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    Friday, May 1, 2020

    Destiny This Week At Bungie 4/30/2020

    Destiny This Week At Bungie 4/30/2020

    This Week At Bungie 4/30/2020

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48993

    This week at Bungie, Titan domination continues.

    Guardian Games continues into its second week and, after a good showing by Hunters on Day 1, it's been all Titans all day every day. The book readers haven't scored a win yet, but are optimistic they can rally.

    After Day 1, we saw a lot of players asking about score weighting since the results seemed to play out like the population of classes predicted. Since Titans have been relentlessly destroying the other classes, we have seen players asking if there may be some other issue going on. As a Hunter, I too am in disbelief as I watch our flag try to bury itself into the ground. We've been double checking behind the scenes and digging into the data to get a better picture of what's going on. Here is Senior Designer Peter Sarrett to share some of our findings.

    Peter Sarrett: When we first started planning Guardian Games, we knew there were more Hunters than other classes in the population and we'd have to do something to account for that so that the competition would be fair. "Fair" can mean different things. Our goal was that each class should have an equal chance to win regardless of its size, and that participating in the event should never hurt your team.

    That last part is important, because it ruled out the simplest approach of basing results on the average contribution per class. While this would effectively normalize the classes based on how many people participate, it would also create a situation where participating at anything but a maximal level could actually HARM your team by bringing its average down. Dipping your toe into the event by depositing a single bronze medal per day would be worse for your team than just staying home.

    So instead of normalizing based on participating players, we decided to normalize based on the pool of potential players. For each class, we counted every character who played at least one activity over the 30 days prior to the event and then divided that result by the total across all three classes. The result is the scaling factor that we apply to each medal deposited. This method means that medals from Warlocks and Titans count more, counteracting Hunters' population advantage, and ensures that even a minimal level of participation helps your team. The more members of your class that show up to play, the better your class will do. It also means we don't have to worry about players creating tons of dummy alt accounts once the event begins to try to tank a team's chances.

    On Day 1 of the event, Hunters won not simply because there are more of them, but because a greater percentage of them showed up and contributed. On Day 2 Titans arrived and began outperforming the Hunters. Warlocks are, no doubt, considering all the angles and planning for the right moment to strike.

    This graph shows how many of each class actually participated, relative to how many characters each class had active during the prior 30 days of the event beginning. You can see the tight correlation between more bodies in the game and the outcome of the competition:

    Image Linkimgur

    But that's not the whole story. Titans haven't just been overwhelming the competition with a flood of muscle mass. They've also been out-depositing the other classes on an individual basis. On average, each Titan has contributed more medals to their cause than each Hunter or Warlock. This was even true on Day 1 but, on that day, there were enough Hunters participating that they made up in bodies what they lacked in output.

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    So we can see that Titans are outperforming on two fronts: a higher percentage of their ranks are showing up to participate, and when they do, each of them is depositing more medals than their competitors. If Hunters or Warlocks up their game and get more of their compatriots to pitch in, there's still time to steal the momentum.

    We've seen the reports of shenanigans with players finding glitches to turn in more medals, or even be dedicated enough to delete characters to be able to put in extra medals for their team. We dug into the data to see if this was something to be concerned about and found neither case was having any impact on the results.

    It's also worth mentioning how the flags in the Tower work. At the start of the day, all the teams are even and so the flags begin at the midpoint of their poles. This represents equilibrium, where all teams have an even 33.33 percent of all accumulated points for the day. As medals get deposited and teams move away from equilibrium, the flags adjust. We expected that teams would stay fairly close to each other, and that all the action would occur in a narrow band around the equilibrium point. If a team ever pulls 5 percent ahead (with a total of 38.33 percent or more of all points), their flag will hit the top of their pole. Likewise, a team dropping 5 percent behind (at 28.33 percent or less) will hit the bottom of their pole. If a team goes beyond these values, their flag will just stay pegged at the top or bottom until the values come back into that +/- 5 percent window.

    We don't plan on making any changes that will affect the results in any way. Our goal has always been to create a competition that is decided by how much each class engages with the event, and not which class has the largest roster. Titans are currently engaging the most, but we will see if they keep it up.

    Evolving Seasons

    Last week, we touched on upcoming Trials of Osiris changes and how we are tackling cheating issues in Destiny 2. This week we want to talk about our Seasonal model and some improvements we are working on to make it better. Here is one of our Creative Directors Evan Nikolich to share details on what to expect.

    Evan Nikolich: Hey everyone,

    We've collected lots of great feedback over the last several months about our Seasonal model. Luke outlined some of our thinking back in February, and today we want to look at how that vision is guiding action in Destiny 2, Year 4.

    The Story Continues

    We have been making progress carrying the overarching narrative Season over Season in Destiny 2. Saint-14 and Osiris led to the Warmind which leads to… [REDACTED]

    It's not perfect yet. The bridges between Seasons can definitely be improved, and we could do a better job of recognizing prior Seasons' narrative threads in the active Season.

    In Year 4, we are going to build a better interconnected narrative and, more importantly, let players be a part of that narrative no matter when they enter the current year. This means if you start playing in March 2021, you could go back and experience the Season 12 and Season 13 narrative content. We want our stories to feel more cohesive, flow with meaningful momentum Season over Season, and lead to an exciting climax each year.

    That said, for a narrative to have weight, there needs to not only be meaningful change but also a meaningful way to experience the history of the world.

    We haven't preserved enough history for a player who comes in mid-year to have any concept of what came in that year's prior Seasons. As a result, players can feel left behind later in the year and unable to experience the stories or to acquire prior Seasons' weapons and gear. The Forsaken Season Pass allowed its content to build up over the course of the year, and that's where we're heading in Year 4.

    Activities will last the entire year

    Beginning in Season 12, the core parts of the activity experience will live on after the Season has ended. For late players joining in future Seasons, we want to give you the opportunity jump straight into the heart of the older activity experiences without all of the previous Season-specific requirements. We want to remove any competing and distracting elements with the new active Season, which has its own ritual progression, but the actual activity experience stays.

