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    Destiny Destiny 2 Hotfix

    Destiny Destiny 2 Hotfix

    Destiny 2 Hotfix

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:10 AM PST

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50154



    • Fixed an issue where beneficial modifiers were not functioning in Battlegrounds activities.
    • Fixed an issue where some Colossus combatants would become lost on the battlefield.
    • Fixed an issue where some combatant names were mistranslated in Korean.


    • Fixed an issue where players would be respawned in unfavorable areas leading to numerous deaths.
    • Fixed an issue where players could launch their first Presage activity without it's associated quest.

      • When players attempt to launch the mission without the quest, there will not be error text explaining why. We plan to fix this issue in a future update.
      • Additionally, players may still launch their first Master activity without the Catalyst quest. We plan to fix this issue in a future update.

    Gameplay and Investment


    • Penumbral Blast detonation damage increased to 80 base damage, reverting previous changes.


    • Fixed an issue where players who didn't own the Mindvault ornament would see it in the ornament bucket of the Insurmountable Skullfort, citing "Requires Mod Item" error ribbons.


    • Fixed an issue where No Time to Explain's ornament couldn't be selected or equipped on alternate platforms.

    Bounties and Pursuits

    • Renamed the Cosmodrome Battlegrounds Activity to "Battlegrounds: Foothold"
    • Updated the War Table Weekly Challenge name to "Honor and Glory"
    • Fixed an issue where Presage was not granting Pinnacle rewards.

    • Fixed an issue where players could not reset their Valor rank when reaching Rank 4.

    • Fixed an issue where "The Good Company" gilded triumph would sometimes not progress when a Guardian had died.

    • Fixed an issue where the Ticuu's Divination catalyst quest would not progress with explosion kills from the weapon.

    • Fixed an issue where Chosen Destruction and Chosen Strength Focused Umbral Engram Lenses were not unlocking appropriately.

    • Fixed an issue where "The Lightbringer Triumph did not complete for players after they had found all weekly Feathers for the "Bird of Prey" quest.

    • Fixed an issue where the "Birds of a Feather" triumph was not completing appropriately.


    • Fixed an issue where the Season of the Chosen Director Dialogue was using incorrect artwork
    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:00 AM PST







    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    You can shoot the turrets off the Fallens Skiffs during the SABER Strike. PLEASE DO THIS AND SAVE LIVES

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:22 PM PST

    The guns on the shop can be blown off and quite easily too

    Can save a lot of pain by taking them out quick

    submitted by /u/PancakeLlamas
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    10yo Daughter Saves Presage Master Run at (Literally) the Last Second

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:28 PM PST

    My 10yo daughter saved our family Presage Master run tonight with a literal last second kill of the Locus of Communion. Talk about coming through in a pinch! 😱

    She was so happy she spent the next few minutes dancing around the family room before being able to compose herself. Check it out if you're interested and watch that timer tick down to the "OMG SHE DID IT!!" moment.

    This is what I love about the game! https://youtu.be/0VCqx3nj8bc

    submitted by /u/swotam
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    The Case of the Missing Rewards

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:09 AM PST

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50140

    Destiny 2 has a recurring PvP event called Iron Banner (IB). During IB, players battle against one another for victory, while simultaneously attempting to complete bounties that offer valuable rewards. An example of a IB bounty might be "achieve kills with specific weapon types within IB matches". Bounties are a major source of rewards in Destiny 2, so it's important that they work reliably.

    Back in December 2019, players reported that the game occasionally failed to credit their kills when trying to complete these bounties. The problem would hit players seemingly at random. Most of the time, the bounties worked fine, but occasionally players would finish a match without any bounty progression. Here's a quick rundown of notable symptoms gathered from our support forum and various social media postings:

    • Players either earned credit for all of their kills in a match, or they didn't earn any credit. Whatever caused this bug affected the player for the entire duration of the match.

    • Players didn't earn valor at the end of the match.

    • The problem wasn't limited to Iron Banner. Players could encounter this bug in regular Crucible matches.

    • Based on the number of player complaints, the bug appeared to be exacerbated in Iron Banner and almost non-existent in Competitive playlists.

