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    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Destiny Director's Cut - February 2020

    Destiny Director's Cut - February 2020

    Director's Cut - February 2020

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48758

    Hey everyone,

    Setting aside the tricks our memories play on us, things are often clearer in hindsight than when we're looking ahead. The recent past is clear, loaded with learnings from the mistakes we make, and the future is fuzzy, hopeful, and unknown. As we readied last year's Director's Cut, we had made a number of changes to the game and wanted to give you all some insight as to why we made those changes.

    Each Director's Cut is a chance to acknowledge and own the learnings from the past (when the wounds are fresh) and give a glimpse at tomorrow.

    This edition is arriving a little earlier in the development process for how we're thinking about Year 4 (and beyond) and, while some of the changes the game needs are clear to us, there are others we're still thinking about. Last summer's payload covered a wide-range of topics that ended up touching on almost the whole game. Today's DC is going to look in depth at just a couple of topics: how our philosophy on Seasons is evolving and the problems with weapons that last forever, with some additional quick-hit topics at the end.

    This isn't exhaustive, we know there's more going on in the game than below. And there will be more to talk about later in the year.

    Before we look ahead, let's look back one more time. 2019 was about a few things for Bungie and Destiny:

    Asserting our vision for Destiny. It's an action MMO, in a single evolving world, that you can play anytime, anywhere with your friends. It's a game we want to keep building on, and to do so with creative and work/life sustainability. Without our team's talents, there isn't a Destiny. And while that seems OBVIOUS to say, I think it's pretty easy to lose sight of amidst the "This was awesome"/"This was not so awesome" reactions to entertainment. As I covered at length last year, the way we built the Annual Pass wouldn't work for us over the long haul. We had a lot of help and person-power from our awesome (and now former) partners. We needed to find a better way forward, while preserving the player experience and our business, because we are now self-publishing Destiny. That was a big lift for Bungie in 2019.

    When I think about the total scope of that work and the sheer force of will the team demonstrated to deliver in 2019, I feel pretty good about what we achieved (usually, this is where we'd list all of the positives but, instead, let's use the word count to improve on the past and look ahead to the future).

    As we began 2020, much of the existential dread of "Will we make it out of this transition?" is gone. We've clarified our vision for Destiny and are working toward the future with that vision in mind. For me personally, the drive home each night isn't focused on "Will Bungie survive?" like before. Now it's "Where can Destiny go?" and "How can we get there?"

    When I came back from the holiday this year, something about Destiny felt off to me. Season 9 is – to me – the best winter season we've done in Destiny 2. But something felt missing. And that missing element is what I think we need to focus on throughout 2020 and into 2021.

    Aspiration: 1. A hope or ambition of achieving something. 2. The action or process of drawing breath.

    In Destiny 2, aspiration is what keeps our game alive. It is the air that fills its lungs, it is the breath that gives the game meaning. Aspiration can be about entering Destiny 2 for the first time and feeling the potential of what you could become. It can be about the pursuits in front of you. Or it can also be PVP players looking over the horizon and seeing the Lighthouse and its treasures awaiting them – if they pass The Trials.

    Aspiration isn't something reserved for the elite or the engaged; it's for everyone (although when I listen to players express the feeling that, "There's so much to do and none of it matters," I feel that pain). It's about the potential of a game to be more than something that just fills your time. It's about having goals and working toward something that matters to you. I'm not so naïve as to think we can make something that matters to everyone – we all have different values, goals, and time. But I do think Destiny 2 can do a better job of enabling players to set short-, medium-, and long-term goals to work toward.

    As a player, aspiration is something I feel so strongly about. It's the difference between a game I fall in love with and a game I consume like junk food.

    Last year, we started thinking about aspiration and what is missing from Destiny. The gaping, burning-eye-shaped hole is something I'd felt since we set Trials aside early in D2. Its return is part of a bigger goal for Destiny moving into 2020 and beyond:

    We need to refuel aspiration in Destiny 2.

    And a bunch of what we're going to cover in this edition of the Director's Cut is going to orbit this.

    Seasons of Change

    With a few Seasons under our belt since Shadowkeep, we're well underway on internal discussions around how we feel about them. We look at these iterations through a bunch of lenses. First, there's the soft, smushy, "How do we feel about Seasons?" These feelings are mined from our own experiences and from ongoing roll-ups of information from our Community. We also look at how well Seasons are engaging our players. Are people coming back each week? How long are they playing? What do we look like month-over-month and how does it perform against our historical data? Then we start to talk about where to take Seasons in Year 4. Looking back, there is some good stuff and things we need to work on.

