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    Sunday, May 17, 2020

    Destiny Legendary Equipment Retirement (Sunsetting) Feedback Megathread

    Destiny Legendary Equipment Retirement (Sunsetting) Feedback Megathread

    Legendary Equipment Retirement (Sunsetting) Feedback Megathread

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Hello Guardians,

    The plans for legendary equipment retirement discussed in the 05/14 TWAB have proven to be very contentious, and discussion of how these plans will affect the game going forward has absolutely dominated the subreddit for the past 24 hours.

    r/DTG has heard you loud and clear.

    While we will always allow Topics to be made, discussed and debated, we've reached an impasse with post frequency and sub etiquette. To prevent this all from flooding the sub further or devolving further south in the comment chains, All further posts related to Legendary Equipment Retirement/Sunsetting will be directed here until further notice. Any post already made prior to this thread will remain up.

    Current Trending Topics

    These are the current 'hot' topics on the subjects. Please direct feedback in the already existing threads or below here in the comments


    • We create these Megathreads as a compromise for all subscribers, some of whom believe the current state of the subreddit is being undermined by repeated/reposted topics drowning out all other content, and some of whom believe drowning out all other content to repeat/repost those topics is more important than other peoples' usage of the subreddit.

    • Only posts made AFTER this thread goes up will be removed; we do not remove existing/current threads after creating a Megathread, as the entire point is to direct discussion to where it's relevant- those existing posts and this one.

    • KEEP IT CIVIL when discussing this Topic here or anywhere else on r/DTG. Be Excellent to each other out there

    Megathreads and You

    If you're wondering about the timing for Megathreads, we generally wait until /r/DestinyTheGame/new is being inundated with posts about all the other posts. At that point evaluate as a team, and make a decision based on the current status and whether all the new posts are contributing anything unique or novel enough to stand on their own.

    This is a temporary measure, to ensure this makes all the feedback and criticism much more visible and accessible to anyone who may go looking.

    Thanks for your understanding, and we hope you have a great weekend

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Questions [2020-05-17]

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

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    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    The problem with sunsetting is that we have no faith that Bungie will deliver new loot to replace the sunset loot.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    I'd be willing to bet if the seasons had brought compelling loot that wasn't a slog, or hadn't reduced the amount of loot to pursue, or not been mostly reissued old guns or D1 gear, we wouldn't be up in arms about this.

    But, based on new content being mostly bounties to do old content we are all very sure that the new loot to replace the old loot will just be the old loot with new expiration dates. That pisses everyone off.

    This is not content. It is not innovation. It is purely hoping to further revenue extraction from a dwindling player base by keeping us treading water on old content and looking at the store.

    submitted by /u/byteminer
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    Weapons aside, sunsetting fully masterworked armor is my personal deal breaker for this game.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    The amount of materials, effort, RNG, and time that goes into finding an adequate masterworked armor build is, personally, way too high for me to have to repeat. As a PvP main, my current objective for "progression" in the game is hunting armor stat rolls for "perfect builds". I've been doing this for months and I finally just fully masterworked one out of the three of my guardians. Taking away my current armor, takes away my incentive to find those one or two pieces to perfectly level out my stats. It just means I have to continuously get incredible luck; and for me, that makes this entire game not worth it.

    Sunsetting weapons is one thing, but sunsetting armor is a bit over the top and forces us to hunt new armor after we have spent hours and hours obtaining the pieces we have.

    Armor is not considered in relation to "the meta", so I ask, why are we sunsetting armor?

    So I have to ask guardians, do you agree with the Developers?

    submitted by /u/SOLESAVIOR
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    If you're going to sunset, we need more than 5-6 weapons per season and they need some insane/unique rolls

    Posted: 16 May 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    If you're really gonna stay the course, we're gonna need some insane weapons to fill the void. Don't entice us to just pick another FF + MKC/rampage every year. Give us some truly interesting options. Introduce more unique weapons like waveframes and unique pinnacle-esque perks.

