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    Thursday, April 8, 2021

    Destiny Presage: Building an Omen

    Destiny Presage: Building an Omen

    Presage: Building an Omen

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50188

    [Spoiler warning: Contains several details about the Presage mission in Destiny 2. Go play it first, earn your Exotic, and come back when you're done. We'll still be here.]

    Guardians respond to distress signals; they don't send them.

    Yet here you are. Slowly approaching a derelict ship in the dead of space after receiving a distress signal … from a Guardian. The closer you get to the hull, the more an unfamiliar feeling slithers into your impenetrable armor. What is it? Hesitation? Maybe fear?


    You're a Guardian – a bastion of Light, vanquisher of gods, armed to the teeth and prepared for any challenge.

    But from the moment you set foot on the dimly lit ramp and the silence envelops you, you know that the wrongness of this ship is something new. Sure, there's always the chance that whatever lies in the bowels of this drifting tomb poses no threat; but with every step you take away from your ship, you wonder if you're in over your helmet.

    Ignore that thought for as long as you can.

    Definitely ignore it when the walls of the room you're in start to move.

    You've got this.


    The Pyramid ships have left their mark, and everyone – Humans, Exo, Awoken, Eliksni, Cabal; even the Hive – will do whatever it takes to save themselves. Of those who seek the Darkness, some will find a latent power within, able to be harnessed like the Light. Others, however, will find themselves bent by a mysterious voice lurking in the Darkness itself.

    But power comes in many forms, and in Season of the Chosen, players were introduced to a captivating new adversary who offered the Vanguard an alliance with the mighty Cabal empire. However, betrayed by her distaste for compromise, Caiatl, empress of the Cabal, overplayed her hand and ignited a conflict between the two factions.

    While this conflict would take center stage during the Season, Bungie knew it was important to acknowledge that the Darkness story didn't end just because the Cabal and the Vanguard don't get along.

    In a universe as large and as intricate as Destiny, there are always multiple stories unfolding. Sometimes these stories are small, unassuming, and shrouded on the fringes of space. In these cases, it falls on players to investigate, because – well, let's face it, it would be a real shame if while everyone was staring at Cabal drop pods, something horrendous happened in the shadows.

    And so, to the shadows we go.

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    Robbie Stevens, creative lead on Season of the Chosen, spoke about where the seeds of the mission were planted, "We identified early on that even though the Hive and the Darkness are being used as reasons for why Caiatl is trying to ally with the Vanguard, we weren't really telling the story of the Darkness anymore." Once they realized that, he and a team at Bungie grabbed hold of that Darkness story thread and started to pull.

    Feature Lead and Senior Designer Matt Hand remembers the team talking about the massive implications that came from the arrival of the Darkness. They were very aware that they had barely scratched the surface. "For us," said Hand, "there was a big elephant in a tutu, tap dancing, and a big neon sign pointing to the fact that all these planets just disappeared. So, we asked ourselves, what can we do with that? Because there's a story that can be told here."

    The brainstorming session that followed turned into a bit of a lightning-in-a-bottle situation. With a free-flowing conversation about how the Darkness story could be expressed in a small Seasonal mission, a derelict ship was mentioned as a possible destination. Then someone on the call uttered the question, "What if the ship came back wrong?"

    This was all it took. It was like a sci-fi horror quest was on the tip of everyone's tongue, and all it took were those words to finish the thought. "What ship? Wrong how?" Every question that came up had multiple inspired answers informed by the decades of horror-film fandom shared by the team.

    Hand remembers Nikko Stevens, senior narrative designer on Presage, struggling to contain his excitement about the idea. "I could just tell Nikko wanted to get the hell out so he could start writing. There were so many possibilities, and they all came out like a flood. Nikko's brain almost exploded, my jaw was on the floor, and everyone on the team was feeding off the energy."

    What resulted is a story about a failed communion, a voice within the Darkness, and the price Calus paid for indulging in his wounded pride. The evidence of what happened during the Glykon's final voyage would be preserved within its battered and overgrown halls. There it would float, waiting for someone to answer a distress signal – the only clue players would have as to the fate of the ship's captain.

    "I think 'What if the ship came back wrong?' was the statement that really got the ball rolling," said Nikko Stevens. "It's the undercurrent of the mission and you, as the Guardian, come in after the fact and see the aftermath of this horrible decision that Calus made. All the elements of that decision slowly unravel – bits and pieces of what exactly happened, who was responsible, and why were they doing it."

    Within the first 15 minutes of the brainstorming session, the team knew exactly where they wanted to go, and before they knew it, help started to come in from all over the studio.

    "I sent out a Bat-Signal," said Hand. "'We need to spook up the ship!' And people all over the studio offered to join us for quick sessions. Test overdelivered, Audio overdelivered, World Art and Lighting overdelivered – everyone overdelivered. It was just a great experience all around."

    Beyond the drive to create good games, the team's passion for horror shines through here. "That's the type of stuff that gets us out of bed in morning in the morning," said Robbie Stevens.

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    There's something very basic and compelling about sci-fi-horror that the team tapped into. It was as if they had spent a large portion of their lives preparing for this. Countless combined hours among them spent consuming content that inspired their work. You got the impression that everyone who worked on Presage (maybe everyone at Bungie) watched movies like Alien and Event Horizon more than once. A lot more than once.