    • The bug didn't affect all players in the same match. In a 12-player Iron Banner match, one or two players might hit this bug. The rest of the players would progress their bounties without issue.

    • The bug didn't affect all bounties. For example, if a player had an Iron Banner bounty and a Gunsmith bounty, and both bounties asked the player to get shotgun kills, affected players would earn progress on the Gunsmith bounty but not the IB bounty.

    When I started digging into this bug, I found the final symptom to be the most interesting. It suggested the bug might lie in the content setup for the IB bounties. Unfortunately, this theory failed to bear fruit. There was nothing special or unique about the IB bounty content compared to other bounties.

    Around this time, a coworker said they encountered the bug, which was great because I could track down the detailed incident log for their match. While the specifics of incidents are beyond the scope of this post, I've included an example incident at the end of this post to demonstrate how much information is included in a single incident. The incident log confirmed that the game had recorded their kills, but for some mysterious reason the kills didn't progress the bounty.

    Further investigation proved difficult because I was unable to reproduce the bug on a local onebox (onebox is the name we use for running all of Destiny's services locally on our personal workstations). For the time being, I closed out the bug as not reproducible, a disappointing end.

    A new clue appears!

    Not too long after closing that bug, a new bug came my way. Multiple players reported that chests weren't dropping loot in the raid. The raid bug smelled eerily similar to the IB bug.

    • Players failed to receive rewards tied to a specific activity type.
    • The bug persisted for the entirety of the activity.
    • Only a subset of players in the activity were impacted.

    Interestingly, affected players continued to earn world drops (engrams from enemy kills) even though the raid chests didn't spawn loot. It was almost like the game didn't know the type of activity (raid). This was a compelling theory because it could also explain the IB bug. Each activity in Destiny is associated with various activity intrinsic flags. For example, there are flags for strikes, pvp, and raids. Within those higher-level categories, there are more specific flags, like Nightfall or Iron Banner. When a player starts a new activity, the activity intrinsic flags are marked on the player's account. Our rewards system uses those flags to determine the eligible rewards. Some rewards are not tied to activity intrinsic flags, such as world drops or Gunsmith bounties. In those cases, the game is only looking for if/how you killed an enemy, not where you killed an enemy. But if a player could get into an IB match without the IB intrinsic flag set on their account, none of their kills would count towards their IB bounties because those bounties require the IB flag. While this was an interesting theory, was it plausible? At the time, I had no idea how this could happen. Clearly the player loaded into the correct activity. How could the player get into the activity without the flag getting set?

    Can I play?

    Based on the forum posts, I tracked down the incident log for one of the raid instances that didn't drop loot. Two major anomalies jumped out at me. First, the ActivityHost didn't create an ActivityJoin incident when the affected player joined. Second, the ClientHeartbeats for the affected player reported an ActivityPowerLevel of 0. The other five players in the raid reported an ActivityPowerLevel of 94. The current ActivityPowerLevel is recorded on the account at the same time as the activity intrinsic flag. All of this suggests a breakdown in communication between the ActivityHost and WorldServer.

    Let's take a short detour to learn about these two services and how they communicate with one another. This is a simplified diagram showing how these services connect to one another and the game client. There are more than 20 different services in the full Destiny 2 ecosystem, and at any given time there are thousands of instances of these services.

    Image Link

    The WorldServer (WS) is responsible for tracking the investment state of the player's account. Investment includes stuff like character sheets, gear, and progression. It's also where we write the activity intrinsic flags.

    The ActivityHost (AH) manages the state of the activity and synchronizes that state between everyone playing together in the same instance. The AH is also tasked with verifying if a player is allowed to play an activity, via a process called peer validation. A player might be blocked from playing an activity if their power level is too low or if they haven't progressed far enough in a questline. As one of the final steps of starting an activity, the AH checks these permissions for each player by sending queries to the WS. Separately, it's also the AH's responsibility to record the incident log that contains all the incidents generated during an activity.

    All players loaded into the same activity are connected to the same ActivityHost, but their accounts may be authoritative on different WS. As a result, the AH maintains an individual WS connection per player. The services talk over a proprietary communication layer called Bungie Access Protocol (BAP). Since there is a separate BAP channel between the AH and WS for each player, it's possible to encounter a communication error that only affects one player in the activity. This could fit together with how the bug doesn't hit every player in the activity.

