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    Wednesday, December 23, 2020

    Destiny A Play of Shadow and Light

    Destiny A Play of Shadow and Light

    A Play of Shadow and Light

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/49988

    A Play of Shadow and Light


    In a small stone garden at daybreak, Ikora Rey meditates, her attempts at communion with the Traveler unsuccessful. Her mind is fraught with worry over the variables, decisions that must be made, and the margins.

    Above her hangs a cloud-swept Traveler: an ivory island in oil. Mute. Bereft. Its acts untimely and oblivious.

    Ikora remembers the many times she watched Osiris sit here in frustration. The gardens represented serenity to her then, and he was the brazier's flame—brilliant and illuminating. The world was clear in those early days, but clarity was shallow and easily altered by the painful nuance of time.

    Ikora murmurs to herself. "We are adrift. Our foes know their bearings and we…"

    There is an imminent, daunting pressure.

    Ikora holds her breath.

    She is not alone; something is wrong. She feels an intrusion and tension draws tight around her heart.

    A shadow moves over her.


    She breathes again; familiarity anchors her.

    "Osiris… would you care to join me?" She recognizes his robes, his voice, and that is all. His face sinks between dancing shadows cast by the garden's torchlight. He is smaller, worn, and devoid of the magnificence she remembered. A monument of embers, defined by what once was.

    Osiris scoffs and peers up at the Traveler. It bears down upon him—a pressure building in his brain. He looks away and shakes his head. "I do not. I came to deliver something to you. A message I recovered, from Sagira."

    "Sagira. If ever you wish to… I know you don't, but if you do…"

    "Of course." Osiris hands her a small data-slate. "I have not read it."

    "Oh?" A wry smile touches Ikora's face. "Privacy and sentiment… who are you and what have you done with Osiris?"

    They chuckle together for a moment. Osiris meets her eyes. "In times of change, those who stay the same are often swept away."

    There is comfort in his words, in the tone of mentorship. His honesty is refreshing against the careful tiptoe dialect of plumage and phrasing required in City conversation.

    "Thank you." Ikora runs her fingers over the slate. "I was glad to support your reinstitution… and to see you return." She could not help but offer him this scrap of recognition. It is deserved. He was worth more, and she would not let the broken pieces before her reshape his image.

    Ikora's eyes slide across the Traveler as if it were polished. "Do you still feel it?"

    "I think not, but I am drawn to it just as I was drawn here. Memory and habit."

    Ikora nods. "I lost my Light during the Red War. I don't think I ever told you. I kept feeling something. A hook that wouldn't quite catch. I was hoping you felt the same."

    "You believe you felt the Light even while the connection was broken?" Osiris steps toward her, his shadow wavering in the flame-cast glow of the fire. "Interesting."

    "I feared the call was not of the Light."

    Osiris looks at her quizzically.

    "Eris believes we all harbor Darkness. That it is only a matter of tapping it, as if it is a resource to be spent without cost." Ikora looks to the Traveler again, awaiting judgment for her words; recognition, anything.

    "You fear its accessibility?"


    "Not for the sake of hoarding, I would hope?"

    "No. I fear what reckless hands would do with that knowledge." Ikora has seen it: anger given voice through power, and she has lived long enough to know fear flows freely in the absence of reason.

    "Now is not the time to be concerned with gatekeepers." Osiris's words ring with truth. Denial and ignorance would become the cornerstones of their prison. To be wielded, to be properly resisted, Darkness must be understood.

    "The power it offers is a pathogen," Ikora says, "virile and ravenous. We must inoculate ourselves against its temptations." But the doubt does not leave her. "Still, the mere hint of Darkness has already corrupted so many."

    Osiris looks at his open palm. "Yes, and they were strong, but it is possible they were not strong in the right way. A wall does not keep out the rain."


    To some, the Last City is alive. During the hours of light and dark, it breathes in rhythm with the traffic flow of vessels in the skies and citizens walking its streets. And it cries out in their shared fear and uncertainty about the future and times ahead.

    Saint-14 came to hear those cries. To immerse himself in them and understand.

    The sun is setting when Ikora Rey finds him in a plaza beneath the Traveler's shadow. There were crowds here, not all that long ago. Crowds of citizens flinging praise and accusations in equal measure. Like a Titan, Saint endured. But when the eyes of the City are no longer on him, Saint takes the time to tend to his wounds. Even if they are merely metaphorical.

    "If you need the space, I can come back another time." Ikora announces her presence, standing beneath an arch trellis fragrant with lavender and heather. Sitting on an old concrete bench, Saint looks to her from across the plaza. His permission to approach is as simple as a beckoning gesture.

    As Ikora enters the plaza, she can see the fatigue wearing down on him. Never does a Titan's shoulders show such burden as they do when they bear the weight of others.

    "Hello, Ikora." Saint greets her and straightens up, as if in defiance of his earlier slouch.

    "Saint." Ikora sits beside him on the bench.

    "Is peaceful here, especially when the sun is setting. So many shadows at this hour, but see that?" Saint motions with an armored hand toward a corner of the park bathed in warm, golden glow. "Always a little light, no matter how dark."

    Ikora doesn't even realize she's smiling at first, choosing to temper her expression in light of what she'd come here to talk about. Saint can already tell.

