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    Wednesday, July 29, 2020

    Destiny Dungeon Diving: Prophecy

    Destiny Dungeon Diving: Prophecy

    Dungeon Diving: Prophecy

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/49301

    A shadow approaches. The Pyramid ship floating above Io serves as a looming reminder that we are unprepared – that we know not what the future portends. You must search for answers if you hope to face the oncoming storm. You must seek the Nine.

    You must hear the prophecy.

    And so, you find yourself standing at the doorstep of a new realm. But how did you get here? And what is "here" exactly? To answer that, Andrew Hopps (world lead) and Brendan Thorne (senior designer) – two members of Bungie's Raid and Dungeon team – take us back to the beginning. Back to when rainbow roads were for Italian speed demons and walking on walls required scrolling green text and leather trench coats.

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    Both Andrew and Brendan have been at Bungie for over seven years. During that time, they worked together on more than 10 raids and dungeons including King's Fall and Vault of Glass. When they started on the Prophecy dungeon, the team was searching for something art-driven and different.

    "The theme of new perspectives came from some early prototyping," Andrew recalls. "As soon as we started to experiment with rotating the game space, we knew we wanted to go off the deep end with an abstract style."

    The team started by aligning with the Creative Leadership team to figure out where the dungeon was going to take players. Andrew remembers being excited at the prospect of visiting Nine space. Placing the dungeon there would empower them to experiment with game mechanics and an art style that toyed with a lot of the rules within the Destiny universe. "We're stepping into this simulacrum," Brendan said. "The Nine made a little pocket universe for us to explore."

    They went to Robbie Stevens (creative lead) and Tom Farnsworth (design lead) to start discussions on how to integrate the new dungeon into the existing Season of Arrivals story. Players already knew that the Pyramid ships were approaching, and the dungeon was the perfect opportunity to explore the question: What is the Darkness? In spite of all their research, the Drifter and Eris still don't know. So, when the Season began and the threat became imminent, players had every reason to search of answers – even if they're cryptic and lying at the end of a neon-fueled abstract playground.

    "It's really exciting," Brendan said. "The Pyramid ships are here, and we have the sense that something awful is about to happen. What do they call those big cataclysmic events – black swan events. One that reverberates and changes everything. It feels like a sudden surprise in the moment but when you look at it in reverse you can see exactly how it was made possible."

    They wanted players to view Prophecy as foreshadowing. To be able to look back at this dungeon and realize that Bungie had been laying the groundwork for something massive the whole time.

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    With narrative direction and an excitement to push the limits of what they could do with the Nine realm, the team turned to the world-spinning prototyping that had captured their imagination initially. "Sometimes it's a happy accident when something works," Andrew said. "We definitely prototype really bold ideas and the ones that work well together end up together."

    "We start with these happy little accidents," said Brendan. "Then we find out how to layer them on top of each other for a smooth experience. We start with the core mechanic in a safe learning environment. Then we add some difficulty, a twist or two, and tie it all together. It's a solid method to make the whole experience feel cohesive."

    The team took all the mechanics they had and then tuned them so that, when combined, they were difficult but still manageable. "We try to find out how many plates we get players to spin at the same time," said Andrew. "We keep layering, so by the time you get to the final boss you should understand exactly how this fight is going to play out just by stepping into the room and looking around."

    Brendan explained how he, Andrew, Darin Lantzy (senior technical designer), Matt Turner (senior world artist), and Ben Heider (test lead) sat in an office with a giant whiteboard and diagrammed everything they had. "All the mechanics and how do they work together and support each other. It all clicked. After about an hour, we had a design."

    Some mechanics, like rotating the world, were things that Andrew had wanted to do previously but didn't make sense contextually. "Whenever we prototype different experiences, we end up with cool ideas that don't always fit the theme – so I'll just save them for later. When Prophecy started, and we decided we were going to the Nine realm, I was like 'Oh hey, I've got this in my back pocket. '"

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    "Dungeons are not typically super mechanically complex because we want players to easily understand what's happening around them," said Brendan. "So, what Andrew did was super clever. He built a cube that players can activate to get teleported. Then the entire world turns, and the cube drops them into a new version of the world. So, players are now on what used to be a wall or the ceiling."

    The team went to Darin Lantzy and told him that he was empowered to do whatever he wanted to make the room spin feel cool. "He was super involved in prototyping," Andrew said. "He kept adding these effects to really sell the rotation of the world as you drop in and out of the teleporter."

    The mechanics were simplified to a single activation, but the gameplay that arose out of it was new and exciting. Brendan explained how suddenly the layout of every surface became relevant. "It creates these interesting combat encounters. It becomes more about how well you use the geometry and play in the moment rather than having the perfect build or perfect strategy."

    Geometry as gameplay is a central tenet of Destiny 2. Where players move and what weapons to use - building encounters where spatial orientation and player position are central to the experience means the team was able to leverage the best part of Destiny's sandbox.

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    Another prototype that excited the team involved fighting with actual light and shadow. "I don't think we've ever used light as a game mechanic like this," Brendan said. "Like actual volumetric lights or anything like that as a mechanic."

    The core concept was thematic and straightforward: players use the light and shadow in the game to succeed. "We wanted it to be a simple concept to explain," said Brendan. "You could see someone doing this fight and you would know how to do it in 30 seconds."

