• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 28, 2020




    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/49021

    Steps disappear into the darkness below. Bulbs begin to buzz and flicker to life, revealing the shape of the room. A low platform extends through the center, flanked on both sides by hastily abandoned desks and consoles. Soft mechanical clicking and whirring sounds fill the air as data storage bays awaken under a blanket of dust.

    Code begins to scroll across a massive collection of monitors hanging in a circular pattern in the center of the room. Random at first, the text begins to coalesce and take shape – growing to fill several of the screens with a bright golden orb that quickly scans the room before setting its gaze on the entrance. The eye of Rasputin waits.

    And wait he must. The image of the Rasputin's bunker vanishes from Dima Goryainov's monitor as Bungie's senior concept artist alt-tabs into a conference call. It's 3:30 PM and that means it's time for his team's daily coffee break. "It's our time to chat," he says. "Usually we're pretty heads down, so we try to hang out and talk about whatever's exciting us – things that inspire our creativity."

    Finding inspiration in his peers and outside of games is something Dima is no stranger to. It's an approach that has served him well while working on Destiny – particularly when he was tasked with designing a space in Season of the Worthy that would help players grow closer to a legendary character not known for his interpersonal skills: Rasputin, the Warmind.

    A tall order, considering that at this point in Destiny's story, Rasputin's relationship with the Vanguard was tenuous at best. But when a new threat appeared in the skies above the Last City, a choice presented itself to both parties: work together and survive or perish alone. For Guardians, surviving meant partnering with Rasputin in a way they never have before.

    The team at Bungie knew that Rasputin being open to an alliance was only half the equation – the easy half. Getting Guardians to trust him with their lives would be much harder. It required heavy lifting from writers, designers, engineers, and artists like Dima. And so, the task of making the most powerful military intelligence ever created a little more personable began.


    Dima has a unique style – a blend of graphic design and concept art that can be found throughout Destiny 2. From signage hanging on walls to the logos and iconography representing fictional organizations and foundries, it's an aesthetic that has become inextricably linked with Destiny's world building.

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    He explained that entering the game industry from a different direction began with the choice to major in graphic design and digital media instead of game art at the University of Advanced Technology. "The game art program was focused on taking direct inspiration from games and translating that into assignments. That seemed totally legitimate, but I felt that doing a program like graphic design would give me a more unique skillset. I was always interested in graphic design, industrial design, architecture, and comic books – things outside of games that I wanted to bring into concept art."

    Among the areas outside of games he draws inspiration from, he finds the dark and mysterious style of medieval design appropriate for Destiny. "A lot of it has this occult feeling to it," Dima said. "The way it's drawn is naive, like they're not paying attention to anatomy, but it still works. I feel like that fits in a dark fantasy space opera."

    He also admitted a few personal influences he tries to not overuse. "I'm from Russia and I like to use things from my childhood that inspire me. Old Russian fairytales like Koschei the Deathless, Ilya Muromets, Baba Yaga, and many others. The summers I spent exploring the forest and the countryside in my great grandma's village were a huge influence. I think I'm constantly trying to get back to that feeling I had when I was a kid."

    It's the kind of goal that often results in work that feels tangible.

    "Maybe it sounds cheesy," Dima said. "But I credit that time with having an interest in stories about searching for adventure and mystery in different worlds. It's why I became so interested in the world of Destiny and why I can't believe I get to contribute to its development."


    When it came time to create the look of Rasputin's bunkers, the request from the Design team was straight forward. They already had the gameplay systems in place and needed an area where players could communicate with Rasputin – a space that could evolve over time.

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    Dima had a very specific mood in mind. "On my reference board, I have a photo of Deckard's apartment from Blade Runner," he said. "I knew that was the feeling I wanted. It's a dark-lit, super intimate, quiet place where players could go and hang out. I like moments in our game where you have silence. Where you're not being shot at and you have a moment to relax and take a breath. I wanted it to be a space that you would like to be in even if you weren't doing the mission or grinding the content."

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    He thought back to one of his favorite games that had a similar vibe. "Deus Ex: Human Revolution is one of my favorite games of all time," he said. "If I was in between missions, I could go back to Adam's apartment and just sit and listen to the music and absorb the ambience – I wanted the Destiny version of that space."

    As pleasant as that sounded, it presented an interesting puzzle since the story called for Rasputin to be in this room with the player. And it's one thing to make a space feel safe and inviting. It's an entirely different thing to make that space feel comfortable when there's a huge digital eyeball tracking you from the center of the room. Dima and his team worked to try and find subtle ways to make Rasputin less intimidating.

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    "Usually when you see Rasputin, he's really far away in that massive chamber," said Dima. "But in Season of the Worthy, the small bunker is a new place where you can be one-on-one with him as he slowly opens up to you while you learn more about him."

    Dima credits Bungie Senior Art Lead, Rob Adams with the idea to bring players physically closer to Rasputin. "It was Rob's idea to bring Rasputin so low to the ground that you could come up to the screens and be face-to-face with him. Even a lot of the lighting decisions came from how close you're able to stand to him. Drawing parallels between your physical and emotional distance was intentional." Form followed function.

