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    Tuesday, December 10, 2019

    Destiny Desperate Times

    Destiny Desperate Times

    Desperate Times

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:58 AM PST

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48439

    Chronometric emissions cut across Mercury's surface, and radiolaria steamed from fissures that erupted like open wounds in the machine soil. White-blue streams of Arc energy carved borders around a circular sector about a hundred miles wide. Walls of chronometric flame tore through Vex spires that came tumbling down in halves and sheared Minotaurs in two along the boundaries of the region.

    The Red Legion stood watch as these eruptions flared around every Cabal machine, structure, and soldier inside the sector. They showed no sign of panic as ethereal fire burned over the world and their Vex opponents. Instead, they waited, watched, and mobilized purposefully around the phenomenon.

    The circular shape that these walls cut were further segmented into three sections: Red Legion soldiers found themselves staring across the chronometric walls at each other from inside Mercury's past, present, and distant future.

    Under three different skies, three different suns, and on three different elevations of Mercury's gradually descending surface, the Red Legion went to work.

    Perhaps this time they would win the Red War.


    Somewhere deep inside the Vanguard halls in a secure meditation chamber, a trio of Warlocks surrounded Osiris: one Praxic, one Thanatonaut, and one Vanguard.

    "Did the Vex corrupt him?" Aunor wondered.

    "My Order just wants to know if he's real. Or some kind of Vex simulation. An Echo?" Harper said, paging through a datapad in his hands.

    "You haven't left the Forest in years," Ikora said to Osiris, the only one to address him directly.

    "I need help," Osiris replied.

    "I know," Ikora responded, hands clasped behind her back. She stared intently at her former mentor. Back in her Crucible days, that uncompromising gaze was often the last thing her opponents saw. Aunor glanced sidelong at her superior. Harper coughed and looked down at his datapad.

    "Two years ago, Guardians entered the Infinite Forest," Osiris continued. "They aided me in defeating the Axis Mind Panoptes, preventing a Vex apocalypse from befalling this system.

    "In the process," he looked between each of them in turn, "Some Guardians reported a body they found in the Forest depths."

    Ikora sighed.

    "Saint-14 never came back from that last mission to Mercury. We finally knew why. I reacted to it the only way I knew how."

    "By turning Mercury into a temporal weapon for the Cabal?" Aunor asked.

    "You are awfully tranquil for a man who just doomed this system," Harper said.

    "You should rethink your career in Thanatonautics, Warlock Harper, if death frightens you so," the exile replied. He nodded at Aunor. "I've made mistakes. I will continue to make them. The nature of my work requires it."

    "We should lock you away," the Praxic replied. But there was no fire in it.

    "There are others you've allowed to roam free. These are desperate times, Aunor," Osiris said. "I think you know that."

    Harper opened his mouth to ask another question, but Ikora cut him off. "Give us a minute."

    Aunor ducked her head and Harper bristled, but both left without question. Alone with Osiris, Ikora said, "The Speaker was right to exile you."

    "We all make our own choices," Osiris replied. "Like the Vex gateway you built to the Undying Mind. A strategy like that is exactly what the machines would not expect. And you knew the Guardians would deliver."

    "What's your point?"

    "You think like I do. But you've done what I never could. Found a way to coexist with the Vanguard while keeping their fool necks above the water," said Osiris.

    "If you think you're helping your case, you're not."

    "Time is broken on Mercury. I need help from our mutual friends."

    "I know that. My Hidden have scouted your Sundial. The Red Legion are loose in a time rift that's localized to the past, present, and future of Mercury." She took a step closer to him, shoulders tense. "If we don't contain it, it's not going to stay that way for long. The rift will expand across the system."

    "I've created a mitigation network across Guardian space. I'm in control."

    "You are anything but—!"

    "Saint deserved another chance."

    "So did Cayde! So did everyone we lost in the Red War."

    "We'll hunt the Cabal across every timeline they create within the Sundial. They'll never be able to exploit it."

    "You're damn right. Because you're going to mobilize the Guardians. You're going to fix this. And then you and I are going to have a long talk."

    "Mercury should be the least of your worries."

    "Excuse me?"

    "Let's save it for the long talk."

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Destiny 2 Install Screen Pics

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:25 PM PST

    Hey all, you know the pics that show on screen when Destiny has to install a hotfix? (on console, at least)

    Well, I always wondered how many there were and if I could download them, but any update installs so fast I only ever saw one or two. Well, last week, I tried running Destiny without my disk in the drive since the base game is now available for free via New Light, and I owned all expansions digitally anyway. Turns out it works! No more disk for me.