    Nothing is going to kill the game for me more than getting into season 13/14 and having 90% of weapons being the same old and just seeing myself farming up my 150 rpm HC with a reload/damage perk (or 600 rpm AR).

    Sunsetting is only going to work if you keep making exciting stuff. I really hope you're up to the challenge on that one.

    submitted by /u/Freakindon
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    Bungie needs to stop trying to change player behavior. They need to follow it instead.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Since the start of D2Y3, Bungie has been trying to make people change their playstyle to fit the seasonal content. Seasonal artifacts, seasonal mods, seasonal champions all are ways to make you play the game differently and have all been met with frustration.

    Players have less fun when forced to play in a way that isn't their favorite. In a loot based game, people have worked hard to build towards playing their favorite way. Sunsetting does nothing but deny people the ability to play the game the way they want to and have put a serious amount of time and effort into maximizing.

    Taking away our weapons removes the primary way we interact with the world. This is the source of our fun and how we engage in content.

    Taking away our armor nullifies months of work. Seriously, the armor grind in this game is insanely tedious and difficult. By the time we actually end up theorycrafting a build we like that complements our playstyle, unlocking the mods that are timegated to late in the season, grinding to get ideal stats to drop, and grinding mats to upgrade them to their maximum potential, the season has ended and we need to adapt to a new playstyle to engage with the new restrictions.

    Sunsetting weapons doesn't respect our enjoyment of the game and Sunsetting armor doesn't respect our effort.

    Luke Smith talked about Sunsetting like Magic:The Gathering's standard rotation. The problem is that Wizards of the Coast put a significant amount of work building up player confidence to make it work by not making Standard the premiere format for a few years after it was introduced (much less the exclusive format, which is what Luke Smith proposes). Most people still played Legacy (the format of all cards since the game began minus a ban list) for a few years after Standard was introduced. Even today, Standard has a problem. While it attracts a lot of new players to the game since the cost of entry is lower than Modern or Legacy, most players only play standard for about a year, until the set they entered the game with rotates out. Standard only players have a very high burnout rate because Magic is expensive.

    Another thing that makes Magic work that doesn't for Destiny is that it has a secondary market. Player driven economies are pretty vital in a system that changes significantly over time, allowing people to recoup some of their losses.

    A lot of discussion on this subreddit has mentioned the "monkey paw" nature of updates. Whenever they give us something we asked for, they do something else that hurts our enjoyment. I have a different perspective; I think Bungie has made it a policy that fun is a resource that needs to be rationed.

    submitted by /u/Volsunga
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    I would rather shoot new and different bosses ( and activities) with the same guns than shoot the same bosses over and over again with different guns

    Posted: 16 May 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    For example, going from shooting Sanctified Mind with a Izanagi to a Xenophage did not boost my level of enjoyment at all. I would have rather continued to use my Izanagi on new raid and NF bosses as that's what I find enjoyment in. I know that the example of izanagi and xenophage is not an ideal one as this was a game balance issue rather than a sunsetting issue (especially as exotics will not be capped); however, I feel like it gives us a very solid perspective on what weapon sunsetting would look like later on beyond the fall expansion.

    The GoS boss situation seems to give us a pretty gloomy peak into the future of the game where we get another GoS for an entire year except we have to use new weapons every season ( ie: the OP season of dawn weapon rolls will be capped after the first season of year 4). That wouldn't be a problem in activities such as the raid that generally don't see their light requirements go up every season, but this would definitely affect ordeal nightfalls for example.

    I would not mind a world where I get to shoot new bosses with new guns all the time, but knowing bungie's apparent lack of resources, it will eventually go back to shooting the same boss with a different weapon.

    TLDR; Switching from shooting the same boss with a mountaintop to whatever becomes viable next is not fun. Shooting a new boss with the same old mountaintop is fun.

    submitted by /u/Cykachu-
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    Let's address the "Why can MMOs like WoW and FFXIV make old gear obsolete each xpac, but Destiny can't? " question.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Simple thought experiment. Other have addressed different aspects of this, so I will only talk about this question of why this model works for some games and not others.

