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    Saturday, March 21, 2020

    Destiny [D2] Trials of Osiris Megathread [2020-03-20]

    Destiny [D2] Trials of Osiris Megathread [2020-03-20]

    [D2] Trials of Osiris Megathread [2020-03-20]

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Trials of Osiris are LIVE

    This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of Osiris.


    What is Trials of Osiris?

    • Trials of Osiris is the pinnacle PvP activity. Every Weekend, the best players compete in 3v3 Elimination for one goal: Go Flawless.

    • To start, head to Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar and buy one of the possible passages (see below).

    • To reach Flawless and get to the Lighthouse, you need to win 7 matches without losing one.

    • It uses Win Based Matchmaking, which means you'll face teams with a similar amount of wins on their card. Matches will get harder as you win more matches.

    • There is NO fireteam matchmaking. You need to team up yourself!

    • Power Level matters, however bonus power from the artifact is not enabled.

    How Long do the Trials of Osiris last?

    • Event Starts: Every Friday at Daily Reset (1700 UTC).

    • Event Ends: Following Tuesday at Weekly Reset (1700 UTC).

    Where do I go to find Guardians to compete with in the Trials?

    • You can head over to /r/Fireteams, www.The100.io, Xbox LFG system, DestinyLFG.net or DestinyLFG.com, or go to the Bungie.net recruitment forum (also available through the Bungie App).

    What if I have a question about another piece of armor/weapon or general Trials question?

    • Use Control + F (Or Command + F if on a Mac) and search for keywords in your question. Someone may have asked it already. If they haven't ask right below.

    Trials of Osiris Map



    Rotation not known yet, please let us know!

    • 3 Wins (Powerful): Shotgun (Astral Horizon)
    • 5 Wins (Powerful): Auto (Summoner)
    • 7 Wins (Pinnacle): Arms
    • Flawless (Pinnacle): Chest


    Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
    Trial of Decryption Collect Trials Engrams before Trials ends this week. 1000 Glimmer 3 Progress XP & Glimmer & 35 Valor Rank Points & 5 Trials Token
    Deepvoid Alignment As a fireteam, defeat opponents using Void damage in the Trials of Osiris. 1000 Glimmer 100 [Void] Void XP & Glimmer & 35 Valor Rank Points & 5 Trials Token


    Name Perk Cost
    Passage of Mercy Forgives one loss per run. 25000 Glimmer & 15 Legendary Shards
    Passage of Ferocity With zero losses, your third win grants a bonus win. 25000 Glimmer & 15 Legendary Shards
    Passage of Wealth Increased tokens from completing and winning Trials matches. 35000 Glimmer & 25 Legendary Shards
    Passage of Wisdom Grants bonus XP from Trials wins, scaling with the number of wins on a ticket. 35000 Glimmer & 25 Legendary Shards
    Passage of Confidence Grants bonus rewards from Flawless Chest. 50000 Glimmer & 50 Legendary Shards
    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Questions [2020-03-21]

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

    Bought the DLC? Shadowkeep FAQ

    Need Guidance? Collection of selected guides

    Shadowkeep & New Light known issues

    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    With each passing season Destiny is feeling more and more like a mobile gacha game, and it's starting to get suffocating

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Between the over-reliance on incredibly repetitive bounties as a core mechanic for quests and level progression, the model of essentially reskinning a horde mode and marketing it as new every 3 months, and the absurdly priced mtx store, Destiny is becoming less and less the game I fell in love with.

    I still play the game because I adore the core shooting and ability mechanics, but it feels like the character I'm building is wasted in a world that just wants me to get auto rifle/smg/scout rifle kills for 18 different people each day and then go spend money at Eververse. And then in 3 months do it all over again just to keep the cycle going.

    This probably comes off as too harsh and maybe it is, but it hurts feeling like the game wants me to play it more out of obligation rather than excitement, like it's more interested in clocking my playtime and peeking at my wallet than it is in really engaging me with the world.

    submitted by /u/hydragon100
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    Quick reminder that we are now on our third season and Xur is still selling collection stats armour.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    Long time ago, Bungie gave an excuse that this would help new light players obtain some exotics they didn't have but it's been too long and would like to get some random stats armour for our black market dealer(black market stuff shouldn't be collection stuff).

    submitted by /u/M0N33R
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    It’s been almost two weeks and I still can’t believe Bungie wiped 2.5 years of stats from emblems and replaced it with a system I’ve seen very few people even use.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    It comes across my mind occasionally and I'm still stunned. How did no one say "Actually, I think players like having a way to showcase their achievements?"