    During peer validation, the AH sends a query to the WS over BAP. The query contains the activity ID, and the WS uses the activity ID to lookup the requirements for the activity and notifies the AH if the player is allowed to join. Assuming the AH receives a positive response, it waits for the player to finish joining and then sends a subsequent StartActivity message to the WS. When the WS receives the StartActivity message, it records the activity intrinsic flag and ActivityPowerLevel to the character sheet. If instead the player doesn't have the necessary permissions, the AH boots the player to orbit and does not send the StartActivity message.

    Based on the bug's symptoms, I suspected a communication error might be occurring during peer validation. Specifically, that the StartActivity message wasn't reaching the WS.

    I'm not stopping you...

    I couldn't reproduce the bug with my onebox, so I began to look through code to see if I could spot the bug, starting with the peer validator. I learned that peer validation happens asynchronously and in parallel with the normal flow of joining an activity. In other words, a player is free to join any activity, but is kicked out whenever the AH receives a negative response from the WS. Suspiciously, I couldn't find a timeout mechanism in peer validator. Perhaps peer validator was blocking indefinitely while waiting for a response from the WS? I checked logs from a random retail AH, and sure enough I found signs that peer validation was waiting indefinitely after sending the query to the WS. Players were frequently loading into activities without completing the full peer validation process! Now I just needed to figure out why we were dropping the query. Back in the code, I noticed these two constants.k_investment_bap_message_queue_element_count= 2048; k_server_message_default_callback_handler_count= 16;

    BAP reserves callback handlers for BAP messages that expect a response. Based on these constants, BAP can queue up to 2048 messages, but it is limited to 16 responses. While the discrepancy between those two numbers throws up some red flags, we don't need a matching number of callback handlers. The bulk of our messaging between the AH and WS is incident data, which is one-direction and doesn't require a response. For example, when you get a kill, the AH sends that incident to the WS so the WS can update your bounty progression. This is a one-way communication that doesn't require a response and thus shouldn't need a callback handler. This is demonstrated by the call to the send-incident function as shown below:

    activity_host_send_server_message_internal( account_soid->m_guid, _investment_server_message_network_identifier_incident_activity_host_incident, &request_arguments, h_weak_investment_reference::from(k_invalid_investment_reference_handle), // invalid handle == no response expected &base_incident_name); 

    The culprit appears!

    Diving deeper into activity_host_send_server_message_internal(), the root cause finally manifested. Callback handlers were being reserved from a circular FIFO queue for every outgoing message even if that message didn't require a response! To make matters worse, we never checked to see if the queue of callback handlers was full!!

    static_class_function_definition void c_investment_server_message_interface::activity_host_send_server_message_internal( uint64 world_server_routing_identifier, c_investment_server_message_network_id network_id, const s_server_request_arguments *request_arguments, h_weak_investment_bap_message_queue_callback weak_investment_bap_message_queue_callback, const c_string_hash *optional_additional_context) { // ... h_weak_investment_bap_message_queue_callback server_message_manager_callback= c_investment_server_message_manager::get()->new_response_handler( server_message_index, weak_investment_bap_message_queue_callback, optional_additional_context); investment_bap_connection_enqueue_message_with_callback( _investment_bap_connection_activity_host_0_outbound_to_activity_host_proxy, _investment_bap_message_policy_service_to_world_server_request, &header_parameters, &world_server_request, sizeof(world_server_request), server_message_manager_callback); } h_weak_investment_reference c_investment_server_message_manager::new_response_handler( t_investment_server_message_table_index server_message_index, h_weak_investment_reference callback_reference, const c_string_hash *optional_additional_context) { c_investment_server_message_response_handler *server_message_response_handler= m_response_handlers.get_element(m_fifo_index); m_fifo_index= (m_fifo_index + 1) % intsize(m_response_handlers.get_element_count()).to_int16_verify(); server_message_response_handler->prepare_for_send( server_message_index, callback_reference, optional_additional_context); return h_weak_investment_reference::from(server_message_response_handler->get_reference()); } 

    When the AH sends an incident to the WS, it often sends the incident to every connected WS (a message per player). This allows you to earn progress for your teammates' actions. In activities with lots of players like Iron Banner, a single incident can easily chew through all of the available callback handlers.

