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    Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    Destiny Daily Questions [2020-04-28]

    Destiny Daily Questions [2020-04-28]

    Daily Questions [2020-04-28]

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

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    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Bungie, I Would Much Rather Receive a Random Amount of Planetary Mats Instead of Blues as Activity Rewards

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    I understand that not all rewards can be 75+ stat exotic God rolls. There is a place in the reward structure of this game for blue weapons and armor but at this point in my Destiny journey, I would much rather receive 10 or 20 Dusklight Shards as opposed to a blue Warlock Bond. I would love if there was an option to prioritize mats over blue armor and/or weapons as rewards for activities.

    Edit: To be clear, I'm suggesting an option that allows players to choose to be rewarded with planetary mats over blues. Maybe even make it a Ghost shell perk. For most well established players, I think this would be preferable. Blues still serve a purpose for many and they should still be able to earn them.

    Edit #2: A lot of you are saying we should just have auto dismantle which is fine however, I don't know about the rest of you but I don't need any more Gunsmith materials. I have stacks in my vault. What I use every day though, are planetary materials and glimmer. Those are necessary for endgame builds and leveling up vaulted weapons and armor.

    submitted by /u/Tr1angleChoke
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    The pyramid ships is just fenchurch coming to restock eververse

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    makes sense right?

    Darkness? Eververse?

    Edit: apparently two people can't think of relatively the same, very basic joke. Some of y'all are dumb.

    Edit 2: thanks for the gold :)

    submitted by /u/cutfiberlines
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    Grandmaster Nightfall is the apex of Bungie's inability to define the kind of game they want Destiny to be

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    After debating as to whether or not I actually wanted to try my hand at the newly released GM Nightfall based on anecdotal accounts of poor rewards and a generally unappealing pitch from Bungie themselves, I ended up being invited to play with two other clanmates of comparable skill last night so I decided 'to hell with it' and jumped in to see what it was about.

    I have so many thoughts about what is wrong with this mode that I almost don't know where to begin, but I wanted to share them here in case others were curious or Bungie happened to drop in and hear what I have to say.

    First, I have been playing Destiny since the beta on Xbox One (we didn't get the alpha) and have put in a pretty good amount of time over the last almost six years, taking breaks here and there whenever I needed one. The first Destiny remains one of my favorite games of all time, in a hobby that I have around 35 years in. Destiny 2, while featuring many fantastic elements, just isn't the same to me, but it's the one that is still being updated with new content, so here I am.

    I'm recently back after a year-long hiatus from the game, so I have been learning all the ways in which player investment and engagement have changed since I left at the beginning of Season of the Forge. I (obviously) hate the bounty grind but I like Armor 2.0 and the seasonal mods, at least in theory. That is, up until the moment you realize how absolutely pointless they are.

    That moment came for me last night during the GM Nightfall. I have been theorycrafting and testing builds utilizing mods from this season and last's and had found that some were legitimately strong and some were just fun. After seeing Bungie tout that builds would be important during this "new" activity, I felt like having spent time putting some together might pay off in this end game content. I could not have been more wrong.

    GM Nightfall is a slog fest, like most of Destiny 2's 'endgame' content. Standard redbar's with the health of a Valus. Enemies with a grenade/ability recharge of mere seconds. One shot instant kills from nearly everything at every range. Burn/tick effects that kill almost as soon as they are inflicted. Horseshit stomp mechanics, with increased environmental damage to boot. It all smacks of a dev studio that either doesn't play its own game, having no idea what is enjoyable about it, or gets personally offended watching players at the high end make their content look trivial.

    Your build doesn't matter. Most abilities don't really matter. Most supers don't do much in the face of such sponges. You're essentially playing a cover-based shooter, hiding from everything with the knowledge that if you get shot, you are dead and that that endangers your teammates who will need to come and revive you, forcing them to hide even more to reduce the risk of wiping and losing all progress made. No build will allow you to engage with the enemies in this mode and survive.

    Destiny 2 is not a cover-based shooter. Fuck, there isn't even much cover in most of the environments in the game, nor is there really a mechanic where you can take cover. It's supposed to be a first-person shooter with action/RPG elements. It feels best when you are frantically balancing your movement, both horizontal and vertical, aim, weapon selection and use of your class' abilities. The game only feels like this in the low-level, braindead content that now makes up about 90% of the game. Minus the lack of challenge, this content is where the game has the most consistency and fun.

