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    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Destiny [D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2020-03-24]

    Destiny [D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2020-03-24]

    [D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2020-03-24]

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Nightfall - The Ordeal: The Arms Dealer


    • Nightfall: The Ordeal: Adept
      • Scorched Earth: Enemies throw grenades significantly more often.
    • Nightfall: The Ordeal: Hero
      • All previous modifiers
      • Champions: Unstoppable: This mode contains Unstoppable Champions, which cannot be stopped without an Unstoppable mod.
      • Champions: Barrier: This mode contains Barrier Champions, which cannot be stopped without an Anti-Barrier mod.
      • Champions: Cabal: This mode contains both Barrier and Unstoppable Champions, which cannot be stopped without an Anti-Barrier or Unstoppable mod, respectively.
      • Hero Modifiers: Extra Shields
      • Zahn's Stratagem: Solar damage and incoming airborne damage increased.
    • Nightfall: The Ordeal: Legend
      • All previous modifiers
      • Equipment Locked: You will not be able to change your equipment after this activity starts.
      • Match Game: Enemy shields are highly resistant to all unmatched elemental damage.
      • Legend Modifiers: Match Game & Extra Shields
    • Nightfall: The Ordeal: Master
      • All previous modifiers
      • Togetherness: Base health regen is reduced. If near another player, health regen is increased.
      • Master Modifiers: Extra Champions & Match Game & Extra Shields & No Saved Checkpoints
      • Champions: Mob: This mode contains additional Champions.


    • Nightfall Exclusive Drop: Tilt Fuse (Vehicle)

    • Powerful (Tier 1) reward: Get 3 points by completing runs. Higher difficulties grant more points.

    • Pinnacle reward: Get a score of 100k. Since modifiers are fixed, this requires a high difficulty run.

    Legacy Nightfalls:


    Complete various activities around Nessus, including public events, Lost Sectors, and Heroic adventures.

    Weekly Crucible Rotator Playlists:

    • Iron Banner: "There will come a day when the Tower falls again. Our ability to hold territory is paramount." —Lord Saladin - - Capture zones to increase points for every kill.

    • Supremacy: "Secure those crests, and send a clear message of dominance to your opponents. Just don't forget to give them back after the match. We're not monsters." —Lord Shaxx - - Fight for Valor by defeating opponents and securing the crests they drop. Recover friendly crests to deny them from opponents.

    • Lockdown: "Hold your ground. Yield to no one." —Lord Shaxx - - Fight for Valor by capturing and holding zones. Win rounds instantly by capturing all three.

    Vanguard Burn: Void Singe

    The other modifieres rotate daily, check out the Daily Reset Thread for them!

    Moon Activities

    Menagerie Boss: Hasapiko, Vex Minotaur

    • Extinguish: If your fireteam falls in a Restricted Zone, everyone is returned to orbit.
    • Iron: Enemies have more health and are not staggered by damage.
    • Blackout: Enemy melee attacks are significantly more powerful, and radar is disabled.
    • Void Singe: Void damage increases slightly from all sources.

    Reckoning Boss: Likeness of Oryx

    Dreaming City Cycle: Strong Curse

    • Petra is at Rheasilvia.
    • Weekly Mission: Dark Monastery - Provide recon for Petra's forces by investigating strange enemy activity in Rheasilvia.
    • Ascendant Challenge: Keep of Honed Edges, Harbinger's Seclude
    • Blind Well: Taken, Plague: Inomina

    Escalation Protocol Boss: Naksud, the Famine

    This boss drops:


    Raid Order: Baths > Dogs > Gauntlet > Calus

    Challenge: The Pleasure Gardens Challenge

    Prestige Raid Lairs

    • Prestige: Gladiator
    • Armsmaster

    Eververse Bright Dust Offerings

    Name Description Type Cost
    Concentrated Mattergem An Upgrade Module ionizer created from refined Mattergems. Consumable 200 Bright Dust
    Glimmershard A shard with the ability to generate Glimmer during combat. Consumable 250 Bright Dust
    Scavenger's Boon A transmutation device with the ability to create planetary materials. Consumable 250 Bright Dust
    Neopop Wave Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 40 Bright Dust
    Warsat Arrival Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust
    Devil's Advocate Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Devil's Ruin. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account. Weapon Ornament 1250 Bright Dust
    Viper-4s Ride faster, strike harder, and leave them twitching in the dust. Vehicle 2500 Bright Dust
    Veist Shell For fast-talking Ghosts who like to spit a little venom. Ghost Shell 2850 Bright Dust
    Nano Redux Equip this ornament to change the appearance of Raiden Flux. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account. Hunter Ornament 1950 Bright Dust
    Burning Red Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Sunshot. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account. Weapon Ornament 1250 Bright Dust
    Luxe Visage Equip this ornament on any Year 3 Legendary armor set to change its appearance. Once you get a universal ornament, it's unlocked for all characters of the relevant class on your account. Hunter Universal Ornament 1200 Bright Dust
    Whisper Sweet Nothings Whisper them forever… Multiplayer Emote 1250 Bright Dust
    Black Death Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Crimson. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account. Weapon Ornament 1250 Bright Dust
    Crota's Bane Projection Equip this item to change your Ghost's projection. Ghost Projection 1500 Bright Dust
    Gleaming Boon of the Vanguard When this is used during a strike, all players receive an Eververse Gift at the end of that strike. Only one gift consumable may be used per player in an activity. Consumable 150 Bright Dust
    Gleaming Boon of the Crucible When this is used during a Crucible match, all players receive an Eververse Gift at the end of that match. Only one gift consumable may be used per player in an activity. Consumable 500 Bright Dust
    Golden Age Wine Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 40 Bright Dust
    Cabal Shield Breaker Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust

    Weekly Bounties

    Rasputin Weekly Bounties

    Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
    Public Servant: Moon Use cache codes to open Rasputin chests after successfully completing Seraph Tower public events in Anchor of Light on the Moon. Complete daily bounties or Rasputin Activities to earn more cache codes. 4 Caches Opened XP & Glimmer & Warmind Bits
    Legendary Spelunker: Moon Eliminate Champions and use cache codes to open Rasputin chests in Legendary Lost Sectors on the Moon. Complete daily bounties or Rasputin activities to earn more cache codes. 3 Caches Opened & 12 Champions Defeated XP & Glimmer & Warmind Bits
    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Questions [2020-03-25]

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

    Bought the DLC? Shadowkeep FAQ

    Need Guidance? Collection of selected guides

    Shadowkeep & New Light known issues

    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    The nerfs to Snipers and Hand Cannons show that they are just reactionary changes to the meta and not actual attempts to properly balance the game.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Ever since Shadowkeep nerfed Hand Cannons and Worthy nerfed Snipers both have been in just pathetic states. The Sniper DPS is now sitting far below everything else that people run for damage and Hand Cannons have fallen to complete uselessness in PvE due to the headshot damage changes.

    As time goes on and we're able to figure out new metas for damage it's becoming increasingly clear that the nerfs are going way too far and are looking more to be reactionary changes to curb overuse rather than to balance the game. A balanced nerf would bring a weapon type in line with the others when all are used optimally. The Hand Cannon and Sniper changes are examples of weapon types being euthanized. Slashing their DPS into irrelevancy doesn't help the game. It just makes people annoyed and bitter to find the new, weaker source of damage. Some changes are 100% necessary like the removal of auto-reload, but removing a game function without properly buffing weapons near to what they were doing before the change is how things should be handled. Hand Cannons should have their damage brought up to make them feel like they did before, not the current Nerf blasters they are now, especially if they don't have Rampage or Kill Clip. Snipers, and especially Izanagi's Burden, need to be looked at again. You can change how Izanagi's functions, but just killing the reload speed buffs and nerfing the damage just doesn't cut it for game balance. Izanagi's Burden lived and died by its reload speed, and now it's so far underground it's chilling with the earth's core.

    The global sniper nerfs need to be reverted, weapons that got destroyed need to be buffed up to at least compete with where they were before.

    Please make these changes, not for our precious DPS numbers, but to make the game feel good to play. The Division is in a pretty sad state right now thanks to global enemy health and armor scaling changes making every weapon a pea shooter. Don't be like Massive and side-step all of the outcry about the game's feeling.

    submitted by /u/i_forget_what_i_do
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    Sunshot can now generate warmind cells

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    The new "wrath of rasputin" mod available from the moon seraph tower can create warmind cells from any solar splash damage final blows. Sunshot's explosions can trigger this.


    submitted by /u/Kanellacoconut
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    Why did I pay $10 to do bounties, patrols/public events and, lost sectors?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    I'm not saying that they cost too much but seasons suck. This isn't content let alone new content. I'm playing old stuff to earn old stuff with a few new things mixed in. But if I don't play I will be too low power to play the new stuff when it comes out. This is trash bungie.

    submitted by /u/Theboyestmanestboy
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    Shadowkeep introduced horror elements that I found refreshing! I think more of that could be beneficial in storytelling.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    I want to be scared at the threat we are facing, I want to feel that we maybe can't win against a particular foe. Shadowkeep's introduction was a great example of this, I felt terrified of the Pyramid's power to "resurrect" strong enemies, that would make them stronger (weaker in some cases, but forget that).

