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    Thursday, June 25, 2020

    Destiny Playtesting in the Cloud

    Destiny Playtesting in the Cloud

    Playtesting in the Cloud

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/49132

    Tyler Duncan and Jeff Fox are on the front lines of what's happening with Destiny development. As members of the Bungie Test team, they help to organize the testing of the game across many different groups within the studio. They're used to seeing the latest builds of the game and helping to coordinate testing – from playing through scenarios and activities to organizing mass PVP sessions involving dozens of Bungie employees.

    Testing happens in every videogame studio and the more testing you can do, the better. The function is so essential to a studio's day-to-day operations that it's easy to take it for granted. From designers to developers, engineers to marketing folks, Bungie team members are often invited to playtest sessions. You show up to the playtest lab, put on the headphones, play for a while, and then share your experiences with others. That fundamental process of play, feedback, and communication is part of the lifeblood of a game studio.

    It's so essential, in fact, that the alternative – developing games without that rigorous testing – is unthinkable. So what happens when all of these time-tested and finely tuned processes get upended by something like the COVID-19 pandemic? How do you continue to carry on such an important development practice when everyone is working remotely?

    As Fox and Duncan will tell you, you get creative.

    Before we talk about adapting to new circumstances, let's paint a picture of a typical test at Bungie. Like most game studios, Bungie has playtest labs where developers can gather on regular basis to test a build of a game. As you might expect, these labs are constantly busy, with lots of teams looking to book time to get a session in and to share feedback with each other about how a particular area of development is going. Maybe it's the scenario team who is testing out the difficulty of a particular mission, or the audio team making sure that the weapon sounds are where they want them to be.

    In general terms, testing can be broken up between traditional QA (quality assurance) testing and playtesting. Traditional testing is about analyzing and validating design and engineering implementations. Are there bugs or glitches that need to logged and fixed? Are things working as intended? On the other hand, playtesting is about the intended experience for players. Does an event have the desired effect on the player? Does it convey the right mood? Is it fun to play?

    As playtest coordinator at Bungie, Duncan's role is focused on organizing playtest sessions across the studio. "[It's] a very hybrid role," said Duncan, who has been with the company for almost three years. "It's more akin to a lab manager. We have to do a lot of similar to IT work, in terms of troubleshooting [things] like hardware and software issues. We have the test background, so we know how to debug through things, how we get audio up and working." There's also the organizational aspects, working with teams to decide which content is going to be tested, which team members will attend the tests, and more.

    A typical busy week at Bungie HQ will see the playtest labs being used every day, with multiple sessions per week, scheduled and set up in advance by Duncan and his team. It's no wonder then, that the playtest labs are some of the busiest parts of the studio during a normal week.

    Enter the COVID-19 crisis and the idea of "normal" has been thrown out the window. In late February, Bungie began a massive effort underway across all parts of the studio to gear up for an extended period of remote working. That meant everyone would be leaving the studio… including testing. No more playtest labs, no more in-person sessions to play and discuss. In short, things were changing.

    Facing the Problem "It was the whole stages of grief," said Duncan, when asked about his initial reaction to the news that they weren't going to be allowed in the studio any longer. "There was definitely some denial at first. My team specifically was like, 'Oh, we don't need to be home. There's a lot we can do in the studio.'"

    Initially the team talked about using the potential down time as an opportunity to tidy up and make some improvements around the labs.

    "[We thought] we could do things like improve the hardware, do a lot of the manual labor that needs to be done to get re-organized," said Duncan.

    At the same time, the team was already aware that a pause in playtesting wasn't going to be acceptable. "We [were] thinking about how do we help teams playtest from home," he said. "We were doing an exploratory process [asking], 'What are our different options? What is viable and not viable?'"

    The complications of remote testing while working from home pile up quickly. There's the basics of making sure that everyone has a powerful enough machine to play on (in the case of PC testing). Then there are the inherent security risks with removing expensive development kits from the studio. And with internet connections being what they are, it's unreasonable to expect remote testers to use their home bandwidth to download a new build of the game remotely each time they wanted to hold a testing session.

    With these restrictions in mind, how do you continue the rigorous testing schedule that is one of the keys to shipping new Destiny experiences on time?

    The answer, it turns out, was in the cloud.

    Enter Stadia Jeff Fox has been with Bungie for seven years, working as a test lead. Alongside Duncan and others on the Test team, Fox has helped test a huge variety of Destiny gameplay, including activities, matchmaking, networking, and more. His most recent project was launching Destiny 2 on Google's then-new Stadia streaming service.

    "It was definitely unique because we'd been historically on traditional platforms – Sony PlayStation, Xbox, PC," Fox said. "Going into this weird new streaming platform in the cloud was a unique challenge. It was also really exciting from that perspective as well; once you've been in QA long enough, everything is kind of very similar. So getting a fresh new perspective on a different platform opens up new challenges [and] it's always great to move into that."

    By the launch of Destiny 2 on Stadia, Bungie developers and testers were becoming more familiar with the platform. That experience, combined with a workflow that was designed for ease of use, and it wasn't long after the studio-wide "work from home" orders were issued that the idea of shifting a chunk of all-up testing onto the Stadia platform came up.

    "Using Stadia in the 'work from home' transfer seemed like the easiest thing we could have done, and the fact that we already had our game stood up on that platform made it kind of a no-brainer to start looking into that," Fox said.

    Whereas a traditional test session is preceded by a relatively lengthy process of propping a build onto multiple consoles or PCs in the testing lab and working through any technical snafus that may crop up, testing on Stadia was a relative breeze.

    "On Stadia we can publish a build in a way that all of the instances we use automatically get the build distributed to them at the same time," said Fox. "We're able to very easily get a pool of up to 300 instances or so with the game ready to play at a click of a button, which is fantastic. You can't do that any other way when we're running a big studio playtest like that."

    Testing also places a high level of importance on uniformity of setup – in a playtesting lab, everyone is using the same equipment as much as possible. As Fox pointed out, this is even easier with Stadia. "It's all cloud-based," he said. "There is no physical hardware in studio. You can use a variety of compatible controllers. The best thing about developing Stadia [is that] there's literally no hardware at all on the desk. It's all in the cloud so we didn't have to worry about that at all."

    While playtesting with Stadia has its distinct advantages – ease of setup for both players and coordinators, hardware uniformity – it's taken some work to get there. That's in part because traditional playtesting success is often the result of long-standing rituals and routines. The teams schedule a test session, the coordinators work to get the lab set up with the correct build, and everyone knows the process of where and when they need to be at the lab. It's a scripted routine that is the result of a lot of learning over time.

    Moving to a new system requires new communication paths, and new rituals to form, not to mention the very real changes that have come when an entire studio is learning to function remotely. It's something that Bungie's Test team is still focusing on as the weeks go on.

    "In terms of stabilizing and having a normal day to day, we've just about got there," Duncan said. "[The] first thing was, let's get teams playtesting again. Then we started to transition to wrapping our old team rituals or processes back into the Stadia thing."

    While there's still more work to go, the team is feeling good about the progress made so far and the potential this kind of cloud-based testing has for Bungie. That's in no small part due to Bungie's willingness to adapt, said Fox.

    "I was surprised at how quickly people were able to pick up on the process," Fox said. "Generally when you say, 'Oh yeah, we'll stream it over the network. It will be fine!' people are [going to be] pretty skeptical. But the overall feedback has been really good. This is working for us now during work from home."

    Duncan is even more bullish on the future.

