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    Saturday, October 12, 2019

    Destiny [D2] Xûr Megathread [2019-10-11]

    Destiny [D2] Xûr Megathread [2019-10-11]

    [D2] Xûr Megathread [2019-10-11]

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Xûr, Agent of the Nine


    A peddler of strange curios, Xûr's motives are not his own. He bows to his distant masters, the Nine.


    Tower Hangar!

    Ashen Wake - Titan Gauntlets

    The Stag - Warlock Helm

    Mechaneer's Sleeves - Hunter Arms

    Weapon: Jade Rabbit - Scout Rifle

    What's a Xûr?

    Xûr, Agent of the Nine, is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the Worlds, depending on the current Flashpoint. Xûr sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.

    TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

    When does Xûr visit?

    Xûr visits every Friday at 17:00 UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

    Sort comments by New to join the conversation!

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2019-10-11]

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    Daily Vanguard Modifiers

    Affect Strikes, Menagerie, Heroic Missions & Adventures

    Daily Reckoning Modifiers

    Affect all three tiers

    beep boop failed to fetch

    Daily Heroic Story Missions

    beep boop failed to fetch

    Daily Forge: beep boop failed to fetch

    Gunsmith Inventory

    Spider Material Exchange

    beep boop failed to fetch


    Unfortunately, Petra daily bounties can't be fetched through the API. Feel free to share them in the comments!

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    We’re at a point where Tess Everis gets a significant refresh every season but Zavala, Shaxx, Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, FWC, and world drops get nothing.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    I don't mind the concept of micro transactions in the game but this is completely unacceptable.

    submitted by /u/Name_Checks-Out
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    Xur is selling Mechaneers Tricksleeves that you can't use Sidearm Loader with

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    Mechaneers Tricksleeves are specifically meant to be used with Sidearms, but the Sidearm Loader mod requires gauntlets with a Void affinity, whereas the pair that Xur is selling this week has a Solar affinity. I personally don't mind the elemental affinities on Legendary Armour, but there's virtually no point buying an Exotic armour piece if you won't be able to use mods which compliment the exotic perk.

    submitted by /u/Torbjorninamankini
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    Toland is the ultimate raid team blueberry.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    Imagine agreeing to raid with a full fireteam, then abandoning them after getting the exotic drop you want. That is basically Toland's entire MO in the first raid on the Hellmouth. Observe:

    -responds to the LFG post claiming he's a max light Warlock and knows what to do

    -doesn't revive any teammates, even during the first encounter

    -splits up from the group to go exploring on his own

    -only agrees to participate in the raid to get one specific raid drop, the exotic Deathsong

    -after Deathsong drops, immediately peaces out to interdimensional orbit, abandoning the raid team

    -hangs around in party chat taunting the raid team with how smart he is and offering cryptic advice on how to beat the raid

    TL;DR: Toland is that raid team member who doesn't help, gets the exotic drop, then dips out.

    submitted by /u/AllThree3
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    Toxic Divinity raid quest - please let the raid steps save Bungie

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    So today I went through the raid with an LFG team who were also going for the Divinity quest.

    At the last encounter I was kicked by the fireteam leader to bring in a friend or clan member.

    I am pretty sad that someone would do this to someone who spent all this time with the raid quest steps.

    Bungie please change it so you don't have to do all the steps in one instance/run.

    Edit: Why would someone ever downvote this,

    Edit 2: Thanks for all the love and support to help me get back in and finish. I want to get it done this weekend. I'm a single dad and my son is away this weekend only. So I really have only this weekend... or it won't be for awhile.

    Edit3: So there have been reports in, supposedly if you have done every puzzle and have gotten to the boss. You will have a "Divinity checkpoint" I wish Bungie could confirm u/Cozmo23 it's been quite a roller coaster today!

