[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2019-10-14] Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT Daily Vanguard Modifiers Affect Strikes, Menagerie, Heroic Missions & Adventures - Void Singe: Void damage increases slightly from all sources.
- Iron: Enemies have more health and are not staggered by damage.
- Heavyweight: Power weapons deal more damage, and more ammo is available.
Daily Reckoning Modifiers Affect all three tiers - Solar Singe: Solar damage increases slightly from all sources.
- Heavyweight: Power weapons deal more damage, and more ammo is available.
Daily Heroic Story Missions - 1AU (PL 750) - The Almighty. The time has come to stop the Almighty. Board the ship, and shut down its annihilation weapon.
- Payback (PL 750) - Earth. Time for Zavala's grand entrance—finally attacking the Red Legion base in the EDZ head-on.
- A Deadly Trial (PL 750) - Earth. Brother Vance says there's a Temple of Osiris in the EDZ where you can revive Sagira.
- Deep Storage (PL 750) - Io. Search the Pyramidion on Io for a map of the Infinite Forest to guide you to Panoptes.
- Last Call (PL 750) - Prison of Elders. Fight alongside Cayde-6 to help Petra Venj regain control of the dangerous Prison of Elders.
Daily Forge: Izanami Forge Gunsmith Inventory - Freehand Grip: Increases accuracy and ready speed while firing from the hip.
- Hand Cannon Targeting: Improved target acquisition, accuracy, and aim-down-sights speed for Hand Cannons.
- Upgrade Module (1 for 1 Enhancement Core & 10 Legendary Shards & 25 Phaseglass Needle & 5000 Glimmer)
- Upgrade Module (1 for 1 Enhancement Core & 10 Legendary Shards & 25 Microphasic Datalattice & 5000 Glimmer)
- Enhancement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & 25 Phaseglass Needle & 10000 Glimmer)
- Ascendant Shard (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 100 Baryon Bough & 50000 Glimmer)
Spider Material Exchange - Purchase Enhancement Cores (1 for 10 Legendary Shards)
- Purchase Legendary Shards (1 for 10 Phaseglass Needle)
- Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Legendary Shards)
- Purchase Dusklight Shards (5 for 5000 Glimmer)
- Purchase Seraphite (5 for 5000 Glimmer)
- Purchase Simulation Seeds (5 for 1 Legendary Shards)
- Purchase Baryon Boughs (5 for 1 Legendary Shards)
Bounties Commander Zavala, Vanguard Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Horseshoes and Hand Grenades | Defeat enemies with grenades. | 20 [Grenade Kill] Grenade ability | XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token | Controlled Destruction | Defeat enemies in strikes with any Grenade Launcher. | 10 [Grenade Launcher] Grenade Launcher | XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token | Rocketing to Prominence | Defeat enemies in strikes with any Rocket Launcher. | 10 [Rocket Launcher] Rocket Launcher | XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token | The Inner Storm | Get Arc kills in a strike. | 25 [Arc Kill] Arc damage | XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token | Lord Shaxx, Crucible Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Inner Light | Land Super final blows in the Crucible. | 3 Super ability | XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points | Brightest Day | Generate Orbs of Light in the Crucible. | 7 Orbs of Light | XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points | Killing Wind | Defeat three opponents in the Crucible without dying. | 3 Streak | XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points | Fire and Fury | Land Solar final blows in the Crucible. | 5 [Solar Kill] Solar damage | XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points | Ikora Rey, Vex Fanatic Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Overcurrent | Defeat Vex using Arc abilities. | 15 [Arc Kill] Arc ability | XP & 1 Vex Mind Components | Violent Opposition | Defeat Vex with Energy weapons. | 30 Energy weapon | XP & 1 Vex Mind Components | Shed Some Light | Defeat Vex with Arc damage. | 50 [Arc Kill] Arc damage | XP & 1 Vex Mind Components | A Display of Impunity | Defeat Hydras in the Vex Offensive. | 3 Vex Hydras | XP & 1 Vex Mind Components | Eris Morn, Moon Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Moon Cheese | Loot chests on the Moon. | 5 Chests | XP & 5 Helium Filaments | Element of Surprise | Using any Energy weapon, defeat enemies in streaks of 3 or more without