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- Destiny 2 Update
- Daily Questions [2020-07-15]
- Getting 3 shaders and a transmat effect every 5 levels, that you may already own, isn’t very rewarding
- Solo Prophecy Flawless Extensive Guide and Tips
- Bungie, if you aren’t gonna make traction a toggle option on consoles can you make the cost of it 1? Just throw us a bone at least!
- Bungie, why can I rotate sparrows when viewing them but not ships?
- Hey Bungie, since the Shattered Throne no longer abides by the curse week rotation laws, can you make the Truth to Power lore book do the same?
- Rare Mars wanted bounty/triumph "The Eye in the Dark" is available at Spider. Get it while you can!
- Bungie, please, let us transmogrify items FROM COLLECTION.
- Reminder that Nova Warp is currently the worst super in the game
- You can use the Effigy to push the small knight in Contact
- I became a Reckoner last night
- Turn the Mercury patrol zone into a PvP arena. Have us play Capture the Flag.
- I just want Strikes to be worth running again
- PvE enemies are stronger this season. Irrefutable proof inside.
- Your alignment as told by your Pit if Heresy exotic
- Theory: Why we're returning to the Cosmodrome
- What IO (and other planets were are losing) make look like after the Darkness' Terraforming
- As we move closer towards the Fall Expansion, here are the sets of armor you should be acquiring and saving:
- All Execute Phases and Enrages in Destiny
- Stat-Focused engrams are actually bugged (Video Proof)
- It's my CAKE DAY so have some Destiny art
- Hey Bungie, can we add Enhanced Mods to more Pinnacle Activities?
- Never thought I'd say this, but Chaperone's catalyst should be hip fire grip.
- I don't have a clever title for this, but this just happened to me.
Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:08 AM PDT Source: Activities
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Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:00 PM PDT New player? Please read the New Light FAQBought the DLC? Shadowkeep FAQNeed Guidance? Collection of selected guidesShadowkeep & New Light known issuesWelcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities! Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself! Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions! Rules
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Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:58 PM PDT As many of you know, and may have participated in, you could skip directly to the Pleasure Gardens (doggos) in the Leviathan raid and farm the encounter for raid drops and bright engrams if you had the Contender Shell. As of yesterday, Bungie has disabled the Seeker of Brilliance perk on the shell due to "an issue." From this we can infer that the issue most likely refers to people farming doggos for raid drops and bright engram drops. While it's not my place to say whether the farming is good or bad, I think I can say that bright engrams as they are right now could definitely be improved. For every 5 levels after season pass rank 100, you get a bright engram. From this engram, you can get shaders, ghost projections, transmat effects, ornaments, and more. However, this leads to the topic of effort versus reward. For a while now, the most optimal way of gaining xp is to grind out weekly challenges and bounties and then grind repeatable moon bounties. Once you reach 105, 110, 115, etc., you get a bright engram that may contain the items briefly listed above. According to this article, you have a 75% of receiving a shader, 20% chance of receiving a rare transmat effect, and a 15% chance to receive either a legendary sparrow, ghost, or ship. Getting 3 shaders and a transmat effect or a legendary ghost/sparrow with undesired perks doesn't feel very rewarding. Especially when taking into account how much time it takes to grind 5 levels. Another thing to note is the statement: "Each time a reward in the Cosmetic or Consumable lists of potential rewards fails to drop, the chances of that reward being awarded on future rolls increases." While this does benefit the player, the effort needed to get a single bright engram for the reward it gives is not very worthy. One solution I can think of is to reduce the amount of levels you need to get a bright engram, possibly lowering the required level from every 5 levels to every 3 levels. In this way, while bright engrams may still be unrewarding, the effort required to get them is reduced to lessen the disappointment from their rewards. I hope to know what you guys think about how bright engrams currently work! Thank you~~ edit: please read the other posts made by other community members. there is a wonderful and in-depth guide for a solo flawless Prophecy completion, a plea for universal traction, a request for transmogging armor from collections, and more [link] [comments] |