    "I love any chance where we can put spooky things into the game. It's my favorite thing," said Eve Astra, senior artist at Bungie, who worked on several of unsettling areas of the mission – including the final room. "I was so worried about our Teen rating! Throughout the process of working on that final room, I probably sent more than 10 emails to the team as it got progressively more and more nasty. I'm adding tentacles sprouting out of this character's face, and was like, 'Can we still ship this? Is this still Teen!?'"

    Stories like this cropped up all over the place, and the following interaction seemed to be incredibly common:

    • Person 1: Hey, check out this thing I added to the ship.

    • Person 2: Wait, can we even do that?

    Senior Audio Designer Jennie LaBonte remembers first seeing one of the rooms that had a bunch of dead Scorn in it and thinking, "OK, we're actually doing this."

    Even though she's a huge horror fan already, LaBonte and another audio designer watched The Descent to get into the right headspace. They wanted to get a feel for a confined atmosphere where sound could be coming from any direction and how that would cause your imagination to run wild.

    "The team played with lines of dialogue you hear while exploring – like it's in your mind," LaBonte said. "I think those are really cool moments for players to wonder if they actually heard something or are being messed with. Like, 'Is it in your head? Is anyone else hearing this? Is someone watching me? Wait, who did I just hear!? What's going on!?' Just an additional layer of uncertainty and confusion."

    Though epic space terror was always the goal; the first draft of the mission wasn't exactly horrifying ... yet.

    When they first started working on Presage, LaBonte and Senior Audio Designer Zach Thomas played through the mission to find areas that could use jump scares. Whenever they found a good spot, they recorded a temporary sound to mark it for later.

    "We both recorded 'Boo's.' Like literal 'Boo. Boo!' Just slightly different versions. Then throughout the mission, it would be a really creepy moment and then you'd hear one of us say the word 'Boo.' It stayed in for quite a while and I really wish we'd left some in as Easter eggs."


    Video Link

    "It's funny," said Robbie Stevens. "When you're in the early version of these levels, the lights aren't off, right? And you're running around and you aren't 100% sure where this thing is going to land. Then I remember the first time I saw the plants; they had actually consumed an entire room and killed a couple Cabal units. The Cabal were suspended in the air with these spikes through them. I remember seeing that for the first time and thinking, 'Yeah, this is going to work.'"

    Everyone on the team had faith in each other and that this would eventually culminate into a singular experience. But at this point, it took a little bit of imagination. That same imagination cooked up some incredible set pieces that almost didn't make it into the game due to their complexity.

    "The trash compactor is one of my favorite things," said Senior Artist Todd Juno. "It required coordination between the artists, effects artists, the designers, and a bunch of other people to get the timing and everything right. There's a lot of technical trickery in there, because you don't want players to get pushed through a wall, so there's a lot of stuff that goes into making it feel like you're getting squished."

    Astra, who also worked on the trash compactor sequence, was worried that it was going to get cut because of how complicated it was to build. She was overjoyed when she found out it was staying in and got messaged to refine the art. "Once the audio was added, and the screen shaking, and everything when it's closing – oh my gosh, that was really fun."

    More than a few people had to combine their powers to make this work, and because of how much the subject matter resonated with the team – like Hand mentioned – everyone overdelivered.

    It's a good thing too, the team would have been crushed if all that work was for nothing.

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    In keeping with the horror genre, some of the most intense portions are near the end of the mission. In fact, it's safe to say that the final two areas will leave quite the impression on anyone who manages to brave the dark halls that precede them.

    In the penultimate room of the mission, the final boss (lovingly referred to as Freddy Krueger due to the boiler room he inhabits), gave the team an interesting challenge. "The original idea was that you go into the boiler room and get chased by the boss," said Juno. "There were traps to force players into tighter areas, but because there are certain things hard-coded with the boss, he didn't play well with the layout. It felt impossible to get the right feel."

    So, like Ripley taping two guns together, the team improvised. What resulted is an upstairs/downstairs encounter that allows the player to freely move around upstairs but then enter a confined, high-pressure space downstairs … multiple times.

    "We've built raids where you might be split across areas," said Robbie Stevens. "Some strike bosses have a very small amount of that, but nothing truly like this. You actually have to drop down into the boiler room. And then once the boiler room turns back on, you have to quickly scramble out."

    Juno, who iterated a lot on this space, said that he pushed everything to the maximum. "I brought the ceiling down as low as I could," he said. "There are certain thresholds we have to work with, and that's as low as I could bring it, and as big as I could make the boss. Like if like if I moved this one pipe just a little bit lower it would break the pathfinding."

    When Audio got to see the encounter, they loved it but also ran into an issue involving the pipes. "I know a challenge Zach [Thomas] had was making the audio sound appropriate," said LaBonte. "Because everything is on fire in that room. The boss is on fire. The Scorn are on fire and have fire attacks. And then it's like, 'Oh and now the entire room is about to catch fire.' Trying to make that read was really tricky. He did a great job of having the pipes sound like they're heating up in such a confined space with all of the other fire elements going on."