    Let me give an example of how this might work in the future using Season of Dawn to illustrate. With our new approach, when Season of Dawn concluded we would have left behind the "Saving Saint-14" quest, the Exotic quests to acquire Devil's Ruin and Bastion, and the Sundial activity. We would sunset the Obelisks experience to reduce clutter in the quest log and to keep bounty quantity from inflating across the game, and deprecate the Fractaline currency so it could be safely removed from the player's inventory. The Obelisks were time intensive and we do not want to overload a player's choices in engaging in the current Seasonal ritual versus the past Seasonal ritual. This is our current plan for Year 4 but, like everything else, these plans and exactly how content persists will change and evolve as we work.

    Destiny 2 will still have moments woven into the overall universe narrative where we remove old content and allow for new content and stories to grow in its place. As we've said in the past, we cannot continue to grow the Destiny universe infinitely. There's lots of reasons for this – technical, resourcing, as well as from an overarching universe design standpoint. Finding the balance of creating and maintaining content in our ongoing narrative is a necessary part of continuing to build on Destiny 2.

    Rewards Remain

    With the Seasonal activities persisting, a player will need a good reason to go play them. The reason is in the rewards and we are planning on carrying a Season's rewards forward throughout the year. In today's Destiny 2, history is expressed by the things you have collected. We want players to be part of that chase no matter when they enter the year and to reduce the pressure to collect everything during a single Season. In the short term to acknowledge this step forward we are taking, we are adding some selected weapons from Seasons 8, 9, and 10 to an engram that will drop during Season 11.

    Long term, we want to make sure that the rewards we release each Season are available to players throughout the year. Continuing with our Season of Dawn example, the rewards that came out of Sundial would continue to drop from Sundial. How the drops will occur will change (as, narratively, Osiris has left and we have removed the Obelisks), but weapons and gear would still be present. This is the obvious solution, but it suffers from a design perspective in creating a narrow pursuit focus. Having the rewards in just one location oversimplifies the pursuit game and has the same effect of limiting the ways you can play Destiny.

    Our focus is to broaden and provide multiple ways for you to earn past Seasons' rewards. In addition to the rewards coming from the Seasonal activity, we are thinking of having the Seasonal rewards be available to earn in the core modes of play as well (Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit). If you're getting tired of playing Sundial, you'll have the opportunity to jump into Crucible or Strikes and pick up a couple of the Season of Dawn weapons we've handpicked. As the Seasons roll on, the rewards will continue to get added to these core activities and, as a player, you can tackle the pursuits at your own pace in your preferred mode of play and feel the world growing in terms of rewards.

    To summarize, we're going to move toward Seasons that can be experienced all year. The Destiny experience should grow each year after an expansion, have a meaningful evolving world, and a bunch of reasons to play. And then each year, we should take a step forward into a new expansion.

    We've done this better in the past and we're going to mine from that going forward to make our future Seasons that much more compelling. There will be much, much more Year-4 talk in the coming months.

    Bounty Hunters

    Last week, we also told you we would address the growing concerns with the role bounties play in the game and what our plans are to make changes. Here is Design Lead Tyson Green to tell you more.

    Tyson Green: Bounties have come to be a central mechanic for any repeatable activity content in Destiny, so much so that we've seen them move towards being mandatory chores rather than opportunities to optimize. We have some changes coming to help bring things back into balance.

    Shifting Away From Weekly FOMO

    XP and Season Rank gains are currently balanced around large contributions from Weekly Bounties. The intent here was to provide a large amount of progress for a small amount of focused play every week, but Weeklies fall down here because you lose out on big chunks of progress if you miss a week, and they are strained between too little progress for single-character players and too much repetitive work for triple-character players.

    While the specifics are still under development, as early as Season 12 we want to make this better by replacing Weekly Bounties with a mechanism that provides players with a set of non-expiring and account-scoped objectives each week that grant lots of Season Rank progress (more than the Weeklies they replace). That way the return on effort is better, more consistent between players.

    Optional XP Optimization, Not Critical Path

    Bounties have found their way into the critical path of some Seasonal pursuits, becoming primary sources for Seasonal progress. Starting in Season 12, we plan to steer away from this model in general. Bounties should focus on being an optional way to optimize for more or faster core progressions, like XP or Powerful gear by way of Challenges.

    When it comes to optimization, we recognize that there is a very blurry line between "optional" and "mandatory", and there's no perfect balance that works for everyone. But we think the balance is tilted too far towards feeling like you need to do bounties to unlock Seasonal content, so we're going to take this step to tilting back.

    Event Bounties

    Our Seasonal free events are also currently heavily utilizing bounties in their design. We have seen the feedback around Guardian Games being the most recent source of frustration, with too much emphasis on completing bounties to participate in the event. We don't plan on making any changes to the current event as it's ending in a few weeks, but are already looking at plans to adjust the role bounties will play in future events.

    QOL Improvements

    We don't like that every play session starts with 10-15 minutes of loading up on bounties. We want to make it easier to grab bounties when you want to do them. To that end, we are looking at mechanisms like allowing bounties to be accessed directly from the Destination Map. These are a bit further out (think Season 13), but are on our roadmap.

    We also don't like it when a bounty you've nearly completed in the middle of the previous day's play session expires right in the middle of today's session. While we still see expiration as a necessary mechanism to keep half-completed bounties from hanging around forever, we're going to relax some of the expiration times in Season 11 to give more time to close out yesterday's "19 out of 20 grenade kills."

    Speaking of grenade kills, in general we're dialing in the time to complete bounty objectives to be more consistent. Unexpectedly time consuming objectives sneak in from time to time, and we generally want objectives in upcoming Seasons to be a bit less restrictive in terms of how you play.

    Guardians to The Rescue

    The Bungie Foundation is our way of making the world a better place. We feel very fortunate to be making games that bring people together. It's also rewarding to share some of our good fortune with people who need it. Right now, the world needs all the goodwill it can muster, so our community has been invited to share in that mission.