    When escaping with the Cryptoglyph in the depths when I was low light level, I wasn't sure if I would survive. The darkness blurred anything, and I could feel the same as Eris' fireteam felt. I want to have this feeling again, and Shadowkeep was great in doing this.

    EDIT: some spacing

    submitted by /u/DriftyGuardian
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    Trials of the 9 (year 1) loot should rarely drop with random rolls in the crucible, much how D1 had rare, crucible-only drops.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    A lot of people would feel more incentivized to play Crucible more if this was a thing. The assets are there, just tweak them for random rolls.

    submitted by /u/NoctisNoctua
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    Crucible matchmaking creates only two teams: thumb-in-ass squad or 1011 LL Trials olympians.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    My last three Iron Banner matches I've spawned into a game with a 40 point difference, and I've yet to even have a close game this whole season in crucible. What is going on? Why are there only two states Crucible matches can be in: you stomping or them stomping?

    So friggin' annoying to see the village idiot titan run past control points on my team while they've got at least a 4-man premade of Lighthouse veterans.

    Also had a match earlier where their entire team was 1000+ with trials emblems, and we solos were all sub 980. Fun match, guess how it went. Max light level calculation better be in the MM formula.

    submitted by /u/TedioreTwo
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    Requiring final blows with specific weapons often interferes with how Iron Banner is played; assists should progress in addition to final blows

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Iron Banner, a mode that encourages strong team play and team shots should not have bounties that require final blows with specific weapon types. Oftentimes getting assists is easy but getting the kills can be frustrating, sometimes taking 5+ games to get kills with a single weapon type. This is exacerbated given the light disparity,it is sometimes more likely than not that my teammates may take my kills.

    If the bounty encouraged defeats rather than kills it would retain the encouragement to try new weapons while maintaining the spirit of a team-focused mode

    Edit: before anyone asks... I don't care about the bow, I just want to use my IB tokens without having to do a quest to farm my armor rolls. I don't care if there's a quest, just please stop locking token banking behind it.

    submitted by /u/Landsharkeisha
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    Don't Make My Noob Mistake: Moon Bunker

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Once I cleared the bunker and was able to upgrade, I went right for the heavy frames and javelins before buying the discount upgrades. Don't be me haha

    submitted by /u/TheAtlasComplex
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    Don't forget to grab the Luxe Helmets for your Guardians this week as they don't seem to be returning back for BD for the rest of the season.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    According to the projections of the Eververse Weekly offerings by @DeathbladeJP, this week seems to be the only week for Season of the Worthy where the Luxe Helmet ornaments can be earned via Bright Dust. The same logic also follows for next week, which is the only week the class marks will also be available for the rest of the season for Bright Dust.

    This is one of the "you had to be there moments". So grind that BD and pick up those ornaments, sister!

    submitted by /u/wrightosaur
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    Crownsplitter is alright

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    Malfeasance hand-cannon I finished up today, hopefully it's worthy.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Image dump here

    Bit off much more than I could chew with this commission but after a month or so of painting, sanding the paint off, painting again and learning how to properly use my airbrush I think it came out pretty well! I know its not 100% game accurate but I am a mere mortal, cut me some slack.

    submitted by /u/justxkyle
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    Ana "some of this netcode is ancient"

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Had a good chuckle on hearing this. Kudos to Bungie for acctttually throwing this in there. The jokes on you, no you, no you *insert meme here*. The relevance of this in the games' current state is fitting and sad somewhat.

    submitted by /u/asce619
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    I drew my friend's characters having a solar grenade campfire

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    He has a different personality for each of his characters and it's absolutely hilarious when he role-plays them when we're gaming. The happy Titan is Steven, forgot the moody hunter's name, but the warlock is F-bot 9000. He commissioned me to make this piece to complete his Destiny shelf (he's going to print it out) and I am happy how it came together since this isn't a style I'm comfortable with. Hope y'all enjoy!


    submitted by /u/tweetea
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    An earlier post has got me thinking, why have so many good features just be dropped?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    This is based on the post about curated rolls being halted found here.