    Once you've mastered not being on fire and are ready to spend zero more minutes in a boiler room, there's only one more area to explore.

    • The good news: It's the last room.

    • The bad news: It's the more-than-10-emails-about-our-Teen-rating room.

    Robbie Stevens recalled how he was inspired by an unsettling moment at the end of the film, Annihilation. (Vague spoilers for Annihilation coming up. Skip to the next paragraph to avoid.) Seeing something foreign destroy the humanity from someone was terrifying. Now transpose that within the Destiny universe and have the target of that destruction be a Guardian. "As a creative lead, I latched onto that and then said to Matt and Nikko, 'Hey, build to this moment.'"

    Yeah, the final room had a lot of heavy lifting to do. It had to land that moment, ratchet up the horror even more, introduce players to the captain of the ship, and present them with a reward: The Dead Man's Tale Exotic Scout Rifle.

    Astra remembers talking with Art Director Jason Sussman about Annihilation and drawing on it for inspiration. "I was like, 'What if we have these plants growing out of the Guardian?' And ideas just started bouncing back and forth."

    While working on compositions, Astra faced a challenge of making it immediately clear to the player that there was a Guardian in this incredibly dark room, and that he was holding something the player needed to pick up. But Astra landed on an inspired choice that became the final resting place of the Glykon's mysterious captain.

    "It was really hard," said Astra. "So, I thought, 'What if he's strung up in the middle of the room? Where you could really see him.' As soon as I got him there and added a little movement, so he actually started swaying in the vines, I was like, 'Oh, this is really scary.'"

    Oh, the things Guardians will do for an Exotic Scout Rifle.

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    On paper, the worldbuilding done in Presage is incredibly dense and asks more questions than it answers – the magic of a good mystery.

    Where is Calus now? Has he made contact with the Darkness … or maybe something else entirely? Was this his only attempt? What is the Entity and does its existence change our understanding of the Darkness? What are these plants? What does the Drifter know about them? Could what happened on this ship happen anywhere? Could it happen in the Last City?

    All these questions arise from a single mission while a completely different branch of Destiny's story unfolds throughout the rest of the Season.

    Nikko Stevens touched on something that resonated and felt like it might be the crux of what makes missions like this so special.

    "Small stories, like what happened between Crow and Spider in Season of the Hunt," he said. "You could say that these may not really matter. Not in the grand scheme of things, right? But you should know who the people in this universe are. If you don't know who you're fighting for, then it – at least for me – destabilizes the reason you're doing these missions."

    And so, the team at Bungie presented players with an innocuous distress signal – one like many others. One that introduced you to a Guardian you've never met, who was struck down by a foe you've never faced, in a small corner of the universe you didn't know existed.

    Thanks for carrying your bravery into the places that need it most.

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    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Questions [2021-04-08]

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light Guide & Gameplay Guide

    Want to buy the DLC? Beyond Light Guide

    Returning and not sure what was vaulted? Destiny Content Vault: Year 4

    Unsure what you need to pay for and what's free? Check out the Season of the Chosen Calendar

    Top Known Issues List by Bungie

    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    We also have a nice collection of useful resources below "Useful links" in the sidebar / top menu.

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Destiny effectively only has 2 useful rarities out of the 5 it has. At this point we need to either just get rid of whites, greens, and blues, or rework the rarity system altogether.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    There are plenty of white, green and blue guns/armor that only see the light of day right now to new players.

    When players reach the "real game" any rarity under legendary is effectively useless removing a lot of weapons and armor from the game.

    Blues after having full purple gear just feel like a slap in the face when they drop during activities.

    Bungie needs to just kill off the other rarities or give us some sort of path to upgrade an item to higher rarities like other games have.

    At this point I'd settle for just being able to infuse the other rarities.

    Or better yet, if we had an the option to auto dismantle blues, let us do that!

    submitted by /u/trueGator89
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    How to Make GM Nightfalls Absolutely Trivial with Shadebinder Warlock using Bleak Watcher

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Edit: Added a video example to the bottom of this post showing a run through of this week's GM Nightfall using this build.

    The Build

    Stats Needed (don't sweat it if you can't get exactly 100)

    • 100 Recovery
    • 100 Discipline

    Exotics Needed

    • Verity's Brow
    • Ticcu's Divination

    Weapons Needed

    • Kinetic Sniper
      • Succession w/ Reconstruction and Vorpal Weapon is best
    • Rocket Launcher
      • Use your favorite and take enemy shields into consideration
        • Perks to look for: Impulse Amplifier, Auto-Loading Holster, Field Prep, Lasting Impression, Frenzy, Vorpal Weapon, and Demolitionist
        • Niche tip: a void rocket with tracking module and lasting impression will one shot the void shielded interceptors in the Proving Grounds GM whenever that comes back around with ease.

