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    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Destiny Focused Feedback: Garden of Salvation Raid

    Destiny Focused Feedback: Garden of Salvation Raid

    Focused Feedback: Garden of Salvation Raid

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:08 AM PST

    Hello Guardians,

    Focused Feedback is where we take the week to focus on a 'Hot Topic' discussed extensively around the Tower.

    We do this in order to consolidate Feedback, to get out all your ideas and issues surrounding the topic in one place for discussion and a source of feedback to the Vanguard.

    This Thread will be active until next week when a new topic is chosen for discussion

    Whilst Focused Feedback is active, ALL posts regarding 'Garden of Salvation' following its posting will be removed and re-directed to this thread. Exceptions to this rule are as follows: New information / developments, Guides and general questions

    Here are some possible discussion questions. Any and all Feedback on the topic is welcome.

    • What are your general thoughts on the garden of salvation raid and its mechanics - tether boxes, tethers, enlightened buff, angelics, etc?
    • Give specific feedback on each encounter you would like to?
    • What are your thoughts on the raid loot? Did you feel motivated to rerun the raid specifically to get additional rolls for the armor and weapons? Or were you raiding only for pinnacle drops? Did the fact that there are no curated rolls have an effect on the desirability of loot?
    • What are your thoughts on the raid loot dropping from specific encounters only (ex: only boots sniper and bow from encounter 1; Class items, helmets and snipers only from final boss)? Did this motivate you to run the raid out of order or only run speicifc encounters in specific weeks to opimize your drops?
    • What did you think of the divinity exotic quest? Did you find any aspects of this quest particularly problematic or enjoyable?
    • The raid does not drop a heavy weapon in any encounter. Did this cause a problem for you with power progression?
    • Did you find that any specific technical bugs or technical limitaitons prevented you from fully enjoying the raid (ex: framerate on consoles in the final encounter especially)?
    • What are your thoughts on the challenge modes of each encounter? Reminder : Enc 1 - Don't kill any pair of cyclops that spawns. Enc 2 - All players must tether within 10 seconds of eachother each time. Enc 3 - Motes must only be deposited in groups of 10. Enc 4 - Once motes are deposited in any bank, that bank must be completely filled within 10 seconds.
    • What are your thoughts on the enlightened seal and the required triumphs to achieve it? Did you find any triumphs particuarly well designed or poorly designed (ex: Stop hitting yourself)
    • Did you watch the "world's first race" for this raid or participate in it? If yes, do you have any feedback on this aspect of the raid (including the contest mode for the first day and how that works)
    • Did you find that you had difficulty getting into raid groups this season to do the garden of salvation raid? What if anything do you think Bungie could do to make it easier for players to find raid groups (either in the game or outside the game)?

    Regular Sub rules apply so please try to keep the conversation on the topic of the thread and keep it civil between contrasting ideas

    A Wiki page - Focused Feedback - has also been created for the Sub as an archive for these topics going forward so they can be looked at by whoever may be interested or just a way to look through previous hot topics of the sub as time goes on.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    This Week in /r/DestinyTheGame History [2018/12/1 - 2018/12/7]

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:05 AM PST

    "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller

    True back then, true today. Life does move pretty fast, just as posts move pretty fast on /r/DestinyTheGame. Once a week, "This Week in /r/DestinyTheGame History" brings you some of the gems from this time last year. It's a walk down memory lane to give some perspective of where we were and how things have (or haven't) changed in the last trip around the Sun.

    Maybe you made the post, maybe you saw the post, maybe you missed the post. Relive it or discover it for the first time. Either way, we hope you enjoy this blast from the past.