    And this is very anecdotal but I'm seeing players with either a blank emblem, or the tracker for total lifetime kills or seasonal rank.

    It's good Bungie is adding some of them back, but not all of them. Some are lost forever, because someone thought we'd want to show off how many Valkyrie kills we got this week.

    I'd love some concrete information about when we're getting the first wave of stats back, and what ones are next.

    submitted by /u/anaisaunicorn
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    Trials flawless chest equipment should be masterworked no matter what.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Going flawless is basically the PvP equivalent of Pit of Heresy or any other high end PvE activity.

    Only seems fair.

    submitted by /u/trueGator89
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    The recent comment about Ritual Weapons being sacrificed for Trials Weapons is concerning, but it's also concerning to the topic of Weapon Retirement.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Link to comment:


    Before I begin, I understand that this is speculation. However, it is speculation built on history regarding this topic. I'd like to voice my concerns now on the off-chance that my skepticism is correct and this will become reality. This is just constructive feedback/preemptive voicing of concerns regarding the strategy that will be employed for Weapon Retirement in the hopes it is seen. Also, I don't necessarily focus on Trials Weapons in this post. Rather, I use it as a basis to talk about weapon retirement. This might be a bit lengthy, so let's just jump into it.


    1. Opening Thoughts
    2. Vendors and Playlists (Why they probably won't be restocked)
    3. Why that matters
    4. Weapons going forward (Why weapon retirement, as a concept, is good for the game)
    5. Constructive Feedback (Don't universally retire)
    6. Closing Thoughts
    7. Tl;dr

    Opening Thoughts

    If resources and development are so scarce and difficult that it takes sacrificing Ritual Weapons to make Trials Weapons - reskinned Destiny 1 Weapons that are basically regular legendaries except with a neat glow - then it's difficult to see weapon retirement succeeding. What I mean by that is in regards to the amount of new weapons that will enter the loot-pool to replace the old ones.

    This was my primary concern with weapon retirement; will we have vendors and playlists restocked with new weapons or will we slowly be drip-fed new weapons every season? Will weapons be blanket-retired (i.e retiring all Pre-Shadowkeep Weapons) or will weapons be cherry-picked as to which ones get retired and which ones are allowed to move forward? If the strategy for weapon retirement is a combination of a drip-feed of weapons each season and blanket retirements, then that is very worrying.

    A lot of what has been talked about regarding weapon retirement has been people believing they're gonna have to give up their current favorite weapon (i.e Better Devils) just to re-farm the exact weapon they had except with a new skin (i.e "Greater Devils"). So, I'd like to speculate on the "reality" of what may end up happening for Vendors and Playlists regarding weapons, because there's also a belief they'll be restocked. Basically, set up the context as to why weapon retirement may end up being bad if the aforementioned strategy is what will be employed.

    Vendors and Playlists (Why they probably won't be restocked)

    It's doubtful vendors will get restocked. I don't remember (correct me if I'm wrong) Shaxx or Zavala getting a complete refresh of new weapons of most archetypes like in D1 throughout the life-cycle of this entire game. This even when Bungie didn't face the same resource problems they have now because they were with Activision and teaming with other developers. So it's doubtful they'll be restocked now when resources are scarce and they haven't done it throughout all of Destiny 2 (save for adding a new weapon like Service Revolver for Strikes here and there).

    When it comes to playlists (Nightfalls, Menagerie, Forges, Gambit etc), it's especially hard to see them having new weapons. When it comes to Nightfall-exclusive loot, there's hardly much to say. It's been voiced to add more or at the very least grant random rolls to Y1 weapons, but it hasn't happened. It's unlikely more NF-exclusive loot will be added let alone have Y1 ones brought forth. When it comes to the content from last year's Annual Pass, I frankly see this being the content that is removed for memory and performance, as it was alluded to in last year's Director's Cut and once again in this year's. As for the Gambits, either regular Gambit or Gambit Prime would be removed from the game (this was directly said last year in the Director's Cuts).