    Let's start with what's been working well.

    • Our Seasonal narratives are starting to connect to one another. The transition to Season 10 – with the community getting involved by donating Fractaline (in 100-count stacks accompanied by looooooooooong button holds [big shout out to the top 3 Fractaline donors in the world: 3jlowes, Dathan WarBucks and joshd29]) and lighting the Lighthouse – was a neat start at players working to move the world forward, ensuring that each story link in the Seasonal chain connects to the next and sets up where we're heading.
    • The "Save a Legend" element of Season of Dawn was a nice deep cut for those who have been with Destiny since the beginning and a way to introduce the-ultimate-Titan-as-pigeon-superfan-slash-Guardian-orinthologist to many people who hadn't found his grave the first time. Seeing your reactions was a highlight (and the team had a lot of fun building this one).
    • I've enjoyed the simplicity of leveling up Destiny's version of a Battle Pass. We wanted a progression that you could advance just by playing the game. (We don't think we've got the whole XP thing figured out. Running in and out of Lost Sectors and flash-farming XP isn't what we had in mind, but we can keep tuning it!)

    Speaking strictly about my own play patterns, I feel the need each Season to get all of the Pass' Universal Ornaments and the title. I like knowing those cosmetics are unique and won't be offered again. However, I find myself personally less motivated to try and get awesome rolls for the new weapons, which is especially strange considering I like having a "nice version" of each gun in Destiny.

    Wanna do some weapon stuff now? There's gonna be more weapon stuff later on, but let's just chum the waters a little bit:


    I still really like playing this game. I've acquired almost every weapon in the game (whyyyyyyy Anarchyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy). I have some pretty slick rolls on a few of them and near-miss "internet-approved god rolls" on others (Spare Rations Rapid/Kill Clip and then Full Bore and a quick visit to Disappointown with Alloy Magazine). Like many of you, I end up gravitating to a few weapons and just using them instead of everything else. Sure, the Outlaw Multikill Clip Breachlight I farmed from Season of Dawn is nice to have (and I love the art for the Dawn weapon set) but is it really going to displace my go-to PVE kinetic weapons? Probably not. I know that.

    I recently sat with a couple of external folks who really love Breakneck. It's the only thing they use. They aren't ever going to use another primary weapon in Destiny 2. Why? Because they don't need to.

    Part of aspiration is the pursuit that comes with it and, right now, the way we are (and have been) treating weapons in Destiny 2 isn't actually fueling the aspiration engine.

    Back to Seasons.


    On the other hand:

    We aren't delivering the feeling of an evolving world. Instead we are delivering the feeling of ephemeral private activities and rewards that go away. The Forsaken Annual Pass had its share of challenges (see last year's DC), but it also had this awesome property: If I stopped playing for a Season, when I came back, there were a bunch of rewards and activities that I could catch up on.

    What we're discussing now – and which is early enough that things might still change – is how we focus our efforts around Seasons from a development standpoint, while also trying to create the moments that make memories, WHILE ALSO balancing the amount of "fear of missing out." This is a tricky balance, because these elements don't connect neatly and, in many cases, they work against one another.

    The wall of text below is how we're thinking about things at the moment. We're going to be continuing to take in the feedback our guts and data provides (your reactions and feedback are a part of that data, so do continue to let us know your thoughts) on our Seasonal model. Before we get into some more thoughts and details, I want to be extremely clear:

    This year's version of Seasons has too much FOMO in them. We want to fix this, and next year's Seasons will have less.

    Because we aren't spending our development resources and time as well as we could, we're talking about moving away from creating Season-bespoke private activities and instead using that time and effort to build themes that aren't just represented by a marquee event that will fade away, but rather to inject these Seasonal themes into more of the game. Like we continue to evolve the world's narrative, we could invest more in the evolving world of our public spaces and take further efforts to evolve Destiny 2's core activities.

    Core activities? What are those?

    Core activities are a way we think about a player's options and motivations in a given evening of Destiny. They are meant to be more evergreen (quest/campaign content, for instance, is not generally evergreen). It's usually something matchmade and designed with replayability in mind, either from the properties of the activity itself or the rewards. For example Crucible is fundamentally replayable because the opponents can be different and other players are the ultimate A.I., where The Ordeal is fundamentally replayable because of its reward structure, rather than random encounter generation. (In fact, we hope The Ordeal is consistent within a given week to create mastery and efficiency in defeating it).