    FFXIV, WoW, and other hotbar, tab-target MMOs use gear as basically passive stat pages. Every weapon has effectively identical functionality, just with higher or lower numbers.

    When an Xpac comes out and that gear is no longer high enough ilvl to use, players simply get a better stat-stick and armor, and use the trivially cheap transmog system that doesn't cost real world cash to keep the visuals of their favorite, most prestigious, most storied gear.

    No investment is lost. They still have the same visuals and the same functionality at their disposal with no additional investment required beyond playing the game as normal.

    Destiny's gameplay was designed intentionally to not do this.

    Bungie wanted every gun to have an ~~~identity~~~, so there is no transmog system for weapons, and if you want the functionality of a gun, you have to literally have that gun equipped.

    That's a good thing for an FPS, but a very bad thing if you are trying to brainlessly copy a FFXIV/WoW style MMO xpac.

    In Destiny, if you lose access to a gun, you have access to NEITHER it's functionality OR it's visuals.

    Investment is permanently lost. Instead of allowing us to keep our progress, Bungie is offering us the chance to buy back our investment with real world cash, and only for armor.

    This is the problem. I can play FFXIV and never lose any of the investment I have made. I can still wear the visuals from my year 1 raid gear and experience the prestige and recognition of having beaten super hard content when it was at it's hardest, and I have lost zero functionality for having a current weapon with the raid transmog on it rather than using the raid weapon itself.

    In Destiny, with sunsetting on the horizon, I am facing the imminent and permanent loss of my investment in the game.

    And the end result is that I have no drive to invest further, because I know all that investment has an expiration date.

    It fundamentally breaks the aspiration to complete hard content, or any content, really, because I know that in a few months, I will have nothing to show for it. It fundamentally breaks the prestige aspect of social games because I will be forced to use the same gear as every other blueberry, because there is literally no other option and all my old gear with cool stories behind it is unusable.

    Destiny is a unique game and needs unique solutions. Simply stealing traditional MMO Xpac gear resets wholesale is not going to work.

    I am not a game dev, it's not my job to develop Destiny, and as is often noted, fans are good at identifying problems but terrible at providing solutions, so I won't try. I trust the professionals at Bungie will be better at that, and that it's just some fixable breakdown in direction or leadership that is causing this dysfunction.

    I will leave it at pointing out the failings of the proposed system and the predatory nature of transmog finally, magically becoming possible now that it will be paid for in cash.

    Others are doing the same. I truly hope Bungie actually consider this feedback and make meaningful changes to make a better game.

    submitted by /u/HerbaciousTea
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    Dear Bungie: I don't trust you.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Here's the thing: I'm not opposed to Weapon Retirement in theory. Because in theory, Weapon Retirement could work - IF there's an equal amount of new content to replace the old. However, in practice, previous seasons have shown time and time again that there wasn't enough manpower, motivation, or resources to make that happen - either weapon archetypes are entirely left out of content batches or recycled content only revives select weapons. This is a problem for players in general, but for players who have grown attached to specific and personalized playstyles, it stings especially badly because there's no guarantee that what they prefer is going to be supported in the future.


    We'll use me for an example: I run with Grenade Launchers in every slot. Sure, it's a memey build, but I've spent years ADSing and shooting heads in countless FPSes, so a torrent of explosions is the change of pace that keeps me invested in Destiny. Here's the problem, though: my loadout is practically set in stone outside of Power Weapons because I have two (2) Kinetic Grenade Launchers to choose from, and they're both extremely rare. If The Militia's Birthright or The Mountaintop get deprecated (likely) and don't receive replacements (also likely), I MUST to move to a different weapon type if I want to participate in high-level content.


    Of course, I'm an extreme example because I'm attached to an esoteric build, but what about the more commonly used weapon classes with rare slot archetypes? What about Bygones, the only Kinetic Adaptive Pulse Rifle? What of Ether Doctor, the only Kinetic Adaptive Auto Rifle? Hell, what happens to Randy's Throwing Knife, which was specifically created to fill a niche that there aren't even random roll options for? What about archetypes that only have Y1 representations (like Kinetic Rapid Fire Pulse Rifles and Lincoln Green)?