    "This is going to change everything," said Duncan. "We are in a new tradition. Just because we used to have every team playtest in labs [in the past], it doesn't mean we stop doing that. But the process is evolving and changing. And we need to continue to be flexible.

    "The future is now. What we thought was impossible is definitely not the case."

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Questions [2020-06-25]

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

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    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    We have Team Scorched now hear me out... Team Swords

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Hive swords only. Please bungo

    submitted by /u/Agrogiant
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    I'd like to see some emotes that include our Ghosts.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    Seriously, our Ghosts never get to have any fun. I want to see a dance emote where our Ghost gets to join in on the fun. Or just any sort of emote, really. Our Ghost is our partner, so having even little things like this would be nice.

    submitted by /u/LukosCreyden
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    Its been six years, can the darkness finally bless warlocks with a jump with actually upwards momentum in the air?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Its been six years of warlock dying to the environment because of a lack of that sweet sweet thing called upwards momentum. Clearly the light never gave it to us and hates us, so can our "salvation" finally give warlocks the satisfaction of not falling off the map every time they slip a bit?

    submitted by /u/HarmonyOfVenus
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    It's been almost two years since Forsaken came out and I only just discovered there's a portal under the drill on the Gambit Nessus map

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    I can't be the only one, right? Like, who's going to intentionally look into the pit with the drill that instakills you for a shortcut to the other side of the map? I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't get booped into it by a HVT's stomp.

    submitted by /u/Nukesnipe
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    Bungie has disabled the Prophecy Dungeon boss checkpoint

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    It was only a matter of time

    Link to tweet

    submitted by /u/Axximilli
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    I'd love to see Shiro-4 come back as the planetary vendor for the Cosmodrome.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Title. I miss him from D1 and I hope he comes back in Beyond Light, maybe give more lore about Cayde-6. This is all assuming the Cosmodrome will have a Planetary vendor.

    submitted by /u/astrowhale98
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    Cold Denial ornament changes the display of the sight while ADS substantially

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Image at: https://imgur.com/a/ZCFptY5

    While ADS, the sight of Cold Denial is the same, but its display on-screen changes substantially. It's as if your character is holding their head in a different spot, closer to the sight. This means that the sight takes up much more screen real estate/FOV while ADS with the ornament. On the flip side, the red dot sight in the middle is actually smaller with the ornament. Whether this is pay to win or pay to lose depends on your perspective, I guess. I think for most people the ornament would be a downgrade. Seems kind of unintentional or a bug to me as the sight does not actually change position on the gun with the ornament.

    I confirmed that there is no zoom or "rangefinder" style functionality difference with the ornament, a 61 range Cold Denial started damage dropoff at exactly 28m with and without ornament.

    submitted by /u/vykromond
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    PvE enemy damage increased this season?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    In all PvE content this season, I feel like I can't take more than three hits without being shields cracked, running for cover, terrified of death. This is the same in all content, Strikes, patrol and public events, the weekly Cradle mission. Nothing has changed in my gear set up except for higher gear score, but now I'm getting put on one shot by a dreg popping me a few times, or a thrall slapping me twice. Did they increase enemy damage, or is the scaling of higher gear score/lower light content more borked than usual this season? I'm on Xbox One, if it matters at all.

    submitted by /u/Incarnate_Sable
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    Why is a pack of 3 finishers 2100 silver yet a season pass is 1000. What are they thinking.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    Even just the eververse vaulted armor ornaments. They cost like 1700 silver. The season pass includes 2 exotic weapons, a full set of armor, a full set of ornaments, an exotic ornament, 2 legendary weapons, an exotic emote, an exotic ghost and an exotic sparrow. In my opinion a armor set should cost 300-400.

    submitted by /u/Forcers-orphanchild
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    I’d love to see Bungie do a live event of the Pyramid ships arriving on another planet.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Something I thought of the other day. I would love to see the Pyramid ships arrive on another planet in a live setting, like the Almighty blowing up (only faster lol). Imagine flying into Mars and getting to watch as a Pyramid ship descends upon the Braytech facility or the Glacial Drift. I won't pretend that this'll be super easy to do, I'm no game designer. Bungie did really well with their first live event, who knows when the next one will be. I just think it'd be really neat to actually watch our enemies arrive in a live setting.

    submitted by /u/Sfletcher11
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    The Energy Converter mod does NOT work in the way you think it does. It is not bugged.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    (Note: This post is more of a warning to anyone who is thinking of making an Energy Converter build, I still think the mod is fairly good, it's just not as nearly as powerful as the description would initially lead you to believe.)

    Currently from the prismatic recaster, the final mod you get from leveling up is "Energy Converter."

    Energy Converter has this in-game description: "While Charged with Light, using your grenade attack grants you Super energy, consuming all stacks of Charged with Light. The more stacks you have, the more energy you gain, up to a maximum of 50% of your Super energy."

    Most if not all players would look at this and think that what the mod does is straight up grant you 50% of your super energy if you use your grenade while at 5 stacks of Charged with Light. (5 stacks is the maximum you can get with additional mods.) This would equate to about 10% per stack.

    This sounds pretty insane. Even with the 10 discipline penalty it is very easy to make a build with high enough discipline and enough Charged with Light stack generation to fairly consistently be at 4-5 stacks whenever your grenade comes off cooldown, meaning you could fully generate, or almost fully generate, your super with just two grenade tosses.

    However, this is not the case. The following is how the mod actually works. Explaining this will require breaking down the in-game description into two parts.

    Firstly: "While Charged with Light, using your grenade attack grants you Super energy, consuming all stacks of Charged with Light."

    What this actually means is that using your grenade will generate a different amount of super energy that is in no way associated with the "50%" number mentioned in the second part of the description. The amount of super energy you actually get with 5 stacks of Charged with Light is about 40%.

    Now this would still be pretty great, but let's get into what the second part of the description means: "The more stacks you have, the more energy you gain, up to 50% of your Super energy."

    What this means is that Energy Converter will NOT generate any amount of super above the threshold of 50%. For example, if you throw your grenade while you have 5 Charged with Light stacks with more than 50% of your super already generated, the mod does nothing. Your Charged with Light stacks are not consumed, and your grenade is thrown as normal. However, if, for example, you have 40% of your super generated, and use your grenade, you will NOT get 40% of your super as I said above. Instead, you will just get 10% of your super which will get you to the 50% threshold, but ALL of your Charged with Light stacks will be consumed regardless, meaning you end up wasting a huge amount of super energy.

    Another thing, if you are in a currently active roaming super, go below 50% on the timer, and use your grenade (Or shield toss in the case of sentinels), your Charged with Light stacks will be consumed but will NOT grant you any sort of super energy. (Your currently active super will not be extended; you will not get the bonus super energy when the super is over.)

    Again, this post is more of a warning to anyone who was thinking of making an end-game build around this mod and investing a bunch of upgrade materials into new armour.

