• Breaking News

    Friday, December 6, 2019

    Destiny The Sundial

    Destiny The Sundial

    The Sundial

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:09 AM PST

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48436

    Some time after the death of Panoptes, Infinite Mind and the City's venture to the Infinite Forest:

    Osiris stepped back to look upon his work. It towered stories above him.

    The Sundial was complete, a shining beacon in Mercury's sky. He needed only to seal the chronometric core, which lay bare at the center of the spire, and activate the Arc conduits that ran for miles under the planet's surface.

    Sagira circled the superstructure, scanning every inch of it.

    "I don't know about this," she said.

    "I have full confidence. It's your design."

    "That work was theoretical! If the Vanguard find out what you did to build it—"

    "If this works, the Vanguard will find out either way."

    Sagira darted down as if to dive bomb her chosen, but stopped just short and met him eye to eyes.

    "I know you feel guilty, but there's no telling what will happen if you turn this thing on."

    "He's dead because of me. I've made every precaution. I've had my Echoes check against trillions of disaster scenarios." He turned to look at the fluctuating glow of the exposed chronometric core. "Mercury is the only planet that will be affected. Because that's where he died."

    "Where will this stop? Who else will you decide deserves a second chance?"

    "You know I can't make another bargain like this one."

    "I just want to make sure you know that."

    Osiris blinked. She rarely spoke this bluntly, and without irony.

    "Hey, hey, hey!" came a far-off, echoing shout. "No! That ain't right!"

    The Drifter came into view from behind one of the Sundial's auxiliary pylons, pointing a jabbing finger at Osiris's machine.

    Sagira narrowed her eye at the rogue Lightbearer and lowered herself to Osiris's shoulder. "Why's he here?" she asked quietly.

    "I asked him to consult on the engineering work," Osiris replied, crossing his arms.

    "You sicko," the other man declared, walking a circle around the Warlock, his eyes darting along every surface of the Sundial around them.

    As the Drifter rapped his knuckles on the north pylon, he mumbled, "Ghost, do the numbers." An armored Ghost with a red eye unfolded out of transmat and began a scan pattern on each Sundial spire.

    Drifter walked to the central spire and put his ear up against it. "This core…" he said, leaning close. His eyes darted back to Osiris. "It's whispering."

    Osiris's expression didn't change; his arms didn't uncross. "We'll seal the core away. I understand the ramifications."

    "Good luck keeping that contained. Not something I would bargain with, hotshot." Drifter stood up and beckoned his Ghost with two fingers. It floated earthward and unleashed a holographic array of statistics along the Sundial deck.

    The red light reflected off the Drifter's eyes as he drank the numbers in.

    "Your math checks out," he said, finally, as his Ghost folded away. "It'll work. But will you find him? At the exact moment that you need? No guarantees."

    "Let me worry about that," Osiris said.

    "Just one more question, then. Why all the fuss?"

    "I owe him."

    "I owe a lotta people, Warlock. You're opening the gates of hell with a Vex key."

    "When the Traveler brought me back, I had no friends. No family—"

    "No one had anything in the Dark Age."

    "But Saint was always there. And I saw him grow from neophyte to demigod."

    Drifter shrugged. "We've all had to flex a little. Win a gun fight or two. It's why we're still here."

    "We all gain strength. But some Lightbearers never grasp a wider view of the world. They're happy to stick to their ways… languish. When they could be so much more."

    Drifter chuckled and spat, saluting Osiris with a single finger. "I get by."

    "Of course you do. I'm like you."

    Drifter smirked.

    "But Saint faced his fears and failure better than any of us, and never strayed from his path. He should get a chance to walk to the end."

    "He already did. But I'll leave you to your devices. You lunatic." The Drifter turned, hands in his pockets, to leave. "If you short-circuit the universe, you're on your own."

    "If I make a mistake here, you might cease to exist," Osiris replied.

    "Maybe that wouldn't be so bad."

    "We haven't talked about payment."

    "If you live through this little experiment, you can be sure I'll be back to collect."

    "Go home. There's a Guardian you should meet," Osiris said.

    "Yeah, yeah. Hero. Red War. Can't wait."


    A dozen Echoes flanked Osiris.

    The Sundial spun and sparked above them, around them.

    His Echoes vanished in staccato bursts of chronometric Arc, stepping not elsewhere, but elsewhen, as the Sundial fell silent.

    Osiris could still see and feel through them as twelve of him walked the corridors of time.

    Where those halls were intersected by the Vex network, his Echoes hacked Hobgoblins and Minotaurs apart using Solar Swords powered by sheer will. They hid their shadows and stood still, unblinking, to avoid the Network Minds. Together, they pushed to corners that gave way to the Mercurian Dark Age.

    From there, they separated, entering myriad moments of Saint's visits to Mercury.

    An Echo encounters a battle-hardened Saint at the mouth of Caloris Basin. Saint is a member of the Pilgrim Guard, and he and his fireteam descend on batteries of Vex Goblins, the bloom of heavy gunfire leading their way. This Saint is too early. The Echo does not approach.

    Neither does the Echo who watches in a dark corner as Saint's jumpship lands at a Lighthouse at the Caloris Spires. Its interior is cloaked in shadow. The Cult of Osiris's retrofit of the structure isn't due for another age. Saint comes here to keep it clear of Vex attempting to reclaim it. He lights the darkness as he tears Minotaurs apart with Solar fists.

    An Echo crouches on a cliffside out of sight as, far below, Saint uses his Solar Light to cut through the armor-plated Mercurian soil. Solitary stones line a series of holes that stretch for a dozen meters to either side.

    An Echo hides in burning light as Saint works shoulder to shoulder with the Sunbreakers to construct the Burning Forge. Their hammering and soldering with Solar knuckles and sledges draws a silent parade of Vex to the building site. The Sunbreakers take turns stepping away from construction to dismantle the intruders using the same Solar implements.