    "You have come to ask after Osiris, yes?" He keeps his focus ahead on the play of shadow and light.

    "I just want to know if he's..." Ikora pauses; she doesn't know which words to use.

    Saint nods, then folds his hands in his lap. "You know Osiris," he says with a hint of a good-natured jab in his tone. "Private, even among friends. Cloistered."

    Ikora remains silent, but lays a reassuring hand on Saint's arm.

    "But… he has changed." Saint's shoulders slacken. "Ever since the Young Wolf dragged him off the moon, it feels like a part of him stayed there." Saint shakes his head. "He is both obsessed and empty."

    Then, quietly, he adds, "He would not even let me comfort him."

    "Osiris has never handled grief well." Ikora gives his arm a squeeze, but leaves her hand there in reassurance. "You know the roads that can lead him down."

    "Yes," Saint agrees. "He is already planning. Researching old records of the Speaker, Cryptarch texts on Ghosts. I worry so much, but I cannot tell him so. You know how he would react."

    Ikora squeezes Saint's arm again. "Saint?"

    The Titan turns to regard Ikora; wordless acknowledgment of her question.

    "This isn't easy to ask, but you know Osiris better than anyone." He already knows the question by the palpable concern in Ikora's eyes. "Is… Osiris a danger to himself?"

    Saint looks away. He can't bear to see that look in her eyes. He can barely give her his honest answer.

    "I do not know."

    Because it hurts too much.


    "High priority… cause for concern…" Cold electronic light flickers over Zavala's face as he scrolls. "Investigation ongoing… results unclear…" None of it registers; at this time of night, the words all blur together. An indecipherable stream of endless worry.

    In a blip, the screen goes dark. "Thank you, Targe," he murmurs, rubbing his eyes. His Ghost, silent and steady as a rock, nods. Forcing the commander to power down is part of the routine these days.

    A blue flash, a change in air pressure. The day isn't done yet. Zavala looks up just as Ikora lands in his office's threshold. "Is now a bad time?"

    A silly question—Ikora can see the weariness hanging on Zavala like mist on a mountain—but it feels right to ask. A habit from breezier times.

    Zavala gestures for her to sit, but Ikora shakes her head. "I have a request," she says, moving towards the vista behind his desk. "It's a favor, really."

    The view is especially stunning tonight: the City's streetlights glowing amber under a purple night sky, the Traveler gleaming over it all. Usually, this scene would fill Ikora with fierce pride and protectiveness.

    Right now? Nothing but envy for the citizens sleeping below.

    "Managing the Hidden has never been a simple task," she begins as Zavala joins her at the window. "And now that we need them more than ever..."

    "They need you." His immediate affirmation is firm and reassuring despite his own exhaustion. "Of course. I'll handle the rest."

    But she can't accept it. "In all your spare time?" She chuckles softly. "Let's face it, Zavala. The Vanguard was never meant to be a two-person operation."

    Zavala looks at her, bewildered. Is she seriously suggesting that now is the time to…?

    "I don't mean filling Cayde's seat. Not with everything that's going on. I think a better plan is for you to take on an assistant." Ikora fights to keep her face neutral as she presses on. "One who has experience in times of war. Who understands the Vanguard's role intimately, especially when it comes to making decisions that may be… unpopular."

    Now it's Zavala's turn to chuckle. "Not many candidates with those qualifications. Saint-14, perhaps. And…" He stops short, the faint smile evaporating from his face. "You're not asking me to make Osiris my assistant, are you?"

    Ikora clears her throat, briefly overtaken by the urge to transmat far, far away. Landing in a nest of angry Hive would be preferable to finishing this conversation. "Advisor is probably the title he'd prefer."

    "I take it you haven't discussed this with him, then." A gentle admonition. Ikora can't bring herself to meet Zavala's gaze, but his sigh tells her enough. "Can he be relied on?" Zavala asks finally.

    She wants to answer, to say "Yes, of course," but the words have lodged themselves in her throat. Her vision swims with a thousand pinpoint lights shining in the City that night, each one connected to a life she's bound to protect.

    "A wall does not keep out the rain," Osiris's voice rumbles in her head. She closes her eyes, back in the stone garden earlier that day. They had been talking about the Darkness and the strength to keep it at bay.

    But before that, Osiris had handed her a message. One he couldn't bear to read, which was just as well because it contained, amongst other things, an all-caps indictment:


    Ikora had smiled upon reading that. Even in death, Sagira couldn't resist taking her Guardian down a peg or two. The rest of the message was not as amusing.

    I know you know that, Ikora. But I'm telling you here because he will try to strong-arm you and everyone else into leaving him alone. Please don't let him. Without me there to harass him into asking for help, I don't know what he will do. Something self-destructive is my guess.

    You're the same that way: you've got hungry minds. Needing constant challenges to occupy you. My death is one of those puzzles that cannot be solved. He'll try though. He'll try until he burns out completely… only this time, I won't be there to sweep up the ashes.

    "Ikora?" Zavala's voice draws her back to reality.

    "He wants to help." Ikora forces herself to look at Zavala. Let him see her disquiet, her desperation. Anything to convince him. "He needs to help."

