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    Friday, February 26, 2021

    Destiny Destiny 2021 Update: The Road to The Witch Queen

    Destiny Destiny 2021 Update: The Road to The Witch Queen

    Destiny 2021 Update: The Road to The Witch Queen

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:02 AM PST

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50124

    Hey Guardians,

    As some of you know, I didn't work on Destiny before it shipped in 2014. I started out as a Guardian. I got hooked on running the Vault of Glass, trying to get my Truth drop in a Nightfall, and, yes, sometimes trolling my fireteam with inopportune Ward of Dawn placements.

    After playing for just a few short weeks, I knew I wanted to do whatever it took to work on the game. Destiny changed my life. Back then, I knew Bungie had just begun the journey of what Destiny could be – and what it could mean – to so many Guardians like me. When I walked through the doors of Bungie for the first time, The Dark Below had just shipped and the team already had their eyes up, outlining ambitious plans for the future. It was clear that everyone at Bungie loved Destiny fiercely and believed in its future as much as I did.

    Flash forward to today. Season of the Chosen has launched, and it's incredible to see how far the game has come. Right now my Guardian is crushing Battlegrounds, perfecting a new build for Master Lost Sectors, gilding titles, progressing Seasonal Challenges, working on catalysts for some of the most unique Exotic weapons we've ever added to the game, and experiencing more Seasonal narrative progression in Destiny than ever before. It's humbling to think how much of these systems and this content didn't exist two years ago, last year, or even last month.

    Though going to work these days includes video calls, guest pets and kids, what continues to humble and motivate me since my first day is how this team still looks at Destiny with fresh eyes every day. We see possibility in Destiny at all levels on the team and working on this game has really become life-changing for many of us. Destiny, this friendship-maker-and-sometimes-temporary-friendship-breaker; this catalyst to make memories; this universe that we all love. We're lucky to be here and share these moments with you.

    Destiny has so much to offer to so many different types of players, and even more than that, it means something different to each player. It's complex, intricate, and demanding, and that makes it an awesome challenge to work on. As massive as Destiny is, we believe there is so much more potential to unlock in this amazing game, stories to finish and new stories to come, and that will keep driving us to make it better every week, every season, every year.

    The Witch Queen, Lightfall, and Beyond

    Last summer, we outlined our ambition for the next era in Destiny 2 by announcing the full arc, starting with Beyond Light, followed by the Witch Queen and Lightfall. As we began to scale production on the Witch Queen last year, we made the difficult but important decision to move its release to early 2022; we also realized we needed to add an additional unannounced chapter after Lightfall to fully complete our first saga of Destiny.

    We've long thought about moving Destiny's annual release to the early half of the year primarily for the health of the team, but the Witch Queen and not being tied to legacy expectations allowed us to make this choice early for three important reasons:

    • The Witch Queen represents an important evolution in the ongoing story of Destiny 2. Beyond Light built the foundation and allowed us to weave the world-building of Destiny and Destiny 2 together, but The Witch Queen will light the fire on a strongly interconnected narrative across Lightfall and beyond, unlike anything we've ever attempted before, with characters, arcs, heroes and villains that persist over multiple future releases. Even more importantly, the conclusion of these releases will also conclude the "Light and Darkness Saga," the conflict we first introduced with the launch of Destiny many years ago. As we've been developing The Witch Queen, we realized that we needed this release to be the first of many moments crucial to the story of Destiny. With so much leading to and dependent on what happens in The Witch Queen, we wanted to make sure that we gave ourselves enough time to build out this journey in the right way, starting with an exceptional first chapter in The Witch Queen.
    • With Destiny now committed to being an everlasting evolving world, we want to make sure we are still taking the time to upgrade the systemic foundation of Destiny 2 to support everything we want to do in the future. Our ultimate vision for Destiny 2 still stands – a definitive action-MMO, a unified global community where you can play Destiny anywhere with your friends. For 2021 this means upgrading our approach to keeping Destiny's weapon and armor game fresh, refining our vision for PVP, implementing transmog, and adding Crossplay. More below.
    • Finally, and the most important reason, we are proud to be uncompromising when it comes to our commitment to the health of our teams. With COVID-19 keeping us away from the office, and the large amount of work on our plates, we needed to move the date in order to make sure that both this year's updates and The Witch Queen were both delivered at the quality we strive for, and on a schedule that made sense for everyone involved.

    Making this choice is not one we took lightly. Believe me, as someone close to The Witch Queen's progress, there's no one more than us that wants to get it out as soon as it's ready. But at the end of the day, we know we're making this call for The Witch Queen and future chapters in Destiny 2 for all the right reasons, ones that puts our team first and our game at the quality bar we strive for ourselves.

    We'll have more to share on The Witch Queen and beyond in the late summer of this year.

    But today we need to talk about what's happening in 2021.

    Let's get to it.

    Rewards That Matter

    With Season 11, we introduced infusion caps, an iteration on infusion designed to keep Destiny's gear game fresh from release to release and to create a healthy ecosystem for our aspirational content. While we still believe in these goals, it's clear our execution was off the mark.

    Infusion caps helped us meaningfully shift the meta in Beyond Light and create a rewards ecosystem that was manageable to balance and monitor, but the system has also made our rewards feel like they have an expiration date and have frequently made playing our legacy content feel shallow. We want the rewards you've earned in Beyond Light and its subsequent seasons to feel like valuable tools you can use in the incredible challenges you'll face in The Witch Queen. So, we're making a change.

    We've made the decision that any weapon or armor that can currently be infused to max Power will continue to be able to reach max Power permanently. Starting in Season 14 we won't be capping the infusion on any weapons or armor that have not already reached the cap as of the start of Season 13. This means you'll be able to take your Trustee, your Falling Guillotine, and all the high-stat armor you've earned this year to take on the raid in The Witch Queen.

    While we still strongly believe that Destiny needs a method to shift our meta in the game's most challenging activities, we don't believe that infusion caps are the right answer. We're taking time this year to research and validate a plan that creates a fresh and balanceable ecosystem for our most aspirational content, one that doesn't make our rewards feel like they have an expiration date. We've learned a lot this year and don't want to rush finding the best plan, so don't expect to hear anything more about this until after The Witch Queen.