taking damage in between. | 15 Defeated in streaks | XP & 5 Helium Filaments | Spray Pattern Disintegration | Using a Fusion Rifle, rapidly defeat enemies in groups of 2 or more. | 15 Rapidly defeated | XP & 5 Helium Filaments | From Whence They Came | Defeat Hive in Hellmouth on the Moon. | 25 Hive | XP & 5 Helium Filaments | Lectern of Enchantment, Moon Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Pyrophantasmic | Defeat enemies in Nightmare Hunts with Solar damage. | 20 [Solar Kill] Solar damage | XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment | Arc in the Night | Dispel Nightmares using Arc abilities. | 25 [Arc Kill] Arc ability | XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment | Dark Communion | Find the Lost Sector K1 Communion and dispel the Nightmare within. | 7 Nightmares | XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment | Which Moon Is Haunted? | Defeat Nightmares in Lost Sectors on Io. | 8 Nightmares | XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment | The Drifter, Gambit Prime Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | INVADER: Mote Piñata | As a fireteam, deny Motes in Gambit Prime. | 15 Motes denied | 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points | INVADER: Kill 'Em All | Defeat enemies or Guardians in a single Gambit Prime match. | 40 Enemies defeated | 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points | COLLECTOR: Leave One on Their Porch | Send Blockers in Gambit Prime. | 7 Blockers sent | 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points | SENTRY: The Bouncer | Defeat Blockers in Gambit Prime. | 100 Blockers defeated | 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points | INVADER: Invading Infested Places | Invader bounty. Complete heroic public events on Titan or the Tangled Shore. | 2 Public events completed | 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points | REAPER: Reaping in the Crucible | Reaper bounty. Defeat Guardians in the Crucible. | 10 Guardians defeated | 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points | COLLECTOR: Collecting from Chests | Collector bounty. Loot chests found in patrol zones throughout the system. | 5 Chests looted | 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points | SENTRY: Sentry Duty, Full of Light | Sentry bounty. Generate Orbs of Light. | 10 Orbs created | 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points | The Drifter, Gambit Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Blockade | Send a small, a medium, and a large Blocker in Gambit. | 1 [Small Blocker] Small Blockers & 1 Medium Blockers & 1 [Large Blocker] Large Blockers | XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points | Fistful of Motes | Bank Motes in Gambit matches. | 25 Motes banked | XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points | Sun Charred | Use Solar abilities to defeat enemies in Gambit. Defeated Guardians are worth extra points. | 15 [Solar Kill] Solar ability | XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points | Face-to-Face | Summon Primevals in Gambit by filling up your team's bank. | 2 Primevals summoned | XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points | Banshee-44, Gunsmith Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Submachine Gun Calibration | Calibrate Submachine Guns against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. | 100 [SMG] Calibration | XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core | Fusion Rifle Calibration | Calibrate Fusion Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision final blows and against opposing Guardians. | 100 [Fusion Rifle] Calibration | XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core | Finisher Calibration | Defeat targets with final blows using your finisher. | 10 Enemies defeated | XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core | Ada-1, Black Armory Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Harvest Time | Harvest resources in any destination. | 15 Materials collected | 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer | Rasmussen Tribute | Pay homage to the Black Armory's Norse heritage by defeating enemies with Power weapons and Shotguns. | 50 Enemies defeated | 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer | Izanami Forge Ignitions | Complete ignitions of the lost Izanami Forge on Nessus. | 1 Ignitions completed | 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer | An Ancient Fire | Complete a forge ignition by successfully stoking the forge and eliminating the Forge Warden. | 1 Forge ignited | 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer | Heroic Evaluation | Complete a Heroic adventure with at least one Black Armory weapon equipped. | 1 Heroic adventures completed | 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer | Visage of Calus, Triumph Hall Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Light the Way | Defeat enemies with any abilities without dying. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. | 20 [Kill] kills | 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer | Make Your Mark | Earn precision kills in the Crucible without dying. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. | 2 [Headshot] Final blows | 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer | Wildest Dreams | Complete public events in the Dreaming City without dying. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. | 2 Public events completed | 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer | Bank on It | Bank Motes without dying in a Gambit Prime match. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. | 20 Motes banked | 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer | Spider, Tangled Shore Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Super Visible | Get Super kills on the Tangled Shore. | 20 Super kills | XP & 5 Etheric Spiral | Defend the Shore | Complete two public events on the Tangled Shore. | 2 Public events completed | XP & 5 Etheric Spiral | Treasure Hunter | Loot treasure chests on the Tangled Shore. | 5 Chests looted | XP & 5 Etheric Spiral | Lost on the Landing | Explore the Lost Sector Kingship Dock near Thieves' Landing on the Tangled Shore. | 1 | XP & 5 Etheric Spiral | Devrim Kay, EDZ Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | European Live Zone | Defeat enemies in the EDZ. | 50 Enemies defeated | XP & 10 Dusklight Shard | Superhuman | Defeat multiple enemies with a single Super while in the EDZ. | 3 Super multikills | XP & 10 Dusklight Shard | Front Line Defense | Defeat Cabal in the EDZ. | 30 Cabal kills | XP & 10 Dusklight Shard | Sloane, Titan Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Walk the Beat | Complete patrols on Titan. | 2 Patrols completed | XP & 10 Alkane Dust | Alkane Chemistry | Harvest Alkane Dust on Titan. | 5 Resources collected | XP & 10 Alkane Dust | Crackshot | Defeat enemies on Titan with precision damage. | 10 Precision kills | XP & 10 Alkane Dust | Failsafe, Nessus Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Super Powerful | Get Super kills on Nessus. | 20 Super kills | XP & 10 Microphasic Datalattice | Vicarious Exploration | Acquire cache codes in Lost Sectors on Nessus. | 2 Cache codes acquired | XP & 10 Microphasic Datalattice | Shot Through the Heart | Get sniper kills on Nessus. | 15 Sniper kills | XP & 10 Microphasic Datalattice | Asher Mir, Io Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Vexing Revelations | Defeat Vex on Io. | 30 Vex defeated | XP & 10 Phaseglass Needle | Arc Potential | Get Arc kills on Io. | 30 Arc kills | XP & 10 Phaseglass Needle | Gunning for a Promotion | Complete public events on Io. | 2 Public events completed | XP & 10 Phaseglass Needle | Brother Vance, Mercury Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Super Osirian | Defeat multiple enemies with a single Super while on Mercury. | 3 Super multikills | XP & 10 Simulation Seed | Power Lifting | Get Power weapon multikills on Mercury. | 3 Power multikills | XP & 10 Simulation Seed | Neverending | Clear sections of the Infinite Forest. | 7 Sections cleared | XP & 10 Simulation Seed | Ana Bray, Mars Name | Description | Requirement | Reward | Super Competitive | Defeat multiple enemies with a single Super while on Mars. | 3 Super multikills | XP & 10 Seraphite | Super Thermodynamics | Get Solar kills on Mars. | 30 Solar kills | XP & 10 Seraphite | Martian Melee | Get melee kills on Mars. | 15 Melee kills | XP & 10 Seraphite | Unfortunately, Petra daily bounties can't be fetched through the API. Feel free to share them in the comments! submitted by /u/DTG_Bot [link] [comments] |
