not reliably generate a Remnant.
      • Fixed an issue where Wish-Ender would deal more damage than intended when shooting through certain objects.
      • Fixed an issue where large portions of the Packmaster's Command ornament for Lord of Wolves would disappear when standing next to a wall.

    Player Identity Systems


    • Stat Trackers
    • Emblems now use an updated details screen to support Stat Trackers.
    • All Emblems now have Stat Trackers that can be equipped and unequipped
    • The Stat Trackers available on an emblem are related to the emblem's source/category.
    • Stat Trackers are broken down into categories based on Activity and Time-span

      • Activity Categories are:
        • Seasons
        • Account
        • Crucible
        • Destination
        • Gambit
        • Raids
        • Strikes
        • Trials of Osiris
      • Time Span Categories are:

        • Weekly
        • Seasonal
        • Career*
          • *Note: Career stats respect pre-Season 10 data where possible but otherwise will begin tracking in Season 10
        • All of the Above
    • Stat Trackers can become Gilded when Stats reach certain thresholds

    • Stat Trackers now have their own dedicated section, which players can access through the Triumphs screen.

      • Stat Trackers are categorized into Seasonal, Weekly, Career and All.
      • Stat Trackers are sub-categorized by Stat Tracker type.
      • Feature Triumphs on the Triumphs overview have been reduced from displaying 3 to 1
    • Collections

      • The Emblem collection has been reorganized to reflect the Stat Trackers structure
    • Emblem Variants

      • Emblem Variants have been converted into their own Emblem items
    • Emblem Perks and Auras

      • Emblem Perks and Auras have been removed from Emblems.


    • Clan Banner Perks have been updated for Season 10


    • Ships

      • Fixed an effects issue on Lost Legend's engines
    • Ghosts

      • Fixed an animation issue with Sanctum Plate Shell
    • Sparrows

      • Updated thruster effects for Dawning sparrows Chill of Winter and Holiday Cheer
      • Fixed effects issues for Azure Azazyel and The Bronco


    • The season 9 Fond Memories Bright Engram has been retired, and in its place players can now obtain the new Season 10 Luminous Bright Engram
    • Bright Engrams are no longer available for purchase in the Eververse store, and instead can only be earned by leveling up the Season Pass
    • In place of the Bright Engram, the Eververse store now offers a Silver sale item that will refresh daily
    • The Gunsmith now has a chance of selling Season 9 seasonal armor mods
    • "Improved Crucible Scanner" Ghost Shell perk has been created and has a chance to roll on Crucible-themed Ghosts
    • Two new consumables are available in the Eververse store for Bright Dust, the Scavenger's Boon and the Glimmershard (both 250 Bright Dust each)

      • Scavenger's Boon:
        • When used, this item causes enemies killed with precision damage to have a chance to drop Planetary Materials when defeated
        • The effect lasts 4 hours
        • Note that only one Scavenger's Boon can be active at a time
    • Glimmershard:

      • When used, this item causes bosses to have a chance to drop additional Glimmer when defeated
      • The effect lasts 4 hours
      • Note that only one Glimmershard can be active at a time
    • Multiple bugs fixed to ensure various Legendary Engram previews accurately represent their contents

    • Shadowkeep campaign reward exotic armor now has the proper source string in Collections

    • Eververse store bundles with prices that have been reduced due to owning some of the contents no longer are advertised as "Sale", and instead read "Complete the Set"

    • Season 8 weapons acquired from the Season Pass now have a valid source string in Collections

    • Several multiplayer emotes that had an item type of "Emote" now have the correct item type on their tooltip, "Multiplayer Emote"

    • Year 3 exotic armor items in Xur's inventory now properly require Shadowkeep instead of the Season Pass

    • Mod Components no longer dismantle as a stack

      Power and Progression

    • Updated XP rewards from Mars ambient chests and public spaces to be consistent with Shadowkeep values.

    • Reduced the power of the incomplete version of 'Legend of Acrius' when purchased from a vendor.

    • Paid character boosts raise the player to the new soft cap of 950.