    An Echo spies Saint from a vantage point on the high plains of the Fields of Glass. The Titan fights for his life against purple-bannered Fallen, bearing the same symbol as modern Dusk soldiers. They are the House of Rain, the lowest House. The burning camp around them is curiously absent of bodies—but Osiris has heard Saint tell this story before. One of Saint's first missions for the Speaker brought him to Mercury in a failed attempt to "re-take" that planet for humanity. They had not known at the time that the Vex had already started to transform the "garden world" into a machine. House Rain followed Saint's jumpship and waited 'til the expedition had made camp. Then the Fallen annihilated the colonists Saint was charged to protect and beat him to within an inch of his life. The Echo lives that story first-hand now, and finds himself looking away at the terraformed vegetation at his feet instead. It's already half machine—grass and metal blades growing beside each other under his boots. A Ketch roars down from the sky and rains heavy munitions on the battlefield, and the Echo's vantage point fills with rolling clouds of dust. The Echo takes his leave. He's seen enough.


    Osiris's Echoes scour Saint-14's timeline on Mercury. But the corridors of time refuse to give way to the moment they need: Saint and the Martyr Mind in the depths of the Infinite Forest. The Echoes work tirelessly for weeks, then months in the space between moments. In desperation, he splits the dozen copies into many thousands more as the work continues fruitlessly.

    One Echo stays for years against Osiris's orders. He has never lost control of one before; he didn't think that was even possible. He and the Echoes are the same. He feels this aberrant copy lose his sense of self. Another few years in, he feels this Echo press the touch of cold metal to his head.

    And then he feels nothing.

    Two Echoes wander into the corridors of time with orders not to stop. Brute force has worked for Osiris before. To this day, he can still feel them. Their search continues.

    The rest eventually succumb to Vex security measures where the network intersects with the corridors of time. Even Osiris's Light has limits.

    None of the Echoes ever approaches a Saint. They never find the right one.


    Osiris sat quietly at the base of the Sundial. No time had passed since the machine's activation, but he had just lived a multitude of lives.

    Sagira hovered over his shoulder and asked, hopefully, "Did it work?"

    The Warlock stood, and made his way to the southern border of the Sundial. "Shut it down. Wrap everything in a stealth skin. Let nothing, no one, find it."

    Osiris disappeared into an incandescent flame.

    Sagira stared at the Sundial's central spire.

    "Dammit," she whispered.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2019-12-06]

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:06 AM PST

    Daily Vanguard Modifiers

    Affect Strikes, Menagerie, Heroic Missions & Adventures

    • Solar Singe: Solar damage increases slightly from all sources.
    • Grounded: Damage taken while you are airborne is greatly increased.
    • Brawler: Melee abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.

    Daily Reckoning Modifiers

    Affect all three tiers

    • Void Singe: Void damage increases slightly from all sources.
    • Grenadier: Grenade abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.

    Daily Heroic Story Missions

    • Looped (PL 750) - Nessus. No one's heard from Cayde-6 since the Hunter took off for an uncharted world. Track him down.
    • Payback (PL 750) - Earth. Time for Zavala's grand entrance—finally attacking the Red Legion base in the EDZ head-on.
    • The Gateway (PL 750) - Mercury. Osiris's damaged Ghost appeared on Mercury—along with a Vex army. That can't be a coincidence.
    • Deep Storage (PL 750) - Io. Search the Pyramidion on Io for a map of the Infinite Forest to guide you to Panoptes.
    • Last Call (PL 750) - Prison of Elders. Fight alongside Cayde-6 to help Petra Venj regain control of the dangerous Prison of Elders.

    Daily Forge: Bergusia Forge

    Gunsmith Inventory

    • Minor Spec: Deals extra damage against rank-and-file enemies.
    • Submachine Gun Ammo Finder: Increases your chance of finding Primary ammo while you have a Submachine Gun equipped.
    • Upgrade Module (1 for 1 Enhancement Core & 10 Legendary Shards & 25 Etheric Spiral & 5000 Glimmer)
    • Upgrade Module (1 for 1 Enhancement Core & 10 Legendary Shards & 25 Helium Filaments & 5000 Glimmer)
    • Enhancement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & 25 Simulation Seed & 10000 Glimmer)
    • Ascendant Shard (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 100 Etheric Spiral & 50000 Glimmer)

    Spider Material Exchange

    beep boop failed to fetch


    Commander Zavala, Vanguard

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    One Shot, One Kill Defeat enemies with precision damage. 25 [Headshot] Precision XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
    From Downtown Defeat multiple enemies at a time with your Super. 2 Multikills XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
    Elegant Weaponry Defeat enemies in strikes with any Sword. 10 [Sword] Sword XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
    Into the Abyss Get Void kills in a strike. 25 [Void] Void XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token

    Lord Shaxx, Crucible

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    An Object in Motion Land final blows using Kinetic weapons in the Crucible. 10 Kinetic weapon XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
    Between the Eyes Land precision final blows in the Crucible. 5 [Headshot] Precision XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
    Catch! Land grenade final blows in the Crucible. 3 [Grenade] Grenade ability XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
    Payback Land the final blow on the player who last defeated you in the Crucible. 1 Opponents XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points

    Ikora Rey, Vex Fanatic

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Closed Loop Defeat Vex using Void abilities. 15 [Void] Void ability XP & 1 Vex Mind Components
    Grand Slam Defeat Vex with melee attacks. 15 [Melee] Melee ability XP & 1 Vex Mind Components
    Just Rewards Earn chests in the Vex Offensive. 3 Chests XP & 1 Vex Mind Components
    Counter-Sniping Defeat Hobgoblins in the Vex Offensive. 10 Vex Hobgoblins XP & 1 Vex Mind Components

    Eris Morn, Moon

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Filamentary, My Dear Ghost Gather Helium Filaments from resource nodes across the Moon. 5 Materials XP & 5 Helium Filaments
    One-Way Ballistics Using any Kinetic weapon, defeat enemies in streaks of 3 or more without taking damage in between. 15 Defeated in streaks XP & 5 Helium Filaments
    Double Draw Using a Hand Cannon, rapidly defeat enemies in groups of 2 or more. 15 Rapidly defeated XP & 5 Helium Filaments
    No Safe Harbor Defeat Hive in Sorrow's Harbor on the Moon. 25 Hive XP & 5 Helium Filaments