    Edit4: Special thanks to the clan I'm in: Advanced Suffering (yes, the irony is unbelievable) and the former clan I was in, 404 Blue Oranges who have reached out and have been very supportive. I wish our schedules matched better so I wouldn't have to experience this sort of insanity.

    submitted by /u/gnikeltrut
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    Bungie, if Ada-1 and Werner weeklies are no longer going to be powerful, can we remove the weekly gold icon from them? I keep thinking I forgot to do a powerful at the Tower.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:26 AM PDT

    Title pls, thx.

    edit Holy moly, I posted this before I went to bed and woke up to a zillion notifications, lol.

    edit2 Bungie could also just make their rewards Powerful again, that would also work! :)

    submitted by /u/h34vier
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    The Anomaly from Destiny 1 is HEAVILY linked to the Pyramid and Darkness

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:49 PM PDT

    TL;DR The Anomaly from the Destiny 1 Crucible map was causing similar hallucinatory effects on researchers that the Pyramid is causing us, and it was most likely communicating with the Pyramids before they arrived and caused the collapse.

    With Shadowkeep, we've returned to the Moon to find something sinister. A relic from Humanity's collapse, a remnant left behind by harbingers of our doom. However, this relic, this Pyramid, does not seem to be the indication of their presence. The Anomaly, a black dodecahedron housed within the K1 Research Facility seems to be inherently linked to the Pyramid and its psychophysical powers.

    This return to the moon has granted us a new lore book, Revelation. Revelation documents a group of Golden Age Bray Foundation researchers sent to a moon facility to try and understand something excavated from beneath the surface. All of the information I'm about to present to you can be found in Revelation, so if you're interested to know more I would highly recommend reading the rest of the book.

    "Commander, we found it."


    "Nearly twelve hundred meters deep in Site 3. The readings were all over the charts like in the other dig sites, but the borer broke into a tunnel and… Well, we almost hit it with the borer. The machine chewed through a pillar or something that held it up, and—" [1]

    They unearthed the Anomaly, and placed it within the K1 facility. All scans against it proved futile in understanding exactly what it is, as its hard outer shell is "constructed in a manner that defies modern technologies". [2]

    Researchers within close proximity to the Anomaly began to experience things us Guardians have become all too familiar with as of late.

    "Approximately eighty percent of the K1 crew is suffering similarly: intrusive thoughts, insomnia, narcolepsy, nightmares, and in the worst cases—as we saw with Helsha Rell—hallucinations, auditory and visual. It's a threat to the project." - Dr. Wade Bow [3]

    So, as it stands right now you might be thinking. "Alright, so the only connection between the Pyramid and the Anomaly is that they cause hallucinations". You would be correct in thinking that, but this is not where the links end.

    "Anyway, they found something up here on the Moon. It's a… Well, no one really knows what it is, but it's talking to something way out there. It might be talking to another Traveler! And that's what I'm here to help figure out. They needed Mama to help them crack the code. Pretty cool, right?" - Dr. Janet Green, in a message to her daughter [4]

    So, the K1 crew discovered it was 'talking' to something. And they began to listen.

    "Yeah. It's a new pattern. That seemed super interesting two hours ago, but it got old. I am bored, and I am tired. And when our shift is over, I probably won't be able to sleep until two hours before I have to get up and do it all over again."

    "Look at where the signal is coming from."

    "What do you mean? It's right in front of us."

    "Check the ambit on the PQZ."

    "That's weird."

    "Uh huh."

    "So it's an echo?"

    "Well the pattern repeats. First from here. And then from out there."

    "So you think it's bouncing the signal off something outside the system? You're crazy."

    "I'm not. Also, this kind of signal doesn't bounce. What can it hit between phasic realities?" [5]

    The signal began to repeat, in a pattern. One researcher thought it was bouncing off of something outside of the system... I wonder what that could be...

    From here, members of the K1 crew began to go mad. Driven insane by hallucinations, some even completely disappeared. Research continued. Research continued up until the very end, up until the Collapse. Within the Revelation lore book, we get our second ever first-hand account of the moments the Collapse occured (The first being in the Black Armory Papers).


