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    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    Destiny This Week At Bungie 5/27/2021

    Destiny This Week At Bungie 5/27/2021

    This Week At Bungie 5/27/2021

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50388

    This week at Bungie, we exposed vulnerabilities in the Vex Network.

    It's been another jam-packed week of Season of the Splicer content. Guardians have infiltrated deeper into the Vex Network through the new Expunge mission and a new Override six-player activity is now available on Tangled Shore. Get in there and help Mithrax stop this endless night!

    Over the weekend, the Vault of Glass raid opened up for the first time in Destiny 2. Fireteams of Guardians have started diving down into its depths, to be greeted with familiar feelings and new twists. Here is a quick teaser if you still haven't stepped inside yourself.

    Video Link

    There were some initial worries that a new bug may allow players to once again yeet to defeat Atheon. However, some additional testing showed that he has adapted over the years and is not as easy to persuade off of ledges. We'll continue to keep an eye on things.

    Speaking of keeping an eye on things, we got the pleasure of watching along as the World First race raged on over the weekend. It's always exciting getting to watch fireteams face off against new raid content. If you missed it, go dig up a VOD from your favorite creator or check out the replay of Broman and Reck following the race with their Raid Day Tailgate. They did an awesome job!

    VOG Champs

    Image Linkimgur

    Thousands of teams lined up to take on the Vault of Glass, but in the end, there can only be one World First fireteam. This time around simply clearing the raid was just the first leg of the race. Teams then had to finish it again and solve additional challenges to complete the Tempo's Edge Triumph. Clan Elysium not only finished their initial run first, but no one was able to catch them as they pushed their way through the challenges that followed and crossed the finish line.

    After verification we're proud to congratulate our Destiny 2 Vault of Glass World First winners, clan Elysium!

    💠 Cruz

    💠 Kyros

    💠 Moople

    💠 Quazz

    💠 Saltagreppo

    💠 Slap pic.twitter.com/nkNCMP26hY

    — Destiny 2 (@DestinyTheGame) May 22, 2021

    We reached out to the World First fireteam to get some inside knowledge behind their victory. Here is what they had to say.

    First off, congratulations on your World First finish for Destiny 2 Vault of Glass! Tell us a bit about your fireteam.

    Cruz: We're all from Clan Elysium. Some of us have been here for several years at this point and others only joined a handful of months ago. We actively pursue the most challenging pieces of content in the game for fun and have a formed a pretty great team through our mutual interests.

    What kind of preparation and planning did your team do before raid day? Were you feeling good about this run beforehand?

    Cruz: We each did a bit of refreshing in terms of how the Destiny 1 version [of Vault of Glass] functioned mechanically and was paced, as well as how it could translate into Destiny 2. Saltagreppo and I went back to two-man Vault of Glass to get super familiar with the layout of each area/encounter. As the days crept towards the World First race, we discussed so many different things that could impact how we'd perform. Whether it be the class composition, what loadouts we'd want to prepare for each encounter, and of course, what the challenges could be for our second run.

    The night before we set our plans for the day in stone. We definitely felt like this was a realistic goal. We all believed in ourselves as well as in each other. I don't think any of us really thought that this was it until we heard that we got the first clear of the normal version from chat. Once I knew that, I knew that this was our chance to get a World First.

    Moople: I felt very confident about the team going in, there was no doubt in my mind that we would place well. We did a lot of discussing mostly around how we wanted to approach the challenges for Tempo's Edge, and ultimately it paid off.

    What was the trickiest part of the race for your team? What was the key to overcoming that obstacle?

    Cruz: The Gatekeeper challenge and then the nerves on our final stages of defeating Atheon just before claiming the prize of World First. I went back and calculated what percent of our day-one was spent doing that challenge and it turned out to be ~27% of our entire day-one experience. Eventually we found out what we needed to do and then it was just about execution.

    Saltagreppo: What was the key to overcoming the Gatekeeper challenge? We just kept going — trying to remain as calm and focused as possible. We believed in ourselves and we knew we would figure something out sooner or later.

    Kyros: [The trickiest part was] figuring out the Gatekeeper challenge and, for me personally, also oracle call outs on Atheon. Also just not getting overwhelmed by the pressure and anxiety was a bit of a struggle, but I was able to get through it with the encouragement of my teammates.

    What did you think of the addition of Triumph challenges to the World First race? Your team finished the first run and would have won anyway, but did you ever get worried you might get caught during the second leg of the race?

