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    Wednesday, September 23, 2020

    Destiny 100% Chance of Snow

    Destiny 100% Chance of Snow

    100% Chance of Snow

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/49582

    On the frozen moon of Europa, Eramis, the Fallen Kell exploits a dark power to grow her army's strength. The Vanguard's attention is demanded.

    The allure of this ancient power clouds your focus and tempts you with Darkness. Stasis whispers in your ear before you even arrive. You touch down in the snow-covered clearing; the distress signal from Variks still lingering in your ears.

    The crunch of your boots in the snow makes you aware of the silence. A silence that is short-lived. It starts as a light gust, carrying away the gentle flakes of snow that rest on your shoulders. Then, without warning, it hits you. A sudden wave of frozen air cuts through your armor. The hut in the distance seems farther away – harder to see. You lean into the wind as it grows in strength and can't help but wonder, "Why didn't I park closer?"

    Frost begins to spread across your helm and the storm howls as Europa challenges your every step. The squall envelops you and your destination vanishes into the white. But still you press on, bolstered by the steadfast guidance of the Light.

    Storm Systems The developers at Bungie responsible for the immersive experience on Europa have been wanting to take a crack at a new type of weather system for quite some time. The desolate, icy, and hostile surface of Jupiter's moon offered them the perfect environment for a snowstorm.

    Europa Design Lead Alex Velicky recalls, "We were brainstorming and Ed Brennan [Europa World Art Lead] proposed the idea of a blizzard to help sell the fantasy of a harsh environment. I thought it would be awesome if design had direct control over it and it didn't take long for everyone to get excited about the implementation." And so, the task of making a brutal Bungie blizzard began.

    The team tested features like slowing player movement, altering grenade paths, and even knocking players off their Sparrows. "It was painfully unfun and made doing anything in the game almost impossible," said Velicky. VFX Lead Justin Hayward added, "We iterated a lot to find a delicate balance between it seeming dangerous but without it actually being disorienting, oppressive, or negatively impacting core gameplay."

    Making Europa feel like a treacherous frontier was the main goal behind this new system, so they kept digging until they struck the right balance. When they found it, they moved onto believably integrating it so that it felt like part of a living breathing world.

    "Most weather in Destiny is fairly simple," said Velicky. "Because of this, most of the relevant systems are things our Skies, VFX, and Lighting teams set up and then leave to run consistently." The team wanted to play with that consistency and be able to control the weather to create some intense and dynamic moments.

    The answer lied in scripting the weather in a way that was similar to the systems found in Destiny's activities. "After a lot of investigation from some clever folks, we managed to do it," Velicky said. "The resulting system is script-controlled and fully networked."

    And just like that, storms on demand.

    Does It Go to 11? Dynamic weather was a huge step for the Destiny team, but it was just the first. Knowing that real storms don't suddenly appear and disappear with the exact same features every time, the team looked at different ways they could immerse players into oncoming and departing storms.

    "We watched a lot of reference from nature documentaries, movies, and games," said Mark Goldsworthy, a creative lead on the Skies and Lighting Team. "Then we created our own spin on it as we imagined how this would look and feel on a moon of Jupiter in Destiny."

    They settled on a handful of variables that, when blended, could organically grow or diminish a storm based on the needs of the story. As a result, weather on Europa comes in three basic flavors:

    The first has no storm at all. This is what Europa would look like without the new weather system. Clear skies, fresh snow, perfect skiing weather – consider this the smoothest sailing you'll do on the icy moon.

    Image Linkimgur

    During a light storm, the wind picks up, snowfall increases around you, and is largely aesthetic. "The light storm blots out the sun and completely obscures the starry skies above you," said Velicky. "This alone dramatically changes the feel of the destination."

    Image Linkimgur

    "When the heavy storm hits, the sky is heavily obscured," Velicky said. "The wind roars and the snow flurries become even more violent. The mid-ground is difficult to see and, if not for the faintly visible silhouettes, it would be nearly impossible to navigate at all. Players are encouraged to stick closer to cover and move with intent."