    Players would kill an enemy and depending on where the combatant was standing, they would drop a different type of mote. Enemies dropped dark motes while standing in the dark and light motes while standing in the light. Even though the mechanic sounds simple on paper, it was visually confusing and somewhat frustrating since players can't really reposition enemies.

    While testing, Ben Heider suggested making the dropped mote type rely on the position of the player instead of the enemy. Even though it was subtle change, the whole encounter shifted. "Suddenly the player had more agency," Brendan said. "We made that simple change, played it the next day, and wow – it was a million times more understandable."

    Those kinds of pleasant surprises come about a lot during the process. It isn't unusual for a team to come up with a cool idea that seems impossible, only to have an embedded tester come back with a solution. Bungie's testers are integral to the process and bring with them invaluable insight in determining the kinds of challenges a design will face, both in production and in the hands of players.

    But even when something ultimately doesn't end up working, Andrew's prepared to take the idea and put it in his back pocket for later.

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    In addition to unique game mechanics, there was clearly a distinctive art direction that the team leaned into for Prophecy. Madison Parker (senior lighting artist) made reference to an artist named James Turrell that the team looks to for inspiration. His work explores the interplay of light, color, and architecture and his focus on bold color, shape, and really simple forms that match well with the Nine's aesthetic.

    Knowing that the theme lent itself to the abstract, they wanted a progression of shape and color that would transition as players traveled through the dungeon. "When you start, everything looks soft and then progressively get very angular," Andrew said. "Round shapes sunset and become spheres with lines in them and then become a flat line that a monolithic square rises from, that then collapses into a triangle. If you look at the shape language from one encounter to the next, you will see this progression from soft to hard to angular shapes as you traverse the Dungeon."

    There were so many fantastic artists that contributed to the look and feel of the dungeon. Brendan recalls thinking of Andrew as a production designer on a movie – organizing pages and pages of brutalist architecture, moods, screenshots, and lighting concepts. "Andrew had this vision and this plan for Prophecy. I just watched in awe as him and Matt Turner (senior artist) built these shapes – it was so cool to see them come together."

    What resulted is very much an art-driven dungeon that doubles down on the Destiny 2 brand of geometry space as gameplay.

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    The whole team is incredibly proud of how Prophecy turned out. At the time of this article, the dungeon has been live for a few weeks and players seem to be having a blast. Prior to the quarantine, it was a tradition for everyone to gather in the Bungie theater, order queso, drinks, and pizza, and watch players dive in for the first time.

    "The World's First race is obviously a big deal," said Andrew. "So, our whole team and a bunch of partners get together in the theater and root on the teams." For Last Wish, there were still people in the studio at 5:30 a.m. Dungeons are a little faster, but everyone still gets together in the theater to watch players experience it for the first time.

    Despite having to work from home, the team was still watching, "A bunch of us got together in a video conference call to watch the launch," said Andrew. For a team intimately familiar with every aspect of the dungeon, there's a special joy that comes from knowing when players are about to experience something special for the first time. "We're on the edge of our seats, ready to cheer," he said.

    It's akin to griefing the new player with content you've played already – a spoiler-free twist to share with friends. The Raid and Dungeon team knows that this is something of a tradition in gaming. Shared moments that build memories that endure long after the final boss learns the error of their ways.

    True to form, Brendan shares a gaming experience that many can relate to, "You know the Sparrow run in Scourge of the Past?" he asks. "Where two people have to hit the buttons together? I was always the raid-dad making sure everyone was ready. Coordinating everything and not really paying attention to Andrew on his Sparrow – aiming at me. As soon as I say 'go' he just charges right at me and kills me every single time."

    Halfway through the story, a smile that can only be conjured from fond memories forms on Andrew's face. He quickly composes himself before responding, "That's not true. I'm hyper-focused and never goofing off at all."

    The Prophecy dungeon is live in Destiny 2 and free for all players. Jump in today, take in the sights, and drive carefully.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Questions [2020-07-29]

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

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    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Strike with 20+ people

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    So i log on to D2 like normal and go to the tower from directory, the game takes a while to load until im thrown into the corrupted strike in the dreaming city? I spawn in at the bottom of the elevator section, then notice that there are 3 other people in the strike with me which is strange but then one leaves so im like, ok this is pretty strange, so i carry on with the 2 randoms i've been put with.

    We kill the ogres and carry on until we get to the jumping part just before the boss, I get to the final arena (no boss btw) just fine but there are no guardians in sight, i take in the view for a bit until i look up and see it, around 20+ usernames above me, then all of the sudden the boss music plays and the fight starts, at this point the 20 or so people are teleported into the arena and it's utter carnage. Supers everywhere and the boss is gone in seconds, everyone grabs their loot, celebrates and im back into orbit.

    IMAGES: I hope this works...

    Probs some grammar and spelling mistakes

    Edit: Cleaned up post a little

    submitted by /u/C_Lav604
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    Change the "Kill 150 Fallen" bounty to "Kill 'insert high amount' enemies".

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    There is a single Fallen strike out of however many strikes in the game. It literally just leads to people going into the lost sectors and not even doing the strike properly (yes I'm guilty of this myself) and this is because they don't want to have to run the strike 2, 3 maybe 4 times to get it done. Everybody running Exodus Crash is probably only there to do THAT bounty. So it turns into a fight over who can get the most Fallen lol.

