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    Thursday, August 6, 2020

    Destiny Daily Questions [2020-08-06]

    Destiny Daily Questions [2020-08-06]

    Daily Questions [2020-08-06]

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

    Bought the DLC? Shadowkeep FAQ

    Need Guidance? Collection of selected guides

    Shadowkeep & New Light known issues

    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Dear Bungie, for the love of the Traveler please forbid the Postmaster from collecting blues

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    I just lost an exotic engram because of this and I'm not happy about it.

    submitted by /u/_Gnas_
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    Click Iron Banner. Screen fades to black as I load in. Hear near-end of match music. "You've lost today, Guardian." Results screen. Sent back to orbit.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT


    edit: my next match was us going against a 6 stack who were all using sweet business. people like mocking me today huh

    submitted by /u/eldritchqueen
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    Destiny 2: Lofi beats to Super to

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Leave the Tribute Hall and delete the Farm

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Or at least give me back the bright dust I spent on he tributes

    submitted by /u/AvocadoAdmiral
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    This year's Festival of The Lost should bring back The First Curse alongside a 110 buff.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    110 hand cannons are in dire need of a buff and I can think of no better Halloween themed exotic that First Curse.

    Throw in some spooky ornaments too!

    I normally hate returning exotics but I need my baby back in the game.

    submitted by /u/StealthMonkeyDC
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    Guardians hear me out! A sparrow with a sidecar (accurate depiction inside)

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    You never knew you wanted it but now you do.

    2Player Sparrow (highly accurate depiction as I said)

    Here a real life reference in case you don't know what im talking about.

    A 2Player Sparrow were one gets to drive and another player is the passenger. Bungie has designed so many Multiplayer vehicles over their lifetime, why not give us on for Destiny :).
    I kinda imagine it to work just like all Multiplayer emotes work. One gets her/his Sparrow out like normally while a potential passenger has to get close to get a prompt that says "interact/take a seat".

    Ride along Guardian

    submitted by /u/KongoMama
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    I finally got over my fear of PvP and got the Ace of Spades

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    I've always had severe anxiety when it comes to PvP games, due to some terrible experiences when I was a lot younger. It'd get so bad that my brain fogs up and high brain functions ceases to work, and if the game is more intense I might actually hyperventilate.

    So with the Ace of Spades' 25 Cruicible Handcannon precision kills requirement, I wrote it off as impossible the moment I saw it.

    But then a friend managed to get a few people to play together with us, and we did some team Crucible matches. I suffered at first, when I see an enemy player I miss most handcannon shot and resort to melee as a Warlock.

    I would've just given up again had we not played Mayhem. It didn't progress my quest, I didn't learn any aim skills, but throwing out a Nova Bomb like every 10 seconds or something for shits and giggles was seriously fun, and it lightened me up and made me think, 'hey, maybe it isn't so bad'.

    So today I strapped in and spent about 5 hours in Rumble. My KD is crap but I did it!! I got the 25 Handcannon headshot kills!!

    I'm really proud of this achievement, it means I've overcome this PvP fear and anxiety that has been plaguing me and preventing me from enjoying PvP games for well over 10 years!!

    TLDR: Terribly unskilled player overcame fear and anxiety of PvP and managed to get the Ace of Spades.

    submitted by /u/LKOShield
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    Raid Mechanics Explained: Leviathan

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:31 PM PDT


    The Leviathan was once a prison ship, used to exile the Cabal Emperor, Calus, after he was overthrown by Ghaul during the Midnight Coup. As the ship floated through the cosmos, the former Emperor entered a depression, one that would not be broken until the Leviathan steered into a portion of space where nothing had existed. (believed but not confirmed to house Pyramid ships). From this void Calus had a revelation: the world was going to end, might as well go out with a party. The Leviathan was converted to a golden luxury ship and the loyalists became a hedonistic cult that would party until the apocalypse. (source: confessions lore book).