    Ideally, core activities are convergence points for player motivations (e.g., "I want to maximize XP, chase awesome items, and generate economy that I can use to further my goals" [Yes, I know no one talks this way]).

    Right now, our Seasonal Activities (like Sundial) compete with the core activities. They have new rewards and award players powerful gear, but they don't provide a bunch of XP. Core activities provide a bunch of XP, but we all feel the pain of, "How many more Seasons will I get the Titan Rain-Catching shoulder pads from the Drifter?" What this competition means is that it can be really hard to line up a "night of optimizing" in Destiny because you're being pulled in different directions by our design!

    So what could investing more in core activities look like? It could mean more rewards being distributed into these activities or it could mean taking a theme for a Season and using it to galvanize Strikes. If we're going to ask players to engage with these activities, we have an opportunity to leverage rewards throughout the Season. Imagine the armor sets or Sundial weapons being woven into core activity reward pools. Or imagine experiences like pursuing rolls for sweet weapons that could only be found in a given playlist as an end-of-match reward, like a Crucible Eyasluna.

    We also think we could invest more of our development time on our questlines. Right now, things like Sundial consume team resources and then fade away. Imagine instead that Seasonal questlines like "Save a Legend" didn't go away in the following Season, but instead existed until the next Expansion releases. That way, as players drift in an out of the game, there's a bunch of content building up for them to play when they return.

    Just as we continue to evolve the narrative of our world, we can continue to invest in evolving the world of open world public spaces (in case you're unfamiliar, these are the spaces where you seamlessly see other players appear). We've built a world where players can encounter others, but we haven't made a world with fights challenging enough where you feel like other players matter.

    Weapons Forever: The Problem

    OK. Let's talk more about weapons. And let's begin with how weapons have worked in Destiny 2. All the way back to Destiny 2 vanilla, every weapon you get is a weapon you can keep and infuse to raise its Power level indefinitely. Remember the waters I talked about chumming earlier? It's time to eat.

    In Destiny 2, with infusion, it's like having every card you own in Magic available and playable in all formats forever. It passively creates power creep (an ongoing Destiny problem), which also means our teams need to spend more and more of their time re-testing and supporting old stuff instead of making new stuff, it reduces player desire for new items (which dismantles aspiration like the shard-the-blues post-Crucible match ritual), and it means we ultimately create a ton of gear that doesn't have any value beyond ticking the box on the "I Got It" checklist.

    That isn't value. It's actually the opposite of value, because it's work that we could be putting into making new stuff, or improving old stuff.

    Our combat team works extremely hard to make weapons feel unique. Each Legendary (and many blues) get their own flavors of special sauce. Sometimes it's the way a gun sounds, sometimes it's the insanely over budget range stat (HAND IN HAND), sometimes it's the recoil pattern, sometimes it's the art, sometimes it's something indescribable that just makes an item resonate with our players.

    In an action game like Destiny, our weapons are feel-based extensions to the character. I've played MMOs and ARPGs where I get amazing weapons, but rarely have those weapons felt like an extension of my avatar. Certainly in an action game like Dark Souls or Sekiro, the weapons become a feel-based extension of my character, rather than a stat stick like Fang of Korialstrasz.

    Remember many, many words ago (in previous DCs) when I talked about the collision between the action game and the RPG? Couple with that with our theme of aspiration and I believe we are approaching an inflection point for weapons and infusion in Destiny 2.

    We've made a lot of Magic cards, and we want you to keep the ones you love in your collection (as opposed to taking them and throwing them all away and having the Tower get destroyed again). And a bunch of those Magic cards could be playable around the world while free-roaming or in PVP formats. But where Power matters or aspirational activities are involved, we're going to make some changes to Legendary weapons.

    There was a lot of learning to do when Destiny launched in 2014. But there was also some real good stuff in that game. I think back on a bunch of it fondly – almost wistfully at times. The weapons from the Vault of Glass could be powerful, unique, and rare. If you had Fatebringer, you probably had a bunch of Ascendant Shards to commemorate all of the times you didn't get it. I miss those days, when rewards were rarer and so special that you celebrated (or hated!) when your friends got one. That's in part because the design of the game gave them space to be different, space to be awesome.

