Destiny Daily Questions [2020-04-26] |
- Daily Questions [2020-04-26]
- Please don’t ruin the introduction of the darkness and pyramid ships with a shitty $10 season
- What possessed Bungie to make Seraph Towers a public event without matchmaking after we gave feedback over the years about how Blind Well, Escalation Protocol, Archon's Forge and Court of Oryx had major public match making issues?
- Heir Apparent is a sick ass exotic weapon. Making it only available for a limited time in a bounty extravaganza event lets me further know that Bungie loves FOMO.
- The fact that the original Tower has yet to be rebuilt, really ruins the experience of “An Ever-Evolving World”
- Can we get more animated shaders like Blueshift Dreams, Bergusian Night, and Gambit Emerald?
- Using the Sundial for just one season is such a waste of potential and resource
- T3 Reckoning should always give a drop
- I did some destiny 1 raids tonight and i genuinely dont understand how raids have regressed so far from the age of triumph
- Pulse rifles and hand cannons need a SERIOUS buff in PvE.
- Bungie please add an "Immune to Stomp" Mod
- Doing all these forges for the games has reignited a request I had during that season: can we delete stacks of modulus reports please?
- Guardian Games might be the least fun event yet.
- As a Titan main I tell ya, the Titan exotic Antaeus Wards should have a 3-5 second reflect cooldown after sliding to prevent this massive abuse of invulnerability
- The Absolute State of the Flinch Game
- Eververse big cash yes, but can the engram not contain shaders and transmats we already own? The engrams are pretty rare and it is frustrating to get the same things over and over again in the cosmetic shop.
- Guardian Games isn't that fun but man does the new music SLAP
- Heir Apparent has an emblem that changes to match the Leading Guardian Games Class.
- Strike modifiers have been locked in rotation for 328 days & counting. Please Bungie, just a LITTLE variety would be nice.
- Bungie Plz: Can we have Clash as a permanent mode?
- Adding Overflow to Merciless would do wonders for the gun.
- I just spent 7 hours completing the Garden of Salvation raid to try and get Divinity. I had no idea that there was a quest in order to get it, and I only realized it when I couldn't open the second chest.
- How fast is the Almighty going when it impacts Earth? Solved with a patched-conic orbital mechanics method. Answer: Not Good.
- I hope with the next season, the map director will slowly have the outsides get darker and darker to represent the approaching darkness.
- A TWAB for Gambit.
- Thunderlord Retro Style Art Piece
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:01 PM PDT New player? Please read the New Light FAQBought the DLC? Shadowkeep FAQNeed Guidance? Collection of selected guidesShadowkeep & New Light known issuesWelcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities! Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself! Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions! Rules
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Please don’t ruin the introduction of the darkness and pyramid ships with a shitty $10 season Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:09 AM PDT My biggest fear is Bungie just Bungo'ing it all up and making it the most lacklustre introduction to the next major threat. Please no 'Do bounties to stop the darkness! Defeat our Crota and Taniks reskin to board the ship and take another orb and wait until September!' If Shadowkeep is anything to go by, we probably are fighting the exact same enemies, but this time in red, again. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:16 AM PDT The fun is ripped immediately from activities designed for 6 to 9 players (especially now) when public spaces have such poor matchmaking algorithms. I'm sure in the past Bungie have "turned up" the matchmaking in public spaces to solve this. Public Spaces feel far too empty. The most annoying part is this won't get changed or fixed, because it's a time limited FOMO mode, tied to Seasonal triumphs. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:23 PM PDT There is no other explanation for not putting this Cabal-ass weapon in the actual "ALMIGHTY IS FALLING ON US" story content. A dungeon? A secret quest maybe? Nah, too much development time. We should be happy it's not an Eververse exclusive (like those sick ornaments will surely be). No matter what Bungie tells me, no matter what sappy director's cut Luke Smith writes, I'll always know how much Bungie loves Fomo. They don't want to get rid of it, they want to innovate it so that it will be more appealing to us. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:50 PM PDT It's been.... How Long? And the Tower is STILL smoking?Looks like it's being worked on during the Zero Hour mission, but from the outside it still looks the same as it did in Y1...Edit:spacing [link] [comments] |
Can we get more animated shaders like Blueshift Dreams, Bergusian Night, and Gambit Emerald? Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:20 PM PDT Preferably not in Eververse, I just want to look pretty :) Edit: There was more animated shaders in the game than I remembered. Missed the forge specific ones, Dawning Elegance, and possibly a Season of Undying one. [link] [comments] |