    Diablo (and Borderlands and others) are greatest when you can engage with endgame content with a build utilizing weapons, armor and abilities earned through progression. As an example, I could choose to invest in health/regen abilities that proc on kills to increase my uptime in battle, thereby making me an active participant in both the design of the encounter and the core part of the gameplay. Can you imagine if all Diablo classes had three barely differing ability sets that you couldn't customize and the endgame consisted of you sitting at one corner of the screen, taking ranged shots at targets and then retreating when they aggro'd?

    Being one-shot or stomped and sent flying into a wall or into a pit is not fucking fun. Avoiding risk because there is no counter or anyway to build against it is not fun. Being forced to use weapon types seasonally that are ineffective at long range, and then forcing us to only engage at long range or die, is no fun. Not being able to employ most exotic weapons or armor because most legendaries are better or more relevant is no fun. Besides, when we all learn what the best weapons are and use them to the exclusion of everything else, Bungie will just saltily nerf and put them out to pasture the next time they get around to adjusting the sandbox.

    Also, not being rewarded for my time is no fun. We only wiped twice before clearing the strike on the third time, but both wipes were at Kargan and represented 25-30 mins of lost time. Our successful run took us past the 45 minute mark so all told, we spent 2+ hours attempting to clear it. And after a final battle that took over 20 mins due to the hundreds of bullet resistant adds and Kargan's massive health pool, where we had a member down that we couldn't rez because we went past 45 mins, we each got between 3-4 prisms and one of us got a non-meta exotic with a middling stat roll. Fuck off with that.

    The title and rewards are not worth doing the activity. The activity is not worth the frustration. The frustration is not worth your time.

    The level of tone deafness required to push this out the door and speak of it as some kind of positive addition to the game during the recent backlash to the state of the gameplay loop and investment systems is stupefying. Who thought any of this was a good idea?

    Bungie, with Destiny, absolutely nail the part so many studios cannot - the feel, sound and look of the gunplay and action, minute to minute. Where they fail is in enemy and encounter design, adding meaningful RPG elements and in creating an overarching vision for the story and systems that pays off, both for themselves and the players, through their investment to deepening it.

    Destiny 2 is sterile and shallow. With a few exceptions it has none of the original game's tone or mood, mostly worthless loot and a largely uninspired collection of activities designed to be completed by any free-to-play potato on one end and to troll paying and invested players on the other.

    None of this is meant to personally insult any of the fine people who work on the game day-to-day, and I know development is hardTM, but there'd be more leeway for mistakes around here if community engagement/goodwill and communication were better. The last TWAB was a good start but the general silence when complaints are loudest and the doubling down on disliked design and unfriendly business practices smack of arrogance and bad leadership, even if that isn't necessarily the case.

    TLDR GM Nightfall is the gold standard of a dev that doesn't understand its own game - terribly designed, terribly implemented and terribly incentivized.

    submitted by /u/Onlyallthetime
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    Taking my two sons through their first raid

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    This past Christmas, my wife and I decided to get our two sons (10 and 14) each a ps4, and Destiny 2 as their big gift, so in our "game room" (basement) we have 3 ps4's lined up to play together. My own live in fireteam. I showed them all the older content and told them they had to finish most of the quests before they could get the dlc. One thing they have been asking to do was run a raid. My clan has been quiet as I imagine many are right now, so getting 6 people together is tough. Well this past Saturday night that changed. I was playing some crucible with a clanmate who is on regularly like myself. Two other clanmates (not my sons) hopped on. While in the chat party my younger son asked when we could do Eater of Worlds. I was about to explain that it is hard to get a raid together. Before I got the words out I hear the two clanmates say they have never run EOW and have wanted to. My regular clanmate says we could take them through. So I grab my sons and we head in to EOW with 2 experienced and 4 never having done it. I have sherpa'd many raids in my day. Mostly the year one raids. Showing my kids how to do it was a whole other animal. We finished on a little under 3 hours, which isn't bad. They did really well all things considered. I learned I could stand to be more patient and as my son pointed out talk slower when I explain. Which was met with laughter from other in the group. I know Destiny may be in a valley for many out there but running this older raid with my boys was a strong peak. Thanks for reading.

    Edit 1: Thanks to Trabiko for my first ever Platinum ! and to Real_Jadino for the Home Time!

    Edit 2: Thanks to anonymous redditor for the Gold!

    I am surprised how much this blew up! I appreciate all the kind responses.

    Edit 3: Thanks to Tomfromabove for wholesome award. And to the anonymous guardian for another platinum.