    I do think that Bungie should probably update the description of the mod to more accurately describe what it does, as I have seen a fair amount of confusion around this mod's functionality, making several people believe that it is bugged.

    submitted by /u/iotamyimora
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    Today I met a D1 friend i haven't spoken to in 4 yrs, completed solo flawless prophecy and had the final boss save me from falling of the Map

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    Was certainly and emotional roller coaster, I spoke to him and we were both shocked by how different we sounded, we use to be squeakers that played minecraft and destiny

    I fell of the map trying to rush to the boss cause dark entropy fell the map, but the nice kell echo said nah and teleported me back in (this would've been the 4th time I fell of)

    Our reactions were "Nooooooooooo for fudge sake" then I got teleport and a long gasp followed

    I dont know how to put it to words but I despaired soo much that moment my stomach kinda hurt

    After I killed the boss we both burst I'm joy we were left trembling and quietly screaming

    submitted by /u/alpha-123
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    The Argent Ordinance buff to rocket launchers should be the base damage in PvE

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Everyone knows that rocket launchers are absolutely worthless in terms of high level PvE high DPS strats. With the new Argent Ordinance armor mod in season of the arrivals it makes rocket launchers actually usable again. Please buff the damage of rocket launchers. The argent ordinance is around a 20% damage buff and that would put RLs in a really good spot in competing in the meta

    submitted by /u/Mr_CeeVee
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    Optimized Bounties For 6/24/2020

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Deer trivia: Deer are excellent swimmers! They can cross small bodies of water, like rivers and lakes, swimming as fast as 15 miles per hour. Along with helping them escape predators, swimming helps keep them tick and parasite free.

    Step 1 - Design a swimming cap that fits over antlers.

    Step 2 - Pick up the following Dailies and Weeklies.

    Tower Bounties:

    • Zavala Daily – Horseshoes and Hand Grenades – 20 Grenade Kills
    • Zavala Daily – From Downtown – 2 Super Multikills
    • Zavala Daily – Vanguardian – 50 Kills in Strikes
    • Shaxx Daily – Burn Bright – Cast Your Super 2 Times in Crucible
    • Shaxx Daily – Knockout Round – 1 Melee Kill in Crucible
    • Shaxx Daily – In the Zone – Capture 3 Zones in Control
    • Ada-1 Daily – Lost Forge Power Kills – 10 Power Weapon Kills During a Forge
    • Ada-1 Daily – Volundr Forge Ignitions – Complete the Volundr Forge
    • Ada-1 Daily – Hammer and Tongs – Use Batteries to Charge the Forge Twice
    • Drifter Daily – Blockade – Send a Small, Medium, and Large Blocker in Gambit
    • Drifter Daily – Line 'em Up – As a Fireteam, Kill 5 Enemy Guardians in Gambit
    • Drifter Daily – Face-to-Face – Summon 2 Primevals in Gambit
    • Prismatic Recaster Daily – Cabal Crash – Kill Cabal With Finishers
    • Prismatic Recaster Daily – Head Honcho – Kill Bosses


    • Eris Morn – Moonstreak – 50 Kills Without Dying on the Moon
    • Eris Morn – Unscathed Deathdealer – 3 Power Weapon Streak Kills on the Moon
    • Eris Morn – No Safe Harbor – Kill 25 Hive in Sorrow's Harbor
    • Asher Mir – Handcrafted – 15 Melee Kills on Io
    • Asher Mir – One Shot, One Kill – 10 Precision Kills on Io
    • Asher Mir – Cache Value – Loot 5 Chests on Io

    Step 3 - Follow these steps:

    • Fly TO THE MOOOOOOOOOON, grab Eris's bounties, then kill 25 Hive in Sorrow's Harbor. After that, run the Scarlet Keep Strike. (20 minutes)
    • Play one match of Control. If needed, play another match of any type. (10-20 minutes)
    • Play one-to-two matches of Gambit Prime. (10-20 minutes)
    • Complete the Volundr Forge. (10 minutes) Remember your finisher kills!
    • Fly to Io, grab Asher's bounties, then punch and precision your way through a Lost Sector. After that, slap on your detector Ghost and hunt down chests. (10 minutes)

    Total Non-Elemental Non-Weapon-Specific Bounties Cleared:

    • 20 Dailies
    • Possibly "Might of the Traveler" Gambit Weekly
    • Possibly Crucible Weeklies
    • Possibly "Brilliant Display" Weekly

    Total Time: 60-80 minutes

    Bounties Per Minute: .333 - .25 for Dailies, more with Weeklies


    • 120,000 XP (unmodified)
    • 12,000 XP per Weekly (unmodified)
    • 15 Vanguard Tokens, 3/8 Vanguard Weekly Challenge
    • 15 Crucible Tokens, 3/8 Crucible Weekly Challenge
    • 3 Modulus Reports
    • 3/8 Gambit Weekly Challenge
    • 50 Altered Element
    • 15 Helium Filaments
    • 15 Phaseglass Needles

    Seasonal Ranks Per Minute: .017

    Seasonal Ranks Per Hour: 1.02

    Extra Weapon/Elemental Specific Bounties:

    • Prismatic Recaster – Brat-a-Tat-Tat – Auto Rifle Kills
    • Banshee – SMG, Shotgun, Machine Gun, Arc Kills
    • Put 'em all together: Run three of the above weapons, one of which is Arc, during the Strike. Run the remaining weapon in the Forge. 5 extra bounties, which is 30,000 extra XP, for activities you were doing anyway.
    • Mars is easy with Solar and Arc damage.
    submitted by /u/DeerTrivia
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    Why does Shattered Throne does not reward a pinnacle drop

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    It just dont makes sense to me that the other two Dungeons reward pinnacle Loot and Shattered Throne doesn't.

    submitted by /u/Florian--15
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    For those going after the "Necrotic Bite" triumph, for Recluse, the reload caused by Transversive Steps doesn't count as a "reload". Kill - run for a sec to reload - kill - repeat.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Triumph: Necrotic Bite

    "Using Recluse, win matches, land final blows, and defeat opponent in streaks of two or more without reloading."

    I was honestly dreading this triumph but after some testing.... this loophole works. The reload cause by the exotic seems to bypass the triumph requirement. Even got a 5 streak going with it!

    Hope this helps!

    submitted by /u/xXGrimHunterXx
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    Bungie Store EU prices and shipping are more expensive than the regular store

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    I just went to redeem my code for the Prophecy Hoodie and realized that:

    Bungie Store

    • Hoodie: $44.99
    • Shipping: $14.85
    • Total: $59.84 (~ €52.94)

    Bungie Store EU

    • Hoodie: €48,99
    • Shipping: €30.00
    • Total: €79,42 (~ $89.77)

    Buying the hoodie in Europe and sending it to Europe costs me $29.93 more than buying in USA and shipping it to Europe. I agree that we have to be more responsible with the environment and sending stuff from USA poluts a lot more than just from wherever the EU warehouse is, but 50% more expensive is too much.

    I guess it's going to take longer to arrive, but its summer so I don't really care right now.

    I thought my fellow european guardians would like to know.

    submitted by /u/unexpectedkas
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    An In-Depth Guide to Using a Bow in Competitive PvP (Console or PC)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:35 AM PDT


    Version 2.2 of learning everything you need to know about using a bow in the crucible and getting a solid idea of what traits you want to look out for, and what loadouts will complement them. With the new season and new bow with new traits, I figured now (6/23/2020) was a good time to update my guide!

    Defining Playstyles:

    There are two general playstyles that help categorize any bow user in the crucible:

    Bow-swap playstyle:

    The opening shot is taken with the bow, and then hot-swapped to a HC or other weapon for the kill. This playstyle relies on close/medium range play (range depends on the weapon you'll be swapping to after the first bow shot). Exotic choices typically revolve around weapon handling and reload or general buffs (ex: lucky pants, peacekeepers, ophidian aspects, Stompeez). This playstyle focuses on increasing general weapon handling so that swapping between weapons becomes a non-issue.