    "Firewall! Firewall, let us in!"


    "Firewall! There's things out here!"

    "They're killing everyone!"

    "Open the door, you damned machine!"

    For the sake of brevity, I'm not going to paste in the whole lore entry but I'd highly recommend you read it.

    So, now for conclusions. This evidence strongly suggests a few things;

    As for what The Anomaly actually is, no clue. All we know is that it's big, can't be scanned, made of an impossible material, and can transmit/receive signals. The only thing I can really think of is that maybe it's a housing for the Artifact that the Pyramid bestowed upon us at the end of the Shadowkeep campaign. From Garden of Salvation, we know that the artifact can transmit/receive signals with Pyramid constructs just like the Anomaly.


    [1] https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/the-discovery#book-revelation

    [2] https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/the-anomaly

    [3] https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/noetic-effects#book-revelation

    [4] https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/mouse#book-revelation

    [5] https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/the-deep-space-signal#book-revelation

    submitted by /u/ChaoticRift
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    Xur went from selling random rolls to selling collection rolls

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:04 PM PDT

    The affinity system is too restrictive towards exotics, in my opinion. If Xur sold random rolls again, perhaps this would become less of an issue. Throw us a bone, Bungie!

    submitted by /u/ReepLoL
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    Why is the Eververse Store available from the Director but we still need to go to the Tower for bounties?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:58 AM PDT

    Especially for console users, as the load times can be pretty bad. But hey, at least I can buy silver and buy new ornaments from the Director, right?

    edit: thanks for the gold, kind strangers

    submitted by /u/Soul_of_Miyazaki
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    To BobaFett, the blueberry who made my clan's night and made us want to continue doing Guided Games.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:31 AM PDT

    Several people in my clan hadn't gotten the triumph for completing Scourge of the Past as guides, so last night 5 of us went into Guided Games to see if we could knock it out. We figured we'd find someone, invite them to Discord or communicate over team chat, give them some of the more straightforward jobs in the raid, and get it done. Instead, we got you, BobaFett, and it made our night.

    You were decked out in a mix of blue and purple gear, some random weapons, and Eriana's Vow, all at around 900 power. You were only getting +1 power from your artifact, so we assumed you were either a new player or just coming back to the game.

    We weren't sure what would happen when you picked up one of the batteries from a Berserker. It went to the map, so we did the only thing we could think of: pepper you with bullets until you followed one of us.

    We guided you to the chest after completing the sparrow section, then ran to it with you as you went to get your loot. I hope you got your cheesy flawless triumph (and maybe a 2.0 Fallen Armaments).

    We were worried you'd get trapped underground during the first part of the final boss. So one of us equipped the "Hold On" emote to make sure you didn't go downstairs while the other 3 collected phase radiances. We know you would have been fine, but we didn't want you to punch the glitch one. Thanks for shooting the shanks (even though you almost killed a Servitor before we were ready).

    We tried to explain that during the damage phase, you'd need to stand somewhere specific or you'd hurt us. You died after the first EMP, so we let you stay dead so the next phase would be cleaner. Sorry about that.

    We ultimately told you to stay in a corner near the map while we did the encounter. You finally spoke for the first time and asked if you could "stretch your legs" in the middle of the encounter, and we shut you down. Don't get us wrong, we were happy to hear from you, but we wanted to get the completion and were focused on just that.

    So BobaFett, we hope you enjoyed that raid as much as we did. We weren't sure if you were trolling, a streamer trying to get a laugh, or just a blueberry who wanted to a try a raid. We're sorry we couldn't actually teach you anything, but we hope you got some good loot out of it. That experience made us want to go back into Guided Games more - hopefully we'll see you there.