    Edit 4: I base my 1 hour time on what my cosherpa said. I went back and looked up my raid report. It took us 2 hours and 39 minutes. Apologies to those who gave me the kudos. For what its worth we had some loss time due to teammates getting errors. I do not want to deceive anyone. Thanks for understanding.

    submitted by /u/CutFr0mAb0v31
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    Can we look at reworking Black Talon's catalyst? It was amazing for one season and now it's very awkward.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    For those unfamiliar, Black Talon is an exotic sword that has a perk which lets you fire off projectiles as its heavy attack (named Crow's Wings). The catalyst does the following:


    Shots blocked immediately after guarding increase the damage of Crow's Wings for a very short duration.

    So the idea is to effectively just block (guard right before the attack hits) an attack then go ham with crow's wings. Before when you could spam heavies this was great. However, now we have two issues.

    1. Guarding an attack consumes your sword meter, which drastically reduces your heavy attack's strength if it isn't full. So we now need to go back into a string of lights before our heavy, or just stand there awkwardly.
    2. Using a heavy attack completely diminishes your sword meter, which means instead of spamming Crow's Wings, you get off 1 hit then go back to light swipes.

    Can Bungie look into changing how Black Talon works? Overall I'm a big fan of the sword changes, but my favorite sword in the game was gutted 3 months after a great buff.

    submitted by /u/SuperDavio42
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    After two months, still awaiting my artist emblem.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    UPDATE: Thanks to everyone's support, emblem has been acquired! I also see I helped a few others get theirs. Thanks again, be good to each other, see you starside.

    On February 24th I had some work featured on Bungie's Twitter and Instagram. Over two months later I have yet to receive the emblem. Link to relevant post to Bungie's Twitter

    Adastra57 had their work featured a few days before me and they received theirs Link to that on IG They're actually an awesome artist, seriously check their stuff out here

    Now to be clear, I don't want this to come across as complaining. I understand this is about the time Bungie staff started working from home due to COVID-19. I'm willing to be more than patient about this. I'd be happy to wait months more if I could get a response. I've made several efforts to contact Bungie through other means to no response. I also have concerns because people are still being featured regularly through art, MOTW, and "Bungie Bounties".

    For what it's worth I was also featured back in 2017 on Bungie's Twitter and Instagram which was before emblems for this sort of thing even existed.

    My friend Marvin was also featured back in January and also hasn't received it. Link to that Twitter post

    Maybe something will come of this maybe not. Regardless, thanks for looking r/destinythegame

    Here's my Instagram if anyone wants to see it

    And my Twitter

    Spyke out

    submitted by /u/SPYK3O
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    Bungie can we please get some sort of reasoning why theres such a HUGE amount of triumphs that award 0 triumph score?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:26 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/Arctyy
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    Finally I understood the plan to destroy the Almighty

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    It's clear now,the Titan's flag will reach the Almighty and we're going to stab it with it.

    submitted by /u/Bonny72
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    Weapons such as Heir apparent are the reason I've been playing this franchise for 5 1/2 years

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Before you start insulting me :

    Yes ,the grind to get it was tedious and way too long.

    Yes, I hate bounties too.With all my heart

    Yes, the game has many flaws atm, mostly due to the terrible Season Pass model


    Nobody can get closer to Bungie about the way guns feel...Heir Apparent makes me feel like Arnold back on Terminator 2 or Jesse Ventura on Predator, feels so good and destroys enemies like they are made of paper

    Props to the designers for creating such and awesome weapon, seriously.This is probable the weakest Season we ever had but this LMG is the real deal

    PS:And that sound......................fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi

    submitted by /u/powerdrive1971
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    What About Using The European Aerial Zone Map For A Large Game Of Capture the Flag?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    12v12? Is that possible, it was a big area but it was contained. I'm not sure what the max # if players this game can handle. 6v6 would be too small I thjnk I think it's a waste we've only seen it once. Even a large game of Control or Clash would be fun. By large I mean maximum number of players. But I think either the CTF mode where it spawns in the center and bring it to your base or Both teams have a flag where you need to get kn grab it and return to your base.

    submitted by /u/kgs1977
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    To whoever's idea it was too have Laurels auto-retrieve in Gambit: Thank You So Much

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    Just that. Makes my life not suck and I appreciate you.

    submitted by /u/Aulakauss
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    I’m tired of grinding catalysts that do not make the weapon any more exciting to use.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    So I just finished the fighting lion catalyst and I literally can't tell the difference. I had to go back and check to see if I applied it. I feel like the ratio of grind vs reward for these bastards are way off. Not worse than turning in a shit ton of medals only to get some rare gear and a 44 chest piece but still.

    submitted by /u/vogtw7482
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    Change the Whisper scope to show the darkness effect when Whispered Breathing is procced

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Title (and yes, I know Bungie doesn't sort by New, but the request has to start somewhere).