    Image Linkimgur

    It's also worth remembering that just because the weather picks up, doesn't mean the moon's combatants disappear. Even though it looks like the snow is shooting at you, it's not. So, with nearly zero visibility and a Fallen Kell to stop, it might not hurt to pack a thermal scope.

    The Sound of the Squall The gusts of wind rushing past your ears, the creaking of structures as they bend and sway, even the silence. In many cases, you hear a storm before you see it. The Audio Team wanted to give Europa an identity and a voice, so they introduced a unique palette of sounds that would establish it as a recognizable and real place in the Destiny universe.

    Sound Designer Keith Sjoquist went searching for sounds that would evoke an alien wasteland that is familiar, but subtly unusual – alien and otherworldly. "Early on, [Sound Designer] Peter Comley, shared a video of seal sounds in Antarctica that he had been drawing inspiration from that really resonated with me," said Sjoquist. "They were characterized by descending tones, clicks, and booms. It was striking how closely tied to the icy environment and naturally evocative of cold and hardness they felt."

    Sjoquist used this video as an inspirational cornerstone and he began soliciting sounds from other team members and recording some of his own material to feed through a custom FX processing chain.

    To implement the new sound design, they piped information from Destiny's new weather system into their audio software. "We used the game data to alter the pitch, the volume, and the triggering frequency of the sounds," Sjoquist explained. Data connected to things like the storm intensity could then be used to alter the soundscapes in real time.

    There were also wind loops and structural sounds added to locations in the world that were all tied to the same game inputs. These audio cues would remain silent when the storm was inactive but would slowly come to life as the weather picked up. "All of these things working together really made the Europa storm feel dynamic and unique," said Sjoquist.

    Click to listen to the frozen frontier of Europa as designed by the Destiny Audio Team.

    Bundle up, Guardians. November is right around the corner and it's getting cold outside.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Questions [2020-09-24]

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

    Bought the DLC? Shadowkeep FAQ

    Need Guidance? Collection of selected guides

    Shadowkeep & New Light known issues

    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Tower Thought: Beyond Light was supposed to release on 9/22, the September Equinox, or when Light and Darkness are in equal measure.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Can we stop getting shaders that we have already earned from bright engrams?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    That's what the collections page is for,one of the only shaders I missing is sunrise warrior but I keep on getting duplicates of bumblebee lmao

    submitted by /u/Maybe_Maxi
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    Since you're taking menagerie out the game, bring back 5x rewards you cowards

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Quite literally the best feeling farm in the game, obviously we had farms that gave us more weapons but this one gave us more things that felt usable. and even though I already sweated out God rolls on my weapons I know there's some guardians out there who don't have God roll beloved's or things like that who would appreciate it, even if it's just for a week

    Everybody who's saying " but they'll be useless next season!!!" 1)there's a month left in this season 2) there's still non light based activities in the game 3) everything in this game doesn't need to hit the light cap to be good or fun 4) shut up Edit: holy shit guys, my first gold!!! thanks for all the medals!!!

    submitted by /u/mistrmarks
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    Beyond Light is the perfect time to bring in some fur-lined Iron Banner armor similar to what we saw in D1 Rise of Iron.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    ...lets see it.

    submitted by /u/TacoWilly
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    Minecraft players are recreating the original Destiny on PC

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    It would be nice to be able to hold 2 exotic ciphers

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Poor Guardians of Reddit, Spider has your back today

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Spider is selling Seraphite (5 for 1 legendary shard)

    He is also selling glimmer (10K for 20 seraphite)

    Meaning that today you can get stacks of 10,000 glimmer for only 4 legendary shards per stack


    submitted by /u/Inky_Bits
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    I've made a compilation of 104 in-game outfits I've made in Destiny 2!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    I'm a frequenter of the /r/DestinyFashion sub, with my posts focusing on experimenting with various armor pieces and shaders to create unique looks. Just this past week I surpassed my 100 outfits milestone as well as turning 21 just yesterday and I decided it'd be a fun idea to compile all of my outfits and share them on the main Destiny sub as sort of a present from me to the community I've come to love and enjoy being a part of over the past couple years.