    Bow-centric playstyle:

    Uses the bow for any engagement whether up close or far away. The second weapon is used independently of the bow to cover specific engagements or ranges such as a shotgun, sidearm, or sniper rifle. Exotic choices may revolve around more unique plays or general buffs (ex: karnstein armlets), The weapon mod of choice here is Icarus Grip; this playstyle relies on jumping and playing aggressively.

    Note: These playstyles won't completely define a bow user, but it will give an idea of the ways you can use a bow in the crucible. You don't always have to hot-swap after the first shot to have a bow-swap playstyle. The same goes with using the bow-centric playstyle.


    Precision frames:

    Precision frames have a higher base draw-time compared to lightweights, and in exchange, its base accuracy is higher. This frame is the most consistent and rewarding to use due to its base damage allowing for 2-shot body kills, which opens up a variety of potential plays with your grenade and melee (scroll down to the mechanical tricks section if you want to see what i'm talking about).

    The ideal draw time for this archetype if you're running a bow-centric playstyle is 612; this allows for a fast TTK without sacrificing too much accuracy. Refer to the section below for information on what traits are good to have.

    Lightweight frames:

    Lightweight frame bows have a lower draw time, they're faster at reload speed, and they have a faster potential TTK than a precision frame. However, they typically have very low accuracy (unless you get rolls to maximize accuracy, at which point you're better off using a precision frame). This archetype is best played at short to mid range on maps such as Pacifica, where battles are fought mostly indoors. This archetype's damage is lower, which means it cannot two-shot-body an opponent without the assistance of traits like rampage. You need at least 1 head and 1 body to kill.

    The lower the draw time the better, and the lowest you can go is 540, so aim for that if you plan on using this archetype to its advantages at close to mid range.

    Thought: While this archetype can kill faster than a precision frame, it requires you to be accurate, but doesn't give you much accuracy to work with. Overall, I think this archetype needs a buff to its base accuracy in order to compete with precision frame bows.

    Heavy frames:

    The only bow that currently exists in this archetype is the exotic bow, Leviathan's Breath. Possibly in the future, we will get legendary bows in the power slot of this archetype. Having played with the exotic a lot, I imagine you will want to aim for perks to reduce the draw time as much as you can, as it will be extremely high. There is a good chance that these frames may only one-shot on a precision, so accuracy is also important here. This archetype heavily relies on the user's premeditated intent to fire; so due to the high draw time, you have to draw earlier compared to the other frames to make up for this.

    Traits To Look For In a Bow:

    Competitive Has Potential Should Ignore
    Archer's tempo Rapid hit Air Assault
    Moving target Rampage Rangefinder
    Snapshot Sights Dragonfly No Distractions
    Hipfire-Grip Explosive Head Sneak bow
    QuickDraw Killing Wind Demolitionist
    Vorpal Weapon Unrelenting Eye of the Storm
    Opening Shot Sympathetic Arsenal blank
    blank Swashbuckler blank

    Archer's Tempo: Very important if you like to use the bow a lot more than your other weapon. The increase to draw time speed is noticeable and will guarantee to make a difference in high-level play. This is a staple trait for the bow-centric playstyle.

    Thought: The effectiveness of this trait relies on having the bow out long enough for a second shot, so it's not as effective for a bow-swap style; but it may still make a difference to justify using it.

    Moving target: Gives a 3-5% boost to strafe speed while in ADS. It also increases aim assist by +10 when moving, including while in the air, or not (so an all around buff, according to Drewsky). This trait plays directly into the nature of a bow; to peek-shoot from behind cover. It's a great trait to have for either playstyle.

    QuickDraw: If you do not plan on running enhanced bow dexterity (which gives you a slightly less effective quickdraw), then using this trait frees up some armor energy to be used for something else. It's in the "competitive" tier because it's a general buff that will work however you use it.

    Thought: You may want to consider having quickdraw on your other weapon rather than on the bow, since you will typically have the bow out for the first shot. This is also why quick-access sling is good for bow-swap as it grants quickdraw for your second weapon.

    Snapshot Sights: A good trait to have for either playstyle. With this trait you have a fast enough ADS to easily perform jump shots from behind cover or during jump.

    Thought: Enhanced bow-targeting will grant you a fast enough ADS speed that may cause you to consider not going the extra mile to have Snapshot, and instead you may find having a different trait more useful.

    Vorpal Weapon: Increased damage against guardians in their super. For bows that already do near excessive amounts of damage, this perk has a high potential to perform well in the competitive and Trials playlist due to its extra damage against roaming supers.

    Thought: This trait does impressive amounts of damage, and can two-shot head supers; the only downside is that this trait only works when you have a super you need to shut down and have the balls to stand up to it. Otherwise, it's a dead trait to have until those conditions are met.

    Opening Shot: Improved accuracy and range on the opening shot of attack. After firing a shot, there is a short cooldown duration where the trait will not reactivate without giving a brief pause in your shots. For the bow, this means waiting a second before nocking another arrow

    Thought: For bows, which only fire once before having to "reload," this trait is a freebie bonus to your first shot, improving your range (and magnetism to the head) as well as accuracy, which does improve your in-air shots as well. Quick consecutive shots don't work for this trait however.

    Rampage: At x3 rampage, a precision bow (Subtle Calamity, Accrued Redemption) can one-shot to the head in PvP. However, you need to have the bow out the whole time to use this trait. I would recommend using a rampage spec as your weapon mod, to make getting to x3 rampage a bit easier.

    Thought: For competitive crucible, this trait is not recommended. There are only 3 players on the other team, meaning you will typically never get to use this trait at x3 where the benefit of a one-shot to the head is given. Although, the fun factor of this trait is definitely here in any other game mode, especially the 6v6 variants.

    Rapid hit: Like archer's tempo, but instead it grants reload speed and stability. The GoS raid bow Accrued Redemption can roll with Archer's tempo and Rapid hit. The crimson days bow, The Vow, also has these two traits. Since reload plays a big role in TTK for a bow, this trait has the potential to be good; especially when paired with archer's tempo.

    Explosive Head: Good for a dedicated bow-swap playstyle. It essentially adds a third hit to your two-hit combo. The order of operations goes as follows: 1. Open up with an arrow (1st hit + flinch) 2. Swap to your other weapon(explosive head goes off, 2nd + flinch) 3. Fire your other weapon (3rd hit, + kill)

    Thought: This is a bad trait to have if you plan on follow-up shots with the bow after the initial one, because it increases your TTK. Damage isn't added to your shot, it's just split up into two parts, with the second damage portion being slightly delayed because of the explosion. This provides more opportunities for the other player to trade a kill just before dying by the explosion.

    Killing Wind: Kills grant 5 tiers of mobility, a percentage of extra meters of weapon range depending on weapon dropoff, and better handling for 5 seconds. This trait stacks, so as long as you're getting kills, you can keep resetting that 5 second timer.

    Thought: Right now this trait exists on the new bow, Whispering Slab, where you would have to choose it over Archer's Tempo. However, since this bow is a lightweight with already low draw time, I will say the benefits of Killing Wind are definitely good enough to consider replacing tempo for lightweight frames only. Since a lightweight frame already increases your movement, this trait should prove to be quite potent in the crucible.

    Unrelenting: Grants a small chunk of health plus triggers health regeneration after "rapidly" defeating opponents depending on rank of enemy. You need 3 points to trigger the trait. In the crucible, guardians are worth 2 points. Also, you don't need to quickly defeat the second opponent to activate the trait.