    Slap: The idea of Triumph challenges are good for a race in which we have already known about certain mechanics and add an extra layer of challenge. For new raids I would like the raid itself to be the challenge instead of the Triumphs surrounding it. During the challenge run, I definitely had a moment of worry when we took longer than any other encounter to figure out the Gatekeeper challenge, but I was still confident.

    Quazz: I think the addition of the Triumph challenges were very good for the reprised raid. We were worried about getting caught at Gatekeeper during the challenge run as we got stumped and couldn't solve it for over an hour.

    So where are you planning to hang your Titles?

    Cruz: I'm going to place mine to the side of my gaming setup so that any time I come in here, I'm reminded of the World First and the accomplishment.

    Saltagreppo: I'll place mine well visible behind my station to have it always there while streaming!

    Slap: My ceiling.

    Kyros: On the wall above my monitor so I can see it when I'm playing.

    Quazz: I am going to hang mine up on my wall beside my setup so I can always be reminded of the triumph we felt and the overwhelming emotions going through us as we learned we had become World's First.

    Moople: Definitely going straight next to my setup. I want to be reminded of the accomplishment and feel the same excitement I did on the day we finished.

    Congrats again! Anything else the VOG champs would like to say before you get back to crushing our PvE content?

    Cruz: Nothing other than thank you to Bungie and the community. As well as just a shout-out to the rest of my team and to check out our Twitter. We'll be back for Witch Queen to defend our title as reigning champs.

    Saltagreppo: Thank you Bungie for providing us those awesome day-one experiences and for creating such a wholesome community!

    Quazz: Thanks for another great raiding experience. Playing Vault of Glass for the first time in 2014 got me hooked to the game and then to win the World First race in the reprised version of the raid was such an amazing feeling. I am looking forward to Witch Queen and another amazing experience.

    Moople: Thanks for keeping the game I've been playing for seven years going strong. Hope there's many more and I can't wait for Witch Queen. Keep an eye out for our names.

    Slow Down

    I'm just going keep this short and introduce Sandbox Lead Kevin Yanes to give you an update on Stasis on behalf our Gameplay team. They have a lot to say so let's get to it.

    Kevin Yanes: Hey, all. Kevin from the Gameplay team here. I wanted to take a second to talk to you all about Stasis, our vision for Guardian vs. Guardian combat, and the road that gets us there.

    Ice Ice Baby

    First, let's chat about Stasis -- our fourth damage type in Destiny, and the newest to join the fold. We've heard a lot of feedback about Stasis since its launch alongside Beyond Light in Season 12, and we've been using that feedback to help shape the future of the damage type. It's clear the vision we had for crowd control in PvE is succeeding and players are finding it both useful and fun. We love how Stasis plays in PvE and we want to preserve that experience, but we agree with many in the PvP community who say that Stasis is too dominant in the Crucible for too little effort or skill required.

    Over the last few weeks, we've been open with you that we're taking this feedback to heart and working hard to reel in this great new power. We adore the long legacy of Bungie PvP games and want the PvP combat sandbox to live up to that adoration. This means we want the Crucible to be as fun for as many players as possible while also serving up those moments of skillful execution and incredible plays. It's a tight rope to walk, and frankly we overcorrected during development when considering whether Stasis would live up to Arc, Solar, and Void. Stasis and crowd control are key components of the Destiny combat sandbox -- they're not going anywhere, meaning it's up to us to ensure Stasis plays well across all activities, regardless of skill level. What you'll find detailed in this TWAB is a series of changes we believe will more evenly position Stasis alongside Void, Solar, and Arc subclasses as an equal option rather than the dominant one, while retaining what is fun about the ability set.

    "I Need a Weapon…"

    Since Forsaken, we've been slowly creeping towards a Crucible where it feels like gunplay has taken a backseat to our sweet cosmic magical powers. We believe this is the wrong place for the Crucible to be, and we want to shift the balance more toward weapons. To us, the Crucible plays best when weapons and abilities have complementary usage in any given encounter. When we set out to define what our vision looked like for the future of Guardian vs. Guardian combat, it boiled down to a few key pillars:

    • Weapons are the primary way players engage with combat.
    • Non-Super abilities accentuate or augment the combat, but should rarely solve an encounter by themselves.
    • Abilities have clear strengths, weakness, and counterplay.
    • Build-crafting is rewarding within the moment-to-moment combat loop of Destiny.

    Behind the scenes, we've been executing on these pillars by planning out a roadmap of patches that we believe will not only get Stasis to where it needs to be for PvP, but also sets us up to shift the PvP combat sandbox in a meaningful way toward more gunplay.