    However, in the process, my system (Xbox) had to verify all the files included with the game. And so I got to see every single one of the install screen pics currently being used (it started to loop right at the end. I saw two pics twice, in the same order.) Anyway, I had the presence of mind to screenshot them all, then downloaded and cropped them for all of you. Here's the gallery. Enjoy!

    Install Screen Art

    Edit: Thanks for the silver! RIP my notifications.

    submitted by /u/Striker37
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    Our free inventory space is unsustainably shrinking each season - can we at least get more vault slots if weapon and armor RNG systems remains the same?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:35 PM PST

    Left unchecked, inventory management will continue to grow unsustainably as a share of a dedicated player's valuable in-game time.

    Full disclosure - I am definitely a pack rat in games. But I don't think I'm the only one beginning to feel the effects of inventory bloat as a result of gear systems in Destiny. I'm having to do full inventory reviews to clear space after getting maybe 150 pieces of legendary gear, which for many players could be once a week or so. And I only play one class - Warlock. Traveler help those who try to min-max multiple builds across multiple classes.

    Checking DIM now, I have 217 unique weapons across my vault and three characters. I sharded all Y1 weapons once random rolls came back, save for some masterworked ones and some curated rolls. Nearly all of these are Y2 / Y3 legendary or exotic weapons that I hold on to whenever patch notes change the meta in PvE or PvP. I don't think that's unreasonable in a game where from season to season, entire weapon archetypes can be dramatically buffed or nerfed. Remember in Y1 when MIDA Multi-Tool and the Last Hope sidearm were the bane of the crucible? Maybe some upcoming changes to sidearms could make that viable again, and I'm glad I held onto my one god-rolled Last Hope just in case.

    On top of that, as has been said so many times, Armor 2.0 continues to encourage using redundant sets of armor for different gear builds. Thanks to elemental affinity, as well as a soul-crushing grind for the best stat roll value and distribution combination, it's in players' interests to hold on to several sets of armor for each character depending on game mode, meta changes, and fashion preferences. Seasonal mod slots compound this issue even further, as making use of the upcoming Season of the Dawn mods will require gaining new armor sets once again.

    Then we get to inventory items themselves, like Reckoning tokens, planetary materials, seasonal items like the Halloween candy, Vex Offensive tokens, etc. Storing stacks of Reckoning tokens in valuable vault space is a pain, and continued seasonal growth for inventory items means that bay become more of a necessity moving forward.

    And then of course there's shaders, the most unnecessary inventory item management in the game. If you don't want to dismantle random shaders all the time, you store extras in the vault so you have space for new ones, then need to consolidate across them from time to time.


    A vault-space increase from 500 to 1000 would be a welcome band-aid to this issue of inventory bloat. But aside from / in addition to that, all these other community-identified issues compound this problem and, if improved upon, could help resolve it:

    • Improve Armor 2.0
      • Scrap elemental affinity. Seriously, no one liked that.
      • Allow world-drop / raid / activity armor sets to be ornaments on other armor sets. Eliminate the limitation that only Eververse armor can be ornaments.
    • Introduce a kind of Weapons 2.0
      • Doesn't have to be exactly like Armor 2.0 with mod slots replacing perk roles. It could be a draw-from-collections solution where once you unlock a perk combination on a specific weapon, you can draw that from collections in the future.
    • Revamp inventory item management
      • Treat some high-stack items more like currency. Weapon parts, Reckoning tokens, raid banners, planetary materials, all these things could be better managed in some kind of wallet or portfolio of currencies that works much more flexibly for players.
    • Shaders
      • Please. Shaders taking up inventory slots is unnecessary. After acquiring shaders from a requisite activity or accomplishment (like season 8's Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit-focused quest lines), make them unlocks in collections that can be applied for a small cost.
    submitted by /u/Testifye
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    Masterworking a piece of armor should give us the ability to cycle between elemental affinities.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:09 PM PST

    Title. Considering how the final upgrade material is called a prism, hook me up with that rainbow.

    submitted by /u/TehSavior
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    Every armor should have a chance of getting great stats. Every raid armor should have great stats.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:51 AM PST

    Imagine if you could farm every armor piece (Black armory, seasonal, dreaming city, planetary, etc.) with a small chance of this armor having good stats? This change would make every armor set relevant. Even more now that you have exclusive and seasonal mods like leviathans, dreaming city, Black armory, Season of the undying and now Season of Dawn mods.