    Thought: Right now the only bow that has this trait is the Whispering Slab. The potential with this trait is there; but I think for this bow, Opening shot or Vorpal Weapon overshadow its potential a little.

    Sympathetic Arsenal: Reloading after a kill also reloads all stowed weapons. You need to finish the reload animation in order for this to work.

    Thought: The bow-swap playstyle will find the most use for this trait; after landing a final blow with your bow, you need to wait for the reload to finish on the bow, then you can swap to your freshly stocked Erianas Vow or other weapon you use to pair with the bow. Right now, the only bow with this trait is Whispering Slab.

    Dragonfly: Has the potential to perform well in specific situations where teams are bunched up. This trait can be rolled alongside Archer's tempo, and it can be effective for both playstyles if you consider the team-shooting capability of the bow. It's good enough that it's in this tier, but I wouldn't recommend it for crucible as it's too specific.

    Hipfire-Grip: On PC this is a general go-to for a lot of guardians out there. It certainly makes precision hipfire shots more reliable, but the only time you need to be accurate with a hip-fire shot is when you're using Hush (which does not have the hipfire trait, so people often use the hipfire mod instead).

    Thought: On console, you don't want to rely on hipfire shots using a bow all the time. This trait will increase accuracy, but are you really trying to be accurate when hip firing a bow with anything other than Hush? Being able to hip-fire shots grants a couple advantages; you have a wider FOV, and your radar stays up. In competitive play, this may be enough to decide whether you want this trait. On PC, this trait is a lot more effective because of the M&K. One thing to note is that enhanced bow targeting grants a small increase in hipfire accuracy.

    Air Assault: It grants you a quickdraw/snapshot sights effect while in the air. It does not increase in-air accuracy (which is something I think this trait is deserving of).

    Thought: This trait only exists on the lightweight bow, The Spiteful Fang, which is fairly inaccurate and benefits more from a grounded playstyle. Right now, this trait is not useful enough to justify having it... I hope it gets buffed in the future.

    Demolitionist: Getting a kill will return a small portion of your grenade energy back to you. Using your grenade ability will reload your weapon from reserves.

    Thought: This trait is generally pretty good on other weapons. For a bow, you will only get a portion of your grenade energy back; the reloading from reserves will not trigger, because the nature of a bow is different from other weapons in that it has a noching speed.

    Swashbuckler: A melee kill with a weapon that has this trait will give x5 stacks, which is actually just a x3 rampage. A simple kill using the weapon with this trait will give 1 stack.

    Thought: Similar to rampage, but this trait has slightly more potential in the competitive scene only because there is a way to get max stacks off of one kill rather than 3 like you would have to with rampage. Even so, the trait requires a couple of conditions to be met before you can make real use of this trait.

    Rangefinder: After doing some research, this trait only exists in the same column as Archer's tempo. Your ADS zoom is increased and with it aim assist is more effective at a longer range.

    Thought: A bow-swap playstyle will typically uses a hand-cannon or short to mid range weapon as a finisher, which means an increase to range on a bow (which plays best at mid to long range already) isn't going to improve your performance enough to justify having it. For bow-centric, the fact that you'll be trading Archer's tempo for this trait makes it not worth having.

    No Distractions: Reduces flinching when getting shot at... It is good to note that this perk only exists in the same column as Archer's tempo, and can, right now, only roll on the GoS bow; Accrued Redemption.

    Thought: If you plan on getting hit to the point where you need to consider having this trait on your bow; you're not playing the bow to its strengths of using cover to peek-shoot.

    Eye of the Storm: The lower your health gets, the more accuracy and handling you get.

    Thought: Similar to No Distractions, this trait generally tries to better a losing situation rather than a winning one. For the most part, you probably don't want to engage an enemy, if you can help it, when at low health. It would be better to choose other traits for the bow that betters a winning situation. You can equip EnH unflinching bow for better trade fire engagements and get a similar effect.

    Sneak Bow: Crouch to make yourself invisible on radar and increase draw-time duration and reload speed.

    Thought: I want to say more about this trait, like maybe it's good for a nightstalker to crouch and go invisible after a kill. Overall, it's an underpowered trait that's too gimmicky to justify using it over the other traits, even after they "buffed" it.

    Arrows and Strings

    Here is a table of all arrows and strings you want to look out for. The ordering of this list applies to both console and PC, and there's no arrow or string that works better on one platform and not the other.

    • A good rule of thumb for bows in the crucible regardless of platform: you want to favor draw-time while maximizing your accuracy stat. I never found increasing your stability to be helpful in crucible compared to draw-time and accuracy. Handling is good to have on a bow, but don't go out of your way to get some.

    • The two ideal masterworks (MW) you want to look out for is either accuracy or draw-time, depending on the type of string you get. A reload masterwork or handling masterwork is something you can live with until you get either of the other two.

    Note: On light.gg, a + to draw-time is good, but to make it more intuitive, I switched it around; so a + to draw-time is bad, and - to draw-time is good.

    Arrows Stat boosts
    Fiberglass Arrow Shaftbest +15 to accuracy, -5 to stability
    Straight Fletching +10 to accuracy
    Helical Fletching +5 to accuracy, +5 to stability
    Natural Fletching -5 to accuracy, +15 to stability
    Carbon Arrow Shaft +10 to stability
    Compact Arrow Shaftworst +20 to size
    Strings Stat boosts
    Elastic StringAcc MW -10 to accuracy, -20 to draw-time, +5 to handling
    Polymer StringDraw MW +5 to accuracy, -10 to draw-time
    High Tension StringDraw MW +15 to accuracy, +10 to draw-time, -5 to stability
    Natural Fletching +5 to accuracy, +5 to stability, +5 to handling
    Flexible String -5 to accuracy, -10 to draw-time, +10 to handling
    Natural String +5 to accuracy, +5 to stability, +5 to handling
    Tactile String +5 to accuracy, +10 to stability
    Agile Bowstringworst +5 to stability, +15 to handling

    Exotic And Pinnacle Bows:

    Hush: Is a popular choice on PC due to hip-firing being much easier on M&K. One of its traits, opening shot, makes jump-shots more reliable at mid range and slightly better at long range. Given the nature of the bow, Opening Shot will trigger every other shot you take (assuming you don't pause briefly after each shot). On console, this bow performs worse than its PC counterpart and is harder to use, but can prove useful in a bow-swap playstyle if you get used to hip firing on the controller.

    Thought: When using this bow, don't try to force Archer's Gambit to trigger. Let the trait come naturally and consider it as a bonus when it happens. Don't go looking for trouble once you have it either!

    Le Monarque: Many guardians think of this bow whenever a bow is mentioned. The lemonarc is a solid weapon that prevents aggressive play by the other team. Due to its poison effect, receiving players are forced to wait longer to re-engage. This bow excels at a more defensive and passive playstyle that relies on sticking with your teammates and team-shooting effectively.

    Thought: One side-effect of the poison is that the tick damage briefly reveals the position of the enemy (the numbers appear through walls as the person is hurting from the poison). Damage buffs such as empowering rifts allow this bow to one-shot to the head, so consider that when making a build.

    Leviathan's Breath: While the draw-time is the highest in the game, this bow can one-shot body any super in the crucible. Learning how to reset the perfect draw, and when to pre-draw, is key to running this exotic well. It is easy to get caught while drawing this thing back, so be aware of your spacing and cover while you spend the time to pull on that bike chain.

