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    Saturday, May 23, 2020

    Destiny Bungie Store Community Artist Series

    Destiny Bungie Store Community Artist Series

    Bungie Store Community Artist Series

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/49121

    We are pleased to announce the next installment of the Bungie Store Community Artist Series. This is the second collection of official merchandise featuring art from the Destiny community – and it's available now!

    Please join us in celebrating our creative and talented community with these limited edition collectible products. Each artist receives a revenue share of sales from their product design. The program is currently by invite only and we plan on adding more designs throughout the year.

    Jen Whaley: "Guardians of the Exile" Tumbler

    Image Linkimgur

    My name is Jen Whaley. Online I'm known as Jennwhale! While I have experience working in various styles, my main focus is line-work; using both digital and traditional mediums. Bungie has wonderful artists that create incredibly gorgeous experiences that I love to celebrate with my own art. I love the Moon, Dreadnaught, and all things Hive! Creating fan art to spread the joy of Destiny was the goal, but in return, I got much more: a loving community and acknowledgment from the company who originally created the beautiful game I draw fan art for!

    Emily Chapman: "I am the Crucible" T-Shirt

    Image Linkimgur

    Drawing has always been my favorite hobby! Around five years ago, I discovered Prismacolor Premier Pencils, they are amazing at blending and I love working with them!

    I really enjoy drawing characters and space, as I am super into astronomy. My style tries to reflect realism and I often choose to include gold in my artwork! Destiny is a huge source of inspiration for me as it is so aesthetically pleasing - I see it as an interactive masterpiece. Last year I graduated university with a Bachelor of Arts in Game Development. I am now a full-time freelance artist, pursuing a career in concept/illustration!

    Nathaniel Chua: "Iron Wolves" Poster

    Image Linkimgur

    Hi! I'm Nathaniel and I started creating art at a young age with the work of the late Quinton Hoover (RIP) being my biggest inspiration. I love mixing genres and creating customized art from existing properties while trying not to illustrate what's already been done. It's both a fun challenge and my way of getting lost.

    I love how Destiny combines styles from different cultures – I'm looking forward to an Oceanic theme! Making art is an extension of what I enjoy in Destiny and as long as there are good stories and characters, I'll keep making art that the community can hopefully enjoy!

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Questions [2020-05-23]

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

    Bought the DLC? Shadowkeep FAQ

    Need Guidance? Collection of selected guides

    Shadowkeep & New Light known issues

    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Bungie, I wouldn’t mind nerfing damage perks if it didn’t take 2-3 shots of a hand cannon to kill an acolyte

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Why? I'm all for reducing the damage of kill clip and rampage if it means the base damage of weapon types gets boosted (maybe that could make it so other perks see the light of day), but just making weapons weaker and weaker along with perks is so disheartening. I don't feel like I'm wielding a weapon from a crazy wish dragons taken underling, I feel like I'm using a potato gun. This is all exaggerated but you get the point.

    Edit: Checking back on this post and it garnered a lot of attention, nice to know others share the same sentiment as I do. Also! Obligatory thank you kind stranger for the platinum.

    submitted by /u/EJVDG56111
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    What's the point of buying ornaments if weapons are now temporary?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Bungie has just released the new ornament of Felwinter's Lie in eveverse and even thought I'm not really sure if I'm going to keep playing the game (because weapon retirement is kinda a last nail in the coffin for me) I was about to buy it, but then I realized that there's no point whatsoever in buying a skin if I will not be able to use it whenever I want it. I mean why the hell should I spend real money on a thing that I will be forced to stop using? I'm not really sure what to make of it I just wanted to hear some opinions about this.

    submitted by /u/Zarymatras
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    Marty O'Donnell has uploaded the complete Music of the Spheres to his YouTube channel

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:43 PM PDT


    Praise the traveler!

    EDIT: y'all should subscribe to his channel, he posts a lot of really cool stuff from music to old Bungie BTS footage. We need to get him to 100k so he can get YouTube "verified"

    submitted by /u/SilentSentinal
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    A lurker's observations on the current state of Destiny

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Greetings. This is my first post to reddit entirely. Nobody here knows me, and I highly doubt many of you will care about what I have to say. (Can I get a complimentary "we're listening"?)