    These bounties just encourage people to play in weird, unhelpful ways focusing more on running off than the actual strike. Just make it "Kill 400 enemies" so we can do that actively as we play strikes normally.

    Strikes are already pretty unrewarding and, in my personal opinion, a boring slog to get through each week. Please don't force us to play them longer, and in stupid ways just for bounties.

    submitted by /u/Lyrcmck
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    Season of Arrivals has been the high point of year 3, but let's be prepared for the salt mine to explode with 105 days remaining in the season

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Just a gentle reminder that we still have a longer wait for the next expansion than most seasons have been in their totality. Use this time to finish up triumphs that you have been looking for, specific challenges you wanted to hit but haven't gotten around to and take breaks if you find yourself not having fun. During this time, lets talk about things we are excited for and things we think bungie could do better and not the long wait between content or the content running stale when it has to last over a month and a half longer than it was designed to. This has been the high point of year 3, but we are still in for a long wait until year 4 properly kicks off.

    submitted by /u/destinyvoidlock
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    Anti-Barrier rounds should penetrate Taken Phalanx’s shields like they do with other shielded enemies

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    As title states.

    submitted by /u/OP_pinecones
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    Idea for new activity-Sieges

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    There would be weekly encounters were we attack a fortress weekly. They would have community objectives like kill x amounts of orgres in the siege. The siege could take place someplace like the moon or the dreaming city . If we complete the weekly objective the first week we get powerful rewards . The next week we move further in to the fortress. We do another community objectives and get powerful rewards. We do this for a set amount of weeks. Every few weeks there would be a personal objective. So after we complete the community objective we do a strike like activitie with a fireteam of 3. All community objectives would take place in a patrolable area that is only available for that week. If we fail the objective we restart.

    submitted by /u/vcassassin
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    Here are your cutoff dates for completing things before the DCV, the "oh shit" dates

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Here are the lines: https://imgur.com/a/sD5jNdvThese are your "oh shit" lines

    Green (Sept 22nd) - The last flashpoint rotation, if there are heroic adventures you need, this will be the last week to do those on each destination

    Red (Oct 6th) - There are 5 EP bosses, this is the cutoff for getting the Worldline Catalyst completed, also your last few shots at the EP guns for Wayfarer, also the last 4 week rotation for the Levi challenges and their associated emblems/triumphs, also the last 5 week stretch to complete the Outbreak Catalyst

    Blue (Oct 20th) - The true oh shit line, this is the last rotation of raid challenges in Scourge and Crown, the last boss rotation in Menagerie, also the last 3 weeks to get the Whisper and its catalyst and ship

    Titles to worry about:

    Wayfarer - You can easily obtain this before it gets vaulted, the green line is the cutoff for this one, if you start after that you're sunk, focus on the Lost Prophecy weapons each week, they can be time consuming requiring amplifiers and cultures and you can only do three a week, there are 11 total. Don't forget about the Braytech Osprey that only drops from Strange Terrain nightfall

    Chronicler - Obtain the books Uldren Sov, The Awoken of the Reef, and Ghost Stories before vaulting, ideally start working on them no later than the green line because some are behind heroic story missions, areas you can only access at certain times (use Braytech, it'll show you exactly what's going away)

    Dredgen & Reckoner - I'm adding these because it seems likely that at least Reckoner is going away. Dredgen should be "easy" and can be done in a week if you no-life it. Don't do that though, start now. Reckoner on the other hand will require at least two weeks to kill both Tier III bosses and to upgrade your mote synthesizer so you can start printing out notorious armor. The weapons are also split between two weeks. If you want Reckoner, start immediately, it is an immense grind. Dozens of Reckoning runs, hundreds and hundreds of Gambit matches, find a fireteam to do it with, and please please don't try and knock it out in two weeks.

    Blacksmith & Shadow - The earlier the better! For instance, Lost in the Kingdom of Sorrow requires looting the chest at the end of the second encounter 5xs, that's 5 runs (can all be in the same week), I don't see anything in here that's time gated before the blue line but don't put it off. Keep in mind you need to complete 6 Ada-1 bounties, those are rare drops and can take a long time to complete. You also need Jotunn, Izanagi's, Le Monarque, and Threat Level to clear the forge triumphs. You need to complete your chalice and socket a buttload of runes. Sure, you can probably do all of this in three weeks but its going to be a massive grind. Start now.

    Miscellaneous - If you want to complete the Ecdysis lore book (and I highly recommend you do), it'll take 9 weeks of completing Xur bounties. Its a bit of a drag but there's some neat content behind those. The week of Sept 8th will be the cutoff for that. The Niobe Labs puzzle requires the LMG, Bow, and Sniper so those will take at least 2 weeks to forge if you haven't touched Black Armory yet but you can knock those out in the last couple weeks if need be. The Confessions and The Chronicon lore books are from the Menagerie and Chalice of Opulence upgrades respectively. I honestly don't remember how long the Chalice took to upgrade, at least several weeks, plan accordingly. On also The Warlock Aunor might not be around once they re-arrange Gambit.

    Exotics - I'm sure these will all be available in some way later, but probably best to pick them up now if you can.