Bungie Plz Addition: Remove Elemental Affinity From Armor 2.0 Posted: 14 Oct 2019 11:47 AM PDT Hello Guardians, This topic has been added to Bungie Plz. Going forward, all posts suggesting this change will be removed and redirected to this Megathread. Submitted by: u/Loj35, u/damage-fkn-inc Date approved: 10/10/19 Modmail Discussion: u/Loj35: "Why it should be added: People have been upset about it ever since it was previewed before launch. Every couple of days there is a new post about it, and in every thread about new builds or even drop rng there are complaints about element matching. People are upset about the additional RNG element it adds, as well as the restriction on combining mods for different weapon types. Whether or not it should be fixed, comp[laints about it abound on the sub." u/damage-fkn-inc: "Why it should be added: The premise of Armour 2.0 was to provide the player with more customisation. Quotes from the ViDoc include "Armour 2.0 is focused on allowing you to take the mods that you've unlocked and apply them to any given piece of armour." "Unfortunately, the element system restricts us in that way, essentially penalising the player for enjoying certain weapon loadouts that have different affinities. Examples include handcannon/fusion, handcannon/shotgun, pulse rifle/fusion, SMG/sniper, and pulse rifle/grenade launcher, just to name a few where you might want a dexterity and scavenger perk in crucible, which you currently can't have. It also does not allow you to use certain reload mods together with for example impact induction. At the moment, we do not have free reign to combine certain targeting/finder mods (or double finder), scavenger/dexterity (or double scavenger), or unflinching/reserves (or double reserves). "The elemental affinity should either be removed, or more mods added into the game so that each mod has a version of each element, so that for example void-shotgun-scavenger, arc-shotgun-scavenger, and solar-shotgun-scavenger all being separate but at least available mods." Examples given: 1, 2, 3 Bonus 4 5 6 Criteria Used: "...3 examples (with links) of recent submissions (with at least 1 being over 5 days old), that have been well received (hundreds of upvotes on the front page of the sub - ex. 300+ upvotes)." Want to submit a topic for BungiePlz? Follow the instructions at the top of this wiki! submitted by /u/DTG_Bot [link] [comments] |
Wormhusk crown was OP for a season. One eyed mask has been OP for four seasons. If my math serves me well... Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:10 PM PDT There is soon to be a Warlock exotic that will be OP for 16 or more seasons. Our time is nigh, brothers and sisters. submitted by /u/LostEagru [link] [comments] |
We found Crota in the Garden of Salvation.. Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:07 PM PDT |
Bungie Plz Addition: Allow Us to Equip Artifact Mods on Exotic Weapons Posted: 14 Oct 2019 11:39 AM PDT Hello Guardians, This topic has been added to Bungie Plz. Going forward, all posts suggesting this change will be removed and redirected to this Megathread. Submitted by: u/Tris375 Date approved: 10/12/19 Modmail Discussion: u/Tris375: "Why it should be added: Many people within the community think this should be added to enable exotic weapons to be a viable choice when running end game Shadowkeep content. Currently the only weapons which are useful for defeating champions are non-exotics which can equip artifact mods (currently handcannons, auto rifles, SMGs and bows) or new Shadowkeep Exotics (e.g. Eriana's Vow). Implementing mod slots for exotics will improve build choice and may also go some way towards balancing usage of other weapons (e.g. The Recluse)." Examples given: 1, 2, 3 Bonus 4 5 Criteria Used: "...3 examples (with links) of recent submissions (with at least 1 being over 5 days old), that have been well received (hundreds of upvotes on the front page of the sub - ex. 300+ upvotes)." Want to submit a topic for BungiePlz? Follow the instructions at the top of this wiki! submitted by /u/DTG_Bot [link] [comments] |
What website does Zavala use to find new guardians? Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:32 PM PDT |
Getting Mercy Ruled in the Crucible should spawn Lord Shaxx on the losing team Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:49 AM PDT "I'VE SEEN ENOUGH! I'M JOINING THIS ONE!" Nah but in all seriousness tho there should be a gamemode that's a 6v1 and that one person is Lord fucking Shaxx. submitted by /u/TheRawMeat [link] [comments] |