    Guardian's Heart

    We're still raising money to benefit frontline healthcare workers who are putting their personal safety on the line to confront COVID-19. Just a few weeks into this month-long initiative, we're knocking on the door of our goal. We are so grateful for your support. Thanks to our partners at Direct Relief, these donations will find their way into the hands of heroes all around the world. The parade of Bungie Bounties will continue to raise awareness for how this community is doing more than staying home and waiting for this whole thing to blow over. Here is who you can expect to hunt in the coming week:

    Kilts for Kids

    It's time to don our tartans and raise money to bring families back together in their time of need. Bungie Foundation Manager Christine Edwards has the details on how you can help:

    Christine Edwards: Social distancing won't keep us from upholding our annual tradition of supporting Seattle Ronald McDonald House! This year, we present Kilts for Kids: Stay at Home Edition. We bring you our usual suspects – Mark, Forrest, and Yours Truly – as we highlight how we are passing time and keeping sane at home these days.

    While we all do our part to keep each other and ourselves safe, children and their families continue to battle with illness. Now more than ever, RMHC families need our help as they are even more isolated and face greater economic hardships. Help us achieve our $77k goal and cast your vote for Team Bungie by donating $10 or more. Every $30 donated will pay for a family to stay at the House for one night. Head to the RMHC Donation Page to cast your votes by Friday, May 15 at 5 p.m. PDT!

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    Need a sweeter incentive? Check out these backer rewards* for donating to Kilts for Kids!

    • $50 and over – Receive one Plaid Pride Destiny 2 Emblem per valid e-mail address.

      • Donations over $50 are welcome but will not grant more emblems

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    • $100 – The prize above, plus receive a postcard, signed by our K4K team and mailed to you.
    • $250 – All prizes above, plus receive a digital print of exclusive art made by Mark Flieg.
    • $500 – All prizes above, plus receive a physical print of Mark's exclusive art.
    • $1000 – All prizes above, plus participate in a virtual "Date with Destiny"**

      • Spend time with Bungie employees via virtual call to chat about all things Destiny, followed by a Destiny play session with you and your fireteam.

    *Rewards will not be automatically redeemed, as we must receive donor data from RMHC before reward distribution. An email will be sent to donors at each prize tour at the end of the event, no later than Friday, May 22, with instructions on redeeming each prize.

    **No secrets will be revealed. Bungie employees may not be able to answer every question you have.


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    The DPS team is hard at work staffing our help forums and making sure known issues are known.

    This is their report.


    When Season of the Worthy ends at the weekly reset on June 9, 2020, there will be a number of items, activities, and triumphs that will no longer be available to players. A full list of items being removed at the Season's end can be found here.

    Please note that this list is subject to change as more items are added towards the end of the Season.


    Destiny Player Support is continuing to investigate increases in connection-based error codes such as ANTEATER, BEAVER, and RABBIT.

    The team has prioritized investigations into WATERCRESS and NEWT errors. As we are still trying to understand the root cause of this issue, a more detailed updated will be given in next week's Player Support Report after more investigations have occurred.


    Below is a list of issues that have been resolved with Hotfix on April 29:

    • The Level 32 PDS upgrade can now be used to clear the Bunker by any character.
    • Rasputin's Daily Seraph Weapon can now be claimed on any character.
    • The Grasp of the Warmind mod no longer allows for infinite ability energy.


    While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:

    • Players are having difficulty completing the Hunter Chain Reaction Guardian Games daily bounty. Nightstalker Hunters using the Way of the Pathfinder must defeat groups of at least five tethered enemies twice. This count will reset when the Shadowshot Super is activated, so if a player is wearing Moebius Quiver it will reset their count every time they fire Shadowshot.
    • Players who are unable to pick up the Show Your Laurels Exotic Ghost quest from Eva Levante can still gain progress towards quest – once progress is complete, Eva will offer the player the Exotic Ghost of their choice.
    • Localization changes regarding the Hard Light Exotic Auto Rifle adjustments will not be available until a later date. Rounds fired from this weapon have reduced damage falloff instead of no damage falloff.

    For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.

    Epic Chase Scene

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    Now let's dim the lights and fire up the reels. It's movie time.

    Every week we pick our favorite community-created videos and share them here for the community to gaze upon. The creators also get to take home a special emblem for their effort. Here are this week's winners.

    Movie of the Week: Community Speculation

    Video Link

    Honorable Mention: Odyssey 3

    Video Link

    If you see yourself in one of these videos, please make sure you have your bungie.net profile linked somewhere in the description so we can send out your emblem.

    We hope we were able to give you a better understanding of Guardian Games and our plans for improving Seasons and bounties in the future. Next week, we plan to talk about Eververse feedback and some changes we'll be making to the store in future Seasons.

    <3 Cozmo

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Questions [2020-05-01]

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

    Bought the DLC? Shadowkeep FAQ

    Need Guidance? Collection of selected guides

    Shadowkeep & New Light known issues

    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    I know the reason why Bungie refuses to matchmake nine people for the seraph towers event

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Last time nine Guardians went anywhere together they got turned into void batteries

    submitted by /u/DefinitelyNotThatJoe
    [link] [comments]

    There are now 16 titles, there could be 20 by this fall. I'd love to be able to combine them, like "Flawless Shadow" or "Unbroken Savior"

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    \16 titles that people have acquired, I mean*)

    No idea how much work this would be. But you're doing things with the hopes of increasing our ability to tell a story by people inspecting us. You may not have done that to a lot of people's liking with the emblem changes, but that was the reasoning behind it. One of the reasons people don't like the the changes to emblems is it requires people to hover over individuals to see what is being tracked and/or to memorize what a lot of the symbols mean that have been added to emblems.

    Expanding Titles would give us another way to tell that story with people instantly knowing what it means. It goes to help us define exactly who we've chosen our character to be, like buying the "chicken chaser" title in Fable, or rather being stuck with it until you could earn a different one. Titles are not a unique or new idea, they are used very often in MMOs and in clans in many games. They are used in games with great affect for a reason, they are cool, they can show mastery, diligence, decency within the community, you name it.. I love their addition to this game, and hope you can expand on them. ]

    Obviously some titles flow together more effectively, like the one's listed, and some don't really flow that well at all but it's not just about flowing well together, it's about choosing how you want to be identified. While a lot of people don't care about the system, over a million people have gone out and obtained titles, so there is an audience that does care. People tend to surround themselves with like individuals, so while someone who doesn't care about titles might not even see them that often, I as someone who does all of the great content you make and chases titles, am often surrounded with people making this same suggestion. Because we do play all your game has to offer and we do care about it, we also are invested in showing off, it falls under the category of 'fashion frame is the end-game', our titles are part of our fashion.

    submitted by /u/Brockelley
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    Bungie, it’s critical that you do not use the return of old seasonal weapons as a shortcut for providing new content.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    It's great to see re-introduction of past seasonal weapons, that reduces the FOMO players experiences with this game. But, please don't use this good idea as a way to circumvent creation of new weapons each season.