    Let us look at all of the well received or at least partly well received features looking back between Destiny 1 and Destiny 2. I am going to be using shorthand for the Game, Year of the Game, and Season of the Game if it is in Destiny 2. Not everyone will agree with all of these being important or good features but many of them brought depth, resource grinding, or just variety to different modes of play. If I missed anything glaringly obvious let me know.

    • Arms Day (Started in D1Y2 Abandoned at Destiny 2 launch)
    • Strike Specific Loot (Started in D1Y2 and refined in D1Y3 Abandoned at Destiny 2 Launch)
    • Nightfall Specific Loot (Started in D2Y1S2 abandoned in D2Y3S8)
    • Strike Medals (Started in D1Y3 Abandoned at Destiny 2 Launch)
    • Hard Mode/Prestige Raids (Started D1Y1 abandoned in D2Y2S4 or D2Y1S2 depending on your point of view)
    • Curated Weapon Rolls (Started in D2Y2S4 abandoned in D2Y2S7)
    • Factions (Started in D1Y1 transformed at D2 Launch as Universal Vendors and Turned into Rallies which were abandoned in D2Y2S4)
    • Armor Ornaments Outside Eververse (Started in D1Y3, briefly abandoned for D2Y1S1, Abandoned Again in D2Y2S4)
    • Rotating Vendor Sales (Started in D1Y3, Abandoned at D2 Launch)
    • Adept Trials Weapons (Unique Bonus Feature) (Started in D1Y1HoW abandoned in Destiny 2 Launch)
    • Auras (Started in D1Y1 with the Nightfall Aura, Abandoned in D2Y3S10 with the Emblem Changes)
    • Chroma Glow Gear (Added in D1Y2April abandoned at Destiny 2 Launch)
    • Post Game Reward Screen (Added at Destiny 1 Launch abandoned with the Destiny 2 Launch)
    • Sparrow Flying (Added? at Destiny 1 Launch, Abandoned? with Destiny 2 Launch)
    • Vendor Resets/Refreshes/Updates (Occurred Every Major Expansion until D2Y3S8)
    • Pinnacle Weapons (Started in D2Y1S3, abandoned D2Y3S8)
    • Ritual Weapons (Started in D2Y3S8, abandoned D2Y3S10)
    • Selecting Armor vs Weapon Packages (Started in D1Y3, abandoned at D2 Launch)
    • SRL (Started D1Y2 abandoned at Destiny 2s launch).
    submitted by /u/Crusader3456
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    Moon Seraph tower can drop Altars of Sorrow weapons.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Just got a Blasphemer and like 4 or 5 phantasmal fragments. Plus, it's much easier than Altars too!

    submitted by /u/about_that_time_bois
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    Maybe some of that Eververse money should go to hiring a playtester or two. Gets kinda old when every release, especially not new ones like Iron Banner, still doesn't work.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Quests that still don't work right. Artifacts not working right. Connections still terrible across the game in any activity.

    I don't know what entertains me more. Getting excited for a week long event that's outside the norm, or watching something as basic as Iron Banner throw everything into chaos.

    Might be good to hire a playtester or two with that Eververse money, Bungie. Being proactive in catching these things instead of slowly reactive and shitting on the community with poor releases got old a long time ago.

    Edit: Played a few matches of Iron Banner and neither the quest or bounties had any progress made on them. Which is sad, because I love bows enough to even go into crucible to get this seasons only ritual weapon. Promptly went back to the division 2. Bungie. This shit is beyond old at this point.

    submitted by /u/Plummyr
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    D1 aged like fine wine

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    Going through the Season of Bounty, I've been so bored of D2 so I did what most nostalgic people do, I went to play D1. So far, it's been amazing. Right now I can see so many little things that make the game far superior in game design than D2. Things like passively ranking up factions by playing strikes, crucible and patrols, being able to choose rewards type, vendors that sell meaningful stuff, possibility to win Eververse stuff and a kiosk to buy almost anything with silver dust.