    Armor Mods

    • Note: All armor should be solar affinity for the mods listed
    • Helmet (Verity's Brow)
      • Combat Mods
        • Fire Power
    • Gauntlets
      • Mods
        • Overload Bow
        • Anti-Barrier Sniper
      • Combat Mods
        • Taking Charge
    • Chest
      • Mods
        • Solar Resistance OR Rocket Reserves
        • Concussive Dampener
      • Combat Mods
        • Fire Power
    • Legs
      • Mods
        • Rocket Launcher Scavenger
      • Combat Mods
        • Fire Power
    • Bond
      • Mods
        • Bomber (2x preferably)
        • Resonance Siphon (optional)
      • Combat Mods
        • Fire Power

    Subclass - Shadebinder

    • Aspects
      • Iceflare Bolts
      • Bleak Watcher
    • Fragments
      • Whisper of Refraction
        • Gain rift energy when defeating slowed or frozen targets
        • You can optionally switch this for Whisper of Hedrons if you feel you need more damage
      • Whisper of Fissures
        • Improved shatter on frozen targets
      • Whisper of Torment
        • Gain grenade energy when taking damage

    What Does it Do?

    Your armor, mods, and subclass choices are all catered towards getting out more of your bleak watcher grenades. Your bleak watcher grenades are extremely powerful in high level content. They have the ability to completely control a room as well as permanently stun lock champions, even multiple champions at once due to iceflare bolts. The more of these you throw out, the better off your team is. Ehroar has a video demonstrating this, but his build was meant more for general play as it relied on Salvager's Salvo with Demolitionist and Blast Radius to keep up grenade energy and charged with light stacks. You can't rely on this in GM content as it takes up a slot that could go towards a weapon with champion mods. The build I laid out here is focused on GM level end game content. Here's your typical game play loop for when you're charged with light and when you're not.

    While NOT Charged with Light

    1. Throw out a Bleak Watcher at a location where it can be most effective
      1. If you're focusing on champions, make sure it is placed in an area where it will continuously hit them without obstructing your aim
      2. If you're focusing on add control, try to place it in a central location where it's not obstructed by any cover
    2. Drop a healing rift
      1. You're running 2x bomber mods on your class item which restores a large chunk of your grenade energy when activating your rift
    3. Prime targets with ticcu's divination, they should be getting frozen by your Bleak Watcher by now
    4. Detonate targets with ticcu's divination. The combination of stasis shatter plus ticcu's AoE explosions will clear waves of adds even in GM content. All the while, every time you shatter an enemy your iceflare bolts are seeking new targets to freeze. Your energy weapon kills from Ticcu's divination will proc Verity's Brow which restores your grenade energy on energy weapon kills. Taking damage while you fire procs Whisper of Torments to restore more grenade energy and Whisper of Refraction is working when you shatter your frozen targets to give you your rift back to proc Bomber again.
    5. You should have enough grenade energy back by now to repeat the process

    While Charged with Light

    1. Throw out a Bleak Watcher at a location where it can be most effective
      1. Since you are charged with light, your 4x Firepower mods activate when throwing your grenade
      2. These will restore about 60% of your grenade energy while consuming 1 stack of charged with light
    2. Drop a healing rift
      1. The 2x Bomber mods on your class item will proc, combined with your firepower mods grenade energy restore, you will now have full grenade energy again
    3. Throw out a second bleak watcher to further control the room
    4. Go to step 3 on the NOT charged with light section


    • Anti-Barrier champions will be completely chain stunned by your bleak watchers allowing you free reign with your heavy and sniper. They may occasionally get a shield off, but you should have out your anti barrier sniper to kill them anyways
    • Overload champions will be completely locked in place. Keep firing your Ticcu's Divination at them to keep them overloaded. Since freezing a champion is bugged currently and causes their stun timer to reset, you have to continuously overload them with your bow. This is fine since Ticcu's ramps up in damage pretty quickly to 100% damage increase.
    • Unstoppable champions are more of the same as overloads with the same bugged interaction with freezing. I don't recommend chain freezing these to keep them stun locked as you can't really damage them without having to continuously stun them; however, you are able to stun lock them with Bleak Watchers to keep them off your team while you handle other threats in the room or give yourself breathing room to get off a revive on a teammate.

    Other Tips

    Use your super offensively, not defensively. Don't be afraid to pop it often to make orbs for your team and clear out adds in the room. Shadebinder is the only roaming super that is good in GM content. You can also use your super to chain stun a champion in a pinch to let your teammates kill them.

    Use your melee defensively. You don't have anything that can kill enemies quickly in close range. Save your melee for when you're getting pushed and can't get away to freeze an enemy. Don't be in a hurry to shatter an enemy that you just froze with your melee when you're low on health if you know you can't kill it immediately. Use the time it's frozen to get your health back. Remember, you have 100 recovery.

    Spam the hell out of your heavy, especially if it has demolitionist. Ideally, one of your teammates should be using Aeon's to constantly keep making heavy for your team. Since you're able to freeze everything you see, make sure to freeze champions so they can safely finish them and keep you topped off on heavy.

    Bleak Watcher increases your DPS against bosses. Frozen enemies take 5% more damage from special weapons, and they take damage when shattered. Since Bleak Watcher is constantly reapplying a freeze on a boss, you can keep up the 5% damage buff and shatter damage for a nice increase in total DPS. If you opted to use Whisper of Hedrons instead of Whisper of Refractions, you're also constantly reapplying your 25% weapon damage boost from freezing a target on yourself.