    Some activities could have a higher chance of getting good stats, like the menagerie, ascendant challenges, forges, etc. While planetary armor have a smaller chance in a way that's still fair and possible to get good rolls.

    Also, raids shouldnt drop shitty stats ever! There's too much RNG right now with the elements and stuff for you to get a 53 total stats helmet from a pinnacle Raid.

    This is a way of making every armor relevant again.

    submitted by /u/fulecobrasil
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    The Season of Dawn title is "Savior" and some seasonal launch issues from the Bungie Twitter

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:27 PM PST

    What's with the whacky Silver prices?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:22 AM PST

    Who at Bungie works out the cost of Silver items? Right now, you can buy the Camping exotic emote for 1,000 Silver, or Season of Dawn for 1,000 Silver. Are Bungie seriously trying to tell us that the Camping exotic Emote fits within the same budget as Dawn?

    I don't know if it's just me, but I'd be more inclined to throw down 300-400 Silver on Exotic emotes or other cosmetics, I'd probably even spend 1,000 Silver in total if I was getting more for my money, but how on Earth can Bungie justify an emote costing the same as a Season.

    Hell, Solstice Glows cost double a Season.


    Bungie should lower the Silver cost of cosmetics to entice more purchases at a fair rate.

    submitted by /u/Dewgel
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    Even if there are still (kill X enemy) triumphs for the Savior title, I have some good news...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:04 PM PST



    submitted by /u/deadeyeninja
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    Time to pull out Sagira's Shell from Collections

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:51 PM PST

    Sagira's Shell has:

    YOU'RE WELCOME - Detects caches and resources within a 75-meter range on Mercury.


    SCION OF MERCURY - Increased Glimmer and chance to obtain additional faction consumables on Mercury.

    Quest-Line to acquire it: https://www.pcgamesn.com/destiny-2/destiny-2-sagira-ghost-shell-quest

    submitted by /u/AaronMT
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    Bungie, I still don't understand why you believe the Scourge exotic Sparrow, Spire of Stars exotic Emote, and the Year 1 exotic catalysts should be rarer than raid exotic weapons.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:33 AM PST

    • After 90-something completions of Scourge with no Sparrow drop, I'd expect that Sparrow to be so OP that it can 360 no-scope every Raid boss.

    • After 20+ completions of Spire of Stars, I'd expect that emote to push Raid bosses off the map.

    • After 20-25 completions of the Prestige/Normal Leviathan raid/raid lairs since the introduction of the exotic catalysts, I'd expect the Skyburner's Oath catalyst to kill Cabal in SunDial just by looking at them.


    But seriously, with how hard it is to form a decent raid team for these old raid/raid lairs nowadays, along with the lack of good armor 2.0 drops, no random-rolled weapons (for Y1 raid/raid lairs), these cosmetics should drop at a dramatically increased rate.


    In addition, some of us farm raids specifically for cosmetic items. I never cared about Spire of Stars content outside the emote. I never cared about Scourge weapons/armor/Anarchy outside the Sparrow, etc. So, please retroactively tie these exotic cosmetics & catalysts to secrets/quests/triumphs/RNG drop protection, etc.


    Hell, let Ada-1 sell the Sparrow for Guardians who've unlocked the Blacksmith Title and completed SotP 50 times (which I have done) for 250,000 Glimmer. That way, you could get the cosmetic via RNG or her quest, if you weren't lucky.


    After 92 completions, I've simply resulted to watching drop compilations for the Scourge Sparrow on YouTube. Here's a link to the video I've watched half a dozen times. I linked the time in the video that drops the Sparrow for a little razzle dazzle.


    EDIT: And for those saying that the low drop rates for cosmetics are an incentive to play old content, that argument may have been valid prior to Shadowkeep. But with Bungie introducing time-sensitive, Seasonal content -- spending time doing these old, unrewarding activities isn't a good use of our time. If anything, this system now indirectly punishes you for playing these old activities. That's why I encourage Ada-1 dropping a quest that requires the Blacksmith Title and 50 SotP completions to unlock the Sparrow, for example.


    FINAL EDIT: To those calling me entitled for wanting a quest or some form of RNG-drop protection, here's why. After 92 Scourge runs and 212 hours of hard grinding that I could've otherwise spent with friends and family, I spent that time specifically trying to get these cosmetics. But with pure RNG, with no respect to time spent playing the content, I got bored and pissed off by having my luck dictated for me.