    1. Petition for Bungie to show us footage of the triple-sized Protheon, the Modular Mind.
    2. Bungie, how our Guardians look is half the fun, stop requiring Enhancement Cores for Infusion
    3. Trials of Osiris single handedly kept Destiny in the top 10 streamed games on Twitch in 2015 and 2016. You already have a winning formula Bungie, no need to reinvent the wheel
    4. The 3x big Modular Mind.
    5. Petition for Bungie to add 3x size Protheon, the Modular mind into the strike as an RNG boss spawn
    6. When we hit max light you should lose Prime Attunement and gain Exotic Attunement for the season.
    7. With Black Armory tomorrow, just wanna say thanks Bungie for the Forsaken story
    8. A gambit map where the three areas are past, present, and future Mercury.
    9. Black Armory is not an expansion
    10. When he comes for us....
    11. Guys, look on the brightdust side...
    12. Since "Black Armory" have no new Exotic Armors I think its time to bring Y1 armors to Forsaken level.
    13. Black Armory Update!
    14. Alright, get your spinfoil hats, Guardians - I think the Light and Dark are the same thing.
    15. Bungie renaming Masterwork Cores to Enhancement Cores is like Comcast changing their name to Xfinity
    16. Black Armory is what we asked for and what Bungie told us we were going to get, you guys are just mean.
    17. It's national "Invade then Pop Your Roaming Super and Do Nothing" Week!
    18. How do you change an Exo's name after they get reset?
    19. Bungie was always on extremes when it comes to exotics earlier we had good drops AND Xur AND Fated engrams now we have bad drops,no xur help and no fated engrams .
    20. When you invade in Gambit and you have the Dredgen title, the Drifter should say "Dredgen Invading!" Instead of "Guardian Invading!"
    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    I loved Destiny 1, but let’s not look at everything with rose-tinted glasses and pretend it was perfect.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:01 PM PST

    So, to quickly say, I loved D1. To say I no-lifed it would be an understatement. I clocked in 91 days 1 hour and 22 minutes on that game.

    Anyway, I'm seeing lots of critique posts recently. By all means, go ahead, hold Bungo's feet to the fire. But, I see one thing, a lot.

    Destiny 1 never had these problems.

    Sorry to break it to you Guardian, but, yeah it did.

    Transmat Firing!

    -Upon release, Destiny 1 was met with a mixed reception. Many people enjoyed the core gameplay elements, but found its story, loot systems and activities lacked depth.

    -Loot backscaling. To anyone who didn't know, essentially up until House of Wolves, engrams could scale their tier when being unlocked. So, exotics could actually relinquish legendaries, legendaries could relinquish rares, and so forth. If you thought the pinnacle grind was bad, getting a blue hand cannon from a Nightfall boss would've given you an aneurism.

    -PvP Balance pre TBD. Autos and fusions dominated. You'd better hope nobody on the other team had Suros, Pocket Infinity or Mythoclast, as they were 3 sure fire ways of ruining your session.

    -The Dark Below was generally accepted as a poor release, excluding Crota's End (althpugh wait for the next point) due to the extremely small amount of content.

    -Crota's End is broken and buggy all the way until Age of Triumph in Y3. You can Solo the entire raid through a series of glitches and exploits, encounters would randomly not work, plus it felt more like a long strike than a short raid.

    -House of Wolves. Short campaign, almost no new areas, people cry and whine about recycled content the entire expansion. Plus, no raid.

    -Good luck trying to beat Skolas until either A.) You get a Gjallarhorn, or B.) Bungie nerfed the encounter. On that note.

    -Gjallarhorn, Icebreaker, Sleeper, Black Hammer/Spindle. People think LFG elitism starts with Izanagi's? No. Most raid groups would not accept people without Ghorn. Ghorn is a broken mess that ruins PvE. And Xur only sold it twice, meaning unless you got it to drop, you were fucked.

    -Thorn and Last Word META. People act as though this was the golden age of Destiny PvP. It was not, it was the golden age of Destiny salt. These weapons dominated the sandbox from April until September of Year One. Forums would constantly be railing on the stupid broken guns.

    -Trials came out. Most people remember the life that Trials brought to the game. Most people don't remember how Trials brought hacks, glitches and sweats to the forefront of Destiny every weekend. Most people choose not to remember complaining about Lighthouse loot drops every weekend. Or dickhead strategies, like Final Round snipers, where a team of three fire off all their sniper rounds bar one, so they can body shot anyone, at any range, and then rinse and repeat until the round is over. (TBH I think Trials was a mostly positive inclusion to Destiny and I want it back, but this is a 'remember bad stuff' post)

    -People complain that we don't have enough to do in seasons and want DLC's back? I guess you guys forgot that there was huge content droughts between releases. After HoW was finished? 2-3 months no new content. After the first Dawning with TTK? 7 months with minimal releases. Between Rise of Iron and D2? Only 3 seasonal events, all 3 months apart.

    -Exotic drop rates. You think Forsaken was bad, getting your 1K after 20 runs? Child's play. I would get exotics maybe 1-2 times a month (if you consider my play time at the top, that's pretty crazy) during Year One. Good luck getting Necrochasm. You had to get a starter quest, with a really low drop rate, run the quest and then get a material from the raid to even get the gun. And it was shit. Really shit.