    Zavala meets her gaze. For a moment, neither of them say a word. They simply look into each other's eyes, into the eyes of the only other being with the weight of the Sol system bearing down on their shoulders.

    At last, he breaks the silence. "Very well."

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 01:00 AM PST







    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Ya know what expansion I'd pay another $50 for?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:40 PM PST

    Forge mode.

    This game has an art team that consistently crushes every season (music included of course) and if we were able to continue to put some of those amazing assets to good use we could self solve a TON of commons complaints.

    New crucible maps? Check. New crucible modes? Check. Want a new mini strike? Check. Want to try your hand at designing a raid encounter? Double check. Gambit? Lost sector? D1 vet with an itch to scratch on a long lost map? Want to compete to design the next community event? Want to make a custom emblem? Custom shader? Easy weapon testing on a custom range with controllable situations to proc even the most nich of perks? The possibilities are endless.

    I can get bored of grinding core activities, and right now when I do I just hop in another game, but I would NEVER get bored in the forge. Just ask Halo Reach.

    I have no idea how long it would take, how much work, or even if Bungie wants to. I do know that they've done it before, and I know I'm probably not alone in this.

    What do you guys think? What would YOU do if Bungie had a forge mode?

    P.s. I will accept no name for this mode other than "Architect."

    EDIT: Quick update since I've seen some killer conversation in the comments.

    If we get a forge it'll be long term, around lightfall. It may be a good idea to ship it separately so people who don't want it don't have to deal with a frankly MASSIVE data dump.

    HORDE MODE! How could I forget?! The comments didn't though. Destiny already has many of the tools in place for this (think altar of sorrows). This means easily implemented and cheap. Even better to solve the problem!

    Better custom matches/strikes. Absolutely! All the modifiers and maps are already there, we just need to be able to toggle them on and off. Kinda like a 5 of swords nightfall for those who remember.

    Keep it coming people!

    submitted by /u/timteller44
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    I started Beyond Light wearing a Festival of the Lost Mask, and I'm literally crying

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:58 AM PST

    Ok so last time I logged in I was wearing a festival of the lost mask and totally forgot all about it. So I started up the game for the first time after purchasing Beyond Light and after the Variks Cutscene, this popped up and I DIED laughing oh my GOD

    I love this game so much

    submitted by /u/verdict0224
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    I've completed 350+ lost sectors - here is the relevant data on drop rates

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:41 AM PST

    Hello and happy dawning friends.

    In the quest for a better rolled Stomp-EE5 for my PvP build I became somewhat addicted to speed-running lost sectors. Being a PhD student, I am also addicted to data and numbers. Being the ok-ish scientist I am, it is my duty to share my results with you all.

    Here, I present drop rate data for 213 Legend and 159 Master lost sector completions.


    • All data are for platinum finishes.
    • I did not start collecting data at the start of the season and I already had all new exotics for Beyond Light when I eventually did start. Thus, these data do not show any bias towards exotics not owned.
    • I started farming masters when at 1271 - this one makes a difference and I recommend being within 9 prior to farming hardcore. Otherwise, most of the lost sectors were done while over delta.
    • All runs are legit; I did not use the glitch that was available for some time to speed run Veles Labyrinth
    • All runs were done on Console. Drop rates are likely the same, but time to completion may vary based on your preferred input method.
    • Use swords. Any sword will do, just make sure you match the ++Burn on the lost sector on the day. Not a single completion is done with Guillotine.
    • I started this pre-dawning, but every lost sector completed is ~15 ish essence, regardless of difficulty
    • Except for Eriana's, I tried to use non-meta/grindy hard to get weapons as much as possible so that it would be accessible for all


    Legend Tier

    Drop Number Percent
    Nothing 104 49%
    Cores 57 27%
    Exotic 40 19%
    Exotic + Core 12 6%
    Total 213 100%
    Cumulative exotic chance: 24% 


    Master Tier

    Drop Number Percent
    Nothing 54 34%
    Cores 48 30%
    Exotic 40 25%
    Exotic + Core 17 11%
    Total 159 100%
    Cumulative exotic chance: 36% 


    So overall, what we can see is that, in terms of drop rate percentage, it appears the drop rate % difference is only ~10%. A FAQ I receive is Do you believe Master tiers are worth it? Short answer - Yes, but it does vary. Lets take a look at the break down of each lost sector's apparent drop rate, average time to completion, and my personal best completion time.

    Regarding completion times - I am aware that content creators likely have YouTube videos on speed running these lost sectors. I have watch zero of these, and thus my times (and yours!) probably could be improved. They're also likely a bit skewed to be higher than in actuality, but I did not remove outliers nor times for when I was developing a lost sector-specific strategy


    Legend Tier

    Lost Sector n complete n exotics % Avg. time PB
    Bunker E15 21 1 5% 4:38 3:19
    Concealed Void 31 11 35% 4:10 2:59
    Perdition 31 7 23 4:06 2:57
    Exodus Garden 2A 30 12 40% 3:02 2:03
    Veles Labyrinth 100 21 21% 1:59 1:24


    Master Tier

    Lost Sector n complete n exotics % Avg. time PB
    Bunker E15 35 10 29% 5:23 3:40
    Concealed Void 24 8 33% 6:56 5:04
    Perdition 30 11 37 5:20 4:00
    Exodus Garden 2A 30 13 43% 4:58 3:29
    Veles Labyrinth 40 15 38% 3:46 2:35


    Circling back to our original question: are Master lost sectors worth it? The answer is a very easy Yes from me. Even with a next gen console, the time it takes to load in and out make up for the difference in time between tiers. Moreover, once you get in a groove and work out a strategy that works for you, they're really quite easy. Often I'll just be grinding these while casually in party chat talking with friends.