    Lectern of Enchantment, Moon

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Pyrophantasmic Defeat enemies in Nightmare Hunts with Solar damage. 20 [Solar] Solar XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment
    Arc in the Night Dispel Nightmares using Arc abilities. 25 [Arc] Arc ability XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment
    Sorrow and Revelry Find the Lost Sector K1 Revelation and dispel the Nightmare within. 7 Nightmares XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment
    Deadzone Dreams Defeat Nightmares in Lost Sectors in the European Dead Zone. 8 Nightmares XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment

    The Drifter, Gambit Prime

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    INVADER: Guardian Killer Defeat opposing Guardians in a single Gambit Prime match. 7 Guardians defeated 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    REAPER: Get Rich Quick Neutralize high-value targets in Gambit Prime. 2 Targets neutralized 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    Collectors Don't Carry Cash Bank Motes of Dark in Gambit Prime. 75 Motes banked 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    SENTRY: "Security!" Defeat Blockers in Gambit Prime using Fusion Rifles, Shotguns, or Sniper Rifles. 7 Blockers defeated 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    INVADER: Invading Infested Places Invader bounty. Complete heroic public events on Titan or the Tangled Shore. 2 Public events completed 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    REAPER: Reaping for the Vanguard Reaper bounty. Defeat multiple enemies without dying during Vanguard strikes. 30 Enemies defeated 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    COLLECTOR: Collecting in the EDZ and Titan Collector bounty. Loot Lost Sector caches found in the EDZ or on Titan. 2 Caches looted 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    SENTRY: Sentry Duty from Afar Sentry bounty. Defeat Taken Vandals or Taken Hobgoblins from long range. 10 Enemies defeated 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points

    The Drifter, Gambit

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Big-Game Hunter Eliminate a high-value target in Gambit. 1 Targets XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points
    Sun Charred Use Solar abilities to defeat enemies in Gambit. Defeated Guardians are worth extra points. 15 [Solar] Solar ability XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points
    Face-to-Face Summon Primevals in Gambit by filling up your team's bank. 2 Primevals summoned XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points
    Envoy While It Lasts Defeat Primeval envoys during Gambit matches. 2 Envoys XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points

    Banshee-44, Gunsmith

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Bow Calibration Calibrate Bows against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision final blows and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Bow] Calibration XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core
    Trace Rifle Calibration Calibrate Trace Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision final blows and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Trace Rifle] Calibration XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core
    Kinetic Calibration Calibrate Kinetic weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Kill] Calibration XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core

    Ada-1, Black Armory

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Harvest Time Harvest resources in any destination. 15 Materials collected 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
    Satou Tribute Pay homage to the Black Armory's Japanese heritage by defeating enemies with Swords, Sniper Rifles, and Bows. 50 Enemies defeated 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
    Brute Force Defeat enemies with a Machine Gun while participating in the ignition of a lost forge. 10 Machine Gun kills 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
    Public Event Evaluation Complete public events with at least one Black Armory weapon equipped. 10 Public events completed 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
    Chrysopoeia Complete a Black Armory weapon frame and claim its rewards. 1 Weapon frame tempered 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer

    Unfortunately, Petra daily bounties can't be fetched through the API. Feel free to share them in the comments!

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    The total cost of bright dust needed for eververse this season

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:43 PM PST

    With the upcoming Eververse change for season of the dawn, I wanted to see how much bright dust you needed to get every unique item that was sold for bright dust this season.

    If you are here for the total there is a TL:DR at the bottom.

    Lets get some things out of the way first of all:

    • This will cover the weeks from October 1st 2019 when Shadowkeep launched, to December 10th 2019, the week when season of the dawn launches.

    • There are items from past seasons that are sold for bright dust, there will be a total with and without these items included.

    • We will also calculate the bright dust total for festival of the lost, as this event ran during the allocated weeks we are examining. However we will be listing the amount of items from the event differently from the amount of items for the regular season. I will be counting items from previous years as well that were sold.

    • Based from my findings there are some items of the same rarity that have different bright dust costs. However as far as i'm aware this only applies to emotes, and the cost change only applies to multiplayer emotes. So if I get a few items wrong, please point it out so I may change my calculation.

    • I will not be calculating the amount of time you need to spend completing repeatable bounties to gain said amount of bright dust, However I will calculate how many bounties you need to complete if you theoretically wanted everything sold for bright dust.

    • Please try and ignore any grammatical errors or formatting it's my first time writing out a post like this.

    Now with that out of the way lets start.

    Individual Costs

    Ships, Sparrows, Ghosts, Ornaments, Emotes and Transmat Effects are all priced differently from each other with their own respective rarity (Exotic, Legendary, Rare) also affecting the cost of the item. Here are the bright dust costs for each item.

    Rarity Ship Armor Ornament Sparrow Ghost Weapon Ornament Emote Multiplayer Emote Transmat Effect Shader Ghost Projection Mask Ornament
    Exotic 2000 N/A 2500 2850 1250 3250 4250 N/A N/A N/A N/A
    Legendary 500 1200 600 400 700 700 1250 450 40 1500 1200
    Rare N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 400 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

    Now before we calculate the total amount of bright dust for every item, lets see how much bright dust you get from bounties.

    How much dust can you earn in the season?

    The only way to earn bright dust currently is by either completing the weekly bounties for vanguard, crucible and gambit for 200 dust per weekly bounty, or to complete repeatable vanguard, crucible and gambit bounties for 10 dust per repeatable bounty.

    If we do all the weekly bounties on 1 character. We earn 1200 bright dust. If we then repeat the weekly bounties on our other 2 characters (if we have more than 1 character) we then get a grand total of 3600 bright dust every week.