    Us posing around BobaFett and Boba sitting in the corner: https://twitter.com/hundred0s/status/1182527227260366849

    submitted by /u/AgainstTheKicksTV
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    The Fanatic doesn't deserve a Nightmare Spot in the Final Shadowkeep Mission

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    I mean come on the Fanatic was just a Uldren Sov fanboy and didn't really do much besides Self Rez and become a Strike Boss. Did he really give our Guardians trauma? Crota killed thousands of Guardians. Ghaul took the light away and showed that Guardians aren't invincible. Meanwhile the Fanatic just talks about how great Uldren is.

    Now, that raises the question. Who would replace the Fanatic?

    I think there are a few good candidates for the position. Oryx, for the fear he put into Guardians and the Cabal alike. Riven, her wish put the Dreaming City into a time loop that its still in. And last but not least, Atheon. Atheon was the mind in charge of the Vault of Glass and was making weapons to erase humanity before we could even fire a bullet.

    Now these are just my thoughts. What do you guys think? Does the Fanatic deserve his spot in Shadowkeep? And if you think he doesn't, who would be a good replacement? I would love to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/mrsamoblamo
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    Bungie should give New Light players a "reverse title"

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    Similar to the "sprout" from Final Fantasy XIV, bungie should give New Light players the title of "New Light", and in order to remove the title they would have to clear a certain amount of activities and spend a certain amount of hours i.e. 100 in game, this way veteran players could possibly know who to help or take under their wings.

    submitted by /u/Letscookblue
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    Undying Seal - Void/Arc Melee Kills

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    Friendly reminder that if you equip a void/arc sword and use it with no ammo it will 1 hit most mobs and count as void/arc melee kills for the seal triumphs

    submitted by /u/cwfox9
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    If you're a New Light player, please don't be afraid to ask about stuff.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    Lately, I've been seeing a few people being unnecessarily harsh to people who have just started playing the game. For example, I saw someone get insulted just because they didn't understand how to do Leviathan the other day and I was actually doing Leviathan the other day for the Exotic Ghost Shell and someone got kicked out of our Fireteam because theyre "inexperienced".

    If people are unexperienced, help them understand activities more and help them grow or succeed the same way you did back at the start of the game.

    TLDR: you're new guardians, we all were at once, please do not be afraid to ask us veterans for help.

    Edit: the Fireteam on the Destiny 2 Companion app was called "Leviathan and Chill 18+". There was no mention of needing experience.

    submitted by /u/lThatHunterMainl
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    The Lost Sectors on the Moon feel like mini strikes.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:02 AM PDT

    They're massive compared to most Lost Sectors. They have their own mechanic. You can't move forward in some sections without destroying all the enemies. The bosses while being run of the mill bosses have interesting mechanics to start the fight like shooting crystals, clearing the room of ads. Typical Lost Sectors have two sections, an ad clearing room and the boss room where as the Moon Lost Sectors feel like they have several sections. Hidden Easter eggs like the satellite giving the NASA emblem. They even have their own lore books that are found by doing these Lost Sectors.

    It feels like so much effort has been put into these Lost Sectors and I can really appreciate that

    It's just a shame that we only have one reason to interact with them a week, Eris's bounty.

    Edit: to some of you saying "but Datto said that" I hadn't watched his video when I was typing this. I guess I don't have a way to prove that since this post came out after his vid so, sorry Datto if you find the coincidence suspect

    submitted by /u/The-RealElonMusk
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    You can finally check owned/missing mods!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:10 AM PDT

    You can see all owned armor 2.0 mods here: https://destinysets.com/mods

    Big thanks to Josh Hunt!

    Edit: If you wish to show your support, Josh has asked everyone to donate to It Gets Better or Stonewall UK. You can also find the donate button on destinysets.com website.

    submitted by /u/rlzxx
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    BUNGO!!! We have emotes that are solo, emotes that interact with other players. Now can we get an emote that interacts with our little light?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    I would love an emote where I just play with my ghost, or maybe a hide and seek emote where my little buddy flys in between my legs and over my head. Maybe one where we are swatting at ghost kinda like tag.