    Because we won't be capping any more of our weapons, we must consider more variables in the game balance of our upcoming seasons and releases, so expect to see tuning when it comes to our biggest outliers in PVP and PVE. Yes, I'm looking at you, Felwinter's and Warmind Cells.

    This is a big change for Destiny and one that we did not make lightly. However, we believe there's nothing more important in Destiny than getting our rewards right.

    Power Play

    Now that we've talked about rewards, let's talk about Power. Last year we started a paradigm where we raised the overall Power cap by 50 each season. While this helped ensure that infusion caps shifted the meta, it also made each season feel like a significant reset to the Power you had accumulated.

    To combat this, we will be experimenting with a new Power level cap. Starting in Season 14, we will only be raising the Power cap by 10 for each non-expansion season. This means if you reach the maximum Power in Season 13, when next season rolls around you will be directly in the 10-point Pinnacle band of the Power pursuit. This Power increase should feel familiar to anyone who played Season of Dawn last year, and we're excited to see how this progression feels alongside our new systems.

    We believe this change will make it even easier to pick up and enjoy Destiny each season, while still allowing us to have a deep RPG Power pursuit when we launch The Witch Queen.

    Angels of Death

    Like many of you, I am passionate about PVP in Destiny 2 and it's clear that we haven't had a consistent message around these modes. So, I'd like to share our high-level vision for the Crucible:

    Direct player versus player competition is essential in Destiny as an option to express mastery of your Guardian and showcase the strength of your arsenal against other players.

    It's a simple vision, but it's one that's crucial to making the game feel like a real place for those players that crave that showcase, where the rewards you've earned, the skill you demonstrate, and how you've built your Guardian all matter. So, let's talk about what we're doing this year for PVP, starting with our two priorities: improving gameplay sandbox balance in the Crucible and upgrading the experiences of our most aspirational game modes.

    When it comes to balance updates, these can be divided into three major buckets.

    First, in Season 15 we will be addressing "three-peeking" in Trials and Competitive. In these modes, emotes will be disabled and players will be unable to pull out any third person weapon that doesn't have ammo. Third person experiences are part of what make Destiny's gameplay feel so good, but it was clear in our most competitive arenas that these mechanics were being used in ways we did not intend. This is a tricky problem to solve in Destiny's complicated sandbox, but we think this is a good starting point.

    Second, over the next several seasons, we will be making changes to Stasis and Light subclasses in order to achieve a healthier balance of subclasses in the Crucible. Across Season 13 and 14 we will be adjusting Stasis in the Crucible in order to bring its overall effectiveness in line with our Light subclasses. Here are some of the changes you can expect coming to updates this Season and next:

    Behemoth Titan:

    • Decrease Super damage reduction.
    • Increase Super energy cost when performing light attacks.
    • Remove freeze AOE on Super cast.

    • Reduce travelling efficacy of Shiver Strike when slowed.Revenant Hunter:

    • Decrease Withering Blade damage and tracking.

    • Decrease slow stacks applied to targets.

    • Remove Shatterdive damage reduction.

    Shadebinder Warlock:

    • Fix bug where Iceflare Bolts wouldn't track towards targets immediately on creation.

    • Fix bug where Shadebinder Super projectiles were not tracking until a certain distance travelled.


    • Decrease crystal shatter damage.

    For Season 15 we are also looking at universal adjustments to Stasis by increasing damage reduction when frozen to provide more survivability for the victim.

    Following this Stasis tuning, in Season 15, we will also focus on Light subclasses and release a set of targeted buffs to our most underutilized specializations. The goal of all these changes is to keep Stasis feeling great in PVE and to bring its representation in PVP more in line with our Light-based abilities.

    Finally, we want to continue to adjust weapon archetype performance and introduce new perks that shift the meta in the Crucible. I think the team has done a great job in this area over the last several months, introducing balance changes both at the seasonal boundaries and at the mid-season, and we want to continue to drive down this path to diversify the types of loadouts you encounter from season to season. In addition, at Season 15 we will also be looking to adjust overall ability usage rates to make sure guns and gunplay are always key to success in the Crucible.

    Of course, gameplay balance only matters when the underlying playing field is fair, and unfortunately cheating continues to be a significant issue, especially on PC. We're always working to maintain security as new exploits emerge, and as always, we don't want to talk about a lot of those improvements for fear of empowering the bad guys. A few areas we can talk about are:

    • We're aiming to nearly double the size of the Bungie game security team this year, reflecting our long-term commitment to fair play.
    • We've begun regular surveys to better understand your experiences with cheating and to measure our progress. This new data enriches our existing streams from player reports (thank you for reporting!) and game instrumentation. If you receive one of these surveys, please share your experiences to help us fight cheating.
    • We've begun a strategy of aggressive legal action against cheat developers. You may have seen news articles about some of our early actions here, and we will continue to pursue those who undermine fair play using every tool at our disposal, both in partnerships with other studios and under our own flag.

    We'll share more security news when we can.

    Beyond gameplay balance and security, we also want to adjust the structures of our most aspirational PVP modes in order to make them a better experience for our players.

    First up, we're targeting an overhaul of the Trials of Osiris rewards structure and matchmaking paradigms, to release before the end of this year. With this update we specifically want to target a few things:

    • Improve the overall health of the Trials matchmaking pool, both by incentivizing a wider audience to engage, and better defining separation of skill tiers.
    • Rebuild the Trials reward structure so that it encourages more players to stick to their active cards longer. Our current structure encourages a lot of recycling cards after a single loss, meaning the first games of your Trials card has a high chance of being incredibly challenging. We want to build a reward structure that continually pushes higher skill players to want to progress deeper into their card even after a loss, making 3-5 wins a more achievable goal for more players.
    • Investigate opportunities for solo players to participate in Trials regularly. We believe this will not only make the matchmaking pools healthier, but also will also encourage more players to see what Trials is all about and hopefully form social connections with other PVP-loving Guardians.

    After Trials, we will be targeting a similar in scope refresh to Iron Banner. While there is a lot do when it comes to supporting the Crucible, we want to target our efforts around global PVP balance and our most aspirational modes first.

    Praedyth's Revenge

    In Season 14, the Vault of Glass will return. The team will have a lot more to say about it before launch, but there are a few things I'd like to clarify now. Our philosophy behind bringing things out of the Destiny Content Vault is to keep them feeling like the content you remember while updating them to meet Destiny 2 difficulty and raid standards. So, while the high-level experience remains the same, you should expect the raid team to have a few tricks up their sleeves when you tackle the depths of Venus this summer.