Solo Prophecy Flawless Extensive Guide and Tips Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:40 AM PDT I had never attempted any solo flawless content before Prophecy. Once I saw the Daft Punk/Tron looking emblem, I knew I had to get it. So I set my sights on this achievement and finally got the clear yesterday. For context, I'm a PC-based, PVE-focused player and do have the benefit of a lot of raid and general D2 experience. While I'm sure I'm toward the higher end of PVE players, I'm far from being an Esoterickk or Slayerage, and I'm confident that anyone with a competent level of skill can get this triumph with the right mindset and practice. I spent approximately 10 hours total working on this Triumph. 1-2 hours of that was research on mods, loadouts, and watching clear videos. The other 8 hours was spent practicing. I started by working on a solo clear to learn the fights and gain confidence, then worked on Flawless. I got the Triumph on around my sixth Flawless attempt. I know there have been a number of these posts, as well as plenty of YouTube guides, but I wanted to share my own set of tips and tricks in an effort to help anyone out there going for this solo flawless clear. I found all of the guides I read immensely helpful in crafting my own strategy, so I wanted to add my voice to the mix in hopes that it helps out others going for this Triumph. This will be long, but if you're the type of Guardian that likes to over-prepare for these things, you'll find all the tricks that helped me out in this guide. General Tips:
Intro Encounter * You can decide whether you want to do this encounter each time, or use a sword to move directly to the first "true" encounter. In my opinion, this intro section is just there to teach you the light/dark mechanic, and doesn't represent any aspect of why this dungeon is challenging. Once I cleared the intro + the first boss flawlessly together, I personally had no problem skipping it so I could start at the Phalanx boss more quickly. If that feels like it invalidates the achievement to you, feel free to do the opener every time. It doesn't take too long, and is more of an annoyance than anything. If you're struggling with surviving the opening, keep running Prophecy with a team for now because Solo Flawless will be quite the challenge. Phalanx Boss (First Encounter)Mods Throughout the whole dungeon you'll want to run Taken and Hive Barrier at all times. Hive Barrier stacks with Taken Barrier for Hive-based taken. Taken Knights are present in all the main fights, so you never want to be without these mods if possible. Adding Taken Invigoration and Armaments is useful for both ammo economy and being able to spam healing rifts
For this fight, I prioritized two Major resist mods since those are by far the scariest source of damage. A single Minor resist is helpful in case the adds get out of hand at any point. Boss resist is not really needed here since the main threat from the boss is getting knocked off the map. Concussive Dampener will help with the flames. For that flex spot, you can either double stack Minor Resist if those are giving you trouble, or grab a second Concussive Dampener to further reduce the damage from the fire. I haven't done extensive testing on elemental resist mods, but I believe double Concussive Dampener would be more effective than Concussive + Solar Resist. Major/Minor/Boss resist mods do stack with diminishing returns, and a double stack represents about an 18% damage reduction compared to 10% with a single mod. Class and Weapon Loadout * Subclass: Well of Radiance Warlock * Exotic: Transversive Steps * Primary: Mountain Top (Taken Spec) * Secondary: Riskrunner * Heavy: Falling Guillotine (Taken Spec) Loadout Notes:
Fight Tips
The Wastelands (Second Encounter)Mods
No big mod adjustments here aside from moving to Machine Gun/Heavy ammo finder if you decide to use my recommended loadout Class and Weapon Loadout * Subclass: Well of Radiance Warlock * Exotic: Phoenix Protocol * Primary: Any kinetic bow will do fine * Secondary: Recluse/Gnawing Hunger * Heavy: Xenophage/Anarchy Loadout Notes:
Fight Tips
The Cube (Third Encounter)Mods
I double up on Minor Resist during this fight, because if the minors get out of control (especially the eyes) it can really pose a threat Class and Weapon Loadout * Subclass: Devour Warlock * Exotic: Nezarec's Sin or Transversive Steps * Primary: Mountaintop * Secondary: Recluse/Gnawing Hunger * Heavy: Xenophage Loadout Notes:
Fight Tips
Rainbow Road (Transition Encounter)Mods
Class and Weapon Loadout * Subclass: Top Tree Dawnblade * Exotic: Transversive Steps * Primary: Ranged weapon (I used a Chattering Bone Pulse) * Secondary: Ranged weapon (I used an Arsenic Bite Bow) * Heavy: Xenophage Loadout Notes:
Encounter Tips
Kell Boss (Final Encounter)Mods
Class and Weapon Loadout * Subclass: Devour Warlock * Exotic: Nezarec's Sin or Transversive Steps * Primary: Mountaintop (Witherhoard if you don't run Anarchy) * Secondary: Recluse/Gnawing Hunger (main room) + Bow (Kell bridge) * Heavy: Anarchy (Wendigo if you don't have Anarchy) Loadout Notes:
Encounter Tips Main Room