    -Eververse is introduced. No bounties, no bright dust. Only way to get those cosmetics is cold hard cash.

    This next bit is going to annoy people, apologies in advance.

    -The raids were brutal. This is a double edged sword. Personally, I loved the limited access and difficulty. But anyone rolling into the game for the first time? Nope, raids are stick behind 40+ hours of gameplay first. Most LFG's expect you to have X amounts of Clears and exotics, same as today. After a few weeks, normal mode becomes totally redundant and you only play hard mode. New guys can't even try hard until after normal is finished. Most bosses are more mechanically intense than D2 counterparts and punish mistakes hard. Oryx, Aksis and Atheon, in particular, are a nightmare if one person dies, unless they are....

    -A self reviving piece of shit Sunsinger Warlock. Enjoying winning that 1v1 in Trials on the final round? Oh shit no the guy is back to life full health and throwing grenades everywhere. This guy also has a dickhead exotic called Voidfang Vestements, meaning he spawns with a grenade every life, every round, every game.

    I really could go on but my thumbs (on mobile sue me) are dying over here. Maybe I'll update it if the post gains some traction.

    But my main point is; D1 was great, but let's not always put it on a pedestal that it was the best thing since sliced bread. The game had loads of issues, we voiced those issues. Let's not forget that. We all want Destiny 2 to be better, the best it can be. But pretending it's predecessor was perfect won't fix things, it's just a scapegoat to hide behind.

    submitted by /u/Tucker_Design
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    I thought I would try my hand at some Destiny Propaganda!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:31 AM PST

    Here's the link and I have separated them here if you'd like to download higher quality versions! I had fun doing them, I'll do more eventually after I do more enemy variants

    submitted by /u/solprimeval
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    Can we talk about Bungie's promise of "Play your way"?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:47 AM PST

    Before Shadowkeep and Seasons of the Undying, Bungie has stated that they want us to "play our way", but it seems to me like the opposite has happened. It seems like the game now tells me how to play a lot more than it used to. Examples:

    • Elemental Affinity. Aside from making it a lot harder to get items you want, elemental affinity also dictates what kind of mod combinations you can do. Before Shadowkeep, you could choose from a pool of mods. Now, the pool of mods is broken between elements, so some mod combinations are simply impossible to do.

    • Anti-champion mods. While the Champion system itself is quite interesting, the mods that help you deal with them basically force you to use specific weapon types(and only legendary variants at that), restricting your weapon selection and preventing you from making a build you want for no apparent reason.

    • Artifact mods. Artifact mods only work with two of the three subclasses, so if you want to take advantage of those mods you are forced to use either Arc or Void subclass.

    • Leveling and bounties. Bounties aren't new, but new season pass system makes leveling a lot more important than before which also makes bounties a lot more prevalent, them being the best way to level. And bounties, for the most part, revolve around getting kills with a specific weapon type/element, which force you constantly change your loadout.

    What do you think? To me, it seems like the game became a lot more forceful about how I should play it since Shadowkeep, and the only thing that came out that lets me "play my way" is the armor stat system and mods being permanent unlocks.

    Never before in Destiny have I felt like the game wants me to not use the build I made like after Shadowkeep.

    submitted by /u/Redthrist
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    IB - If you’re not sliding in to capture a zone, are you actually capturing the zone at all?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:25 PM PST

    Discuss. 🤔

    submitted by /u/NeoJoe731
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    Destiny + Destiny 2's stories (and dlc) told in one sentence.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 12:20 PM PST

    Destiny: "What the fuck is going on?"

    Destiny: TDB: "Kill the sleeping guy."

    Destiny: HoW: "Bad dog! back in the kennel you go!"

    Destiny: TTK: "My name is Oryx, you killed my son, prepare to die!"

    Destiny: RoI: "Nanomachines, Son!"

    Destiny 2: "Into the Motherland Humanland, the German Cabal army march!"

    Destiny 2: CoO: "We gotta help Osiris do.......something, did anyone really pay that much attention to the story?"

    Destiny 2: Warmind: "Ra-Ra-Rasputin! Lover protector of The russian queen Mankinds dream!"

    Destiny 2: Forsaken: Marked for vengeance X3

    Destiny 2: BA: "Catch a guuuuuuuuuun!"