    I do see the Drifter, Shaxx, and Zavala getting some new weapons (They can get a few. As a treat.) Just not a full restock akin to what D1 had after every DLC. But also likely not all at once. The recent Director's Cut implies the plan as Luke Smith said content going forward will focus on core activities (one season focused on Strikes, another on Public Events, etc). It basically points to the assumption that the strategy will be weapons will be drip-fed across each season for each vendor/playlist based on the focus of that season.

    Why that matters

    If you have suddenly every single Pre-Shadowkeep Weapon be retired without replacing where they came from with the same amount of stock they had before or at least half of it, you're left with content that is no longer meaningful. Even if Menagerie is old content, it's still meaningful because its weapons still matter. Once they don't matter, Menagerie's population will be on life alert. When it comes to the Competitive playlist, most only play it for the Pinnacle Weapons (as an aside, I'm not saying make more Pinnacle Weapons for Competitive or make more in general, rather just bringing up a fact that its one of the playlists that will suffer a population fall due to weapon retirement).

    Overall, if the nuke strategy I mentioned is employed, we'll suddenly find ourselves with less choices from which to play the game from because their content won't matter anymore except for maybe armor (imagine playing a game to have fun? couldn't be me). To me, I think that's more important a reason to be skeptical about weapon retirement than "I like this weapon this weapon chose me and I chose it I'll never let you split us apart!"

    Weapons going forward (Why weapon retirement, as a concept, is good for the game)

    Like I said, the belief is that we'll have to re-farm for a "Greater Devils" when we previously already had "Better Devils." (Yes but actually no). Seraph Weapons are our first look as to what weapons will look like going forward. Luke Smith said this in this year's Director's Cut, "we'll have space at the top end to create powerful Legendary weapons. Legendaries that are just better than other items in the classification*.*" Seraph Weapons is that vision for unique Legendaries. Frankly, this is pretty cool and I like where it's going.

    I won't lie. I'm not a big fan of weapon retirement (I LIKE THIS WEAPON THIS WEAPON CHOSE ME AND I CHOSE IT I'LL NEVER LET YOU SPLIT US APART!). I do think relationships with weapons are important (I love you, Austringer, mwah). But I also recognize that it's unhealthy for the game. Watch Datto's video for some good insight on that. To sum it up, there isn't much else that can be done with regular legendaries at this point and we're reaching a bottleneck. The only real perks that are sought after in legendaries are damage perks or perks that get us closer to more damage. Therefore, it's time for Bungie to allow themselves to get creative (i.e what's seen with Seraph Weapons) and to do so safely. And in order for us to let them do that so we can use those new weapons, we need to retire our old ones (sucks, I know, I'd rather it not be this way but it do be like that).

    Constructive Feedback (Don't universally retire)

    It's really difficult to give constructive feedback when I don't know the reality of the situation regarding development and resources. I would like to say, "Make sure to do a full vendor restock and also restock each playlist before retiring everything!" But it probably isn't realistic. However, the primary issue is blanket-retiring/universally retiring weapons based on Year or DLC. If the idea is, "Okay guys, this season we're going to be focusing on Strikes. So we're retiring the old Vanguard loot for this new loot this season. Raids are going to be focused on next season like in D1's Age of Triumph so they'll get new stuff and we'll retire the old stuff," then honestly that could work. It's not perfect, but it won't leave playlists suddenly devoid of any weapons to grind. If this is the strategy, then great.

    Basically, retire weapons based on what the focus that new season will be. If we focus on Crucible, retire the Crucible weapons that season. I don't think a sudden nuke will be helpful to anyone and will just create more issues. I strongly recommend against it.

    Closing Thoughts

    Obviously, we can only be left to speculate and it's perhaps too early for that. But Luke Smith has already announced it will happen, so I think we can and should talk about it - even preemptively voice our concerns about it. Perhaps development and resources are scarce right now because 80% of the focus is on the (possible) Fall expansion, where we will get a sizable amount of weapons that will blow these concerns away (I doubt it if we look to Shadowkeep for an example). I also understand that this speculation is also built on the benefit-of-the-doubt and trust that Bungie indeed doesn't have enough resources to put into development (I notably left out Eververse in this post and how Eververse still seems to have a healthy amount of cool stuff).

    I sincerely hope I'm being paranoid. If you've read this all, thanks (mwah).



    submitted by /u/OdinsLeftEyeball
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    This has gotten ridiculous Bungie

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    The amount of error codes since this season started is ridiculous.