    Based on these discoveries, I came up with a new theory: players hit this bug when they joined an activity that was already in progress and there was a spike in incidents on the same frame that the AH tried to send a peer validation query to the WS. A callback handler was reserved for the peer validation query, but that handler was then overwritten by handlers allocated unnecessarily for incident messages. Once the handler was overwritten, it was impossible for the AH to process the validation query response from the WS. Peer validator didn't account for the lack of response, which left it blocked between sending the validation query and sending the StartActivity message. Without the StartActivity message, the WS never recorded the necessary flags to grant rewards for the current activity. It seemed like a viable theory!

    Using some debug commands to flood a dev client with incidents, I was finally able to reproduce the bug on my onebox. Using an attached debugger and logs, I confirmed that my theory was correct - overwhelming BAP's callback handler budget with a high volume of outgoing messages caused the peer validator state machine to lock up.


    A number of fixes came out of this one bug:

    • Stop creating callback handlers for requests that don't expect a response.

    • When we attempt to reuse a callback handler, make sure it isn't actively waiting on a response.

    • Add additional error handling around callback handler allocation/disposal so we can detect if all available callback handlers are is use.

    • Don't send investment BAP messages that expect a response if we fail to reserve a callback handler for that message. Higher level consumers of BAP are already built to handle send errors in the BAP layer, so it was just a matter of bubbling up this error case to the existing retry logic.

    • Allow the investment BAP message queue to notify the callback when it fails to send a message so the callback can release its resources.

    • Increase the number of callback handlers; 16 was arbitrary and possibly too few.

    • Add additional logging to peer validation so it is easier to see when we transition between states.

    • Add timeout to peer validation so players will be booted if there is no response from WS.

    Beyond all these fixes, there was one more mystery – why did this bug suddenly start affecting players, when it had been lurking seemingly-harmlessly in the code since the days of Destiny 1? I investigated and found a few interesting things. For starters, IB is one of the few activities to have activity-specific rewards (which are the only kind that can be lost when this bug happens). In addition, IB sees a good amount of player churn mid-match, and more players joining mid-match means more running the peer validator during gameplay, which means more chances to hit this bug.

    I found one last fascinating contributor - bounty content evolution. The AH maintains lists of incidents that should or should not be sent to the WS based on the kind of bounties that exist in the game (e.g. if there's no bounty for jumping in the game, we don't need to send jump incidents to the WS). Over the years, as bounty variety increased, more and more incidents were added to the list of WS-required incidents, steadily increasing the probability of overflowing the callback handler queue.

    Going one step further, it turned out that one specific type of bounty had an outsized impact here. When player reports of these bugs were at their highest, we had active bounties that tracked orbs of power, which are spawned by player abilities, and can be generated pretty rapidly. For example, when a player activates Well of Radiance, they create 3 orbs of power. The AH then needs to send a message for each orb to each player's WS. In a full IB match where all players happen to be on different WS, that's 3 * 12 = 36 incident messages generated in a single frame from a single ability activation! Remember, our callback handler queue only had 16 elements – so that single super activation would swamp the entire queue twice over, overwriting any important callback handlers that were already present.

    Like all large mature software projects, Destiny 2 is a complicated system, with many interconnected components. Low level bugs can manifest as mysterious player facing issues. In this case, an error in a low-level service-to-service communication layer prevented progression on a small subset of bounties when a player joined an activity already in progress and arrived on an unlucky frame. When I started investigating this bug, I only had peripheral knowledge of some of the systems involved. I'm glad I had this opportunity to learn more about the inner workings of our amazing game.

    -Brad Fawcett

    P.S. As promised earlier, here's an example of a decoded incident. This incident shows a titan getting a kill with a void shotgun. Hundreds of millions of incidents are generated every hour – roughly one per second per player.