    The only lost sector that I would say "Legend is better than Master" is Concealed Void. This one has barrier champs that like to glitch around and its just a whole mess. Not to mention their shielding of overload champions in very inopportune locations. Anyone who has done this one on master likely understands this pain, and these data suggest that you should spend your time elsewhere. I've seen it stated that overload captains are the worst champion. I would argue anti-barrier servitors are.

    I would even say Veles Labyrinth (a lost sector I farmed 140(!) times for this analysis), with those crazy quick times you can get on Legend, is still best farmed while on Master.


    There appears to be some variation between drop rates and individual lost sectors. However, in general, these sample sizes per lost sector are likely too small to be reliable if there is a difference in lost sector drop rate per tier. My abysmal drop rate at Bunker E15 on legend might be chance. I'll keep collecting data and report back towards the end of the season.

    My personal loadouts for each lost sector

    Bunker 15 (void burn)

    • Patron of lost causes. overload scout - Any scout will do, but preference is given to those with explosive rounds to stagger champions
    • Eriana's Vow. anti-barrier hand cannon
    • Steel Sybil Z-14. At light, 2-3 light swings and one heavy will kill overload champions. Any void sword will do.
    • If hunter: Nighthawk. Tether also works, but boss is tanky.
    • If Warlock: Top tree nova bomb with Contraverse Hold.

    Concealed Void (solar burn)

    • Patron of lost causes. overload scout
    • Stars in Shadow. anti-barrier pulse; matches solar burn
    • The Lament - Lament for healing on the final boss. Otherwise, Eriana's Vow paired with Negative Space (Prophecy solar sword) also do the job nicely. I just wanted to mix up the energy slot.
    • If hunter: tether or stasis
    • If Warlock: Well of radiance - put well down, sword boss. Profit.

    Perdition (void burn)

    • Patron of lost causes. overload scout - noticing a pattern?
    • Adored. Arc shield and deals with wyverns; any arc weapon will do
    • The Lament. anti-barrier sword
    • If hunter: Tether the boss, swing sword
    • If Warlock: Top tree nova bomb with Contraverse Hold.
    • Note there are two anti-barrier champions after the final boss on Master difficulty

    Exodus Garden 2A (void burn)

    • Patron of lost causes. overload scout
    • Riskrunner. anti-barrier submachine gun. It go brrrrr
    • Steel Sybil Z-14.
    • If hunter: Nighthawk. Will one shot boss if you crit
    • If Warlock: Top tree nova bomb with Contraverse Hold.
    • note there are two anti-barrier champions at the final boss on Master difficulty, kind of a pain to deal with. Have fun.

    Veles Labyrinth (arc burn)

    • Dire promise. Any unstoppable weapon will do
    • Riskrunner. anti-barrier submachine gun. Riskrunner is easily the best weapon for this lost sector imo. Trust me, try it out.
    • Bequest. Any arc sword will do though.
    • If hunter: Nighthawk. Will one shot boss if you crit
    • If Warlock: Chaos reach with Geomags
    • note there are two unstoppable ogres at the final boss


    You may have noticed that I provide no tips for Titans. Well thats because I started farming on my hunter and made my way to my warlock next. Titans will come later. But in the meantime, the final table is the apparent weighting of each exotic. Note again, inadequate sample size to get at any true weighting for most armor slots as random chance could be playing a large roll.

    Armor slot Hunter n % Warlock n % Titan n %
    Pants Bombardiers 10 26% Geomag stabilzers 6 67% lol titans
    Frost-EE5 8 21% Transversive steps 2 22%
    Stomp-EE5 8 21% Promethium Spur 1 11%
    Lucky Pants 5 13% Lunafaction boots 0 0%
    Orpheus Rig 5 13%
    Gemini Jester 2 5%
    Helm Nucklehead Radar 4 31% Apotheosis Veil 3 27%
    Graviton forfeit 3 23% Nezerec's Sin 2 18%
    Wormhusk 2 15% Verity's Brow 2 18%
    Foetracer 2 15% The Stag 2 18%
    Mask of Bakris 1 8% Felwinter's Helm 1 9%
    Assassin's Cowl 1 8 Astrocyte Verse 1 9
    NightHawk 0 0% Dawn Chorus 0 0%
    Arms Athrys's Embrace 2 29 Sunbracers 4 40%
    Aeon Swifts 1 14% Winter's Guile 2 20%
    Liar's Handshake 1 14% Ophidian Aspect 2 20%
    Shards of Galanor 1 14% Claws of Ahamkara 1 10%
    Shinobu's Vow 1 14% Nectroic Grip 1 10%
    Young Ahamkara's Spine 1 14% Karnstein Armlets 0 0%
    Oathkeepers 0 0% Getaway Artists 0 0%
    Chest Sixth Coyote 4 24% Wings of Sacred Dawn 1 20%
    Ophidia Spathe 4 24% Sanguine Alchemy 1 20%
    Raiju's Harness 3 18% Strombracer's Embrace 1 20%
    Gwisin Vest 3 18% Starfire Protocol 1 20%
    Dragon's Shadow 2 12% Phoenix Protocl 1 20%
    Lucky Raspberry 1 6% Chromatic Fire 0 0%
    Raiden Flux 0 0% Vesper of Radius 0 0%