    I have lurked on this particular subreddit since its inception, and have been keeping a close eye on Destiny since I got an email about an Alpha test so very long ago and gave the game a shot.

    I have watched this game go through its highs, lows, community outrage, and hype trains.

    Quite frankly, the only reason I am making this post is because this is the absolute worst state I have ever seen this game and the community as a whole. The Design Lead decisions are astoundingly tone-deaf, the Community is in uproar, and the amount of Bounties are just too damned high.

    I apologize for any dry wit/ heavy sarcasm that may be included in the post, please bear with me for a bit.

    First things first, this is NOT a Bungie Bash, but more of an observational post. The people there work hard. The environments, sounds, and gunplay are all phenomenal. The Art Teams deserve every bit of praise they get.

    I feel bad for the Community Moderators as well, because despite what you may think, they have one of the worst jobs in the industry. Collect information from community, report community requests and errors, have the higher-ups ignore everything they report, then get told to go and play meat-shield to an irate fanbase that they cannot even report progress to because they aren't given any of the information necessary until the shit has passed through the fan and is clogging the blades.

    The problem we seem to be having is how disconnected the people up top are from the game and its community. That being said, I am no Developer. I have no experience in this field. I am not going to play ArmChair Dev.

    If you are still with me, I am going to take a guess at what you are thinking. "Another Luke Smith bad post." Not exactly. I won't lie to you and say that I am fond of... any of Mr. Smith's decisions as a whole with Destiny 2. He can't exactly be held accountable for his words either, if we go by past interviews and quotes that are popping up quite recently.

    "The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide it had become obsolete...The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected." -Bungie Weekly Update 12/04/2014

    Except its time to backpedal on that, what with the proposed Sunsetting and all. This most recent TWAB (that went over so obviously well, judging by the lack of visible upvotes on the main page) is just another blow to a community that is already reeling.

    My take on it? I don't want it. I can try to delude myself into seeing why it would be necessary... for weapons. For Armor? Not a blueberry's chance in the Gorgon Maze.

    Which brings me to a point that I'd rather not make, but will do so anyways: Luke Smith may have all the best intentions for this game... but his Warcraft nostalgia boner is getting in the way of a very important thing. Destiny is Not an MMO. We don't have customizable skill trees anymore. Our Gear defines our playstyle, not our character.

    We also have an issue where we had two design leads. One who understood that the game about our Space-Magic-Immortal-Extinction Event-Player characters is a power fantasy... and one who is Luke Smith.

    The problem is, Chris Barrett (The former in that list, if that was not obvious) is no longer here to save Destiny from the Bungo Bungling again. He is in charge of the new IP 'Matter', and I sincerely hope it absolutely goes well for him.

    Why do I have such a high opinion of Chris Barret, might you ask? Because every time he has been in charge or has been a main contributor to a project in Destiny, the community has had nothing but praise and the most enjoyable time.

    Examples include, but are not limited to: Working on the Taken King (D1) The April Update (The Taken Spring)(D1) Rise of Iron(D1) Age of Triumph(D1) Go Fast Update(D2) Forsaken(D2)

    Seeing any patterns here? Some of the best times we have had in this series was either worked on, or headed by Barrett. And its a damn shame that he is now working on a different IP.

    And that scares the hell out of me. We have seen the result over the past months of what Smith envisions. Enemies getting stronger, our arsenal getting weaker, and the new gear being underwhelming for the most part. Advocating 'Playing your way' but only in the limited way that Bungie allows.

    Watching buffs, then subsequent nerfs to said buffs based on usage data. That kind of nonsense needs to cease unless its a horrendous outlier.

    Again, I am not a Dev. Never claimed to be, nor will I ever claim to be. I don't know the solution to these problems that you (Bungie) keep making for yourself. But problems like looming sunsetting? Those can be avoided by not making them problems in the first place.

    I apologize if this post has carried on, the formatting is bad, or what have you. First time.

    TL;DR Reading won't kill you. I jumped all over the place. Skim if you want, downvote if you don't. But if you do have discussion, please keep it civil. We all love this game. We wouldn't be so damn pissed off every time Bungie decides to treat every perceived problem like a nail when all they are using is a hammer.

    submitted by /u/Sir_Tea_Of_Bags
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    It's starting to become mentally exhausting to be a devout fan of the Destiny franchise and constantly try to defend/understand the design choices by Bungie

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    I'm mostly a lurker on Reddit, so apologies if this post becomes a bit ranty or messy.