    CurrentActivityTimeMs: 113400 ==== Record 361 ==== Id: { EventTime: 1577735462000 } ContentVersionId: 0 IncidentData: { Event: { EventTime: 0 } Id: { IncidentBucket: 1259722579 IncidentId: 0 IncidentSpecializations: [ 844012064 (any_kill), 2030840469 (kill), 2295196519 (player_died), 3406343853 (kill.pvp), 3737784129 (kill.weapon(any).distance(3)), 3805485874 (kill.pvp.audience(all_players)), 3502204954 (kill.pvp.class(titan)), 1897670327 (kill.pvp.delta(positive)), 1775479489 (kill.pvp.distance(close)), 3495643034 (kill.pvp.label(precision)), 1930520027 (kill.pvp.name(titan)), 1973036714 (kill.pvp.type(void)), 2986047998 (kill.pvp.weapon(any).exclude(sidearm)), 4093674648 (kill.pvp.weapon(any)), 1176454688 (kill.pvp.weapon(shotgun)), 208873480 (kill.pvp.weapon(shotgun).distance(close)), 159107573 (kill.pvp.weapon(special)), 3517133451 (kill.pvp.audience(killing_faction)), 3930641628 (kill.pvp.distance(close).weapon(any)), 678206791 (kill.pvp.type(void).weapon(any)), 2193724665 (kill.pvp.type(void).weapon(any).audience(killing_faction)), 1490309038 (kill.pvp.weapon(any).exclude(ammo_primary)), 2586008362 (kill.pvp.weapon(shotgun).audience(killing_faction)), 1441939486 (kill.pvp.type(void).weapon(special)), 369377155 (kill.pvp.weapon(special).audience(killing_faction)), 3027446115 (player_died_m)] } ContentVersionId: 0 Origin: Client (1) TypeOfIncident: Kill (1) IncidentHash: 0 ([missing hash 0]) Kill: { KillingObject: { IsAI: False IsVehicle: False SquadDisablesInvestmentReward: False CombatantHash: 2166136261 ([missing hash -2128831035]) PlayerId: 2305843009260703957 FactionIndex: 17 FireteamId: 1073880149893797 SquadHash: 2166136261 ([missing hash -2128831035]) ObjectHash: 2166136261 ([missing hash -2128831035]) CharacterClass: 1 CharacterGender: 0 Tier: 0 } DeadObject: { IsAI: False IsVehicle: False SquadDisablesInvestmentReward: False CombatantHash: 2166136261 ([missing hash -2128831035]) PlayerId: 2305843009263126106 FactionIndex: 18 FireteamId: 1073880149893797 SquadHash: 2166136261 ([missing hash -2128831035]) ObjectHash: 2166136261 ([missing hash -2128831035]) CharacterClass: 1 CharacterGender: 0 Tier: 0 } KillingAbility: -1 DeadObjectHeadPosition: { X: 71.51681 Y: 17.25534 Z: 58.61158 } DeadInvestmentEnemyIndex: 40 BubbleHash: 3523659485 (pvp_mojo) MapSliceIndex: 0 KillerIsDead: False KillingDamageType: 3 KillingDamageLabels: [ 512, 0, 0, 4194304, 0, 0, 0, 83886088] KillingDamgePayload: { AxionBoltChainId: 0 AxionBoltHitCount: 0 } VictimLabels: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 553648136] KillingWeaponSlot: 8 KillerLabels: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 83886088] KillingDamageLabelHashes: [ 2519638427 (precision), 51683977 (shotgun), 3655393761 (titan), 3111576190 (male), 898834093 (exo), 2079841625 (special death 1), 3167052178 (direct), 25675886 (special weapon)] KillerLabelHashes: [ 3655393761 (titan), 3111576190 (male), 898834093 (exo)] VictimLabelHashes: [ 3655393761 (titan), 3111576190 (male), 3887404748 (human)] KillingStatusEffects: [ 0] VictimStatusEffects: [ 0] } OriginContext: 2305843009263126106 } 
    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Please let the step of the challengers proving quest where you have to socket a medallion do the next step if you already have one socketed.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:40 PM PST

    This is painful

    submitted by /u/aaaaaaaaaaaaa65
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    The last two seasons have had an LFR as a seasonal weapon, so when are they going to be actually usable?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:42 AM PST

    I love the idea of LFR's but the dmg just isn't worth the heavy slot, and they DEFINITELY aren't an ad clear weapon. Aside from Sleeper Simulant, and maybe Queensbreaker way back in the day we've never gotten any decent LFR's that aren't exotic.