    I find myself not wanting to play the game--not wanting to log on, even--because there's no point because I'll never get what I'm after. Why would I? I know full well what will happen if I do. Sure there may be new stuff to do, but I'll end up stuck in the same spot down the line--stuck running one or two specific bits of content long after they're no longer rewarding just to spend time and energy grinding for something that actively refuses to drop for me.


    I'd rather spend hundreds of hours actively dedicated and actively working towards an item I know I'll eventually be rewarded with, than have some machine constantly give me the middle finger. If that's considered entitled, consider me entitled.


    FINAL FINAL EDIT: Did it 3 last times for the hell of it. And guess what? I got the middle finger for the 95th time. I quit.

    submitted by /u/CoachCade
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    3D printed Hung Jury

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:55 PM PST

    Spent about a month working on this for a friend of mine. It was a fun build and my first prop with LEDs


    submitted by /u/BPeyton1988
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    The Fallen and the Risen: Why Mithrax’s House of Light is the most compelling story in Destiny.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:06 AM PST

    One day, we don't know when, Cayde-6 was on the Moon near Mare Imbrium. He ran afoul of the Hive and hundreds of them started swarming out of the tunnels to claim his Light. He did what any fearless gunslinger would do, and ran like hell for high ground. At the top of a hill, he was reloading his machine gun when he saw her: a Fallen Baroness from the House of Exiles. She was alone, with only a tattered banner, but her swords were drawn and buried in the skull of a Thrall.

    The two of them didn't fight together. There was no agreement, no eye-contact, no alliance. How could there be? No, they just happened to be fighting the same enemy in the same place. Cayde climbed an array and gunned down the Wizards in the back, while she stayed at the base and took on a Knight blade-to-blade. Cayde wasn't sure how he felt about the situation, but he let out a cheer when he saw the Knight drop

    The Hive were still coming, as many as ever, but after their respective kills, the two of them had a single moment of...not peace. There has never been peace between the Fallen and the Risen. But there was a moment. I'll let Cayde tell how it ended:

    She did the strangest thing then. Took the last shock pistol from her bandolier and threw it between us, as if to offer it. When I went to pick it up she tried to knife me, but she was slow, and when I broke her arms and opened her throat she didn't seem surprised.

    To this day I wonder if she hated me, or wanted to make me kill her, or just felt she should spare me the choice.

    Cayde never forgot that day, and he never wanted to forget her, either. After his death, we find the Fallen's banner among Cayde's odds and ends. He took it from her body, kept it safe from an army of Hive, and brought it all the way home to Earth.

    What happened, that day on the Moon? Why did the Baroness, an exile from even the House of Exiles, do what she did? Why must there always be war between our species?

    To understand, we have to go back to the beginning. It all started with the Traveler.

    Over a thousand years ago, a colossal silver sphere entered the Eliksni's solar system, and began to work its wonders. The Eliksni called it the Great Machine, and though little knowledge has survived from that time, we know it truly did make them great. The Eliksni expanded to many stars, and developed miraculous technology that ensured no one went hungry for food or ether. It was beautiful, and it was perfect, and it was doomed, because the Great Machine was not alone in the universe.

    Something came upon the Eliksni's empire, drawn to the Traveler's light. It was a shadow stretching across the stars, terrible and malicious. The Eliksni saw this thing, and knew that for all their might and all their prowess, they were powerless against it. They cowered in the shadow of the Great Machine, praying it would protect them. The Great Machine looked on their suffering, saw their need, and ran.

    It abandoned them to the Darkness, and the Darkness feasted.

    The generations of Eliksni who came after would call this event "The Whirlwind," though the term doesn't really do it justice. Imagine the oceans rising up to swallow continents. Planets that teemed with life left as cold and dark and dead as a graveyard at midnight. Children starving by the billions. Friends and neighbors turning upon each other, battles fought over a scrap of food or a drop of ether. The world on fire. And through it all, the wisest and most powerful of the Eliksni could only ask a single question:

    "Where is the Great Machine? Where is the Great Machine?"

    Chelchis, Kell of Stone

    By the end of the Whirlwind, there was nothing left. We don't know much about this time, but a powerful, interstellar empire had been so completely dismantled that the Eliksni found it unsalvageable. The survivors decided to leave, to pursue the dwindling light of the Great Machine, and pray it had some hope left for them. The Fallen voyage to a new solar system in desperation, and what do they find there? A story much like their own. The Great Machine found another fledgling species, new to the marvels of the universe: humanity. It began to transform our solar system, and we called it the Traveler. The Great Machine made humanity great, but only for a time. Again, the Darkness came, and again it knew it could not best it.