    I will do titans later, but hunter is the main, warlock is the secondary



    Master lost sectors get a lot of slack from the community and I get it, overloads are annoying. But once you get into a routine, the ~10% bump in exotic chance is worth the extra time spent. Any scout with explosive rounds takes two shots to stun a champion. If you do not have one of these, do the New Light campaign to receive the curated Nightwatch (overflow + explosive rounds).

    I'll probably keep farming because I like data and I'll try and post an updated table towards the end of the season (moon lost sectors are being added next season!)

    Happy farming!


    Update for my titan brethren - 10 Legendary Veles lost sectors, sub 2 min average, one dunemarchers

    submitted by /u/JoneZii
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    Thank You

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/49997

    Happy Holidays.

    2020 has been a year unlike any other. There have been challenges that many of us have never faced before. There have been moments of difficulty, fear, and sorrow. But something that's kept us going, no matter how difficult things may have been, has been this community.

    Before we go bid a temporary farewell for the holidays, we wanted to say thank you to the Destiny community for being a bright light for those in need. Time and time again, you prove that gaming does good. Even during quarantine, you made your mark on each charity initiative that's been available. You helped to elevate the voices of those who need to be seen and heard. No matter the challenge, you show up in force to take a stand when others are unable to.

    Through 2020, you've raised ~$4.9 million in total through our charity events. With each initiative, you've smashed expectations. It's been wonderful to see how much good this community can do.

    Thank you, truly, for being Guardians of the world.

    GCX Legends

    Earlier this year, a few of you made some truly significant contributions to the GXC Charity Event during our time on the stream. Each of you are legends in our hearts.

    • Datto & Danielle
    • RussC2503
    • CCkun91
    • GPHash
    • DrLupo

    Additionally, we want to honor our Thank You incentive for the GCX Charity Stream earlier this year. A massive "thank you" to everyone who donated $500 or more.

    • A Storm Rising
    • Avalonstar
    • Bobizard
    • Brandon D.
    • Crimmy
    • Cyntinel
    • ErianasVow
    • HiredN00bs
    • JDV
    • light.gg
    • Lynid
    • MageFyre
    • MyExHasMyMoney
    • NFreak
    • Orion
    • Paul Tassi
    • PixelBehr
    • Ruxomar
    • steccato
    • ThatchedRoof
    • TheZolo2011
    • TSG_Saint
    • whereisxur.com
    • BigDaddyTeej
    • Crymidium
    • o0wilky0o
    • Pyro Gaming
    • Sundance321
    • ThaStrake
    • The_BryceKIng
    • Yumi and the Mayhem Wolves

    Note: For anyone who donated $100 or more, make sure to check your email. We've recently distributed the Fluid Resonance emblem, so make sure to redeem it!

    Light Keepers

    Before we go, we'd also like to take a moment to thank everyone who donated or contributed to our most recent Game2Give livestream marathon. Each of the following Light Keepers helped to raise over 10 thousand dollars during each of their respective livestreams. As a note, you've collectively helped to raise over $1.3M to date, and the Light Keepers campaign will be open until 12/31, 11:59pm PT!


    • Gladd
    • Rick Casey
    • Leopard
    • Thomas Middleditch
    • Tamsin Wood
    • GernaderJake
    • Ekuegan
    • T1Riot
    • Pause Reset Play
    • Gigz


    • Destiny Item Manager
    • Clan Obtained
    • Jungle Squad
    • Emerge

    Many thanks to all who hopped on a stream, donated, or helped to spread the word on this initiative.

    No matter your contributions, everything helps, and you've all helped make this world a better place. We're excited for 2021, and to see how much more we can do to help those in need.

    Thank you, and we'll see you starside.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Calling all warlocks to use Nova Warp

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 01:50 PM PST

    Luke Smith said in an interview that most players like Nova Bomb, but nobody likes Nova Warp, therefore it may be removed. (edit: copy/pasted from the article for clarity since I was too loose with my words, ""It's much easier for me to look at Nova Bomb and say Nova Bomb is, like, IP-defining," said Smith. "It's an IP-defining super; get rid of Nova Warp." But in this case, Smith is talking about a classic Warlock ability, Nova Bomb, and comparing it to a mediocre, PvP-only Super, Nova Warp. Cutting Nova Warp might hurt some fans, but it's generally pretty safe; more people like Nova Bomb than Nova Warp. For other subclasses, though, the decision wouldn't be as easy.")

    We all know the reason Nova Warp isn't used much is because Bungie nerfed it into the ground so far that a boss stomp can't even reach it. Nova Warp is an amazingly cool subclass, but it suffers low usage because of Bungie gutting it - not because players don't like it, but because Bungie made it nearly useless.