    I've put in a ton of time into the Destiny franchise since the beta released. So far, I've logged a little under 2000 hours, and to say that I love this franchise is an understatement. It's become a significant part of my life, and I really cherish the memories of so many things I've done/accomplished in this game, like getting the Gjally from my first ever PoE run (had no idea what it was at the time), meeting my incredible clanmates (go TANK!), and finally obtaining my Unbroken title this season as a mostly solo pvp player. The amazing part is, the passion I've felt for this game is not unique. Through the good times and the bad, the fact that we can peruse through this subreddit and see so many die-hard fans praising or complaining about the game says a lot. Not many games have developed the audience that this franchise has been able to.

    However, I do see the light (hehe) getting a bit dimmer as time goes on. After watching Datto's 5 year retrospective video on the franchise (thanks for being such a pillar in the community btw), reading through posts on various forums regarding this season/next season/year 4, and logging in a ton of hours this season, I really am starting to get frustrated with the direction this game has been going and continues to move towards.

    I like to think of this game sometimes as your guilty, bad relationship, with massive peaks and valleys, but something just keeps pulling you back in and you can never fully detach yourself. Instead of dealing with minor setbacks and pushing through to the other side, we continue again and again to see really controversial, arguably poor, design choices (D2 launch period, CoO, etc.) be put into place, just to be massively overhauled and hyped by Bungie, just barely seeming to save the game from certain despair (TTK, Forsaken, Go-Fast). At this point, almost all of my IRL friends who I used to really enjoy playing the franchise with have left, due to the constant struggle and pain of dealing with poor design, removal of core RPG elements, and a lack of meaningful and motivating reasons to play.

    Which leads to my biggest pain point with the game - Bungie's seemingly inept ability to not only listen and implement changes to the game that the community fights for, but to continue to improve upon those things and push in the same community input-driven direction. I can imagine being a developer is incredibly frustrating, and the lives of the community managers on this subreddit have to be challenging (bless you Cozmo and DMG). But the fact that we have to again and again ride this rollercoaster of changes has become tiring, and it's gotten to the point where I'm about ready to just hop off the ride. Working hard to convince friends that the game has become more fun and meaningful and core systems have been improved, just to have them reversed or dialed back is just a war you cannot win as a player. Case and point - snipers. Buffed for Shadowkeep, and then nerfed recently right back to the starting point (to force us to use close range weaponry when it clearly is less viable in end-game content, which is an entirely different issue), and then about to be nerfed again simply because they're popular in the community (small maps do not work with more zoom Bungie). I don't know how many times Bungie has to be told that people love this game when we are able to use the items we want and play the game the way we want. There has to be a point where the vision you had for the game has to concede to the feedback from players. After all, we're the ones buying season passes or silver in Eververse funding the content.

    While the snipers is just a small example, there are countless other examples in the game that demonstrate Bungie's inability to truly understand the community, not just give in and make the requested changes when the game is on the brink of disaster. At this point, there are so many game play and design choices that are being made that are seemingly taking us back to vanilla D2, and it really scares me. And continuing to blame the inability to make significant changes quickly enough due to the limited resources since splitting from Activision is such a tired, tired excuse (remember guys, YOU are the ones who decided splitting was a good move, so the lack of resources cannot always be an excuse through the entire D2 lifecycle).

    I realize that as I type this there are close to, if not over, 1 million players logging in daily to the game. Yes, the game is not going to crumble and pull an Anthem any time soon. Yes, every year around this time the game slows and people do their usual complaining about the lack of meaningful content. But as a passionate fan of the franchise who just wants to see it succeed, the changes and design choices outlined in the recent TWABs, more specifically regarding the loot systems, really make me worried that we are AGAIN heading in the wrong direction. While we can recover from mere content droughts by just being given more content, it's an entirely different issue to play a game with a design focus deliberately opposite the community's feedback, and being forced to wait months, if not a full year, for the necessary changes to take us back to square one. We cannot continue to go down the never ending yearly spiral of playing catch up and losing resources because they're pulled away to focus on the next update that is going to save the game again.