    Give my little light something to do :(

    submitted by /u/ItsYaBoySkinnyPen15
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    Divinity is currently bugged against bosses with doubled crit multipliers, massively reducing fireteam damage output

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    Right now Divinity is overwriting the crit multiplier of enemies it debuffs. This usually does nothing, but some raid bosses like Calus and Kalli have doubled crit multipliers, and when Divinity affects them you end up having crit damage halved. This makes Divinity a massive DPS loss for your fireteam against these bosses.

    Hilariously, the Sanctified Mind, the very raid boss you get Divinity from, is one of these bosses with doubled crit multipliers. Divinity is actually an outright detriment in its own raid. EDIT: Sanctified Mind specifically might be alright. This boss needs further testing.

    I can't imagine this is intentional and I'm really hoping Bungie can take a look at this, because when Divinity works normally it's a great support tool.

    EDIT: Divinity seems to work alright with Riven. Riven's weird and isn't a strict 2x crit boss, so that sorta makes sense. Calus, Kalli, Shuro and Sanctified are the bosses in question, though we've heard very mixed results on Sanctified specifically.

    submitted by /u/Zenthon127
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    Why isn't Oryx a Nightmare Hunt? Why is The Fanatic a story boss and not the biggest Destiny bad so far? HERE'S why.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:27 PM PDT

    So with the collector's edition of Destiny, inside the Cryptoglypth was pieces of paper leading to 5 different sites: hearts, endure, dust, hope, and poison. On each of these sites were a puzzle to solve. Now, they've been solved and they now link to 5 different lore bits that may well explain this:







    submitted by /u/Kylestien
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    I just soloed the entire vex invasion event on the moon just to get the overlord to a sliver of health and then failed

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    Bungie needs to aggressively match-make people on the moon because I could have easily finished the event with one more person. I've talked to others and they also say most of their moon instances are empty. So frustrating.

    submitted by /u/mrkyle57
    [link] [comments]

    "New Light is the worst thing to happen to this game for experienced players." ... I'm sorry, what?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    This was an actual thing said by an actual person that I had the displeasure of being in a raid with yesterday. I just wanted to find a group so I could get a new 2.0 armor set from Last Wish. The OP asked for 10+ clears, which I had easily, but we struggled to find a full 6. After several more minutes of searching and only finding newer people, one of which accidentally joined and was swiftly dismissed, I hear that come through my headset.

    I just about dropped the group then and there. Wanting an experienced group for a quick run is one thing, but to genuinely believe that more new players makes the experience of veterans worse? Perhaps this is presumptuous of me, but I thought the Destiny community was better than that. It was a quite depressing moment honestly. But hey, if nothing else, its spurring me to start doing Wish runs specifically for new players. So maybe something good will come of it after all.


    submitted by /u/RyuujinV
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    Emblems should replace the guardian insignias next to our names

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    Emblems will have more time to shine than in the roster/menus


    submitted by /u/iCrazyPotato
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    You can reach the 100k pinnacle reward on HERO in this week's Scarlet Keep Nightfall Ordeal (and not be forced to do Legend)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:25 PM PDT

    Video for visual. Particularly for those not familiar with tip #3 as I'm sure there's plenty of people that skip over it and don't realize it's even a thing when you progress through the strike.

    ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oozI9Ns-jW8

    1) Complete within 15 minutes to avoid bleeding points and cut your modifier in half (its very tight points wise so timing is important)

    2) Use sub classes that can generate plenty of orbs which you and your teammates can chain pick up, the points add up. (I.E Nightstalkers, dawnblades, bottom tree striker etc. WoR and WoL are great and all but you don't exactly need them for Hero difficulty and things like izanagi's burden just smashes through everything.

    3) It sounds very obvious but KILL. EVERYTHING!