Kell Bridge * Welcome to the DPS phase! There is very little randomness in this part, so you can really focus on execution. My recommendation is to aim for a three phase. Doing a two phase means you'll really have to be focused on DPS during this section, which opens you up for more death opportunity since you won't be as focused on surviving. A four phase means you spend a whole extra cycle in the main room, which isn't ideal. Three phasing this is very comfortable with my recommended loadout. * You have two main sections where you can focus DPS: the very beginning and the very end of the bridge. Most of your DPS will come from these two times, and anything you can get in between is a bonus. I was happy if I got off 2-3 extra double shots of Anarchy during the movement phase as we worked down the bridge. You'll likely have to do some DPS during that movement phase to comfortable three phase it, but it should not be your main focus. * To start, right away you want to pump two Anarchy shots into the boss, avoid his first teleport, then take cover on the right side. From the right side, use your grenade for oppressive darkness, pump two new Anarchy shots into him, then Nova Bomb. Get one or two Mountaintop shots in if you can. You can use the pillar to hide from his teleport attack. * At this point, adds will spawn on the bridges in front of you. Snipe them with a bow and begin to move up. You can try to keep Anarchy shots on the boss as you move down the bridge, but only do this if it's comfortable. Focus on staying alive, killing adds, and making clean jumps. * I recommend that players "play forward" on the bridge rather than hanging back. This isn't a hard rule, but generally keeps you safer since the Entropy aura will be moving toward you rather than away from you, and you'll be closer to subsequent add spawns. Watch a video on the fight and be sure you don't hang on any of the plates he teleports to, because that can spell trouble. * At random times the teleport will clip you even when you're hiding. If this happens, don't make any movements until it respawns you in the back, then just focus and rush back up to safety to avoid ten stacks of Entropy. A teleport isn't the end of the world, just don't panic. * Ideally you want to be standing at the end of the bridge by the time Kell has teleported to the second-to-last spot. This gives you essentially two DPS windows. Pump Anarchy and a few Mountaintop shots into him, and then when he teleports for the last time, use an Oppresive Darkness grenade if you have one ready, keep Anarchy up on him, and unload with Mountaintop and your bow. If you can get some Anarchy shots on him right before he teleports, they'll do some tick damage on him even after he moves, which is a nice bonus. Make sure you have at least a few rounds of Mountaintop ammo saved for the next Main Room phase. * Once Kell teleports, you can wait for an unlimited amount of time. I always spent two minutes here waiting for my Nova Bomb to come back, grabbing a drink of water, standing and doing a quick stretch. Switch back to your Recluse/Gnawing Hunger if you moved to a bow for the bridge phase, then head back to the Main Room. Main Room (Subsequent Phases) * After your first DPS phase, the main room you spawn into will be random in terms of the layout and dark/light balance. To play really safe, I highly recommend using your Nova Bomb right away to take out a Knight and a chunk of adds. This will proc Devour so you can save your grenade, and lets you get a head start on building your Nova Bomb back up for the DPS phase via Nezarec's Sin/Void kills. In theory you can save that Nova for an emergency, but I found myself more frequently dying at the beginning of those rooms than during the end. Typically if you can control things in the beginning, the rest becomes much easier so I think an offensive Nova at the start is the way to go. Offense is sometimes the best defense. * As you go through the fight, ammo can become more of a concern so stay aware of your ammo reserves and switch weapons as needed. I tended to use Mountaintop a lot, and would have to intentionally remind myself to switch to Recluse at times to recoup Special/Heavy ammo. * Anarchy can be great for killing Knights and you can even pre-fire it before adds spawn for an easier time. As long as you have a good amount of ammo, feel free to use it in the main room for support. Final Tips for Kell * My biggest tip is to try and stay calm. Your nerves will likely be going crazy by the second main room phase, and this will cause you to subconsciously make poor decisions and bad plays. I died a few times due to choke Mountaintop shots where I misjudged the distance between myself and a Knight. I died a few times on the bridge to bad jumps because of nerves and questioning my decisions. Take the extra time at the end of each DPS phase to try and clear your mind. Go over in your head what you're going to do when you start the next room. Fallout Plays has a clear video on YouTube, and in his final attempt you can see he's pretty worn down from how long it has taken, but even still he's very calm and reminding himself out loud what to do. That sort of mentality is what it will take to push through, especially if you aren't the most skilled PVE player. * It gets easier every time, but can also get more challenging if you're doing multiple runs in a day. Discouragement can really set in, and it can be pretty heartbreaking to spend 45-60 minute getting to Kell, only to die from a stupid mistake. In the beginning, ALWAYS force yourself to finish Kell, even if you die. You will need the practice. It wasn't until I had about four solo clears of Kell under my belt that I would instantly orbit after dying to reset the Flawless run and try again. Until you know that fight like the back of your hand, practice it over and over. * Know when to call