Many weapons and archetypes were nerfed prior to Shadowkeep because autoloading made them too powerful. Now that autoloading is gone, these weapons should be un-nerfed. Posted: 14 Oct 2019 03:25 PM PDT Title. Removing autoloading was basically a second nerf for weapons like cluster rockets, machine guns, ikelos, etc. that were already spot nerfed before Bungie figured out that autoloading was the problem, and not these weapons. A lot of these weapons felt really special to use, and it would be great to have them back in a functional state again. submitted by /u/HerbaciousTea [link] [comments] |
[spoiler] The fact that most people are using the Izanagi’s Burden in the new raid is really cool from a lore perspective. Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:06 PM PDT The Izanagi's Burden is a weapon we rebuilt during the season of the forge. All those weapons we built are all golden age technology. The darkness almost destroyed everything and ended the golden age during the collapse. The fact that we are going into the new raid using golden age technology to beat the final raid boss seems so poetic. From now on, every time I load that extra strong bullet into the chamber, I'll be doing so, knowing each bullet I load will be revenge for what the darkness did in our past. submitted by /u/Bungie_Expectations [link] [comments] |
Randy. Randy never changes. Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:35 AM PDT Back when Redrix's Claymore was out there, its lore text goes: Redrix-3 slid past roaring tracers and slammed into a concrete lectern so hard he cracked it, tiny puffs of dust drifting up around him. "Randy, you idiot!" he screamed into his radio. "You pissed him off!" "I shot him," came Randy's voice over comms. "That's what we do in the Crucible, Redrix." Just as Redrix thought it was safe to leave his cover, heavy rifle fire thundered against the other side of the dais. His opponent was warning him to stay put. He keyed his radio. "But you didn't kill him, Randy. Now he knows where we are. I'm pinned down! Wait for everyone else to catch up—" The sky fell. Redrix only heard it when he felt it, every atom of his body dissolving as a bolt from the blue sky blasted a crater into the earth. His emerging fireteam was caught in the wake. Long story short, Randy shot but didn't kill Lord Shaxx, who smashed Redrix's whole fireteam into oblivion. So how is he a year later? Let's have a look at his "Throwing Knife". "On me, team; I'm capturing the third point!" —Randy, upon receiving orders not to Guess he finally made his own legacy as the Leroy Jenkins in D2. submitted by /u/SuperCarbideBros [link] [comments] |
My brother and I are starting a new project, “TowerGhost” where we take Destiny soundtrack originals and write rock/ metal covers. This is our first upload titled Hope Overture. Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:24 AM PDT This song combines themes from the title tracks "Forge Ahead" and "Inner Light." We wanted to celebrate two great years of Destiny 2 and express our excitement for Year 3. Our song combines the battle themes of Forge Ahead with melodies from both songs to hopefully incite great memories of this game and also forge ahead (intentional) a new path for more good times. Thank you for listening and tell us what you think. https://youtu.be/Zx51fdy8nLk Edit: Credit to Javi Melo of JMelo Recordings and Kile Odell for producing and engineer this song. submitted by /u/truedoe_ [link] [comments] |
MISSING LENS OF FATE EMBLEM Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:23 AM PDT Hello, 3 month ago (08.01.19), me and my team were MOTW (Ghalran metal cover). My team mates received the emblem but not me. https://www.bungie.net/fr/Explore/Detail/News/48036 I tried to dm Dmg04 and Cozmo on bungie.net, but no answer. It will be great. If you can something. I tried to contact few moderator but nobody can help me... I don't know what can I do now 😥 I hope that this post can be viral, I m not the only guy in this situation. Edit: All players in the same situation, dm me and I will tag you if dmg or cozmo contact me. We need to help our community ! submitted by /u/oppinel [link] [comments] |