    The Leviathan itself is far smaller than one would expect. Yes, it is eating Nessus, but Nessus is only 60 miles in diameter, making the Leviathan too small to even eat our Moon, much less Earth. According to the "I am alive" lore card, it is based on the leviathan from the books of sorrow.

    Calus has arrived at this system to witness the apocalypse, and possibly recruit the Young Wolf into his organization of shadows, after they killed Ghaul. Most of the Leviathan was set up as a challenge, but the mechanics can still be explained by lore, if one is observant enough.

    The Bathhouses:

    The royal baths contain a mystery liquid (likely water) mixed in with Royal Nectar. Royal Nectar is the purple substance found throughout the raid. Created from the ground up soil of Nessus (source: menagerie dialouge), this Nectar can be crystalized, turned into a fine wine, or steamed into a vapor. According to Calus, this creates an aroma that "sooths the body and mind" of the cabal. However, if you are human, you will be killed by toxic vapor fumes (source: deathscreen).

    The baths are mixed with the nectar through the 9 crystals found in the middle. Once the nectar crystals are destroyed, the water is safe to stand on. For this challenge, Calus has provided the Guardians with Psionic Orbs that protect them from the vapor. The chains which the Guardians raise are likely used for replacing the nectar, requiring all four to be raised at once to avoid accident.

    The baths are also used to birth warriors for the Loyalists, and the Bathers you fight were actually cloned on the spot. They are created from the DNA of the greatest matrial artists in cabal history, and are effectively spawnkilled. (source: Shadow's Plate chestpiece)

    The Pleasure Gardens:

    The Royal Beasts are completely unrelated to the war beasts used by the Red Legion. These beasts are blind, have split jaws, and no plating (scales?), as regular war beasts do. Their howl is Psionic in nature, collapsing the minds of any who hear it for to long, leading me to believe that they are native to the Psion's homeworld rather than the Cabal's. The beast also leave a trail of a psionic something wherever they step, with which they can sense movement. The Royal Beasts you fight are all named after famous cabal, such as Tau'arc, Aru'un, and interestingly Zahn and Grask.

    The plants seem to have some natural relation to the royal beasts. The beasts approach them to begin their psionic howl, but at the same time their pollen, when covering a weapon, will damage them. Perhaps activating the pollen with the prism weapon makes it toxic. (speculation). The prism is just a fancy crystal that can focus and redirect the yellow energy which Calus releases in the gardens.

    The Gauntlet:

    Gauntlet is straight forward to explain. Its a wipeout coarse made by Calus. The balls you pick up are psionic in nature, and will collapse your mind if you hold them for too long without picking up another. The Psionic Councilors will do the same if not punched. Bring 9 balls to the center of the gauntlet and you are done.

    Emperor Calus:

    When you see Calus, you'll find him drinking wine, from a cup you can fit in, in the middle of the day like the trashy motherfucker he is. You should be tipped off to the fact that he is a robot when you notice that the chalice is empty.

    The Calus bot is one of hundreds that the real Calus has mass produced. It is armed with an arm mounted "Vengence Cannon", a head mounted lazer known as "Emporer's Gaze", and an AoE weapon called an afterburn blast (which very much resembles a giant firebolt grenade). The robots also are tied to Calus's psions, as the wipe attack, called an Imperial Nova, is activated when Calus's void projection creates a psionic overload.

    The void room itself is a nightmare realm maintained by Calus's psions (Vest of Feltroc). The orbs are simply psionic teleporters from the realm to the throne room.

    The three symbols on Calus's head are placed there on purpose as a part of Calus's challenge. The fact that the projection is psionic explains how each guardian sees a different symbol. Once players reach the end of the void room, the psionic overload is unleashed and Calus starts spitting skulls. Since we are talking about psychic entities, we can assume that the Force of Will buff is literal force of will. The plates, in turn, could be machines that will buff damage based on the user's force of will.