    To be more specific, during the elevator portion right before the boss, you have a few rooms that you hit as you progress upward. Each time the elevator moves up, if you have a fireteam member stay on the LOWER LEVEL you will be greeted with 3 wizards and a shrieker spawn, this happens on each floor and as you can imagine ends up giving you a very good chunk of points. You have a set time limit to do this as well as the game will eventually pull you for joining allies but if you are on your toes you have time to kill all 4 per level.

    Do this for each level of the elevator and as long as you have slayed every "standard" enemy of the strike before you kill the boss, you will reach 100k and get your pinnacle reward without ever touching Legend or Master this week.

    submitted by /u/RegisterVexOffender
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    Please Remove Encrypted Cache Keys

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:08 AM PDT

    I really like the EP armor, but it's going to take 5 weeks to get the full set assuming I don't get dupes. On top of that, if you want a specific element on a specific piece, it could be months.

    Edit: If they removed encrypted cache keys and let us open the level 7 chest every time for a drop or allowed us to buy as many encrypted cache keys per week as we wanted, it would allow us to farm EP armor and make it as rewarding as the other seasonal activities.

    Edit 2: Thank you for the gold!

    submitted by /u/MickOlick
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    Thank you Bungie for making Ikora do something

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:13 PM PDT

    Shes been sitting there for two years with nothing to do and shes probably one of the coolest characters in Destiny.

    submitted by /u/TheWhereIsIt4
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    Bungie Request: Blue Machine Gun (Specifically for New Light/Shadowkeep Players)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    So, this isn't a request for me, but one on behalf of an old clanmate. He left around the launch of Rise of Iron and just started getting back into the swing of things about 2 weeks before shadowkeep drops (had not touched destiny 2 otherwise).

    Upon starting with Shadowkeep he quickly obtained the Essence for the new machine gun and made a comment that he has yet to even obtain a blue one. As a result, he has a quest he's unable to complete without some research.

    While Hammerhead is present and can be earned with a quick forge, it's not readily apparent to fresh players that this is how to get one. The other options aren't exactly that easy to obtain:

    Hammerhead- quick forge quest (probably the fastest, but to my knowledge not advertised to a new player)

    21% Delirium- healthy sized grind in Gambit

    Fixed Odds- Menagerie drop (requires all 4 rune types. Multiple week grind minimum and knowledge of how these drops occur)

    Bane of Sorrow- Crown of sorrow raid (only available if they have forsaken + pass)

    Edgewise- Requires machine gun final blows (kinda problematic if you don't have one)

    A Fine Memorial - see edgewise :/

    Temporal clause - seasonal reward rank 45 (thankfully on the free pass, but still a grind to get)

    Thunderlord - to my knowledge this is now a world exotic drop in a pool of many

    Xenophage - quest is not yet live, but is shadowkeep exclusive (and likely may require machine gun kills at this rate :P )

    Assuming new light players don't have access to the moon quests (per shadowkeep emblem on them), they will be seeing only a quest from Zavala to get a machine gun, but it requires machine gun kills.

    Ada offers a machine gun, but since she doesn't offer powerful gear, they may not visit her.

    The only options outside of this are lengthy grinds/quests or access to a raid which requires another purchase.

    At this point, I don't think it's much to ask for a blue to drop at random just so they have the opportunity of completing these quests without feeling immediately defeated by not being able to progress it.

    Just as a side note: I realize collections are a thing and tell you where to get them. With that, they could find a post talking about quest a or grind b, but let's be honest for a moment. Destiny has a LARGE amount of menus. As a new player, can you honestly tell me that you would look through these and realize that the collections tells you where to find stuff? It's not my first pick on where to look. I know I would have been googling this before checking that tab. As a seasoned player, I know it's there because it was a welcomed addition to the game, but that's not the same for a fresh player off the streets.

    tl;dr : availability of machine guns are not easily advertised to new players. They need a blue machine gun to make the weapon class more available to new light and fresh shadowkeep players.

    submitted by /u/Keric28
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