    I know it may be a pain in the bright dust, but I have a feeling that the only way to save Nova Warp and to potentially get Bungie's attention is for warlocks to send a message by skyrocketing the usage statistics of Nova Warp.

    Luke Smith Bungie has the audacity to nerf Nova Warp into the ground, then blame the players for it's failed usage rates. That's like handcuffing someone, then saying that since they don't use their arms much they'll just amputate them. We can't let Bungie get away with being lazy nerf hammers.

    Come on warlocks, do it for the void, do it for the Space Magic!

    Edit: Thanks for the awards, guardians! I used Nova Warp tonight in freelance comp, and went from ~4700 to ~5000. It was pretty tough ngl, but it's doable. I stayed positive kda mostly for what it's worth using Eye of Another World to top off ability stats (+30 not displayed to discipline/strength/recovery), Traveler's Chosen, and a demolitionist energy weapon. We can do it!

    Here's the polygon articles: https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2020/12/16/22177177/destiny-2-beyond-light-stasis-customization-subclass-solar-arc-void-super-remake?utm_campaign=polygon&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&__twitter_impression=true



    submitted by /u/TheDecafDude
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    For people that have gotten worse performance after Beyond Light launched

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Bungie did a collaboration with Nvidia to bring the latter's new Reflex Low Latency mode to Destiny 2 (but without a toggle in the settings because reasons), which is automatically enabled every time you reset your settings.

    What Reflex does is make your GPU not max out to minimize input lag, although it's probably something that 99.9% of people won't care in a game like Destiny, which can lower performance noticeably.

    It will obviously not fix any issues unrelated to Reflex, but it should give back some of the performance you lost after Beyond Light launched.

    To disable it do the following:

    • Go to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Bungie\DestinyPC\prefs

    • Open the "cvars.xml" file with Notepad (or Notepad++)

    • Search for "cvar name="low_latency_mode" value="1" />"

    • Change value=1 to value=0

    • Save file

    Modifying "cvars.xml" is usually safe and 100% allowed by Bungie, although not recommended due to them not going to provide support for any issue stemming from any changes to said file.

    If you are unable to launch the game after any changes, you probably changed a line you shouldn't have and can safely delete the file, which the game will happily recreate at next launch.

    Edit: typos and added the Reflex article.

    submitted by /u/Ion_is_OP_REEEEEEE
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    Trophy Hunter is currently the only Void Sniper that's not sunset

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:21 AM PST

    And it's not acquirable by new players. I wish bungie would have actually examined what archetypes of weapons and elements were missing before the sunsetting fiasco. I know there's plenty other categories missing elements and RPMs too

    Edit: Yes Borealis exists, title should state legendary

    Edit 2: Trophy Hunter also is sunset after this season, so if they don't add a new one, there's 0

    submitted by /u/Axximilli
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    Easy Bright Dust: Don't Sleep on Eva's Repeatable Bounties!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 05:17 PM PST

    If you're gonna make cookies, may as well also get free Bright Dust too!

    Last year, the Dawning's repeatable bounties were "Deliver [Cookie] to [Vendor]". This was a multi-step and time-consuming process (make cookie, load zone, run to vendor), especially on console, and sucked all around. This year, the repeatable bounties are simply "Make [Cookie]". This is insanely easy to do while sitting in the tower at Eva.

    I've seen a lot of players rushing to create and deliver cookies as quickly as possible for weapon rolls. Keep doing that, but instead choose your cookies not based on your hatred for generic-white-guy or annoying symbol capitalism vendor, choose your cookies based on your free bright dust.

    How to:

    1. Play the game normally to amass cookie parts. A variety is a must here (so AFK farming won't work as well for this).
    2. Play game to get Glimmer. Don't have enough? Go to Spider.
    3. Go to Eva, buy max repeatable bounties.
    4. Make those 5 cookies & redeem bounties. You now have 50 Bright Dust.
    5. Repeat steps 4 until you're out of cookie parts or glimmer.
      - If out of glimmer, go to Step 2.
      - If out of cookie parts, go to Step 1.
    6. Repeat until Dawning ends.

    Last night I got ~500 dust for doing what I otherwise will do anyway through this event: making cookies.

    Enjoy your "free" Dawning Armor set.

    submitted by /u/jhairehmyah
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    I made the gingerbread ghost shell out of gingerbread

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:31 PM PST

    Picture (Sundance for scale): https://imgur.com/a/ysPr7Hc

    The ghost is almost fully made from gingerbread (there is a small plastic ball in it I covered with fondant for the eyes because I didn't have anything to bake the gingerbread into a half orb).