    "Don't Make a Promise…"

    Our first patch in this roadmap was released in March and was developed separately alongside Season 14. Unfortunately, due to the pieces already moving at the time, some changes were made that buffed Stasis and were not consistent with our goals. We're working hard to ensure that when we release hotfix patches, we can realign all of those moving pieces to exist more cohesively. Please pardon our dust as we work to get fixes and new features out to you in a timely manner.

    Next, we have some details for next week's hotfix below. As you'll see, there are a lot of changes to go over here, and they're all focused on Stasis. This patch is something we've moved up from Season 15 to help smooth over some of the pain points players have been feeling. It's important to note here that shifting our focus like this comes at a considerable cost to the team, so it's unlikely that mid-season patches of this scope will become a regular occurrence.

    Once this patch has shipped, we'll be diving back into Season 15, where we are planning to deliver another balance patch focused on updates to the Light subclasses while continuing to iterate on Stasis. The goal here is to address some key pieces of feedback and make more of the Light subclasses viable across the game.

    After Season 15, things become a little more nebulous because we're still early in development. What I can talk about are our areas of focus to help paint a picture of where we're headed. We'll be looking at ability regeneration rates and redesigning how the ability-energy economy works across the game. Our goal here is to keep the PvE experience largely similar to the state of the game today but reduce how often abilities are used in the Crucible. After that, we'll be taking a long hard look at the Void, Solar, and Arc subclasses to re-examine each subclass path and how they fit into the combat sandbox.

    "Our Best Days are Still Ahead…"

    I know some of this feels like a tease, and I hope to speak to you all again in the future when we have more to show. Like Joe mentioned in our Beyond Light ViDoc, Destiny's best days are still ahead of us. I truly believe that. Our love for this game burns bright. I hope what's written above speaks to that and inspires you all the way I feel inspired when I think of our future. With that, I'll hand it over to Gameplay Designer Eric Smith to talk you through our upcoming balance patch. <3

    Heating Up

    Eric Smith: Hey, Guardians. The Combat Gameplay team is currently working on changes to Stasis gameplay abilities aimed at improving the Stasis experience in the Crucible. We had originally planned to ship these changes in Season 15 alongside a larger subclass balance patch, but we've decided to move several of the Stasis gameplay changes up to Hotfix, which is planned to go live on Thursday, June 3rd. We're still hard at work on additional ability changes that will launch in Seasons 15 and 16, but we wanted to get these Stasis changes into players hands sooner rather than later. Without further ado, here are the changes:

    General Stasis

    Stasis Freeze

    • Reduced duration of all non-Super freezes vs. players to 1.35s.

      • Note: This freeze is too short to break out of, so breaking out is now only possible when frozen by a Super.
    • Reduced Special-weapon, Heavy-weapon, and Light-ability bonus damage vs. frozen players from +50% to +5%.

    Stasis Slow

    • No longer reduces weapon accuracy.

      • Now increases weapon flinch when under fire.
    • No longer suppresses class ability and air moves (e.g., Icarus Dash).

      • Known issue: The Stormcaller's Ionic Blink is still suppressed when slowed. We plan to address this in a future release.
    • Reduced movement speed penalty while slowed by ~20%.

    Whisper of Hedrons Fragment

    • No longer increases weapon damage after freezing.
    • Now increases weapon stability, weapon aim assist, Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery after freezing.

    Whisper of Rime Fragment

    • No longer provides overshield while in Super.

    Coldsnap Grenade

    • Seeker no longer tracks targets after initial target acquisition.
    • Increased arming duration before seeker spawns from 0.3s to 0.8s.
    • Reduced detonation radius vs. players from 3m to 1.5m.
    • Now bounces off walls and detonates on the ground.

    Titan Behemoth

    Looking at recent gameplay data, the Behemoth generally has the highest win rate of any subclass in most 6v6 game modes and is also among the strongest in 3v3 modes. In Trials of Osiris matches, for example, only top-tree Dawnblade has a higher win rate. We've taken these strengths into account when balancing the Behemoth's abilities. Between Shiver Strike and Cryoclasm, the Behemoth has incredibly high mobility, making targeting the Behemoth frustrating for controller players in particular. We've taken steps to make the Behemoth more targetable while moving, which should hopefully alleviate some of this frustration.

    Shiver Strike

    • Reduced flight speed and distance.
    • Reduced knockback vs. players.
    • Removed slow detonation on player impact.


    • Now requires the Titan to sprint for 1.25s before activation when not in Super.
    • Removed cooldown.