    This game thrives on acquisition of new items; that's why putting nearly every new ship and sparrow in Eververse has been panned and why not creating Ritual weapons this season was so unpopular. Putting "new" old guns in the world-drop loot pool was great, but that didn't make up for the shallow overall content available this season. Especially when none of the guns introduced this season—including the Seraph weapons—became must-have items.

    submitted by /u/Jnak6
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    Today I helped many strike teams in their attempt to beat the Exodus Crash Ordeal as a blueberry out in the wild

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    For 2 hours I sat in the Exodus Black patrol zone, sniper rifle in hand and sniped down all the Pikes that spawned in when the strike team entering the patrol zone. Since I am not affected by all the modifiers I could snipe them down relatively easy and cleared the path for the teams.

    All the while having the Savior title equipped.

    Edit: Wow! Thanks for all the awards! Here are the amount of Pikes that spawn in that part of the strike if you are interested: https://imgur.com/a/YYz3Bj6 Also I plan to do this tomorrow as well while working on other exotic sniper catalysts.

    submitted by /u/soulfulmirror
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    The Guardian Games armor should have been earned through the pinnacle drop from Eva.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I feel like that would give the event more incentive. That would feel like a even pay out for doing medals.

    submitted by /u/theycallme2tone
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    A congratulations to Titans for smashing it.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    I've been a Hunter since HoW. I'm in the top 8% of hours logged in D2 (however only 5% was in PvP). Done all the raids, and pretty much everything else, so not what you'd call "casual."

    I've also been a very vocal critic about the events... "integrity" so to speak.

    Bungie brought the data, and with that I want to offer my sincere congratulations to the Titans for pummeling the competition.

    Good job Team Titan.

    submitted by /u/CogitareMustela
    [link] [comments]

    A 2,500 word write-up on the State of Gambit and potential Reworks to improve the mode going forward.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    I wrote a roughly 2,500 word analysis on the State of Gambit and possible solutions and reworks to improve the mode back around Shadowkeep's launch, but at the time it ended up being drowned out by other posts and was largely ignored. I've touched up on it since then but I still believe all of the points written here are relevant and if several of these changes were implemented it would result in a significant portion of the Destiny community feeling a renewed love for the mode. If you post "Gambit sucks" or "lol who plays Gambit" in a comment then I want you to know you are not unheard, I am deliberately ignoring all of you because I think you're the worst.

    When Gambit was first announced in June of 2018 the excitement for the mode in the community was palpable. Streamers and content creators who had traveled to Bungie for a previous community summit praised the mode for it's ingenuity, the strategy, and how fun it was. When the mode was released for players to get into with Forsaken those sentiments rang true, Gambit was a great new addition to Destiny and it felt like it was proper mainstay for the series just like Strikes and Crucible before. However, if you gauge community sentiment now a large portion of the playerbase loathes playing Gambit. The mechanics that made the mode feel unique and fun before had turned repetitive, and team aspects made it feel as though if you weren't trying your hardest to win for your team you were being an active detriment instead.

    Let's identify some of the key issues with Gambit that have made it feel so tiresome to the community:

    The Matchmaking

    Gambit's matchmaking is without a doubt, the worst out of any other matchmaker in this game. There is no balance between premade teams, no balance between player skill, and no balance between loadouts and roles. Every match you play with no person willing to invade for your side against a premade team when you have a new light player on your team is a testament to how bad this matchmaker is.

    Direction and Introduction

    Gambit has no tutorial whatsoever to ease new players into the mode, you do not receive any sort of tutorial message until you are in the heat of your first match and you get a litany of angry steam comments on your profile about how bad you are at the game. Bungie has attempted to push players into certain actions and strategies with voice lines from the Drifter advising you to bank and bounties requiring specific enemy kills, such as high value targets and Envoys,


    Gambit has two clear objectives in the match, fill your bank with motes picked up from enemies and defeat the primeval before the enemy team does. The problem with these singular objectives is the method of completing it rarely differs match-to-match, Prime added the draining mechanic which allows you to steal motes from the enemy team but unless the match is a clear stomp it will almost never make an impact on the match.

    Rewards and Roles

    The rewards in Gambit have never been the focus of the gamemode for it's entire lifespan, besides a few pinnacle weapons or the Reckoner/Dredgen titles you never work towards something when you are playing Gambit. This echoes into the role system introduced in Prime, while a cool mechanic in theory the introduction falls terribly flat as the armor sets required to lean into a roll end up taking precious inventory space for your character and your vault. Nowadays when you load into a Gambit Prime match you'll almost never spot someone playing a specific role unless they're working on Reckoner.

    Now that some clear issues have been identified what can be changed to fix them while making the mode fresh and fun for all players?