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    Beyond resonating emotionally with the player, there needed to be an in-universe reason for the design of the room. So before putting pen to paper, Dima asked the question: Why did this bunker exist before players found it?

    "As soon as you walk in, you understand that place was used for something," Dima said. "This room had a purpose and a function – it wasn't just made for gameplay. I had the idea that these bunkers were where Seraph researchers would speak with Rasputin and decode his communications."

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    The relationship with the Narrative team immediately became apparent. "We work together as much as possible," Dima said. "Sometimes Narrative will come up with ideas for a design or how a graphic should speak to specific elements. Other times, I'll pitch something visual and it'll end up working into the fiction."

    In this case, the fiction spoke directly to what excited Dima's about Destiny. "Since these bunkers were from earlier versions of Rasputin, I knew that they were going to feel older technologically and that's a big part of what Destiny is to me. Obviously we have holograms, but it's not really super sleek Iron Man stuff – everything is tactile. Everything in Destiny feels like it has a history behind it and that it's been touched. That's way easier to do with physical things like screens and buttons."

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    Dima leaned into the look of this older age and drew from his interest in industrial design. "There's a single speaker in the room that Rasputin used to talk to the researchers," he said. "The big cluster on the ceiling has all these cables, sensors, and cameras that point to the center of the room allowing Rasputin to see the person speaking to him. And as they're speaking, there are people sitting at consoles recording everything that Rasputin is saying – decoding and storing it. So when you walk into a bunker, you start to understand the background of the Seraph researchers that made Rasputin."


    The bunker is filled with elements that contribute to the atmosphere of the room while also adding to the story. Some flourishes, Dima admits, were added simply because he was looking for an excuse to design them. "I really wanted to have this analog map with physical bolts that light up," he said. "But I kind of did that for me, because I really wanted it." And why not? After all, who hasn't fantasized about playing with a giant Lite-Brite?

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    "I didn't really think that the map was going to get much of a reaction or that anyone was going to pay much attention to it. But from what I've seen, a lot of people have gravitated towards it and started speculating on what it might mean. People have messaged me and told me that it's their favorite part of the bunker, so that was kind of cool."

    Inspiring elements continued to come from peers across the studio. One from Senior Artist, Eve Campbell and the Environment team instantly became one of Dima's favorite things in the bunker.

    "They made the screen effects look really cool when you're talking to Rasputin," he said. "The way he moves on the screens and tracks you across the room. It's meant to be this intimate space that's really comfortable but there's this degree of uneasiness with him silently and constantly watching you. Even if you jump up and down his eye moves up and down with you."

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    Instances like this, where creative partnerships resulted in something unexpected, kept surfacing. "Over time, we've evolved the collaboration process and it feels really organic," Dima said.

    Throughout his five years at Bungie, Dima has worked alongside peers invested in building living breathing worlds. Speaking with him leaves the impression that if you work with passionate people, a good idea – like a warmly lit bunker with a giant glowing eyeball – never stays hidden forever.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2020-05-27]

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Daily Vanguard Modifiers

    Affect Strikes, Menagerie, Heroic Missions & Adventures

    • Void Singe: Void damage increases slightly from all sources.
    • Blackout: Enemy melee attacks are significantly more powerful, and radar is disabled.
    • Grenadier: Grenade abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.

    Daily Reckoning Modifiers

    Affect all three tiers

    • Solar Singe: Solar damage increases slightly from all sources.
    • Brawler: Melee abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.

    Daily Heroic Story Missions

    • 1AU (PL 750) - The Almighty. The time has come to stop the Almighty. Board the ship, and shut down its annihilation weapon.
    • Payback (PL 750) - Earth. Time for Zavala's grand entrance—finally attacking the Red Legion base in the EDZ head-on.
    • A Deadly Trial (PL 750) - Earth. Brother Vance says there's a Temple of Osiris in the EDZ where you can revive Sagira.
    • Ace in the Hole (PL 750) - Titan, Moon of Saturn. Track down Cayde's personal stash so you can repair the Ace of Spades.
    • The Machinist (PL 750) - The Tangled Shore. Battle across the toxic wastelands to take down the Scorned Baron known as the Machinist.