    Howl of the Storm

    • Reduced angle of initial freezing/damage cone.
    • Reduced crystal-creation freezing radius.
    • Slowed down sequence of crystal formation to allow victims more opportunity to escape.
    • Now spawns a small crystal on walls if performed into walls.

    Glacial Quake

    • Reduced heavy slam vertical freeze range vs. players.
    • Reduced damage resistance from 50% to 47%.

    Hunter Revenant

    The Revenant's Crucible win rate, kills per minute, and average efficiency is generally within the top six of all subclass trees, but its usage rate is incredibly high. In Trials of Osiris matches, it has the fifth-highest win rate of any subclass tree, but is used by a whopping 36% of Trials players. This high usage means players fall victim to its abilities more often, multiplying the frustration of being slowed by Withering Blade and Winter's Shroud. We hope that the changes we've made to being slowed, paired with the adjustments to the Revenant's abilities, make this experience better.

    Withering Blade

    • Reduced slow duration vs. players from 2.5s to 1.5s.
    • Reduced Whisper of Durance slow-duration extension vs. players from 2s to 0.5s.
    • Reduced damage vs. players from 65 to 45 (after one bounce reduced further to 30).
    • Reduced projectile speed by 10%.
    • Reduced tracking after bouncing off a wall.

    Winter's Shroud

    • Reduced slow duration vs. players from 2.5s to 1.5s.
    • Reduced Whisper of Durance slow-duration extension vs. players from 2s to 0.5s.

    Touch of Winter

    • Coldsnap seeker no longer has increased movement speed or travel distance.
    • Coldsnap seeker now spawns a small Stasis crystal on detonation.

    Warlock Shadebinder

    The Shadebinder's Crucible performance is generally within the top ten of all subclass trees. In Trials of Osiris matches, it had the 9th highest win rate of all subclass trees. (BTW - I'm pulling all this data from the weekend of 5/14/21, but it generally doesn't deviate much between weekends. VOG launch weekend shook things up a bit though.) While the Shadebinder may not be the most powerful in competitive play, being frozen by its abilities takes a large emotional toll on the victim. We've adjusted Penumbral Blast to require more accuracy vs. players in order to turn this ability into more of a skill shot given its powerful effects.

    Penumbral Blast

    • Reduced tracking and proximity detonation size and tracking vs. players.
    • Reduced freeze radius vs. players when impacting the environment from 2.7m to 1.5m.

    Iceflare Bolts

    • Seeker now only chains once when spawned from a player shatter.

    Winter's Wrath

    • Freezing-projectile tracking strength now ramps down to 0 after 2s of flight.

    We hope these changes have a positive impact on your Crucible experience. While the Gameplay team is very busy working on future releases, Crucible and the PvP community are incredibly important to us, and we'll continue to monitor gameplay data and community feedback regarding Stasis and subclass abilities in general. We'll continue to update Stasis until its win rates and usage rates are in line with the Light subclasses. Expect more updates in the future.


    Our new Expunge mission went live this week as part of the weekly Seasonal quest. We hope you are enjoying directly infiltrating the Vex Network to venture... inside the computer. We caused a bit of confusion on rewards by referring to this as a "Weekly Pinnacle Mission" and wanted to give you a better idea of what kind of sweet loot you can expect to extract from this new mission over the weeks to come. Here is Senior Designer Mike Profeta to share some reward details with you.

    Mike Profeta: With the removal of Seasonal armor in the Season Pass reward track, we still wanted to provide players with a way to earn a full set of high-stat Seasonal armor. With the Seasonal storyline quests requiring completion of Expunge each week once introduced, that felt like a great source for those armor rewards.

    For the first four weeks of new Expunge missions, players should expect to earn a piece of high-stat Seasonal armor in addition to some Decrypted Data on their first time through each mission. Once players have earned their high-stat armor set by completing the first four missions, remaining weekly Expunge missions, upon first completion, will reward a Seasonal weapon with an additional perk choice in the final column instead of an armor piece.

    Starting on June 15, a new Pinnacle activity challenge will roll out connected to Expunge missions, providing an additional Pinnacle reward source each week for the remainder of the Season. This coincides with an additional layer of replayability being introduced to Expunge missions along with unveiling the final three Splicer Gauntlet upgrades, which will provide additional rewards and a source of high-stat/double-perk Seasonal gear from Expunge each week for as long as the activity is available to players.


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    We had a hotfix last week, this week, and have another one coming up next week. So, there are a lot of fixes flying around and our Player Support team is keeping track of the issues and crossing them off the list.

    This is their report.