    Luke Smith - man I really hope your ideas and feedback you've provided for us in the Director's Cut are going to lead to a stronger game with a much more community input-driven development cycle. I feel like an idiot sometimes defending the game for the decisions you guys continue to make, and it's just gotten really old at this point. The TWABs are not very reassuring.

    Here's to hoping for a brighter future (meanwhile the dark doritos are at our doorstep)...

    submitted by /u/TheBlueCrew6868
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    If it aint Forsaken / Taken King quality and quantity I don't want it.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    Every time they do expansions like this the games never been in a better state. Nothing but praise and glee running rampant through the community. Stop doing these little half asses expansions that reset your loot and light. I played Forsaken for 4 months (into Black Armory) and it was some of the most fun I've had gaming period. I wanted to finish everything I could. Since then I've given negative fucks about any story or content because it's redundant, empty, and meaningless.

    If it ain't Forsaken or Taken King quality and quantity I just simply won't buy your product. I know what you're capable of and anything less is just a slap in the face to the people who support your game. Stop this style of expansions already and go back to the big meaningful and content rich quality expansions. Get it together Bungo.

    submitted by /u/RoElementz
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    Top tree tether NOT suppressing on IMPACT is beyond absurd a d should really be changed

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    When a super specifically designed to shut down other supers cant even do that on impact it is flawed and needs to be looked at /reworked

    Void days should be coming eventually so here's to hoping top tree night stalker is chosen

    Edit:blessed be the day you can edit titles

    submitted by /u/Megachuggayoshi
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    Every time Bungie adds an unshaderable portion to a piece of armor I cry a little.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Just wanted to make this known.

    submitted by /u/MrEousTranger
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    The Wolves of Mars is the best Destiny story you never heard of

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    For those who don't know, in the Destiny 1 expansion, The Taken King, there was a side quest called "The Wolves of Mars". Once you were done with the main campaign of killing Oryx, this side quest became available. It included several missions and was a direct extension of the previous DLC, House of Wolves.

    The story is simple: Variks, the Queen's trusted advisor who was a main character in The House of Wolves DLC, tasks you to go to Mars to end the House of Wolves. In the House of Wolves campaign, it was made clear that the Wolves didn't go to Mars because the Cabal were simply too hostile to allow them to get a foothold. At the end of the story you kill the leader of the House, Skolas, and get to wear his ass as your hat. Following The Taken King campaign, Variks informs you that what is left of the House of Wolves has fled to Mars in a last ditch effort to establish a foothold. All you have to do is decimate what numbers they have left, discover their leadership, and take them out.

    The following missions are simple, with no serious mechanics, cutscenes, or anything like that. You go somewhere, Variks tells you stuff, you kill stuff, repeat.

    So why am I here to praise some otherwise bland sidequest? Because of what it represented. The House of Wolves ended when we killed Skolas. Bungie had no need to spend time and effort creating an entire mini campaign to add to HoW. But in doing so, they took the story in an interesting direction and they tied up a thread left hanging in game. You destroy the House of Wolves. Aside from the few scattered bands of Wolves around the patrols, they are done. They are no longer a threat. It's all wrapped up with a nice bow while providing players with some lore and character building.

    I want to see more Wolves of Mars. I want story lines wrapped up, cohesively, and in game. The House of Wolves is gone. I know because I killed them all.

    Destiny 2 just keeps building and building but it never resolves any of the countless threads it brings up just to drop seemingly halfway through. We killed Ghaul, we spent the following year killing scattered Red Legion and his subordinate commanders. They just sort of linger through Year 2 and in Year 3 they're back for the Sundial! And yet we plow through them once more but oh wait now they set the Almighty to destroy the Last City! When will it end? When will the Red Legion story wrap up? Or did it already? Did we see the last of them when Zavala and Ana kill them on the Almighty? Or are they gonna come back next season to team up with the Darkness?