    Mix and match. Don't want to use Ticcu's and a sniper? Then don't. This build is open to just about any weapon combination you'd like to run so long as it's effective for end game content and you're consistently getting energy weapon kills. I personally swap out with Le Monarque, Dead Man's Tail, Anarchy, and other weapons as the occasion calls for it. Find what works for your team and fill in the roles you need.

    That's about it. This is the build I've been running with my teammates for GM's this season with great success. You don't see it talked about a lot over Chaos Reach, but this is definitely a sleeper pick that I prefer far more than Chaos Reach. You have a neutral game that contributes far better than middle tree arc while still having a powerful super with a ton of utility.

    Video Example


    Since someone had requested it, above is a video example of a GM run I did today using this load out. I mixed it up a little and decided to try Le Monarque for this run instead of Ticcu's Divination and substituted Whisper of Hedrons for Whisper of Refraction, but the idea still stands. I believe Ticcu's is better overall for this nightfall, but it shows that you can change up the weapons in the load out so long as you're consistently getting kills with an energy weapon. This build is a template for what I believe are the basics. Feel free to change it to your liking and make it your own. If you find anything else that complements the build better, I'd love to hear it. One small note in the video, I accidentally only slotted 1x Bomber mod instead of 2x, so my rift isn't restoring as much energy as it should.

    Take notice of three parts especially in this video.


    There is a solo of the 'Fuse Room' after the opening sequence in which both of my teammates die, but I'm able to solo it safely due to controlling the room with freezes.


    A great example of the power this build offers. I'm able to stun lock 3 Overload champions simultaneously. This is the biggest strength of this build. One player can make an engagement much safer for the entire team at the cost of a grenade.


    I deliberately place a Bleak Watcher behind me to keep Shanks that spawn behind us continuously under control while we focus the boss.

    submitted by /u/I3igB
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    Bungie, can you please make Shattered Throne and Pit of Heresy farmable, now that they have meaningful loot tied to them?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    Title. Especially Pit of Heresy. There's still a handful of ways of earning the reprised Dreaming City gear, between bounties, Ascendant Challenges and the likes, but having a way to endlessly farm those in Shattered Throne would be nice. But for the moon weapons, three of them can drop also in Altars of Sorrow, and Premonition only drops in the Dungeon. Nothing about the gun warrants it being so rare you only have 6 chances per week to obtain, and none of these chances is a guarantee, meaning you could go weeks without ever obtaining one. Can old Dungeons get the Prophecy treatment so we can farm their gear too?

    submitted by /u/Clickbait93
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    Next season is basically set in stone by now.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    If you're giving feedback now, it's not going to be implemented next season. Even if it seems small, they're likely just fixing bugs and adding final polish by this point (if that).

    The season after? Maybe, if it's minor QoL stuff or changing around some numbers.

    Odds are, the season after that (the last one of this year first one of next year) is the one which they're planning content out for now, and where you'll see big feedback from now finally getting put into the game.

    Considering how far out we see many things hinted at (savathun's song, crow's revival, etc.), overall narrative stuff is probably even further out.

    This isn't them being lazy or choosing to ignore their community, nor is it even entirely specific to games, it's just the timescale that any huge software project works on. 9 women can't make a baby in 1 month, that's not going to change.

    I appreciate we don't necessarily get the chance to influence, ie transmog, while it's in the earliest stages of development, but if you're posting about it now, you're already too late, and I think we should avoid setting ourselves and others up for disappointment.

    submitted by /u/tcmalloc
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    Revert the LMG damage nerf from Year 2.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 09:51 PM PDT

    Please Bungie! Me and Thunderlord are begging you!

    submitted by /u/zTwiDashz
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    Attention New Players: Well of Radiance Is Better Than You Think

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 02:37 PM PDT

    TL;DR Well of Radiance makes ALL damage you do while standing inside of it count as 'Super' damage, from ALL your weapons and abilities.

    Sure, MOST of us here know this, but I recently saw a post about GMs mentioning this as a side note and a lot of comments were like, "Wait, what??? I've played for years and never knew that!" The "wait, what, really?" part was echoed by a bunch KinderGuardians a friend of mine brought in, whom I've been showing the ropes.

    Folks, Well of Radiance is more than just an Empowering Rift & Healing Rift overlaid into a more powerful combo. Yes, while you stand in it you'll get a damage buff, yes you'll get a strong (instantly recharging) over-shield. YOU don't even have to be a Warlock running the Well of Radiance subclass. If a Teammates puts down a Well, STAND IN IT.

    Again: Well of Radiance makes ALL damage you do while standing inside of it count as 'Super' damage, from ALL your weapons and abilities.