Raid armor should have 60+ stat total guaranteed Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:34 PM PDT After 4 lootable clears of Garden I have yet to get a single piece of armor above 55 stat total and it really kills its value. I guess it supposedly has a better chance to have a higher stat total, but as things stand now there is absolutely no reason to use it over something like Vex Offensive armor that drops far more often and is therefore far easier to get a good roll on. In my opinion, raid armor should be inherently more valuable than common armor. I like the look of it, but there needs to be more reason to chase this loot instead of just farming other activities. submitted by /u/Threw1 [link] [comments] |
I sent a screenshot of the GoS raid to my girlfriend. She doesn't play destiny (working on that part) but I don't think you need to play destiny to realize how pretty this place is. So she decided to draw it so I gotta brag a bit of how wonderful she is and share her art everywhere I can <3 Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:10 AM PDT |
Human Ada-1 handing you the Izanagi's Burden Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:07 PM PDT |
My girlfriend got me a Destiny Coffee mug that changes from black to this as it gets hotter!! Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:12 AM PDT I love my coffee and I love my Destiny. How thoughtful Edit: thanks for the kind comments! Bungie pls hire me as photographer this was a quick edit I can do better submitted by /u/dsciimmy [link] [comments] |
So you really just gonna make a whole season dedicated to Vex and not include Asher. Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:44 AM PDT |
Towerthought: SotP isn't really a raid. It's us intercepting a Fallen raid as they are raiding the Black Armoury in hopes of getting raid weapons to better gear Siviks Fallen raiders for future raids to come. Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:17 AM PDT |
2 Man Sanctified Mind, Sol Inherent - 3 Phase Kill Posted: 14 Oct 2019 03:58 AM PDT |
In case you missed it: weapons and armor from the Moon are decorated like dream catchers. That's why they are covered in feathers, beads, string, and circles. Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:38 PM PDT |
Randy’s Throwing Knife is conceptually the best of this season’s ritual weapons because it fills a unique niche Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:45 AM PDT People have already made complaints about this season's ritual weapons, and rightly so. A lot of us were attached to the idea of uniquely powerful pinnacle weapons, so when we heard that ritual weapons would replace them we were skeptical of how Bungie would handle it. All three of them are good. None of them shine as best-in-class or meta-shifting, which is completely fine. However, Randy's stands out the most. Why? Weapon diversity. Randy's offers something new that the other weapons don't. Edgewise is a Rapid Fire LMG, rendered inferior to Delirium unless you really want Demolitionist for that grenade build. Exit Strategy is an Adaptive Kinetic SMG with decent perk combos - a serviceable enough kinetic alternative to Recluse. But Randy's is actually something we haven't had so far in this game: a Rapid Fire scout in the kinetic slot. If Bungie is going to have ritual weapons just be weapons with the same old perks on them, the best way to make them valuable is for them to be made into underrepresented weapon archetypes to increase loadout diversity. If Bungie does have balance issues with certain archetypes being in certain slots, then they can curate the roll to ensure it doesn't create a problem. Think about it, shouldn't we have the option to run a Y2/Y3 version of a(n): Kinetic Rapid Fire auto rifle Energy "double shot" hand cannon like Warden's Law Precision heavy grenade launcher Kinetic Rapid Fire pulse rifle Kinetic three-burst sidearm Energy Aggressive Sniper Edit: Tatara Gaze exists
Energy Aggressive SMG legendary linear fusion that isn't Crooked Fang (seriously this entire weapon type has been screwed) Kinetic fusion rifle??? (the biggest stretch out of all of these) I feel like this is a good compromise. If it's too much of a balance issue to consistently pump out weapons with wholly unique perks each season, then at least the ritual weapons could be unique in a different way. What better way to introduce players to weapon archetypes they might not have had the chance to play around with much than through ritual weapons? Randy's was just the beginning. We need justice for these archetypes, and ritual weapons are the perfect way to do it. submitted by /u/AlphynKing [link] [comments] |