    Also to get the equivalent of 1 weekly bounty we need to complete 20 repeatable bounties in order to get the same amount of dust. Keep this in mind.

    So what got sold this season?

    I would like to thank @JpDeathBlade on twitter for providing us with what was sold for bright dust during the season. Please go give them a follow.



    In this season the items sold for bright dust were:

    • 15 Armor Pieces (1 Armor Set per Class), all new

    • 2 Exotic Weapon Ornaments, both are new

    • 9 Legendary Weapon Ornaments, only 2 being new

    • 2 Exotic Emotes, only 1 new

    • 1 New Exotic Multiplayer Emote

    • 3 New Legendary Emotes

    • 1 New Legendary Multiplayer Emote

    • 3 New Rare Emotes

    • 7 Exotic Ghost Shells, 6 were new

    • 2 Legendary Ghost Shells, which were both old shells

    • 9 Ghost Projections, with 7 new being new

    • 5 Exotic Sparrows, 4 were new

    • 1 Old Legendary Sparrow

    • 5 Exotic Ships, 3 were new

    • 2 Old Legendary Ships

    • 16 Shaders, 10 were new

    • 16 Transmat Effects, with 6 of them being new.

    Now that was without the Festival of the lost items, lets see how many items that event brought with it:

    • 30 Armor Pieces (2 Armor Sets per Class)

    • 2 Exotic Ships

    • 5 Exotic Ghost Shells

    • 3 Exotic Sparrows

    • 2 Exotic Emotes

    • 2 Legendary Emotes

    • 4 Transmat Effects

    • 4 Shaders

    • 2 Ghost Projections

    • 2 Mask Ornaments

    Now we have our bright dust total and the amount of items we have for the whole season, Lets calculate how much bright dust we need to buy everything

    The total cost

    So lets calculate the total for Festival of the Lost first. Based on the numbers the total amount of bright dust you needed was: 77010 Bright Dust Total

    Now we have out total for Festival of the Lost, Lets calculate the rest of it.

    Excluding old items the cost for every item in the season was: 80650 Bright Dust in total

    Now if we include old items that were sold as well the total increases to: 108290 Bright Dust Total

    And if you wanted every single item from this season and every Festival of the Lost item that was sold for bright dust, you needed a grand total of: 185300 Bright Dust

    Now lets calculate how many bounties you would need to complete to get this much dust.

    We had 9 weeks worth of weekly bounties to do on all 3 characters. Doing this would get us 32400 Bright Dust, which isn't even a 5th of the total amount we need. So lets calculate how many repeatable bounties we would need on top of this.

    If we got every weekly bounty available the amount of repeatable bounties we would need to complete would be: 15290.

    Yes you would need to complete 15290 repeatable bounties in order to get enough dust to get every single item that was sold from this season and festival of the lost, that was sold for bright dust.

    Closing Thoughts

    Yes we all know that Bungie is a business and they need to make money now that we have new light, which is F2P for new players. However the amount of bounties we need to complete in order to gather enough dust to buy everything sold is absurd. Making it so we have new weekly bounties during events so we end up with 4800 dust per week instead is not the solution.

    According to Bungie around only 50% of items were sold for bright dust this season, while the other half you had to buy with silver.

    I'm not asking for us to be able to get everything from Eververse, but I think we can all agree that if a player wanted everything sold for bright dust needing them to complete 15290 bounties to do so is way too excessive.

    TL:DR The total cost to get every item in this season for bright dust is 185300 dust.

    EDIT: I don't know where people got the idea that I wanted everything from the store, I never stated that once. I don't think anyone wants everything for free. I'm just providing data on what you would need to do if someone theoretically wanted everything, and how many bounties it would take.

    submitted by /u/anonymoususer1910
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    I guess there really isn't much to Season of Dawn after all...

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:42 PM PST

    ...but if this is any indication, at least Bungie is being transparent about it.

    (This is, of course, a joke.)

    submitted by /u/andrewcilento
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    The {Premium Tier} Battle Pass should include silver as a rank reward

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:27 AM PST

    Every game I've played that features a premium battle pass has store currency as a common rank reward....because that's the point.

    Even Modern Warfare...an Activision game...provides for this. Because why the hell am I buying into the premium battle pass if I can't unlock most of your premium skins by ranking it up??

    I'll probably get downvoted for this. But there is no way in hell people prefer to NOT have the majority of premium tier skins and gear be part of the premium battle pass that they paid money to have access to.


    Most people want to be able to earn the best loot in the game, cosmetic or otherwise. But they acquiesce to Bungie's monetization schemes because at the end of the day, Destiny 2 kicks ass far as gameplay.

    But nobody prefers to have premium loot locked behind a paywall at the same time they're potentially purchasing a $25-$35 expansion and any future $10 premium season {battle} passes.

    submitted by /u/Soji_Juice
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    With No New Raid Coming Next Season, It Would Be a Perfect Time to Add a Weekly Rotating Raid

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:30 PM PST

    There are six incredible raids in Destiny 2 that currently have little to no incentive to run weekly. With presumably no raid or pinnacle activity coming with the next season, it would be a great time to add a weekly rotating raid.

    We obviously have not played Season of Dawn and there could be activities or surprises we still don't know about, but looking at the road map there are multiple dry weeks and a lot of players probably won't find the motivation to be playing every week. With a rotating raid playlist it would keep each week fresh with something new/different to do. Another chance at pinnacle gear would also make the pinnacle leveling feel less like a chore and breathe some life into the old raids.

    submitted by /u/Prototype3120
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    Bright Dust Is Not A Reward, It's A Loss Leader

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:44 PM PST

    I want to preface this post by stating that Destiny is my favorite game, ever. I love it and hope it's here for years to come and I want Bungie to be financially successful to keep developing content and publishing new games now that they're finally on their own.

    However, since the most recent TWAB I've been seeing a lot of posts about how bright dust should be more rewarding and I have a reality check for those folks. It's not a reward, it's a loss leader.