    • Note: Players cannot purchase a character boost until their first character has reached the soft cap.

    User Interface

    • Fixed an issue where some items were not being properly displayed in Collections.
    • Fixed an issue where players don't receive a "Fireteam Chat Not Available" message when Steam is down.
    • Fixed an issue where tracking a pursuit would dismiss the Release Icon.
    • Fixed an issue where incorrect icons were appearing during "The Other Side" mission.
    • Fixed an issue where Open Fireteam slots were being displayed after dismissing activity selection.
    • Fixed an issue where a placeholder tooltip could appear while in Orbit.
    • Fixed an issue that caused some Graphical Corruption when navigating to the Seasons screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the Rank 50 toast would display overlapping numbers.
    • Fixed an issue where we displayed a misalignment in the Post-Purchase Animation.
    • Fixed an issue where the Launch Overlay would not dismiss when navigating to the Quests Screen.
    • Console Settings UI screen layouts have changed to match the experience on PC, allowing for future updates.

      • Settings that use the carousel selection method can now be navigated using d-pad input when focused.
    • Added a Favorite augment over the Finisher icon to easily determine which Finishers are currently the player's favorites.

    • Added game hints during loading screens.

    • Added the ability to change the color of the Reticle on Consoles.

      • Players can choose from 7 different colors, matching PC.
    • Added a Completion State to Seasons Pass Bonuses.

    • Added Categories to the Quests Screen.

      • Quest Items will now be automatically filtered to any of the seven categories:
        • New Light
        • Note: This category will hide if there are no active New Light quests in the character's inventory.
        • All Quests
        • Shadowkeep
        • Seasonal
        • Playlists
        • Exotics
        • The Past
    • The Quest tab will now display a sheen animation when there are new quest items available.

      • The sheen is dismissed by hovering over the new quest item.
    • Added comma separators to the Glimmer count in the loot stream.

      • No longer keeps me awake at night.
    • Changing fireteams on the PVP Private Matches Launch Screen now uses Left/Right buttons.

    • Players can now see which Seasons they own by looking at the Season Rank tooltip in the Seasons Screen.

    Frontline - General Bug Fixes / Quality of Life

    (Frontline is a team dedicated to fixing an assortment of issues, no matter their area. Say hello!)

    • Combat

      • Changes were made to Cabal Psion's Psionic Rupture ground attack to improve client performance during heated engagements.
      • Elite, Mini-Boss, and Boss nameplates will now correctly display as "friendly" when invading during Gambit matches.
      • The Hunter Tempest strike melee ability can now be performed when using PC controls where Sprint is set to "Hold".
      • Titan Sunbreaker melee ability "Mortar Blast" will now more consistently deliver its detonation damage in Crucible.
      • Friendly projectiles that travel along the ground will pass through ally Titan Banner Shields. Burning Maul and Voidwall Grenade are examples of abilities that generate ground follow projectiles.
      • Hunter exotic "Liar's Handshake" Cross Counter melee damage buff will now expire as intended after picking up a carry object (such as a Forge Battery)
      • Fixed an issue where Hunter's would remain off radar for too long when coming out of invisibility while crouched.
      • Getting killed by "The Cut and Run" scout rifle now properly displays an Obituary icon in the battle feed.
      • Character Sub-Classes with ranged melee abilities will now count towards Melee Kill bounties and Triumphs. (These include Titan Hammer Throw, Hunter Throwing Knives and Corrosive Smoke Bomb, and Warlock Celestial Fire and Ball Lightning.)
      • Weekly Strike Bounties for Hive and Vex boss kills will now award progress to players for killing Savathun's Song (Shrieker Boss), Xol (Hive Worm God), and the Garden World strike's Vex Cyclops Boss.
      • The Inspect Player function for the PS4 "Jumper" button layout will now properly trigger off of holding L1+R1 as indicated.
      • Hunters should no longer be able to get into an "immune to damage" state using a Sword and the Card Shuffle emote.
    • Player Identity

