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    Saturday, April 10, 2021

    Destiny Daily Questions [2021-04-11]

    Destiny Daily Questions [2021-04-11]

    Daily Questions [2021-04-11]

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light Guide & Gameplay Guide

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    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

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    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Completed story lines on one character should give you an option to skip them on a second / third character

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    I know this has likely been posted before - but I finally decided that I have the time to maybe set up a second character. Having to run forsaken/ Beyond Light again is a such an effort. I just want to play the endgame content again, not slog through the annoying steps.

    If I have already completed the story I know what happens, just let me get to the end again. The lore doesn't change on character.

    I get this is a first world problem, but especially the quest steps to get stasis is longggg

    submitted by /u/Xanders_Vox
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    Gambit -- An analysis of the most infuriating game mode in existence and how to fix it

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:36 AM PDT


    • I am a Dredgen. While not the most impressive achievement, it does show that I have invested a significant amount of time into Gambit, both in its initial release form, in its Prime form, and its current form.
    • I have all exotic weaponry associated with Gambit, and all pinnacle/ritual weapons associated with Gambit.
    • I am a Reckoner, and to further that, I completed ~90% of the triumphs for this title in solo queue so I know a thing or two about hell and how truly stupid the average Destiny player actually is. I am not saying that I am a Gambit sweat by any means, but I am not bad. I understand how to win, and that's the bulk of the problem.

    The Flow of Gambit:

    Gambit is an incredibly unique game mode. While some may disagree about how well it integrates PvE and PvP, there is no denying that in theory this game mode provides interesting game play that is different from any other experience in Destiny. With the exception of boss-melting exotics and weapons, Gambit allows for a variety of different builds/subclasses to be utilized in different roles that help your team in a variety of ways. This was obviously more prevalent in Gambit Prime where your armour actually did dictate a specific role that you would play, but even in it's current form the roles still exist. This thread may make you believe that I abhor Gambit but I can't stress enough that at its core, the way Gambit is supposed to be played is amazing. However, understanding how a Gambit game is played is key to recognizing its flaws and how those flaws can be abused to make the game unappealing to most players. The typical game looks like this:

    1. Both teams start rushing to the first wave of enemy spawns to kill all the ads as fast as possible and collect the motes for banking and sending Blockers to the other team.
    2. The more motes you bank (5, 10, 15), the more powerful the Blocker is that gets sent to the other team (Goblin, Phalanx, Knight). Blockers sent to your team must be killed before you can bank any motes. More than one Blocker at at a team's bank will cause their currently banked motes to drain.
    3. Each team wants to bank a total of 100 motes to summon a Primeval. If you kill your Primeval before the other team does, your team wins.
    4. At 25, 50, 75, and 100 motes deposited, a portal will open on your side that one player can use to go the enemies side and start attacking the opposing guardians as an "invader" (hence, the PvP nature of this game mode). This is a crucial aspect of Gambit because motes that you die with (whether it be to ads, or an invader) are lost, setting your team back. If the opposing team has summoned a Primeval, then kills as invader will result in the Primeval getting a portion of its health back.

    So while there are a lot of moving parts in this game mode, the TL;DR version of winning in this game mode is collecting motes faster than the opposing team, and summoning and killing your Primeval before they do. If you're falling behind because one of your teammates died to ads, that's okay because you can invade to try to set the other team back a bit too. Sounds fair right? Wrong.

    Invading is far too powerful and frequent in Gambit:

    ...in fact it is absurdly powerful.

    While the flow of Gambit sounds like a beautiful symphony of semi-complex game mechanics, it's actually a symphony where one of the instruments is way too loud. So loud in fact, that a single invasion (and it's usually the one that happens at the 25 mote threshold), will more often than not, dictate the the entire outcome of the game. It's akin to the Iron Banner mercy-fiasco: if a team can manage to capture all three zones and start a hunt, you can develop such a strong lead that the game will call a mercy and end the game within minutes. Except in Gambit, the game doesn't end. Instead of being offered mercy you are relentlessly kicked while you are down thanks to the way that invading abuses and breaks down the very flow of Gambit. The way in which this happens is as follows:

    1. Team A and Team B are both rushing to get to 25 motes deposited because it's common knowledge now that getting that first invade is the key to winning.
    2. Team A gets the jump on Team B, gets 2-3 kills with Eyes of Tomorrow, Truth, Xenophage, etc... setting Team A back who are now further from the 25 mote threshold so a retaliation invade is not an immediate solution.
    3. While Team A is respawning/recovering from the invade, Team B has been collecting motes this entire time and is now at or very close to the 50 mote invasion threshold. This means that before Team A can even retaliate, Team B is already lined up to invade again and potentially prevent Team A from ever getting to that 25 mote threshold. This is all while Blockers are piling up on Team A's side, draining whatever motes they managed to bank in the meantime.
    4. This vicious cycle can be repeated again at 75 and 100 and it's easy to see how this can snowball into a match where Team A has barely had a chance to breathe.