    That's just asking about the replacements for rare archetypes, too. What about the common stuff that needs replacing, like Crucible or Gambit equipment? What happens to pinnacle/ritual weapons that require entire questlines? What about old Raid gear that requires a dedicated and coordinated group effort? What's the plan for capped gear when Destiny 2 inevitably has another Light Level Squish because scaling gets out of control again because New Season, Number Must Go Up?


    In theory, it's possible to serve decent answers to all of these questions. However, in practice, there have just been too many gaps in content drops to expect the best case scenario.


    So, in short: Bungie, I don't trust you. And I don't think I'm the only one who doesn't.

    submitted by /u/AngryMrMaxwell
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    What is now going to determine the fate of this franchise is if Bungie can, for the first time, actually get over their pride and can an idea that is obviously bad *before* it is implemented.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Edit: I'm going to add real quick that I'm not here to shit talk Bungie in general. They definitely have their strengths. They have a lot of talented people at the studio. I know some of them, and I can't stress how truly amazing they are as people, and the level of understanding individual devs doing the on-the-ground work of content creation are. Moreover, their gunplay is legitimately the best in the industry. And that's not even something many people are going to begin to argue with. Destiny as a whole has beautiful lore, gorgeous environments and lots of things going for it. Bungie just has some very glaring flaws and sometimes I sound very brutal in picking them apart, but that's just what I do. And the best I can do to compensate is simply point out again and again what aspects of the studio and the game I absolutely am enamored by. Because ultimately the assumption of me being here is that there is something in this game that makes me passionate enough to really dig this deep.

    we haven't even begun to dig into the problems with the proposed gear treadmill system. People are currently criticizing it from very specific angles, but there are problems with the model that are going to cut directly into this game's bottom line as an F2P game

    I could legit talk for 10+ hours straight with no index cards about why the proposed treadmilling system is bad from so many angles. But ultimately, the fate of this franchise is going to ride on whether Bungie can just decide not to do something before it happens without patronizing the community.

    I'm calling it right now, there isn't another "Taken King," or "Forsaken" opportunity for this game.

    Bungie came back from the brink twice, and the "Destiny is going to be good forever now" shield has been broken twice.

    It is very clear that Bungie, without feedback, will choose to consistently make massive, outright terrible changes to the game unless they get months and months of feedback after they already made the mistake

    I would ask Dr Lupo and Tfue, and other legit millionaire content creators their opinion about gear sunsetting, but they left last time Bungie couldn't suck up their hubris with all the D2Y1 stuff (double primaries will be great guys, give it a shot, we don't know if it's going to be that bad).

    On the current course, in the fall we will likely see a very gorgeous expansion, and then we will see a Bungie learn the brutal lesson on the difference between player engagement and player retention that all of the other dead gear treadmill MMOs learned too late.

    This idea needs canned, now, and not later. And most importantly, next time, before fleshing out a terrible idea and getting so invested in it, maybe it shouldn't be presented 1 development cycle before implementation.

    There are no more "Destiny is saved" cards. The TWAB about eververse last week, if said by any other studio, would have had me really hopeful. But coming from Bungie, I've now had the "we're saving the game" presentation twice. There is now literally nothing Bungie can do to get me hyped about the fall. I've been trained to believe that everything in this game is temporary, and its entire direction can change on an annual or bi-annual basis.

    Forsaken was the year of fun, where Bungie went back to their roots and just focused on fun with the MMO elements being secondary. And sure enough they snapped back into their old ways with nerfs galore and micromanagement of the player experience and a fundamental failure to understand the basic reasons people play Bungie games.

    I really thought the game was permanently looking up when there were 7x drops from menagerie. I finally thought Bungie had realized that the grind for loot is fun, but a brief phase in enjoying the game, and now the entire game assumes you have to make us grind loot to grind more loot, and the "shooting" experience is entirely going to be ignored.

    submitted by /u/Pwadigy
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    Destiny feels less like a connected story and more like a gear gacha simulator. Dear Bungie: please make story the central focus of the game again.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    D1 vets especially will know the original struggles and gripes with sending gear out to pasture. Enough people are talking about that topic by itself, so I'm here to say something different.