      • Crucible Triumph Challenge Accepted now requires 10 Weekly Challenges to complete.
      • The "Additional Bounties" from Vanguard, Crucible and Gambit vendors will now progress their corresponding Daily Bounty Triumphs; Vanguard Agent, Mercenary and Daily Bounty.
      • The Fastidious Miser Triumph will now be correctly progressed and completed for Players who've found all 30 Ascendant Chests across the three Curse Weeks in the Dreaming City, and have claimed those corresponding Triumphs.
      • The "Earned while leveling" mods will now properly show as unlocked in Collections across all categories. (Ex. Chest: Unflinching Light Arms Aim mod)
      • Removed a duplicate Worldline Zero Catalyst Triumph entry.
      • The Black Talon Catalyst Triumph will now correctly progress and complete from Black Talon kills, instead of Lord of Wolves.
      • The Forsaken Triumph 'WANTED: The Rifleman' can now be obtained from either killing the Rifleman or upon completion the corresponding Adventure mission.
        • This addresses a rare issue where a player may not receive credit for killing the Rifleman before the mission ended.
    • Rewards

      • The Sound effects from Warlock exotic "Transversive Steps" will now trigger only when a player has reserve ammo to refill their current weapon's magazine.
      • Black Armory Schematics can now be dismantled. Dismantling will delete a single Schematic from the stack.
      • Obtaining the MIDA Catalyst is no longer impeded by playing with Clanmates. Drop rates were adjusted and now properly scale with the Clan "Catalyst Seeker" Perk bonus.
        • Added drop chance for wins at Glory Rank 3 Fabled (5% without Clan bonus, 10% with Clan bonus)
        • Increased drop chance for wins at Glory Rank 4 Mythic (5% > 10% without Clan bonus, 10% > 30% with Clan bonus)
        • Now guaranteed drop for any win at Glory Rank 5 Legend.
      • The Well Well Well Gambit Invasion Medal Triumph now has an icon.
      • The Prime Attunement buff will now appear for any new characters upon reaching 900 Power, even if previous character was deleted.
      • Tess will no longer present the player with an empty Solstice of Heroes Gift screen.
    • World

      • The Rifleman will no longer occasionally disappear during the boss fight, prematurely ending the mission.
      • Crucible quest step "Forging the Broadsword - The constant" now specifically points players to complete Crucible Daily bounties.
      • The Malfeasance exotic quest no longer requires owning the Forsaken expansion. Players who pick-up the New Light Malfeasance Intro quest will now be awarded the "Darkness In the Light" quest step upon killing the Ascendant Servitor Primeval boss.
      • Addressed an issue with placing the tribute banner to open the Tribute Hall doors. New Players, as well as any Players who were previously unable to, can now correctly place the banner, completing "The Tribute Hall" introduction quest.
      • Improved Performance during the final boss fight of Garden of Salvation Raid.
      • Players should no longer be able to cause players to be kicked to Orbit during Crucible matches by repeatedly performing Titan Bubbles and Warlock Wells of Radiance.
      • Fixed and issue where players were having to wait for others to load in when traveling to the Tower.
    • Steam

      • Music volume is applied immediately instead of after the Bungie splash screen.
      • PC Client: fixed an issue that could slow load times for some users when the game wasn't in focus(Alt-tabbed to another window).
    • General

      • The Pigeon and the Phoenix lore book pages are now visible for players who earned them. Acquiring the Bastion Exotic Weapon will unlock all pages.
      • Dawning 2019 Gifts were well past their expiration date and can now be safely discarded.
      • Dawning Exotic Sparrow pursuit can no longer be acquired from Eva's abandoned quests section during other events.
      • Gambit and Crucible melee kills bounties will now properly count projectile melee abilities like Celestial Fire, Ball Lightning, and Throwing Knife.


    • Trials of Osiris returns at last!

      • Talk to Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar to begin your Trials journey. The Trials playlist will first become available on Friday, 3\13.
    • The Anomaly, Cauldron, and Exodus Blue have been added to the Crucible map rotation. These maps will now appear in most playlists.