    Known Issues List | Help Forums | Bungie Help Twitter


    Hotfix will go live Thursday, June 3, at the daily reset. Maintenance windows and expected downtime can be viewed here once they are made available.

    Here is a sampling of the issues being addressed:

    • The Empty Tank Lost Sector will correctly reward leg Exotics when they are advertised.
    • The Couturier Gauntlets will no longer obstruct a player's view when using Bows and will appear again as intended.
    • The Archon's Thunder Machine Gun and Riiswalker Shotgun can now be acquired from Lord Saladin, Iron Engrams, Bounties, or post-match Iron Banner rewards.

    A full list of patch notes will be made available when Hotfix is released.

    Missed Notes

    The following notes were missed in the original publishing of the patch notes for Hotfix but the changes are currently live in the game. We have updated the Patch Notes and added the missing items.

    • Removed Glimmer cost to apply shaders.
    • Fixed an issue where players were unable to use the /Join command on Steam.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Reverie Dawn armor from taking shaders.
    • Reduced the kill requirements to unlock Null Composure's Gambit ornament.
    • Fixed an issue where the Contender Plate Titan chest ornament would not show up under universal ornaments for those who purchased the Guardian Games bundle.


    Since the release of Hotfix, we have been consistently monitoring an increase in reported BEAGLE error codes from PlayStation 5 players. While we investigate this issue, some players have reported that moving their Destiny 2 installation to an external SSD and back to the PlayStation 5 may temporarily alleviate this error.

    We are continuing to investigate this error code and its increased reports. Players are also recommended to keep an eye on our Known Issues article, our #Help forum, and BungieHelp on Twitter for any updates.


    While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help forum:

    • Shaders that came pre-built on armors, such as Iron Banner shaders, appear before the Default option in the Appearance Customization menu.
    • The Grips of the Exile Hunter armor does not properly display the effects of the Magnificent Solstice Gauntlets when used as an ornament.
    • We are investigating issues related to several color-blind modes obscuring the Oracles in Atheon's Throne Room.
    • The Feast of Light perk on the Star-Eater Scales armor is not working as intended when stepping in a Well of Radiance.
    • Obtaining Exodus Down armor does not count toward the Red War Collections badge.
    • Some weapons that can be obtained from the Gunsmith are missing Masterwork slots.
    • The Cache of Kabr chest at the end Vault of Glass may list incorrect perks and weapon types on available Weapon Caches.

    For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.


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    Welcome to Movie of the Week. This is where we spotlight videos made by our community and share them with the world to see. Usually, I like to use this space to meander but you've already been reading for a while now so bless you if you are still here.

    Movie of the Week: Mytho-blocks

    Video Link

    Movie of the Week: Jebaited

    Movie of the Week: All the Snipes

    Video Link


    Image Link

    It's art time, let's get into it. We love our community artists and this is where we get to share some of the cool creations they come up with. Here are some of our favorites this week.

    Art of the Week: Guardians Make Their Own Fate

    Guardians Make Their Own Fate

    Likes & RT's much appreciated![#DestinyArt](https://twitter.com/hashtag/DestinyArt?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) #Destiny2Art pic.twitter.com/LsvPdcg0Jv

    — B.SΞRIØUS (@bserious) May 21, 2021

    Art of the Week: Lone Survivor


    View this post on Instagram


    A post shared by 3D Art / Gameart 🎨 (@ohlac3d)

    Thanks for chewing your way through this meaty TWAB. To get you back to your day I'll just leave you with this: Supplicants only want hugs, please show them some affection.

    <3 Cozmo

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Questions [2021-05-28]

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light Guide & Gameplay Guide

    Want to buy the DLC? Beyond Light Guide

    Returning and not sure what was vaulted? Destiny Content Vault: Year 4

    Unsure what you need to pay for and what's free? Check out the Season of the Splicer Calendar

    Top Known Issues List by Bungie

    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    We also have a nice collection of useful resources below "Useful links" in the sidebar / top menu.

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    There should 100% be transmog currency in the season pass.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Let's be real here. There is only a set amount of transmog someone can do before they pay real money for transmog. Clearly, getting players to spend real money is the intent here. Honestly, its incredibly stupid to even think the players should have to pay real money for armor they have already earned in game.