it. I'm probably not the best example of this because I ended up getting my clear on a run when I was really discouraged and should have probably called it, but thankfully I was able to get my focus back by the final fight. If you're feeling really burned out or discouraged, come back to it with fresh focus another day. Closing Thoughts I think that sums it up! I'm sure there are a lot of random tidbits I missed, and I can imagine other players will have completely different strategies and approaches. If you have any questions or disagreements with my strategies, feel free to let me know in the comments. Your strategy should feel comfortable to you, and don't be afraid to experiment with alternative ideas if you think something could work better. Good luck on your attempts Guardian; I believe in you. Here is a quick list of resources I found useful:[link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:29 AM PDT |
Bungie, why can I rotate sparrows when viewing them but not ships? Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:00 AM PDT Title. It's just a turntable Bungo, let me turn it just as I can with the sparrows please. Yes, I understand that some parts might end up out of frame. That's OK. Edit - Would also be all kinds of amazing if our ship was in the hangar so we could see up close Edit 2 - WOAH! Had no idea you could already summon it! Thanks everyone! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:58 AM PDT This is mostly concerning the Chronicler title, which is locked behind a 231 day time gate and is not possible to obtain before the DLC. I have a feeling that they are going to sunset the title this fall because a few of the lore entries are on soon to be vaulted planets. IF the title is going to be removed this fall, I'd really like to know so I don't waste my time. Either make it obtainable after the expansion launches, or give us weekly drops so people that have already started collecting the pages can actually finish the title. Edit: According to my calculations, the last week that we were able start and complete the Truth to Power lore book legitimately before the fall expansion was the curse week of February 11th. If you started legitimately collecting the all the TTP lore pages any curse week AFTER the week of February 11th, you won't be getting the title, if it gets removed this fall. [link] [comments] |
Rare Mars wanted bounty/triumph "The Eye in the Dark" is available at Spider. Get it while you can! Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:24 AM PDT This wanted bounty on Mars generally doesn't appear for several months at a time so this is potentially your last chance to get it and it does count as a destination triumph. [link] [comments] |
Bungie, please, let us transmogrify items FROM COLLECTION. Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:06 AM PDT Idk what Bungie are planning to do with transmog, but still, I really want to have an option to transmog items from collection. Because all my vault is full of guns and armor, and I can't just have all the armor in one vault. But I still want to have an option to make my guardian as beautiful as it possible. [link] [comments] |
Reminder that Nova Warp is currently the worst super in the game Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:54 PM PDT As we all know, Nova Warp on release was busted as all hell in PvP and was actually really good in PvE, but after the major nerfs it's god awful for both PvE and PvP, yeah the super was "slightly buffed" afterwards but it's still really bad, the only thing going for it was Handheld Supernova but that got nerfed recently as well. It's the only super with charge time which is absurd to me, the light & heavy attack does piss poor damage to most majors and the teleport is not even worth using because the super doesn't last that very long if you're consistently using light and heavy attacks. HHSN in PvP is still useful but isn't as good as it use to be but in PvE what's the point in using it? It's damage is 1/3 of a Vortex Grenade. The melee is great in PvP for pushing people away and dealing extra damage with the delayed explosion but in PvE it's doesn't really do anything. The only thing that Nova Warp is good for in both PvE and PvP is Dark Matter, which is sad. Nova Warp needs a severe buff in PvE and a little tuning in PvP or a complete rework entirely. There is just no point in using the subclass right now. [link] [comments] |
You can use the Effigy to push the small knight in Contact Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:56 PM PDT
No more Blueberries getting the knight away. It works solo. It works great. [link] [comments] |
I became a Reckoner last night Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:47 AM PDT Nothing can harm me anymore. [link] [comments] |
Turn the Mercury patrol zone into a PvP arena. Have us play Capture the Flag. Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:10 PM PDT The patrol zone for Mercury would make for such a great PvP map and I'd literally strangle one of you for either Rift or a more traditional CTF game mode. [link] [comments] |
I just want Strikes to be worth running again Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:32 PM PDT I know this has probably said many times but honestly Strikes need more incentive to run. Exclusive loot alone would fix the problem pretty easily. I miss the Skeleton key system from AoT too. [link] [comments] |