    TL;DR the Callus boss fight is mostly psionic projections and technology, and the buffs are litteral. Calus himself may be creating some of it himself, but we do not know. (sorry if this part is hard to follow)

    Edit: some of the people on the lore sub have dug up entries I missed and I have edited the post accordingly. Thanks to u/Jonny_Anonymous and u/CroqueteDeFlango

    submitted by /u/DontLetMeTalkPolitcs
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    Bungie, please let us have an option to buy shaders from collections by 5 instead of 1.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    That is all.

    submitted by /u/Rarted_Child
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    An Idea For A New Game Mode: Invasions

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Massive 12 player PvE battles

    So I basically thought of this when i did the opening shadowkeep mission again where you storm the moon and see random guardians fighting with you. What this mode would be is a massive 12 player PvE battle, set in either destiny's past or present. The mode would include elements of wave based survival, while also having some objectives and mechanics unique to the mode. Here are a few ideas for possible invasions, and I will go into one of them in greater detail.

    Twilight Gap (not involving the crucible map)

    Six Fronts

    The Lunar Disaster

    The Attack on the Scarlet Keep (Shadowkeep opening, but way better)

    Escalation Protocol on steroids

    Future battle in the Dreaming City where we can end the curse

    Iron Lords invasion of the Plaguelands

    I'm sure you guys can think of a lot more suitable scenarios, but those are what I came up with. So, lets get into the Twilight Gap invasion, because I feel like that would be one of the best options. To start, your 12 guardian strong fireteam (matchmade) spawns next to the city wall. 6 guardians will be on the ground in front of the wall with trenches and other fortifications. The other 6 guardians will be on top of the wall with a clear view of the battlefield and new controllable artillery cannons. Guardians will be able to transverse from ground to wall either from a series of stairs/ledges, or jump pads placed around the map. In front the wall, preparing to attack the city, will be several fallen ketches, sending out skiffs that will deploy fallen enemies, including walkers.

    To start off the encounter, the fallen will be sending out waves upon of skiffs that deploy walkers and fallen soldiers. Some skiffs will bypass the ground forces and drop their troops on top of the wall. There will be a lot of walkers, so the guardians on the wall will try to use the artillery to destroy them quickly before they decimate the ground team. At the same time, the fallen on the wall will try to destroy the cannons. If all the cannons are destroyed, the wall is overrun and the mission is failed. Simultaneously, the fallen on the ground will be setting up bombs along the wall (think d1 prison of elders splinter mines). If these mines explode, some fortifications on the ground will be destroyed and the wall will take damage. If too many explode, the wall is destroyed and mission failed. Periodically a suicide fallen will rush the wall and try to deal heavy damage, but if you kill him, his bombs explode and kill a large portion of the invading forces.

    After repeating this process for a while, the second phase will start. In this phase, the fallen will use their ketches to bombard the ground in front of the wall, forcing the ground team onto the top of the wall or the wall's series of stairs and battlements built into the side. At this point the fallen will stop trying to destroy the wall and will instead try to get into the main city where the civilians are. While skiffs continue to drop fallen on top of the wall, other fallen will try to scale the wall. Some of these that are scaling the wall will try to make tunnels in weak areas, providing them with another way to reach the city. If too many fallen reach the city, all the regular people die and the mission fails.

    Finally, after repelling this assault, the fallen get tired of your BS and send out a the final boss. I imagine that this could be a rotating boss every week or just a random one chosen from a pool. In this case, I'll say the boss is the House of Kings prime servitor because I don't think we have a lore explanation for his death/disappearance. In this boss battle, you can use the artillery cannons to destroy power sources on the servitors body to overload his shields and stop very powerful attacks (similar to insurrection prime). After the boss is defeated, the fallen ships will fly away and you will claim your unique twilight gap rewards. If there is a heroic mode, completing that will reward you with a reprised Gjallahorn. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk

    submitted by /u/Rockface5
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    Was it necesary to put 12 shaders with the focused engrams?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Most players who played any past season are already jampacked with shaders of their own, why send them green shaders of all things?