    • Daily Forge: Volundr Forge
    • Altars of Sorrow Weapon: Apostate (Sniper Rifle)

    Gunsmith Inventory

    • Major Spec: Deals extra damage against powerful enemies.
    • Linear Fusion Rifle Targeting: Improved target acquisition, accuracy, and aim-down-sights speed for Linear Fusion Rifles.
    • Upgrade Module (1 for 1 Enhancement Core & 10 Legendary Shards & 25 Alkane Dust & 5000 Glimmer)
    • Upgrade Module (1 for 1 Enhancement Core & 10 Legendary Shards & 25 Helium Filaments & 5000 Glimmer)
    • Enhancement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & 25 Simulation Seed & 10000 Glimmer)
    • Ascendant Shard (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 100 Seraphite & 50000 Glimmer)

    Spider Material Exchange

    • Purchase Enhancement Cores (1 for 10 Legendary Shards)
    • Purchase Legendary Shards (1 for 10 Seraphite)
    • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 20 Helium Filaments)
    • Purchase Alkane Dust (5 for 1 Legendary Shards)
    • Purchase Simulation Seeds (5 for 5000 Glimmer)
    • Purchase Datalattice (5 for 1 Legendary Shards)
    • Purchase Baryon Boughs (5 for 5000 Glimmer)


    Commander Zavala, Vanguard

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    One Shot, One Kill Defeat enemies with precision damage. 25 [Headshot] Precision XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
    The Harder They Fall Defeat minibosses and bosses in any strike. 10 Challenging combatants XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
    Elegant Weaponry Defeat enemies in strikes with any Sword. 10 [Sword] Sword XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
    The Inner Storm Get Arc kills in a strike. 25 [Arc] Arc XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token

    Lord Shaxx, Crucible

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    By the Code Defeat opponents. 10 Opponents XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
    High Energy Defeat opponents using any Energy weapon. 5 Energy weapon XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
    Feedback Loop Generate Orbs of Light using abilities or Masterworked weapons. 3 Orbs of Light XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
    Look at You As a team in Breakthrough, hack your opponents' vault. 1 Vaults XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points

    Eris Morn, Moon

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Lunar Defender Complete public events on the Moon. 2 Public events XP & 5 Helium Filaments
    One-Way Ballistics Using any Kinetic weapon, defeat combatants in streaks of 3 or more without taking damage in between. 15 Defeated in streaks XP & 5 Helium Filaments
    Unscathed Deathdealer Using any Power weapon, defeat combatants in streaks of 3 or more without taking damage in between. 10 Defeated in streaks XP & 5 Helium Filaments
    Fallen Aquiver Defeat Fallen in Archer's Line on the Moon. 25 Fallen XP & 5 Helium Filaments

    Lectern of Enchantment, Moon

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Shock Therapy Defeat combatants in Nightmare Hunts with Arc damage. 20 [Arc] Arc XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment
    Orbweaver Generate Orbs of Light in Nightmare Hunts. 10 Orbs of Light XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment
    Dream Logic Find the Lost Sector K1 Logistics and dispel the Nightmare within. 3 Nightmares XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment
    Titanic Nightmares Defeat Nightmares in Lost Sectors on Titan. 8 Nightmares XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment

    The Drifter, Gambit Prime

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    INVADER: Guardian Killer Defeat opposing Guardians in a single Gambit Prime match. 7 Guardians defeated 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    REAPER: Light-Based Killer Earn any Super multikill medal in a Gambit Prime match. 1 Medal earned 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    Collectors Don't Carry Cash Bank Motes of Dark in Gambit Prime. 75 Motes banked 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    A Balanced Sentry Breakfast Defeat a Primeval in Gambit Prime. 1 Primeval defeated 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    INVADER: Invading Infested Places Invader bounty. Complete heroic public events on Titan or the Tangled Shore. 2 Public events completed 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    REAPER: Reaping with the Basics Reaper bounty. Defeat enemies with weapons that use Primary ammo. 30 Enemies defeated 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    COLLECTOR: Collecting in the EDZ and Titan Collector bounty. Loot Lost Sector caches found in the EDZ or on Titan. 2 Caches looted 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
    SENTRY: Sentry Duty at the Well Sentry bounty. Complete Blind Well encounters in the Dreaming City. 2 Encounters completed 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points

    The Drifter, Gambit

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Big-Game Hunter Eliminate a high-value target in Gambit. 1 Targets XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points
    Electri-fried Use Arc abilities to defeat enemies in Gambit. Defeated Guardians are worth extra points. 15 [Arc] Arc ability XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points
    Sun Charred Use Solar abilities to defeat enemies in Gambit. Defeated Guardians are worth extra points. 15 [Solar] Solar ability XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points
    Final Ploy Defeat combatants with finisher final blows. 5 Finisher XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points

    Banshee-44, Gunsmith

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Submachine Gun Calibration Calibrate Submachine Guns against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 [SMG] Submachine Gun XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core
    Fusion Rifle Calibration Calibrate Fusion Rifles against any target. Opposing Guardians and rapidly defeated targets grant the most efficient progress. 100 [Fusion Rifle] Fusion Rifle XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core
    Sword Calibration Calibrate Swords against any target. Opposing Guardians and rapidly defeated targets grant the most efficient progress. 100 [Sword] Sword XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core
    Arc Calibration Calibrate Arc weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress using Power weapons and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Arc] Arc weapon XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core