    • Fixed a large number of out-of-environment bugs on Distant Shore.

    • Fixed a large number of out-of-environment bugs on Fragment.


    • Fixed UI stuttering and framerate drops when loading or applying mods
    • Improved framerate in Gambit and Gambit Prime
    • Fixed framerate issues during the Sanctified Mind encounter of the Garden of Salvation Raid
    • Fixed framerate issues in the Pit of Heresy Dungeon, specifically in tunnel encounters
    • Fixed stutter at high framerate on PC
    • General improvements to performance on PC when a lot of debris is on the ground
    • Load time is no longer tied to framerate
    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
    [link] [comments]

    I hate that I miss Activision.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    It honestly feels like Destiny has been in a slow(or not so slow decline) since they parted ways with Activision.

    This season makes it extra apparent.

    Deleting almost 3 years of trackers. "You had to be there." Okay now no one knows I was.

    Garbage perk pool. This is ironic coming right after luke smith saying power level capping weapons will allow weapons to be good again. Farming for good/god rolls is a key part of the game. If you literally can't farm a good roll on the new weapons, what's the point?

    Surprisingly small Trials pool with the armor being yet another reskin.

    No ritual weapons.

    This season is just reskinned obelisks. Every season seems to be 90% recycled content and busy work.

    Still no vendor refresh.

    This season a bounty simulator, again.

    Strikes are STILL useless after YEARS of feedback.

    Another season without a raid with no word of how often we can expect them or even when we can expect the next one.

    Eververse seems to get the most attention. Looks like the only balance bungie really cares about is the for my bank account.

    Just the general amount and quality of content is lacking.

    And this is just the few things I can think of off the top of my head. It's not even close to a complete list of failings by Bungie.

    It's extra annoying because a ton of feedback has been provided for a bunch of stuff for years at this point. Might be time for the dev team to digest and address it finally.

    When you compare Destiny right now to Forsaken, it feels like a knock off mobile game.

    I never thought I'd be missing Activision, yet here I am.

    submitted by /u/MathTheUsername
    [link] [comments]

    Season of the Worthy? Try season of Minimum Viable Product.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    What is happening this season is shaping up to be an absolute joke.

    Ritual weapons? Gone (except that IB bow were were "supposed" to get last season). No replacement.

    Seasonal pursuits appear to be exact copies of last season's. Seals are a joke. There's not even a collections badge.

    Emblems? Say goodbye to your unique stats, display your Lost Sector clears instead. Special shoutout to the people who donated millions of fractaline! Thanks for the nonexistent heads-up. Absolutely unacceptable and the straight-up removal of a huge part of player achievements shows a staggering disregard for player investment. Auras are gone as well. See dmg's comment here

    Loot? The open world armors they brought back can't even use the seasonal mods. The weapons they released have terrible perk pools, a bad omen considering the promised legendary sunsetting.

    Strikes, Gambit, Crucible? The "Core Game"? Nothing. New strikes still don't have unique loot or emblems. No new armor at all.

    Eververse? Worse than ever. Useless consumeables take space from actual Bright Dust options. Everse has all the cosmetics, the actual game has...

    But GUYS, Trials is back11!1!1 Operative word being back, it's nothing new. Enjoy your weekend of the worst the meta has to offer.

    Titans and Warlocks get the short end of the stick again. Which at this point is not even worth mentioning again. Reminder that Titans' class stat is Resilience.

    Grandmaster Nightfalls, and Fallen champions! Everyone loves champions, right? It only took them a year of work to create the same 3 enemy types over and over again...

    Obelisks were cool, so enjoy your obelisk reskin, I guess. And grinding public events instead of an actual activity.

    At this point we seriously have to ask ourselves what bungie are spending their time and effort on. Clearly it's not actual gameplay.

    They tell us that our feedback can only be incorporated after multiple seasons, and people use this to defend their decisions, but this is a huge problem in and of itself. If your product pipeline is this bloatedly long, you need to fix that. Not use it as an excuse.