    It's hard to cleave out that space in the current version of Destiny 2. Weapons that are supposed to come from pinnacle activities like Raids or Trials don't really have space to breathe. The answer can't be "Just make them better," because that approach ends up with the Reckoning situation I described last year. Now we had Pinnacle weapons, which were largely just talents that had Exotic-esque capabilities in Legendary-clothing. These weapons were typically the result of long pursuits and when they arrived in your hands they were pretty strong (sometimes hilariously strong; looking at you RECLUSE). It also meant the team spent significant time developing each one.

    If you imagine the abstract weapon space as a pyramid, those pinnacle weapons largely sat at the top of the pyramid. Most other Legendary weapons are down in a clump of "They aren't really that different." Why? Because when every Legendary item the team builds is going to be around forever, outliers get weeded out.

    Back to 2014: The Vault of Glass weapons could be memorable because we knew they weren't going to be in the ecosystem for things like Trials, Nightfalls, and Raids forever. They'd naturally fall by the wayside because Power (Attack/Light in those days) would make them obsolete.

    In the world we're imagining, we'll have space at the top end to create powerful Legendary weapons. Legendaries that are just better than other items in the classification. We'll be able to do that, because the design space for weapons will expand and contract over time. Items will enter the ecosystem, be able to be infused for some number of Seasons and beyond that, their power won't be able to be raised. Our hope is that instead of having to account for a weapon's viability forever when we create one, it can be easier to let something powerful exist in the ecosystem. And those potent weapons entering the ecosystem mean there's more fun items to pursue.

    Changes like this also mean Legendary weapons (or their talents) that would be "shelved" could be reissued at a future date. Or could be brought back in fun ways by involving our community. The more specific nitty gritty for this will come a little bit further down the road but we wanted to get some of thinking behind it to you sooner rather than later. The simplest version of how it is going to work is: Legendary weapons will have fixed values for how high they can be infused. Those values will project the weapon's viable-in-end-game lifespan and we think that lifespan is somewhere between 9 and 15 months.

    One final note: We are not applying this to Exotic weapons at this time. We want to iterate on the Legendary ecosystem first.

    Cosmic Gardeners

    Last year, we said:

    We want playing Destiny to feel like you're playing in a game world with true momentum, a universe that is going somewhere. A game where things are happening—not just in terms of new items and activities but also in terms of narrative. It's frequently seemed like Destiny was treading water in terms of moving the world's narrative forward. We want to tackle this in Destiny 2's third year.

    That statement is still true for us today, as we look into D2Y4 and beyond. We started this in Year 3, but the job isn't done. By its very nature this is something that really doesn't have "an end." The idea of building a narrative that is moving the story of your Guardians (plural, all of you!) forward, creating a universe where permanent change is possible, and where players can have meaningful impact, is still a thing we're chasing and experimenting with.

    To get there, change is going to be inevitable (see above where I talked about how we're thinking about adjusting the Seasonal model). We've said before that Destiny 2 cannot keep growing indefinitely. There are lots of reasons why this is true, some technical, and some creative, because the story wants to push into new areas.

    On the technical side, I come back to sustainability. As new areas, features, and event types are added to Destiny, the problems of maintenance grow accordingly for the team. New changes to the system have to be checked against all content, new and old alike. That introduces risk and a big burden on our teams to maintain that legacy content. In practical terms, it also prevents us from responding to players who have problems as quickly as we would like.

    Seasons can do some of the heavy lifting here, in the sense of giving players a sense of shared purpose and understanding of what they're working for. But when we ready expansions, it's a chance to make some more fundamental changes to the game world and its systems. We've done significant systems changes to all Destiny games every time we've shipped an expansion, and now we're going to be making more changes to the game world as we go forward.

    We're getting towards the end here but, before we wrap, here's a few quick hits on some important topics.

    SHORTCUT #1: Faction Rallies

    Lots of folks have been wondering if Faction Rallies will return. We have no plans to bring back Faction Rallies. The reward gear hasn't been used that much, our character cast is growing too large, and crucially, they didn't drive a bunch of engagement with the game. That said, there's some sweet looks in that gear and we're moving the Faction Rally armor to the Legendary engram reward pools in Season 10, alongside a few popular faction weapons.

    SHORTCUT #2: Bright Engrams

    For Season 10, we're doing away with Bright Engrams as purchasable items. We want players to know what something costs before they buy it. Bright Engrams don't live up to that principle so we will no longer be selling them on the Eververse Store, though they will still appear on the Free Track of the Season Pass.