    Destiny 2: SotD: "Acid trips and Motes"

    Destiny 2: SoO: "Daddy Calus' Extermination team"

    Destiny 2: Shadowkeep: "Moons haunt-WE'VE ALREADY HEARD THIS TWENTY TIMES TODAY!"

    submitted by /u/Meatloaf_Hitler
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    The hard light screen shake is so bad

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:46 AM PST

    I was playing with the gun earlier today and as someone who only has one eye (get it) used this weapon and I didn't realize how bad the shake actually is.

    I shot some hive and the more I shot the more it shook. The shaking started getting really really bad. Every single enemy, more shake. It shook so bad that my desk started rattling. The screws were coming unhinged.

    I continued on, the shaking continued exponentially. My screen started warping. I continued to think not much of this. More, and more, and more, and more. Rattle, rattle, rattle, my eyes started wobbling and I couldn't stop blinking. The walls of my studio apartment started caving in.

    Eventually not just the world around me, I started shaking. My body started to feel very off. No worries I said, and continued on. My skin started tearing apart from my body slowly. I could feel the cracks starts to emerge. I was shaking uncontrollably.

    Just as the the entire foundation of my home started to crumble I took a break and wrote this post. I think bungie needs to look into this.

    submitted by /u/completenolife
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    Instead of RNG Bright Engrams can we bring back the Prismatic Matrix?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:46 AM PST

    I think Bright Engrams are the unresolved left overs of the old system. You earned them on each level up and it was rewarding because it pushed you to stay on a little longer and get that last bit of exp. Sure if you ended up getting things that you already had, you could always dismantle them and collect the bright dust to use towards stuff you did want.


    You get a drop every 5 or so levels. If it's the same stuff you already have then it's not rewarding because they don't reward bright dust, and the amount of time it takes to get them also can just make the overall experience frustrating.

    So instead of leaving everything to the odds, then why not bring back the prismatic matrix? Every 5 levels you drop your engram (or token) into the slot machine and you get one of the things at random GUARANTEED except you know what your options are and it's all on a knockout system.

    The stock can change every 2-3 weeks so you can hold onto the tokens and buy out a Matrix if it's got a lot of stuff you want. Some RNG but it's a curated selection.

    Edit 1 - Only the engrams you earn, not the ones you can buy.

    submitted by /u/The_Owl_Bard
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    Say what you want about Drifter, but...

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 12:34 PM PST

    You spend an eternity getting that perfect gear and when you finally look like a billion glimmer at the tower for the first time, Drifter says: "Hey kid. Lookin' good!", while everyone else acts like you're the same generic guardian from yesterday.

    submitted by /u/fallout2161
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    Why put Ornaments behind Tess when making some of them quests and secret missions would just be a HUGE boost to content?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:48 AM PST

    I get you need money, but just think about the game when fans are satisfied.

    submitted by /u/ImJustStatingFax
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    Times like these are exactly when Bungie should be giving us some of the datamined Exotic Catalysts.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:19 PM PST

    Towards the end of a season, when most people are done with everything they wanted to get done, that would be the perfect time for a few Catalysts. It would give dedicated players something to chase as the season winds down. And it would require very little effort since these Catalysts are in the files already.


    submitted by /u/ShrevidentXbox
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    PRO TIP: claim season pass rewards on characters that you don't play before season ends!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 12:49 PM PST

    Even though I've been enjoying D2 thoroughly, I don't have the time to play that often. This results in me playing just 1 character 99% of the time. However, if you have 2 other characters and the season pass... You can just log on to them and claim the ornaments and seasonal armor rewards from the season pass, without lifting a finger!!

    You'll get all ornaments and about 5 armor pieces for each slot, which comes in handy if you later decide to try a new class. I've just done this for my hunter which I NEVER play... Putting on 3 max level weapons, made the final armor pieces drop at around 945-949.

    submitted by /u/MrPassenki
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    Please, focus QoL instead of low quality content

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:30 AM PST

    Bungie has stated on multiple occasions that they would rather focus on new content before making QoL changes to old content, and gotta say, this season has shown perfectly why that isnt working. Now, more than ever, we need basic user experience to be considered way before more activities as underwhelming as Vex Offensive.