    These albums are separated by class. There's 36 Hunters, 30 Titans, and 38 Warlocks in total. These are non-exhaustive - this isn't a sort of goodbye type of thing, I plan on making outfits until I quit Destiny. If you enjoy this kinda stuff, please consider perusing the Destiny Fashion sub! There's so many creative people on there, it's always a treat to see what they make.

    I hope you guys enjoy :)

    Hunters: https://imgur.com/a/tK9aYij
    Titans: https://imgur.com/a/prGE827
    Warlocks: https://imgur.com/a/WMZCdBH

    submitted by /u/MissMarifire
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    Proud of this one - Solo Flawless Pit of Heresy using abilities only, no ball dupe.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    I recently learned that Repurposing mods trigger on finishers and it's kind of nutty. With content kind of scarce at the moment, I've been looking for a fun challenge and saw Eso run this yesterday so figured I'd give it a shot (although his was much prettier and quicker). I used hive barrier/repurposing/invigoration with 100 discipline and some concussive dampeners, riskrunner for the added thrall/wizard protection, and ashes-to-assets, and it went a lot smoother than I thought. No ball dupes/skips, only used the hive sword when it was required, just lots of grenades and uncharged melees and, of course, plenty of finishers to proc Repurposing. Took me two attempts, a bit of waiting around for regen, and one very, very lucky season pass rank up to save my life in the 3rd encounter.


    submitted by /u/SleazyOdin848
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    Bungie, we need an FOV slider on Nov 10

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    The PS5 and XSX come out in November and I know me and many others are excited to finally have 60 fps on console. But I am more excited at the possibility of an FOV slider, obviously not the same level as PC but at least, hopefully, to 90, 95, 100?

    Playing so much on Mars recently for stems has made me want an FOV slider so much. Trying to track enemies in our current limited view has become frustrating.

    I think it can be done, I hope it can be done.

    EDIT: Who doesn't like the idea of an FOV slider on their next gen console?

    submitted by /u/DizATX
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    Bungie just changed the BL:Deluxe Edition Box art & shown us the No Time To Explain Pre-Order Ornament!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    The title says it all. Ornament is preety Icy

    submitted by /u/TheCreeperIV
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    The vex we have been fighting aren’t made for combat?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I've been seeing that we may finally get to see warrior vex or the vexes combat units so does that mean every vex we have fought or have seen is low tier in the vex world ?

    submitted by /u/TP15927
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    With the extension to Beyond Light Launch in Nov, it still doesn't make the Top 5 for longest content releases in the Destiny franchise history.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    While we have some extended time on our hands for this current season, it's interesting to look through the franchise history to compare the time between releases. Veteran Guardians know that throughout Destiny 1, we had a lot of time between releases. I've look through the dates, here's where everything stands from actual public launch dates:


    • Vanilla D1 - The Dark Below : 91 Days
    • The Dark Below - House of Wolves : 161 Days
    • House of Wolves - The Taken King : 119 Days
    • The Taken King - April Update (The Taken Spring) : 210 Days
    • April Update - Rise of Iron : 161 Days
    • Rise of Iron - Age of Triumph : 189 Days
    • Age of Triumph - Destiny 2 Vanilla : 162 Days