    What's a loss leader? A good example is the Costco rotisserie chicken. It's been $4.99 for a long time. It's the most affordable chicken out there. And Costco is losing money on every chicken sold. This item is a loss leader because while Costco is taking a loss from its sales, its effect is that it's bringing bodies in the door and some of those people are going on to purchase other stuff with much better margins.

    The economics of a digital storefront are slightly different but this brings us back to bright dust. Every item in Eververse has a cost associated with it and presumably that cost plus profit is made through silver purchases. However, if all players had was silver then a huge percent of the population would never even look at Eververse, so averse are they to micro-transactions. But, just like the Costco chicken, Bungie has developed a product that will bring every player through the digital door. Bright dust and Eververse Engrams. From there, most players still won't buy silver but Eververse is filled with all the psychological tricks that publishers have been putting into cash shops for years and there's a subset of gamers that will breakdown and start spending real money despite not initially being interested in spending real money on premium cosmetics. They'll get pulled in by the FOMO and the confusing exchange rate of silver to $ that the store is littered with. These aren't whales. They're people who tell themselves they will never spend on MTX. But multiple visits to the cash shop mixed with increasingly stingy grind for in game currency break these players down.

    Thus, the true nature of bright dust is that it exists to drive silver sales by getting players who would otherwise never step foot into Eververse to attach value to that store's inventory. Value that may eventually get converted into cash.

    I have more thoughts and serious complaints about the F2P model, especially Bungie's execution of it on top of a season pass and paid DLC, not to mention the money I've dropped on content since D1. Personally, I'd rather they put eververse content back into the game where it clearly belongs and switch over to a subscription model, but Bungie would have to do a better job with more frequent patches/updates to justify that model for most players.

    That said, I wanted to help the community understand that despite all appearances, Bright Dust and the Eververse engrams are not rewards for playing the game. Rather they are marketing for Eververse, pure and simple.

    submitted by /u/ForlornKing
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    Allow Trials of the Nine armour (2.0) and weapons to drop from the elimination playlist. This will give us incentive to grind out the elimination game mode and satisfy the PvP community while we impatiently wait for Trials of OSIRIS to return.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    As fun as the crucible can be from time to time, most of the D1 PvP vets just want to play trials, and there's nothing to really grind for aside from the one ritual weapon that we get each season.

    Between the armour and the ornaments, there are essentially 2 sets of gear and there are 2 seasons worth of weapons across most archetypes.

    Recycling these armour sets and weapons when trials makes a return won't go over well with the community.

    submitted by /u/G-star-84
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    PVP Needs a Development Roadmap

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:49 AM PST

    During the dark days of D2Y1 one thing that Bungie did was create a development roadmap detailing the updates and changes that were going to be taking place. If you don't remember or joined after Y1 here is an example.

    I felt the roadmap did an excellent job of letting us see what changes were planned and being worked on behind the scenes. We were able to follow along on the development process as it took place and it also held Bungie accountable for the changes that were planned. If something fell off the list or was delayed we could usually get a response as to why this happened. Technical explanations go a long way in helping us understand why something could or couldn't be implemented.

    u/dmg04 explained all of the recent changes that have effected PVP. The community sentiment though is that changes do not come quick enough. A lot of recent posts have done a great job of summarizing the thoughts and feelings of the community and the community managers have been doing their best to reply to them.

    I think the next step is for an official blog post from Bungie listing the feedback it has received from the community surrounding PVP and what is possible at this time. Then providing us with a roadmap on when items from this list of feedback will be implemented, if at all. Get technical in the explanations as well. Understanding why things take time or why something can't be implemented closes the loop on the topic.

    And once PVP is in a better place we can hopefully see the return of a certain weekly PVP mode people have been awaiting the return of.

    submitted by /u/TinkerandMod
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    Bungie: I loved the memory pursuits on the moon, they allowed me to feel like I was actively helping Eris with her PTSD and that felt really good

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:44 PM PST

    After reading the story of Saint-14 and how he collected talismans from all the people he helped, my guardian and I had a bit of an identity crisis. It seems most of what we do is run around shooting space monsters and getting yelled at by either Zavala, Ikora, Ghost, or the planet vendors. Sure we get thanked but we never exactly get to see how our work benefits others. Presenting each of the tokens to Eris had a tangible effect on the nightmares of her fireteam, and I finally felt like I was legitimately doing something good instead of the normal rooty-tooty-point-n-shooty. We all come to Destiny for the gunplay, but for me personally, I really love doing missions like the ones for Eris where I feel like I'm actually doing some good in the world. More missions like that would be really awesome.

    submitted by /u/Vshauz
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    The Escalation Protocol Ghost, Ship and Sparrow are more farmable on Tuesday thanks to the level 7 chest changes.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:15 AM PST

    And now I wait for the "there's a ghost, ship and sparrow" comments.

    submitted by /u/ashley27790
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    A Letter from Yote-Un, the Sentry Titan that was shown what it truly means to be a Guardian

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:45 PM PST

    I am a Titan. I am a Defender and a Sentry. I've been a Guardian since the days of the D1 pre-order beta and since then I have only known love for Destiny. However, I had yet to feel the true connection that I shared with my fellow Guardians.

    That was until about 12 days ago, when this post finally opened the door for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/e15hon/to_yoteun_the_sentry_titan_who_left_a_hell_of_an/

    I had been burning through Gambit Prime as a proud Sentry after many hours of acquiring a full set of armor (and of course realizing afterward that I'd be replacing one of those pieces with an exotic), and I felt accomplished in being able to fill the role I knew I was meant to be in. Gambit Prime has been one of the few things in any game that has sparked such adrenaline time and time again for me. Simply being able to fulfill the Sentry role to my fullest potential gave me the strength to push toward earning the title of Dredgen.

    Few teammates catch your eye every few matches, always within the very first moment before the Drifter sends the competing fireteams down. One match in particular caught my attention, as a duo had stood directly in front of me and nodded vigorously until our transmat down to the ground had stopped them. They were astonishing teammates, one on top of our portal and the other vigilantly hunting groups of 20 motes to send the only blocker to haunt my Gambit dreams to the opposing team more than a couple times.