    SHORTCUT #3: New Light, New Intro

    Our goals for New Light last year were about bringing new players into the universe and getting them to the core activities as quickly as we could. We dramatically underestimated how many new Guardians would wake up on the Cosmodrome. We're going to improve the New Light entry this fall and flesh the starting experience in Destiny out.

    SHORTCUT #4: Questlog

    There's another round of changes coming out with Season 10 for the Quest tab. The number of Quests you have at any given time sure can feel daunting, especially for procrastinators, so we're adding a new feature to the Quest tab – categorization. All Quests are automatically assigned a category, and this buckets them into a specific area within the Quest tab.

    For example, Exotic quests get their own category, as well as Seasonal quests. The Seasonal quest category is helpful in that it contains all of the quests that expire at the end of the Season. There are several categories, including one for older releases (e.g. Forsaken quests). This should help players focus on the quests that are new and most relevant vs. older content that maybe isn't as high-priority as it used to be.

    Exit Music

    Thanks for being here. I appreciate that you're invested in the game enough (or excited enough about trolling) to sift through the text above. We're early into 2020 and we've got some cool stuff planned. Shortly, Season 10 is entering orbit and there will be more to talk about as the calendar continues. A lot of work from a lot of folks goes into each time I, or anyone else from the dev team, talks about how we're thinking about the game. Many thanks to them, and many thanks to you for being a part of this community.

    See you soon,

    Luke Smith

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Thread - Lore Thursday [SPOILERS AHEAD]

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:01 AM PST

    Welcome to Lore Thursday! Let's discuss the lore and story in Destiny.

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!

    In need of more Destiny Lore? Come visit /r/DestinyLore!


    • All top-level comments must be genuinely lore-related. This is a serious thread for discussion of the worlds of Destiny.
    • All spoilers must be marked. To mark a spoiler type >!Your Spoiler!<. Example: You'll never guess who The Speaker is. Bill Nighy!
    • THIS INCLUDES DATAMINED INFORMATION. Comments containing unmarked datamined information will be removed.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Artifact will NOT be disabled for Trials of Osiris.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:11 AM PST


    This is very unfortunate. light level was always a thing in Trials, but to have PvE gods/Moon bounty grinders have such a significant PL over non-pve gamers is disheartening...

    submitted by /u/xNemo
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    Hey Bungie, just take the win, introducing Trials should've been an OVERWHELMINGLY positive moment between you and the community.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:59 PM PST

    Now all we can think about is how the problem with the artifact will fester and make people disillusioned with another aspect of the fomo part of the game. I cannot imagine a pvp focused player dedicating their week to grinding out their artifact week after week, month after month, just to have a shot at going flawless. They would rather be in privates practicing with their team, or in the elim playlist or rumble.

    Trials is about skill above all else and then teamwork. An artifact with "solar battery" and 30 plus level advantage takes a ton of that skill factor out of the equation. Less skilled players should be beat into oblivion by better players and those less skilled players should go practice the pvp aspects of the game. Instead they will be incentivized to grind more bounties and boost their artificial light.

    There is probably not one person who would be upset if the artifact just didn't work in trials, and I cannot think of a fair justification of keeping it in. Just take the easy goodwill from the community and do the easy, and logical thing.

    Edit: I just want to take the chance to say that it's possible the artifact works differently next season, but again why not tell us this upfront. How did Bungie foresee this was going to go?

    Edit 2: thanks for gold

    submitted by /u/ClowdyRowdy
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    Bungie, I'd pay a higher price for the Season Pass if you used that money to hire another studio, like Vicarious Visions, to help you produce future content.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:18 PM PST

    If a few extra bucks could help Bungie parter with other studios to help produce future content, I'd definitely pay it. Warmind was by far my favorite season; I'd love if VV came back to help with future content.


    If Eververse also rose to account for the partnership, I'd also be ok with that.

    submitted by /u/HiddnAce
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    It’s been nearly a year and after a post nearing 1000 upvotes and a reply from bungle I still haven’t received my annual pass that I purchases

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:58 PM PST

    This is absolutely ridiculous. I feel like I've been robbed. I received no help even after bungee replied. Here is my original post from over 3 months ago and I still have not received my dlc


    submitted by /u/BonusroosterJr
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    If you never played D1, you are in for a treat with trials.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:17 AM PST

    Expect the following:

    If trials is like the D1 version, it's 3v3 in a rumble style last team standing wins the round. If you go 9 rounds flawless, you get the best end game gear available.