    • Vanilla D2 - Curse of Osiris : 90 Days
    • Curse of Osiris - Warmind : 154 Days
    • Warmind - Forsaken (S4) : 119 Days
    • Forsaken (S4) - Season of Forge (S5) : 90 Days
    • Season of Forge (S5) - Season of Drifter (S6) : 91 Days
    • Season of Drifter (S6) - Season of Opulance (S7) : 91 Days
    • Season of Opulance (S7) - Shadowkeep (Undying S8) : 119 Days
    • Seasons of Undying (S8) - Season of Dawn (S9) : 70 Days
    • Season of Dawn (S9) - Season of Worthy (S10) : 91 Days
    • Season of Worthy (S10) - Season of Arrivals (S11) : 91 Days
    • Season of Arrivals (S11) - Beyond Light (*Season name pending S12) : 154 Days

    So the Top 7 longest content releases in the Destiny franchise history is :

    1. The Taken King - April Update (The Taken Spring) : 210 Days
    2. Rise of Iron - Age of Triumph : 189 Days
    3. Age of Triumph - Destiny 2 Vanilla : 162 Days
    4. -TIE!- (4th/5th) The Dark Below - House of Wolves : 161 Days AND (see below)
    5. -TIE!- (4th/5th) April Update - Rise of Iron : 161 Days
    6. -TIE!- (6th/7th) Curse of Osiris - Warmind : 154 Days AND (see below)
    7. -TIE!- (6th/7th) Season of Arrivals (S11) - Beyond Light (*Season name pending S12) : 154 Days

    And the SHORTEST time between releases was:

    - Seasons of Undying (S8) - Season of Dawn (S9) : 70 Days

    So yeah, while the amount of time we still have left this season is still a bit, it's no where near where the community was a few years ago. I'm personally glad that it was extended, finishing up all my Seals, Triumphs and overhauling all my gear that I have for characters and in the vault. Play some other games as well, make some friends etc.

    submitted by /u/Spawnling
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    Power level and damage scaling (TL:DR at the bottom)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Well, since there have been quite a bit of debate of how power level affects damage output, and the usual source for this metric was outdated (Warmind Expansion). I decided to take it upon myself and conduct some damage testing in a controlled environment in order to update the information.

    Tests were performed at the beggining of the Garden of Salvation raid, by hitting the minotaur the harpy is "eating" with a kinetic Auto Rifle (Horror Story), kept at 750 power throughout the whole test (More on weapon level at the end). This area is recomended 910 power

    Damage dealt with Horror Story at 750 power, without any enemy spec mod

    Power Level Delta to the enemy Damage
    794 -116 Immune
    802 -108 Immune
    815 -95 86
    823 -87 89
    824 -86 90
    828 -82 92
    831 -79 93
    836 -74 95
    841 -69 97
    845 -65 98
    854 -56 101
    861 -49 105
    866 -44 108
    870 -40 111
    875 -35 115
    880 -30 119
    885 -25 125
    890 -20 131
    895 -15 143
    900 -10 155
    905 -5 175
    910 0 196
    915 +5 196
    920 +10 196

    So. As you can see on the table, you need to be under 100 levels below the enemy to be able to do damage, but most of you knew this already. The thing that suprised me, is that our damage output caps out at the enemy´s level, which goes opposite to what many believe happens. Our previous belief was that our damaged capped at 20/50 levels over the enemy , but this is false.

    Another thing that interested me. I tested 2 horror stories while overleveled, one of them being at 750, which i conducted most of this experiments with. and another one at 1040. Now, individual weapon level also affects the amount of damage dealt. the 750 hit a max number of 196, but the 1040 was able to hit up to 579. I also tested the 1040 while being at power level 855, and this did 301 damage (in comparison to the 750 hitting 101), thus we can see that this effects translates throughout the whole power band .


    In conclusion, our damage output is both affected by our weapon´s individual level, along with our combined power level. Hope this clears any doubts or concerns you may have about optimizing damage output.

    Happy hunting guardians

    Video of me performing the tests (Not much going on, but if anyone wants to check my numbers): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeUgcHI0D7c&ab_channel=xX_miniatimat_Xx

    Edit: also, each level matters when you are under-leveled

    submitted by /u/Miniatimat
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    This season went from "I'll see what I can get done" to "I can't believe I've gotten that done."