    • Rat King, starts on Titan
    • Lumina, required Will of the Thousands, Mars
    • Thorn, optional destination bounties, end with Savathun's Song, Titan
    • Bad Juju, obtained through the Tribute Hall
    • The Last Word, requires story mission on Io
    • Anarchy, Scourge of the Past
    • Legend of Acrius, Leviathan
    • Tarrabah, Crown of Sorrow
    • Polaris Lance, Mars
    • Sleeper Simulant, Mars
    • Worldline Zero, Mars
    • Izanagi's Burden, quest step on Io
    • Ace of Spades, Ace in the Hole is on Titan
    • Truth, requires Menagerie and Benedict
    • Jotunn, requires forges
    • Le Monarque, requires forges
    • Whisper, requires IO
    • Outbreak Perfected, requires Zero Hour/Titan

    Edit: I see a lot of valid questions, most importantly "what are the column headers" haha might be helpful eh? I pulled that list directly from here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSOSn3UC6NoaI8N0L1Ysh3L5_HZa5aPgnO6KBhKFEE5IWofAlVmpkVSFiJsOOHUJGwDH7Z8pYO_NADT/pubhtml# which was made by /u/kiki_strumm3r, I've used that spreadsheet sooo much, bookmark it, your column headers are there, and obviously all the information after Beyond Light releases is unknown.

    Are forges going away? Is Reckoner/Dredgen going away? No one knows (maybe not even Bungie). I'm cautious because the original assumption was that any activity linked to a vaulted destination was going away...then we learned that Scourge was being vaulted. Now I'm assuming that all seasonal content is going away (except for Gambit, which will be a different gamemode after BL). So no Red War, no Black Armory, no Joker's Wild, no Opulence. Dredgen might still slot nicely into whatever they have planned for Gambit Perfected but I wouldn't count on it, especially since Dredgen is probably the easiest to get right now.

    Are Lore books going away? I have no answers here either. Do they leave the lore books in while only half of the lore in some of them is obtainable? What about the lore attached to guns like The Last Word? When you buy Bastion from Rahool with a cipher it just dumps all the lore on you, maybe they'll do that? At minimum I'd collect the lore that's on vaulted destinations, I'd recommend filling out those lore books entirely, and if you actually want Chronicler, why not start the Truth to Power grind now?

    submitted by /u/SpamShadow
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    Stomp mechanics are the most fucking bruh moment mechanic in this game

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    Like I finally solo flawless pit of heresy until the final boss and get him to under half health just to get launched off the edge of the fucking map like a chump. Like I worked so hard and practiced so much just to get launched...

    submitted by /u/Dirty-Harry-03
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    There's an error in this week's Eververse store.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    They're selling the August shell but if I'm not mistaking it's still July for a few more days? /s

    submitted by /u/InvadingBacon
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    "In short, Ulan-Tan's biggest sin was telling a ruling warrior class that their war was unwinnable." The Story and Theory of Ulan-Tan,

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:13 AM PDT


    That's the thing, isn't it? No one wants to listen. They only pay attention once you're dead.

    Ulan-Tan was the greatest mind of his time, and so, of course, he was wholly overlooked. You did not even give him the crown of a heretic—not until he was already gone.

    You had him! But he slipped beneath your notice. And now that he's gone, you parrot his ideas like they're your own. You say the words! You play the part! Some of you even wear the costume.

    I hear you describe him as he must have been in life. His bright face. His shining bond. Every tile he stepped on turned to gold, and everyone sang his praises in the streets.

    Jackals! He was threadbare and haggard! He was mocked for his meandering rants! You've dug up his grave to chew on his bones; you've twisted his words into something false. Something yours. There's no substance to you. You preach the sermon, but you will not—could not!—live the teaching. Not as I have.

    This is not what his genius deserved.

    Bond Of Reciprocity 2018

    Ulan-Tan, the controversial warlock known for his theories of Symmetry, is remembered for his arguments on the nature of "the darkness" alongside other philosophers and figures who lived to see the collapse of the Golden Age.

    Something hit us. Killed our Golden Age. Nearly wiped us out. Only the Traveler saved us, and at a shattering cost.

    The Speaker tells of a cosmic force that swept over us and caused the Collapse. Legend calls it the Darkness, the Traveler's ancient enemy, which hunted it across space.

    All we have left are questions. Centuries of debate gave birth to competing arguments on the nature of the Darkness and the Collapse.

    The Pujari Position describes the Darkness as a force with both physical and moral presence, an actualization of evil. Pujari art depicts the Darkness as a great storm, or as a change in conduct, a corruption that emerged from within and poisoned the Golden Age.

    Saint-14's Position argues that the Darkness was an invading armada, an alien force of incredible - but tangible - power. Some adherents believe that this armada sprang from species rejected or discarded by the Traveler for their sins.

    Ulan-Tan's Thesis considers the Darkness a necessary symmetry to the Traveler in a cosmic balance. In this view, the Traveler's goodness led it to sacrifice for others, and it is up to us to return this goodness by healing the Traveler.

    The Monist Position, or the Deflationary Position, considers the Darkness as a technologically sophisticated force, perhaps a post-Singularity intelligence. Adherents invoke information theory or contend that the universe is a simulation, allowing advanced intelligence to gain weakly acausal powers by bending the rules.