    Ada-1, Black Armory

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Harvest Time Harvest resources in any destination. 15 Materials collected 1 Modulus Report
    Meyrin Tribute Pay homage to the Black Armory's French heritage by defeating enemies with Bows, Submachine Guns, and Hand Cannons. 50 Enemies defeated 1 Modulus Report
    Volundr Forge Ignitions Complete ignitions of the lost Volundr Forge in the EDZ. 1 Ignitions completed 1 Modulus Report
    An Ancient Fire Complete a forge ignition by successfully stoking the forge and eliminating the Forge Warden. 1 Forge ignited 1 Modulus Report
    Guardian Evaluation Complete Gambit or Crucible matches with at least one Black Armory weapon equipped. 2 Matches completed 1 Modulus Report

    Spider, Tangled Shore

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Thin the Herd Defeat enemies on the Tangled Shore. 50 Enemies defeated XP & 5 Etheric Spiral
    Sharpshooter Get 25 precision final blows on the Tangled Shore. 25 Precision kills XP & 5 Etheric Spiral
    Super Visible Get Super kills on the Tangled Shore. 20 Super kills XP & 5 Etheric Spiral
    Lost on the Landing Explore the Lost Sector Kingship Dock near Thieves' Landing on the Tangled Shore. 1 XP & 5 Etheric Spiral

    Devrim Kay, EDZ

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    European Live Zone Defeat enemies in the EDZ. 50 Enemies defeated XP & 10 Dusklight Shard
    Grenadier Get grenade kills in the EDZ. 20 Grenade kills XP & 10 Dusklight Shard
    Generator Create Orbs of Light in the EDZ. 10 Orbs generated XP & 10 Dusklight Shard

    Sloane, Titan

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Alkane Chemistry Harvest Alkane Dust on Titan. 5 Resources collected XP & 10 Alkane Dust
    The Old-Fashioned Way Defeat enemies using melee abilities on Titan. 15 Melee kills XP & 10 Alkane Dust
    Chain Lightning Get Arc kills on Titan. 30 Arc kills XP & 10 Alkane Dust

    Failsafe, Nessus

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Super Awesome Defeat multiple enemies with a single Super while on Nessus. 3 Super multikills XP & 10 Microphasic Datalattice
    Lightbringer Create Orbs of Light on Nessus. 10 Orbs generated XP & 10 Microphasic Datalattice
    Void of Information Get Void kills on Nessus. 30 Void kills XP & 10 Microphasic Datalattice

    Asher Mir, Io

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Candescent Shadow Get Void kills on Io. 30 Void kills XP & 10 Phaseglass Needle
    Gunning for a Promotion Complete public events on Io. 2 Public events completed XP & 10 Phaseglass Needle
    Power Lifting Get Power weapon multikills on Io. 3 Power multikills XP & 10 Phaseglass Needle

    Brother Vance, Mercury

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Sunbaked Fields Harvest Simulation Seeds on Mercury. 5 Resources collected XP & 10 Simulation Seed
    Vex Vanquisher Get Vex precision kills. 10 Precision kills XP & 10 Simulation Seed
    Neverending Clear sections of the Infinite Forest. 7 Sections cleared XP & 10 Simulation Seed

    Ana Bray, Mars

    Name Description Requirement Reward
    Defrosted Defeat Hive on Mars. 30 Hive defeated XP & 10 Seraphite
    A-void-ance Therapy Get Void kills while on Mars. 30 Void kills XP & 10 Seraphite
    Publicity Event Complete public events on Mars. 2 Public events completed XP & 10 Seraphite

    Unfortunately, Petra daily bounties can't be fetched through the API. Feel free to share them in the comments!

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Sunsetting was handled better in D1 vs. D2 (visualization included).

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    I think it's pretty clear.


    submitted by /u/NovaHands
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    Bungie can we not have a Red War ending to the fall dlc

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    I know that a lot of people were very disappointed when we killed Ghaul in a mission and ended the red war instead of Ghaul being a final raid boss. I don't want the darkness to just be a 5 hour fight. This needs to be a long fight that cannot just end at the raid. If the darkness is everything that Bungie is building up, then we don't want to destroy it in 6 hours.

    submitted by /u/PeterPiper21
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    As a series, Destiny is at its best when it's steeped in horror, with only occasional comedy.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    The first time you encounter the Hive. The first time you ran the lamps on Crota's End. The entire Taken King expansion. Wrath of the Machine. Losing our Light.

    Destiny, IMHO, is at its best when it's outright scary, when the odds are against us and we are underpowered. The horror elements are the highlight of Destiny for me and I for one hope that Bungie doubles-down on that come the major new expansion.

    Taking it a bit more seriously didn't do Halo any harm, there was panty to lighten the mood, but D2 just doesn't come close to atmosphere and tension in either the first Destiny game or the early Halos.

    My own admittedly subjective opinion, I do miss being scared in Destiny...


    submitted by /u/Xephon-70
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    Changing my load out because my gear has become obsolete will never feel as good as changing it because I’ve found something better to use.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    I'm prepared for this to get lost in new, but after reading a lot of arguments for and against weapon retirement this is what it boils down to. It takes away player choice.