    The solution and rework

    Here are some clear goals we want to make the core of the rework to Gambit:

    1. Make the mode fun and fair for all players of every skill level
    2. Make the mode easier to get into and understand
    3. Add incentives to keep players invested in the mode and seek to improve themselves within it
    4. Add variance to the match-to-match gameplay loop
    5. Make the role system more intuitive and buff the underperforming roles

    Our result from all of this results in

    Gambit 2.0

    Gambit Tutorial Quest - Mandatory quest for all new players before being allowed access to any Gambit Classic/Prime match (different tutorial for each mode required). Directs players to Gambit custom game screen where they can launch the tutorial mode at any time. Drifter will direct the player through the basics of the mode with voiceover guiding them to kill a set of enemies in a wave and deliver their motes to the bank, the first wave will yield them 5 motes to send a small blocker. After clearing the next wave the player will have 10 motes and en route to the bank the 'enemy team' will send over a wave of blockers which the player will be required to clear before being allowed to bank their motes. After clearing the bank the player is let known that a High-Value Target has appeared in the area and they will be directed to kill the target, when the target is dead the invader sound and screen effect will appear to the player and Drifter will tell them that this means someone from the enemy team will have come to kill them and deny their motes. While no player will have been sent due to the solo player nature of the tutorial the player will be told it's recommended they hide until the timer runs out for the invader. After they bank their final set of motes the portal will open and the drifter will tell them to invade, Drifter will tell the player that their goal is to seek our players holding motes and kill them to deny them from the enemy bank. When the player returns the Primeval will be spawned with around 1/10th of the normal health but will be immune until the Envoys are killed, when the health is at the halfway point the player will be automatically killed supposedly from an "invader" to demonstrate that invader kills in this stage heal the primeval. When the player kills the primeval the 5 minute tutorial mission will end and the player will be allowed access to Gambit Classic.

    A separate Gambit Prime Tutorial should also be added which introduces what each role can do in a match and teaches players about the new mechanics in play. Also a new game mechanic unique to prime should be added where a player can stand in a randomly appearing "Well of Dark" which takes about 10 seconds to fill and will add 10 motes directly to your bank, but will also not send a blocker to the enemy side.

    Gambit Classic Balance - In Gambit Classic allow small tier 1 adds to spawn in the zones other than where the main wave is at, but only allow this after 30 motes have been banked and make it detrimental for more than 1 person to be doing this to incentivize the rest of the team to clear the main wave. Additionally to this mechanic change the portal opening at each 30 mote mark so it takes longer for the first invaders to show up in the match. To compensate for this increased mote requirement and the larger amounts of motes generated due to the small waves increase the mote amount from 75->90 motes per round. Matches will still last roughly the same amount of time but this should make the Classic experience much more casual for people to enjoy. When matchmaking players for Classic ensure that premade teams are heavily weighted to match against other premade teams of the same size, this dissuades competitive players from stacking up to stomp more casual players.

    Gambit Prime Balance - Gambit Prime by itself is not in a terrible spot entirely, with the added mechanic of the Well of Dark simply increase the mote requirement for the Primeval to 120 motes (with the same 30 mote portal mark like Classic) but do not include the small extra waves that are active in Gambit Classic. Also lean heavily into Prime being the Competitive equivalent for Gambit, introduce a new ranking system with 2 available options for matchmaking: Freelance and Prime. Much like Survival, Freelance will not allow any premade team to enter while Prime allows matchmaking regardless of team size. Additionally when matchmaking you will only match with players within 3 ranks of the matchmakee or within 3 ranks of the highest ranked person in your premade team. Finally the matchmaker will prioritize finding teammates using a different role than your own so you don't often conflict with your partners.

    Prime Role Assignment - When exchanging items to the Drifter for Rewards (see later) you'll rank up your Synthesizer (the same one used for Reckoning, Veteran players won't need to rank it up if their's is already max) at the first rank you'll only be able to infuse the Reckoning armor set and any Gambit armor pieces, at Rank 2 you can infuse any Legendary gear, and at Rank 3 you can infuse Exotic armor. Some things to note about how the synthesizer and the role infusion will work:

    • Tokens introduced in the Reward Changes will be localized into the Synthesizer inventory much like the Chalice or the Dawning Oven so they do not take additional inventory space
    • To avoid clutter you can only infuse armor pieces you have equipped currently, you can select each one within the synthesizer for individual infusion.
    • There should be an infuse all option
    • Armor pieces infused should have their outlines in your inventory changed to the color of their infused role for easy tracking (Sentry color made more Orange to be more noticeable against a gold masterwork border)

    To prioritize armor balance and push people into using Gambit and Reckoning armor primarily they will be the cheapest to infuse, only requiring a single (tier 2) Token with other legendary armor needing 1 (tier 3) Token and an Exotic requiring 1 (Ascendant) Token.

    Role Changes - Some of the Prime roles are fairly well balanced (Reaper and Invader respectfully) the other roles are lacking in comparison. Here are some changes to compliment those roles and make them more enticing picks:

    Collector - Tier 1 perk added functionality of having a Vacuum effect on nearby motes. Tier 4 Giant Blocker health increased by 100%.

    Sentry - Tier 1 perk added functionality of adding a stacking damage reduction to your team for each Blocker you kill (Small grants 1 stack, Medium grants 2, Large grants 3, Giant grants 5), increases up to 25% damage reduction until next death. Tier 4 perk added functionality of Increasing individual weapon damage by 30% for 30 seconds after cleansing a Well of Dark.

    Reaper - Tier 1 perk added functionality by marking High Value Targets when they appear in the arena.

    Reward Changes - As an incentivization to urge players into Prime the reward system will be completely overhauled. Losing a match in Gambit Classic will grant 1-3 (tier 1) Item Referral Token which will give the player a blue-quality item, while winning a Gambit Classic match will grant the player 5-10 (tier 1) Item Referral Tokens. 5 of these (tier 1) Tokens can be traded in for a (tier 2) Token which will grant the player a random legendary open world item, as such 5 (tier 2) Tokens can be traded for a (tier 3) Token which can be exchanged directly with the Drifter for a specific random rolled Gambit or Gambit Prime weapon. Finally 5 (tier 3) Tokens can be traded for a single (Ascendant) Token that can be traded for a curated version of any Gambit or Gambit Prime weapon (minus a few exceptions) and 3 of these (Ascendant) Tokens can be traded for an Enhancement Shard further tying players into the item endgame by playing Gambit 2.0 matches.

    This system works like:

    (All Gambit Prime synths are converted to [tier 1] Tokens)

    • 1 (tier 1) Token - Blue item
    • 5 (tier 1) Tokens - Legendary gear - 1 (tier 2) Token
    • 25 (tier 1) Tokens - Guaranteed Gambit weapon - 1 (tier 3) Token
    • 125 (tier 1) Tokens - Guaranteed Curated Gambit weapon - 1 (Ascendant) Token
    • 375 (tier 1) Tokens - 1 Enhancement Shard - 3 (Ascendant) Tokens

    I can already hear the keyboard warriors typing "But that's 37 winning matches of Classic for a single Ascendant Shard!" Yes, that is the point. If you want to get these rewards much faster you must play Gambit Prime and advance in the rankings. Winning matches in each rank will have a high chance of awarding Tokens of an equal level. At the lowest rank you'll have an extremely low chance of getting an (Ascendant) Token, but if you play at the highest possible rank each win will guarantee a drop of an (Ascendant) Token.