    The flow completely breaks down due to invasion frequency in Gambit. Unless the Team B somehow chokes and loses 15 motes while being sloppy with their ad clear, Team A is well past the event horizon of Gambit's black hole of slaughter. If you are thinking to yourself "well this is a stomp, not all Gambit games are like this" then you have not played enough Gambit. This unfortunately happens probably 80% of the time because invading, like I said before, is absurdly powerful and people know it. While this in and of itself is frustrating, an added frustration is that some bounties and seasonal challenges require conditions that can only be met if you make it to the Primeval stage -- something that you assume you should get to every game but most often don't.

    Gambit related quest-steps, challenges, and bounties:

    Ask yourself, how many times have you picked up a bounty that says "Kill Envoys while the Primeval is summoned: 0/2" and you think to yourself, "Well this should only take about one game" and it actually ends up taking two or three or four. Hell, yesterday I went seven games straight in solo queue without ever seeing a single envoy cause we never made it to the Primeval stage. If you feel triggered by this, I can empathize with the dread you felt when you saw the seasonal challenge that asked for 40 Envoy kills.

    Even if you are garbage in the Crucible and getting stomped on by a six-stack, most quest steps/bounties/challenges can see some form of completion/progression. This isn't the case with Gambit. An equivalent Crucible-related seasonal challenge would be like "Kill 40 Guardians while your team has the lead in Control" because it establishes a condition on the progression that, depending on your luck, you might not actually get.

    Wasting 7-10 minutes getting snowballed by the opposing team and getting zero progress on any of your quest steps/challenges just straight up feels bad. Now, the obvious blanket solution to this would be to eliminate challenges and quest steps that require you to get to the Primeval phase of the game but that is merely treating the symptom and not the disease itself. Since the fundamentals of the game are solid, and the flow looks good on paper, it seems to me that the aspect of invading needs to be fundamentally changed in some way. The easiest answer? Lower invasion frequency.

    Lowering invasion frequency and why it would do wonders for Gambit:

    Before you take your pitchforks out, let me tell you how simple this solution is: remove the invasion threshold at 50 motes. I'm not kidding you it really is that simple.

    By taking out the 50 mote invasion threshold you give teams the chance to recover from an early game invasion, while still giving the opposing team a fair chance to continue their rampage. The losing team has a chance to retaliate at least once and potentially stay in the game, and the winning team isn't necessarily punished for being good. An (un)fortunate invade in the early game would simply mean a loss of the lead rather than the loss of the entire game and that's exactly what Gambit needs -- feeling like there's a chance for a comeback. A feeling of hope. Because I'll be honest, while comebacks are possible from the bleak situation described above, they are rare.

    A chance for a comeback means more teams can get to the Primeval stage of the fight, get progression towards whatever Gambit-related thing they are working on, and leave a match feeling like they moved forward even when they lost.

    Make the Primeval phase more significant without making it feel like a slog:

    Full disclosure, I do not actually know how to fix this problem. In the current meta, Primevals can be melted so fast that the time from summoning one to winning the game is less than 45 seconds unless everyone is out of super and out of heavy. In fact, it's so fast that the mechanic where kills as an invader heal the opposing team's Primeval doesn't even really get a chance to shine at all. It feels like a total blitz. The high from that power fantasy is unmatched, but it makes what should be the most important phase of Gambit quite trivial, and completely ignores a mechanic that might otherwise be used to help teams that are slightly behind.

    I understand people will be quick to point the finger at Lament, Geomags, and Cuirass of the Falling Star for their relatively high DPS, and while these certainly exacerbate the issue, they aren't the root of the issue. The Primeval lacking any damage mechanics whatsoever is the issue. And no, killing envoys to increase the damage you can deal to the Primeval does not count as a mechanic when this can mostly be bypassed with the current meta.

