• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 22, 2020

    Destiny Do not save medals, despite not saying anything, they will disappear after 24 hours.

    Destiny Do not save medals, despite not saying anything, they will disappear after 24 hours.

    Do not save medals, despite not saying anything, they will disappear after 24 hours.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    I found this out the hard way. Its literally bounties, but even if you complete them, they get deleted after the 24 hours. I thought they wouldn't get deleted because no timer under them, but nope. I honestly don't understand why this is a thing.

    Edit: Bit late on the edit, but seems like it's more than likely it is a bug as plenty of people are saying they have theirs still and plenty are saying they are missing theirs.

    submitted by /u/MiniorDebry
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    Laurels Should Be Auto Collected In All Activities

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I can't be the only one who doesn't enjoy following teammates in roaming supers like a stupid conga line. If it can be implemented in the Crucible, why not everywhere else?

    Edit: I made this post without realising Gambit automatically collects them. Personally, still not enough

    submitted by /u/OranMyles
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    Hey Bungie, next time you want me to support my favorite class could you not make playing all 3 of my characters the most efficient way to grind for the event exotic?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:17 AM PDT


    A salty Warlock that felt obligated to play on his filthy Hunter yesterday

    submitted by /u/Anonymous521
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    Bungie, never... Never do Rumble Super Kills as a triumph ever again. It is not fun. It is pure suffering. Especially for average and bad players.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Seriously, who at your Studio came up with this bullshit? You maybe thought that people would go in, have some fun with this task... Do you know what really happens?

    Tryhards farming average and bad players who don't play that mode at all. Because they don't play it they don't have a skill rating for that mode which matches them with all types of skill levels. This ruins the fun in the mode.

    Next problem is that you have to land super kills in that mode for progress which leads to people sweating like hell for most super energy. By default you get only 1 super per rumble match. If you suck in that mode and the kind of pressure applied to your playstyle you barely will get more than 1 kill with a super which means you have to play this mode, go in, wait for your super to be ready (which takes around 4 minutes of deaths and kills, suffering to stay alive and barely any kind of fun), then you try to get a kill with your super.

    Due to mindbenders and astral horizon being meta in every gamemode the chance of dying in super is even bigger because of crossfire and said shotguns. You probably get the one kill, die, and leave the lobby because you know you won't get another super in the short matchtime and small score limit. Then you continue this suffering which takes around 4h to get done at best for average and bad players.

    This results in people simply sweating, supering and leaving matches besides from those leading the lobbies.

    If that is what you had in mind Bungie, well done. Stupid idea.

    Edit: For those thinking how long it took me, an average player on PC at best... I needed 4 hours. 4h of suffering, anger and frustration before it was done. All of this could have prevented if Bungie simply would have made the task to kill 100 guardians with supers in crucible overall instead.

    Edit 2: Some people have progress without having played rumble. That's probably because the triumph does track progress from the Revelry which was last year around.

    tl;dr: Triumph takes too long and is annoying as same as frustrating for the average/bad player because Rumble is a gamemode which has at best 1-2 supers while in other modes people get more supers and more kills with them than in Rumble.

    submitted by /u/Talia_Sendua
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    [TowerThought] Warlocks won't come close to winning because they are too smart to bounty farm

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    They probably spend all their time in game running raids and playing the most engaging content instead of mindless bounty farming.

    submitted by /u/destinyvoidlock
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    Conspiracy Theory: The Guardian Games are Rigged

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Spinfoil hats on everyone!

    So remember how we were all worried about balancing the population for Guardian Games, being that Hunters make up an estimated slightly more than half the population? We received this message from Maurice, the CM for Germany: "In the Guardian Games, the excess number of hunters is statistically taken into account when determining the results. All three classes have the same chances!" So there's confirmed to be some form of balancing mechanic at play, something that Bungie at large has yet to discuss exactly how this gets calculated.

    Yesterday, we watched as Hunters rose to first place and then stayed there all day. It appeared that Titans and Warlocks has some back and forth, but right at the end the Titans prevailed, mind you still far beneath the Hunter flagmark. Now today, which should theoretically be almost no different from yesterday, we see Titans rise to the top and Hunters sitting in second place? Why? How? Heir Apparent, even if you're running all three classes all medals and bounties every day, is still as of yet unobtainable, so theoretically roughly the same population playing yesterday should be playing today. Are you saying there's a big enough player change in effort to allow for yesterday's landslide victory to mean nothing today?

    Or did Bungie's hidden mechanic kick in?