Quick tip to reload Izanagi 4x without fail: hold down fire button THEN hold reload for 4x Honed Edge Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:31 AM PDT While ADS if you hold the fire button the gun will stay scoped and delay reloading until you let go. This gives you as much time as you need to hold reload which will kick you out of ADS and reload 4x Honed Edge every time. Quick demonstration submitted by /u/xbepox [link] [comments] |
Warlocks, its been 2 weeks... Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:29 AM PDT ...how many of you Warlocks have fallen down the cracks on the Moon? Admit it...you all have at least once! submitted by /u/Totlxtc [link] [comments] |
All Weapon Quests / Activities should be Account bound not Character bound. Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:17 PM PDT I've been a long time Destiny player and love the grind on all 3 characters. After the switch from Xbox to PC and a break from Destiny from Osiris expansion until Shadowkeep has me & others overwhelmed. The amount of gun quests on all the characters and how repetitive / time intensive they all are is crazy. Allowing newer players to catch up to older players with the Izanagi's Burden (Currently Bugged) / Jotunn / Whisper of the worm / Le Monarque the list goes on and on. These are just SOME of the exotic ones I'm not even listing the legendary ones. If these were account bound allowing us to do multiple steps in a single week streamlining the missions it would make the experience much smoother for new comers. You can make allow access to account bound/ multiple steps in a week after a season from stopping hardcore players from getting all the new guns in 1 day but allowing Newcomers to catch up on all the older weapons. Side note: We need a better UI of Main mission / side quest / weapon quest etc. for new comers / cleaner look submitted by /u/tiilller [link] [comments] |
You know some funny facts about linear fusions... Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:52 PM PDT - There hasn't been a new legendary since Curse of Osiris
- There are currently less legendary LF than Machine Guns (6 < 8)
- There hasn't been a single legendary in a raid loot pool.
- It feels like the toy Bungie left in the Basement when they were 5 years old.
- I'd be vibin with making legendaries and Queenbreaker use special ammo, since they probably do less damage than special snipers anyway.
- I don't really use them, probably bottom of my tier list, but I loved Queenbreaker back in D1.
- Recluse probably outputs more damage at this point.
- They still cant one shot supers, I think?
- Number 8 is debatable but would be funny if true (can't really test it at the moment. I mean Sleeper probably could but that doesn't count.
- The only obtainable random roll legendary is Crooked Fang
- That reminds me, remember number 1, well LF has the least amount of legendaries PERIOD. Less than tube GLs (but they got Mountaintop), less than Bows, less than HMGs, Swords, etc.
- There are probably more ingame cosmetics (ie Always on Time, Harbingers Echo, DC Ship and/or Sparrow) than the legendary linear fusion rifle(s).
- Lucky Edit: Non of the collection badges require a legendary linear fusion
submitted by /u/AllegedGames [link] [comments] |
Crazy Fast Catalyst Kill Farm Posted: 14 Oct 2019 11:36 AM PDT This works for any Catalyst that requires enemy kills. I just completed Izanagi's Burden catalyst in under 15 min (500 enemies killed using Sniper). If you are not familiar with this grind, it typically takes hours using some of the other methods I have seen. What is Required? - Hunter with Tether + Orpheus Rigs
- Access to the Moon
What is the Method? - In Patrol on the Moon, ride over to the entrance of the Raid, where you start the Divinity Quest. (If you are unsure of where this is, google Divinity Quest)
- On the vex plate, over 60 vex will spawn in one instance, tether said plate
- Once 10-15 vex are tethered kill 1 vex to kill the entire tether
- Vex should continue to spawn for two complete tether durations.
- Once your second tether runs out, ride sparrow out of zone and come back in for 60 more vex.
Should take you 10-20 min per catalyst that you have been putting off completing. Has anyone found faster method??? submitted by /u/ekrizay [link] [comments] |
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