    But this time, the Great Machine fought anyway. The Traveler fought to save humanity, and at the cost of its own life, it succeeded. The Darkness was beaten back, and the people were spared.

    What? This had to be a sick joke. The Great Machine had the power to fight the Darkness. Fight and win! It could have saved the Eliksni, and prevented the Whirlwind entirely! It could have stopped...everything. But instead, it left. What? Why? What the fuck? Did it just not care? Were their lives so worthless? Was everything the Eliksni had built just a sand castle to the Great Machine, to be built and washed away? Were they disposable?

    Why did the Great Machine leave the Eliksni to die, but sacrifice itself for humanity? What the fuck made these goddamn humans so special?

    The Eliksni had brought their entire species to find the Great Machine, and instead, they found a truth they could not bear. When they saw the Great Machine's body hovering over Earth like a monument to its favoritism, they were consumed in a madness of fury, grief, and betrayal. And so the last of the Eliksni, now Fallen in truth, descended on the Earth to take their vengeance.

    Now let's look at things from our perspective.

    When the Darkness first arrived, the Warmind Rasputin called it a "TRANSIENT NEAR EXTRASOLAR EVENT." Rasputin was the greatest intelligence mankind had devised, and that was its summary: this thing is moving, it's getting closer, it's from outside, and it's an event. I guess if we're being fair to him, he was right on all counts.

    What happened next was called The Collapse, and I won't try and describe it. We know almost nothing about it; we don't even have scraps to go on, so much as a scrap, singular. Henriette Meyrin was one of the founders of the Black Armory, and the mother of Ada-1. She kept a journal, and entry 68 is the only contemporary description we have:

    They are here. They are real.

    I can't believe we were so… right.

    …and so wrong. To think that we could stop this. To say we were naïve would be an understatement.

    We simply didn't know. Their power. Their strength.

    It's insurmountable.

    As they draw closer, all we can do is hide and hope that the facility doors will be strong enough. It's utter chaos out there.

    Too many put their faith in the Traveler. I don't know what sort of answers people expect from a gigantic ball in the sky. It remains silent, as always.

    At least I'm with her. Being with family is what matters in the end.

    There is no more hope.

    Only the screams of humanity.

    Henriette did not think highly of the Traveler, but she was wrong: the Traveler stood its ground, and fought for our lives. Fought and won. Though our empire was ruined, and every planet in the solar system was hideously mauled, we lived. Humanity emerged from the wreckage scattered, frightened, and defenseless, but alive. As if to make a mockery of the Traveler's sacrifice, that was the moment the monsters from the void beyond the sun came to kill us all.

    No one was safe. No one was spared. Four-armed killers came skittering down from their ships to slaughter us by the million. Looking back, it sounds so ludicrous: the Fallen used railguns and machine guns to shoot fleeing refugees in the back, tanks to destroy houses made from wood and rubble. Overkill to ridiculous proportions. It was not a war, or even a hunt, just...massacre after massacre. An extermination.

    If you're wondering, this was the moment we were born. The Traveler's last breath released the Ghosts, who began to create the Risen. At first, Risen was all we were: once dead, now alive. But at some point, one of these Risen saw the Fallen attacking humanity, and like the Traveler against the Darkness, they stood. We don't know if that first hero was a man or woman. We don't know if they were Human, Exo, or Awoken. We don't know if they fought with an assault rifle, a primitive spear, or only their fists. And we don't know if they triumphed, or were killed almost instantly for their courage. But we do know one thing about them: that first Risen who risked themselves to defend humanity became the very first Guardian.

    The Traveler gave us our Light for a purpose: to be Guardians, to protect humanity. But our Light was not enough. We escorted caravans, led patrols, eliminated key targets, and defended towns and settlements. It wasn't enough. The Fallen kept killing us. Eventually, the dwindling humans huddled together beneath the Traveler, and there, the earliest Guardians were able to hold the line. Those early encampments would grow into the Last City. Not the Only City, the Last City: the Darkness and the Fallen got all the rest.