    The port forwarding "fix" doesn't do anything. The game in LITERALLY unplayable. I have defended Bungie many times in the past, but this is a slap in the face to all of us. I don't know what is being worked on at the moment, but this is an all hands on deck issue.

    We are playing an online only game that boots people constantly. For what Tess to shove microtransactions down our throats more effort is put into stocking Eververse than new content to play, but now they care more about Eververse than keeping any part of the game playable.

    Bungie if D2 is being developed by a skeleton crew tell us if D3 is stealing resources tell us, if the new ip is stealing resources tell us IF YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THE GAME TELL US. Right now the community is suffering it won't be long until it hits the company. Hell a rough draft of a release timeline would likely improve relations.

    Just fix the game and tell us what is happening please.

    submitted by /u/fidl_casrole
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    I'm sure glad we waited almost 2 years for trials to not even reset on the right day

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    With auto rifles and Hardlight specifically being the current meta, can we please keep the elemental affinity we've selected on Hardlight after we've died?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Title. I'm tired of having to switch to the elemental affinity I want everytime I respawn. Especially if I'm using solar and have to take the time to switch twice before jumping into the fight every life.

    Edit: for those downvoting, why and what would you suggest differently?

    submitted by /u/mnm119
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    Bungie has demonstrated they are too slow, understaffed, inefficient, and too scared to make to make this game great.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    They mentioned that the annual pass was too hard on them, and they still had activision help back then. The annual pass was not a great amount of content, and now we get even less. Shadowkeep was a massive downgrade from Forsaken, which was also made with Activision. Meanwhile, Eververse remains completely stocked up for every event and every season.

    Where is the money going? If one pair of ornaments can pay for a whole mission why are we getting this glacial drip of content? I get the impression that Bungie probably has some workplace setup they are deathly afraid of changing. Either that or they are the most fiscally conservative company in the world and are just sitting on fat stacks of cash and refusing to reinvest it into the company.

    I know there's gotta be people on the team over there that feel the same way I do, why have they been ignored? Why do you perpetuate the status quo when clearly it's not good enough?

    submitted by /u/Raging_Panic
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    If the plan is to begin phasing out the combination of damage and reload perks, consider the fact that some weapons have absurdly slow reloads and feel unusable without a perk to assist them. Perhaps a global increase to base reload values for sluggish weapons would help in this transition.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Hand cannons, scouts, smgs, and pulse rifles feel particularly sluggish without a boost to reload speed. Just keep in mind that we're constantly being rushed in pve by hordes of everything imaginable. Slow reloading weapons (no matter how nice the roll is) always eventually make their way from my inventory to my vault and I don't think I'm alone in this.

    If everyone wants reload perks on their weapons, perhaps the issue is not that reload perks are too good, but that general reload speeds are too slow for the pace of the game.

    Edit: added smgs

    submitted by /u/NoctisNoctua
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    TRIALS LOOT IS BUGGED. DO NOT PLAY IF YOU CANNOT RESET YOUR PASSAGE. Loot drops 3, 5 and 7 aren’t supplying the loot.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Best wait for Bungie to make an official comment. Until then, your choice considering how unstable PVP is right now.

    submitted by /u/Vahro
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    What was the point of deleting our Trials tokens each week if the previous week loot was going to clog up the pool?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    At first it made sense to get rid of weekly tokens so that you couldn't stock up for a weapon you really want. Cool.

    But why do I have to farm tokens during a new weapons week if I'm going to get the rocket launcher from last week? It's doesn't make sense. Short of just ensuring an individual plays, and plays, and plays.

    submitted by /u/IBreatheThroughMyNip
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    We should not penalized for getting error codes in survival. This is annoying as hell.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Im never going to get Unbroken if this keeps happening.