    Now, who will be playing? There will be 5 different types of players.

    1. Streamers. These are people who will play full time with their mic'd up buddies and will occasionally bring someone inexperienced (carry) in return for likes and follows on Twitch.

    2. Paid Carries. These are pro players who will take you on a flawless run in return for money. Usually between 20 and 50 dollars.

    3. Clan fireteams. These are highly competitive players who compete with the best of them and play for their own clan glory

    4. LFG with hyper requirements. These are solo players who will only invite you to their team only if you have their (usually) ridiculous minimum requirements. I.e >3.0KD, min of multiple flawless runs (emblem) etc.

    5. Everyone else. This is where about 90% of the player base sits. You might get 1 or 2 wins but going flawless against groups 1 to 4 is all but impossible.

    In short, Trials is ultra high end and utterly toxic. Enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/cavemeister
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    The next in-game fund raising event should be raising funds for Taniks so he can finally get a house

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:40 PM PST

    Excuse my shit post but its been 5 years people and the man still has no house

    submitted by /u/Xiphactnis
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    With Saint-14 as the vendor for trials, we are REALLY going to need a spawn point in the hangar!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:21 AM PST

    That long walk may get slightly annoying. Also it's the Effing hanger FFS! Where ships are!

    submitted by /u/Cheese_Monkey42
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    Bungie, in the 2 years of testing and rebuilding Trials of Osiris have you tested players having 30-40+ levels higher?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:24 AM PST

    How did that do in testing? Is it fair? Please let us know.

    submitted by /u/DooceBigalo
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    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:20 PM PST

    That's all. But I guess since I flaired this as a suggestion - in the future, I suggest Bungie put us back in whatever location we started in if they're gonna show us a cutscene.

    submitted by /u/rwallac1
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    Dear PVP

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:28 AM PST

    We rebuilt your lighthouse. You're welcome.

    Sincerely, PVE

    PS: Please carry us in Trials. Thank you :)

    Edit: Thanks u/Rellek7 - Fixed

    Edit2: /s

    submitted by /u/gut10me
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    Now that ToO is coming back, all the Trials of Nine gear should be available as ornaments on the new ToO armor if you earned it back in Y1.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:49 AM PST

    This already works for Vanguard armor, pvp armor and Iron Banner armor. If they don't do this, I think they are missing out of a golden opportunity.

    submitted by /u/Sardonnicus
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    With Faction armor and weapons being added to the world drop pool, can we please have static roll weapons (Terrain Wind, Death by Scorn, No Turning Back) removed?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:36 AM PST

    "we're moving the Faction Rally armor to the Legendary engram reward pools in Season 10, alongside a few popular faction weapons"

    -Luke Smith, Destiny 2020 Director's Cut

    First off, I want to say thank you for adding faction loot back into the game (fingers crossed for a random rolled dire promise). I don't want to sound ungrateful for that. But I do feel like the world drop pool is super bloated with old weapons that are no longer exciting to see drop.

    If I'm chasing a specific roll on a specific weapon in a huge world drop loot pool, it's disappointing to get a weapon that is the same roll every time. And if we're getting (presumably) 3 more sets of armor (one for each faction) thrown into the loot pool, it's just going to make those static rolled weapons feel even more so like a wasted drop.

    I know that some people might want to grind out specific masterworks on these weapons (i.e. draw time No Turning Back), so maybe they could just be added to Tangled Shore Adventures/Lost Sectors for people who do want to farm them.

    submitted by /u/Supreme_Math_Debater
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    Did we spend all that fractaline and effort building a new lighthouse to avoid brother vance?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:50 AM PST

    I mean, we had a perfectly good lighthouse that already existed. Did we really just build it so that osiris could avoid brother vance?

    submitted by /u/Freakindon
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    Not building on Factions is a huge missed opportunity. Factions can provide an easy expansion into story, loot, as well as the "living world" goals.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:33 AM PST

    Factions are not the sole source of story or loot but enhance and provide additional perspective on content.

    How would the factions react to the events that have unfolded in these past seasons? Their reaction or inaction would provide insight on the impact season have and build upon the living world of Destiny.

    New Monarchy would have loved the return of Saint 14. Dead Orbit would use Emperor Calus presence to justify their Exodus pursuits. FWC could make an alliance with The Black Armory and explore the portal tech used to kill the Undying Mind.

    All of these are added narrative expansions that write themselves. No fancy cutscenes are needed. Just grimore cards or flavor texts would be enough.