    The game feels like it's forcing focus more on gear and loadouts than what's actually going on in the world of the game.

    Don't get me wrong, the Saint-14 missions, the Shadowkeep stuff... I thought that was great. The concept of the Sundial? Awesome. I really enjoyed the fact that it was Menagerie-esque with a story (loosely) tied to the previous season.

    Has it been nice to get a boatload of gear season over season? Absolutely. Have I used all of it? No, I've got Vex Offensive guns in my vault that I've never squeezed the trigger for even once. Much of the deeper lore, the stories we've been presented with that has been unresolved, has been on the back-burner for a *REALLY* long time now. Deep Stone Crypt? Revived Uldren? The Curse on the Dreaming City?

    How much more of this game is only going to be talked about in lore books while the seasons are spent doing a singular activity for gear when the meat and potatoes is happening elsewhere?

    I understand Destiny is one of, if not THE looter-shooter to a lot of people. I'm a die-hard addict and avid fan of this game and have been since Destiny 1. However, when did Destiny go from a story-based shooter with MMO elements to a month to month get-a-new-gun gacha simulator? We're told we're able to build our "perfect monster killing machine", but the thing is, we've... already done that. Many times over.

    We've been getting cool mods. Guns. Cosmetics. Season over season, new stuff. It's stuck for some, not others.

    Now, when do we get to kill the *REAL* monsters out there with the loadouts we've perfected over time? When are we going to contribute to the evolving world in an impactful, meaningful way?

    Because rather than killing those monsters, I feel like I'm constantly having to improve my gear just to improve it again. And again. And again. And now, with the forced "need" to get new gear, I'm gonna have to do that even more. Makes all that time spent feel wasted and pointless, especially in regards to armor--all the mats and random rolled gear to finally get a decent build, just to have to try and do it all over again.

    I'm not looking for a gear grind with a story in the background. Destiny, for me, has always been about the story, and I want to see that story live and breathe again. I don't want to farm gear for hours on end with the only story being a weekly text blurb or tweet that barely tells us how things are actually changing.

    submitted by /u/Broken5tar
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    If our gear is being sunset, then costs to masterwork and customize should be significantly reduced

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Infusion and masterworking were introduced with the idea that these are our favorite pieces of gear. They are our go-to weapons and armor. Here's how much work I put into it. Here's how many enemies I've killed with it. I collected mats and traded with spider and gambled with RNG or completed those long grindy quests for this gear.

    And now it's going away. And I haven't decided if I like sunsetting yet or I hate it. I guess we need to see what better weapons Bungie actually makes.

    But there is absolutely no incentive to grind or empower new gear that has an expiration date.

    submitted by /u/The4rchivist
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    Since bungie is sun-setting armor might as well sun-set emotes too.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    I mean everyone who has "Luxurious toast" is using it and won't take it off, to change up the emote meta and stop power creep in emotes and make the emote meta a fun and tactical experience bungie should stop us from using old emotes in end game PvP and PvE activities.
    No need to fix game breaking issues such as the one that blade rush has since they are gonna get sun setted anyway.
    This also opens up the mind of the Devs at bungie to create new, exciting and even more broken emotes that instead of playing the game to know how to properly balance, they will just sun-set them and call it a day.

    submitted by /u/saDD3ath
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    Think we just found a Jotunn glitch

    Posted: 16 May 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    Ammo says 0/0, but still shoots and appears to shoot the entire mag. It looks like a carpet bomb lol. Not sure how to replicate it yet.