    It's 'glued' together using brown coloured icing, the snow is white icing, the eye is a plastic Easter egg covered in fondant with the pattern being painted on with food colouring, the candies are coloured fondant, and finally I sprinkled it with edible glitter.

    submitted by /u/Glimpse_of_Destiny
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    Can we please get more taken themed guns?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:04 PM PST

    Title, I love taken stuff. Whisper is dope, Malfeseance yes please, Witherhoard can... take me. I love them, I want more, I want to shoot taken bullets from taken scout, I want my Taken shotgun from TTK back. I WANT THE TAKEN SWORD! But, like seriously. The shotgun and sword from the april update were rad, as was the taken ghost. I really want this stuff, and I would be willing to shill out the cost of a full expansion for that shotgun.

    this post probably comes across as a joke. But I'm totally serious, I want that sword and shotgun, I want a taken rocket that shoots shadow thrall. These are all things I want more than the sky wants the moon (whatever the hell that means) and I will very readily grind for 2 months 11days and 3 hours (give or take 90 minutes) to get them

    submitted by /u/IMMA_HAMMER
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    With Nessus likely being vaulted at the end of Y4, I propose Failsafe becomes the tower PA.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:57 AM PST

    Seems like a good fit, though that VA is probably long gone by now.

    submitted by /u/astrowhale98
    [link] [comments]

    Bungie, sunsetting left a crazy amount of holes in energy weapon archetypes.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Setting aside the questionable morality of making paid expansion content unusable a year after it became available, by the end of this season we will have no:

    (not counting Exotics by the way)

    - Kinetic Grenade Launcher

    - Void Bow

    - Arc Scout

    - Void Pulse I didn't realize that Last Perdition was reissued, my mistake

    - Arc Auto Rifle

    - Void Sniper Rifle

    - Void SMG

    - Solar OR Arc breech-loaded GL

    - Void OR Arc LFR

    Now, I know that there will be gear introduced in Season 13. But we know Bungie won't just introduce eleven weapons that satisfy these criteria next season, considering we got only five new ones this season, and Bungie would have to balance out the Arcs and Voids with Solars and Kinetics.

    One good partial solution, in my opinion, is to reintroduce rerolled Trials of the Nine weapons into Prophecy, because of the year 1 Prophecy weapons, there are:

    - An Arc scout

    - A Void sniper

    - An Arc auto rifle

    - A kinetic SMG and Pulse that could be converted to void.

    This would knock out five of the eleven right here.

    And while we're on the subject, I get that Transmog is Bungie's solution to armor sunsetting for the people who don't want their cool-looking armor to become unusable. But this doesn't solve the problem that people will spend thousands of materials Masterworking an armor piece for it to be usable for 11 more months at best, one more month at worst.

    submitted by /u/IllustriousGoat831
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    In GM you now lose all your lives at 30 min rather than 45

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Just some info for you people who are gonna attempt this

    submitted by /u/Jaded-Ad2838
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    Please make a knockout system for pinnacle drops.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 05:06 PM PST

    Getting FIVE helmets in a row for my pinnacles should NOT be a thing.

    submitted by /u/The_Meme_Player
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    I managed to give Riven 1000 cookies

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:18 PM PST


    So this was an undertaking I attempted last year and got 3/4 of the way through with. I know I'm not the first person to do this but I started it and I was going to see it through.

    Yes, it wasn't all in 1 sitting, or in 1 event, but for me, it's good enough.

    submitted by /u/NinStarRune
    [link] [comments]

    Spider selling Dusklight for Legendary and Glimmer for Dusklight AND Banshee selling Upgrade Mods for Dusklight

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:59 AM PST

    Get your Dusklight!
    Edit: Legendary SHARDS

    Also, buy extra Eva bounties to turn that Glimmer into Bright Dust by baking cookies!

    submitted by /u/ButchsGoldWatch
    [link] [comments]

    Make a Verity’s Brow ornament

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:16 AM PST

    That's it.


    submitted by /u/Zaryan0va
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    Killing the High Celebrant should be a strike

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:40 AM PST

    The thing that irks me about the DCV is the removal of strikes and cubicle/gambit maps while hardly bringing anything new in. It's pretty whack to have seven strikes removed, and having only one brand new strike. And what locations are you removing next year? Nessus? EDZ? Locations that all have two or more strikes?

    Larger story missions, like killing the High Celebrant at the end of Season of the Hunt should be added to the game in the form of a strike. That way the game has more of an evolving world, removes additional FOMO and makes the act of vaulting content feel less like you're leaving players high and dry.

    Strikes used to be one of the most fun things to do in Destiny, now it feels really stale. Adding one with each season while cycling out old ones is a pretty nice way to maintain freshness.

    Though I'm sure this idea was never considered at Bungie and their content plan is too far down the pipeline to change. Oh well.

    submitted by /u/tru_Calimac
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    Let Eververse Cosmetics dismantle into Dust again

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:59 AM PST

    With the bright engram pool being so large and many complaints of duplicates, reverting them into dismantling for dust would be a good way to add some incentive reward to grinding past the season pass level.

    This would seem reasonable since the dust nerf to bounties and "buff" to season pass dust pretty much stagnated dust grinding

    submitted by /u/gcacul
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    So did Zavala and Shaxx get switched at some point during development?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Shaxx wears the vanguard colors - orange, white, and a dark blue. Zavala wears crucible colors (red and white) and he has a two-headed Phoenix motif on his armor (and his Ghallardoodles).

    submitted by /u/NaugahydeCowboy
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    Can Rat King Get its own sound Like Hakmoons cacaw?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 05:22 PM PST

    Can we make this a thing? On a reload after kill. Insert a rat noise and when rat pack gets increased let it intensify.

    submitted by /u/AbbreviationsOk7512
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    This Week's Vendor Armour ( 22nd Dec - 29th Dec )

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:12 AM PST

    Hello Guardians,

    Here is this week's lineup of Vendor Armour rolls at Zavala, Shaxx and Drifter in the Tower, and Devrim Kay in the EDZ. They are not static rolls and rotate on a weekly basis, and you will need to have obtained the Tower Vendor armour from the Weekly Challenge ( completing eight bounties from these Vendors ) to buy these sets straight from their inventory.