    Vault of Glass will also launch with both a Contest mode in the first 24 hours and a World First race. Since this is a reprised raid, we're going to do World First a bit different. Players looking to claim the belt will not only have to complete the raid, but also a curated list of challenging Triumphs. And while only one fireteam will walk away with a belt, there will be plenty of opportunities for players to earn the ability to purchase some sweet real-world loot through Bungie Rewards.

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    One last thing. Before the end of the year we are also looking to add a Master version of Vault of Glass. We've been really excited about how Master and Grandmaster difficulty have altered Nightfall strikes, increasing the potency of combat and the importance of executing mechanics. We'd like all our future RAD (raid and dungeon) content to offer Master difficulty versions, where players can earn Adept raid and dungeon gear, and while we aren't able to commit to a Season 14 timeframe for Master VoG, we do want to take the time to develop a sustainable structure that allows us to ship these closer together in future releases.

    Getting Reacquainted with Adelaide

    In Season 14, Ada-1 is returning to the Tower, and with her comes the ability for players to take any armor they have in their collections and turn it into a universal ornament. In Destiny 2 we will call this transmog system "Armor Synthesis."

    Every season Ada will offer players a set of bounties that highlight various activity types. Players can complete these quests and receive the materials they need to power up Ada's Loom, which can turn any piece of armor in your collection into a permanent universal ornament. Players short on time will also be able to purchase Synthesis tokens for Silver.

    Once you've acquired some new universal ornaments, you will want to head over to the new appearance screen in the character menu, where you can manage the ornaments on all your gear in one place. You'll also find that you can apply shaders here individually or on all pieces of your equipped gear with one click. To make it even easier to try out a bunch of new looks in Season 14 we've also changed shaders to be permanent unlocks, meaning you no longer will need to hold onto stacks of shaders in your inventory.

    At the beginning of Season 14 we will be including a starting supply of Synthesis materials as reward for completing the Seasonal onboarding quest. We know many of you have been looking forward to Synthesis for a long time and want to frontload your ability to create some of the looks you've been looking forward to showing off.

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    Combined Fire

    We've still got a few quick things to cover, but I wanted to make sure we didn't end without taking the time to recognize how incredible the team is here at Bungie. It's enormously difficult to make a game like this from home, but the team comes at it every day with unmatched enthusiasm and talent. One of the reasons why is that our team is full of Guardians: conquerors, Lighthouse frequent-flyers, lore masters, and people that just love to get in a strike or two with their family. All the work they do is because they believe that Destiny 2 can be the definitive action MMO on consoles and PC for years to come. So, without spoiling our plans for The Witch Queen and beyond, let's talk about a few more things the team is working on this year.

    • Crossplay is coming to the masses in Season 15. We'll be doing some internal rollouts and alpha tests in Season 14 to prepare for a widespread launch this fall. With Crossplay, you'll be able to play with all your friends no matter what platform you call home. And don't worry, we won't be matching console and PC players together in the Crucible unless PC players specifically invite their console friends to play with them in the PC Crucible pools.
    • Some of you have noticed that Ikora Rey has not been nearly as present recently in Destiny 2. We've missed her as well. Not only will you see Ikora again in Season 14, she will be playing a pivotal role in The Witch Queen.
    • In Beyond Light, we introduced Stasis subclasses. Like Solar, Arc, and Void, Stasis will continue to evolve into a fully supported damage type. In Season 15, we will introduce our first round of Legendary Stasis Energy and Power weapons. There will be a lot more info here as we get closer to the fall.
    • More recently in Season 13, we rolled out phase one of our new gilded title system, where players can gild our ritual titles like Conqueror, Unbroken, Dredgen, and Flawless each season. In Season 14, phase two of gilding titles will roll out. When players gild a title, it will now also display how many times that title has been gilded in the past.

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    I can't overstate how excited I am for what the team has planned for this year and beyond. What we're doing this year is about multiplying our potential for years to come, and while I promised not to spoil any of the things we will reveal for The Witch Queen later this year, I feel like I owe you a little treat for sticking with me after all this text. So, here's an early concept at one of the wild armor sets you'll be able to earn in our next annual release.

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    Thanks for reading,

    Joe "Joegoroth" Blackburn

    Assistant Game Director Destiny 2

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Discussion - Free Talk Friday!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:00 AM PST

    Hello Guardians! Today is Free Talk Friday!

    Talk about whatever you'd like! Your comments need not be related to Destiny. You can post memes, twitch streams, wallpapers, or personal stories about your life. We will still be enforcing Rule 1 (reddiquette/civility) in this thread.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
    [link] [comments]

    Bungie can we please have a finisher where a Cabal Pod drops on them?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:09 PM PST

    I want them to feel my pain

    submitted by /u/Adiro777
    [link] [comments]

    Can I just say, weekly challenges are a great addition to the game.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:19 PM PST

    It's a nice way to rank up the season pass. For me, having to go to various destinarions every week to pick up bounties is a tedious process, so already having the challenges there to complete is great.

    submitted by /u/vukvasic
    [link] [comments]

    Can we get an ornament for The Colony that changes the grenades to be tiny screebs?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:11 PM PST

    I just wanna shoot screebs at people in Crucible.

    submitted by /u/ecfg59000
    [link] [comments]

    hey Bungie, hearing exposition (and lots of it!) from characters other than our Ghost is fantastic. Narrative development is on point this season. PLEASE keep it up!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:59 AM PST

    I am certainly not of the "Season of the Hunt sucked" camp, loved Beyond Light and how the story was taken by the reigns, but I have to say I'm even more pleasantly surprised by Season of the Chosen so far. The Presage mission alone, and its two separate versions, are a testament to this.


    It's hard to overstate how much more fleshed-out the universe feels when we're actually hearing from and interacting with all the characters we used to only read about in lore cards, or go see in the Tower for a small snippet of text. It's also really nice not having Ghost explain EVERYTHING and making Nolan North shoulder 98% of the story beats.

    Writing's top notch and nuanced, characters are interesting and feel like they have real, diverse personalities, the VA is great, and everyone at the studio involved with this turn deserves recognition.