    The same faction system from D1 would provide loot and cosmetics unique to your Guardians worldview. Grinding for faction weapons and armor or cosmetics provide meaning and connection to the Destiny Universe.

    TLDR: Neglecting Factions would be a missed opportunity and cheap way to build on the "living world" goal.

    submitted by /u/mannyfresh2099
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    Why does it seem like Bungie goes out of their way to find ways to shake things up that don't involve them having to create new loot?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:53 AM PST

    I can't help but think that stuff like Armor 2.0, legendary weapon sunsetting, and other unpopular changes would be better received by the community if it was always accompanied by a good amount of new things to chase. At least for me, part of why I have negative reactions to this is that it feels like there aren't that many guns or armor sets to choose from, so of course I still keep using stuff from years past.

    submitted by /u/wait_________what
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    I didn’t realize just HOW badly Stadia was doing.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:18 AM PST

    I kinda feel bad that Stadia's current stats are as bad as they are.

    3.83k active players TOTAL

    submitted by /u/RegularSelf
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    Please don’t make solar battery a thing

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:01 PM PST

    There had better not be a mod called solar battery in the artifact next season. I can already see trials being dominated by solar hunters rolling around with that very skillful throwing knife. My warlock heart can't handle it

    submitted by /u/Whast1225
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    2,000,000 Donated (corrected title)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:12 PM PST


    Wow. What a roller coaster of emotions these past few weeks. All the support and encouragement on Reddit and twitter has been insane and humbling. I know this event may not have been everybody's cup of tea, but it doesnt mean bungie didnt work hard to make it happen. Im as excited as ever for the future of Destiny 2 and Luke Smith's directors cut helped me understand the thought process behind where the game went and where it is going. So much love for everyone at bungie. Continue doing great things. Im just a player having fun, I cant begin fathom how much work goes into making this game behind the scenes. This was the best seasonal transition we have had so far.

    Thank you EVERYONE.

    submitted by /u/3jlowes
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    Whats up with the Tower?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:45 AM PST

    The tower in it's current state is artistically designed to be a TEMPORARY settlement. It's been 2-3 years since the tower was destroyed but we're still there. Clinging to the top of the wall like the fallen on the high plain. WHICH DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. You would think that over that time the tower is being rebuilt with all the grandeur of the original. What else are those bots doing? Probably plotting out demise. What I'd like to see though is not just a remaster of the old tower but a brand new one in the same style of the original. Bungie could even just flesh out the tower in place making it look more permanent and a testament to our achievement and strength in face of the coming darkness. Each season they could add more and more sections "under construction" slowing getting closer and closer to completion. That way the tower could grow with us and not be stuck in the Red War.

    submitted by /u/tacoman467
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    Hardlight needs to retain it's elemental choice after death...

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:43 AM PST

    I'm sure this has been brought up numerous times, but I'd just like to be the 100th person to suggest this. Maybe Bungie will listen now.

    submitted by /u/RenegadeVinny
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    A bit of a story of artificial limits, and why it made D1 painful at times.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:13 PM PST

    Hey there, I have a bit of a story to share from all my years in destiny. Text wall incoming,

    Back in Destiny 1, I (like most players) had a set of weapons and armor that I LOVED. Nothing was more pleasing than using these weapons and the armor in all of Destiny. I LOVED using them in END GAME content most of all. For example, I loved using Doctor Nope because I could just jokingly say 'Nope' randomly (and I'd get a kick out of it). I know, I'm terrible.

    One of my favorite helmets in all of Destiny, and my favorite at the time, was the Eclipse Maw VI (See here). Also at the time, my favorite weapons were hands down the VEX MYTHOCLAST, 77 Wizard, Shadow Price, Vision of Confluence, Doctor Nope, and a few others as well. And when the times changed, I could understand why I could no longer use Vision of Confluence. To me, elemental damage on a primary (think back when there were no other elemental weapons aside from special weapons, the only exception being raid weapons) was insanely good and while I didn't like it, it kinda made sense from a balance point of view.

    However, I forever HATED that my 77 Wizard, Shadow Price, (and my dear Eclipse Maw) , etc... were left behind. They were irrelevant and unusable in the new content. If I want to look like a badass warlock with my Eclipse Maw, well no I can't do that anymore in Raids, Iron Banner, strikes, etc...(By year 2-3 it was painful). If I wanted to use my favorite weapons, I couldn't play half the relevant content. I don't even think I could explore the plague-lands (patrol) with them. While patrol is far from end game content, remember that my favorite thing to do was to use those weapons IN NEW END GAME CONTENT! The Vex Mythoclast was the most unfortunate of them all. I obviously got new weapons, but having my favorites relevant wouldn't have hurt (would have been nice in retrospect. I never got to Pocket Infinity Oryx).