    It's almost like this game was meant to be fun and not to please some game director ego.

    submitted by /u/SHK04
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    Season of the Beaver

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Seriously this is getting ridiculous, and it made even more prevalent by iron banner being back. It seems like every match im in theres at least one on my team that gets error coded out. With me it seems like its ever 2 or 3 games. This isnt an issue that can be resolved next season, it needs to be hotfixed asap. This problem started with season of the worthy and its just going to keep growing until something is done. Please its making the game actually unplayable.

    submitted by /u/Subactae
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    Warmind Cell mechanic: Not sure if this is common knowledge but Dzhosh on YT found this and figured I'd share it

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    "Hello all, just wanted to share my new findings about warmind cells. There is a counter that determines when one will spawn. I'm not sure entirely how it works, but I know the following will spawn a warmind cell:

    5 Minor

    4 Elite

    2 Elite, 2 Minor

    2 Minor, 2 Elite, 1 Minor (Order seems to matter)

    1 Major

    Apparently shanks seem to count for less points

    It seems to take 11 shanks, 5 thrall, 4 acolytes. I think this system depends on the enemy type as well. This will take testing, but the point of the video remains, this is not a random system. It takes a specific amount of points to spawn an orb".

    I did a little bit of testing myself last night and the minor portion was spot on, I was getting a cell every 5 minor kills. On top of this, I found if I got 4 minor kills, I could stow my weapon, not use it, and come back later and get the 5th kill to spawn the cell, essentially allowing you to choose when you want it. This opens up a TON of strategic play and might make it way more viable in end game.

    Original video: https://youtu.be/_pBpW2OQths

    Edit: Testing isn't complete and enemy species seems to cause it to vary. If more extensive details are found then I'll update the post.

    submitted by /u/Aivur
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    Bungie, please just let us choose which of our weapons we want on display in our main hand.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    There are so many guns that I love using but they're in my secondary slot and aren't on display in my character screen or readied by default when spawning in.

    Keep the kinetic/energy separate, but let me choose whether my kinetic or my energy are the default equipped for my character.

    I would just love to be able to main my Sunshot and then have it actually be my main, instead of having to switch to it in every activity as if it were my secondary weapon.

    This QoL improvement would go a long way for me, personally. Love the game and look forward to seeing it get better.

    submitted by /u/Apex-Blue
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    Age of Triumph trailer's 3rd anniversary

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Trailer Here

    All Raids at maximum light/power. Revised and Updated raid weapons. Amazing, earnable ornaments. Minimal eververse gear (1 set per class + exotic weapon ornaments). Daybreak Strikes. Updated Challenge of elders.

    Probably the best time to be a guardian, ever. We didn't know that soon after, all of our gear and cosmetics would be wiped and we'd have a new game to play.

    We have the rest of an impermanent season with battlepass and Eververse only cosmetics, and another season after that. And then what? More of that? Sort of makes you reflect on the past.

    submitted by /u/Civil_Anarchy
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    As I’m protecting the back totem on the Moon’s Seraph Tower Event...

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    "Come here, Slayer of Oryx"

    "Opener of Vacancies"


    submitted by /u/blaunkNITE
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    80's shader now available!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Neopop wave is available in eververse guardians, crank up that 80's synthwave and kill some vex.


    submitted by /u/baggzey23
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    Seasonal mod Power of Rasputin stacks with other debuffs like Tether

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    Pretty much the title.

    After having had the void grenade stuff a couple seasons back and having recently got the mod Power of Rasputin from the Moon seraph tower event, I figured I would test to see if it stacked, just in case.

    The mod reads: You gain a bonus to weapon damage against enemies that are near Warmind cells.

    I took a 995 sniper into the Tribute hall against the ogre and stood the same distance for each shot. I have no opening shot, etc mods, but I made sure to reload, make sure no other buffs were active, etc before each shot to the ogre's face.

    The results were:

    • With no cell or tether: 14721
    • With cell: 16194 (10%)
    • With tether: 19138 (30%)
    • With tether and cell: 21005 (42.6%)

    So not only do they both apply, but it looks like it is multiplicative as well. We brought it into a lost sector on Titan to test too, just to make sure. Couple it with being able to reliably proc a warmind cell with Tyrant's Surge, and it feels like things could be interesting!

    Edit: So as u/laserapocalypse pointed out, it might have acted like a buff. So we went back in and tested with well and tether and got the following:

    • With no cell, tether, or well: 14721
    • With well: 18402 (25%)
    • With well and tether: 23922 (62.5%)
    • With well, tether, and cell: 26314 (78.75%)

    So it definitely stacks with both buffs and debuffs!

    submitted by /u/trisscar1212
    [link] [comments]

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