    Wish-Ender: Your role when playing this bow is to play support and make callouts using the truesight trait. Stand back, handle the snipers hardscoping the lanes or at least let your teammates know that he's just standing there, menacingly. You don't want to be rushed by anyone, so keep an eye on the radar and relocate before they see you. Your secondary should be a weapon you can hotswap to when things go bad (you get rushed). Because of the 900 draw-time, this bow plays more to a bow-swap playstyle.

    Trinity Ghoul: This bow is now a great middle ground between both playstyles, as it has its strengths in both (It's great by itself, and very good for set-ups using Lightning Rod). With the catalyst, its draw time is 648, a little slower than a 612 but not by much. The catalyst grants you the ability to trigger this bow's main trait, Lightning Rod, with any Arc-based final blow.

    Thought: The catalyst allows Trinity Ghoul to stand on equal ground with the Le Monarque now that it can gain AoE lightning damage after any arc final blow. Note however that you do need to have the bow out when the arc final blow happens. Regardless, this means you can chain things such as a Bow + Arc Melee or Bow + Arc Grenade to regain Lightning Rod after losing it, thus continuing in a loop providing you can keep that loop going. I can see something like Mountain Top and this bow as a potent combo for setting up kills without even seeing the opponent.

    Point of the Stag: A very viable bow to have if you can't seem to get a good roll on other bows, and it will perform nicely with either playstyle.It's the perfect bow if you don't have or don't want to grind for another bow. It has an ideal draw time of 612 (A good middle ground draw-time that doesn't sacrifice accuracy for more speed), and has the trait, Vorpal Weapon, which makes it incredibly easy to shut down roaming supers with.

    _Thought:_I personally use my Subtle in the early game of Trials or Competitive, then swap to this bow in order to counter supers for a round or two before switching back. They perform so similar to each other that I sometimes forget to swap out of Point and back to Subtle. I only notice the difference occasionally when making long range jump shots, and this is where the accuracy difference makes Point slightly different.

    Mechanical tricks to the bow:

    Draw-time is not the only factor in TTK for a bow. Reload speed plays a significant role here too; every shot you take requires that you reload another arrow. If your draw-time is good but reload speed is very low you will notice a large amount of lag after you shoot and wait for the arrow to noch in place. This matters for bow-centric as you will be firing successive shots often.

    Example clip

    • The difference is notable between having no reload mods with wish ender/subtle and having 1 EnH Bow-loader mod, I would recommend at least running one.
    What is a perfect draw?:

    The moment your guardian finishes drawing back an arrow, and an audible click is heard in-game; indicating the bow has been fully drawn. Given a small grace period after the click, if you release the arrow during this window of time you will gain a slight accuracy buff and deal the maximum amount of damage. This mechanic is best demonstrated on the exotic bow, Le Monarque, which heavily relies on the player's ability to perform a perfect draw to trigger the bow's poison arrow trait.

    Resetting a perfect draw:

    All bows have this ability, which is canceling a fully drawn bow but -- almost at the same time -- drawing it back again. This resets the perfect draw and makes the click sound again. Why should you do this? You skip the majority of the frames it takes you to fully draw the arrow again.

    Note: This trick is best exemplified by the bow, Le monarque, which relies on a perfect draw in order to trigger the poison arrows trait. In the short clip, take notice after drawing the shot that the reticle on the bow lights up (on all bows, there's an indicator like this too), as long as it's lit up; the bow is in a perfect draw state. After a short "grace period", the light goes dim and it's no longer a perfect-draw. However, resetting the draw brings the light back on! As for the monarque, this means poison arrows can trigger again.

    Example clip


    Drawing and releasing the arrow before it is fully drawn. By doing so, you will not have as much accuracy (this depends on just how many frames of the draw animation you want to skip) nor will you dish out the peak damage you get from a perfect draw. In return, your arrow comes out quicker, which can really save you in some engagements.

    Note: The takeaway is that this is faster than performing a perfect-draw, and so it's good as a second shot after the initial one. For your first shot, you should always try for a full-draw because you can pre-draw it before engaging. In the example clip for showing reload speed, my barely drawn shots are on the low end of the skip-drawing spectrum, and the shots that look almost fully drawn but don't have the sound effect that a perfect draw has is the high end of skip-drawing.

    Thought: A precision-frame bow's massive amount of damage (a two-shot body) means you have an excessive amount of wasted damage if you land a precision shot first followed by another fully-drawn shot. If you can't afford the time to draw a full shot again because it would mean dying before your target, then performing a skip-draw is just what you need to get an edge.


    Just before you have a Line Of Sight (LOS) on your target, be sure to have your first shot drawn-back and ready to hit its mark.

    Note: I said "just before," this is important because I often see people running a bow and they have that thing drawn back decades beforehand, or they draw too late and then die. Remember that you can't sprint while having the bow drawn back, which means you are limiting your ability to move around the map and making yourself an easier shot for snipers.

    Bow + Melee:

    After firing a fully-drawn shot, use your melee to finish. The animation of firing an arrow and meleeing happens so fast that it works well in pulling surprise kills seemingly out of nowhere from the perspective of the receiving player. Typically, a body shot + melee with a precision frame bow will kill unless the target is running 100 resilience. You'll have less luck with lightweight bows as you'll need to land a head-shot in order for the combo to work.


    Thought: Ranged melees like the Titan throwing hammer, throwing knife, Middle tree stormcaller melee and Top tree dawnblade's melee pair very nicely with a bow especially if you can preemptively throw out your melee and then finish the job with an arrow.

    Bow + Tracking Grenade:

    Preemptively throw your arcbolt/firebolt grenade before you see your opponent, then fire an arrow at them. The two hits will register almost at the same time if done right, and results in instant death and people calling you a hacker!

    Farm Methods:

    Subtle Calamity: Haven't confirmed, but it may not be possible to get this one now. Which is big dumb, Bungie...

    No Turning Back: Spider bounties... maybe.

    Accrued Redemption: You have a chance of obtaining this bow on the first encounter of the Garden of Salvation raid. There are many who don't play raids, or are scared to join an LFG for one, especially if you only want to run the first encounter. So I'll tell you how I farmed it: study up and learn the first encounter well enough to teach it, then form your own party and offer to take new players through only the first encounter. The first encounter of this raid has a lot of leniency for failure, and you'll have a high success rate in completing it. Since you're offering to teach, you're the one in control and no one should question you as you're helping them take the first steps into completing the whole raid!

    Arsenic Bite-4b: Is a world drop for the time being.

    Spiteful Fang: Obtain the bow frame from ada-1 and go to mars, farm the lost sector near the top of the map, then play the forge to get the bow. I used the Izanami's forge, as it was simple in design and didn't require much thought. I played this forge 258 times before I got a spiteful that I was semi satisfied with before stopping... wish I had that stat number on my emblem back...

    The Vow: Is a crimson day exclusive, it may or may not be around to pick up next time it comes around.

    Tyranny of Heaven: Has a chance to drop from any encounter of the Last Wish raid. The curated roll for this weapon, however, can only drop from the Vault encounter.

    Whispering Slab: Reach "In the Face of Darkness" quest step and then find an umbral engram to turn in. You can farm this bow by turning umbral engrams in for a chance at receiving this bow each time.