    But how can you stretch the time that teams are fighting the Primeval without extending the game time so much that people are turned off by the length of games?

    Closing notes:

    I love Gambit, but I also fucking hate Gambit. When Calus donned his pressure suit and veered over the edge of the void and saw Nothing, what he saw wasn't the Darkness or the Pyramid ships, he saw a world where Gambit exists eternally in its current state. It's a mess out there but it is fixable. It doesn't need a complete overhaul of its mechanics, it just needs a little tuning here and there. I really, really hope that instead of abandoning this ambitious game mode, Bungie decides to revisit it again in the future and turn it into the true PvEvP masterpiece that it has the capability to be.

    Thank you for reading. Cheers m8.

    EDIT: Community feedback/suggestions:

    This has sparked a lot of good discussion and I'm excited to see some constructive dialogue between casual Gambit players, pro Gambit players, PvE players, and PvP players. To summarize, here are some frequent suggestions I am seeing:

    • Make the invasion thresholds be triggered by the opposing team's motes. This would create an equilibrium between the winning and losing team. Winning team is banking more motes and getting closer to a Primeval, but giving the losing team more chances to invade. This gives the losing team a chance to prevent a landslide while not punishing the winning team too much. However, as others have suggested, this could be exploited to get your motes as close to 25 as possible, have everyone on your team get 15 motes, then do a mass drop.
    • Revert back to the Gambit Prime Primeval phase. This version of the Primeval phase had envoys spawning on different sides of the map to prevent people from planting a well/bubble in one spot and being safe for the entirety of the end-game. Additionally, the Primeval was immune to all damage until these envoys had been killed. This would help extend the boss phase duration without just giving him more health.
    • An unsuccessful invasion (ie. you get killed as an invader) would have a punishment of sorts. Gambit should incentivize getting kills and staying alive as the invader. This would prevent people from hopping over with EoT, dying, but still getting a shot off. Maybe getting killed as an invader would plague your team with a timed debuff and the other team gets a timed buff. Additionally, as u/heptyne suggested, invasion could cost motes that you gamble with. First invasion is 5, second is 10, third is 15. If you die as the invader, the other team gets those motes. If you survive, you get to keep them.
      • This is my favourite suggestion so far. Combined with the suggestion below to modify the heavy ammo economy, this might fine tune the act of invading without crippling the invader.
    • Heavy ammo doesn't drops from ads and is instead bought from a heavy ammo dispenser for motes. This means a an invader can grab heavy for his EoT and go wreak havoc but it will cost his team some progress too. To mitigate this, you can invade without heavy, giving the other team a chance.
    • When you invade instead of weapons you get the relic from the Last Wish. Honestly, a silly but fun idea and since that relic makes you look "Taken" it would be thematically correct.
    submitted by /u/JESUSAURU5REX
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    Bungie you did an amazing job with CWL and Warmind mods. It started the term "Builds" in Destiny. Instead of nerfing please introduce more such mods to have much more diverse build.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    I didn't paid attention to these mods when they were first launched. Later i have been trying so many builds with CWL and Warmind. It's just so much satisfying as compare to just toggling between intellect/discipline/recovery etc. The stasis subclass is another perfect example for build diversity. I know we will be getting same treatment for light subclasses which is a great news. Current season mods the wells feel little bit underwhelmed but nevertheless are welcomed. We need more necrotic grip Plus thorn combo. Please keep adding them .

    submitted by /u/lordofabyss
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    Opinion: Shadowshot should OHKO any guardian in PVP regardless of whether they have an overshield, are in super, etc.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 01:42 PM PDT

    Shadowshot has to be by far the most difficult super to use in PVP. The cast time is enormous, the travel time is enormous, and the tracking on the arrows is awful to nonexistent. It should be buffed to where if you hit any guardian with this insane skillshot it kills them. It's so stupid that I can hit someone with Chaos Reach with an enormous void arrow and instead he just whips around and vaporizes me in the time between the super hitting him and the tether activating. If I'm going to use a much higher skill cap super, I should be rewarded with it actually being useful.