    While we're at it, the removal of season armor in the season pass sucks. I do like being able to play a game mode and earn the armor, but flat out removal sucks. Either add in low tier armor back to the season pass, or at the very least, each season should have a random armor from year one that players can earn in the season pass. That way new light players have a way to earn old armor sets, so ya know... they can spend real money to transmog them for their ornaments /s

    submitted by /u/Bungie_Expectations
    [link] [comments]

    DSC needs to drop 5 spoils per encounter. It feels bad not having enough to buy one gun after a run.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:55 PM PDT

    Also the other Raids should too IMO and I also still want the chest system for them.

    submitted by /u/Ookami_No_Kage
    [link] [comments]

    I hope this trend of raid weapons having exclusive perks is the norm going forward

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    Before we had raid weapons rolling with rare or powerful combinations (for the era the raid was in).

    But with DSC and VoG introducing raid exclusive perks, I feel like there is an added layer of prestige to having a god roll raid weapon.

    I was chasing the OG explosive rounds/firefly Fatebringer and ended up with Rewind Rounds/firefly. I thought about sharding it but I gave it a try. Turns out I love it! And while it's not a raid exclusive perk, I got subsistence on a Corrective Measure and it really fulfills that add clear heavy weapon fantasy without needing to use an exotic HMG.

    So I hope we never go back to raid weapons just being "good". My new Fatebringer makes my dragonfly Nation of Beasts look like the pale imitation it always really was

    submitted by /u/ProxyknifeIsKing
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    Can we get rid of “Fake” enemies?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    I don't know if people have noticed this, but in some activities, usually where enemies spawn endlessly (though not always!) those spawning enemies WON'T count for any bounties that involve killing enemies.

    The most egregious example is at the end of the fanatic strike, none of the enemies that spawn during the boss encounter are real and you get no credits for killing them.

    I understand why someone might have thought that was a good idea at some point, to stop people from holding up activities for farming, but that's dumb. And i don't think anyone's going to run that strike on purpose just to farm catalysts or something.

    submitted by /u/Snaz5
    [link] [comments]

    The Season Reward 1-100 are pretty terrible this season.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    Like who wants Legendary Shards and Glimmer. Lmao.

    submitted by /u/ProAssassin84
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    When the next raid is reprised, there should be a day 1 emblem AND a day one challenge emblem.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:35 PM PDT

    My team was strong enough to keep pounding our heads until we beat both regular and challenge. I have a couple groups in my clan that were able to beat the raid day 1 but took WAY too long and couldn't attempt challenge mode and some that just plain weren't strong enough for a day 1 challenge completion. They have nothing to show for their clear, which is really a good accomplishment, except the same emblem those who got it day 2 received. If another raid comes back, try to have a contest mode emblem and then a challenge mode emblem.

    submitted by /u/destinyvoidlock
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    It would've been great if mithrax acknowledged us in season 14 if we completed zero hour

    Posted: 27 May 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    imagine that opening scene of season 14 where that eliskni says to mithrax "How do you know that we can trust him/ her/ it "(the guardian) and then mithrax says something about working with us before during zero hour.

    submitted by /u/OrnerySuggestion8206
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    Hey Bungie, any chance old Raid armor sets could be added to the Monument to Lost Lights Kiosk?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    Now that transmog is a thing, I'd love to use spoils to purchase vaulted raid sets. I'd finally get my hands on the Crown of Sorrow helmets I never got to drop.

    I'll be your best friend!

    *Edit for people saying I want free stuff or you never ran the raids so you're not entitled to raid armor. (Who hurt you?)

    I ran Crown of Sorrow multiple times when Bungie made the loot farmable. Our team learned it and ran it late. I got 3 chest drops and 4 (4!) leg drops amongst other useless sunset weapons. All I wanted was the helmet. My RNG in this game is awful but I still tried for what I wanted.

    Fast forward to now, those raids are vaulted and now Spoils of Conquest and Transmog are a thing. It would be nice to be able to fill out my raid armor collections with RAID SPECIFIC currency. Still having to grind raids. It's just a different grind that is actually rewarded at the end of the day and not left up to chance.

    Having all the exotics in that kiosk, I can only spend my spoils on chests at the end of raids and believe me, I'm thankful for that addition. I just thought it would be nice if Bungie added some of the old armor sets into the kiosk for people like me with awful RNG. Hell, they brought back the Forge armor and dropped it in the general loot pool. I have over 100 forge clears and that was a paid expansion. Was I upset about that? Nope.

    Sharing is caring.

    submitted by /u/SaytanicSanic
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    Vex Mythoclast and its catalyst are painfully underwhelming.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    I have no long comprehensive post for this as I'm sure most of us share the same thoughts anyway. Just, sad. I guess it'll be kinda fun to use in control or the strike playlist.

    submitted by /u/UncleFenchurch
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    The nerf to boots of the assembler was unnecessary

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    For people that are still unaware of the change, this is what happened:

    When Warlocks wearing Boots of the Assembler are extending the duration of a Rift, class ability regeneration pauses. Design note: The reason for this change was both to prevent game crashes caused by too many rifts being placed in a single activity, and to restore some of the advantage to running Sanguine Alchemy over Boots of the Assembler.