PvE enemies are stronger this season. Irrefutable proof inside. Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:10 AM PDT |
Your alignment as told by your Pit if Heresy exotic Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:07 AM PDT ** edit: thanks to everyone for NOT pointing out that the title says if instead of or. ** The Good Lawful Good: Lumina- You want to help people, so you go in using a weapon reclaimed from the hive to spread good vibes to your other two bros. Neutral Good: Xenophage- You went in to get Omar out. Now, every week, you take him back to allow him to get justice against the Hive. Chaotic Good: Tractor Cannon- You like to boop things off cliffs. Throwing things into holes like your name is Leondas is the only time you are really happy. As an added bonus (not that you actually care about it) it helps your sword-wielding friends cut harder. Because reasons. The not good but also not bad Lawful Neutral: Leviathan's Breath- Boomer Knights in the plate encounter are your chosen enemy. You will destroy them at all costs. You also dont like wizards. True Neutral: Legend of Acrius- You love using this, because it was given by your cabal sugar daddy you tried to murder that one time. Chaotic Neutral: Anarchy- BZZZZT The "I am not a nice person" people Lawful Evil: Witherhoard- "You stand where I say you can stand." Neutral Evil: Whisper of the Worm- You know its not the best for this activity. You just want to kill hive using one of their gods. Chaotic Evil: Skyburner's Oath- Killing enemies is not enough. You also have to be a detriment to your team. [link] [comments] |
Theory: Why we're returning to the Cosmodrome Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:09 PM PDT We're returning to the Cosmodrome in order to either fuse Rasputin's AI into Ana's experimental Exo Chassis, or to give Rasputin a place to resume operations on Earth. The Exo was just a means of transportation. Season of Arrivals LoreLore will soon be released following up on the Season of Arrivals opening cutscene that showed Rasputin being 'disabled' by The Darkness. Here's a Lore continuation of the cutscene: Exo Upload Link in the Original Cosmodrome BunkerThere is a secret room located beneath Rasputin's Core in the Cosmodrome Bunker. It was never used back in Destiny 1, but it may serve a purpose in Destiny 2:
Future Plot TheoryRasputin was originally intended to be an Exo in the Vanilla D1 storyline. (This was cut) Remember the weird containment chamber aboard the Dreadnaught? Theories suggest that Rasputin was originally meant to be captured by Oryx and was intended to be used against humanity. Perhaps Savathun will use this chamber in The Witch Queen now that Rasputin will be a physical Exo. Dreadnaught architecture being featured in the Court of Savathun leads me to believe that, in addition to the new destination Bungie promised for The Witch Queen, I believe the Dreadnaught will also return as a prominent destination. That's my theory. :) [link] [comments] |
What IO (and other planets were are losing) make look like after the Darkness' Terraforming Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT So from Dialogue in the Contact public event, we learn that the darkness isn't just empowering enemies with Darkness, but it is also terraforming the planet in the same way the traveler did. (At 3:57) We can already see this in the contact public and the opening mission where parts of the ground are covered in some sort of black paneling like the pyramids shell. This example is in the opening mission where you get pulled by the pyramid but can also be seen on the ground in Contact where the Blooms are. Another example is the Tree of Silver Wings: So already we have been shown that the darkness can change matter by touching it with darkness, but i think we already have an example of what the end result of the terraforming will reproduce from the concept art. From this concept art, we are shown something like a city with architecture similar to the Pyramid ships (with a pyramid ship even being seen in the back ground), as well the Veiled Woman statues with the Forerunner symbol. Clearly the Darkness is doing something to the worlds, since now we are even seeing Pyramid Scales flying around IO, like they are busy with some sort of great task. Since we are going to be abandoning these planets to the darkness, i reckon that whenever we return, the planets may begin to look something like this concept art, which already has elements being reused now in the form of the Statues. Additionally, since the Darkness is changing the environment itself, this could be how we see a sort of darkness species hinted at in lore and concept art: Maybe once the planets are terraformed, we may see creatures similar to the wet earth smelling monster from the Black Armory paper, or the Darkness beings from the Drifters Ice Planet. Instead of a personal army of darkness beings, it could just be warped life spawned from a darkness world. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:31 AM PDT There are 3 sets you should build (and any duplicates of sets you may want to cover the elemental affinities).