    • Super Damage IGNORES elemental shields & special enemy shields (Yes, all super subclasses!) Well or Radiance makes all weapons damage = Super damage. Thus:
      • Fallen Servitor protection tethers / Vex Goblin tethers / Scorn Chieftan's void immunity lanterns? They don't exist.
      • Vex Hydra's rotating shields? What are those?
      • Vex Hobgoblin crouch/regenerate immunity? Poof.
      • Hive Knight regen tower shield? Paper thin.
      • Cabal Phalanx & Scorn Lurker shields? Transparent.
      • All Taken versions of the above? Taken away.
      • Taken Vandal bubbles? Popped.
      • Elemental shields in Match Game modifier? Shield shmield, they take direct damage! (Just tested this in a Legend Ordeal, I'm wrong about this. At least not with Riskrunner against Solar shields, but my kinetic seemed to do ok.)
      • (This list goes on… looking at you Prophecy Dungeon 1st Encounter Phalanx Echo Boss & Goblin entourage... Well ignores the shield he's holding, same as the boss in the Lake of Shadows Strike)
      • NOTE: Boss 'Immunity' health-gate shields are unaffected & still immune
      • NOTE: Super damage does not ignore Barrier Champion bubbles (must still be stunned with Anti-Barrier rounds to pop bubble)



    • Current (Season of the Chosen) Artifact Mod "Focusing Lens" makes your "Light Abilities" do extra damage to Targets affected by Stasis. That means if you're wearing this mod, and standing in your Well or a Teammate's Well, and someone in your team is running Stasis and hits enemies/Champions/Bosses with a Stasis Grenade or melee or Super (usually best to have it be a Hunter's tornado), remember that ALL weapon damage counts as "light abilities" (aka Super) when standing in a Well of Radiance. This is a major damage buff that stacks with the bonuses of the Well's Empowering.


    • Warlock exotic chest Phoenix Protocol refunds Super energy to its user for ALL kills (from ANYONE) standing inside ANY Well.
      • Teammates in a Well with you massacring enemies? Their kills count for your exotic. You'll have another Well nearly refunded and ready soon when this one runs out (as long as you're in the Well also).
        • And if YOU'RE one of those Teammates, you're helping your 'Lock get their Well refunded!
        • Or say you're a Warlock not running Well but still wearing Phoenix? It does not have to be YOUR Well. You get any subclass Super energy back from standing in a Teammate's Well (when wearing PP)
          • Sure there are usually better subclass-specific exotics to run for Warlocks, but imagine your partner is running Phoenix & Well and you're running Phoenix and ….any non-roaming subclass. They put down their Well, you cast your Super from within it, then use weapons to mop up enemies, and you're BOTH going to have 50%-80% of your Super energy back, ready to do it again soon.


    • These used to be all the rage back when they made weapons within a Well INSTANTLY auto-reload. After a nerf, they still boost reload speed but the best benefit is next.
    • These boots boost RANGE in a Well or Empowering Rift (ER). Why does that matter? Because weapons with a short range damage drop-off get a HUGE benefit. This is best evidenced in the Deep Stone Crypt final boss fight. Standing a Well or ER with a slug shotgun like "First In, Last Out" or Heritage, you do about 5k per shot to Taniks who is just beyond your range drop-off. Standing in a Well/ER where the Well-castor is wearing Lunas? Try 50-55k per shot, because the range drop-off is essentially nullified.


    • Be careful, the sword you plant as the epicenter of the Well CAN block your damage; it's not transparent, so don't shoot directly through it. If you shoot the sword from point-blank range with a rocket launcher, you will die. Don't ask me how I know.
    • The sword is also damageable by enemies, so a lucky boss stomp right on your sword can wipe out your Well. (Pit of Heresy boss hates Well, he will try to nuke it with his own flaming sword attack.)
    • You're not immune in a Well, you CAN die. You can tank a LOT of damage and the over-shield recharges instantly BUT if enough exploding shanks / thrall / screebs hit you at the same time, they can end you. You can tank a couple at at time, but not too many.

    Experienced Well of Radiance users…anything to add to help newer players navigate the benefits of this Super?

    submitted by /u/TheMeeplesAcademy
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    To solo players, or even new players, don't be afraid to give raids a try.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Finding an LFG for a sherpa to teach a raid is not as hard as it seems, there are plenty or people willing to teach you. It just takes some time. If you want a very laid back experience, go for Deep Stone Crypt. It's extremely forgiving, and becomes a breeze after a few times. I never touched raids, until I found someone willing to guide me through my first Deep Stone Crypt. Thanks to that person, I raid weekly, and went from not knowing a damn thing to teaching newer players. All you need is to be willing to learn, and bring some strong weapons. Raids are a staple of Destiny, and there's no reason to miss out. I hope this post helps some solo players to step outside their comfort zone.

    submitted by /u/TeckyNecky
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    Bungie, with Ada-1 returning as a cosmetics vendor, now is a good time to somehow return various "lost" armor (and weapon) looks to the game to help with customization. Bonus points if we add some old D1 looks that people want.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 02:30 AM PDT

    So Ada-1 is returning in Season 14 as a cosmetics vendor with Transmog, and this is going to probably make people want to get their perfect look for the event.

    Thing is, there are some really good looking armor and weapon pieces lost in the dusty corners of time, that could very much be used well to pull of a look that someone wants to accomplish.

    For example, perhaps some fans of the old factions want to represent their chosen faction with thier look, but they are for some reason missing a part of their chosen look from the first year of D2. Making such looks avalible would allow them to express their favorite faction.

    Or perhaps, if Bungie want to double down on the idea of using some old D1 stuff, bring back a classic look from then would be nice. I have heard many Warlocks and Titans bemoan how a really good looking set in D1 eclipses some D2 stuff. Now could be a good chance for a revival in that style.