    Once there are a bunch of buffs active, such as a raid boss damage phase, the Whispered Breathing buff is difficult to parse, and requires the player to pay attention to the truncated buff list instead of focusing on the boss.

    There is already a great effect when scoped with Whisper; the little darkness tendrils writhing around the edges. This effect could be modified to only appear once Whispered Breathing is procced, or to be be larger/smaller to give the indication.

    It would be nifty to be able to tell from the scope effect when I'm good to unload the mag, instead of having to keep my eyes glued to the buff list and hope it shows up in the mix of the half dozen other effects that are active.

    Thank you for coming to my TE_D2 talk :).

    submitted by /u/GoldenDestiny
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    Bungie should disclose the total amount of medals per class during Guardian Games

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    Am I the only one?

    submitted by /u/rafaskinner
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    I think there's something wrong with the Guardian Games banners.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    These pics were taken at the same time by me and my friend. Not sure what's going on... I feel like we just saw a glitch in the matrix.


    submitted by /u/RetGsfdg
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    Bungie suffers from an acute case of over-ambition.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    We saw it even before Destiny came out:


    Now I can state multiple examples of this throughout the course of Destiny's history, but the reason I bring this up now is because of the seasonal model. No other game is trying to be a free-to-play AND fully paid game. Warframe and Fortnite are both free to play, whereas Borderlands and GTA are paid. Many paid AAA games suffer from too many microtransactions, but the problem with Destiny right now is that paid players are being treated like free to play players. Because yeah, if you're game is free I completely would understand the focus on Eververse. But for your dedicated fan base that's put hundreds of dollars into this game, paying more just to get very little content but see countless Eververse skins added to the game? Yeah, it sucks.

    Bungie needs to choose one or the other. They're trying to have both, and they're understaffed.

    I don't want Destiny to be free to play. It's ruining the game. Destiny has always been a grindy looter-shooter built for the dedicated player who is willing to pay hundreds of dollars over the course of a decade. Every time Bungie has tried to appeal to the mass audience, the game has gone to shit. D2 vanilla is a perfect example. Stop catering to the masses, and treat your dedicated players with respect.

    submitted by /u/cristianp2103
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    Grandmaster NF feels rushed and extremely pointless.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    It honestly feels Like Bungie just came up with it a week before the season dropped.

    First off there are pretty much no rewards that makes you wanna play it. No master worked armor, not high stats armor. Nothing. Only reason I even attempted it was for the seal.

    Now the real issue- it sucks ass. You get one shot by everything. Each champion takes 3 mins to deal with. And to top it all off getting higher then 1025 will make no deference.

    Like it's not about skill. It's literally about not getting one shot by a fucking red bar. Raid challenges can be challenging. Special triumphs can be challenging. But this? This is just stupidly difficult for no reason. It's the same fucking strike but you die instantly from everything.

    submitted by /u/Oravital1
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    Every Warlock Bond should be as good as the Sage Rivalry Bond

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    The Sage Rivalry Bond (or the Guardian Games bond) is the best looking bond in the game. It's noticeable enough to be worthy of my armor slot.

    There are so many bonds that just look like a bracelet on my bicep. Even some of the flashy ones from Festival of the Lost and Solstice of Heroes are too small to be noticeable without looking for them.

    But with the Sage Rivalry Bond, the wings are very defined and detailed, and the GG icon rotates every so often to draw more attention to the bond. It is the best warlocks have received in terms of a class item, which we usually seem shafted from while hunters and titans get all the cool and noticeable ones.

    I'm not asking Bungie to make every bond this detailed and unique, but do I want them to make bonds more visual and noticeable. To be on par with titan and hunter class items. This was a great first step, but I wanna see more Bungie.

    submitted by /u/GanjiPls
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    Yo I get it's not at all his style but could Toland PLEASE shut the fuck up while I'm defending that plate

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    Just shut the fuck up, you incorporate douche. At this point I'd sooner hear about Fenchurch.

    submitted by /u/rexwrecksautomobiles
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    [For the newcomers] 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Playing Destiny 2