    Please, for the sake of a D1 Beta veteran who always wished for a much more (IN-GAME) story-driven experience, keep it up!

    submitted by /u/Pervavore
    [link] [comments]

    This Week At Bungie 2/25/2021

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:02 PM PST

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50129

    This week at Bungie, we returned to Presage.

    Before we go about our weekly TWAB programming, we have some required reading! Well, maybe required isn't the correct word, but you are definitely going to want to read the news that was delivered earlier today about the state of the game and our plans for the future, provided by Assistant Destiny 2 Game Director Joe Blackburn.

    State of Destiny 2021 – The Road to The Witch Queen

    We aren't going to provide a TL;DR, as we want you to go read this thing, but I would like to provide a quick list of topics covered:

    • News about The Witch Queen's release date, Lightfall, and beyond.
    • Power, and how it raises Season over Season.
    • No additional Infusion Caps.
    • PvP: Our goals for the future of Crucible, Stasis balancing, game security, and Trials of Osiris
    • Information about Vault of Glass.
    • The new transmog system we're calling Armor Synthesis.
    • And more!

    Now, we leave it to you to read the article! Don't worry, we'll still be here when you get back.

    ...have you read it yet? Yeeees? Good. We hope that you're just as excited for the future of Destiny 2 as we are. Now, let's shift our focus to the live game.

    This week has been a fun ride so far! Saladin is not only hosting Iron Banner but has sent Guardians back to Nessus to fight through a fourth Battleground. With approval from the Vanguard, we've also been seeing many Guardians venturing back into the Presage mission, uncovering new lore, and finding a sweet new catalyst for Dead Man's Tale (for those of you who like to shoot from the hip).

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    Master difficulty can prove challenging, but with the right fireteam, you can absolutely find success. As you venture through this derelict ship, be sure to watch out for scannable objects. They may prove valuable to you on your journey to uncover more knowledge.

    The TWAB this week will be looking at a few feedback items concerning Ritual playlist rewards, an update on DDoS protection for consoles, and an announcement of our upcoming Deep Stone Crypt developer deep dive. Read on for more.

    Diving Deeper into the Deep Stone Crypt

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    It's been a while since our last stream, hasn't it? One of our favorite things to do is bridge the gap between player and developer, giving a peek behind the proverbial curtain of Destiny 2 development. In the past, we've offered deep dives on raids, dungeons, secret missions, and more! This time, we're heading back to the Deep Stone Crypt. As our brave fireteam ventures through the frozen wastes of Europa and polished halls of BrayTech Research labs, developers will be providing commentary on how the secret sauce was made. You won't want to miss this!

    Deep Stone Crypt Developer Deep Dive

    Wednesday, March 3

    10 AM PST

    Twitch.tv/Bungie and Youtube.com/Bungie

    We'll have representatives from various disciplines of development including design, art, VFX, narrative, and more! We're excited to dust off the stream equipment and hope to see you there.

    Ritual Playlist Weapon Rewards

    If you're like me, you've been sinking a lot of time into Gambit searching for a Bottom Dollar Hand Cannon over the last two weeks. It's beautiful, lives in the 120 RPM archetype, and can be found when completing Gambit matches. Today, we've invited Weapons Feature Lead Chris Proctor to walk us through freshly introduced ritual playlist rewards, where to get them, and some plans to address feedback on drop rates.

    Chris: At the release of Beyond Light, we introduced new weapons into the reward pools of Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard Strikes. To give a quick rundown for the New Lights out there, each of these weapons has a low drop rate and deep perk pools, intended to give players dedicated to a particular playlist a weapon to hunt. Our goal when introducing these rewards was to provide space for longer term, ritual-specific goals for players as they chase after the perfect roll on a given weapon, and explore the possibility space of perk rolls on a weapon archetype in the same way weapon designers do.

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    Pictured: Vanguard Shotgun, Crucible Pulse Rifle, Gambit Grenade Launcher

    As we saw some positive reception to these weapons in Beyond Light, with players digging through the perks and comparing rolls, we've added two more to each ritual in Season of the Chosen, bringing the total per ritual to three.

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    Pictured: Vanguard Pulse Rifle/Rocket Launcher, Crucible Sniper Rifle/Sidearm, Gambit Hand Cannon/Fusion Rifle

    While the drop rates for each individual weapon are not intended to be so high that it's easy to quickly acquire a large amount of rolls, we've been seeing some feedback that they currently feel too scarce. Our current plan is to increase drop chances for these ritual-specific weapons later in Season of the Chosen. While we don't want these weapons to become a short-term grind for players seeking perfect rolls, we do believe that they need to drop a bit more frequently for them to be a positive experience when completing their associated activities. Once these drop changes are live, we'll be watching the conversation to see if any other changes need to be made.

    Our current plan is to continue adding weapons to these pools in future Seasons. There may be some Seasons where these pools remain the same, and others where a new weapon is added while one is rotated out. This should help keep the offerings streamlined for players on the hunt for a specific reward.

    Thank you to all who've been sounding off with feedback since these were introduced, and we're excited to hear more!

    Console SDR – Status Update

    Prior to the release of Season of the Chosen, we announced that distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protection would be coming to consoles during Season of the Chosen, bringing protections for your network connection against DDoS and IP harvesting attacks via usage of the Steam Datagram Relay (SDR) service. As our Seasonal content went online, we uncovered a few general bugs and crashes which needed to be addressed before we could start bringing this feature forward.

    As these issues have now been mitigated, our teams have started to bring console SDR services online. This will be a multi-week initiative, as we want to ensure service stability across all platforms while weeding out any bugs or increases in error codes. If any major issues are found during this process, it may take more time for us to bring this fully online, but we'll be sure to announce when our work is done.

    If you begin to encounter any error codes or crashes when playing Destiny 2, please report them to the #Help forum right here on Bungie.net.

    Battleground Throwdown

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    Season of the Chosen has been a wild ride for our support teams. We've shipped multiple hotfixes, have another on the way, and we're not even halfway through the season yet. While we've squashed many bugs along the way, we still have more to catch. Our Player Support team has a quick update on what we're tracking, what we're about to fix, and a quick not about our transition to a new Help Center!

    This is their report.