    EDIT: We were grinding the moon seraph event. Another guy on my team had the same glitch. The only mods we really had on were warmind mods. He was able to have it happen with Lord of Wolves as well. I'm unsure how it started...the only thing we can thing of is that it's a bug with weapons that are categorized but shoot differently (like LoW being a shotgun but spraying, and Jotunn being a fusion but shooting 1 tracking round).

    submitted by /u/AaronZaBaron
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    The enemies fighting each other in Warden of Nothing is an awesome and underrated feature.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    I have always loved enemy interaction in Destiny. Nothing highlights this better than Warden of Nothing, particularly when completing the Grandmaster Nightfall. Watching the Overload Minotaur battle the Unstoppable Cabal highlights how interesting the enemy models are and adds to the overall theme and chaos to the strike. What sets this over the top in the Grandmaster Nightfall is the very real tactical purpose this can serve. The enemies distracting one another is crucial to taking down some champions. At the end of the strike, the two Barrier Colossuses stick closely together--the Barrier Hobgoblin distracting one of them is crucial to taking them down. I would love to see more interactions like this in the future, for me it increases both the immersion and the tactical feel of the game.

    submitted by /u/LarryLevis
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    Bungie killed off Oxygen before it truly ever lived

    Posted: 16 May 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    I also got my mountaintop and revoker this season... thinking they would come in handy for trials and raids. I should've just not bothered with the pinnacle quests either way if they're obsolete.

    I guess shelving recluse may be warranted? I don't really know, but whenever I got bored of that gun I just put on something else, I didn't need bungie to tell me to stop using it. And on the other hand, there's underbuffed weapons like oxygen that hardly had time to shine, and are now being shelved away.

    submitted by /u/wkhalidman2
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    I just got not forgotten. Took a year cause I’m average. I guess there won’t be any more long, hard, rewarding quests that make you feel like you did something. I think that’s bad for the game.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    Sucks that I'll only get to use it for 3 months.

    I guess they could make a long exotic quest but their bias there seems to be to basically give them away.

    To be clear, I'm not against weapon sun setting. I just think they need a little more nuance with it. Edit - like maybe set the cap on pinnacles based on when you get them. That's probably more complicated but i could imagine a way where its set for e.g. 4 seasons after you get it.

    Oh yeah but sun setting armor is bs.

    Edit. Let me make this really clear. Yeah I'm a little salty about NF. But the real issue I am getting at is that this system will not really allow for Luna/NF/redrix types of quests that take people a long time to complete. In my case, pretty much the only reason I played the last few months was to play comp to get NF. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in being engaged by these long quests that can cross over seasons. I'm not going to be so excited to do one of these if by the time I get it the weapon is 26 days away from a permanent power cap. I think a solution for pinnacles like these would be to sunset them 4 seasons after you get them. But the most likely outcome is that we just won't see these quests. And that sucks. Imo.

    submitted by /u/negative-nelly
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    Clicking on a Public Event instance (Escalation Protocol, Blind Well, Alter of Sorrow, Seraph Tower) should put you into a location instance that is populated with players.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Each of these map icons is clickable and will set a waypoint down for you to go to when you enter a patrol zone. I feel like selecting one of these icons and highlighting it should always cause you to load into an active/populated instance of the event. This would significantly help with EP and Blind Well completions and help players get Titles like Almighty without having to resort to LFG because the game refuses to put them into a populated area.

    submitted by /u/Salvaged_Throwaway
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    Wouldn’t it be cool if at least half of what’s in the lore could be played or at least experienced or acknowledged in the game in someway

    Posted: 16 May 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    There are so many cool stories that make Destiny great but I swear that 90% of them are in the lore. Wouldn't it be cool to see Variks break Uldren out of the Prison of Elders literally the entire Forsaken expansion takes places because Variks lets Uldren out, but you wouldn't know that unless you read the lore.

    Wouldn't it be awesome to actually see how the remaining Fallen have been formed into a new house led by Mithrax that is supportive of Guardians. Sure we help Mithrax in the zero hour quest mission to get outbreak prime, but you wouldn't know who he is unless you read the lore. In the context of the mission he's just a fallen you are joining up with for some reason.

    Wouldn't it be cool to actually care about our Vanguard and for them to have actual character and character traits (besides cayde) cause in the lore Ikora and Zavala both are way more interesting than anything in the game would have you believe.