    That match had more in store for me than I could have ever expected. I went to bed and not long after waking up I got a message from one of the duo, a link to a post that was about me.

    Over the following 6 hours I experienced an overflowing amount of love coming from all of you. A mountain of words wouldn't even come close to describing what I felt that night. The past 5 years Destiny has been a lifeline for me and for the first time I finally knew what it meant to be a part of this community. I was smiling nonstop with a full heart, knowing that I had become the true Titan I had hoped to become in my earliest days of being a Guardian.

    Knowing that I had become an inspiration, even a legend, showed me why I'm still here and why I keep going.

    To each one of you, whether those from before or those starting now, thank you for keeping this tired Titan's pyre lit.


    Supportive community: Exists

    Yote-Un: (wipes tear) Oh hell-the-fuck-yeah!

    PS: I am a Dredgen now and also have Jotunn finally

    submitted by /u/MaximillianArturis
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    Bungie. Gear Shouldn't Have Slot Changes Every Season, It Makes Building and the Grind Pointless

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:22 AM PST

    I love the new building features in Destiny and I appreciate this is a new avenue for Bungie, but changing the slots on gear every seasons is not good for building.

    The next season adds new gear with new seasonal slots - this makes the past 3 months grind pretty pointless, because all of that Undying gear doesn't have a slot for the new seasons mods.

    This means we have to start again from scratch and rebuild the whole thing to get the roll we need in the new armour.... and then in 3 months time THAT will be useless as it changes again

    The more layers of RNG you have, the longer things take to drop/find. Shit, I have Division pieces I've been trying to drop for 6 months+!

    Let's say I need a certain roll on some arms, I still haven't got them, if I drop them tonight, they become obsolete in 4 days. Now I play every night, but that's 3 months grind for 4 days use, IF they dropped tonight

    Sure, you can use the base stats. But min/maxing is a major part of building and having a useless/empty slot that doesn't fit with the gameplay is inefficient and bad for building

    I get this is all new to Destiny. Perhaps a better solution would be to have a "seasonal" slot that accepts "seasonal mods" not "THIS seasons mods only". That way everyone can carry their builds across into the new seasons and continue to work on them

    submitted by /u/Cinobite
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    Imagine if other Vendors got HALF of the treatment Eververse is receiving. That would be an amazing QoL update.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:48 PM PST

    That was one thing that made D1 so amazing! Running around the tower to go see what the Factions (doubt they'll ever make a return), Crucible, and Vanguard Vendors were selling. ALONG WITH BANSHEE ON ARMS DAY! Where if you did the weapons testing you got to choose which rolls to receive on the weapon you worked with.

    Now all D2 weekly reset is, is checking Eververse for cosmetics. Which don't get me wrong, they're cool and all. But it would feel like an actual weekly reset with Vendor rolls which came along with it.

    THIS is something the community would ABSOLUTELY love.

    Maybe have a weekly bounty tied to that weapon as well?

    Let's say if Zavala was selling a Service Revolver with Rapid Hit/ Kill Clip you would have to get 250 Hand Cannon kills in Vanguard strike playlists OR maybe Ordeal Nightfalls.

    And for armor, just miscellaneous things like: void kills, melee kills, super kills, etc.

    I'm sure many other players have posted ideas similar to this and I know Bungie has A LOT on their plate. Seeing that they're a self publishing studio and all.

    But I'm curious to hear what you all have to say on this. Do you think this a good idea? And should there be a "mini-test" on this put into the game to see how players enjoy it?

    Edit 1: Thank you for the Gold!

    Edit 2: Thank you for the spicy Platinum 😎

    Edit 3: Thank you for the Silver! (I'm going to edit this after every reward I receive. Lul)

    Edit 4: Thank you for the Silver!

    Edit 5: Thank you for the Silver!

    submitted by /u/Im_A_Vegie
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    Towerthought: Since next season will have time travel, we could use the sundial to go back in time to before the expired ramen coupon expired.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:42 PM PST

    Bungie let us redeem our coupon for ramen.

    submitted by /u/Wheyll
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    Bungie: Please fix Xur this season for random Exotic rolls

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:19 AM PST

    Like I'm begging y'all, please let our squid faced friend bring random roll exotics (gear, not engrams) every weekend starting with this Season of the Dawn. He needs something to do. He's sad; thousands of guardians visit him every week and thousands are left disappointed. He brings three amor prices each week that serve little purpose than a reactionary "oh look, Sunbracers again." That breaks his heart. He's Santa. And right now his job is the equivalent of giving everyone a boring lump of coal every week. That's not cool.

    So in short, with all the plans and fixes with Season of the Dawn, please don't let our friend from the Nine fall to the wayside. Give him those beautiful void affinity Geomag Stabilizers with something that isn't a 49 stat roll. He'll be soo happy.

    Think of the children.


    Quick Edit: the changes to the Fated /Exotic engram system are excellent. But that doesn't solve the problem that Xur continues to sell us gear with the same stat roll as collections. Random rolls for those gives the player a slightly more straightforward way to getting a better stat rolled armor piece than the new Exotic engram does. My point remains: make Xur sell randomly rolled exotics.

    submitted by /u/Leave-A-Note
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    In Season of the Forge, there were 3 secret emblems hidden behind 3 puzzles. I've made three videos showcasing the amount of effort the community put into solving them

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:01 AM PST

    Last year, the Season of the Forge was a highlight to both /r/DestinyTheGame and /r/raidsecrets for it's community-wide puzzle-solving event in the form of the Glyph Puzzles.

    There were three, each representing a founding clan, tribe and house of the Black Armory.

    I wanted to compile all of the community's efforts on finding these emblems in video form for people to see. If you ever wondered how we managed to solve the three puzzles, these videos might be interesting to you.