    Next Tuesday, March 2, Hotfix will be released. Here is a timeline of events:

    • March 2, 8 AM PST (1600 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance for Hotfix begins.
    • March 2, 8:45 AM PST (1645 UTC): Players are removed from activities and won't be able to log back into Destiny 2 until 9 AM PST when Hotfix is available.
    • March 2, 9 AM PST (1700 UTC): Destiny 2 Hotfix is rolled out across all platforms and regions. Players can log back into Destiny 2 at this time. Ongoing maintenance is expected to conclude at 10 AM PST.
    • March 2, 10 AM PST (1800 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance is expected to conclude.

    Below are some issues that will be resolved with Hotfix A complete list will be shared when the update goes live.

    • Barrier Colossus in Battleground: Behemoth will no longer mosey out of their barrier shields to say hello to unsuspecting Guardians.
    • The Chosen Destruction Umbral Focusing Lens will now allow players to focus Umbral Engrams.
    • Beneficial modifiers in the Battlegrounds playlist now work as intended.


    To ensure progress is recorded for "The Voice on the Other Side" quest for Dead Man's Tale, players should make sure that they have the quest in their inventory prior to starting Presage. If the quest was originally acquired on another character, players will need to reacquire the quest on their current character from the Quest Archive at the Tower.

    Upon completing Presage, players will need to pick up Dead Man's Tale and wait for the mission complete end timer to appear prior to returning to orbit. Failing to pick up the weapon or leaving before the mission completes will result in progress not being recorded for the quest.


    Earlier this week, a refund was sent out to players affected by the mislabeled Exotic ornaments in Eververse. Players who qualified for the refund received a message on login and had the Silver from their ornament purchase added back to their account.

    We are continuing to investigate the issue causing some players to not receive their Bright Dust rewards from completing the Weekly Challenges for Gambit, Crucible, and Vanguard. Players affected by this issue will be granted the Bright Dust they should have earned in a future update.


    Last week, the Help Center at help.bungie.net completed its migration to a new service. Players who encounter broken links, untranslated sections (excluding Contact Forms), or other issues with the new Help Center should report them to our #Companion Forum.


    Players can now stay up to date on current Destiny Companion App known issues on our new #Companion Forum Known Issues List. Players who encounter issues not already on the Known Issues List are encouraged to report them to our #Companion Forum.


    While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:

    • The Trash the Thresher Triumph is not properly recording destroyed Threshers in The Arms Dealer Nightfall: The Ordeal.
    • The Scanner and Operator augments in the Deep Stone Crypt are the same color in Tritanopia colorblind mode.
    • Trying to equip the Mindvault ornament for Insurmountable Skullfort may result in a "Requires Mod Item" error.
    • The portal to the Ascendant Realm in The Corrupted strike after the Ogre encounter may close if a player is too far ahead of the rest of their fireteam.
    • The door to the Spider Tank encounter of the Hollowed Lair strike may not open for players.
    • The Lost Sector puzzles for the Xenophage Exotic quest may not correctly record player inputs.
    • Players may earn the "I Am Invincible" medal when the opposing team actually completed the requirements.
    • Players who complete the Xenology quest from Xur while already having an Exotic Cipher in their inventory will have the quest removed with no reward.
    • There are no Champions in the Master Presage mission because Scorn Champions don't exist.
    • Players who kill the boss in the Fallen S.A.B.E.R. strike and then die may see a "Darkness" screen and will respawn at the beginning of the strike, which can't be restarted.
    • As a result of this, players can load into that blocked state and be unable to progress through the strike. This issue is also occurring in the Hallowed Lair strike.

    For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.


    Image Linkimgur

    One of the most important aspects of a movie is the atmosphere it brings. You not only remember the lines, but the way you felt as you watched the action unfold on screen. Our recent Presage mission brought some great horror vibes to Destiny 2, and this week's winner embraces that while giving their take on an unsuspecting Guardian.

    Movie of the Week: Follow the Signal (Spoiler alert for those who haven't played Presage yet!)

    Video Link

    Movie of the Week: First Sounds From Mars

    Video Link

    Cheers to the winners this week! If you'd like to throw your movie in for consideration, make sure to submit it to the Community Creations page on Bungie.net. Please credit appropriate creators in the description of your video with links to the bungie.net profiles so we know who to grant emblems to!


    Image Linkimgur

    Another good thing about atmosphere is inspiration. When reading through lore books, you might begin to feel some of that inspiration when diving through the darkness, or the feelings a Guardian might have sitting in a specific seat at a local ramen shop. The featured artists this week captivate those feelings perfectly in their pieces.

    Art of the Week: Lore Inspires Creativity

    Thank you for the lore that inspires creativity![#Destiny2](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Destiny2?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) #Destiny @DestinyTheGame @Bungie @BNG_Ivan @A_dmg04 @DestinyComArt pic.twitter.com/clDJhRyTV0

    — ZIMOSLAVA (@Zimoslava) February 20, 2021

    Art of the Week: Ramen

    I saw a lone guardian, chilling at the ramen shop, where Cayde used to sit. #Destiny2 #Destiny2Art #fanart #bungie #crow #TheCrow #ramen pic.twitter.com/P9yZNsZSTn

    — JedixThanj (@JedixThanj) February 17, 2021

    If you'd like your art to be featured in a future TWAB, make sure to tag it with #Destiny2, #Destiny2Art, #DestinyArt, or even tag a community manager in your post. We're always excited to see your content, and celebrate it with the overall community.

    Another TWAB in the books. The fires of Iron Banner are raging, and it's about time I start hunting for a sweet new role on the Time-Worn Spire. I'm starting to focus on the Pinnacle band of my Power Level, so the weekly bounty rewards are giving me a great start towards that final cap.

    See you out there.



    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    The Witch Queen armor represents the Three Primes in alchemy: Mercury, Salt, and Sulfur.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:46 AM PST

    Hunters represent Mercury, Titans represent Salt, and Warlocks represent Sulfur. Personally believe it should be salt hunters and stinky sulfur titans, but I'll live.

    Immediately recognized the brimstone symbol on the warlock robes and started digging through to find what the other symbols meant. Titans literally have NaCl plastered on their arms, which is a nice touch.

    I'm not super knowledgable in alchemical symbols, so definitely correct me if I'm wrong here! I'm loving how "on brand" this is for something called the Witch Queen.