    EDIT: 1k voices is not an LFR, I'm an idiot.

    EDIT 2: LFR is Linear Fusion Rifle.

    submitted by /u/constant_u4ea
    [link] [comments]

    I feel like it’s not talk about enough, but the vendor change and progress through Shaxx feels so much better than the old valor rank progression system.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:52 AM PST

    I feel like these were really good baby steps that needed to be taken, in order to start getting the crucible on the right foot again. I am all for vanguard and gambit to receive the same treatment. I think the only thing tokens should be used for going forward is trials and iron banner, that's only due to them not being permanent activities throughout the week.

    submitted by /u/Bungie_Expectations
    [link] [comments]

    Bungie, thank you for making the Tech Blog a thing. Sincerely, a CS student.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:38 PM PST

    Title. This was one of the best things to wake up to - a step by step, technical process, with code shown on how problems with the game are solved.

    It's honestly inspiring and really, really cool to see. Keep it up, I can't wait for the next edition!

    submitted by /u/Jyapp448
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    HAKKE Prestige - an emblem design to commemorate one of the most memorable weeks in Destiny 2 history

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:09 PM PST

    HAKKE Prestige Emblem

    As one of the most memorable weeks in Destiny 2 history with the Trials of Osiris Flawless Lottery system and the new-found glitch to load fireteams well over the typical limit for an activity, I thought an emblem inspired by previous landmark Destiny events such as the Trace Rifle Laser Tag would be appropriate.

    I'm a graphic designer and have been really enjoying this latest season in Destiny. Given we got an emblem that served as a nod to some of the more (in)famous weeks in Destiny's history, I created this as a little practice project and thought I should share it here.


    submitted by /u/CardinalityTV
    [link] [comments]

    Lack of pinnacle slot protection is really nauseating

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:18 PM PST

    1309 for two weeks in a row. Every pinnacle done. Many many dupes. This system should have slot protection.

    submitted by /u/AaronMT
    [link] [comments]

    Bungie, the storytelling in season of arrivals and chosen is what you should build off of in future seasons

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:41 AM PST

    Clarification: Not the actual story the way

    I love how we are getting bits of story every week, it makes it feel more like a timeline of Events is happening before us.

    Edit: this is also why I think drip feed is better for a game like destiny with giant story timelines

    submitted by /u/Suggestion-Exciting
    [link] [comments]

    Location of all four new Scannables in Presage mission this week. (Reward: Exotic Ghost Shell)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:55 AM PST

    Scannables: https://twitter.com/DestinyNewsCom/status/1366808327003504649

    Secret Chest: https://twitter.com/DestinyNewsCom/status/1366808636568272903

    New Dialogue and the other Challenger Proving quest both very interesting...

    submitted by /u/Such-Opportunity
    [link] [comments]

    Bungie... it's been long enough. We've had mini references in the lore for years. We have an NPC who's a bit of a rogue and calls us 'partner'. We have a lever-action scout rifle that literally whistles when we start cranking out headshots. Now please, for the love of light

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:18 AM PST

    Give me my gosh darn cowboy hat.

    Bonus suggestion - make it an ornament for Crown of Tempests called 'Tip of Tarnation'

    Edit - Yeehaw to you too my guy <3

    submitted by /u/MrrSpacMan
    [link] [comments]

    Introducing the Bungie Tech Blog

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:50 AM PST

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50139

    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -- Arthur C. Clarke

    When I joined Bungie in 2003, I was amazed at all the aspects of technology that go into making a video game: rendering, networking, asset pipelines, tools, online systems, security, multi-threading, etc. At every turn I would find tip-of-the-spear technology pushing the envelope, turning creative ideas into remarkable interactive experiences, squeezing every ounce of performance to elevate those experiences to new levels. After almost two decades in the games industry, I still learn something new every day and it's that constant stream of new challenges that gets me out of bed every morning.

    Gaming has always been at the edge of technology innovation, with very different constraints than those faced by other kinds of software. We build real-time simulations with relaxed constraints that support unpredictable player behavior, and we work with hardware limitations that require us to be highly efficient and creative problem solvers. We work with creatives that come up with audacious ideas that challenge our technology in new ways, making game development a very dynamic process. We take Arthur C. Clarke's prediction and make it happen – our specific aim is to create technology that comes across as magic.