    The Exodus Down Armour also rotates weekly, but currently it is sunset, so I won't include those on the basis that build crafting is only really important in high-end content like Trials or Nightfalls.

    While the rolls are pretty low on average, their stat distribution tends to be min-maxed which makey them useful for build crafting, and every once in a while a piece jumps up to and past 60. Such a piece may have 2 in three stats, while the remaining three score 10s and 20s, and you're definitely going to want to pick that up, in fact, buy two or three of that piece.

    Price for each of these is 1,000 Glimmer and 25 Legendary Shards. Pretty cheap.

    Noteworthy pieces this week are:

    Titan: Uhm, Cinder Pinion Greaves have a distribution of 12, 6, 6, 6, 6, 12, which is pretty funny, but also pretty garbage. But otherwise, not much of note, although don't immediately go writing off something like the Calamity Rig Chest.

    Hunter: Nothing particularly outstanding, although certain pieces are worth looking at, like the Chest on Drifter and Zavala and the arms on Shaxx. What on earth did you guys do to upset RNGesus this bad? This reminds me of my days running for Elder Dragon Gems in MH4U.

    Warlock: Wildwood Gloves hit 30 Recovery, but didn't quite surpass 60 in terms of total stats, sitting at only 59. This is however by far the best piece this week, so grab it, 59 total be damned, because the chance of getting gloves with 30 Recovery on a random drop are far lower than landing something with 62 stats.


    Phobos Warden ( Vanguard )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 10 2 13 8 2 20 (55)
    Arms 2 2 22 2 16 8 (52)
    Chest 22 2 2 7 19 2 (54)
    Boots 2 11 11 6 7 10 (47)

    Cinder Pinion ( Crucible )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 24 2 2 17 8 2 (55)
    Arms 9 10 6 7 6 10 (48)
    Chest 6 14 7 6 9 13 (55)
    Boots 12 6 6 6 6 12 (48)

    Calamity Rig ( Gambit )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 2 12 12 13 12 2 (53)
    Arms 2 24 2 2 6 19 (55)
    Chest 6 6 15 2 21 7 (57)
    Boots 2 7 17 18 2 8 (54)

    Wildwood ( EDZ )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 22 2 2 12 12 2 (52)
    Arms 24 2 2 2 11 10 (51)
    Chest 17 6 2 6 2 18 (51)
    Boots 14 15 2 6 7 10 (54)


    Phobos Warden ( Vanguard )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 2 10 10 12 6 6 (46)
    Arms 2 16 9 2 14 12 (55)
    Chest 22 2 2 7 19 2 (54)
    Boots 13 11 2 19 2 7 (54)

    Cinder Pinion ( Crucible )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 10 7 6 12 11 2 (48)
    Arms 2 6 17 2 11 12 (50)
    Chest 6 2 19 20 2 7 (56)
    Boots 6 14 7 10 15 2 (54)

    Calamity Rig ( Gambit )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 11 2 13 7 2 17 (52)
    Arms 24 2 2 17 8 2 (55)
    Chest 2 12 14 8 16 2 (54)
    Boots 10 12 2 19 2 7 (52)

    Wildwood ( EDZ )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 10 7 6 6 6 13 (48)
    Arms 6 12 8 2 27 2 (57)
    Chest 11 7 8 7 2 19 (54)
    Boots 12 13 2 18 2 9 (56)


    Phobos Warden ( Vanguard )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 2 12 12 16 2 6 (50)
    Arms 14 2 10 2 6 18 (52)
    Chest 10 14 2 6 2 20 (54)
    Boots 2 13 11 10 7 6 (49)

    Cinder Pinion ( Crucible )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 10 10 2 13 9 6 (50)
    Arms 10 12 2 16 2 7 (49)
    Chest 12 12 2 12 6 9 (53)
    Boots 2 28 2 2 16 7 (57)

    Calamity Rig ( Gambit )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 14 10 2 8 9 10 (53)
    Arms 2 13 11 9 15 6 (56)
    Chest 6 12 6 16 12 2 (54)
    Boots 17 6 2 2 2 25 (54)

    Wildwood ( EDZ )

    Part Mob Res Rec Dis Int Str Total
    Helm 14 2 12 6 6 13 (53)
    Arms 2 2 30 12 2 11 (59)
    Chest 2 15 12 2 24 2 (57)
    Boots 6 9 14 17 7 2 (55)
    submitted by /u/MagicMisterLemon
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    Might of the traveler should not take 3-4 games to complete.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:14 AM PST

    Its insane how little value for time and effort this bounty has.

    submitted by /u/SwanoPrime
    [link] [comments]

    Tried to go to the Tower and got thrown in a bugged 12+ person Corrupted strike, crazy fun.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:45 PM PST

    Bungie please, a variation of this but for real!

    submitted by /u/endimages
    [link] [comments]

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