    Some Builds you may want to try:

    Subtle-Berry -- Hunter (u/SteeezNutz) :-: Subclass/Tree: Gunslinger/Middle| Exotic Armor: Oathkeeper| Stat emphasis: 100 Mobility, 100 Recovery| Kinetic: Huckleberry/With MW | Energy: Subtle Calamity/With Icarus| Power: Sword for casual, Hammerhead for comp| Key armor perks: EnH Bow-targeting, EnH Bow-loader|

    Note: Leveraging Oathkeepers allows you to stay focused on your radar and planning jump/peak shots as needed. If you land a headshot and the enemy doesn't rush, Archer's tempo will help you get the cleanup shot with another arrow. If they do rush or more than 1 enemy is nearby, the high handling on Huckleberry allows for a quick swap and easy cleanup kill. Kills with Huckleberry auto reload the full magazine and procs Rampage, setting up very effective double kills if 2 people are rushing you. Also serves as a very effective shotgun counter as long as you backpedal. Use your Blade Barrage as a shut-down super, or as a plan C if all 3 players decide to rush you.

    Chaperone + Bow -- Hunter (u/vegitoenigma) :-: Subclass/Tree: Gunslinger/Top| Exotic Armor: St0mp-EE5| Stat emphasis: Mobility, Strength| Kinetic: Chaperone | Energy: Subtle Calamity/With Icarus| Power: Sword| Key armor perks: EnH Bow-targeting, 2xEnH Bow-loader, EnH Unflinching Bow|

    Note: Use your explosive knife trap as a set up for corners and let the knife explode as you finish the job with a bow shot. You can use Chaperone independently or hotswap to it after a bow shot for an easy bodyshot cleanup over distance. Chains of Woe grants you and nearby allies extra reload speed after landing a headshot kill, making your bow shots come out faster and potentially keeping the chain active (much like the trait, Rapid-Hit).

    Eriana's Bow -- Hunter (u/luneth27) :-: Subclass/Tree: Nightstalker/Top | Exotic Armor: Lucky Pants | Stat emphasis: 100 Mobility, 80+ Recovery, 40 Discipline | Dump Stats: Resilience, Intellect, Strength | Kinetic: No Turning Back/With QAS | Energy: Erianas Vow | Power: Sword | Key armor perks: EnH Handcannon Targeting, Unflinching handcannon + Unflinching Light Arms, Handcannon Scavenger|

    Note: ⁠The best way I've found to play this build is to use both the skills of a shotgunner and sniper. You'll never be able to beat either up front (unless you're obviously more skilled than they are) so you have to rely on your positioning skills and map knowledge to overcome the inherent disadvantage. Utilize vertical space to beat shotgunners, utilize peek-shooting to beat snipers. That being said, snipers are the hardest to combat with this build. Assuming an equally skilled playing field, a sniper will always dome you before you can swap, so use shotgunning tactics against them if you can't peek-shoot to victory.

    See Gameplay

    Izanagi's Bow -- Warlock (u/TheGuiltySpark117) :-: Subclass/tree: Dawnblade/Top | Exotic Armor: Nezarec's Sin | Stat emphasis: 100 Mobility, 80+ Recovery, 60 Strength | Dump Stats: Resilience, Intellect, Discipline | Kinetic: Izanagi's Burden | Energy: Subtle Calamity | Power: Sword | Key armor perks: EnH Bow-targeting, EnH Unflinching Bow, 2x EnH Bow Reload, Sniper Scavenger|

    Note: A very daring build that recently I've been running to great effect. The idea is that you stock up on special and body-shot for a free kill every once in a while, and you'll use the bow for everything else. Nezarecs Sin paired with the subtle effectively gives you a better "remote connection" mod that also increases your ability regeneration and not just your super. I'd like to add a creative bit of hate mail that I got recently for using this build: "Dude you might actually be okay if you didn't use some garbage like that. It's downright pathetic, you're cheesier than the whole of Wisconsin. You're so cheap, beggars on the street look down on you. As they should, because people who play like that don't deserve to be a part of this community. Either uninstall, or pick a proper way to play. Pathetic waste of oxygen."

    See Gameplay

    Lonesome Bow -- Warlock (u/TheGuiltySpark117) :-: Subclass/tree: Dawnblade/Top | Exotic Armor: Karnstein Armlets | Stat emphasis: 100 Mobility, 70+ Recovery, 60 Strength | Dump Stats: Resilience, Intellect, Discipline | Kinetic: Lonesome | Energy: Subtle Calamity | Power: Sword | Key armor perks: EnH Bow-targeting, EnH Unflinching Bow, 2x EnH Bow Reload|

    Note: When you're up against snipers, play this loadout like you would with a shotgun (inch your way closer until you're within range to jump them with the sidearm) and use your sword for third person view to navigate around the map safely and check corners. Karnstein Armlets can be played offensively and defensively by using the bow + melee combo to trigger the health regeneration and then swapping to Lonesome (mine has kill clip, but swashbuckler would also be good) to slay out while continuously gaining health. I've found that this loadout considerably increases your chances of turning around a 3v1 situation in your favor.

    See Gameplay

    Peacekeepers + Bow -- Titan (u/Adavari) :-: Subclass/tree: Sunbreaker/Middle | Exotic Armor: Peacekeepers | Stat emphasis: 100 Recovery, 60 Resilience, 40-50 Strength, 40-50 Discipline | Dump Stats: Mobility, Intellect | Kinetic: Exit Strategy | Energy: Hush/With Freehand | Power: Personal preference | Key armor perks: Personal preference|

    That's all I've got for now, I hope you all enjoyed it! I've been out of the destiny loop since half of last season up to this point, so I haven't been streaming for some time. However, feel free to watch @Npanzer117 when I do get back into the swing of things when I feel motivated enough!

    Update Log:

    6/24/2020: - Added Eye of the Storm to the traits section. - Added Point of the Stag to the Exotic and Pinnacle Bows section. - Changed text on Vorpal Weapon. - Changed text on Trinity Ghoul and gave thoughts on its catalyst. - Some words here and there. - Text on Moving Target changed to reflect its extra 10 all-around aim assist. - Text on Swashbuckler is now accurate (x5 on Swash is the same as x3 rampage in terms of damage). - Text for where to farm bows changed to reflect the current season (I'm mad subtle is getting capped! :[

    submitted by /u/TheGuiltySpark117
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    Anyone else experiencing Beaver errors A LOT?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    Because I'm getting them a lot. Like every 20 minutes I'll get like 5 in a row. I thought Bungie removed them in the first place? (lol) It's starting to get fairly annoying, especially when I'm trying to access things in the Tower and get removed fully to Orbit over and over

    submitted by /u/Baroness_9V
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    Give us the option to instead of turning in umbrals for gear, turn them in for altered essence

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    The ratio of umbral engrams and altered essence is a little weird right now. I have been overflowing with umbrals, but altered essence only comes from bounties and only has a chance of dropping from certain activities

    Let us turn in umbrals for lets say 25 essence a piece.

    submitted by /u/Zeldais1
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    Lumina & Season of Arrivals.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    I know it's a bit of an older exotic now, but one I hold dear and has become my standard weapon for everything. Lore wise, this hand cannon feels almost poetic for this season with the darkness arriving. Using a weapon that's has been corrupted by darkness, brought back into the light.

    To me, it's a weapon that much like us soon, has tred the paths of both dark and light. Now standing as a token of being able to wield the balance.

    I plan on using it though this season for everything, just so all guardians can benefit one last time from the light, before we all dive into the darkness.