    Now we get into my conspiracy theory here: The Games are rigged, and rigged for a tie. I know what you'll say: "Bungie specifically said they won't monkey with the numbers to have another class win!". Yeah, and they also said they'd be toning down on Eververse. Hear me out on this:

    First off, the winner is based off of number of daily wins. From the TWAB: "At the end of the event, your daily placements will be combined for a final score." Being that the event is running for 3 weeks, this means that the number of available days is perfectly divisible by 3. Seems awfully convenient that a 3-way battle for a winner could result in a 3-way tie. Combine that with the fact that it appears that there's some influence already happening based on the major shift on the second day, it wouldn't be hard at all for Bungie to manipulate this into every class evening out. I'm not saying it will evenly rotate every day with a new winner, but over the course of the next 19 days it could pan out.

    Second, look at the rewards. Not the dismantle junk you get for doing medals, but the winners rewards: "a permanent reminder of which class wins being added to the Tower for the rest of the year" and "your item's metallic appearance locks … for the rest of the year". Bungie has avoided directly stating that one class is better than the others up to this point, instead saying that they each have their own value (just ignore the favoritism in treatment). Why would they attempt to polarize the community by having a quantifiable "we're better" added to the tower? It's a YEAR, and that's assuming that in a year we're actually getting another guardian games. What makes more sense; having a winner that then causes gloating and infighting amongst the community over the next year OR having a tie so that they can say that we're all great and no one is better than anyone else? (Plus, the class items all have the default icon as the gold winners style. Not a smoking gun, but an interesting point.)

    In summary: GGames is rigged, nothing matters, get Heir Apparent and then who cares about farming kills for medals?

    Edit: I'm not saying that I think it should be rigged, I'm just saying it's likely in Bungie's self interest and the clues point that direction.

    submitted by /u/TheCaptainOfNothing
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    Gotta say, as a New Light blueberry limiting the number of quests to 63 seems both arbitrary and stupid.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Almost every day I run into the max limit of quests / bounties. I have done a good amount of content but there's still a LOT for me to do so I still have a shitload of quests left. And the game's dependence on bounties makes it so I run into the limit a lot.

    Why is the limit set to 63? And wouldn't it be more logical to have a separate limit for bounties? Actually, why have a limit at all???

    submitted by /u/ruccola
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    Guardian Games doesn’t show who the best class is, it just shows which class has the biggest player base. Can we stop pretending this is going to be any kind of competition?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Look, I like the idea behind this event. I really do, much like a lot of things in this game. But the problem, and the first day really showed the problem, is that Hunters are going to always be in first place. It hasn't even been close and I don't see how "well it's the first day lets see how it plays out." mantra is going to hold for this event, especially if these daily medals are the only thing to gauge any metrics. As a Titan I can do them once a day and that's it AFAIK. I can't even attempt to grind them out like Lost Sector packages during Faction Rallies.

    One of the Bungie devs even stated, "I love warlocks, but lets be honest... Hunters are going to win."

    And I don't even care about winning or losing this event. Hunters will get their golden cloaks for a year and I'm fine with that. But can we also acknowledge this really doesn't prove anything, wasn't fair to begin with and the "bragging rights" aren't that meaningful. Because selling this event as a competition at least in its current state seems like a farce to me.

    It would be like Blizzard trying to sell casuals on the Ahn'Qiraj event by telling them "you could become a Scarab Lord too" which, yeah technically true, but anyone who played through that event knew realistically one guild per server who got there first would be the only ones to really get it. In my case, it was an Alliance guild and I played Horde. No chance in hell I was ever going to become the coveted Scarab Lord with accompanying Silithid bug mount.

    I know our "Scarab Lord" wants us to have a similar feeling in this game. And thats cool. I can even dig it, because while my part in opening the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj were small, I still enjoyed participating because we were all for the first time ever, working together Horde and Alliance.

    However this event by contrast, to me at least, seems rigged from the start and forces community division. And what's worse is that if you want to maximize your time with the event because FOMO, you have to play all three characters which sort of defeats the point of playing your "main." I know this is just a light hearted event and shouldn't take things too seriously but I wish as a Titan, (or Warlock) that I could actually have a fighting chance. But I just don't see it happening.