    I started playing Destiny 2 just before Forsaken and since then I've had a number of weapons that made me think "this gun is so good, I can't see me using anything else". But eventually, I always ended up swapping them out for something different. Sometimes because I found a gun I liked more, sometimes because the gun I was using was nerfed.

    Sleeper Simulant, Perfect Paradox, Bygones, Ikelos shotgun, Trust, Outbreak Perfected, Queen Breaker, Threat Level, Le Monarque, Luna's Howl, Blast Furnace, Breakneck, Parcel of Stardust, Recluse and many more.

    I was sad when some of these were nerfed into uselessness (Breakneck), but understood most of the changes and even welcomed some of them. When I got recluse in season 7 I knew it was only a matter of time before it was weakened. But when the nerf hit I was delighted to find out the gun was still a viable choice. The change to this gun's strength meant picking it was a good choice, but not necessarily the only choice. Now if I feel like playing a close range style I switch it up between Recluse, Exit Strategy, Last Hope, Smugglers Word, Risk Runner and Breachlight.

    When my load out would change because I found something better, I felt excitement for discovering something that would change the way I play. My Blast Furnace has Feeding Frenzy/Kill Clip and I LOVE that thing. It melts in PVP and is great for mid range add clear and doing steady damage to major enemies. When I got Outbreak Perfected I was flawed by how cool this gun was and how fun it was to use in PVP and PVE. Now I could use a primary weapon for boss damage! It was my main gun for a good couple of months, but when I wanted an exotic for another slot my Blast Furnace was right there.

    Each of my favourite guns has a similar story to these. Some of them are still in my rotation. I regularly switch my load out around to suit different play styles and different activities. Some of them are resting in the vault.

    Sunsetting has always existed in the game, whether by nerfs, or by players choosing to move on to different weapons. The difference with weapon retirement is that players no longer get to chose when to retire their weapons!

    You might say that players are forced to retire their weapons that get destroyed by nerfs, but players can still use them if they want to. A few seasons ago I was doing an LFG Crown of Sorrows raid. They raid leader asked if everyone could use Swarm of the Raven for the boss damage phase, but my dps weapon of choice at the time was Sleeper Simulant (I know it's an exotic but the point is the same). They were cool with me using it and we beat the boss no problem.

    The problem weapon retirement is meant to solve is power creep. But this is such a sledge hammer fix. I certainly don't have a solution, but surely just continuing to balance the game with nerfs is buffs is preferable to implementing this forced weapon rotation. And it will be rotation, because you know they'll re-release our favourites.

    There are my thoughts on weapon retirement.

    And here are my thoughts on armour retirement: What? Why? Hello?

    Edit: I see a lot of people make the argument that retired weapons will be available to use in 90% of the game. Okay, sure. But the way I play Destiny is not 90% vanguard strikes, crucible, patrol and Gambit. I do three vanguard strikes a week and play a bit of control. The rest of my play time is in activities that would be affected by weapon retirement.

    Rather than being able to use my weapons 90% of the time, it's more like 20-30% because of the way I play.

    submitted by /u/SpruceMoose42
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    Bungie, please make Raid and Trials gear immune to being sunset

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    Making Raid and Trials gear (both weapons and armor) immune to being sunset (ie it would never have a maximum power level cap, thus could always be infused and used in end-game content each season) would have a lot of immediate benefits for both Bungie and all of us players:

    1. More people would engage with endgame content a lot more frequently (or would start if they don't already)
    2. Greatly improve the population for both Raids and especially Trials, which desperately needs a high population to be enjoyable for everyone at all levels of the skill spectrum
    3. Give people more of a reason to play the game each week (improving longevity, especially throughout a season without a lot of content)
    4. Give people incentive and motivation for improving at the game (quicker/smoother Raid clears and more Trials loot)
    5. Motivate more people to find an active clan or friends to play with as this game is a lot more enjoyable when experienced with friends

    This could also be extended to Iron Banner and Nightfall exclusives (assuming more weapons get added, current drops get random rolls, and armor gets added) as these are more solo-friendly game modes.

    Currently there is not a lot of incentive or reason to participate in these end-game activities unless you really enjoy said activity or are hunting a specific piece of gear. Even then, none of these activities have gear that stands out from other legendary gear other than aesthetic (which will be pointless for armor when transmog is added) or different/unique perk combos (which might be offered on other weapons in the future anyways). Gear from these activities being immune to sunsetting would immediately change all of that.

    A lot of people are not happy with sunsetting being implemented in the game and this would be a happy medium and would provide a lot of benefits for both Bungie and all of us as players.