    PS: This post comes on the aftermath of me having a Getaway Artist with the postmaster with a 66 stat roll (saw it on DIM).

    submitted by /u/TheBitwolf
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    For those of you going for Chronicler, "The Machinist" is one of the heroic story missions today!

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Go get that lore!

    submitted by /u/WalksAmongHeathens
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    Some beautiful high-res images of Europa and the Deep Stone Crypt.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Europa is looking amazing! https://imgur.com/gallery/jgvisBH

    More images: https://imgur.com/gallery/by2BcH7

    Definitely looks like there's a pyramidion of sorts on Europa. The raid environment looks super cool, and I can't wait to go there. Images are from Jospeh Biwold on twitter.

    submitted by /u/Zhentharym
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    Reminder that Gunslinger melee is glitched when your melee is charged

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    Example: https://i.imgur.com/NiwPhjJ.gifv

    I would really like this to not take 3 years to get looked at like warlock melee.

    submitted by /u/cclloyd
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    Increase spare Inventory Slots to 12 instead of 9

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    With all the Exotics, Seasonal engrams, Armor 2.0 mods, various builds, anti champion weapons, different archetypes, ammo types, and just the sheer amount of items in this game and game modes to receive them from, an inventory expansion feels needed at this point.

    submitted by /u/FC_mania
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    Come celebrate my cake day, with a nice mug of skyburners oath.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    180s need *some* type of buff

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    They don't need to be the new meta, they don't need to be the best Hand Cannon archetype but they should get *some* type of buff.

    I've been hoping they'd get a buff for a while, but it hasn't happened. As for the argument why they need one, CoolGuy recently made a video that sums it up fairly well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6VZXoFCZ2w

    The advantages of a 180 just don't make you able to win gunfights in practical situations against similarly skilled opponents who use basically any other gun.

    submitted by /u/Zevvion
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    Views like these make me wish this game was truly open world sometimes

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    With Sidearms having Overload this season, it would have been AWESOME to be able to equip Unstoppable on Sturm. Talk about Synergy

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Super Stoppable!

    submitted by /u/OmNomShivan
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    You should be able to choose whether you want a weapon or armor from your Iron Banner package.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    It's so frustrating getting only weapons when I need better statted armor for my titan. I opened a total of 30-40 ish packages on my titan and out of all those packages...I got 7 pieces of armor. I think adding a choice between a weapon/armor package would be good since it makes the 20 tokens, that a player went out and grinded, feel more rewarding since they have a better chance at getting what they want.

    submitted by /u/khurramchoud
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    The Emissary with a summer vacation modifier

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:24 AM PDT


    Submission for the Solar Embrace summer fan zine on Twitter! Huge thanks to @Tostage for the inspirational prompt and spreading some fun summer vibes for the Destiny community.

    submitted by /u/chickenmer
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    Cheese: You can Wish Wall to Riven without dying to get RR flawless

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Insert the code #7 solo but don't hop on the plate yet. Have someone to join you at this point. When that player joins you, jump over the plate and either alt+f4 or quit game (works both pc and console). When the only person in the instance is still flying in the skip/wipe happens and there's no alive guardian that can die. The guy who joined you lands at Riven fight. Join back and now neither of you have died.

    Now either 2 or 3 man it for the new low man flawless badge or get full party for the casual flawless tag on raid report. You cannot do Petra's Run this way because the Petra code disallows inserting the skip codes.

    TL;DR: Do the Riven code solo, hop on the plate after someone is flying in and disconnect. Join back to Riven fight. Neither of you have any death at this point.

    PS: Posting this now because my strat got leaked to certain people who already did this as a 2 man flawless. Happy cheesing guardians.