    Part 1 - Rasmussen's Gift (Solution at 7:09)

    Part 2 - Satou's Secret (Solution at 5:15)

    Part 3 - Meyrin's Vision (Solution at 7:04)

    Most of the info used in these videos is sourced by this megathread on /r/raidsecrets

    submitted by /u/ZedEllBee
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    Trace rifles might be bugged to do a ton more damage when synced with a divinity

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:08 PM PST

    Me and 2 friends decided to try out mixed trace riffling( divinity, lense and wavesplitter)

    The results were....seemingly double damage or more. We were frying things. A fun note for people who may wish to test it out.

    We were wrecking bosses quite faster than with other known stacks...

    submitted by /u/Skifer91290
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    Hey! Guardian! Don't forget to log into your secondary characters and get all your battle pass rewards for this season.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:09 AM PST

    Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Hey! Hey! Listen!

    But yeah. Its free loot! Get yer free lopt and your stuff. Don't forget!!!

    submitted by /u/Skifer91290
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    Hey bungie, given the clear focus on mercury this season, let’s get a rework or buff on aeon exotics

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:31 PM PST

    To start, yes I know it takes a while to come up with an idea, play test it, possibly scrap it, etc so it's likely that even if they started right now it might not be until next season. Regardless, I've seen plenty of people that have wanted a change to these for almost 2 years now, and they look pretty unique. This is the best time, if ever, to give the aeon armory some sort of rework or buff.

    submitted by /u/mmarchetti515
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    There are so many great looking armor sets that are currently unobtainable in game currently. Why not use those to help refresh vendor inventories?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:47 PM PST

    I didn't play D2 from Black Armory through Season of Opulence. I have recently seen some great looking armor that apparently came from seasonal events like the revelry, seasonal rank ups from crucible and vangaurd rankups, and eververse.

    I feel like there is an opportunity to refresh some vendors with those items. We could also take it a step further and reintroduce faction vendors and have them sell the armor sets and ornaments they offered in the past (obviously if you already obtained them you wouldn't need to earn them again). They don't even need to use faction rally tokens for that, just make them cost glimmer and/or shards.

    I know a lot of power players will shrug at this since they will already have all of these items, but I think a majority of the player base (especially considering the new light players) would appreciate the chance to earn these sets.

    I'd also like a chance to obtain older exotic ornaments, but I realize that would probably need to be in the form of silver. I just want more variety in the loot and there are assets literally being wasted .

    submitted by /u/localnative_
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    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:57 AM PST

    Alright little hunter boys and little hunter girls, let me tell you about the day that the Traveller decided to bestow upon us the worlds greatest PvE exotic.

    One thing you must know is that you NEED to be running BB for this to work, because the triple throwing knife does burning damage.

    Now if you take a little gander into the menu, and inspect Monte Carlo, you see that the exotic perk "Monte Carlo Method" recharges your melee ability faster with sustained fire, and grants a chance to fully recharge your melee ability on every hit. Now, combine that with "Markov Chain" and you also see that a melee kill reloads this absolute beast of a gun AND INCREASES DAMAGE.

    What people DON'T tell you however, is that every single tick of burning damage from a triple knife melee ability hit counts as an individual hit, meaning that when you throw the knives at some overzealous Minotaur during vex offensive, you have about 4.5 seconds of infinite ammo before your knives recharge again.


    Thank you for coming to my Ted talk

    Edit: I realized I made a mistake with the numbers. Thanks u/ShinnyMetal

    submitted by /u/Aggressive_Tradition
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    The Season Pass and Eververse Economy have become a controversial topic. Things that work for other MMO’s/ games with season pass models could be welcome improvements.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:35 AM PST

    Before this gets going, this isn't another post ripping Bungie apart for eververse. This is some suggestions on how to help eververse become a little more welcome for the community since its most likely never going away.

    There are 2 games that come to mind that have things that work well; Rocket League, and Lord of the Rings Online.

    Rocket Leagues Rocket Pass is very similar to Destiny 2's current seasonal model. One difference though is throughout the season you can earn 5 crate keys which pays for half your season since a season is 10 keys. What if Bungie added the ability to earn 500 silver throughout the season? That would give dedicated players a chance to earn back half their season or the ability to buy something from the store.

    Lord of the Rings online has more than one thing to consider. First, the in game store is primarily for cosmetics like eververse. But the items are all sold for fair prices and the prices aren't all over the place. Possibly readjusting prices would make people more comfortable buying cosmetics. $15 for an armor ornament set is more than the season pass. If it was $1.25 for an exotic ornament and $2.50 for an armor ornament set people would probably be more on board with paying to support the game. 1 issue with the current system is that $15 for armor is steep knowing that when Destiny 1 ended what did people have to show for their eververse purchases? Nothing. If we spend $15 on a set and then D3 rolls around will we get that armor in the new game?

    Another thing LOTRO does that might work but could take time to implement involves triumphs. LOTRO has an in game achievement diary. You earn these achievements the typical MMO way, exploring, killing enemies, raiding, using a certain class, etc.. All of this is very similar to Destiny's Triumphs. But most achievements in LOTRO award in game store currency in small increments 5-25 some award a lot but they are hard achievements. This gives dedicated players an avenue to get stuff from the store for playing the game. I had clan members who bought zone passes with gameplay. A big issue with eververse lately has been the Bright dust economy. If you applied bright dust to triumphs it would give players a meaningful way to grind dust and go explore this amazing universe you've created. Easier triumphs could award 50, harder 100, and stuff like soloing dungeons or beating a raid flawless could award 500. You've already done this with opulence triumphs awarding imperials.

    These are just some ideas, I hope they help. There are lots of other examples like ESO's login rewards and so-on. With this being a huge point of contention it may be time to find things that work for other games. I personally think the season pass now is rewarding for the price and in a good place. But if I get a armor ornament set, exotic ship/ghost, weapon ornaments, and an exotic ornament with gameplay content for $10 why would I spend $15 for one armor set?

    submitted by /u/Trogladore
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    Beware the might of 100 Voices

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:32 PM PST

    [D2] Xûr Megathread [2019-12-06]

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:02 AM PST

    Xûr, Agent of the Nine


    A peddler of strange curios, Xûr's motives are not his own. He bows to his distant masters, the Nine.