    Of course, the Fallen were not content with 99%. They wanted the Traveler, and if getting it required them to raze humanity's final sanctuary, so much the better. Everyone knows about the Battles of Six Fronts and Twilight Gap, so I will not recount them here. Suffice it to say, the Fallen failed, though only by an inch in the second case. The point is, the Fallen never stopped trying to wipe us out; they just ran out of the resources and unity to pull it off. They have hated and pursued humanity from first contact, and Guardians have protected humanity from them since literally our very first moment.

    We did nothing to them, and they have tried to take everything from us.

    Let's fast forward a little. The solar system gets more dangerous by the decade, and it takes a terrible toll on both of our peoples. New players begin to show up: the Taken, the Vex, the Hive, and most recently, the Cabal. The Fallen have no kinship with them, anymore than we do, so they have to fight all these factions for territory and resources. The various houses crumble and splinter, and more and more of their Eliksni heritage gets forgotten. They are losing themselves, and they know it: all of the houses unite in desperation under the House of Dusk. We are not much better off. The Red Legion did what the Fallen never could, and sacked the Last City. Thousands of Guardians were killed, Titan orders that had held the walls at Six Fronts were wiped out to the last man. Guardians and Fallen still hate and kill each other, but now it's like a knife fight on a sinking ship: it doesn't really matter who dies last. It's in these fading days that another encounter between a Guardian and a Fallen will take place, and this one will change everything.

    After the Traveler awoke, the giant platforms of Titan began to have some reactor trouble, and Sloane sent a young Guardian down to investigate. The Guardian crossed paths with a Fallen Captain named Mithrax and his small crew, but a combination of Dark Age technology and Hive intervention prevented them from fighting. A three-way race broke out for the reactor, and the Guardian eventually fought their way down to core, where they saw Mithrax engaged in a duel with a Hive Knight.

    There was a choice to be made here, and many of us didn't realize it. Maybe you hit your super without thinking and blasted both of them to hell, business as usual. Most Guardians would have done that, I think. After a few lifetimes of combat, I'm sure killing Fallen gets to be an involuntary reflex, a survival instinct that is literally bone-deep. Maybe that's all this was to you: another alien to be put down.

    But...maybe you didn't. The Fallen may be monsters, but the Hive are demons, Darkness itself. They serve the entity that started all of this, that brought the Whirlwind and the Collapse. Maybe you left Mithrax alone, and together, Guardian and Fallen avenged their species on this servant of our mutual nemesis. Cayde-6 and the Baroness did much the same thing, and as in their case, when the battle ends, Guardian and Fallen stare into a chasm of unthinkable possibility. The Baroness couldn't take it, and threw her life away rather than face that uncertainty. Mithrax doesn't do that. Mithrax does...nothing. And maybe you do nothing as well. Maybe that moment between the two of you becomes a moment of peace, and maybe that's the first time that's ever happened.

    You showed him mercy. After everything the Fallen have done to us, all the people they have killed and all the people they would like to have killed, you spared him. Why? How could anyone be so forgiving? That mercy will cut to the heart of Mithrax, the Forsaken, and force him to question everything. Deep within his mind, he will leave everything he has been taught to believe, and charge into the unknown in search of an explanation for this insane act of mercy. He will trod forsaken paths, violate every tradition and taboo, reject centuries of inherited excuses and rationalizations. In a place no Fallen has ever gone, Mithrax will have an impossible thought. And that thought will grow, louder and louder, until he has no choice but to voice it. And when he does, it will be both the greatest declaration in Fallen history, and the declaration of their end:

    "Let them have the Great Machine. They deserve it."

    Mithrax, trans. from Eliksni

    The Fallen have spent centuries lying to themselves, running away from a damning truth. Mithrax is the only one with the courage and the strength to face this truth, and say it out loud: The Fallen were wrong. They should never have attacked us. They should never have taken their anguish and their confusion out on humanity. Instead of envying the Traveler's sacrifice, they should have found it within themselves to be happy another species did not have to suffer as they did. They should have asked us for help.

    Mithrax seeks to wind back the clock and undo centuries of bloodshed. He puts his trust in the Traveler, and in doing so, casts off the label of Fallen and reclaims his Eliksni heritage once more. In this age of dusk, he has founded a House of Light to restore the honor and nobility of his people, and shelter them from the falling night. Most importantly, he has come to the Last City to right an ancient wrong and apologize for everything his people have done to us. Armored in regret and wielding a sword of peace, he may cut humanity just a deeply as our Guardian cut him. His incredible humility has forced us to consider an impossible question of our own:

    Is it too late?