    The Acataleptic Clause claims that we are intrinsically unable to understand the Darkness. In many respects this belief parallels the Praxic Creed, which suggests that we should stop worrying about the nature of the Darkness and focus on resisting and defeating it.

    Certain positions - often labeled heretical - imply that the Traveler itself triggered the Collapse, or that it knew the Darkness was coming for it and hoped to use the Solar System as a sacrifice or a proxy army. The Binary Star cult is one notable example.

    The Darkness 2015

    And now, five years later...

    Before the invention of the doctrine of Symmetry, the prevailing framework for talking about the Darkness was a moral one. Dark Age scholars directly mapped the paracausal forces to our preexisting moral codes. That is to say, they thought that [Light = Good] and [Darkness = Evil]. For them, the connection was innate. This was a natural assumption, given how the Darkness had razed the known worlds, and how the Traveler had saved humanity from destruction.

    However, once the dust from the Collapse settled, it became possible for City Age scholars to broaden their historical gazes. For the first time, they studied the Darkness from a holistic perspective, rather than a moral one. Most of these proto-Symmetrists hedged their theses by stating, as Mornighan put it in "Darkness Enlightened":

    "Though it may be true that the Darkness is a necessary Evil, we may countenance its existence by acknowledging that it gives way at all times to the force of Good. For wherever the Light shines, the Darkness recedes before it."

    It was in this intellectual space that Ulan-Tan first proposed the doctrine of Symmetry. His hypothesis discarded the Dark Age premise that the Darkness and Light were moral in nature. Instead, he postulated that our moral understanding of Light and Darkness were subjective experiences of absolute forces.

    If one accepts that the concepts of Light/Darkness and Good/Evil are not perfectly aligned, then there must necessarily exist liminal spaces where [Light = Evil] and [Darkness = Good]. If true, it would be the ultimate triumph of moral relativism. It was this (yet unspoken) tangent of Symmetry that the Vanguard found to be so threatening.

    —Excerpts from "Ulan-Tan, Heretic Saint"

    Solstice Mark (Magnificent) 2020

    the transcripts of his theories are as follows...

    "To have Light, we must have Dark. This is the symmetry of the Universe." —Controversial Warlock Ulan-Tan

    I propose a simple experiment—look around. You see light. You see darkness. There could not be one without the other. They are two sides of the same coin.

    If it is true for these Newtonian echoes, why would it not be true of the purest, paracausal forms?

    Therefore, I conclude: the reason you persecute me is not because of the symmetry. It's because of the truth beyond this truth, the truth which you most dread: if we could destroy darkness, but we had to give up our Light to do so, how many of us would make that trade?

    Symmetry Flight 2017

    Launching with destiny 2 was this ship echoing Ulan's theories. It seems no mater how far along we are in our story, the echoes of symmetry continue to follow us.

    And then, a whisper

    "The demiurge of the Hive is the worm; the demiurge of the Vex is the thought; the demiurge of the Fallen is the Ether, which is survival; the demiurge of the Cabal is authority. These are the things, both constraint and power, which define the universe of possible actions. These are the rule makers and instruments which enforce reality.

    Give a power to a Guardian and they shall know that power as a weapon, for when a Guardian chooses to alter the world, they do so with the bullet and the blade. Grant a Guardian godly power, and that Guardian shall fashion it into a perfect rifle. The demiurge of the Guardian is the gun.

    But we must remember that the demiurge is not the god. It is only the thing that converts perfect divine will into imperfect material form. We may wield the demiurge; but if we do, what god wields us?" —Ulan-Tan

    A Thousand Wings 2018

    We receive a whisper coming from the grove of Ulan-Tan. Is this just a coincidence? Could the darkness be inviting us into this mission through the doors of a guardian who preached the art of symmetry in the universe, that neither the light or the dark, that neither the host or their guest in this mission be evil?

    Two months later in the mission "Ace in the hole" we listen to Cayde for the last time as he speaks to his potential killers.


    "This one's for the minds behind the Deep Stone Crypt. You think just 'cause you made me, you can unmake me? Hey, I understand. I were you, I wouldn't want people knowing what I did either. Guess you better hope I didn't tell anyone about the crypt. Or about the, uh, what was it? Oh yeah… Long Slow Whisper. 'Cause if I did, that would be real bad for you, huh? I may be dead, but I guarantee you ain't heard the last of me."

    Ace In The Hole 2018

    Clovis Bray is considered to be the man who Cayde is speaking to in this quote. Clovis heard a whisper, and with it came the secrets of the Deep Stone Crypt. With Beyond Light we will finally learn the secrets of the Deep Stone Crypt, while we do not know if this story will be directly related to the pyramid ships or not, it may be logical to think they are connected if the location of the crypt is in fact on Europa with the active pyramid ship.

    Let's go back to why we have been kept from embracing the darkness through grimoire that dates as far back as 2015 and as recent as today.

    The Silencing Of Ulan-Tan

    The knock-on effects of Ulan-Tan's Symmetry theory were wide reaching. They likely extended much further than Ulan-Tan himself ever intended. The idea of Light and Darkness as amoral, interdependent forces led to some extremely inconvenient questions. Chief among those was the following: If the Light and Darkness were interdependent, how could one ever "defeat" the Darkness?