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    TL;DR - friend moved, ended up getting convinced to try out D2 (& likes it), now we're playing with more friends and I've just played my first 'end game' content. I've gotten to be the most excited I have for playing a game in a long time.

    Been playing off and on since the game went free to play, always enjoyed it, but not having a group to play with meant missing out on some things. My work hours and such always meant I was playing later than the few friends I have that play D2. I finally got one group of friends to start a clan, almost immediately after which they took a break from the game. Then one of my good friends from my time in the game industry moved back east and I was really in a downer about finding folks to play with.

    Turns out him moving put everything on a fast-track. One of his long-time friends who lives near where he moved to is what we jokingly call a 'super gamer', the dude literally will have three different games going at any time (D2 on PC, Assassin's Creed on xbox, and something on his Switch), and be actively playing between them. This guy managed to convince my industry friend to check out D2. My friend really likes the game, and we've been playing together in the other friend's small clan pretty much every night since then. It's been exciting for me just to have friends to play with regularly on a game, been a long time since that's been the case.

    This, combined with the oncoming storm of the Vault, motivated me to start trying to get content and quests and triumphs experienced before they went away. Our 'super gamer' friend obviously has a lot of time on D2 and offers input. I've been trying out different playstyles and loadouts outside of my 'comfort zone', and realized that so many of the quests I had backlogged only seemed daunting because of the number of them. It's also meant realizing that while I'm good at Crucible Control (it reminds me so much of old school Halo TDM LAN parties in college), I'm apparently really good at being an invading asshole in Gambit, to the tune of being able to get 15+ guardian kills in a single round often. So much so that I managed to finish the Gambit seal challenges and earn my first title, Dredgen. If you see a Titan 'waiting' for you across the way in Drifter's ship, that may well be me, and I'm sorry if I ruin your day.

    I've managed to tackle a lot of the content that just seemed 'too much' before, both from motivation to do it and from having friends to play it with. We've been able to try to tackle raids, though there's usually only 3-4 of us on at a time currently, so that's still a WIP.

    That said, on a kind of "hell, let's try it" whim last night, we decided to try and make our way through Prophecy. We weren't sure how it was going to play out, as raids / runs we've tried so far on other content kicked our asses, but at the very least we wanted to try and get the last few Eyes on the maps. I'd watched solo-playthrough vids so I knew the mechanics of the bosses, and we had the Eyes guide up so we didn't blitz past anything. The Eyes actually afforded us the slower pacing to enjoy the environment design (amazing stuff), something as a former game dev I always like being able to do. On our run through we only wiped twice, both times from something we were able to laugh about and agree "we'd get it right on the next run when we didn't need the Effigy". That fact, that we felt like this was some end-game content we could confidently play through again, was a great experience unto itself. Once we got the last Eye and melted Kell Echo, I realized that not only had I managed to get my >50k Triumph score at the same time, but I was literally one item away from getting the Season's triumph Seal (the still-secret one).

    I. Was. Excited.

    Since I started playing D2 I've felt like the seals were something that were going to perpetually be 'beyond me', something that unless I feebly rolled into some clan (like I've tried on other MMO's) and got carried I wasn't going to be able to achieve, much less experience the content that would get me one. Yeah, I've been able to earn some of the lower level items, but not a seal. And yet, here I am, on the cusp of getting one of the newest seals, playing a game I'm thoroughly enjoying even when grinding, and playing with old and new friends regularly.

    So yeah, if you read this far, thanks for doing so. It's awesome playing with all you folks. See you on Europa!

    submitted by /u/flaagan
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    Final Tribute For Mindbender's Ambition

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Love this shotgun, it was effective and cool as hell within the lore. I spent my free time whipping up these armor sets for each of the classes to truly show homage to the most terrifying weapon in the game.

    I made a post back when only the titan was done, here is the full tribute.

    Hope you guys enjoy it.