    The conclusion seems to be that Bungie invested the absolute minimum of work into this season to justify taking people's money. The only thing here that deserves being called a feature is trials, a game mode that already existed before. When's the last time D2 has had something genuinely new added that wasn't brought in from D1?

    What are you doing, Bungie? Besides Tess, I mean.

    submitted by /u/hyperflare
    [link] [comments]

    As of this update, PC client appears to be using Steam Network Sockets, which means your IP is now hidden from other players and you cannot be DDoSed.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    So, Proof is incredibly difficult without going very deep into the technical way it was discovered (Binary reversing, looking at the assert strings). However, This update changed Destiny 2 PC to use Steam Network Sockets rather than normal Windows Sockets.

    What does that mean? This means that Peers (other players, servers, etc) are no longer addressed by IP Address, but instead a Steam ID. Valve then takes this Steam ID Address, routes packets to the nearest Steam Data Center, then bounces the packets around inside of Steam's data network and exits them closest to the peer. The only IPs you would see are entry points to the Steam network, which masks your IP from your neighbors.

    the tl;dr: You can no longer be DDoSed. Your IP is hidden from other players in the game.

    You can read more about Steam Network Sockets here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/GameNetworkingSockets and here: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/api/ISteamNetworkingSockets

    EDIT: This might be why Bungie updated their networking guide: https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1237424151767310336

    EDIT2: I should be clear, there are other ways to leak your IP address to an attacker (so practice good internet hygiene), but the game itself does not leak your IP anymore.

    submitted by /u/RoyAwesome
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    I went from 'yoooo new season hype' to 'I feel like quitting the game' in 15 minutes after logging in...

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    And I did just close it before even talking to Anna....

    I'm gonna give credit to u/suenopequeno for this right on the money comment in the other frontpage thread:

    What's the point of "you had to be there" if you are going to erase the damn evidence that I was there?

    Y'all know what I'm talking about.

    Fuckin. Emblem. Stats.

    Sorry I really need to vent this.

    Seeing DMG & Cosmo do some damage control is understandable, but the excuse "some things have to break for progress yada yada" just doesn't fly. I cannot for the life of me comprehend what the thought process behind this obvious blunder must have been.

    At the very least you could've given us a nontrackable 'legacy' stat that was just a simple database copy pasta of the old emblem stats. Not very hard to do even if you want to force new infrastrure/groundwork for new systems, albeit not the most elegant or userfriendly solution overall..

    You take away (not fully, but for the meaningful part of the game anyway...) my progression in the form of my legendary gear 'for the greater good'. Then you proceed to take away the only visual elements valuable enough to spark nostalgia, drive and competition amongst fireteams?

    The gear, ok fine. I get that you arguably need this carrot on a stick principle to keep your game healthy. Like CammyCakes stated is his video, I don't need to have to constantly farm for new stuff to enjoy certain modes, as long as I get to keep perfecting my arsenal. That means I've got something to show for my time investment...

    Also, lets cast aside for a second, the thought that all the purchased cosmetic items for legendary gear will be devalued massively over time, and how insanely shitty it is to charge real money for those cosmetics (solstice ornament packs anyone?), because that is an entirely different discussion.

    Fast forward a couple of seasons when the current gear will be retired, what are we REALLY left with that is a visual representation of our past adventures excluding your triumphs menu and the remnants of the actual emblems themselves that only people in the know have a vague understanding of.....

    Absolutely NOTHING.------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Edit: after 5 minutes of catching my breath I realized that the end to my post was a nice and dramatic way to underscore my main point, but I guess we have one thing left to show off in the form of titles. But that takes away so much individuality and prestige save for a few like the raid ones or Unbroken etc.. And even then, your blueberry ass could've gotten carried through all of it while people with numerous solo flawless runs get jack shit.