    So few stories have wrapped up or at least met a stable resolution. The Perfect Paradox has been resolved and Saint 14 is now our Trials vender. What else? The Red Legion are still out there, maybe. Savathun is doing things. The Dreaming City is still in a loop and Mara is nowhere to be seen. Uldren is alive as a guardian and has been for the past year or so. The Vex are still doing their thing and now the Garden Vex are apparently not a part of the normal vex. Calus is still eating Nessus. The Fallen are just absolutely fucked and are currently in a massive power struggle that we last saw last year in Zero Hour. Rasputin is currently powering up, Osiris is missing again. Oh and Lysander might be a thing. Idk there was a lot about him and his Concordat back in Age of Triumph in D1 but that was dropped like a dead fish. And the Darkness is basically here.

    Please Bungie, end some stories. Give us closure. Give us more Wolves of Mars

    submitted by /u/Wild__Gringo
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    Extreme loot pool and targeted farming loss that people have seemed to overlook.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Quote from Cozmo:

    Armor will come from specific activities like Crucible and Gambit and turning in tokens at the vendors, but you will get weapons from the world loot pool listed in the TWAB from doing those activities or turning in tokens at the vendors.

    So for example, you would always get Crucible armor from turning in tokens to Shaxx, but you might get the Gambit sidearm for turning in Crucible tokens as well.


    They took our feedback about wanting targeted farming methods and loot acquisition with the form of next seasons REDACTED engrams and the ability to narrow the loot pool, but with these changes the world loot pool will become even bigger, while also destroying half of the loot from core activities.

    Less loot, plus said loot becoming much harder to farm. WHY?!?!?!?

    There will now also be even less of a reason to do an activity you like less, or one that is less profitable. Take spare rations for instance. Now it does not even exist in the loot pool, but also if it did, you would have to pull it out of a huge selection of loot, and if that is all a player wants from gambit, and they do not like gambit, they no longer have a reason to play gambit.

    This will not just massively hurt players, it will also hurt activity player retention.

    Bungie please don't do this. It's probably already too late to change, but at least change it in the future.

    submitted by /u/Starcraftnerd_123
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    Cozmo's comment about core activity weapons sounds a lot like no more crucible/strike/gambit weapons at all

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Armor will come from specific activities like Crucible and Gambit and turning in tokens at the vendors, but you will get weapons from the world loot pool listed in the TWAB from doing those activities or turning in tokens at the vendors. So for example, you would always get Crucible armor from turning in tokens to Shaxx, but you might get the Gambit sidearm for turning in Crucible tokens as well.

    This just sounds awful. What are your thoughts on that?

    Edit: link to the comment

    submitted by /u/Shirondragon
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    Saladin sure doesn't mind us doing all these favors for a Warmind...

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    It still irks me that Saladin seems to just be having another office visit at the tower to run the Iron Banner while we run around helping out a Warmind and idk, DOING BIG LORE THINGS?? Makes the Rise of Iron storyline lose so much weight it's like what's the point. What's the point of Saladin hating Rasputin so much for killing his comrades, HIS BROTHERS AND SISTERS only for him to not react during all of this. LET ALONE when we get Felwinters lie. Will he figure it out? Will he learn of the Lie? Don't get me wrong I really like Saladin but this blunder is just another reason why this season is so half baked. Even in terms of storytelling.

    submitted by /u/TheScarletPromethean
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    When are we going to get legitimate story missions and not just one or two every season?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    The title says it's all, right now we just get a bounty grinder at the start of the season and then a few extras here and there.

    Im huge on pvp now, but i really would just love to finally get a story, one that we can all understand and enjoy.

    submitted by /u/_Flashfire_
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    Bungie, don't change sniper zooms, change flinch

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    In the current system, you may not believe this, but you are rewarded for being off target by flinch on snipers. If you aim for the head and get flinched as of now, you will be flinched off. That isn't the problem. The problem is that in the current system, for whatever God-forsaken reason, if you are off target and you get flinched, it flinches you TO THE HEAD.

    I honestly cannot stress enough how insulting this is to skilled players, as well as anyone who wants to use a non-sniper long-range weapon on PC. For pulses and scouts, you are purely at the mercy of rng, no matter your strafe pattern, crouching, or spamming with your pulse. You can hit a full burst of redrix with high cal to the face at max damage and get sniped almost every time at medium to long range. That shouldn't happen almost ever when you shoot first. And for genuinely skilled players, this is beyond frustrating, as they are actively punished for aiming at the head by flinch. If they aim at the head they and get flinched, they are mostly guaranteed to miss. This would be okay if not for the fact that if a sniper aims at the body or off the enemy completely and get flinched they get rewarded with a free kill.