    I'm so tired of seeing all these legendary characters just fight in every single cutscene or interaction we have with them(I'm looking at you Ana Bray, Zavala and Osiris)

    I am a huge fan of the lore of this game and I know it's unrealistic to expect Bungie to put half of the lore into cutscenes and quests and core game experiences but the storytelling that 90% of people experience in the game is lackluster most of the time, especially when compared to the lore. I just wish, that at least sometimes, the sprawling, interesting, personal stories that are in the lore could pop up every now and then in the game in a major way.

    submitted by /u/x-Ace-x-is-the-place
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    I wanted to come back to Destiny 2, but I’m playing Destiny 1 instead

    Posted: 16 May 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    So when I left Destiny was shortly after the beginning of Season of Dawn. I got a Perfect Paradox and was quickly bored of chasing bounties. I tried coming back at the beginning of this season only to be disappointed yet again when I would have to play old content repetitively in order to level grind and access new content yet again, as well as grind bounties. So I played the first day and haven't played again since

    Very recently I got a major hankering to play some Destiny. I checked up on the state of things and decided: I'm going back to Destiny 1 on a new account and starting an entirely new play through. I'm STILL amazed by how much better the whole experience feels. Sure a lot of the quality of life upgrades aren't there but damn... the story, the leveling, the loot, the challenge, it's all so good.

    Playing Destiny 1 again is getting me more hyped to return to Destiny 2 than anything Bungie is currently doing by a huge margin. Will I return to Destiny 2? Of course I will. But seriously, Bungie needs to look back at what made Destiny so magical in its first iteration and try to recapture that. (It wasn't Eververse, enemies killing you in one hit, titles, endless grinds, or quarterly power increases to grind out).

    submitted by /u/Darth_pooI
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    Took my clan mates one there first raid and coronated it with this shot

    Posted: 16 May 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    A real chill moment with some great guys


    submitted by /u/RONIxB
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    Make oxygen sr3 an exotic so if scouts ever become usable it may atleast be usable once since it's creation

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    All others can go idc I've used em all enough.

    submitted by /u/BrownMarxist_98
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    TIP: Vanguard Strikes will help with IO and EZ Seraph Tower Events

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Just grab a fireteam and keep loading up strikes until you get The Festering Core or Lake of Shadows strike. Then you can run over to the seraph tower with Grenadier, Brawler or the Heavy ammo one, depending on the day!

    The Pyramidion, Arms Dealer, and Scarlet Keep won't work for their own respective reasons

    EDIT: THE MOON TOO!!!! For Scarlet Keep, there's a big green wall behind you, but I used a Titan to scale the side walls and jump OVER the green wall!

    You can use this trick for stuff like Escalation Protocol and Blind Well too

    submitted by /u/Rhett_Arty
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    What is now going to determine the fate of this sub is if you people can, for the first time, actually get over your pride and realize that not every one of your incredible ideas about game design is good.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of whiny posts about weapon retirement, so I thought I'd whine about the counterarguments so this sub is less of an echo chamber. I'll probably get downvoted to hell since people can't deal with other opinions, but guess what guys, weapon/armor retirement is not an OBVIOUSLY BAD system.

    If you want a comprehensive explanation of why weapon retirement is good, just watch Datto's Video. However, I can give some brief points to show why I think it's actually a well thought out system.

    A year is a LONG time

    People need to realize that a year of Destiny is actually really long. To put this into perspective, I'll use Spare Rations. Any person who's been active in the crucible has the sound of spare rations completely etched into their brains. However, from what I understand, the weapon would only have been retired in March. Not to mention YOU COULD STILL USE IT IN EVERY CRUCIBLE MODE except Trials and Iron Banner.

    I've seen people complaining about how Menagerie and the old raids felt like ages ago, but it's only been a year and half since Last Wish came out. If you only play once a week and don't care about finding good loot because it will "just be retired in a year," you will have to suffer through 52 play sessions with garbage.

    It doesn't take very long to get USABLE LOOT

    In this season, I spammed some legendary shards at Master Rahool and got a bunch of new items. Whenever I'm too lazy to open DIM, I just use these, and guess what, I can still play the game. In PvE, pretty much every gun will kill stuff, and if you have an ability focused build, you don't even need guns.