    Edit: Saw some folks wondering what armor I'm even talking about. Do yourselves a massive favor and read the Destiny 2021 Update: Road to The Witch Queen posted on the Bungie website. Lots of amazing updates, the picture of the armor is at the bottom of that post.

    Edit 2: Figured out how to put the image in. Apologies, Reddit isn't my forte! Witch Queen armor

    Edit 3: Thanks to /u/llmoT, /u/jetset0, /u/Boofas-man, /u/Vurbock, and /u/The_Bagel_God for the awards!

    submitted by /u/Snarklefarf
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    I hate Destiny. Its my favorite game.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:10 PM PST

    Even though everyone said anthem was gonna kill destiny, it didn't. Even though people say outriders is going to kill destiny, it more than likely won't. Destiny has offered such a unique experience. One that no other game has come close to (for me). And although the game is broken and has unlimited problems, its still pretty fun to play. This post is meant to thank bungie not to hate on them for once lol.

    submitted by /u/jram_420
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    For my titan brothers who still dont have new thundercrash exotic

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:59 PM PST

    Tomorrow its going to drop in bunker e15 at 1300, farm all you want with the help of our robotic friends.

    submitted by /u/dxt6191
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    Bungie Listens, Please Stop Saying They Don’t

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:05 PM PST

    EDIT: On further reflection, I'd title this differently and change the tone as well. More like "Here's Why I Think Bungie Listens" or something more personal and opinionated. I'll leave the post as written, but would want to make more clear that I'm not trying to dismiss the frustrations of folks who feel Bungie doesn't listen because advice from the community was at times seemingly ignored and it bit them in the ass (like sunsetting), even though there were other times Bungie did take community advice to heart (like with delaying Trials last year because of the artifact).

    A reminder that you can love this game, even be obsessed with this game, and be super frustrated and impatient about changes that need to be made or decisions that Bungie made that were less than ideal… and that still doesn't mean they "don't listen." Some folks in this community need to stop conflating "listens" with "gets what I want."

    Today's State of the Game post and recent implementations in the game really showed us that Bungie does listen.

    There are countless examples of Bungie doing a thing, getting community feedback, and changing it. Does it take time? YES. Does it take "too long" sometimes? Heck yes. Does it come with some bad changes and monkey's paws? Sure, sometimes too often.

    Things the community has asked for over the years:

    • "Hey Bungie, they way you implemented Sunsetting sucks and…" Ok, we're walking that back 2 seasons in and taking some time to figure out a better way. (EDIT: didn't know the deeper history about this so this is a terrible first example, my bad.)

    • We're not loving the power grind every season. Ok we'll chill out on that.

    • Better armor & weapons mods systems, please. Result: Armor 2.0, Ghost 2.0, Armor 2.0 redux with exotic armor mod slots, Weapons mods streamlined.

    • Crossplay, when?? …coming in 2 more seasons.

    • Transmog, please… next season.

    • Can we address 3-peeking and how that's actually spelled and its abuse in PvP, please? Yes, in a couple seasons.

    • Hey we've wanted a lever-action scout rifle for a while, wouldn't that be neat? … we finally got it with a kick-ass mission that delves into story stuff.

    • Can we remove the banners from taking up the whole screen, PLEASE? Implemented this season, finally. Did this take too long? IMO, huge yes. Did they listen when we asked for it the first million times? YES, they just didn't prioritize resources towards it … until they did.

    • Can shaders no longer be consumable? Finally, yes, next season! REJOICE!

    • We want more D1 content back in the game. Cool, here's a DLC bringing back the Moon, here's another bringing back some of the Cosmodrome. Oh next season, here's the first ever D1 Raid. Oh and here's a bunch of reminagined D1 weapons too we've sprinkled back in.

    • Oh bummer, so much is getting removed with the DCV, can we at least get Ada-1 back? Sure, next season she'll be the Transmog vendor (just like someone suggested!)

    • Can we have a farmable Raid? Hello Deep Stone Crypt final vendor chest.

    • Auto-dismantle Blues! SRL! Factions! We can't have everything right away, folks. And sometimes...No.

    SO…. those are a few examples for why I believe Bungie listens. They aren't always good at communicating they listen beyond "we're listening." They aren't always good at implementing what we've asked for. They aren't always going to implement what we ask for, because sometimes they listen and the answer is "no, we're going to do this instead." Again, stop conflating "listens" with "gets what I want."

    They've proven time and again that they WILL make changes based on community feedback (or outcry).

    EDIT: It's been brought to my attention that some fo the things I've seen asked for and used as examples (transmog, farmable raids) were asked for for way longer than I'd thought...so I can understand a bit better why some folks hold fast to the belief that Bungie doesn't listen. I still think them prioritizing differently and finally getting around to implementing those things (and other things) shows they listened but didn't do it on hoped/expected timelines. It boils down to "bungie doesn't listen" vs "bungie doesn't do things fast enough."

    submitted by /u/TheMeeplesAcademy
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    Crayon Machine Gun

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:09 PM PST

    So me in Iron Banana, munching craymms while missing all boolets, and me think, (munch sounds) maybe good think to shoot crayom through big gun, very big. Boolets are big crayoms, and splat when hit enemy.

    What frogs and magicians think?

    submitted by /u/Blurrlogic
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    We should be able to use Spoils of Conquest to unlock shaders from vaulted Raids

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:14 PM PST

    Just a thought with the upcoming changes to the shader system, not sure if this is something that has been discussed before.

    submitted by /u/SENDMEPICSOFYOURDOGS
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    Bungie please make the 2017/18 solstice glows into ornaments.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:46 PM PST

    should have been made into ornaments when shadowkeep came out.

    sorry i meant 2018/19

    submitted by /u/NotNorthSpartan
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    Analysis of the Nova Gear Set: It's Alchemy-Themed, Possibly from DSC

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:30 PM PST

    Bungie was kind enough to post a preview of some early concept gear currently slated for Witch Queen in the latest news update and as a lore nerd I figured I'd break down the aesthetic to think about what it means and where it might drop.

    TL;DR These armor sets represent the "three primes" or base materials according to the alchemist Paracelsus: mercury (Hunter), salt (Titan) (hee hee), and sulfur (Warlock). Based on the alchemy references, modern aesthetic, and fish-star symbol resembling the drawing of Europan deep-ocean life in Clovis Bray's journal, I believe these armor sets are from Europa, possibly prestige raid gear for DSC.