    Now that that's out of the way, let me explain: Preventing the game crashes could have been a relatively easy fix - make it so that you can only place a Rift if you're not already in a Rift of that same type. This means you can't have multiple healing rifts on top of each other but you can still stack a healing rift and an empowering rift.

    As for the second part


    EDIT: Thanks for all the upvotes and the helpful award! My first award!

    submitted by /u/ossifbaigel
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    Having and override on the tangled shore really highlights how bad PC performance can be

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:18 AM PDT

    Its where I get the worst framerates with an nvidia card, though a lot of my friends use AMD's. After doing the override a couple times this week, they said they were done until next week because of performance. Bungie, please prioritize fixing framerates on PC, especially for AMD cards.

    submitted by /u/destinyvoidlock
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    Did Hedrons Have To Be Nerfed In PvE?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    I understand it was annoying in PvP, I totally get it. 20% damage in PvP is blatantly strong.

    However, it provided a really cool synergy with certain weapons in PvE with freeze and shatter. It also made guns with Wellspring a little bit easier to use as they could get a bit of extra damage, almost like a built-in damage perk into the subclass to compensate.

    We know that Bungie can tune damage perks differently in PvE vs PvP, from how the damage perks worked pre-Shadowkeep, where Killclip gave 50% damage in PvE but only 30% in PvP.

    I just think Hedrons could have stayed without being completely nuked, but maybe I'm being too optimistic. I just love Stasis builds in PvE and thought Hedrons was a unique and cool tool that really helped play into the power fantasy that makes Stasis so cool.

    submitted by /u/Mult7mus
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    Revert the Assembler nerf, but make it remove rifts connected to the newly placed one (plus sanguine buff idea)

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    This would keep the boots as an S tier exotic for Well, which previously was locked to either lunafaction or Phoenix, while also keeping the chance for crashes due to too many rifts relatively low and effectively keeping Sanguine as a unique-ish tool.

    Speaking of Sanguine, keep the perk as it is but make it deal DoT damage to enemies inside the rift a la Barriers.

    The current change actually creates anti-synergy with middle dawn, which is all about healing/buffing to get your abilities back faster. I've used them pre-nerf and post-nerf, and right now they just feel terrible. As it currently stands I'd be better off NOT using them and just getting a rift back naturally on middle dawn before my old one even disappears.

    submitted by /u/GuyNamedGrimmra
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    The nerfs to Boots of the Assembler and Star-eater Scales has convinced me.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:01 PM PDT

    That I probably shouldn't bother wasting time making builds for fun new exotics, as the fun probably isn't intended.

    I'm just going to stick with Stompies and Transversive Steps forever.

    submitted by /u/IzunaX
    [link] [comments]

    Adding an incentive to teach people how to do VOG is a great step in the right direction.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    Bungie added an emblem where if you get 10 "carries" through VOG then you can claim an emblem off of Bungie Rewards called "Share A Glass". Not only does this allow more people to be able to complete VOG but it also gives you a nice reward for doing so.

    submitted by /u/LivingMountain3
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    So when are fusion rifles gonna get their buff like advertised?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    I noticed at the beginning of the season that their were reports that fusion rifle range getting a static 2m buff just did not happen, a couple weeks in and nothing on that front, unless I missed it in known issues.

    submitted by /u/AllegedGames
    [link] [comments]

    Weapons and armors link to light.gg inside of DIM

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is allowed. Remove if not.

    I really like using DIM for managing my items. I also like using light.gg for checking weapons and armors. I'm not a big fan of the default link to destiny tracker. I found myself, especially at the beginning of a new season, checking light.gg dozens of time per evening. It's quite annoying having to search for items instead of having a direct link. I found this chrome extension for customizing websites. It allows you to pick info/links from other websites and display it on the one you want. I signed up for their beta and I was able to create what they call a "blox". I added a link to light.gg when you click on an item in DIM. I've been using it for about a week and I found myself checking weapons even more often now that I have a direct link. It's so useful I thought I would share it.


    I also tried to display light.gg review score directly in DIM but that didn't work. I think their website is blocking it or something. That would have been cool.

    edit: Since d2gunsmith.com is popular and they use the same item ID I made a new blox that gives you a direct link from DIM.


    submitted by /u/korser
    [link] [comments]

    FPS Issues still Exist Bungie...