    Video footage about the trick

    RaidReport link to 2 man full flawless

    submitted by /u/Tonuu
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    Pro tip for fellow Ruinous Effigy Enthusiasts and ammo economy:

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    Don't treat it like a special weapon. Run a kinetic special (Long Shadow is your best bet going forward) with an ammo finder for it. You only use Ruinous Effigy to get your first kill and then ideally get a bunch of kills with the orb, using hardly any ammo. Your normal green bricks should take care of your Ruinous ammo needs and ammo finder for Long Shadow.

    You can also ruin a general special scavenger and then a specific heavy scavenger.

    This won't work super well for competitive content because you'll probably lack damage, but it's pretty fun for chill content and old raids.

    submitted by /u/Freakindon
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    Optimized Bounties For 2020/08/05

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Deer trivia: In November of 2016, a man was nearly killed by a deer that he had already killed!

    Gary Heeter of Oregon bagged an elk and attached the carcass to his ATV to drive it back. His way back included going up a hill that ended up being too steep; his vehicle flipped, and he was impaled on the antlers.

    (He was rescued and treated.)

    Step 1 - Never stop looking over your shoulder.

    Step 2 - Pick up the following Dailies and Weeklies.

    Tower Bounties:

    • Zavala Daily – The Harder They Fall – Kill 10 Challenging Enemies in Strikes
    • Zavala Daily – Vanguardian – Kill 50 Enemies in Strikes
    • Shaxx Daily – Coordinated Fire – 5 Assist Kills in Crucible
    • Shaxx Daily – Standard Fare – 5 Kinetic Weapon Kills in Crucible
    • Shaxx Daily – Into the Light – 1 Super Kill in Crucible
    • Ada-1 Daily – Rasmussen Tribute – Power Weapon Kills
    • Ada-1 Daily – Secure the Lost Forges – Kill 50 Enemies During a Forge
    • Ada-1 Daily – Hammer and Tongs – Throw Batteries at a Forge to Charge it Twice
    • Prismatic Recaster Daily – Burst Factor – 20 Grenade Kills
    • Prismatic Recaster Daily – End of Line – Kill 5 Vex With Finishers


    • Devrim Kay – Superhuman – 3 Super Multikills in the EDZ
    • Devrim Kay – Generator – Create 10 Orbs of Light in the EDZ
    • Devrim Kay – Front Line Defense – Kill 30 Cabal in the EDZ
    • Failsafe – Super Awesome – 3 Super Multikills on Nessus
    • Failsafe – Pinpoint Accuracy – 10 Precision Kills on Nessus

    Step 3 - Follow these steps:

    1. Fly to the EDZ, grab Devrim's bounties, then run the Arms Dealer Strike. (15 minutes)
    2. Play one-to-two matches of Iron Banner. (10 minutes)
    3. Fly to Nessus, grab Failsafe's bounties, then clear the Izanami Forge. (10 minutes)

    Total Non-Elemental Non-Weapon-Specific Bounties Cleared:

    • 15 Dailies
    • Ada's "Clear 2 Forges" Weekly
    • Probably Crucible Weeklies

    Total Time: 35 minutes

    Bounties Per Minute: .42


    • 90,000 XP (unmodified)
    • 12,000 XP per Tower Weekly (unmodified)
    • 10 Vanguard Tokens, 2/8 Vanguard Weekly Challenge
    • 15 Crucible Tokens, 3/8 Crucible Weekly Challenge
    • 3 Modulus Reports
    • 50 Altered Element
    • 15 Dusklight Shards
    • 10 Datalettuce

    Season Ranks Per Hour: 1.54

    Extra Weapon/Elemental Specific Bounties:

    • Zavala: Arc, Void
    • Banshee: Auto Rifle, Scout Rifle, Linear Fusion Rifle, Solar Weapon Kills
    • Prismatic Recaster: Void Weapon, Hand Cannon Kills
    • Put 'em all together: Run an Arc and Void weapon from the list above during the Strike. Run the rest during the Forge. That's 8 extra bounties for 48,000 XP.
    • Titan is easy with Solar/Roaming Super.
    • Io's easy with Arc/Roaming Super.
    submitted by /u/DeerTrivia
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