    Edit: howdy folks!, this blew up more than I expected so I can't really respond to everyone. But the main things I've read comment wise has been "they are adjusting for population" and "titans are winning at the moment". And that's 100% true, I made this post before I knew the current situation of today and I'll eat that crow. But I also feel like those who responded may have missed my overall point - that this is not so much an actual competition. Bungie even admits to adulterating (ahem, "adjusting") the actual data behind the scenes to weight the class population. I find it interesting the flag positions are the same yesterday except the Titans are waaaaay up top while Hunters and Warlocks are closer to each other. These similarities in position could be explained by that's just where the flags are when they represent 1st, 2nd, 3rd but I was under the impression there was more of a dynamic scale to all this. And the way this event is set up the results will still be determined by the most used class. Even if that means most played class instead of the class with the highest population. The only way to progress is still gated to only a select few medals being earned in a day. So even if Titans are winning now, all that proves is more Titans are doing the event.

    This truth could even have drastic implications on the Hunter class and how they potentially fare, because even though theres more Hunters in the wild if they don't play the event those that do will be unfairly handicapped and their progress will be largely meaningless. I don't know how Bungie could ever predict how the entire player base plays and reduces it down to a simple mathematical algorithm that is perfect. When you meddle with the data, you throw out any semblance of a competition in my opinion. Then again, I'm not a statistician and I don't have access to all the big data they have.

    Now spinfoil hat time, if they are already messing with the actual data behind the scenes who's to say they aren't curating who wins and looses each day? There is definitely a precedent set from past gaffs where Bungie was adjusting the game behind the scenes, for example XP throttling in D2Y1. Would Bungo really let Warlocks be last place every day? With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if Warlocks won tomorrow. (Another crow I am about to eat for sure.) I've been suspicious of how authentic any of these community events actually are when the only information we get is through Bungie. The stonktaline event seemed to move at an almost calculated pace. It just never felt organic. Would Bungo really have let us "fail" that event? And I've been a DM (for DnD) long enough to know, you fudge the numbers to give players a fun experience but really it's all just an illusion. Ok maybe I'm projecting with this one. But I will say this - if Hunters don't win by a large margin at the end of the event I'll straight up eat an entire 24 variety pack of Crayola Crayons!

    Guardian signing off. Stay healthy out there everyone and I'll see you folks top side! Thanks for the discussion!

    Sincerely, a crayon-eater

    submitted by /u/efurthyisacunt
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    Faction rallies were scrapped because of low engagement, so you replaced it by essentially the same event except without the factions and any gear?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    How is Guardian Games not a bounty grind for what are essentially a different form of tokens, that could have very well just been a faction rally? I honestly don't get Bungie anymore.

    At least Faction Rallies had gear and were linked thematically to the game world. Luke Smith said they weren't popular... at this point I really gotta ask: Why on earth would you think this event is popular?


    My theory: Faction Rallies were scrapped because it's hard to funnel it via Eververse. Too much gear to put into the game instead of into the store. They know if they sold Faction themed armor ornaments in the Eververse everyone would quit the game, so the event has to be disguised as something free and separate from the regular gameplay. I'm still amazed we got another new Eververse armor and still no new Iron Banner armor...

    I don't care how awesome the Fall DLC is. If I don't see an end to this continous Eververse marketing ended and some substantial events coming, I'm out. I can't take this continuous disappointment anymore. I don't mind Eververse if it complements gameplay, but now more and more it seems to be the major funnel for new "content".


    Edit: I'd like to add something because some people think I pile on Eververse hate and in case Bungie reads this. I am not the usual Eververse hater. I like that we went away from loot boxes, I don't mind the bright dust economy, I understand it's a store for additional revenue. What I don't understand is that time and time again we are told there is not enough bandwidth for anything or that events like faction rallies were scrapped because of engagement, and you waste resources on events that noone asked for and somehow have another new Eververse armor for sale.

    submitted by /u/iahangir
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    Grasp of the Warmind lets you have infinite void melees, triggering Doomfangs and void detonators. This means Sentinel Titans can get their super in under 10 seconds.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    I discovered this a few weeks ago when testing warmind cells, but never got around to posting. With the new ability-themed bounty farm, I figured I'd help out my fellow Titan mains:

    The worthy mod Grasp of the Warmind lets you pick up and throw warmind cells. What it doesn't say in the description is that you can melee with them using the fire/light attack button (left click).

    This isn't super strong by itself, but it does count as a charged void melee, and will drop laurels if you get a kill. If you're running middle tree sentinel, each hit will attach void detonators, and if you have Doomfang Pauldrons equipped, each kill will give you ~1/4 of your super. If there are enough red bars (and no teammates stealing kills), you can get your super in under 10 seconds from empty.