    Match end rewards (Weapons and Armor) would remain untouched. These tokens would be located directly in the player's Synthesizer to reduce inventory clutter, you would only need to speak with Drifter in order to redeem the tokens for upgrade materials and your choice of weapons/armor.

    Make Gambit Fun (Arcadey modes) - While all these changes are good and all Gambit might still feel very sweaty even in low ranks of Prime and in Classic matches. Now there should be a weekly featured arcade mode with wacky premises to the match.

    1. Crowded - Both teams play on the same arena but cannot attack each other or their Primevals (Primeval spawns on Left and Right wave sides respectively) but general enemies, ammo boxes, and Envoy kills can be taken by either team.
    2. Minion mode - Medium Blockers are replaced by Taken Wizards which do not attack but instead spawn several shadow thrall that have 200% increased melee damage.
    3. Architect Paradise - Every blocker is a Taken Phalanx with different health and knockback effects based on their level
    4. King of the Hill - Similar to Crowded where both teams play on the same arena except you can only kill the enemy team while you and them are in a 15m proximity to the Bank

    In Summary

    Please do something like this Bungie, I'm the best Gambit player in my clan and for a period was one of the best PC gambit players yet I hate playing Gambit. If a player like me hates playing Gambit then how does the average player feel about it?

    Also any Content Creators or Community Influences reading this, if you get the chance to speak with people working at Bungie directly about player feedback please reference changes like these proposed.

    If you have any suggestions to add

    Edit to original post: I left out one small aspect that I believe should also be added to further incentivize players to equip their armor with the roles. Instead of getting the curated weapon drop from doing certain actions in the match reward players with a Role Reward Token which can be given to Drifter to obtain the curated Prime weapon of that role, or can be broken down in your Synth to give you enhancement shards and very rarely enhancement prisms.

    Player Suggestions from previous post

    • Instead of a forced tutorial introduce the tutorial mode in the custom game area and give out an optional quest that rewards upgrade materials so new players have a reason to do it
    • Role tutorial quest that rewards players with a piece of armor for that role for each step completed
    • Remove randomly spawning Heavy Ammo (including from perks like Taken Armaments) and replace them with several (lower ammo) heavy ammo crates near the bank that can only be picked up by a single person each. Removes the RNG factor from the match, and levies a degree of Strategy that can further influence the match.

    Comment in reply to u/WoodstockWillie on the purpose of the Well of Dark:

    The Well of Dark is largely something I thought up that would work well as a Sentry's side objective when Blockers and Invaders aren't on the field. The idea is the Sentry is collecting the Well of Dark away from the main wave, closer to where the invader is likely to appear. Since the Well would synergize with the Sentry perk giving them a damage buff it would make Sentries more capable at killing large and giant blockers and stand on an even footing with an Invader and their stronger overshield.

    Adding the Well of Darks would effectively split up the average Gambit team to the Reaper and Collector gathering motes, Invaders attacking the enemy team, and the Sentry monitoring the arena.

    submitted by /u/friendlyelites
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    My friends and I have stopped calling it "The Crucible" and renamed it "Deletethreeblues"

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    But seriously

    submitted by /u/TheAtlasComplex
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    For the love of the traveler please allow us to complete more than one frame at once and allow us to hold more than 30 modulus reports

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    I don't understand why I can't farm these guns in an efficient way. Forge loot is absurdly underwhelming when you consider how much effort it takes. Most forges drop a ghost (useless) and a sparrow (also useless). Having two guns of our choice being able to drop at the end of one forge will save everyone a ton of time.

    submitted by /u/Solo-Jamil
    [link] [comments]

    Ever notice how Banshee-44 manages to keep track of your weekly bounty progress even though he doesn't remember you turning them in?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    I used to assume this was a plothole, but I've since realized it's just his one of his exo-tic perks.

    submitted by /u/QuotidianQuell
    [link] [comments]

    Guardian Games Victory Probabilities! Congrats Titans, You Probably Won

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    So the past few days I've been talking about how for Warlocks and Hunters, there really isn't that much of a chance for victory in the Guardian Games at this point. I've had some friends tell me that isn't true, but being the true Warlock I am I decided to prove them wrong!

    With numbers.

    So what did I do? I made two programs using recursive functions (i.e. functions that call themselves with updated data) in order to see the probability that each class would win the games. I included the possibilities of ties, although I'm not sure if Bungie allowed that. Maybe some other factor would split a tie? Who knows!

    Anyways, The way I did this was through two different methods of 'victory'. Because the actual system to determine the overall winner is unknown, I made assumptions for two possible systems:

    1. All-or-Nothing: In this system, only the winner gets a point for the day. I believe this is the probable system, as only the victors are shown on the plaques in the main square, but who knows. The maximum point total possible is 28. (7 per week the first two weeks, 14 the last)
    2. Placement Tiers: In this system, each place is given a pre-defined number of points. I used 1st = 3, 2nd = 2, and 3rd = 1. The maximum point total possible is 84 (21 per week the first two weeks, 42 the last)

    So, with this out of the way, let's move on to the current results.


    Currently, Titans are in the lead (as everyone knows) with 8 first place wins, 1 second place entry, and 0 losses.

    Hunters have 1 first place win, 1 second place win, and 7 losses. (Honestly, a little surprised by this)

    Warlocks have 0 wins (sigh), 7 second place wins, and 2 losses. I would say something motivating, but instead of playing the actual event I made programs so I can't really say anything, now can I?

    So what does this all mean? Well naturally as the programs have more concrete data the numbers will change. I created them to take in the current stats and then essentially create "timelines" of every possible scenario.

    Eat your heart out Osiris.