    I would even argue it doesn't take very long to get god rolls. Sure a gun like Spare Rations is hard to get, but I randomly fell into a Feeding Frenzy + Rampage Pulse in season 8 and a bunch of god roll Perfect Paradoxes in season 9.

    I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but if you don't play the game a lot, you don't deserve the absolute best of every gun. In my opinion, that's a healthy game, especially because the margin between the PERFECT GOD ROLL and a pretty good roll is pretty small.

    All legacy content will be unaffected, along with a lot of the core activities

    The majority of playtime that's not the current season's content is either the core activities or legacy content for fun. You can still use all your favorite guns in strikes, crucible, and gambit.

    You probably won't need to do this, since like I said earlier, the new stuff will be similarly effective in playing the game. However, this system is miles above the "NERF EVERYTHING WHEN NEW STUFF COMES OUT" system because that effectively removes the gun from the game. Imagine if Recluse was still in its glory days but could only be used for fun when doing patrols for a quest or something. There would still be areas to just destroy everything, but endgame content would still be balanced.

    Also, people who talk about "going in after a season and picking up the old loot" will still be able to do that as long as they don't wait until next August before the new expansion. That's why they're keeping the seasonal activities for the whole year.

    This system has worked before

    This post is a bit of an emotional reaction to all the other angry posts, but in truth, I don't think there's anything to worry about. Why do I think that? Because weapon retirement has worked before and people have enjoyed new content still. Every other MMO uses this system, and even games like Hearthstone and TFT have rotating units and cards so that the game doesn't become stale.

    I can already hear the "THIS GAME IS DIFFERENT" comments, so let me give you another example. TAKEN KING. In my opinion, Taken King was good in large part because they left all the old weapons behind. The King's Fall loot was shit compared to VoG, but I still grinded for it and used it because it was some of the best new stuff. AND, despite Vision of Confluence being technically better, Doom of Chelchis was still a competent and fun gun.


    Every other system I've seen suggested either 1. doesn't solve the problem of power creep, 2. is completely nonviable for Bungie's dev team to make in a timely fashion (and is therefore NEVER going to happen), or 3. is effectively the same thing as weapon retirement.

    Player feedback is good at identifying problems. New activities don't feel rewarding, nerfs to our favorite weapons suck, and a lot of new guns feel uninspired and stale. Whether you like it or not, weapon retirement solves those problems, so please try to understand this argument.

    You may say that all this relies on Bungie being able to follow through, but if they don't follow through with any of the changes they've set out, the game will be shit anyways.

    Edit 1: Thanks for all the awards guys! Also, I wanted to address the title real quick. It's literally satire of another overdramatic post that made it to the top of the sub. I'm not actually scared about the future of the destiny community.

    submitted by /u/GoldMiner142
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    So, 90% of weapons are irrelevant in high end pve already, why are you going to take away more of the tiny amount left?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    I'm just saying, I don't get why it's a good idea when there's only 5 new guns per season and Eriana's Vow isn't obtainable.

    (This is mostly about champions)

    submitted by /u/Hipmrsnoodle
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    Everyone is mad, but I'm over here wondering when Bungie will actually let Brother Vance finally meet Osiris.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Like come on, the dood is a huge fan and has dedicated his life to him. The least Osiris could do is talk to the guy. This interaction would fulfill my heart.

    Edit: Word on the street says that it happened in lore. But I want to see it in a cutscene, where they hug it out like bro's.

    submitted by /u/blue_13
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    If we are gonna get our armor sunset there is gotta be more to get ascended shards

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    I dont really want to grind ascended shards to masterwork an armor that will become useless later so there is gotta be more ways beside nightfalls and banshee to get ascended shards

    like for example

    make them drop from raids or dungeons

    Make them farmable from the seasonal activity

    Reward them after you reset your valor or infamy rank

    And made them 100% drop from grandmaster nightfalls

    submitted by /u/Blupoisen
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