    Some Guardians will say "yes" without hesitation. It was too late the first time the Fallen dragged a child screaming from their hiding place, to be eaten alive by Dregs. It was too late the first time they butchered a group of fleeing refugees, who wanted only to live. By the time they marched in force on the Last City, to murder every single human sheltering behind its walls, it was already way, way too late. And that was hundreds of years ago. The Fallen deserve to be consumed by the Darkness, and if their deaths will slow the Darkness down, then so much the better.

    These Guardians have a point, one that cannot be dismissed. The history between our races cannot just be waved away, even in a time as bleak and desperate as this. Besides, Mithrax is only one Eliksni, with a handful of followers. Will the rest share his regret? Would it matter? Could we ever forgive them for what they've done? Could they ever forgive us, for what we represent?

    I cannot answer these questions, no one person can. All of us will have to choose the path forward as a group. All I can give is a searing, terrifying hope to match Mithrax's searing, terrifying truth:

    Let us grieve for the memory of the Fallen Baroness, who died thinking the choice we now face could never be.

    Let us honor the memory of Cayde-6, who died wondering if the choice we now face might have been.

    Let Human and Eliksni stand in the Light as brothers, and face the coming Darkness together.

    submitted by /u/Palidane7
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    On Tuesday, please tell us how many Undying Minds we killed as a community in total

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:10 AM PST

    Despite the actual Final Assault encounter being rather underwhelming, I still find it intriguing how the story of Guardians brute force killing the Undying Mind thousands of times ties in with us as players doing the activity repeatedly.

    It would be interesting to see community wide stats for how many times we did it, similar to the Mars challenge from a while back.

    Edit: a lot of you are saying that the number would be low, and that would be a perfectly valid outcome as well. If it's indeed close to 3x number of active players or even 3x players who got Undying, then that's an even better quantitative indication of how the final outcome was received.

    Edit 2: Yes. We get it. Y'all killed it 3 times or less because it was meh. I don't disagree :D I'm still curious to see the number although I do suspect if the number is indeed that low Bungie wouldn't want to show it, or might show an inflated number.

    submitted by /u/subtlecalamity
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    Bungie, bring back 'Glass Needles' and allow them re-allocate stats and re-roll elemental affinity on Exotic armor.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:50 AM PST

    Bungie, if you won't remove elemental affinity on exotic armor, bring back Glass Needles & allow us to re-roll the affinity and stats layout.


    For example, a raid armor piece drops with a stat number of 51, concentrated in Strength and Mobility w/ Solar affinity. Glass Needles could re-allocate that 51 stat to Intellect and Mobility, along with a Void affinity.


    EDIT: Glass Needles could also re-roll the Masterwork on Legendary weapons.

    submitted by /u/CoachCade
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    Check if your Destiny 1 account still exists. Many began to disappear a few weeks ago, reporting "Tapir"

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Starting a couple weeks ago, threads have been popping up on the Destiny forums about D1 accounts disappearing to Tapir errors (account not found). Here is one example. The error codes support forum usually has one or two submissions on the first page. Bungie has replied to a handful of the posts that they are actively investigating, but haven't responded to any pleas for more information.

    The common factor appears to be enabling cross-save. I have a suspicion that the problem is affecting a significant number of accounts, but few of them have realized it.

    It's remarkable that accounts with hundreds, if not thousands of hours of investment have seemingly disappeared in a game that is still being sold on the PSN store.

    A quick way to check whether your account still exists, is to log in to DIM, and switch from D2 to D1. If the account has disappeared, DIM will return an error message that begins "No account was found...".

    Edit: Thank you for the platinum, kind stranger!

    submitted by /u/WhiskeyMoon
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    If you log in tomorrow expecting to see Saint-14, you’re gonna be disappointed.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:41 AM PST

    According to the roadmap. The ONLY seasonal thing we get tomorrow is the first sundial boss.

    And on the 17th is the quest to save saint 14.

    So yeah... I hope the sundial is fun.

    EDIT: of course there's more than that but this is the only activity that's season pass exclusive that we will be getting tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/Bugs5567
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    At this point I would be fine with paying more for seasons if it meant no more Eververse.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:04 AM PST

    Bungie says that Eververse is required because without it they would not be able to fund Destiny as a live game. This solution is obviously not popular with the community, but people also don't want to pay more for the amount of content we are getting. However, I would much rather pay more for any given season if it meant that all of the development time that went into making cosmetics for Eververse, went instead into making cosmetic rewards for playing the game.