    Now, im not just talking sparrows on Mercury here, though that should be near the top of the list. Basic UI stuff has been ignored for entirely too long. Just this season, we had an entirely new armor system launch, without a way to see what mods we had unlocked. Admittedly, that one got fixed, which is great! The rest of collections, not so much. How many people have asked for things like the ability to pull armor from collections now? Old or unavailable weapons making their way back into the loot pool so we can fill out collections?

    Moving away from picking on collections, and avoiding topics that already have their own threads like low armor stats from 90% of sources and exotic armor being nearly impossible to grind for, lets look at something even more basic; playing the game. Like, logging in and playing it. Since Shadowkeep dropped, connection issues have got worse and worse. Were seeing loadtimes through the roof and error codes are getting tossed around like candy. On multiple occasions ive been error coded from the character selection screen! Getting weaseled out of a comp match is a routine occurrence for a lot of people at this point. Framerate drops in menu screens are a meme at this point, the true boss of GoS is stop-motion animation because of how bad the frame drops are. Crucible has got hit registration bugs abound, with people reporting shots not hitting, despite showing a hit, melees not registering, dying to a dead opponent, immortal guardians (true, not resurrected like normal), lag. Text chat goes down on a daily, almost hourly basis. Now, i can hear some of you screaming "oh, thats steams fault though!", to which i respond that when the game depends on communication for a lot of things, it needs a more robust system backing it. Text chat being opt-in and not opt-out, clan lists not showing players properly, the lack of any sort of LFG system in-game

    Theres a lot of things that need some serious work. A lot of you are going to tell me to just go find another game cause i clearly dont like this one, and you know what, youre flat out wrong. I love this game, ive got nearly 2000 hours, ive met some of my best friends playing this game. I just want to see it live up to its potential. When everything its working theres no other FPS game that comes close, but everything working is a rare thing lately.

    Bottom line, more priority needs to be spent on getting the game working, and less on the next big spectacle thats all bark and no bite. Pull some people off of eververse and subject them to Forge matchmaking for a few hours, that should give them all the motivation they need

    submitted by /u/epicfail48
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    Turn the Solstice of Heroes Armour into Ornaments

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:03 PM PST

    I absolutely loved the Solstice of Heroes armor and found it well worth the grind at the time, but now with my armor reaching near max power and stats taking priority I find it sad that wearing it puts me at a disadvantage (even though it's only slight, it's still a disadvantage). I haven't seen a single person wearing it in the past month, and it's such a shame to have such an ornamental armor piece not be used (especially since people spent a bunch of bright dust or silver to unlock the glowing effects).

    I'd love to see this armor set turned into an ornament instead of being it's own armor set.

    Note: I'd also love to see the event masks get this treatment (I'm sad I can't be a chicken anymore without tanking my power even though I spent silver on it).

    submitted by /u/Ravenheart_Cosplay
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    Anyone here play Cities Skylines? I made a few Destiny assets to put in your city!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 04:53 PM PST

    imgr link of more photos if you'd like to check it out.

    Not too long ago someone uploaded a Star Wars Xwing to the Cities Skylines workshop. I was pretty surprised that, after all these years, this was the first one. That made me realize… out of the TENS of thousands of custom created mods/assets for Cities Skylines… there is nothing Destiny related! So I decided I'd make some.

    I planned on doing more, but couldn't help but share what I have so far. (I'll upload more in the coming weeks as I create them.)

    Note: no mods are needed for these to work. Simply subscribe to the asset and these "planes" will start showing up at your airport.

    Parks: Cayde 6 memorial park/statue

    Ships: Agonarch Karve

    Arcadia Class Jumpship

    Aspect of Glass

    Birth of History

    Black Peregrine

    Drift Apart

    Plans for more: I want to make blimps from Ceres Galliot, Fallen Skiff, and a Cabal Harvester. I might also bring in some sparrows that will work for cars lol I'll also be making plenty more parks. A golden Gjallarhorn statue is a must. (will be MUCH smaller than the cayde-6 statue) Someone suggested making a large building that looks like the Colony ships from the Cosmodrone so I might try to tackle that as well.