    The only time that the data stops short, is when it is impossible for other teams to win. This is when a team has over 50% of the points, as by that time it's impossible to beat them. For the All-or-Nothing system, this is 15 points. For the Tiered program, it is 43. It's best to add these earlier stops as it improves the recursive algorithm's efficiency since continuing those routes won't change the results.

    Here are the probabilities that after today, April 30th, each class will win:


    Parameter Value Percentage
    Total Number of Outcomes: 364813 -
    # of Titan Victories 296641 81.31
    # of Warlock Victories 17097 4.69
    # of Hunter Victories 27695 7.59
    # of Titan/Warlock Ties 9072 2.49
    # of Titan/Hunter Ties 13762 3.77
    # of Warlock/Hunter Ties 546 0.15
    # of Complete Ties 0 0

    As you can see, it is near impossible for Warlocks and Hunters to win at this point. It's possible, I want to stress that, but an 81% chance of victory? Yeah, that's pretty good. Also not gonna lie, kinda sad that there weren't any possible complete ties. My logic might be wrong on that, but I've double-checked and it seemed fine. Code logic was fine, but due to the point total not being divisible by 3, it's impossible for a complete tie in this system. Doh. Thanks u/thyrandomninja!

    Alright, onto the tiered probability.

    Placement Tiers

    Parameter Value Percentage
    Total Number of Outcomes: 945966 -
    # of Titan Victories 702705 74.28
    # of Warlock Victories 142678 15.08
    # of Hunter Victories 51189 5.41
    # of Titan/Warlock Ties 25807 2.73
    # of Titan/Hunter Ties 8757 0.93
    # of Warlock/Hunter Ties 2870 0.3
    # of Complete Ties 11960 1.26

    For those curious, the reason the number of possible outcomes increased so much here is because in the All-Or-Nothing system, only 3 possible outcomes for each day could occur (each class achieving victory). In this system with accounting for 2nd place, 6 possible outcomes occur each day.

    Titans still have the highest chance of winning with 74%, but Warlocks have a higher chance in this system due to getting 2nd so much. Also interestingly enough, this system allows for complete ties! I guess we passed that point in the All-Or-Nothing system.


    So, why did I make this? I don't know, I'm a nerd and a Warlock on the inside. Plus I had some free time at work...

    Anyways. I hope whoever reads this enjoys the numbers. I may post some updates in the future to reflect new probabilities. As we get closer to the end of the games, it'll become clearer who is going to win. If say Warlocks win all of next week, the numbers will change drastically! Titans haven't hit the magic 15 or 43 yet, so it's still up for grabs. I know a lot of us are tired of bounties and are taking a break from the game, but for those who are still playing or maybe just interesting in the standings, I hope that this helps!

    Also. Warlocks. Please. I'm begging you. Turn in some medals. ;-;

    Edit: You can't make a three-way tie with 28 points silly ProfForp.

    submitted by /u/ProfForp
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    My little brother wants to chase his first title and I almost cried.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    Ever since the stay at home orders it's been rough not being able to hang with the baby brother. I'm 26 and he's about to be 13 this month. So as a compromise I gave him my old Xbox One S that I forgot was in my parents attic. Every week we play Destiny together for at least an hour or so and it's been great. I wasn't even upset when he blew my phone up at 12am wanting the Outbreak perfected and I was shocked on how well he memorized the jumping puzzle after watching some Datto videos. Soon after he fell in love with the game and he's so eager to learn more. So when he saw I was a Shadow and really probed on how titles are acquired and decided he wanted to chase one I was really happy. Thanks Bungie for giving two brothers moments like these.

    submitted by /u/Descend34
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    An art vent of Shaxx with a particular exotic sword as inspired by the old D1 lore piece

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:35 PM PDT


    So like I was on Ishtar doing some leisure reading on Destiny lores and found some discussions about Shaxx and a Raze-Lighter plus the Red War cutscenes.

    The mental image began to churn, of him wielding one just being purely unstoppable against the Cabals with "The Ultimate Soldier (Evangelion 3.0)" being played as the background music.

    submitted by /u/PedanticAuspice
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    Bungie, thank you, really appreciate it giving us full ammo whenever we start a GM nightfall.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    Can we do the same for the beginning of all PVE activities? Makes sense to me and saves many a trip to the tribute hall. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/ricdvs
    [link] [comments]

    Change loading screen tips to lore bits, quotes from characters, and pieces of texts from exotic and legendary items for more interesting reading.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Things like quotes from other characters, or snippets from the Ishtar collective and exotic item tabs. Could even add them onto the existing tips.

    I just think they would be much more interesting to read compared to "got an error code? Check our website to find out what it means". Plus, all the content already exists, you just need to add it into the loading screen tip dialogue box.

    submitted by /u/bigpotatoman
    [link] [comments]

    Changing armor affinity should be free

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Experimenting with builds is a huge part of the game for me and many others and I don't want to spend multiple ascendant shards every time I want to try out something different.

    submitted by /u/Silomare
    [link] [comments]

    Make Finest Matterweaves auto renew

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    I'm tired of activating them over and over again. Just make them activate automatically

    submitted by /u/Drakon-Wrath
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    I Drew a Seraph Bunker Map with Pyramids

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    Will update it for every week


    submitted by /u/rtsebratenko
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    I'm so used to automatically deleting all gear from activities that I just accidentally deleted a Pinnacle drop.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    It's on me, I accept that. But can you please consider adding a toggle or filter that will auto dismantle items of a certain LL? Maybe drop a note about it in a TWAB at some point on what you think of it?

    submitted by /u/Fahns
    [link] [comments]

    My favorite rock in this game is the one you find in the watchtower when you go to kill Uldren in Forsaken

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    It's really pretty

    submitted by /u/thiswak
    [link] [comments]

    Bungie did it! They fixed the Bunker Auto Material Gathering perk!!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    I used to only get 5 materials when collecting the chest per day, but after not collecting the chest for over a week I got 6 materials!!! Wow it's so much better now! Thanks Bungie!!

    submitted by /u/WatEva101
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    Since normal Nightfalls are all but irrelevant due to The Ordeal, perhaps we can get our positive modifiers back on the Challenge Card so we can play around in them?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    Not sure if it was Forsaken or Shadowkeep, but one of those updates removed the ability to add a second "green" modifier (other than the burn singe) - Grenadier/Brawler/Heavyweight.