    Overall we have clean, modern military gear with heavy fabrics and plastics. It's decorated with a lot of wild-looking symbols, but they're in crisp digital fonts instead of scrawled or etched like Hive runes. There are also a few letters and numbers hidden in there, most obviously the Titan's "Na" and "Cl" shoulderpads.

    The Hunter gear has no letters, but does have the number "80" on the upper left of the vest and "200.59" on the upper right. The Titan mark has two numbers too small to make out, but has a clear "Na" on one shoulderpad and "Cl" on the other. The Warlock kit has the letter "S" and the numbers "16" and "32.066". These refer to the chemicals mercury, salt, and sulfur, respectively. Mercury's atomic number is 80 and its standard atomic weight is 200.592. Table salt (sodium chloride) has the chemical formula NaCl. Sulfur, symbol "S", has the atomic number 16 and standard atomic weight 32.06.

    Some symbols, like the moon-phases, fish-star, and seven-pointed star, are shared across all three gear sets. The unique symbols on each set also refer to their elements. On the Hunter kit, the three larger symbols, ☿, 🝁, and the one that's like mercury plus the shrug emoji, are all different glyphs for mercury; alchemists would use multiple glyphs for the same element to confuse anyone trying to read their Super Ancient Magical Secrets. The vest's two small triangles refer to Water (🜄) and Air (🜁).

    On the Titan's gear, the circle with a single horizontal line (🜔 if your unicode is working) is Paracelsus' glyph for salt; the circle with dots and the one on the mark that looks like mercury folded inside-out are probably more salt glyphs. The little cube diagrams also illustrate the crystal cell structure of salt (spoilers: it's a cube). I can't read the numbers, but I'm guessing they're density, molar weight, something like that.

    For the Warlock, the up triangle on a stick (🜍) and double cross over an infinity symbol (🜏) are both sulfur glyphs, so the plus with a dot, triangle with arrows, and wiggly half-infinity symbol are probably more sulfur. The triangles near the "16" and "32.066" are Fire (🜂) and Earth (🜃), which makes sense given sulfur's association with fire and gunpowder.

    Why these three chemicals? The 16th-century alchemist Paracelsus, who defined most of the later work, called mercury, salt, and sulfur the tria prima or three prime materials of creation that made up all other matter. Mercury, because it was metallic yet a liquid, transcended states and therefore represented the mind. Sulfur represented the spirit. Together they combined into salt (not really, please don't mix mercury and sulfur) which represented the body. That makes sense for a Titan, but personally I think the Warlock should be the mind and the Hunter be the spirit. Then again I'm not a concept artist, what do I know.

    Clovis Bray was big into alchemy as a metaphor for his Exo creation project. He saw his pursuit of transmuting faulty digital uploads into genuine, sane transplanted consciousnesses as similar to alchemical mystics trying to isolate fundamental materials of creation or life. When he developed the denatured radiolaria fluid he called it the "alkahest," an alchemical term for a universal solvent, and the "stone" in "Deep Stone Crypt" refers to the philosopher's stone. The DSC in general combines a modern, scientific aesthetic with pseudo-mystical content. Concept artist Dima Goryainov talked about the graphics he designed for the DSC as "scientific hieroglyphs" - appearing technical from a distance, but up close encoding more mystical content. This armor's aesthetic, combining a sleek modern look with ancient alchemy, fits quite well into that overall idea. Therefore I think this might be prestige raid gear for the DSC. We know Bungie's talked about bringing back "hard modes" for raids, if not exactly the old prestige system, and harder raids means fancier gear.

    But either way this is a wicked-looking armor set and I'm hype to pick it up wherever it comes from. Especially the salt :D .

    submitted by /u/Loremind
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    I hop Ada is more than just transmog #BringBackKindleOrchid

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:15 PM PST

    I am very hopeful for the future and I was excited to see Ada is back, however I hope she is more than just transmog vender because that job could have been given to Ikora or Rahool and no one would bat an eye. I think new/old Black Armory weapons should come back with her return (it just makes more sense than just trasmog atleast) and I think Kindle Orchid needs to be included, but it does not need to be Void. Kindle Orchid needs to come back with Multi-kill Clip and One For All (New Age Kill Clip and Rampage) purely because Hand cannons have not felt worth it in PvE recently, it is so much easier to just use Warmind Cells with Ikelos SMG or a Solar Splash damage weapon with Wrath of Rasputin.

    It is a pipe dream, but a dream that I think would make Kindle Orchid enthusiast happy.

    submitted by /u/GamingFroU
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    Reminder that we're supposed to get a "State of Destiny" some time this season

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:28 AM PST

    A while ago Joe Blackburn, Assistant Game Director, announced that we can expect a State of Destiny 2021 post during Season 13, which is supposed to address Bungie's plan moving forward.

    I'm personally looking forward to it and I hope it will be a bit more than PR talk.

    Edit: That was quick. We got some amazing news today. Thank you, Bungie.

    submitted by /u/IAmNot_ARussianBot
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    I did solo Presage with 1311 of power (Not flawless) with 5 secs on the timer and i feel kinda proud

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:02 PM PST

    The most important question. Will ada-1 still have the rainbow glow from completing her quest?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:57 PM PST

    That glow was awesome, I hope it's coming back.

    submitted by /u/Tropicoll
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    The focusing umbral system is a major step down from Season of Arrivals'

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:55 AM PST

    Warning: Kinda long post

    As it stands, in order to focus your engrams tier 1 costs 1 hammer charge, Tier 2 costs 3 charges and tier 3 costs 5 charges. Realistically, most players wouldn't bother with tier 1 since the loot pool is huge. So we're just gonna look at Tier 2 and 3 for this post. With the max gold upgrade, you can hold 84 cabal gold. Technically 112 Cabal gold if you socket the Radiant Challenger Medallion first (costs 28 gold. Gives 2 charges). If you convert 112 Cabal gold into charges, it's 8 charges (14 gold = 1 charge). That means you can either focus 2 tier 2 engrams or 1 tier 5 and 1 tier 2 engram.