    The Rig, Titan

    Exotic Gear:

    Name Type Armor Perk Perk 1 Perk 2 Cost
    Black Talon Heavy Sword 29 Legendary Shards
    Lunafaction Boots Warlock Leg Armor 23 Legendary Shards
    Wormhusk Crown Hunter Helmet 23 Legendary Shards
    Stronghold Titan Gauntlets 23 Legendary Shards


    Name Type Cost
    Five of Swords Challenge Card


    Name Type Cost
    The High Priestess Invitation of the Nine 9 Legendary Shards

    What's a Xûr?

    Xûr, Agent of the Nine, is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the Worlds, depending on the current Flashpoint. Xûr sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.

    TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

    When does Xûr visit?

    Xûr visits every Friday at 17:00 UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

    Sort comments by New to join the conversation!

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Can we have the option to AWARD other players? - Toxic vs Loving Community

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:09 PM PST

    Yes, there will always be that one guardian calling your mom fatter than the infinite forest. Yes, there will always be that one: Stomp-ee hunter who solo Blade Barrages you, Striker Titan with OEM and recluse, or Warlock with handheld and erentil who (after killing you) thinks they need to brew some tea on your dead corpse. Yes, there will always be the Toxic people.

    But what if... There was a way to help mend the feeling you get when going into competitive crucible against Unbrokens, or Gambit games where the enemy invader is spamming Truth? What if we turned our focus from the annoyances and negatives (yes here comes the psychology), to the positives and appreciation? This is where the "good game" theology comes from.

    Sure I notice the hardships and annoyances in the game. But I also notice those guardians who do well, play for the team, and deserve some form of recognition beyond "gg".

    What I'm getting at is, I would love an option to be able to AWARD any guardians I played with, from any given fireteam activity or playlist, with something. And No, fireteam medallions and gift packs don't count.
    I'm talking about individual skill and performance during an activity.
    I'm talking about that one patient Sherpa who had to deal with 5 kinderguardians for 18hours while he teaches the encounters to the raid and finally pulls everyone through to the end, even if he did 50% of all the actual work and stayed positive.
    Or the blueberry invader who ends the Gambit game with 20+ guardians defeated so you get a chance to kill the primeval. Or how about the blueberry in solo queue comp where he/she absolutely carried you through the match to get you 1 win closer to your goal?
    Or that one guy who (while you're running the nightfall you're grinding and just not feeling it) gives it his heart and soul and more than triples everyone else's kills and the nightfall ends quickly and smoothly?

    Perhaps we can have an option to send an award at the end by selecting a star or something near their name and send a gift by tier level (1-3?) So upon returning to orbit they are rewarded the chance of a 30% higher drop chance for an exotic on the next activity completed. Or maybe the chance a piece of legendary armor/weapon drops that's tied solely to player given gift rewards if more than 1 guardian rewards you for good gameplay?
    I need help with what the actual rewards would be, and must not be so large that it will be abused (like 500 glimmer or planetary materials per guardian reward) but the idea is what really matters.

    This would of course come with a Triumph tab, Emblems, and Reputation that CAN ONLY GO UP. No negative feedback would be possible (unless ofcourse by not awarding a player anything is a form of negative feedback). These emblems can also be tied to each activity. You can have a Strikes, Crucible, Gambit, Dungeon, Public Event or Raid reputation. (The public event reward system can be that after completion, an indicator pops up in the top right that you can press and hold Start/Menu to enter a quick sub screen that allows you to see the names of the engaged guardians and subsequently reward them.

    Also this can be an option in the "Previous Results" roster while in orbit.

    We have the option to Report a player. Invite a player. Inspect a player... But not Reward them.

    There might be toxic people, but there sure are lots of Loving and caring guardians out there with great attitudes.

    This Reddit post inspired this idea.

    PS: This would increase participation with each other in Clans and fireteams where everyone would award each other more often.

    Edits: Some grammar. I'm not an English major

    submitted by /u/Kyronius-
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    [Spoilers] Risk/Reward, Cayde-6, and New Light. A devastating realization.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:09 AM PST

    Spoilers ahead

    So I've been playing Destiny since D1. I played D2 up through warmind and then put it down for a bit. I picked it up again during forsaken only to discover that Cayde-6 had been murdered! I was sad like everyone else, I'd go on to miss his antics and light-hearted jokes he brought to the serious discussions. Then I put D2 down again before the time Bungie decided to completely rework the first three storylines and New Light to bring the tower up to current times for new players.

    Fast forward to Stadia coming out. I was excited to get back into D2 especially if it was for free with all released content to date. I decided that I wanted to start completely fresh, with my new cross save charters being the ones tied to Stadia which I intend to make my main platform, especially because I hadn't played in a while and felt like I missed out on some things.

    I'm playing along, fully aware of what has happened to Cayde. I found that the first three expansion had been turned into "Legacy Quests" and I thought, well done Bungie this seems like a good idea for new players. Then I received the Pain and Gain quest. I completed the first steps without giving it much thought and I get to the cosmodrome where I find a jumping puzzle to Cayde's stash. I was jumping along, reminiscing about Cayde's pet chicken and his serious face when my ghost says mid jump,

    "Cayde would have liked you."

    I didn't even make it to the next platform. I sat there for a minute thinking, what did you just say? That moment hit me like a ton of bricks as I realized that my new character had never actually met Cayde, never went to the prison of elders and fought alongside him and watched him die in my arms.

    The way that Bungie restructured the New Light experience for new players seems to have made the older DLC's play as if they were just memories, with new players being born into this post-Cayde era where they've never met.

    Did anyone else experience this? Is this a recurring theme that I will continue to see throughout the new characters playthrough? Where I will get dialogue and other hints as if certain things never happened?

    TLDR: New Light players have never met Cayde and it's sad.

    submitted by /u/-Phoen1X
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