    Now that we have The Ordeal as the 'main' Nightfall activity, and there are zero powerful rewards attached to the legacy Nightfall, perhaps it's time to unlock the full potential of our "challenge card" and give us the ability to set any combination of good/bad modifiers. Perhaps give us some of the older mods like Prism, the Y1 Heroic Adventure modifiers, or even Torrent? Let us players actually have the chance to just play around in a no-risk environment. Imagine even getting things like Small Arms or Specialist to return for this?

    submitted by /u/Trip87
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    The seasonal model should be used to tell year-long stories over the course of that year.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    I think Bungie has found something good with the idea of the seasonal model, but they're still a long way from refining it. It has long been a complaint about this series that each expansion villain never feels fully utilized and killing them off in the 3-5 story missions we would get in the old DLCs felt very anticlimactic. This really came to a head with Warmind and how we killed a Worm God within hours of downloading the expansion, and the lack of real repercussions or effect it had on the world.

    Forsaken and the Dreaming City really did this well. Unveiling the plot and the changing world over the course of 3+ weeks felt amazing. It felt like the story was unfolding in real time, as opposed to dumping all of it on us in a couple hours. Imagine if, during Warmind, the fight with Xol had been built up over the course of the DLC? Even if the fight itself wasn't that great, it would have felt like Xol would have had the lore and story impact expected of one of the Hive's patron gods.

    And Bungie's idea of seasons feeding into one another from this year pushed this concept even further. The idea is to make the world feel like a single, evolving story, where the actions of one group or story directly influence the actions of another. I do not believe Bungie has achieved this with this season, but I do believe the proof of concept is solid.

    The model of "large September expansion with smaller subsequent stories" is great. September should bring large-scale world and gameplay changes, which are then expanded upon and experimented with over the course of the year's seasons. The expansion's narrative should span the whole year, watching the fallout of the main story and how the rest of the universe reacts to it.

    I firmly believe this year's seasons should have been the follow-up to D2Y1. We have done almost nothing but focus on the Red Legion and their power struggles and attempts to remain relevant, which is what should have happened immediately following their defeat.

    Imagine if, rather than the vanilla campaign ending in Ghaul's death, that it instead just ended in his defeat and us reclaiming the City. Ghaul could be built up as the main villain, orchestrating the rest of the season's plots. Dispatching a team of Psions to Mercury, discovering the Infinite Forest and Sundial and trying to use them to undo the vanilla campaign. Us allying with Osiris to fight them off. The Cabal accidentally freeing the Hive on Mars, us having to take the whole season off to stop Xol. The Cabal using that time to regroup and devise their last-ditch attempt to throw the Almighty at us, culminating in Ghaul's ultimate defeat and the Almighty's destruction. The Red Legion menace is completely thrashed.

    Bungie already took a stab at this idea with the Leviathan; a single raid space that evolved and expanded with the story. As the seasons rolled and the DLCs dropped, we explored more of the Leviathan and furthered its narrative. While the whole Leviathan storyline was a bit too divorced from the Y1 DLCs, I don't think the concept was too far off the mark.

    Take Garden of Salvation. That raid didn't even have a real ending. We broke into the Black Garden because the Vex were invading and the signal from the Darkness's relic was reacting with something there. We fought through some ancient Minds in the Garden until we found a Darkness statue, and then just... left?

    Imagine if, each season, we got a small raid lair in the Garden, venturing a little further. Or 1-2 encounters were added beyond the "final" boss. It wouldn't even have to be one lair per season, just two lairs over the course of the year would go a long way. And all of it could culminate in the finale of that year's storyline, and pave the way for whatever would happen next.

    Just imagine it. Year 1 is the Cabal invasion, and vanilla ends with us kicking Ghaul out of the tower but he escapes. We spend the year squashing their attempts at rallying, following them to Mercury and Mars and the Almighty. After vanilla ends, Cayde begins partnering up with Petra to imprison the Red Legion and bring some order back to the galaxy. The year ends as we kill Ghaul and finally crush the Red Legion.

    But uh-oh. All those people Cayde had been locking away? They broke out, and killed him. We go on a murderous, revenge-fueled rampage and track down Uldren in the Dreaming City, where we are introduced to the curse. We spend the year reaching out, searching for anything that can help with the curse; the Drifter and his knowledge of the Darkness, Calus and his mysterious power. All the while, we get meetings with Mara in 3-week intervals. We grow increasingly frustrated by her apparent apathy to her people's plight, and in the climax of the season, we find out why: The Pyramids are coming. Luckily, Eris is back and has found one on the Moon.

    Taking year-long arcs would make the world feel so much more connected, fluid, and fleshed-out. Bungie has tried cramming a lot of storylines into different expansions and never really takes the time to satisfyingly resolve any. Look at Forsaken: The Scorn should have been a larger threat (Fallen using the power of Darkness? Uh, hello?), but were just B-list villains to the main plot. The whole "revenge for Cayde" thing was cast aside in 2 story missions and a handful of adventures, not giving us enough time to get emotionally invested in hating all of the Barons, or even bringing up their past with Cayde at all. All of it was sped through to get to the Dreaming City.

    Shadowkeep tried cramming the Pyramid, Nightmares, Vex invasion, and the Scarlet Keep. The whole Hive storyline was basically nonexistent, despite being the namesake of the DLC. The Pyramid plot has fizzled out until the next big Pyramid attack, and the Vex stuff I don't think was ever really expanded upon.

    The point is, Bungie has the perfect model to start churning out satisfying stories that we can really get invested in, and I hope they'll be able to start using this seasonal model to its full potential soon.

    submitted by /u/Cr4zyC4t
    [link] [comments]

    Loading screen tips are amazing, and thank for implementing them, but can you make them toggleable?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    It's a great thing for new players, or for players who just need a reminder of how some things work, but I honestly loved just laying back and watching my ship fly towards our destination, with other ships joining the caravan and then finally getting to the place we wanted to go after some seconds (PC SSD is cool). I kinda want that back really badly

    submitted by /u/GonnSolo
    [link] [comments]

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