    Once you're holding the warmind cell, the timer on it stops and resets, meaning you can hold onto it forever, drop it to use your weapon, and pick it back up within 30 seconds. There does seem to be some kind of distance restriction, where it disappears once you travel far enough.

    Other than cheesing to get quick supers, you might be able to use it to create a janky "bard titan" build for a close-range sword/shotgun fireteam, where you carry around a warmind cell to give everyone in the fireteam 50% damage reduction and 10% buff, as well as giving charged with light for every kill inside the cell's radius. Then you melee with the orb to attach void detonators and give everyone health/ability regen. Once you get your super, you can use banner shield to buff and protect your team while they melt champions or whatever.

    submitted by /u/LegoWitch
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    This game has been plagued by "Get X many kills (Y way) (with Z) (at W destination)" style quest steps. I'm really tired of it. Please tone it down. You've used this lazy design way too many times now. It's not fun, just tedious.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    It makes sense for bounties, but its being used everywhere now. The entirety of guardian games seems to be just that.

    submitted by /u/littledevil1919
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    Kotaku: Destiny 2’s Guardian Days Is Another Boring Bounty Fest So Far

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:46 PM PDT


    Kotaku has seem to have written an article that matches the opinions of many people here harping on the fact that it's just a bounty collect a thon again. The writer feels cautiously optimistic at the end that maybe there is more to it in the end but we will see.

    submitted by /u/ZanyWackyEdgy
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    The "Join In Progress Disabled" modifier on GM nightfalls has no place in the game given its current state with error coding.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Bungie, normally I would feel that this modifier isn't a huge deal.

    My problem with it is that it has no place in a world where beaver error codes happen so frequently. 3 times so far my team has had to reset just because someone gets beavered out and they have no way to get back in. Please at least disable this part of the modifier until you can fix the error codes.

    submitted by /u/Exevol
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    [Poll] How many guardians are collecting Laurels and how many are collecting Yannys?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I am just wondering what you guys are hearing.


    submitted by /u/IdeaPowered
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    If Bungie wants my money come September, they need to start talking about what’s going to be different (better) now/soon.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    As it stands I'm not a satisfied customer, I'm playing now because I have invested 6000 hours in this franchise and a combination of guilt and hope. It was the same with WoW, which I had played for 12 years, but eventually I quit because time and again it didn't meet my expectations, but fell short by substantially smaller margins then Destiny has and only after many more years. At this point I need to know there's a light at the end of the tunnel, that some of changes I'm hoping for are coming, the tease of a brighter future isn't going to cut it this time, I don't care if it's watchable, I care if it's playable ffs.

    EDIT: Really humbled by the response by everyone and the awards. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Empty-ChaosPSN
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    Fuck who wins the Guardian Games. We got 3 Ghosts with Guiding Light AND Speed Demon!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    We won the lottery. Game over. Now let's move on to D3.

    submitted by /u/TheMaestro55
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    Bungie, you really need a reality check if you think a 9 man "heroic" public event is a good idea.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Bit of a short rant, after finishing a event at 91% with 6 people and no plates lost, it's completely unreasonable to expect a patrol lobby to be able to complete this, both because of the sheer volume of high level enemies to manage, and because of the unforgiving time limit.

    This was also after around 6 hours of scouring lfg, most of which either have ridiculous light requirements or don't know how to instance the full lobby. This isn't going to be completed with a 3 man fireteam.

    submitted by /u/De_Quillsta
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    So those hundreds of ads in the Fanatic fight that don't count for anything....they drop Laurels. Happy Farming.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Why is there such reluctance to go back to D1 systems that are far better than D2’s?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    By the end of D1 after endless iterations the bungie team had things perfect, vendors with weekly refreshes, arms day, Factions, ranking up everything by just playing and being awarded with rank up packages! Armour with ornaments that was the best we ever saw! Giant glowy green spikes from crota etc not a token in site! Really good weapons that made you grind, I can remember loads from D1 by there name and hardly any in D2.

    Instead of appreciating how right they already had it it feels like they are iterating for the sake of it. Trials perfect example, had they copy and pasted the trials systems, bounties for weapons and armour, one drop at 3/5/7 and adept lighthouse weapons, people would be obsessed again! Instead of that we have a worse version because they probably wanted to change it for the sake of it with no conceivable benefit!