    This all creates a completely unrewarding experience for good snipers (until they learn this) and an easy-to-use sniper experience for less skilled snipers. Fixing this would entail making snipers either,

    1) Have a flat amount of flinch no matter where the retical is.


    2) Have reduced flinch when on the head; increase it off.

    Either of these changes to how flinch works will make snipers properly reward skill and punish mistakes - which is how snipers should be - instead of punishing skill and rewarding mistakes - how it is.

    Edited for formatting

    submitted by /u/Minimigitthe1st
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    Personal opinion, but after so many years, I still wish we had our own room in the Tower.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    *Based on the first minutes of this old trailer*

    A room where we can decorate with things that we have won in the last years: weapons, banners, badges, ornaments. You get the idea. I mean, I don't think our character needs sleep, but we can still decorate it.

    submitted by /u/Astraliguss
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    Make the rank up popups transparent

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Tiny notification the size of the steam one in bottom left corner would suffice to tell me about my Brave III rank up.


    submitted by /u/rlzxx
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    With Armor Sunsetting, I guess Gambit Prime lost

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    While you can still use the collector/reaper sets at any light level in Gambit Prime (since PvE LL isn't enabled), sentry/invader armor sets are going to be stuck at a low light level from now on. Unless they plan on having us grind out a new set of armor for Prime every year, there's no way sunsetting is going to be compatible with Gambit Prime's PvP portion while using the aforementioned armor sets.

    I have doubts that anything will be done with the Gambit Prime armor sets to ameliorate the issues of sunsetting, which leads me to believe that 'regular' Gambit is going to be 'the one'.

    As both an invader and a big fan of Gambit Prime, I'm very disappointed in this turn of events. First they take away my emblem to track Army of Ones (emblem's still there, tracker isn't), now they're making my favorite armor set obsolete.

    Good bye red halo of death. You were too good to me.

    submitted by /u/poozzab
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    Bungie Plz Addition: Rework the Black Talon Catalyst

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Hello Guardians,

    This topic has been added to Bungie Plz.
    Going forward, all posts suggesting this change will be removed and redirected to this Megathread.

    Submitted by: u/cool28dude

    Date approved: 05/20/20

    Modmail Discussion:

    u/cool28dude: "Why it should be added: Sword reworks slightly broke the catalyst. Should have either a change to the catalyst or something done to it in general."

    Examples given: 1, 2, 3

    Criteria Used:

    "...3 examples (with links) of recent submissions (with at least 1 being over 5 days old), that have been well received (hundreds of upvotes on the front page of the sub - ex. 300+ upvotes)."

    Want to submit a topic for BungiePlz? Follow the instructions at the top of this wiki!

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Please change the weekly Gunsmith bounty match the flashpoint and Zavala’s bounty for elemental strike kills match the weekly singe

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    Its a minor change but it bugs me using non matched singes or not being able to work on flashpoint and calibration bounties simultaneously.

    submitted by /u/Sparta12456
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    Destiny 2 has a lost charm compared to it's predeccesor.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    These are my thoughts, not a Bungie hate rant. Those guys don't deserve it.

    I've been playing this game for a while. I played the demo during the end of TTK's lifespan, then bought the game in time for RoI. I was hooked. The graphics, music, gameplay were all so enticing I stopped playing every other game and dedicated my time to Destiny. AoT was the peak of Destiny, for me. I got so many Adept Raid weapons, Fatebringer, Atheon's Epilogue, Vision of Confluence and more.

    The D2 teaser is announced, and I'm hyped. Dicks were flying out, 15,000 gallons of whisky were being drank in celebration across the planet. I wait for the first trailer. I'm even more hyped. This was mistake number 1. I fell for Bungie's mastermind marketing scheme. I preordered the game out of pure hype.

    Live gameplay of the first mission was being streamed, and I was stunned. It looked so good! My 60 dollars was in Bungie's wallet at this point and nothing could stop me. I got access to the beta, but this double primary stuff got me thinking.