    TLDR: With Ada-1 becoming a transmog vendor, now seems like a good time to bring back some good looks, be it lost or forgotten D2 stuff from year 1 that would look good, or maybe even some old D1 favorites.

    submitted by /u/Kylestien
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    How to beat FALLEN S.A.B.E.R. on GRANDMASTER difficulty explained in about 6 minutes!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    You don't have time to watch a long video. So I made a 6 minute one.

    Here ya go: https://youtu.be/8rUpGCACTLE

    Champions: Barrier + Overload

    Optional Mods: Protective Light, Charge Harvester, Stacks On Stacks, Grenade Launcher Scavenger + Finder, Sniper Rifle Scavenger + Finder, Arc Resistance.

    Note #1: This GM nightfall is REALLY light on shields. There is a total of 2 Arc shields (both sword captains in the warsat area), 3 void shields (all servitors, 1 in warsat area, 2 before boss), and 0 solar shields. I like using a void bow since the anarchy is perfectly fine for taking the shields off of the captains since they just run at you cause they are melee, but its up to you.

    Note #2: The hardest room in my opinion was the first room underground in the bunker. Nuking those 4 vandal snipers in the back is key, and thats why I HIGHLY recommend a well of radiance for shooting through the immunity from the barrier servitor!

    Note #3: As far as weapon loadouts go, use what you are comfortable with. My recommendations are simply what worked the best for me. By no means are they the only option or the undisputed best option!

    If you have any questions, fire away in the comments, ill do my best to answer!

    submitted by /u/Exevol
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    Why can't ALL adept mods be earned in BOTH Trials and GMs?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    They are both endgame activities and they both offer adept weapons. Locking some of them in only 1 activity seems silly to me, idk call me crazy but this seems like it should be pretty logical and straightforward.

    submitted by /u/Snak3Doc
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    For those interested in development of Destiny

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    There's a really cool video about Destiny 1 called Grognok Destiny 1, shows you how they built play spaces and what sorts tools the devs use its back in D1 and obviously the tools would have been upgraded

    Grognok - creator of worlds

    submitted by /u/AJSMKO
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    Thank you Destiny for everything.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    I wanted to take the time and make this appreciation post for the devs.

    Bungie, your game destiny has gotten me through some of the hardest times of my life. I remember the days of getting home from school being stressed and just wanting to not do anything, but whenever I felt that way, I just loaded up destiny. Sometimes I would turn the game on just to relax to melodies that D1 had. D1 had some of the greatest music I've ever heard. I could just get on this game and watch as my real world faded away. I was engulfed in the game, it became real life. I remember finding people in the tower as I was trying to recruit them so I could experience what a raid was. Crota's end was my first raid and after countless tries, we finally beat it. I remember being trapped in the lore, not ever wanting to leave this world. I remember being scared as shit going through the dark hive caves and tunnels. The quests, the missions, the guns, the exotics, it was all so rewarding to me, and for once I actually felt like a hero, like I was doing something good. your game made me feel like a legend, it gave me a purpose. Thank you Bungie for the memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life!

    submitted by /u/Nick2102
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    I really hope there is a 6 man activity next season. Having 3 friends who are interested in Destiny is rough when either it’s too many of you for an activity or too few.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    Yes I know we can go into PVP, but they're my FRIENDS, and Destiny PVP is not at all welcoming for lower skill players. Yes there are raids, but again, they are new, and Babies First Raid (Scourge) is no longer in the game.

    In all I just want something we can all do together that is at their current skill level. I wish they could have experienced The Menagerie

    submitted by /u/ProxyknifeIsKing
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    What is up with Guardians being made of glass in Gambit??

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    In Gambit, it feels like Power Level, Resilience, Overshields, and just health in general seem meaningless. Even when blocking with a sword, you'll still randomly go down to a red or yellow bar in a handful of shots at most. The damage scaling is so off in this mode it's ridiculous. And don't even get me started on the amount of times enemies will randomly turn into complete sponges to any weapon type.

    submitted by /u/Trini_Gamer10
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    Presage Exotic Mission Developer Deep Dive Stream Megathread

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    It's over!

    According to on-stream announcement article with all details will follow later today!

    (No live feed this time)

    This time, we plan on giving you a live presentation of the Presage Exotic Mission that went live earlier this Season. We have lined up representatives from several of the teams that worked to create this experience and are ready to share some behind-the-scenes stories.

    If you enjoyed the experience of exploring a spooky derelict ship and want to learn more about what it was like to put together, join us next week!

    Presage Exotic Mission Developer Deep Dive
    Wednesday, April 7 10 AM PDT
    Twitch.tv/Bungie and Youtube.com/Bungie

    We asked the Nine what the Darkness was, now once again we ask; "Does Bungie play their own game?"