    I know Bungie has said that Raid gear would have different sunsetting rules than everything else (haven't given specifics), but adding Trials to this and announcing they're both immune to being sunset would be a huge win with the community right now.

    submitted by /u/Keetonicc
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    I propose we have a non-organized "community night" this Saturday, May 30th, to flood the moon seraph towers with players to help people get their seals

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    LFG sites seem to be completely dead with groups for this and many people will end up foregoing the seal rather than continuously loading into the moon hoping they can get into a group with 4+ players. Which to me is unfair as the rest of the seal required a decent hustle, nobody should be locked out because of inaccessibility. Logically, if everyone is attempting it, we have much more of a chance of getting paired up with others, and others who are doing that specific event.

    edit: looks like my weeks were off, I think we should still attempt this but the following week would be even easier with hive on the moon. Maybe two saturdays in a row we can have the community come together and give it a shot. There seems to be a lot of interest.

    submitted by /u/Statlander
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    Tribute Art to Mindbender's Ambition

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    I've totally realized that The Mindbender's Ambition semi-god roll I finally farmed only weeks prior to the release of Felwinter's Lie is completely overshadowed in comparison to the new shotgun.

    In the brief period I used the Mindbender's Ambition, I had to acknowledge that it is one of the coolest guns in Destiny 2. From the way, it's runes ignite in an orange glow after every kill, to it's relation to the baddest Baron that put down Cayde.

    In the wake of all this admiration, I had a cool idea.

    As this did feel like an early sunset for a great weapon, I wondered how cool it could be if Bungie came out with unique armor sets to pay homage to weapons that dominated metas of the past.

    I came up with a cool set for the Mindbender's Ambition. And here it is.


    Hope y'all dig it.

    You can see more of my art here.



    P.S. Also known as the Devourer of Crayons. Go winners! Cof* I mean Titans!

    submitted by /u/JarekoLT
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    Destiny 2 view point from a 50 year old man with ALS

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    I have been enjoying Destiny since January 2015. I've played a ton of FPS and Quake/Destiny are some of my favorite games. When I was younger, I was pretty darn good at FPS. Fast forward to now living with ALS, Destiny 2 has its ups and downs, however I still do not understand how they cannot learn from the same mistakes over and over, however I'm sure they will figure it out one of these days. 😊 Like matching making for the EP or the seraph towers or nerfing weapons into the ground. I still enjoy the game and I just ride the highs with the lows. Not a real fan of sun setting weapons or armor, but hopefully they'll have so new cool items to use in the future. As the artwork and music is really fantastic and I'm sure Destiny 2 will have some amazing high-level game play that will get a lot of people excited about the game in the near future.

    I may only a have a month or so left before I'll have to stop playing, as my right hand is just about dead now due to ALS. So, my advice, just try to enjoy the game now or just switch to something else. Just give clear feedback to moderators, as I really feel bad for dmg04 and cozmo at times. Also, treasure your times with your friends and family while playing Destiny 2 or just being together, as you may not know what will happened to you later in life, as I sure never saw this crazy thing coming.

    PS: If you are a young person and don't know what to study in college, try becoming a neurologist and kick ALS right in teeth or a nice shoulder charge will do. If anyone famous person reads this, get the word out about ALS. ALS makes Covid-19 look like a baby sneeze, as ALS is 100% fatal. Want to learn more about ALS : http://www.alsa.org/

    Peace out Destiny fans and enjoy the now, as it is a present!

    submitted by /u/Sir_Jonboy
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    D1 vs D2 base damage comparison

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Hello there.

    With Weapon Sunsetting approaching, a lot of discussions about weapon feeling emerged on the subreddit. In many of those discussions, I've seen damage enhancing perks (Rampage, Kill Clip, etc) coming as a recurrent topic, with D1 being used as an example of a sandbox that feels good without relying on said perks. So, how & why does the D1 Sandbox feels good without these perks?

    I loaded D1, did a few tests with some weapons, then went on D2 & did the same. Here were the rules I followed:

    • Tests were done in the starting areas (The Divide & Trostland)
    • Tests were done with all archetypes of Kinetic Primaries shared by both games. I took the liberty to bend this rule once as D2 sadly does not have any Pea Shooter style AR, so I used SMGs for that rate of fire comparison.
    • Guns had no damage enhancing perks (Rampage, Crowd Control, Kill Clip, etc) nor Range enhancing ones (Rangefinder, Opening Shot, etc).
    • Tests were done at CQC distance (+-10 meters) in order to avoid damage any fall-off.
    • Rounding errors exist, between in-game UI & percentage rounding in Excel. But I would call that marginal.
    • Tests were done with the current latest version of each game (Rise of Iron & Season of the Worthy), both on PS4.

    Here the (very basic) results, hoping they might shed a light on both sandboxes & help shape our future feedbacks:



    Frame Gun Body Crit Multiplier
    High Impact Genesis Chain Focused 66 171 2.6
    Mid Impact Genesis Chain 53 137 2.6
    Low Impact Haakon's Hatchet 36 93 2.6
    Pea Shooter Doctrine of Passing 26 67 2.6

    Destiny 2

    Frame Gun Body Crit Multiplier
    360rpm Pluperfect 63 101 1.6
    450rpm Bt Werewolf 49 78 1.6
    600rpm Montecarlo 46 73 1.6
    900rpm (Adaptive) Conqueror 51 68 1.3
    900rpm (Lightweight) Showrunner 46 76 1.7



    Frame Gun Body Crit Multiplier
    High Impact Badger CCL 110 329 3.0
    Mid Impact Vision of Confluence 92 274 3.0
    Low Impact MIDA 85 255 3.0
    Spam Gun Inward Lamp 67 200 3.0

    Inward Lamp was the only Scout to not one shot kill Vandals in the starting area.