    Edit 2: Thanks for the glimmer gold kind stranger o/

    With that said I just want to point out that my post was me needing to vent about the emblem trackers in particular. Seeing as there are quite a bit of comments about the content of the update, I guess I'm still a bit neutral towards that since I haven't given it a proper chance yet. Probably should've used a different title but hey, here we are :)

    submitted by /u/BlckLstd-Blace
    [link] [comments]

    $150 worth of Eververse on the front page. Legendary trash still in engrams. 7 shells, 7 ships, 8 sparrows from Eververse.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    1 ship, 1 sparrow, 1 shell earned through gameplay.

    No ritual weapons.

    Look, I get that there are people who are hoarding tens of thousands of bright dust.

    ...but there are also people who aren't. People who buy the expansion and the season pass. People who play one character and earn 600 1200 (corrected, thank you) bright dust a week. You made Y1 F2P and decided to treat everyone like the entire thing is now F2P.

    You know this.

    This Eververse situation is just getting so out of control. Bungie, you need to tell yourselves no. Add them as nightfall drops (remember?). Award them for tough triumphs or just playing the game. Just stop holding your hand out for more. I already paid.

    Edit: The combined cost of all bright dust items sold THIS WEEK is 21,800. The maximum amount of bright dust you can earn in one week is 3,600, which is 1/6th of the weekly rotation. Enjoy doing it next week, too. Remember, you paid to be here.

    submitted by /u/TheRybka
    [link] [comments]

    Bungie why? --- Why are the world armor drops NOT able to equip seasonal mods? There's ZERO reason to add them back to the pool if they are useless for the primary content we're here to play.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    ^^^ what my title said?

    My suggestion -- give them the season mod slot.

    submitted by /u/alphex
    [link] [comments]

    No new ritual weapons?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    I'm not seeing quests for any new ritual weapons from Shaxx/Zavala/Drifter.

    Also no collections badge for the new items for the season, and the seal only requires 7 triumphs?

    Edit: Confirmed by dmg that there is only one ritual weapon, the Iron Banner bow. Strikes/Crucible/Gambit do not have one.

    submitted by /u/mylifemyworld17
    [link] [comments]

    This over-reliance on bounties as the new gameplay loop is a chore

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Title. Personally, I just seriously don't enjoy doing bounties. I find them incredibly un-fun and tedious, especially when they force me to play and use weapons or gear I don't enjoy and don't want to use.

    It doen't help either that bounties have been so intrinsically tied to all the new content recently - after only having played just a few hours of the new season I've had to spam bounties over and over just to grind Warmind bits so I can upgrade the damn bunker and y'know what? It isn't fun. I've been playing the same public event over and over with no variation, running repeatable bounties and just generally not having a good time doing it. Now perhaps I haven't seen all there is to the new public event, it's only Day 1 after all, but if this keeps up it's going to get stale fast.

    Furthermore, why does spamming bounties give far more XP than doing a bloody raid? Than doing the PvP? Than doing literally anything else? It feels like all progression is honestly tied to bounties and it made me take a break for the entirety of Season of Dawn (except save the Saint 14 quests ofc) and I think that if this is going to be the gameplay loop of all seasons then I'll just stop playing until their next comet DLC when things might change.

    Maybe I'm just approaching it from the wrong angle? I love the D2 gunplay and general combat etc, but this over-reliance on bounties the past few seasons has really left a bad taste in my mouth. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/SirDerpsAlotThe7th
    [link] [comments]

    Emblems trackers: Good idea, bad execution

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    First of all, the options or more specifically the starting time of the trackers are really dumb. But more importantly I don't understand why they didn't leave us the option to display what the emblem originally displayed. For example you can't display gold medals anymore and that's really not ok

    submitted by /u/Vxerrr
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    Destiny feels like a f2p Mobile game I have to pay for

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Every season less actual loot and activities, more grindy shopping list style quests, and more and more and more cosmetics locked in the Eververse (with even fewer things available for bright dust).

    I think I'm finally done this season. I'm just glad there are other things out to play.

    submitted by /u/crookedparadigm
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    So, let me get this straight. Almost all my achievements from the last 2.5 years of Destiny that were tracked by an emblem are just... gone???