    As Ulan-Tan himself said, "I wish the Light could 'win,' as you put it. But we must accept that it's just not that simple."

    This became a thorny subject for the Guardians, who had spent centuries asserting their combat capabilities. Inherent in their militarism was the idea that victory, or at least self-defense, was possible. However, if their use of the Light simply prompted the spontaneous generation of Darkness somewhere else in the universe, then their military efforts were inherently futile. They were simply propagating an eternal stalemate at the expense of their own pain and suffering.

    In short, Ulan-Tan's biggest sin was telling a ruling warrior class that their war was unwinnable.

    —Excerpts from "Ulan-Tan, Heretic Saint"

    Solstice Cloak (Majestic) 2020

    Here begins the push back against those who follow the word of Ulan-Tan. We see here that as these theories begin to gain traction, it irritates those who work protect against what they claim to be evil, and that these theories only slow down our mission of good over evil. And who would this harm more than anyone? Our Vanguard...

    While Ulan-Tan was certainly unpopular within the ranks of the Guardians, he became persona non grata with the publication of a pamphlet entitled, "Finding Light in the Darkness." Though it was anonymously authored, the ideas within were widely credited to Ulan-Tan, and he bore the consequences of its publication. The most provocative ideas within the pamphlet were as follows:

    "Light cannot exist without Darkness! They are a bonded pair. They beget each other in eternal Symmetry. They are as One!"
    "If we claim Knowledge from Sister Light, then we must also claim Knowledge from Brother Dark. The Traveler shares only half of Life. Darkness provides the rest! We must know the Dark to know ourselves. We must Balance or Perish!"

    The idea of embracing the Darkness, even to learn from it, was the final provocation. One that the Vanguard could not let stand. So, while the true provenance of the document remains unknown, punishment was meted out against Ulan-Tan for having "let the cat out of the bag."

    Though authorities throughout the system attempted to discredit Ulan-Tan, essentially forcing him into hermitage for the latter half of his life, it speaks to the persuasiveness of his ideas that Symmetry is still a widely studied philosophy. It remains as controversial (some would say "heretical") today as it was during its inception.

    —Excerpts from "Ulan-Tan, Heretic Saint"

    Solstice Bond (Majestic) 2020

    An excerpt from a pamphlet filled with provocative ideas credited to Ulan-Tan, expressing the idea of embracing the darkness is cited as a pivotal moment in the extinguishing of these ideologies, specifically, with the Vanguard...

    And so, from the Ghost Fragment: The City Age 2015.....

    "And so it is agreed. The Concordat shall no longer be recognized among the Consensus. We'll begin the dismantling right away. But what of those Guardians who have pledged to them? We can't afford any more banishments."

    "I'm sure Zavala can see to their realignment."

    "We'll do our best. Lysander chose his followers wisely. It may take some time."

    "Lysander will not back down. He'll continue his crusade from wherever we stuff him."

    "And so we'll need to find some new ideas to replace his."

    "The Symmetry has been gaining a strong following..."

    "Ulan-Tan's teachings are too dangerous. Too much fear. Who knew he'd be more trouble dead than alive?"

    "We'll need to refocus our collective minds on combat. The Speaker's anxious to regain ground we lost after the Gap."

    "There is the War Cult."

    "Too secretive. Have you ever tried to talk to one of their 'soldiers'? Like a child. Answering questions with questions."

    "They are dedicated to the war."

    "Which one?"

    "Good question."


    "They seem focused. Strong. More interesting than worrisome."

    "Let's take it to a vote. All in favor of the ascension of the Future War Cult?"

    "Unanimous? Good. We'll grant the Future War Cult access to the Tower and a seat among us. Ghost, please offer the Speaker this proposal."

    "Now onto the next order of business...Shaxx is here with another proposal for his Crucible."

    Lysander, Leader of The Concordant, a faction removed from the consensus and booted from the tower for its radical ideas based on the theory of symmetry created by the great Warlock Ulan-Tan. Lysander as we learned obtaining his sparrow in Destiny 1, left the tower and it is said he still holds a small gathering outside the walls of the city.

    At this time we had no idea how strong the theory of Symmetry was. It has since become clear, it was enough of a threat that the Vanguard agreed to eliminate its biggest following and replace it with a faction dedicated to war, something they too are dedicated to. And with it, they hope to stop the word of Ulan-Tan and guardians from Using the darkness. Zavala and the Vanguard have been sure to keep us devoted to war and disregard the word of Symmetry.

    "In the darkness, light shines more brightly, and where light shines, it casts a shadow."

    "You do not hate me. You hate the idea that I might be right."

    "Whatever came for us… it will come again. That is the nature of symmetry."

    "I propose a simple experiment—look around. You see light. You see darkness. There could not be one without the other. They are two sides of the same coin."

    "One day you will realize… Light alone is not enough."