    Frame Gun Body Crit Multiplier
    150rpm The Scholar 127 222 1.7
    180rpm Call to Serve 113 180 1.6
    200rpm MIDA 101 177 1.8
    260rpm Randy 91 154 1.7

    Not a single Scout was able to one shot kill a Vandal in the starting area.



    Frame Gun Body Crit Multiplier
    High Impact The Messenger 50 150 3.0
    Mid Impact Nirwin's Mercy 44 132 3.0
    4-shots Burst Steel Medula 38 113 3.0
    Low Impact Hawksaw 38 112 2.9
    Very Low Impact Clorox Dragon 34 102 3.0

    While Steel Medula has bonus damage against Fallen (the target used in these tests), unfortunately it was the only 4-shots Burst I had.


    Frame Gun Body Crit Multiplier
    340rpm Redrix 63 100 1.6
    390rpm Bygones 57 91 1.6
    x4 450rpm Blast Furnace 47 78 1.7
    LW 450rpm Chat. Bone 45 74 1.6
    540rpm TW Spire 42 71 1.7

    Hand Cannons:


    Frame Gun Body Crit Multiplier
    High Impact First Curse 170 509 3.0
    Mid Impact Eyasluna 161 483 3.0
    Low Impact How Dare You 138 412 3.9

    All HC could one shot kill Vandals in the starting area.


    Frame Gun Body Crit Multiplier
    110rpm L. Lullaby 204 367 1.8
    140rpm Austringer 190 284 1.5
    150rpm Spam Rations 171 274 1.6

    Only Loud Lullaby was able to one shot kill Vandals in the starting area.

    Conclusions :

    • Ennemies seem to have more health in D2 than D1. Vandals seem to have around 250 HP in The Divide (D1), while they had around 300HP in Trotsland (D2).
    • The Shadowkeep change to the Crit Multiplier hurt a lot of D2 weapons. If it was reverted to x3 (as in Forsaken & D1), all Scouts beside Randy and all Hcs would be able to one shot kill Vandals in the starting area. Beside auto-rifles, all weapons have a higher bodyshot damage in D2 than in D1.

    If these trends we see in the starting area are confirmed throughout both games (spongier ennemies coupled with a lower Crit Multiplier), it'd make sense why we don't feel that our weapons are as potent as in D1, and why we rely so much on Damage Enhancing Perks to dispatch our ennemies.

    On a more subjective note I'd also add that having higher bodyshot damage in D2 coupled with the lower Crit Multiplier doesn't make precision shots as rewarding as they were in D1, which is IMO an odd decision in design for a FPS.

    submitted by /u/fantino93
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    This is your last week to go visit the EDZ bunker fish.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    The bunkers have two pathways, a left and a right. They alternate which path is open every week. On the right path you can see a little underground lake with a bunch of fish in it. Since there's only two weeks left in the season and the bunkers are going away at the end of the season, this is your last chance to pay a visit to these little guys. Link here for those of you who are burned out on the bunkers

    submitted by /u/CincyRaz
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    Those Subclass Quests Were Nice

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Those were super cool insights on the subclasses and gave you some really cool stories about the universe. That's about it. You can't do any of them anymore and they were really good at helping you feel connected to your class a little bit more. It would be nice to get them back to do on my other classes that I never got to do them on as well.

    submitted by /u/KingNuclearo
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    *Desired* changes for controller users

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Wants from controller users come up quite frequently and Bungie has never acknowledged them that I know of. I'm probably not the person to start the conversation to get Bungie's attention, but I'm hoping that someone here is or knows who/how to best convey this to Bungie.

    1) We want updated controller settings. Mainly separate ADS/non-ADS sensitivity. I don't expect all the customization that other current games offer, but we are stuck with one sensitivity setting.

    Add higher sensitivity option.

    Separate horizontal and vertical sensitivity.

    2) Make traction a setting, not a mod. Maybe separate sensitivities would make this irrelevant. In its current state, traction is not needed on M&Kb, but with controller it is a must have for many players. Some don't like it and enjoy running around with concrete boots, so even with more sensitivity settings, having this one being separate could prove useful.

    3) Button remapping. Need I say more?

    4) Reduced recoil. Let's not pretend that there isn't a massive difference in recoil with M&Kb vs controller. Recoil at higher FOV on PC is less noticeable in general, but on consoles we can't change that. If you aren't familiar, in an interview a Bungie employee stated that players like more recoil. How out of touch are you to say something so ridiculous? There is less recoil in D1, so at least go back to those values. D1 has less FOV as well, so the recoil is even less than it appears if we had the same recoil amount in D2. There is no good reason to not adjust this.

    5) Add sprint options. Toggle or hold.