    The day of reckoning comes. Destiny 2 is out for the public.

    After steamrolling through the campaign, I was left with a sense of accomplishment. I enjoyed it. Then as I progressed to endgame content, my enjoyment became less and less. The Leviathan. In my opinion, the worst raid to date. I beat CalusBotTM #10246 and I hated it. This raid wasn't like the others. Then I heard about the XP decrease to incentivise you to buy shit from that fucking smurf in the tower.

    Surely it couldn't get worse. It did. CoO rolls around and as soon as I see this I quit. My faith in Bungie was lost and I wasn't about to give them money again. Shadowkeep comes knocking, and out of curiosity, I look up Destiny, for some nice memories. I research into SK and after the amazing trailers and the job Bungie did with Forsaken, I buy SK on release. The campaign felt like a Destiny campaign again, like I timetravelled back to D1. The raid was gorgeous but, Vex Offensive, it was stale. Nevertheless I grab the Undying title. Mistake number two. I submit to FOMO.

    I took a break for a bit of SoD, but it was pretty enjoyable. Sundial was fun. SoTW is announced and Trials' return is announced. I donated to the Fractalline effort and was pumped. SoTW comes around and I am astonished. At the poor quality of the season. I quit after the fiasco that was Trials and how brutally they beat up one of my favourite gamemodes. I lurk around this subreddit for any hope of a better change. The charm of Destiny dissipated as soon as Destiny 2 released. I came back today to grab my Felwinter's, the first time I logged on in a month and a half. It lost its greatness. This sunsetting model for armor now has me deciding on whether to quit full stop, but I wanna see this game great again. Bungie. Please take the necessary steps and stop jerking off WoW and its glory. This is Destiny. A different beast. Your game is the top of the looter-shooter market unless your former IP, Halo, comes out of the water with an amazing Halo: Infinite. Make seasonal content interesting, or completely scrap seasonal content (hot take I know), not the Dawning etc, but this seasonal model. This content serves as bloat and a way to bring back D1 shit. Invest more time into making the fall expansions TTK, RoI and Forsaken quality. The Darkness, the big bad of the franchise, is coming, so if this is all you have to show, then my hopes are gonna be fairly low. It's clear the seasonal model from D2 can't be maintained if content is at this quality.

    TL;DR - The game has lost it's touch, and the seasonal system won't work at this rate.

    Feel free to downvote/upvote, I wanna see your opinion on this.

    submitted by /u/vineapplepizza
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    Why can't I replay the campaign?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    So I'm just thinking, I'm pretty bored, I want to run a mission for these shotgun kills, but strikes and patrol is a drag, so I go to Amanda Holliday to replay the warmind campaign and I see, campaign already completed. WHY? it's bad enough we can't do story missions as we choose but to get 2 chances to play the campaign on a character! 2? What is the point of making a campaign just to lock it permanently to players. Please just put the missions on the map, like in d1. The best part of this game is fighting huge bosses and masses of enemies and I can't even do that when I want.

    EDIT: Amanda Holliday gives out 1 retry, that's it. You only get to replay them once.

    The post isn't about the shotty, I use them in my load out anyway so I don't need a farming spot, that's actually more boring than strikes.

    submitted by /u/warlord_main
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    dmg confirms scout rifles and rocket launchers will receive no changes with season 11

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:08 AM PDT


    Which is a pity, since both are in dire need of buffs.

    submitted by /u/Soul_of_Miyazaki
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    Xur's exotic loot pool algorithm cracked

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Exotic options 1. Give the guardian one of the least used exotics in the game. 1. Give the guardian what you gave him last week. 2. Give the guardian what you gave him 2 weeks ago. 3. Give the guardian the exactly the same exotic he is wearing right now. 4. What's the worst Exotic in the destiny? I forgot it's name. Severance enclosure, you say. Yeah, give him that. 5. I heard he dismantled the exotic I gave him last week. Give it him again. 6. I've sold this guardian 3 severance enclosures and now he has 1 of each element in this vault. Clearily, this is his favourite exotic. Give it to him again.

    submitted by /u/Ultimobubble263
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    It would be cool if a wearing Felwinter’s Helm caused Rasputin to react differently.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    Just a thought when running the quest.

    submitted by /u/jtazical
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