    Also this picture is too perfect:


    submitted by /u/vicasrao
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    I feel like the easiest way to introduce a reason to do Strikes is to have the final chest drops be gear from that planet.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    For example, running The Arms Dealer and Lake of Shadows would reward EDZ gear and weapons, whereas The Pyramideon drops Io gear. Potentially even high stat rolls from Nightfall runs. Add in some new specific weapons and pieces of gear as well, and I would much rather pay for a season of strike loot than the copy-paste public event and slightly remixed Lost Sectors we have now.

    submitted by /u/ANDaBASEBALLBAT
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    Why do tied Trials rounds give a point to one team?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I just shotgun traded with a guy at 4-3 up, and it gave the round win to the other team and brought them to 4-4.

    submitted by /u/MythicIV
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    How to tell if your Trials rewards are bugged

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I'm sure some of you have seen this by now, but for those worried if you won't get anything from trials, check the actual activity page. If it doesn't show the get(x) wins for powerful/pinnacle gear, you won't get anything. Restarting the game & changing characters doesn't get it back(no idea how to do that yet), but at least you can tell if it's bugged

    submitted by /u/BenIsABox
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    Flawless Chest is a Joke

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    I've been flawless 4 times, 3 of times the chest dropped armor that had a grand total of 58-59 total. The fact that my armor from going FLAWLESS is objectively worse than armor I can get from the season pass is a complete joke flawless gear should only be dropping at minimum role of 60, there is no reason they should drop anywhere below 60 base.

    submitted by /u/Creeper9045
    [link] [comments]

    Issues Aren't Being Fixed, They're Just Being Moved. This "Today's Idea" Change Style is Why We Have So Many Problems

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    Title. Bungie aren't fixing issues, they're just moving them, I'll outline a couple before explaining my second point

    The laggy menu cursor is fixed - but now the menu elements and icons themselves take even longer to load

    Tower load times are better - but now tower elements and skins don't load so players end up as ghosts or you have ghost weapons for, sometimes, your entire visit.

    Amour Loot Pool increased - All of it worthless because it has no seasonal slot

    I think the game as a whole has become too big. I don't mean it's too big spacially, all the planets and maps are great, but too big to manage. I think that adequate work wasn't done to the foundations so now as this changes it compounds underlying problems and makes changes harder to implement which leads to the increase in bugs we're seeing

    This "change of the day" approach is like trying to add a feature to a water pipe using nails.

    "lets just add seasonal mods", "lets just throw in old trials", "let's just add this new mod".... with no forethought as to how it's going to affect other systems, the seasonal mod - worthless lootpool being an obvious example

    Which would be ok, IF enough planning and forethought was happening. But it's not, it's lazy development, I do the exact same thing myself, code an engine/system, cut corners, throw in ideas, then 2 years later when something needs changing the entire system needs to be stripped apart instead of 1 thing

    Going forward - I think it's too late, I think there are too many underlying problems in how the infrastructure was built which will just give us more and more problems in the future. Destiny is big, it could be wonderful, but it's just too broken now

    EDIT: Just wanted to add another example of "todays idea", just look at how many different currencies we have now, and many not even used at a suitable level (barry boffs, gunsmith mats). All just adding to the bloat. With this season now we have warmind bits, but you need encrypted bits as well and those other things (stims? the ones to level up the bunkers) that's 3 currencies just to use the warmind computer

    submitted by /u/Cinobite
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    The Destiny 2 nightly routine in a nutshell

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    Fires up Xbox

    Click on Destiny 2

    Sprint to the fridge to grab water

    Press A screen appears... presses A

    Play on phone for 5 millennia waiting for characters to appear

    Picks Hunter

    Sit in orbit wondering what I'm gonna do tonight

    Do I grind Powerfuls? Pinnacles? Crucible? Then I remember bounties

    Fuck this... logs off

    submitted by /u/theNamelessMidnight
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    I made The Taken King logo, because I'm bored and quarantined.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Can I kindly ask Bungie the reasoning for keeping trials rewards from past weeks in the lootpool when tokens expire weekly?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    A NEW NAME for Season of the Worthy:

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    I call it the "Season of the Animal Kingdom."

    • Featuring beaver, anteater, bee, weasel, baboon and many others!

    • Play now to get disconnected every 5 minutes!

    submitted by /u/PBA_MP4
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    Why is shader inventory even a thing?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    There is no reason for having a shader inventory anymore when all shaders are in the collection. It just becomes another pointless thing to manage, AND clogs the postmaster, potentially causing you to lose something that actually has value, like a powerful drop.

    Get rid of the worthless shader inventory, and just allow us to preview all shaders from the collection on any gun or armor. Then if we want to apply it, charge the arbitrary 7 legendary shards or whatever it is for each application. As soon as you get a new shader it should just be unlocked in the collection. Simple.

    submitted by /u/ExtremisIX
    [link] [comments]

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