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    1. Using a weapon/armor to infuse into a better copy of the SAME weapon/armor only costs 1000 glimmer instead of upgrade modules.
    2. There are apps and websites that allow you to move items around from your characters to your vault (2 that I use are: Destiny Item Manager and the official Destiny 2 Companion App for iOS)
    3. Pulling out your Ghost expands the details of your current patrol/quest/objective so you know exactly what you should do next. For example, a patrol may tell you to defeat enemies, but you may wonder why killing 10 Dregs doesn't count towards your progress. Pulling out your Ghost reveals the details of the patrol and it may ask you to kill 10 VANDALS or a specific kind of enemy to progress.
    4. STRIKES ARE STORY SPOILERS. If you haven't done any of the story campaigns (Red War, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, Forsaken, Shadowkeep) then you may not want to just dive into strikes so quickly. The first 3 campaigns are free (Red War, Curse of Osiris, Warmind) so if you don't want to be so confused about wtf is going on in the galaxy, you may want to just try them out first.
    5. The weapon at the top row of your inventory is always Kinetic (slight bonus damage to armor-less enemies but doesn't work well against shielded enemies).
    6. If you currently have a special weapon equipped (one that takes green ammo boxes), switching it in your inventory to a weapon that uses Primary ammo (white boxes) give that primary weapon a good amount of ammo to start, but the reverse is not true. Switching from a primary to special ammo weapon will start off at 0 ammo.
    7. Turning in planetary materials like Dusklight Shards and Seraphite to that planets main vendor NPC will award you with a random weapon or armor with that planets theme, but those planetary materials are also required to purchase other more valuable items and other rare currencies later on. Try not to spend currency too early in the game.
    8. Weapons with the High-Caliber Rounds perk make enemies stagger when you shoot them. Weapons without this perk take more shots to make them stagger. This can explain why sometimes enemies just run straight through your bullet spray and some weapons make them stagger in one shot. If you are struggling with certain enemies, this is a great perk to have.
    9. Weapons and abilities that have a Blinding effect force the enemy to stop shooting and walk around disoriented for a few seconds. This is incredibly useful if you are trying to either get away from a mob or try to kill very aggressive enemies.
    10. Anything Yellow or flashing is worth investigating. This could be a random quest with a yellow box in your menu, or something in a cave that looks like its glowing or flashing. Light is a common theme in this game so don't hesitate to go to the light. Sometimes they lead you to something really cool!
    submitted by /u/Kahiyao
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    Guardian Games 2020: When I hear a popped super in rumble, I try to find this guy that he can kill me with it.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    I know rumble can be hard sometimes, especially when you are just a casual pvp player like me and not a hardcore shotgun ape sweaty motherfucker. So I mostly get one superkill in rumble or even less... frick you snipers! And I don't even play rumble that much...
    So, I at least try to make the 25 rumble superkills a bit easier for whoever is my enemy and needs these kills too. You are welcome.

    submitted by /u/P_UDDING
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    I drew a big ass Deathbringer! Done in Copic marker 18X24 inches.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    So are we just gonna forget about the fact that Osiris threatened Rasputin at the start of the season?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    I wanna see more on this.

    submitted by /u/DankestBench
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    How Backup Plan works on LFRs

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    So, remember that a while ago Bungie decided to nerf Backup Plan? Amongst other things, they made it so that, when active, it brings down the impact value of your fusion rifle to the "Rapid Fire Frame", the lowest impact of all Fusions.

    Some days later, while dumping all my gunsmith material because why not, I got a Crooked Fang LFR with Backup Plan. I was curious as to how the perk behaved on LFR, because there is only one archetype of those, so you don't really have any "Rapid Fire" LFR to compare it to. So I brought it inside the tribute hall and shot at the Ogre.. Well with Backup Plan active I was hitting for 16980 for crits and 5648 for bodyshots, while without it active I was hitting for 21552 for crits and 7169 for bodyshots. This translates to a roughly 20% less damage on every shot with Backup Plan active.

    I then took out a Precision Frame (same archetype as the LFR) with Backup Plan to see how the numbers compared. With the perk active it hit 2309 per bolt, for a total of 7 bolts and 16163 total damage while without the perk it hit 2606 per bolt, for a total of 7 bolts and 18242 total damage. The damage reduction is only around 10%.

    I then took a High Impact fusion with Backup Plan for further testing. It still hit the same 2309 per bolt with the perk active, and without the perk it hit 2919 per bolt total of 7 bolts and total damage of 20433. The damage reduction in this case is around 20%.

    It does seem that the game treats the only archetype of LFR as a "High Impact" just because it's the only one and has by default the highest impact in class. It is also worth noting how the damage numbers are extremely close, despite LFR being a heavy and a precision weapon, while regular Fusion rifles are a special and not a precision weapon.

    So yeah, this is how Backup Plan works on LFRs. I'm sure this information is borderline useless for everybody, as nobody really uses this type of weapon, but I was curious, as Bungie never really stated anything about this.

    EDIT: Some formatting.

    EDIT2: Obligatory Holy F thanks Reddit for the Front Page!

    submitted by /u/Clickbait93
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