    These were harder to make than I thought they would be but I have a better understanding of the process so hopefully I can make more stuff. Some of the models are pretty easy to find. The textures… not so much. The Aspect of Glass and Birth of History were particularly painful because I had to just create textures from a still taken from the in-game menu. (Their textures def need some updating but for now they look… okay

    Let me know if you have any ideas (especially for buildings) Anyway, just thought I'd share. Hope you like!

    submitted by /u/DTOX_FTW
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    Towerthought: With the existence of Leviathans Breath, Wish Ender is no longer the biggest, most powerful bow around. I wonder what Sjur Eido would think of that.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:40 AM PST

    Eris Morn is on the Steam sale banner today

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:14 AM PST

    Skull of Dire Ahamkara should return super energy on kills with Nova Warp

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:36 PM PST

    I couldn't break it to her.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:09 AM PST

    I have been playing destiny 2 since the beta was released on ps4. For the past while, I have been saving up to buy a gaming pc so I could play with some of my friends from school, and I just recently made that purchase. As I was talking with one of my friends, I convinced her to try destiny because it was free and she now had someone to play it with. She downloaded the game, ran through the tutorial and asked me what we should start with. I decided that we should do the legacy campaigns so that she could get a grasp of the main story line throughout the seasons. As she was doing the first mission of Red War, the one where the tower falls, she made an off hand comment to me, saying that she really doesn't like any of the characters so far, except for Cayde. That comment honestly made me pretty sad, and I just didn't have the heart to tell her. We'll see what happens when we make it to forsaken.

    TL;DR my friend downloaded destiny 2 for the first time and decided she didnt like anyone except Cayde. I couldn't tell her.

    submitted by /u/TheeeWalrus
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    Eris Morn made it to the Steam Autumn Sale Banner!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:41 PM PST

    Glad to see she finally got some vacation time away from the moon.


    submitted by /u/CrzyCndn
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    Being a collector is no longer viable

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:27 AM PST

    It feels really bad being a collector in this game now that the new eververse happened.

    Prior to this season, I owned every ghost shell, ornament, and sparrow. Everything. Because I put the time in to get them, and I was able to get bright engrams to unlock them. Very few ornaments were bought, but I did buy them.

    This season I just have to get over it. There is going to be blank spots in my collections page. Unless I have another 400$ to drop on all of the cosmetics.

    It's kinda bullshit, but okay.

    Maybe we'll get dedicated servers...

    submitted by /u/Shadow-of-Calus
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    Does Bungie avoid Halo like a bad relationship?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:46 AM PST

    No complaint. Just a question I have been curious about for a long time.

    Why does Bungie seem to avoid what they know a lot of people liked from their old franchise? No vehicles in any crucible game-types (and no two-person vehicles for that matter). No large group pvp game-type. Unique weapons they made that people enjoy like the mauler and needler (they made the Shriekers shoot like needlers now that i think about it). They added finishers but kept them out of crucible. No survival-wave-based pve gametype, no actual playable space battles in any campaign missions. I mean, they have a trove of content that they produced during Halo that they have intentionally kept out of Destiny.

    My guess was it's about its own self-identity as an original game but they have accomplished that without question. Either that or whatever agreement they had with Microsoft in selling the rights of Halo meant certain content could not be replicated. But some stuff has come back such as the finishers (or assassinations in Halo). It's been over 5 years!

    Just curious if there's something I don't know about the rocky break-up(not that there was one to my knowledge). I imagine there is some better reason. But c'mon, you know the needler would be everyone's favorite weapon for a week.

    submitted by /u/slick_rickshaw
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    Bungie plz - Forsaken era armor has stat distribution that made sense, why does every new system have to reinvent the wheel?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:18 PM PST

    I was noticing this while trying to mix and match some armor over the weekend and came across some heavy titan chest pieces from year 2 that had 60 total base stats. However, the biggest thing was that the stat spread actually made sense. Y2 Heavy Titan chest pieces have 20 Res/ 10 Rec / 5 Disc / 10 Int / 5 Str and 10 points you can allocate between Res or Recovery. HOLY CRAP! Intervals of 5!!!

    Now that year 2 armor has its stats back, it seemed like the random stat distribution was a completely missed opportunity to at least keep some of the spreads from year 2 armor. I have noticed when making builds, actually getting the stats where I want them to be can be greatly helped with a piece of Y2 armor.

    It feels like the current armor grind could have been streamlined if you kept the old Mobile/Restorative/Heavy system and then had something that determined overal stat points such as Green Tier (50 points), Blue Tier (55 points), rare tier (60 points), and exotic tier (65 points).

    I don't know, this was just something I noticed while sorting through my vault, but it seems like every new system that gets developed ignores the good aspects of the previous systems.

    submitted by /u/_pt3
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