    6) Add dead zone slider.

    7) Separate mapping of charged melee or hold for charged melee.

    8) Toggle/double tap for class abilities.

    Feel free to bring up anything I missed. One coherent conversation is the goal here. Don't bash anyone for their preferred input method or different opinions (I know, this is reddit....).

    Edit 1: added clarification regarding the comparison to D1 recoil.

    Edit 2: added some points from comments below.

    Edit 3: thank you for the gold kind stranger! It's my first and much appreciated! Certainly not something I would have thought to receive by posting a list of the features we would like to see added to the game we all love!

    Two gold now! Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/Gotwake
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    For those who haven't seen the almighty yet and don't want to watch an obnoxious 30 minute video.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    Being a shotgun meta with them running rampant everywhere I thought, "Let's try MK 44 stand asides". Surely a full over shield can overcome a blast and surprise them.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    I was surprised alright, they still suck.

    These boots are horrible and have been since D1.

    submitted by /u/wikiweak
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    Ok, But Where on Earth is the Traveler in Midtown??

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Well, we're going on year 3 of this game, and the Traveler is nowhere to be seen on Midtown! What is this lunacy? Where did it go?!

    submitted by /u/ThatOneGuyTbqh
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    Weapon and Armor Sunsetting Chart

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Since Bungie announced the whole gear sunsetting thing, I've been looking for a simplified chart of all the thumbnail icons listed under the season they'd be sunsetting. I couldn't find anything (but maybe I didn't look hard enough...) so I just made my own.

    In case anyone else is like me and looking for something more visual, here it is: https://imgur.com/gvmgUXt (edited to add S9 Dawning)

    I did my best to try and match up each season and event based off of light.gg but there could be some incorrect information. If you see anything that's off or missing, let me know and I'll try and update it!

    Edit: Some good points from the comments -

    • Season 9-11 armor can still be infused after S11 but will not accept S12+ mods? This needs clarification/confirmation
    • The Last Wish and Garden of Salvation raid gear have the Shadowkeep and Forsaken icons but are not sunsetting (yet...?)
    submitted by /u/fluffy_pup
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    I can't wait for the first week of the new raid this fall

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    The first week of a new raid is my favorite time of gaming. Period. I love figuring out a few encounters and sometimes getting the clear. if it's a weekday, I take the day off. It's basically a grown man's Christmas morning!

    submitted by /u/destinyvoidlock
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    “The Tyrant's Son” Inspired by The Lie lore book cover art and my own madness inducing need to draw Felwinter

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Can we get sparrow horns again?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    I was playing Destiny 1 the other day, flying through the Plaguelands on my sparrow (I wanted to replay some of the SIVA missions for nostalgia's sake) when I was reminded that the sparrows in this games had horns. Instead of hopping off of my sparrow, I was corrected by the mighty roar of my sparrow's Gjallar-horn.

    How sick would it be to have custom horns (or any horn at all) in Destiny 2? I mean, if we can't get SRL back, at least give us the horns. Or even better, if you do bring back SRL, bring back the horns with it!

    I can't be the only one who wants this.

    submitted by /u/ItachiCat
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    Guardians! I need YOUR help to for my Statistics Final

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    As a final project for my AP Statistics class, I have been tasked with carying out a survey testing a hypothesis of my choice. What hypothesis did I choose?

    Does a player's intellect influence their choice of class?

    Below is a link to a free online IQ test. It takes roughly 15-20 min to complete, so it's kinda long, but it was the only accurate one I could find for free. After taking the test, record your score, and fill out the Google Form, also linked below, where you will be asked what class you main.

    Really hoping this actually gets attention, because aside form my grade needing this, I'm also interested in the results themselves, and I'm sure many others are as well. If this does take off, I will post the results after the project is due (Sunday).

    My thanks to all who participate!

    IQ Test: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/tests/iq/classical-iq-test

    Google Form: https://forms.gle/ggiwzGbB6SF8ekcj7

    Edit: Just noticed a huge typo in the post title. Whoops :(

    submitted by /u/RealSuperSand55
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    I made a metal cover of the Vault Theme from Last Wish

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    All damage perks should be extremely situational (sturm), and perks should focus on weapon handling and utility (ability cooldowns/empowerment, ammo creation, etc).

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Division has it's own issues but after much complaint about bullet sponges they are giving all weapons flat damage buffs across the board, they can do this because the game is balanced around their base damage, not around their potential damage.

    Remember when people equipped high impact scouts in WotM to deal with over levelled shanks? Right now it would be better to let them swarm you and just mow them down with recluse or huckleberry or some shit.

    Maybe even add rampage to rift (with an exotic), kill clip to barrier (with an exotic) and crowd control to dodge (with an exotic). That way in end game we can still push the DPS a bit, but you want be running around with these perks all the time in everything you do.

    submitted by /u/I_AM_ALWAYS_WRONG_
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    Your current equipped weapon handling also affects the speed at which your ghost comes out.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    That is all I guess.

    submitted by /u/ricdvs
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