Using the Sundial for just one season is such a waste of potential and resource Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:41 AM PDT The Sundial is effectively a time-travelling device, there's no doubt about it. The Sundial should have been WAY more important than just bringing back Saint-14 and beating the living hell out of a bunch of Cabal. Don't get me wrong, I love having our first Vanguard back in the tower (As a Titan main) but a prototype time-travelling machine with a probable Taken or Ahamkara artifact inside it deserves a lot more gameplay and lore-based focus than just one season. Since Destiny 2 or the franchise itself doesn't really abide by the rules of "don't bring stuff back from the past" shtick, the Sundial could've been utilized for so many things. Bungie wants to bring back an old mission or strike from D1 and rebranded weapons and stuff? Sundial. The sundial was a perfect menagerie-esque 6-man activity. It was fun, enjoyable, and it had a perfect balance of challenge and power creep. Plus it had actual new boss fights with actual mechanics compared to the current seasons where we're just bumping our heads against hordes of enemies with no value whatsoever. I love arming Rasputin up but I've yet to see any connection between Rasputin, Almighty, and the Legendary Lost Sectors. The Sundial is a time-travelling machine. The potential for it is endless. And I find it a bit insulting to the people who designed the lore and the concept, that it would be dropped off after 3 months. [link] [comments] |
T3 Reckoning should always give a drop Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:27 PM PDT So this has bugged me since it was released but I didn't mention it until now, why doesn't Tier 3 have guaranteed drops. I kinda understand it when reckoning was a core concept but I feel like you should always get a drop from T3 so there is a reason to run it on Oryx weeks (sincerely someone who's been trying to get a gnawing hunger for 2 days straight with one drop of it) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:54 PM PDT Challenge modes for multiple encounters and knuckles of eao gives additional raid drops, exotic adept raid weapons, the 390 hard mode is legitimately hard with no revives if you die, featured raid completion gives an ornament token you can choose to use on any piece of raid armor (which is some of the most stunning armor ornaments ever btw). Spent 2 hours tonight dicking around through crotas end, trying the deathsinger and crota challenges for the first time, felt satisfying to complete due to the genuine (and very unexpected) difficulty of it all, i felt rewarded for my efforts and the whole experience was more fun in any d2 raid other than when last wish came out and the riven cheese strats didnt exist. Im not usually one to hop on the rose tinted glasses train because sprint lock, no mantle and turn radius feeling like bricks tied to your feet when sprinting still suck a lot, but if D1 had these quality of life changes that D2 has combined with the core gameplay formula that age of triumph raids have, i think id raid all day. [link] [comments] |
Pulse rifles and hand cannons need a SERIOUS buff in PvE. Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:58 PM PDT pulses and hand cannons are completely outclasses by other weapons let's begin with pulses they do way less damage than autos, though they do have a higher range, but they also deal less damage than scouts, which have a higher range. lightweight pulses literally have second lowest dps of all weapons in the game just behind skyburner's oath now for hand cannons they are completely outclasses by auto rifles, as they deal way less damage and have lower range, and suffer from having a low fire rate meaning that you will often leave enemies almost dead requiring to shoot again, complertely ruining your ttk against pve enemies. In my opinion pulses need a medium damage buff of around 15%, while hand cannons need around 25%. if you don't believe me about the damage here is a damage chart by u/IAMADragonAMAA [link] [comments] |
Bungie please add an "Immune to Stomp" Mod Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:54 PM PDT I have a Legendary ring in Diablo 3 that makes my Barb resistant to Stomp mechanics. I love it! I think this would be a great Mod for Destiny, you could make it a difficult drop and/or require a high amount to socket. Regardless, I think it would be a welcome addition to the game and not necessarily game breaking. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:00 PM PDT The change was made for phantasmal fragments, can you do it again here? I'm tired of having them and the length of time it takes to delete them. If I want them in the future then I know where to get them. Loving all the updates you have done thus far, slowly seeing QOL changes and it makes me happy. [link] [comments] |
Guardian Games might be the least fun event yet. Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:43 AM PDT I'm sure complaints are tired by now, but I really have to say this might be the worst event yet. Maybe that's hyperbole. But it feels like the absolute peak antithesis of "play your way." Do the activities we specify for medals. Use the subclasses in high specific ways to do the bounties. Use gimmick builds to generate laurels if you want to finish the laurel medals in a reasonable amount of time. It probably wouldn't be so bad if the exotic wasn't behind doing so much because then I could check out sooner or just focus on the stuff I like. Also some of this just feels annoyingly tedious. 5 Forges? Doubly fun when you get DC'd near the end of one so it becomes 6 forges. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:28 PM PDT The exotic is strong and can stay that strong... But it needs a huge disadvantage for it's perks... Remember OEM. It had the ability to recover health while in super and this health was instantly restored before Bungie nerfed the OEM in Patch 2.2.0. Now the OEM is pretty balanced since they removed the tracking ability from it with this Season. On the other side Bungie made the Antaeus Wards now into a broken exotic with this seasons sandbox changes. At the moment the Anteus Wards do the following... Advantages:
And that's it. No fair disadvantage for this amount of power. OEM got nerfed so it doesn't regen health in super. It no longer tracks enemies through walls. But Antaeus Wards does encourage playing shotguns like mindbenders like hell and prevents any real punishment for "playing aggressive". In regular, playing aggressive is always tied to the risk to get killed first. With this exotic in the current state this risk no longer is a real threat. I say Antaeus Wards should have a longer cooldown for the deflect so it doesn't make a good player even more undefeatable. I am a Titan player myself and I see this exotic as disgrace. [link] [comments] |
The Absolute State of the Flinch Game Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:00 PM PDT We all have experienced this struggle, but it is even more annoying to deal with this in modes like trials, elim, and comp. Flinch adjustment would gladly be appreciated. Thanks. Additional video on why what you see above is happening: it is over a year and a half ago but still is in effect in current patch. (1 min 30's time stamp). The question is this: Does flinch need to be re-worked in Destiny 2 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:39 AM PDT btw big daddy Calus weapons ornaments big good, will give a nut to have more ornament of that style to newer weapons. [link] [comments] |
Guardian Games isn't that fun but man does the new music SLAP Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:02 PM PDT Every time I load into the tower now I feel like a badass champion being welcomed into a stadium. Great job by the music team as always. [link] [comments] |
Heir Apparent has an emblem that changes to match the Leading Guardian Games Class. Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:16 PM PDT So basically, it's gonna have a Titan symbol for the rest of the year. Pretty neat i guess, but this weapon has no real place in the Guardian Games. Oh wait. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:22 PM PDT June 4, 2019 - Patch removed Glass from the strike rotations, thus locking in the same modifier rotations for what will certainly last 1 full year and more. It hasn't changed, and rolls into other events like Menageries or season activities that have modifiers added. Not asking for new assets (like strike specific loot). Not asking for even new strikes (since 6 of these are 3 years old). Not even asking for brand new modifiers or old D1 modifiers like Small Arms. Just change something! Heroic Adventures have 2 modifiers we haven't seen in a long time, like Attrition & Momentum. Legacy nightfall cards have Famine. The Ordeal nightfalls got some strike specific modifiers that can carryover to strikes. Hell, it could be something as simple as just randomizing the modifiers to get something different. Strikes need some love at this point, and anything to break up the monotony of the same locked modifiers every single day. [link] [comments] |
Bungie Plz: Can we have Clash as a permanent mode? Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:56 PM PDT |
Adding Overflow to Merciless would do wonders for the gun. Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:44 PM PDT Put it on the Catalyst or whatever. I just want to unload 16 rounds at a time into a beefy target. Not like the gun is that great or would break the DPS meta by getting this buff. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:36 AM PDT Please keep me in your prayers. I'm gonna go cry in bed now. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:30 PM PDT This was a question asked a few weeks ago by u/IDZeta99 [reference], and I finally did the proper math, involving orbital mechanics. The original post there just used geometry to solve this, which ignores how the velocity changes as the distance from the sun changes. Things slow down as they move further away (i.e. Mercury to Earth) The conclusion: About 20 km/s (this is really bad)
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Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:53 AM PDT As crompies said below: Maybe in a way similiar to the opening cinematic style from D1 as it snaked onto the screen at 2:35 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:24 AM PDT Bungie, if now begins a long line of TWABs addressing pain points in the community can you address your plans for Gambit, Prime and The Reckoning and their current states. I absolutely ADORE Gambit, it's probably my favourite thing you've introduced to Destiny. That high risk/high reward gameplay, the blend of PvE and PvP, there's nothing else like it! The lows might be low but my god the highs make up for it. The lore that has been introduced through Gambit and The Reckoning with the The Nine is some of my absolute favourite, the Drifter is such an interesting character. But sadly it appears not a lot of the community shares my passion for this section of the game and I'm tired of trying to fight Gambits corner. It has now been over a year since Prime/Reckoning was introduced to the fold, but nothing since then. I want this mode to grow and develop into something that truly stands besides Strikes and Crucible in the hearts of the community. [link] [comments] |
Thunderlord Retro Style Art Piece Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:29 PM PDT Hey guys, the Thunderlord has been my favorite exotic since the start, and I still use it today. I am also a web designer in college trying out different art styles and I'd figure I would do my favorite exotic. What do you guys think? [link] [comments] |
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