    For years they all sat in my vault, only used in patrols and PVP. It wasn't fun like it once was.

    THEN AGE OF TRIUMPH CAME! Age of Triumph was the best part of Destiny history, for one simple reason. EVERYTHING EVERYONE LOVED CAME BACK! Like the old raids? Well they are now relevant as is their gear. Want to take VoG gear into WOTM for role playing reasons? You aren't a liability anymore to the team (take it from an ex sherpa. I felt bad for these players because they just wanted to role play). AGE OF TRIUMPH MADE THE FANTASY OF DESTINY COMPLETE!

    Moving to Destiny 2, year 1 was that awkward year where 90% of the weapons weren't worth getting. For someone who rates aesthetics as one of the primary attractive features of a weapon, year 1 was something I didn't care much for. Forsaken fixed so much of that, and Shadowkeep is an extension that continued in the right direction. But you know what I really liked? I COULD TAKE A YEAR 1 GHOST PRIMUS INTO GARDEN OF SALVATION AND ACTUALLY BE GOOD WITH IT. It's liability is from perks, not light level. Infusion keeps the magic of Destiny alive. There are a crap ton of players (not me) that role play as some Calus loyalist (I know someone in my clan. He's a college student.) and literally enjoys using Leviathan weapons even today in high light level activities. Its magical for them (or so it seems).

    To me, placing a limit on the weapons is the opposite of what destiny means to me. Honestly, I hate the idea. I use so few weapons, because the aesthetics on these select weapons, the type of weapons they are, and the feeling of using them are exactly why I log into destiny and play. I enjoy new weapons too, sometimes new weapons join this group (looking at you Sacred Provenance and Omniscient Eye.) . And me not being able to use them in meaningful end game, new content is frankly.... not destiny. I may be a collector, but I actually like using my collection pieces in end game.

    This isn't some rant about why I dislike it (I do dislike it though), but I wanted to shed light on the fact that WE'VE ALREADY BEEN DOWN THIS ROAD IT DOESN'T END WELL!!

    I'm not going to quit, and I don't expect anyone to care either way. But, with so little time now a days and looking onward, it doesn't motivate me to play more. And I guess I just wanted to share the story.

    Also, please excuse any grammar mistakes. My eyes are very tired right now.

    TL/DL: Making weapons redundant in activities via light level restrictions was one of the major problems in Destiny 1, and is a serious bummer to see on course today.

    submitted by /u/_Phaaze_
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    Destiny 2 - Become Legend* (fine print)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:36 PM PST

    Destiny 2 - Become Legend*

    \Legendary status can only be achieved by completing all milestone activities every week for the seasonal period and is limited to that season. At seasons end, Legendary status must be achieved again through the method listed above. In addition, any sense of meaningful progress towards character or power will be lost at the end of the season. To also visually appear legendary, in game purchases are required via the Eververse store. The player agrees to indemnify Bungie against any lost monetary value spent on ornaments that no longer serve any purpose at the end of the season. Some activities require all available daily and weekly bounties to be completed at all times to maintain the required Legendary power level to be competitive. This applies to game modes such as Iron Banner and Trial of Osiris.)

    If for any reason the player is unable to participate in seasonal activities for any significant period of time, the player will miss out on Legendary status and should not return until the following season.

    The player acknowledges that Bungie has designed the "Become Legend" system to provide a sense of pride and accomplishment to the player after each season, and totally not because we don't have the staff to be able to churn out quality content anymore and we need an excuse to recycle more assets, but please keep buying silver we promise it funds future updates... suckers.

    Destiny 2: Play your OUR way

    submitted by /u/ussfirefly
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    What the infusion cap actually means.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:09 AM PST

    The infusion cap doesn't theoretically mean your weapons will be unusable after 9-15 months. Given that 90% of this games activities are at 750 power anyway, all your weapons should be perfectly usable no matter what season they are from. You just won't be able to use it in an activity that's at current max power. That's it.

    Now if bungie increases the games base activity level to 1000 or something, that's a different thing, but they've given no indication they are going to do so.

    submitted by /u/GeneralKenobyy
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