    Tune in for a definitive answer to the question.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    I love fusion rifles. Can they have a solid spot in PvE?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    I use the hell out of them in PvP and mess around with them in PvE content. While I think they could go for a small buff in PvP, I can still use them and be super effective with it. In PvE however... I never use them for GM's. I only ever use them for raids when I'm in a group that has plenty of snipers or shottys, depending on the raid/encounter. Other than being a really fun weapon, can we get a PvE buff to make it where they are the best for SOMETHING.

    submitted by /u/destinyvoidlock
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    Fellow Hunters- Guardian Games 2021

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    Fellow Hunter mains, I'm hearing a lot of talk of us winning this year's Guardian Games in honor of Cayde. In short, fuck that. That's not what Cayde would have wanted. The best way to honor Cayde is to do exactly what we did last year. We absolutely stomp everyone on Day 1 and make it clear that if we wanted to take this seriously we could easily take home the gold. Then, once our point has been made, we go back to doing what we do best: dicking around and making fun of our Titan/Warlock brothers and sisters for taking things so seriously. That's what Cayde would do, and that how we should honor him.

    submitted by /u/Doc_J_93
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    You can open multiple smuggling compartments in one Presage run if you missed them in previous weeks.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    This wasn't super clear to me and I couldn't find a definitive answer until I figured it out in game so for anyone else confused, it's only gated by the number of captains logs you have. For example I've only gotten 5 logs so I'd be able to open the first 5 compartments in one run if I had missed all of them.

    submitted by /u/ninjamonkeyguy
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    When you go away from Destiny for a new game that just came out, you actually realize just how good Destiny is

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    I know it's not proper to mention other titles, but Ive been playing the newest looter shooter that came out and as I said in the title, it's when you see another game and play it that you realize just how superior Destiny is in every way to these pretenders.

    I might get frustrated with Bungie for some of their practices and how I feel they are not 100% forthright and open with the community about the state of things, and I feel they tell some tales sometimes and BS their way through things rather than being honest and open, but I can't argue with how good the game plays in it's minute-to-minute action and basic stuff like firing your gun and moving your character.

    submitted by /u/vivereFerrari
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    The uproar about gambit weekly challenges seem a bit overdramatic in hindsight

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    For those unaware, when the entire list of weekly challenges for this season was leaked, and especially around last week's and yesterday's reset, there was a bit of uproar about the gambit-related ones.

    These ask you to kill 40 primeval envoys and get guardian kills, by invading or killing invaders. People were talking about how long and grindy that would be, how people would be constantly camping the portal for invasions, and how the challenges absolutely needed to be retroactive for them to be acceptable.

    Now that the challenges are out, it turns out you only need to do one tick of damage on an envoy for it to count as a kill when it dies, and you only need 13 invader kills to finish the challenge. Not only that, but matches have been relatively unaffected ; There is no more fighting over the portal than usual, and since people are focused on killing envoys, I argue they're actually even playing better, trying to get them to spawn as fast as possible then instantly killing them (you know, what you're supposed to do).

    Nothing too agravating, but i found it a bit funny how this sub can have a tendency to cry wolf a bit too soon, even when nothing comes of it.

    submitted by /u/McManus26
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    Why do hunters punch thing?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    Don't you just LOVE when you have a perfectly healthy flaming throwing knife and yet your hunter just INSISTS VEHEMENTLY to PUNCH the screeb?

    What do I look like, A TITAN?

    submitted by /u/Jhoonis
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    Bungie, please just take the shattered challenge out of the dreaming city daily challenge rotation

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    Look, I get it, you got bigger things to deal with. A relatively minor bug with a daily bounty isn't near the top of your list of priorities to fix. So if its not going to be fixed any time soon, just do the next best thing and take the shattered challenge (finding toland in the ascendant challenge) out of the daily dreaming city challenge rotation.

    This wasn't really an issue before, but since the reissue of dreaming city gear and its drop implementation, we all have a very limited number of opportunities to roll for dreaming city weapons and armour every week. One of those opportunities being the daily challenge from Petra. By keeping the shattered challenge in the rotation in the state that its in, we're all losing an opportunity per week to roll for that god roll weapon or armour we're all chasing (who's still trying for that god rolled retold tale or waking vigil?).

    Removing a broken daily bounty from the rotation has got to be easier than fixing it. I don't see any limitations keeping Bungie from just straight up removing it. I honestly would prefer to do the plaguebreaker challenge twice in a week than to lose an opportunity to try for that god roll I'm still chasing.

    submitted by /u/MHMRahman
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    Request for The Dawning this year: Bring back the Snowballs!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    In D2Y1's Dawning event, snowballs filled the game world and Strikes. You could pick them up, throw 'em at combatants blinding and slowing them. This was fun, and I've been I've hoping to see them each passing Dawning. Please bring them back! They added a nice extra spice to Strikes.

    Also just a maybe, but you could also try adding them to Gambit. May make invasions/invading a bit more interesting for the holidays.

    submitted by /u/ggamebird
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    When Master difficulty raids come out we should be able gild the raid title by completing all the raid challenges but in Master difficulty.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    I feel like this could be a great way to incentivize challenging yourself even further in raids. Master mode, if it only increases power level and doesn't modify mechanics, is likely but not fantastic. I feel if there isn't a reward for challenging yourself mechanically people won't do it. I think giving people a gilded title for doing raid challenges in master difficulty along with a flawless completion is a great idea. In my opinion, many titles are much harder to get than the ones we can gild but people like the fanciness of a gilded title (which is fine) but the more difficult a title is to obtain it should look cooler than the others.

    submitted by /u/astrowhale98
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