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    Ever since Beyond Light a good chunk of the player base has had graphical issues, this is pretty well known and nothing new. I used to maintain 90-140 FPS depending on the activity but now have dips down to the mid-20s anywhere on the tangled shore and in most of the override activity areas (making content we paid for this season basically unplayable). We had one major post telling us Bungie was working on this back in January but we haven't heard a peep since then. I am getting really tired of giving Bungie my money and constantly being ignored when it comes to optimization. Let's break it down real quick for the sake of transparency...

    Destiny 2 prior to F2P: $59.99 CoO Originally: $16.99 Warmind: $19.99 Forsaken: $39.99 Shadow keep: $34.99 Beyond Light: $39.99 Black Armory annual pass: $34.99 Season pass Splicer: $9.99 Season pass Chosen: $9.99 Season pass Hunt: $9.99 Season pass Arrivals: $9.99 Season pass Worthy: $9.99 Season pass Dawn: $9.99 Season pass Undying $9.99

    Total amount spent supporting this game through its frequent ups and downs? $316.86 before tax excluding any silver used for Eververse exclusively.

    I just want to play the game that I, and so many other people love. Please fix the FPS issues. Thank you for your time and consideration, my relevant specs will be listed below for those interested (and no, I will not revert back to a previous driver... I really shouldn't have to do that.)

    3700X 5700XT Samsung 970 Evo 32GB @ 3200mhz

    EDIT: removed irrelevant fluff.

    submitted by /u/Scotty0167
    [link] [comments]

    Created a Mr. Blue Sky themed video showing every wipe we had on our day 1 VoG attempt!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 04:58 AM PDT


    Decided to make something for the day 1 VoG run, and seeing how no one's done this before, I decided to give it a try! Did it all under Mr. Blue Sky to make things even better!

    Edit: thanks everyone for the upvotes and awards!

    submitted by /u/Durgenz
    [link] [comments]

    TIL : The "Mars" portal isn't actually Mars, it's Venus in the past (our present), you can tell because there is lava and the sky is covered in smoke.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:19 AM PDT

    Title, Venus looks like that in real life!

    Edit : fellas, I'm not asking that we change the callouts, stick with whichever makes the most sense to you, I'm not going to change mine either, this is just a cool thing that I learned today and wanted to share, hence why this post is titled "Today I Learned".

    submitted by /u/palindrome777
    [link] [comments]

    If we are gonna nerf Boots of the Assembler so more people use Sanguine Alchemy...

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    We should also be nerfing Sanguine Alchemy so more people use The Stag.

    And nerf The Stag so more people use Promethium Spur.

    And nerf Promethium Spur so more people use Boots of the Assembler.

    Just saying, balancing should be consistent...

    submitted by /u/goatman0079
    [link] [comments]

    Why in the name of balance does Mythoclast lose its charge when you swap guns?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    Even without this flaw, it's a mediocre gun at best. The only thing going for it is that it's essentially 2 guns in one, even though neither of them are all that great. I'd love to be able to equip a shotgun and be able to cover all ranges across 2 guns, but as soon as you swap back to mythoclast, it's just a shitty AR until you get another 6 kills. This extra downside brings it from being niche to downright bad.

    submitted by /u/lamp46
    [link] [comments]

    Bungie you really need to fix the performance issues on pc.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    Ever since the release of beyond light I've struggled to get 60fps at most locations even tho my system can handle a lot more. The moon and tangled shore seem to be the worst offenders for this with me only getting 25-30 fps. Changing my graphics setting has zero affect on performance regardless of highest or lowest settings. (Side note, I know this doesn't affect everyone but a few of my friends are having the same issue as well as from what I've read online we aren't the only ones)

    submitted by /u/byron_roberts09
    [link] [comments]

    Expunge Is Pretty Fun. It Does However Focus My Frustration On The Physics Engine.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:25 AM PDT


    I jumped 2 feet into the air, trying to land on a jump pad thingy, and apparently, that was sacrilege, because I just died. it happened twice in a 14-minute run.

    Random geometry instantly killing you is really annoying, especially when trying to speed through (for that 10-minute run without Wirewalker).

    I like the mission. good visuals, fun route. (kinda questioning the fact that it has built-in shortcuts but whatever. I haven't experienced them yet.) It's overall pretty fun (maybe too easy in the basic form. no fading light for the boss fight? really Bungie?).

    TLDR: physics is borked, more frustrating than usual. reddit is obviously the first place to go to cooldown.

    submitted by /u/AValiantSoul
    [link] [comments]

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