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    My resets. My gold medals. My dungeon clears. My 300k fractaline that I spent the last 5 weeks donating! Are you serious? All those achievements meant something to me, and to a lot of others. This feels like a punch in the gut from the devs straight to the players. I'm literally.. in shock. I'm angry and depressed and speechless all at the same time.

    Bring back all of the stats. Please. I'd honestly rather have the old system back at this point.

    submitted by /u/GR34T_D4N3
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    So we're 3 1/2 hours into the season and there's already 5 major f*ckups. [Spoiler Warning]

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    I'm seriously asking myself who at bungie was thinking that these changes were a good idea...

    So far we have:

    -No Ritual Weapons (Well one to be precise, which is pretty much the same)

    -All of our hard earned Stats on emblems are gone

    -No good perk combinations on the new guns so far

    -reduced items available for bright dust each week

    -Rasputin Bunkers are basically Obelisks 2.0

    I wonder how much more we will find in the next few days/weeks.

    Edit: Holy Crap, this blew up, 260 comments and a thousand likes in 6 hours, guess I'll have something to read omw to work 😅

    submitted by /u/Spartaner-043
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    Usually after an expansion there is a honeymoon period before the blow up. This time, it took less than a day.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    No this isn't a criticism of the community. I just want the bungie devs to realize the community is reaching their breaking point. Eventually they'll start shitting on the game before the release, regardless of how nice your trailers look because we're sick of this bait and switch method bungie seems to keep pulling off.

    submitted by /u/imakesubsreal
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    Pictures that didn't age well

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Ok why the fuck has EV now got a sparrow literally themed on the red keep. When the nightfall for it should have it?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Seriously this is actually the biggest kick in the teeth

    submitted by /u/EldiaForLife
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    I'm starting to find it straight up insulting how EVERY feedback we give Bungie is turned into a Monkey's Paw.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    And I mean EVERYTHING.

    • Disable/enable trackers on emblems? Alright, we'll make it possible to change the tracker on the emblems, but wipe all the original trackers on them.

    • Shift the meta away from snipers/Izanagi's in PvE? Alright, completely undo the buff they were given.

    • Want old armor back? Alright, but we're putting it ALL into the same world engram so it's near impossible to get the specific item with the roll you want.

    • Don't like rituals as much as pinnacles? Alright, no more rituals.

    • Want to use rolls other than Outlaw/MKC? Alright, we're removing that combo from all future weapons, making all old weapons eventually useless, and introducing no interesting perks to replace the old ones.

    • You want Trials back? Alright, but we're enabling infinite power scaling along with it (Thanks the Travaler they backed down on this one).

    At this point, it seems they do this shit on purpose. It's insulting.

    submitted by /u/JeffCaven
    [link] [comments]

    Items available for bright dust each week reduced by six

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Really bungie? You really put the new consumables in replacement of cosmetics twice?

    Edit: what's misleading about my post mods?

    submitted by /u/idontreallycare421
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    Why does every expansion feel like we lose more than we gain?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    New armour, except not really.

    New weapons, except they all have bad rolls.

    New cosmetics, except they're all Eververse, with less options each week.

    No new rituals. No new vendor refresh. No new reason to play Gambit. No reason to play strikes. It seems like Factions have been retired indefinitely. New activity is just a variation on Forges. No new raid. Barely any new exotics exotics.

    Remember when DLC's would come by and we'd get like 15 new armour and weapons exotics. Now I know this is supposed to be a smaller drop, but so honestly think I'd prefer larger more meaningful drops than this. This feels like an insult.

    submitted by /u/MattChap
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    Bunker Upgrade Tip

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    If, like me, you are trying to grind bounties to upgrade your EDZ bunker, make sure to pick the far right upgrade first. This reduces the warmind bit cost for all first level nodes by 15, from 90 to 75.