(since this set can take both Taken and Fallen mods)
(since this set can take Hive mods, Undying mods, and Dawn mods)
(since this set can take Arrival and Worthy mods) So long as you have 1 of each of these sets (and some dupes for the different affinities required for certain mods), then all of your bases are covered moving forward. [link] [comments] |
All Execute Phases and Enrages in Destiny Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:35 PM PDT
Templar: No execute phase. Enrages around 8 minutes, consists of summoning increasing amounts of Minotaurs, along with an increase in damage. Atheon: No execute phase. Enrages around 8 minutes, consists of summoning endless Supplicants, along with an increase in damage. Additionally, he has a soft enrage based upon remaining health, the lower his health the faster he fires his Torch Hammer and the more shots are fired in a burst.
Ir Yut: Soft enrage consisting of a 30 second wipe timer after 2 minutes have elapsed. Does not count as an execute phase as it is not based on health pool. Crota: Enrage consisting of endless Oversouls is triggered around 7% HP. This could also be considered an execute phase, as it is triggered by a health threshold and is unsustainable for the raid.
Warpriest: No execute phase as his damage window is already unsustainable for the raid. Enrage consisting of a never ending Oculus is triggered by passing a certain time threshold or by not killing the Warpriest in the damage window after all Monoliths have been used. Golgoroth: Execute phase consisting of endless Taken thrall spawning after passing 25% health. Enrage that triggers after passing a certain time threshold, consisting of the entire raid being drained of Light and presumably Taken. This same doomed mechanic triggers after 6 Guardians have died. Daughters: Execute phase consists of a short timer where the raid must down the last remaining Daughter before she finishes her song. No enrage. Oryx: Execute phase where the raid must deplete the last percent of Oryx's health pool before he finishes his Doxology cast. Additionally, each "Thunderdome" phase is an execute phase where the raid must down the Echo before he finishes his Doxology cast, roughly 30 seconds after the last Guardian enters the dome. Enrages after roughly 15 minutes, or 5 phases. Consists of Oryx attempting to cast Doxology at the start of every phase. This is difficult, but not a doomed situation.
Vosik: No execute phase. Enrage triggers after 3rd damage window if Vosik is not killed, dooming the team. He may also have a timer based enrage, not sure about this. Aksis: Execute phase where the raid must down the last 15~% of his health pool or wipe. Enrage after 10 minutes consisting of an increase in damage and fire rate. [link] [comments] |
Stat-Focused engrams are actually bugged (Video Proof) Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:06 AM PDT Got a strength engram the other day from a random Contact drop. Decrypted it and the strength stat dropped at 6 which isn't lining up with what Dmg had said was the minimum (10) for the stat. If this could be addressed, that'd be great. It's possible, more-so likely that the playermade stat-focused engrams work fine but the Contact-dropped engrams are bugged, hence the obscurity of this bug's presence. [link] [comments] |
It's my CAKE DAY so have some Destiny art Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:59 AM PDT Destiny really inspired me to go full force into drawing again and I can't wait to visit Europa in the Fall. Gonna be amazing! Saint-14 : Felwinter: D2 Clan poster: [link] [comments] |
Hey Bungie, can we add Enhanced Mods to more Pinnacle Activities? Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:18 PM PDT Raids and Dungeons would be even more worthwhile to run if you could get general Enhanced Mods from them too. The Enhanced Mods say their source is "Pinnacle Activity Packages", so why not those sources too if they're considered Pinnacle Activities? [link] [comments] |
Never thought I'd say this, but Chaperone's catalyst should be hip fire grip. Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:00 PM PDT |
I don't have a clever title for this, but this just happened to me. Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:17 PM PDT Couldnt stop laughing [link] [comments] |
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