    They will all listen now,

    Thank you for reading,

    - A Disciple of Symmetry

    submitted by /u/NoochyByNature
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    Bungie, Can we have a Exotic Armor Ornaments tab?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Title Edit: Exotic Armor Ornaments collections tab. I know you (Bungie) are busy right now with other things but if / when you get the time it would be nice to see it as a quality of life change. if anyone has a symbol for this or a concept image of this, feel free to post it in the comments. Im sorry if this idea already has been posted to the subreddit.

    submitted by /u/woke18
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    Is Omolon gonna have stasis sauce for us to drink in beyond light?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I sure hope so. My hunter can't stop downing shots of arc sauce

    submitted by /u/Eyyyy____
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    Arc Bolt grenades regularly do ZERO damage even when connected and the target shows the effect of being hit by it

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:51 PM PDT


    This has been a thing since, well, as long as I can remember. It happens in both PvP and PvE. I am surprised that it's not a common complaint.

    submitted by /u/spookybl8r
    [link] [comments]

    Raid Ring Arrived!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Thanks to Cayde For Modeling. Ordered on Bungie Day and it shipped last week.


    submitted by /u/kyanostiger
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    Let Bright Engrams drop from random gameplay.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Its always nice to see an exotic drop from a random Add kill, let bright engrams drop similarly.

    Bright Engrams/Mnemonic Engrams = whichever you prefer to call it.

    Edit: this is on top of the ones we get every 5 levels.

    submitted by /u/mysteryelyts
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    Bungie, you should bring back the "Exotic Chest"

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Ever since VoG launched each raid has had the "exotic chest". A chest that had a high chance of granting you an exotic.

    •In VoG the exotic chest was just before the Gorgon maze at the end of the hidden route from Templar.

    •In Crota's End it could randomly spawn in the first encounter, inside of a door to the left of the start.

    •In King's Fall it was at the on a hidden platform route in the "push wall" segment.

    •In Wrath of the Machine it was the SIVA puzzle chest (granted it was a one time only reward).

    •In Leviathan it was your 3rd underbelly chest of the run.

    •In Eater of Worlds it was the ring puzzle chest.

    •In Spire of Stars it was the extra chest in the jump puzzle (the one that didn't need the ball).

    Then it stopped at Last Wish. The chests from that point onward only gave raid loot, the occasional mod, or some other goody.

    Why not bring it back in the Europa raid? That feeling of excitement hoping to get that ONE exotic that you want. Being jealous of your friends when they got what you wanted. Or how about jumping with joy, when YOU got what you wanted.

    It's not the most important request in the world, but I do believe it would improve the raid experience if you brought it back.

    submitted by /u/Clopfish
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    Banshee is selling Striking Light armor mod

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    First a season of Worthy mod, now a season of Dawn mod within a week? This one won't be back for a while I reckon, grab it while you can!

    submitted by /u/HaoranC
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    Bring back sparrow horns...

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    ...everything said!

    submitted by /u/Bongokarl_
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    With SBMM being removed, can we at least have decent connection mm?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Seems like every game I'm running into at least two guys teleporting. I understand coding and development in general is a helluva task, but pls I can't compete with a teleporting shotgunner.

    submitted by /u/consack
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    Why are all Titles/Seals Purple? Lets add some long term investment (Overall Guardian Rank) for Veteran and new Guardians into 2021/2022.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Now that Bungie has announced their plans for the foreseeable future with Destiny 2, Lets take a look at Seals.

    Forsaken kicked us off with 6 Seals.

    • Rivensbane
    • Chronicler
    • Unbroken
    • Cursebreaker
    • Wayfarer
    • Dredgen

    Then, throughout Destiny 2 Y2, 4 more were added:

    • Blacksmith
    • Reckoner
    • Shadow
    • MMXIX* (First Seal that had an "expiration date")

    In Y3 with Shadowkeep, Bungie continued adding more limited seals based on Seasons. We got:

    • Harbinger
    • Enlightened
    • Undying
    • Savior
    • Worthy
    • Forerunner
    • MMXX
    • Conqueror * (Progress Resets each Season)
    • Flawless * (Progress Resets each Season)

    I think it's fair to say that we will be getting quite a few more Seals for the duration of Beyond Light, The Witch Queen and Lightfall.

    Currently, there is no way to see how many Seals a player has in game - as you can only equip your 1 favorite. What if you had an overall Guardian Rank based on the number of Seals you acquired? You can use the same Nightfall scoring system:

    Adept 0-3 Green
    Hero 4-6 Purple
    Legend 7-9 Blue
    Master 10-14 Red
    Grandmaster 15+ Gold

    Under this, you pick whichever one you like to wear (Undying, MMXX, Flawless etc), but you can have the color/badge have unlock-able colors to showoff how much long term commitment. I just think that Seals should have a longer term investment that they currently do. They've been out for almost 2 years now and something like this would benefit long term players - and encourage folks to help newer Guardians in Triumphs.

    submitted by /u/Spawnling
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    I have never hated myself more than i did at this moment

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    After dying on rainbow road twice during solo flawless prophecy attempts i finally made it to the boss but i got a bit too eager at the end :( https://i.imgur.com/mUGOLfE.gif

    submitted by /u/Brockolieee
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    Remember when they said no more Fallen weekly bounties?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    It was this day

    "Weekly Vanguard Bounties
    Removed Scorn, Cabal, Vex, and Fallen variations of Weekly Bounties from the Season of Arrivals pool." they said

    We've had the Fallen bounty every.single.week since then
    Bungie please i can't run the Exodus Crash anymore

    EDIT: So apparently the TWAB was wrong, and the patchnotes did say that Hive, Vex, Cabal, and Scorn were removed, so we're grinding Fallen and Taken for 100 more days

    submitted by /u/Michou_alacreme
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    Bungie, please add numbers to weapon stats the way they are with armor stats....