    Through the years at Bungie we've worked on amazing challenges, ranging from developing intuitive controls for a first-person-shooter on a console, to bringing casual multiplayer online through matchmaking, and revolutionizing the Action MMO. Behind the scenes we have worked on getting our backend services to scale to millions of players, we keep fine tuning our content systems that deal with several terabytes of data a day, and we constantly level up our analytics and security technology. At Bungie, we tackle new challenges every day.

    For many years, we've shared war stories at GDC, taking advantage of the opportunity to compare notes with other developers and learning from each other's experiences. Today, we're launching the Bungie Tech Blog to connect more directly and frequently with the wider community. We hope to share our excitements and our frustrations, our achievements and our postmortems.

    Check out the blog, we hope you like it... and remember that we are always hiring.

    Per Audacia ad astra

    Luis Villegas

    Chief Technology Officer

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Crucible "casual" game modes like mayhem and showdown should rotate daily like lost sectors

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:35 PM PST

    That would mean people wouldn't need to wait a full week to play mayhem if they missed it the previous week.

    submitted by /u/bradmcc123
    [link] [comments]

    Battlegrounds need to count as "activity progress" for catalysts

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 11:33 PM PST


    Currently working on the witherhorde and symmetry catalysts and it's frustrating that the current season activity doesnt count as progress for these two quests. Symmetry specifically says progress for sundial runs gambit..etc so I see no reason why this seasons activity shouldn't count towards them.

    I'm sure there are other catalyst quests but these are the two I'm working on

    submitted by /u/TheNightDrone
    [link] [comments]

    6 man strikes and 12 man raids shows how much the community would love to see mini-events in the same manner as these glitches

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:26 AM PST

    Bungie really needs to introduce mini-events that do simple things but would give alot of fun to the community, such as turning the 12 man raids or the 6 man strikes to an actual event that would come every couple of months or so and would only stick around for a week or two , additionally they could do something like

    -unlimited super for the strikes

    -the ability to equip two pieces of exotic weapons or armors at the same time

    -unlimited abilities in strikes but your weapons do very little damage ( i actually would like to see this as a modifier)

    -1vs1 crucible matches (or even a 1vs1 fist fight matches, shax would be very happy)

    I would really like to hear your suggestions for the mini-events, i hope that bungie would consider doing some of the ideas here

    submitted by /u/ALi9_0
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    Kinda wish the Heroic Menagerie sword were still usable

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:00 AM PST

    I know they weren't very good, but man they look cool.

    submitted by /u/PaisleyBiscuit
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    What's with Banshee being a "quartermaster/gun vendor" but he really just gives out mods, mats and bounties?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:06 PM PST

    It's the first time making a post here and I'm feel like I'm still pretty new to Destiny in general, so this probably was touched on somewhere but.... What the heck is with Banshee?

    He's what the game calls a vendor, a quartermaster of the tower. He repairs and fixes guns and tools them up for Guardians. But why does he not sell guns? Why doesn't he sell anything aside from mods and upgrade modules and bounties? There are so many vendors that give bounties and missions and stuff, but Bungies couldn't give any of them an actual shop? This is, one of the reasons why I think, prevents Destiny from feeling like an actual MMO in some areas. Because nobody really sells anything, aside from exchanging a billion different kinds of mats and currencies for stuff. The only thing that sort of counts now is the Monument which gives out exotic stuff, but why doesn't Banshee do something like that?

    I feel like if he had a rotating inventory of legendary weapons, maybe a small set or even one of each type of weapon, or one weapon from kinetic, power, etc, it would be help a lot. Considering the fact that we mostly get weapons from RNG drops and stuff, I feel like it would help with the RNG fatigue a bit when you know there's at least a legendary weapon you can use from Banshee. Random rolls, of course. Doesn't the old man want to make any money? It can even cost legendary shards, glimmer, the actual currency that the setting uses.