    Edit: As a few of you have keenly pointed out, you can buy the level 3 cost reduction perk without buying all the first level perks. You still have to buy the tier 2 auto rifle perk, so all perks on the right hand column.

    submitted by /u/f14tomcat1986
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    If you feel disappointed just remember that a guy donated 1,000,000 Fractaline literally one week before [Redacted] got the Banshee treatment

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    I guess you "had to be there" to see it

    submitted by /u/Ebty85
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    No loot to chase in a looter shooter means dead game.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    No rituals and a bunch of legendaries with bad stats (excluding the shotgun) are what we have to look forward to for 3 months.

    I play this game because chasing OP weapons is fun. That's it. It's not fun when there's nothing to chase.

    Division 2 died because the loot was boring AF. This game will die if the trend continues.

    This is a loot chaser first and foremost and we need some good God damn loot.

    Edit: Division 2 didn't die obviously but certainly took a big hit because of crappy loot design.

    submitted by /u/PaulCharles801
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    NONE of the new legendary primary weapons can roll with a quicker reload perk and a damage perk. (Outlaw/Feeding Frenzy and KC, MKC, Rampage, SB)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    One of my favorite things to do when a new season drops is to go through light.gg and look at all the new weapons available. I was pumped to see Dire Promise make its return but the perk pool is awful. No Outlaw, Feeding Frenzy, Kill Clip, MKC or Rampage. I go back and look through more and find similar situations. NONE of the new legendary primary weapons can roll a reload perk and a damage perk. Not the returning Faction guns, new Seraph guns or even the Trials ones. This combined with the lack of Pinnacle guns is very disappointing. Going to be a lot of auto-sharding this season I'm afraid.

    submitted by /u/turns31
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    I think this is where I get off the bus.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    I was excited for all of 9 minutes today. That's the time it took me (excluding the 1.5 hours worth of waiting for the copying... nonsense) to check out the new gear via collections and find out there are no rituals.

    • The trials gear is literally the exact same stuff from TTK, and it's not even the whole set of guns. The only difference is the color scheme on the guns is inverted. Not even the unique trials guns from ROI.

    • Still no new iron banner gear. The only "ritual" is the bow, which is a reskin of the other two compound bows with some metal studs glued on.

    • strikes are still completely pointless

    • Emblem progress got completely wiped across the board with no mention of any changes until after the fact, when all we get is a "sorry lol forgot to tell you".

    • Seasonal quests are literally copypasta

    • Perk pools are garbage

    • EverCancer is spreading. There is $150 worth of silver shit on the front page, including a Scarlett Keep themed ship and sparrow, which SHOULD BE IN THE FUCKING STRIKE. They even stuck new consumables in the bright dust lineup in permanent slots whose only purpose is to lessen the number of things available for bright dust each given week, because who's going to buy a consumable that gives you glimmer. 8 new ghosts, 8 new ships, 9 new sparrows in eververse - all badass and/or unique - while the rest of the game gets jack shit and reskins from 4 years ago. Fuck that shit.


    • forgot about the world drop armor allegedly not having seasonal mod slots now either, so there's that too.

    I really hate seeing this franchise go into the shitter and I despise even more typing the sentence "I miss activision". That sentence should be an abomination but Bungie is getting so out of control that it's becoming not so. It's disgusting and sad watching what used to be a great world shit the bed this hard. If this path continues destiny as a franchise will be dead in 2 years at most, and the worst part is the gut feeling that it's an intentional path. It's fucking depressing.

    I really don't care how this post gets voted, I just needed to get my thoughts out before I boil over and it's not Rant Wednesday yet.

    submitted by /u/GurpsWibcheengs
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    Alright, I know exactly how we’re gonna stop the Cabal next season, Bungie already gave us a hint

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    Ok, so instead of trying to destroy or stop it we wait until it touches Earth. We have an army of titans with Anteus Wards slide at the exact same time and we yeet the Almighty back into the sun.

    Like Bungie's buffing them clearly they're telling us what we're really supposed to do

    submitted by /u/Pwadigy
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    Ana bray has been given the dinklebot treatment

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    She has a new voice actor and all of her old lines have been dubbed by this new person.

    submitted by /u/TheMisfits012
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