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    It would be nice when comparing weapons to have actual numerical values instead of just the bars.

    submitted by /u/dudeimlost21
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    Guide to Season of Arrivals Solo Flawless Shattered Throne (Warlock)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    I've been running and optimizing the solo for shattered throne, and I've came up with what I find to be the "best" setups and loadouts possible for running this at a decent pace while still being 100% safe at all times. Prerequisites or "strong recommendations" are as follows;

    • Trinity ghoul + catalyst. I cannot stress enough how useful this weapon is for pre-ogre, absolutely shreds ads and hobgoblins.
    • Riskrunner, catalyst highly recommended.
    • Ruinous effigy.
    • A whirlwind blade Falling Guillotine.
    • Strong recommendation for starfire protocol.
    • Uh, mountaintop.
    • If you happen to not have trinity ghoul, something like recluse/gnawing hunger/well rolled smg + snapshot long shadow would be ample for pre-vorgeth.
    • Any void subclass exotic that you feel comfortable with that adds survivability or grenade energy.

    With that out of the way, let's get to each encounter.

    Miniboss Rush (First Encounter)

    This is by far the easiest section of the dungeon, running mountaintop with trinity ghoul and a falling guillotine can make this go by very very fast. Bottom tree void + oppressive darkness can give your grenade the ability to melt minibosses or heal yourself if there's no thrall or acolyte's around to melee to proc devour.


    Use trinity ghoul to clear nearly all the enemies in the stretch before the final miniboss that opens the door with knights, hobgoblins and phalanx's on either side.

    once this door opens, swap subclasses to top-tree dawnblade for some added security in the ogre room. Don't be afraid to use mountaintop to clear knights in this room, just keep at least 5-6 rounds by the time you hit the dark souls-y ogre section before the slowed thrall section.

    Once in the ogre tightrope walk area, clear the first two ogres that spawn for your own sanity. Your dawnblade should be up, if not, wait around for it to fully charge then proceed on until the blight blocks one of two paths. Retreat, kill the ogre that spawns, follow the ogres path and pop a dawnblade if you get into any sort of trouble and icarus dash your way to the end.


    I decided to dedicate an entire section to thrallway, as it's honestly the most important part of pre-vorgeth. Enter the thrallway with trinity ghoul, killing thrall as they spawn and hop on top of the "safe spot" right after you go up the stairs. near the front entrance. What you'll do now is throw on a special ammo finder and swap from top tree to middle tree dawnblade, killing thralls until you see about five or six special ammo drops. Then, hop back up onto the safe spot and switch to ruinous effigy, maxing out your ammo and continuing on through thrall room using transmutation orbs to heal. Once out, continue on to the boss.

    Vorgeth, The Run Killer

    (run this a few times before going for the solo flawless)

    I highly, highly, recommend starfire protocol for this fight. Having two max health grenades is incredibly important, as you could lose 30 minutes of progress here. My strategy is as follows:

    Get first wizard down to 1/3'rd with ruinous effigy/gnawing hunger/inaugural address once it spawns. Hide behind the cover to the left of the wizard, using mountaintop shots or effigy beams to kill ads. Try to use a healing rift to get some cheap shots on the ads right of the wizard that spawns where you drop down. Kill that wizard first, and then rotate left to melt the second wizards shield and it'll go down in some sustained fire + a mountaintop shot. Continue this process till all 4 are down, dunk once you're full health, shoot the axion darts and pop a well in his face and hit him with a heavy attack to make him slam so he stays stationary then get your whirlwind up and the kill should be easy as long as he's positioned well and doesn't run off.


    Throw back on the trinity ghoul, and there's a short thrall section before boop wall that you can farm for super energy/ammo. Play this extra safe, maybe pop a well on some of the solar shield enemies or even throw on a solar primary to handle them as they can be tricky.


    For this encounter, you are definitely going to want mountaintop, riskrunner and a falling guillotine. If you haven't gotten a mountaintop yet, running a snapshot kinetic sniper will handle itself decently well here. Starfire protocol would also Immediately place a mountaintop shot or a snipe on each knight, then rotate right to clear ads with riskrunner or trinity ghoul. Kill the psions you can across the room, place a few more mountaintop shots on the bosses and rotate left to clear all psions. Once you have all bosses a tiny bit under a third of health, wait for witch lady to summon a crystal and melt it with whatever ammo you have. Pop a healing rift behind the psions and wipe them, using your grenade for heals whenever possible. Once you have all thralls down, wipe the bosses and plant your well of radiance on the witch and go to town.

    Going through this solo to get your bearings before a solo flawless is a solid idea, took me a few tries but the process is enjoyable regardless.

    submitted by /u/destinyguy442
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    Let us buy catalysts with exotic cipher.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    Just a thought, but for all of us players who do a lot of grinding and already have all of the exotic weapons, Bungie should offer a selection of exotic catalysts that we can also buy with the ciphers. Since we only get one a season it won't be super easy to get all of them, but it will take some of the RNG and excessive grinding out of trying to collect them. Also it would make sense for a lot of the raid catalysts for the raids that are being put into the vault.

    submitted by /u/Veasel96
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