    112 cabal gold...is only 2 focused engrams...? Who over at Bungie thought that was okay? Here's why it's bad. First off, getting all that Cabal Gold. You get cabal gold from doing pretty much any activity which is good. However, the rate at which you get it is not. To put it in perspective, Crucible matches give about 8-9 cabal gold. In order to reach 112 cabal gold, you'd need to do a minimum of fourteen crucible matches. And even after you max out your gold, you still need to do a handful of Battleground activities. That is a lot of grind for two measly focused engrams. To make it worse the engrams aren't even guaranteed the weapon you want. It's a 50/50 chance. And even if you win that chance, you have to battle the rng gods for the roll you want. This is not okay.

    There's probably other activities to really max out your cabal gold rates but it is still quite a grind regardless for two focused engrams that don't even guarantee anything. Let's look at season of arrivals. You could do a lot of activities to get the umbral currency to focus and it came at a steady rate and umbral focusing was cheap. You could grind crucible or strikes or whatever you wanted to do and at the end of the day you could focus multiple umbral engrams. Those umbrals were also 50/50 but it was way less grind and you could focus way more than you could now. You also weren't forced to play anything like you are now with Battlegrounds so that's all fair that it comes at a 50/50 chance of what you want. Why do I have to do all this grind now this season for the same exact focusing I was getting for way less 2 seasons ago?

    Bungie please rework the seasonal loot and make it actually worth player's time. Nothing like grinding 112 cabal gold, doing a bunch of battlegrounds, getting only 2 focus engrams and end up losing both 50/50 chances so you get loot you didn't even want

    Edit: I just remembered something from Season of Arrivals. There was a bonus in the season pass that gave all umbral engram weapons a second perk in the second column. So every umbral was like a Season of Chosen tier 3 for about a quarter of the grind it takes now. So that's even worse looking at it

    submitted by /u/SadDokkanBoi
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    Seeing the Anthem subreddit today makes me appreciate how much work goes into Destiny, even when it’s not at it’s best.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 06:16 PM PST

    For those of you who missed it, they announced that Anthems planned revival was officially dead and the game wasn't going to be revived in any way. Obviously the remaining players who were banking on this are bummed.

    Just made me realise that even though destiny is hugely defined by its peaks and troughs, it's still a quality product with a pretty good community, and a property Bungie obviously cares about, regardless of how they stumble sometimes.

    Just figured it was worth taking a moment to appreciate the game and all the work that goes into it, and how for the most part, Bungie treat the property. Could be a lot worse, we've come a long way since the year 1 state of the game.

    If there any any current Anthem fans here, would be interested to hear your thoughts

    EDIT: Thanks for the awards, wow!!! Didn't expect this to blow up!

    submitted by /u/Crombobulous-Michael
    [link] [comments]

    Ever been frozen so hard you respawn, without dying? I have!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:32 AM PST


    Take a gander at the kill field.

    submitted by /u/Ewok_Adventure
    [link] [comments]

    Sunrise has breathed new life into my playing

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:57 PM PST

    I'm deeming Bungie sunsetting sunsetting "sunrise".

    I'm sure like many of you I'd been despairing about sunsetting. I'd basically decided to make this season my last hurrah, get Conqueror and then go casual, just play whatever class got the best drop from the season pass, do the story and leave.

    I'm so happy my gear is important again. I'm not going to have to redo my masterworked Hunter, it feels like there's purpose to doing activities again, if a god roll piece drops I'm not going to have to throw it away in a few months time!

    I swear it's breathed new life into my playing in a single post. It felt like everything I had had a sword of Damocles hanging over it, the game actually felt claustrophobic to play. Nothing gameplay has changed tonight but I'm suddenly looking forward to grinding this weekend and now inspired to farm out my dream Commemoration.

    submitted by /u/TheShiningEdge
    [link] [comments]

    5 Hammer charges is WAY too much to focus a tier 3 umbral engram

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 10:53 PM PST

    And it's not like it's a specific price of gear, it's 50/50 between two

    submitted by /u/truncatepath
    [link] [comments]

    Mida multi tool is an iconic weapon but it needs to actually be a "multi tool" it needs an additional functionality. And a different catalyst.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:10 AM PST

    Mida multi tool... Needs a rework. All it is is a regular 200rpm scout with good stats that has the knucklehead radar perk.

    Personally I think it should be able to long press reload to change fire modes. What if it could switch between the usual single fire and burst fire? Perhaps it changes into a 540 rpm pulse rifle with damage and range set to match? Mag size should be increased to compensate for this. 24 wouldn't be unreasonable. Vs the only 16 it has now. (24 means you'll get 8 bursts from a mag in burst fire Vs only 5+ 1 bullet from the 16 it has now)

    This would actually make it a "multi tool" Because currently it doesn't do that at all. It's just an above average scout rifle with radar when you ads. That's it. Not very exotic if you ask me.

    Plus, the catalyst is pointless. Outlaw is useless Because it already has 100 reload speed.

    I think something that adds lethality would be better.

    Multi kill clip. This would make the gun definitely feel exotic and powerful. It's a natural pairing Because of the maxed out reload speed and multi kill clip has "multi" in the name. Multi kill clip mida multi tool. Just makes sense.

    And the catalyst should just be able to drop from any comp match win. Not just wins at 5000 glory.

    TLDR; mida multi tool should switch fire modes from single to burst when long pressing reload. Increase mag size. Change catalyst to multi kill clip instead of outlaw. Make catalyst have a chance to drop from any competitive crucible match win.

    Thank you for coming to my ted talk, etc etc.

    submitted by /u/Seek_Seek_Lest
    [link] [comments]

    Sentinel Titans REALLY should have a Shield Throw Melee.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:12 PM PST

    Like....how are they supposed to be space captain America without it?

    But seriously, Sunbreakers can yeet their hammer, Strikers can yeet themselves. Let Sentinels yeet their shields.

    submitted by /u/SubjectThirteen
    [link] [comments]

    Every weapon in the game should have a curated roll you can recover from collections after you obtain it .

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:51 PM PST

    This would really help out people struggling with vault space and provide people with a decently rolled weapon but still provide random rolls on that weapon. This curated roll is always the first roll of that weapon you recieve, after you get the curated roll you can then start to farm for your preferred roll.

    submitted by /u/astrowhale98
    [link] [comments]

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