    Full Tribute: https://imgur.com/4H2meBd

    Warlock: https://imgur.com/3av6gWS

    Titan: https://imgur.com/7G2EevR

    Hunter: https://imgur.com/lwNQZp5

    You can check out more of my work here.



    submitted by /u/JarekoLT
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    'The Phoenix' Osiris fan art drawn my me

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    This last weeks 2x Nightfall loot made me remember why I love Destiny.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Relevant Strike Loot.

    The feeling of grinding for god-rolled Transversives or Ophidians made me remember spending countless hours in D1 strikes grinding for skeleton keys, and chests. I remember the art of getting so good at a strike and finding blueberries that knew the shortcuts and having a friendly competition. Strikes were legitimately enjoyable to run. This last week made me remember the "strategy" involved with Rockets McDickface, and the nightfall version of omnigul in that little corner room picking away at her.

    For the love of the Traveller, please make strikes relevant again. They are a great, unique and fun core activity in Destiny.

    submitted by /u/TheInterlocutor
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    Bungie, can we get the perk "perfectionist" back on sniper rifles?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    For those who didn't play Destiny 1, perfectionist was a perk that refunded the entire magazine if all shots fired were precision kills. I think this could be really fun with something like middle tree nightstalker.

    submitted by /u/DeimosDs3
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    Bungie, can weapon reloader mods display stat value increases?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    Like "+20 to reload stat on any equipped [rifle]", for instance/example...

    I'm aware that that might seem like an inconsequential request but knowing exactly how much bonus a mod offers is important - Important enough to examine/quantify/analyze in great detail.

    I might not speak for any entire playerbase but I'm certain that at least a few people would appreciate some measurement of bonus on reloader mods.

    The same clarity on aim assist mods would also be greatly appreciated...

    Thanks for paying attention to my question!

    submitted by /u/Mr-Vidz
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    Warmind Cell Hidden Mechanics Video

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    Hello Guardians!

    I've recently been working on some videos to provide tips to players about Destiny 2. This is my first video, where I cover some of the not-very-well-known mechanics of Warmind Cells.

    If you're interested, check out the video here: https://youtu.be/1Tlx6qPGpx8


    submitted by /u/TheLazyDev
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    Wings of Sacred Dawn should buff glide and/or Icarus Dash.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    Brilliant idea, lets make the subclass focused on mobility and this exotic makes you stationary. As it stands Titans have Double lift (Lion Rampants) Hunters have stompees. Warlocks choice for useable exotics include transversive which are used "because go fast" it's about time that Warlocks have decent exotics.

    submitted by /u/CharlieZard2001
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    My thoughts on Destiny 2 after playing briefly

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    GUYS IT'S SO GOOD WHAT THE HECK? Why did I never jump on this train before? I have literally no clue what I'm doing or where I'm going but I always feel like I'm progressing. You know? I hope to be apart of this community for a long time :)

    submitted by /u/YoitsyaboiTOP
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    Twitch Prime - The Colony Exotic Bundle Drop Available now!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 11:06 AM PDT


    Your claimed drop will be available from Amanda Holliday in The Tower next time you log in to Destiny 2.

    submitted by /u/0w4er
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    All Forsaken and Shadowkeep strikes will be free once Beyond Light arrives.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    Cozmo confirmed a few days ago. It is not important at all, but surely someone will appreciate it.

    NOTE: I know that we can access those strikes directly from the Strike playlist, but players without the respective expansions cannot access them from their respective locations.

    NOTE 2: Devil's Lair, Fallen S.A.B.E.R and Will of Crota will be free, they will not be locked behind Beyond Light!

    NOTE 3: It seems that a new strike will also be free *or* they are probably adding a new strike at the Cosmodrome.

    Don't expect Last Wish / Garden of Salvation or Shattered Throne / Pit of Heresy to go free as well.

    They haven't mentioned it at all.

    submitted by /u/Astraliguss
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