    We could see vendor refreshes every season, more world drops, ornaments for getting a high amount of kills on an exotic weapon, emotes earned though gameplay, rewards for completing titles, raid ships, sparrows, and ghosts. This is the sort of stuff that would come to the game if Bungie didn't have to rely on Eververse to fund the game.

    These are just my thoughts and I'm not sure if everyone will agree with them, but I certainly believe this is a good solution to the current Eververse problem.

    Edit: Thanks for all the comments, I'm glad people are interested in discussing this topic. To clarify more on my main point, I believe that if Bungie could match the profit they make from Eververse by charging more for seasons and other DLC content, that Eververse would not be necessary. If that were possible, some of the development time that went into Eververse could be put into creating more rewards for other parts of the game.

    submitted by /u/AidenV1
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    With next season being all about mercury, here’s a reminder that you can get the emblem “The Visionary” for free!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:32 PM PST

    It shows I have no kills. Which is weird....

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:48 PM PST




    submitted by /u/RIPBlueRaven
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    A full season gone bye and no traction mod

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:34 PM PST

    Basically playing daily all season, thousands and thousands of tokens /gun smith material turned in and still no traction mod to show for it.

    Im not mad, just disappointed.

    submitted by /u/Friskylumbrjack
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    Why is there not an Exotic Sparrow that has a explosive detonation?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:40 PM PST

    I cant tell you how many times I jump off my sparrow right as I get to the enemies, and my sparrow goes flying into the thick of them. It's so fun to just shoot it for damage. How cool would it be to have an Exotic Sparrow that you can just eject from before a group of enemies and have a remote detonation? I think it would be super fun! Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/WARZONE0423
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    Bungie's Jonathan To discusses the process that led to Lord Shaxx's creation

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:07 AM PST

    Its from a GDC talk

    I think folks should give it a watch.

    submitted by /u/Clearskky
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    Today is the last day to get Season of Undying. If you have other characters you have not touched while progressing the season pass, get on them and claim the rewards before you cannot!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:08 AM PST

    This is the last day to do it! The armor alone boosted my untouched Titan's power from 750 to 930 if you equip 950+ weapons while doing it. Get what you have earned and do not sleep on it!

    submitted by /u/genred001
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    I hope we get at least one "Last Stand" style cinematic for Season of Dawn

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:17 AM PST

    Cayde's final stand against the Scorn remains the greatest display of Guardian powers we've ever seen firsthand, and remains one of the finest cutscene's Bungie has done for Destiny. Sure we've seen Zavala put up a bubble, or Osiris use his Dawnblade for three seconds, and Ana Bray kick a couple thralls in the face, but this was the ONE TIME we saw a cinematic cutscene in which a Guardian showcased his entire arsenal and what it could do.

    And remember, Cayde wasn't an Osiris-tier Guardian with unique ultimate abilities; what happened in that cutscene was equal to a normal Gunslinger with all the regular Gunslinger powers fighting a hoard of Red Bars that we routinely kill by the hundreds in Strikes and Raids.

    This isn't to say he was a weak Guardian, it just means the gulf between the Vanguard Mentors--Guardians with enough mastery of their craft to lead the others--and the very best is vast as an ocean, and that final stand is what WE look like to everyone else in-universe during the average skirmish, let alone when we get serious.

    In the Chronicon, the foreseen battle between us and Ikora released so much destructive power it knocked the entire planet out of orbit.

    I think it would be a total shame if we rescue Saint-14, the most beloved Guardian in history and one of the oldest and most skilled titans, and all we get is him punching a Goblin through time and maybe the same bubble we've seen a hundred times, and he proceeds to stand motionless in front of his desk for the rest of time like everyone else. I get that cutscenes take lots of time and energy and planning, but it feels like a letdown when we read about all the insane feats a Guardian pulled off in the past and only get to see a fraction of that on-screen.

    Just one cutscene of him going Doomguy on the Vex right up until the Martyr Mind and our intervention would be more than enough, I just want them to take the opportunity to give a Guardian with so much history and hype some on-screen justice.

    submitted by /u/Leider-Hosen
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    Any chance we can toggle and save between Primary/Secondary/Heavy to show in character screen?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:22 PM PST

    Very obvious bump but it's been nagging be ever since bungie allowed our sparrows to be shown in character screen.

    Would be good to be able to show off other ornaments and just complete the look of our character rather than be stuck with primary weapon always showing.

    submitted by /u/WreckTheSphere
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