    Can someone please address why they can't admit it was just better in D1 and look to take us back in that direction? If they added skeleton keys back and strike loot, amazing armour like the crota set people would be hyped again! Until then it feels like bungie is going backwards, when they already had worked out the winning formula the first time round in D1!!

    submitted by /u/Ryankj15
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    Whoever thought of putting completed bounties on the top...thank you.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    Not sure if anyone has posted something like this yet but i actually really like this. When i do bounties i tend to not turn them in until i do my Strike/Crucible/Gambit bounties and i love turning them all in at once. Before i would have to delete a random bounty or two that i didn't bother doing. Now i can turn them all at once. It's a very small change but i really like it. :)

    submitted by /u/TheMetalKing
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    There is a pattern of Bungie avoiding talking about Eververse concerns/complaints and I thought I'd take some time to document it

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    Before I begin I don't want this to be a post that bashes on either of our Community Managers because they do the best they can. I don't want people harassing either Cozmo or DMG over this post I just want to show a concerning trend I've noticed over the past couple of years.

    If you're like me you've probably seen the myriad of "Eververse Bad!" posts make their way to the front page of DTG and wondered why that post almost never gets commented on by the Community Managers u/cozmo23 or /u/dmg04

    I just did a quick search of the top posts complaining or showing concern about Eververse or MTX in general on this sub and compiled them alongside any comments made by the CM's here

    Unsurprisingly there's a lot of complaining to be had about Eververse but what's been concerning me is the seeming lack of communication among most of these threads.

    Out of the top eighteen most-upvoted threads related to Eververse issues only two of them have been responded to

    Of those two threads that have been commented on the comments appear to have fallen upon deaf ears.

    Neither of those threads' sentiments have even been hinted at since they've been passed along to the team and I can only assume there's no plan for either of these changes considering the radio silence on every other "Eververse Bad" thread since these comments were made.

    In fact I'd argue that parts of the Eververse store have gotten worse since DMG passed that info along to the team; since then we've lost BD slots to more useless consumables that appear designed to drain people of BD.

    There is a clear dislike of the current Eververse but it seems that Bungie is intent to ignore these concerns and complaints until it starts to hurt their bottom line which is unfortunate; I certainly don't hate the concept of Eververse but in it's current state it feels far too bloated and I think it's hurting the rest of the game.

    Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

    submitted by /u/DefinitelyNotThatJoe
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    Just a little fishy

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Why are the titans winning today? To me it makes no sense with the overwhelming win the hunters had yesterday. To me this feels like they're just letting another class win to show that its not useless to compete. Im just gonna say it I bet the warlocks win tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/DongleTheSecond
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    The Cost of the Competitive Spirit Armor Bundles in Bounties. SPOILER: It's very bad.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Like everyone else here, I was really disappointed to see that the Competeitive Spirit Armor for Guardian Games was restricted to Eververse. So if you want it you need to shell out $15 per class to get it. Otherwise, it will cost you 6000 Bright Dust per class.

    Now since I'm a dumbass completionist and have an unholy need to have all three sets of ormnaments I decided to do the math and see how many bounties I would need to do to get all three sets with JUST Bright Dust. Here's what I got:

    Weekly Bounties award 200 BD per bounty. During the Guardian Games event you can pick up two bounties from Zavala, Shaxx, Drifter, and Eva for a total of eight bounties.

    • 200 x 8 = 1,600 BD per week on one character.

    Assuming you hate yourself as much as I do and you do all eight bounties on all three characters, we get:

    • 1,600 x 3 = 4800 BD per week per account.

    The Guardian Games event lasts for three weeks, so:

    • 4,800 x 3 = 14,400 BD from weekly bounties during the event.

    The armor ornaments cost 6,000 BD per character for the whole set.

    • 6,000 x 3 = 18,000

    So if we take all of the BD we earn from the event and compare it to the cost of the armor set:

    • 18,000 - 14,400 = 3,600 BD

    After completing ALL of the weekly bounties on ALL THREE of our characters, we still need 3,600 more BD. This is where the Additional Daily Bounties come in.

    Additional Daily Bounties award 10 BD upon completion.

    • 3,600 / 10 = 360 Bounties.

    CONCLUSION: If you're like me and don't want to shell out MORE MONEY for the Guardian Games Armor set and ONLY want to spend Bright Dust on the sets, this it what it will cost you.

    • 72 Weekly Bounties for 14,400 Bright Dust
    • 360 Additional Daily Bounties for the remaining 3,600 Bright Dust
    submitted by /u/Ryan2112
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    COLLAPSE | Destiny 2 Animation (by Drexis Animations)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    The fact that Saint-14 doesn’t have any dialogue for guardian games is inconceivable

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    You would think that the legend himself would have something supportive to say to all the Titans in guardian games.

    submitted by /u/-GiantSlayer-
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