    (Edit: Spelling Errors)

    submitted by /u/NSPocketMedic
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    Has the removal of sbmm change your enjoyment of crucible?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    Since the removal of sbmm I have seen the amount of people leaving matches early and mercies skyrocket. Last season I would see someone dip out of match maybe once or twice a night. I would get see a match get called early a handful of times. Now? In the past couple of days I have seen more people leave matches early than ever before. As soon as it starts to become even slightly lopsided one or two people are gone. In the 8 matches of control I played today, 6 ended in mercies. As a medium skill player this change has removed almost all the fun out of the mode for me. There's always one or two high level guys who just dunk on everyone. It's not that it isn't even fun, it's actually boring. I just end up trying to hold me own until the match is over and hope the next one is less lopsided. It's not even fun when you win.

    I know the usual response is git gud. I am not terrible, I am not elite. I hover right around 2200 in comp every season. I enjoy pve more and dont put in near the hours into crucible that I do the other side. That being said, I do enjoy ending most of my gaming sessions with a few crucible matches because they weren't to sweaty and had a good evenish level amount of skill between teams.

    I get the push for the high end players to get rid of sbmm. Their cue times probably sucked, and had to play matches against other really great players. I could see that not being fun either. I just feel there has to be some middle ground between what we had last season and this one.

    submitted by /u/Randommx5
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    Blinding Grenades on Breech-Loading Grenade Launchers in PVE!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    I'll start off by saying that I'm a believer in "personal" godrolls. I also believe that D2 can be played in many many ways. However, blinding grenades on Militia's Birthright has been one of the most effective and most fun discoveries I've made playing this game that I've been having this wish to let other players know. And since "Lake of Shadows" is this week's Nightfall, I thought I'd ask players to try them out on Militia's Birthright if they get it to drop. Even if you don't like the roll but it has Blinding Grenades, you can just give it a try to see the many different ways they affect enemies in PVE.

    I'm sure people who already use Blinding Grenades on any of Breech-Loading Grenade Launchers that can get them (or Titan's Blinding Grenades) can add to this list but here are a few things they do or can be done using them:

    • Hive Shriekers close down on themselves.
    • Vex Goblins walk backwards besides being stunned.
    • Stunning majors can be repeated to reload your other weapons without you taking any damage.
    • Hoards can be slowed down extremely effectively when you're using a primary that lacks at fending hoards off, such as bows.
    • Speedrunning/farming. You can blind large groups of enemies to get past them.
    • Supporting your team by slowing down enemies and give them easier crit hit possibilities especially if their weapons can use that (Outlaw, Dragonfly..etc).
    • Soloing missions and dungeons since you can control a much larger crowd all by yourself.

    There's really a lot more to it and I'd like you to try it for yourself if you haven't already.

    I currently have 1.7K kills on my Militia's Birthright and even though I have Mountaintop and another Militia's Birthright with Spike Grenades, this very roll is my favorite since it can be used "in-between" everything else you do with other weapon. It's extremely fast with QuickDraw and you let the Auto-Loading Holster reload another shot to keep blinding enemies.

    Note that the same roll can also be had on Orewing's Maul (but I never got it) and the new Truthteller from the current season but they're both energy weapon and I think possibilities are better with it on a kinetic weapon.

    Note: As you probably know Orewing's Maul, Militia's Birthright and even Wendigo (which has blinding grenades but I can't recommend using heavy ammo for the blinding effect) are subject to weapon sunsetting and their power cap is 1060.

    submitted by /u/Phobophobian
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    How will old armor work with old mods next season? Some questions still need answers.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    In the May 14th TWAB, we learned the following:

    Starting in Season 12, armor will no longer have a Seasonally rotating fourth mod slot. Instead, there will be a mod slot that accepts mods introduced into the game throughout a full year. We recognize that the current need to replace your armor every two to three Seasons, and hoard armor from past Seasons, is undesirable.

    So armor acquired in the next season or next expansion will have a new Y4 mod slot for all Y4 mods. Great news. What about season 13 armor? Will it have the same Y4 mod slot or something for the next year, i.e. 13-16? It should be the former for this example.

    Okay, what about old armor though?

    One thing we know was from a TWAB this past week:

    In our May 14 TWAB we announced that gear would begin to have a Max Power Level starting in Season of Arrivals, but that weapons and armor from the Last Wish and Garden of Salvation raids would be granted exceptions. Currently, this gear doesn't indicate that, but it will in a future update. Both armor and weapons from Last Wish and Garden of Salvation will be updated retroactively with the Season of Arrivals watermark and will have a Season 14 Max Power Level.

    Additionally, all armor from all other Destiny 2 raids will be updated retroactively with the Season of Arrivals watermark and will have a Season 14 Max Power Level.

    With this season, we welcomed more Charged with Light mods into the meta. However to maximize use of this mod system, you would be best suited to use armor from last season with the Worthy mod slot since you could use mods from Dawn, Worthy, and Arrival. But you can't just use Worthy armor exclusively, especially if you are like me and have been running the Garden of Salvation raid regularly for the pinnacle drops. I keep an extra set of Garden or Dawn armor to make sure I can slot 4/5x Enhanced Relay Defender (Undying) mods.

    This is part of the problem that I assume Bungie is trying to address with the new slot system. But with armor from all raids being brought forward to presumably have the Arrival icon/slot to stave off sunsetting, that would mean that the armor from Garden would no longer be able to slot mods from the raid that it comes from! In addition, Taken mods with Last Wish armor, Hive mods with Leviathan/Crown armor, and Fallen mods with Scourge armor would all be incompatible under the current system.

    So. Here are a few questions that I still have...

    1. What exactly will happen to armor we've gotten up to this point? We know that there will be a Y4 mod slot; will all old armor retroactively receive a Y3 or Y2 mod slot? Or will they stay the same?

      I could see this going either way, honestly. Having a Y3 slot would limit this armor we are getting now to be (not completely) useless for whatever new mods or systems that are introduced in the expansion, since season 11 armor would only be for seasons 8-11 now. But farming new armor in the expansion, especially with a new campaign, will be pretty easy. Plus, it would solve the issue of being able to use all mods introduced this year (in Destiny) without having to have a hodgepodge of armor from different seasons.

      However, keeping the same system for "legacy" armor will effectively sunset mods that will still be somewhat relevant moving into Y4, like the raid mods for Garden of Salvation. If that's the way they want to handle sunsetting mods, so be it. But it would be a shame to introduce all these interesting concepts for such a short amount of time, assuming Rahool/prime engrams would still provide armor from previous seasons. It would also still contribute to a lot of armor hoarding which is one of the problems they are trying to address.

    2. What will happen to older mods, like Hive Barrier?

      These are definitely "legacy" mods from Y2 that are specific to the older raids but still have relevance today, like some of the Taken mods from Last Wish being particularly useful in the new Prophecy dungeon. But with the old raid armor being brought up to the Arrival slot next season, we're locked out of using them on the armor that will be useful moving forward.

      I would love to see these re-introduced as general mods that could be used on any armor piece, maybe Taken on arc affinity, Hive on solar, Fallen on void or something like that. It would be a nice middle ground to avoid having to keep armor from the Dreaming City around just for the Taken mods.

    3. This is all not even touching transmogrification, which is coming soon and we have no real info on either. Will we need to keep old armor that we like or will we be able to pull it from collections somehow?

      Do I need to grind out more Escalation, Leviathan, and Menagerie armor? Or can I hold off on that since most of it I already have in collections? This is a big one, especially since we won't be able to get this armor once these destinations are sunset next season.

    All of these questions have me hoarding all the armor that has a decent roll or look which is the exact opposite of what this new system is trying to have - all because we don't have enough information.

    submitted by /u/ImBakinBacon
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