    And why stop there? Maybe Banshee could provide services to Guardians for their weapons. Maybe he could retool weapons to have something re-rolled, or you could pay him a lot of mats and currency to give you the perk you want? Anybody else pick up what I'm putting down? Yeah, there are some NPCs that give out some gear, like Zavala and the armor, and Hawthorne gives you some poopy stuff for beginners, but nobody wants that stuff and isn't it the job of the quartermaster to, you know, give out weapons?

    EDIT: I am aware of the gunsmith materials and he makes you guns, but why can't he just sell stuff in addition to that?

    submitted by /u/Theu04k
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    I compiled a ton of high quality D2 Environmental footage for anyone to use in their content creation.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:21 AM PST


    I make Destiny Lore readings with the text of the lore books scrolling across the screen while I narrate. So, a while back I decided that I wanted to use some Destiny 2 environmental footage in the background of the videos. However, when I went to look online, there was nothing really like this available that I could find. Either that, or the stuff that did exist was made by people that didn't want you using it.

    So I captured my own. This is 20Mb/s, 1440p, 60fps on ultra settings with no HUD and no player. Super high quality stuff. And for making 1080p videos, having the larger resolution allowed me to do cool zoom or translation effects too.

    Anyways, I had a ton of it just sitting on my hard drive, so I decided to compile it all and post it for anyone else to use, lest they have to spend the hours upon hours of tediously taking all this footage themselves.

    Hope you guys get good use out of it!

    submitted by /u/anapollosun
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    With the removal of Sunsetting, it would be great to get legendaries with ornaments back

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:54 AM PST

    I own many ornaments for various legendary weapons I can no longer use in any meaningful content due to the weapons being sunset. I would love these weapons (Austringer, Dust Rock Blues, Trust, etc), with updated perk pools, to be added back to various activities.

    I spend bright dust and silver alike to get them and It sucks that something I thought would be in my arsenal forever is no longer usable.

    Let me use my sick DRB ornament Bungo!

    Edit: Clarified that this is for sunset weapons to be added to the loot pool again. Not saying they need to sell more legendary ornaments.

    submitted by /u/Albino_Chinchilla
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    In the entire month of February, Banshee sold 3 unique CWL mods and 3 unique Warmind Cell mods.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:05 AM PST

    This month, we got the following mods:

    Extra Reserves, Feb 5

    Charge Harvester, Feb 12

    Sustained Charge, Feb 19

    Extra Reserves(again), Feb 26

    Warmind's Protection, Feb 2

    Incinerating Light, Feb 8

    Strength of Rasputin, Feb 16

    Strength of Rasputin(again), Feb 21

    If you want to be generous, we got Heal Thyself on January 31st.

    Four CWL mods and three Warmind mods. There are 26 CWL mods(excluding the ones you get by default and ones tied to Warmind Cells) and 24 Warmind mods total. There's way too many of these to be selling only 8 a month with repeats.

    submitted by /u/Mark2022
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    If Iron Reach is going to compete with Rangefinder, it should tank Handling, not Stability

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:38 AM PST

    For a Season about a War with the Cabal, there was a HUGE missed opportunity with reissuing Dawn’s Cabal Weapons.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:12 PM PST

    Rest in Peace Trophy Hunter and Pyroclastic Flow, I'll never get tired of wielding Enemy themed weapons.

    Special mention to Perfect Paradox.

    It just hurts seeing them all sunset, especially weeks before the announcement of Sunsetting being cancelled, and the latter was the climax to a story event that we waited 2 whole years before we could conclude it.

    submitted by /u/FC_mania
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    I cannot press enough on how lovely it would be to have loadouts in destiny.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:44 AM PST

    I know this has been brought up multiple times in the past but hear me out guardians. I pride myself on the fact that I get to be part of such a diverse gaming community when it comes to destiny. I'm guessing, mostly the working class fam out there is going to relate to this post. Nevertheless let me start by saying that I work 12 hour shifts and every time I log into destiny I am on a clock. I have logged nearly 1.5k hours into the game and at this point I'm familiar with every mod combination, meta loadouts and would love to use them all wherever they apply. It's a bit of a hassle to have to switch the mods for each armour and weapon every time I have to play a different activity. I'm positive there are better ideas out there when it comes to this issue, but my opinion is if we had anything close to a system which lets you switch between loadouts for glimmer, it will in turn award us with more playtime.

    submitted by /u/destiny441
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