    submitted by /u/--Zer0--
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    did you guys knew there is a “days without incidents” counter in the hangar?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:41 PM PDT

    it goes 1 number down for every guardian that dies in the tower, and 1 number up every 20-30 mins (a day in-game) if no one does. check: 0:30 seconds video

    submitted by /u/iwannaburger
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    If umbrels are going to be around for a long time (and I hope they are), can we get a magic trash can in tower or a cryptarch in the HELM?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    Its really annoying to have to go to two different spaces to pop different types of engrams. At least let the cryptarch decrypt an unfocused umbrel if we can't put both things in one place.

    submitted by /u/destinyvoidlock
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    We need a new kinetic grenade launcher

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:10 AM PDT

    The only kinetic grenade launcher that isn't a exotic is the militia's birthright and thats sunset so we need a New one

    Edit forgot mountain top but that is also sunset so the point is still valid

    submitted by /u/DRX307
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    Honest question: Do the people constantly calling for nerfs in PvP think it'll make them better? Have you ever been content with a certain meta, or just always complaining about the current thing that kills you?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    I really want to know. It seems like every season the complainers come out. When something gets nerfed, they never seem content and move onto something else to lament about.

    submitted by /u/Yanwes
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    This season has been the best season since shadowkeep launched. I hope they continue the momentum.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    Last season was just damned awful. Story telling was good but outside of the breach launcher, the loot stunk, the seasonal activity stunk and the mechanic to target loot stunk. The hawkmoon mission was the ONE thing that season got right. They followed it up with the strongest season since opulence, when they had activision support. I hope this season is a preview of things to come and not simply the highlight of year 4 seasons.

    submitted by /u/destinyvoidlock
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    Bungie.... for the love of the Traveler, the Speaker and and all those fruit loop Warlocks... please buff the drop rate for Exotic Ship in the Coup De Grace Hunt.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 01:35 PM PDT


    A Titan main who doesn't run any Alts and has not missed a week running this mission since its inception... and still hasn't gotten it.

    P.S. Same goes for Mythoclast... just go ahead and deposit that in my inventory now given that thing was apparently a Unicorn's Unicorn for me as well

    submitted by /u/Oryxhasnonuts
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    Felwinters lie will still be the best shotgun

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    I feel like people are over reacting with how bad felwinters is being nerfed by. Yes the quick draw change is big but this mainly effects the top players who take advantage of this the most.

    Most average pvp players run around with the gun out. The range has not been changed and the consistency of shot package is no different. We may see a decline in the ridiculous kills due to the handling being effected by quick draws nerf however I feel like the gun will still be super oppressive if not even more as astral is also being effected knocking it down a peg even more.

    submitted by /u/jrush987
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    Can the interactions between the cloaks and chests of female hunters please be fixed?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    It's very annoying trying to make my character look pretty and all that shit, only to find out the cloak is floating six inches off of the chestpiece.

    submitted by /u/SaintChaise
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    Yesterday I did my first raid in Destiny!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    It was a ton of fun even if the loot i got was awful. Shout out to D2 sanctuary for helping me

    submitted by /u/Violetta43
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    Optimized Bounties For 2021/4/10

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    Deer trivia: Fallow deer are one of the most widely domesticated and kept deer in the world. They have been introduced to every continent except Antarctica, and the number of 'wild' herds worldwide is extremely low.

    Step 1 – Try and figure out if that name is an insult.

    Step 2 - Pick up the following Bounties. Remember, you can use the app!

    Tower Bounties:

    • Zavala – Fast and True – 25 Bow Kills in Strikes
    • Zavala – In Their Face – 25 Shotgun Kills in Strikes
    • Zavala – Finish Them – 5 Finisher Kills in Strikes
    • Shaxx – Sparring Grounds – Complete 2 Crucible Matches
    • Shaxx – Solar Winds – 5 Solar Kills in the Crucible
    • Shaxx – Knockout Round – 1 Melee Kill in the Crucible
    • Shaxx – All for One – Play 1 Rumble Match
    • Banshee – Shotgun, Special Grenade Launcher, Heavy Grenade Launcher, Solar Weapon Calibrations


    • Eris Morn – Moon Cheese – Loot 5 Chests on the Moon
    • Eris Morn – Deathless Auto – 15 Rapid Auto Rifle Kills on the Moon
    • Eris Morn – Gun Runner – 15 Rapid SMG Kills on the Moon
    • Eris Morn – From Whence They Came – Kill 25 Hive in the Hellmouth
    • Shaw Han Weekly – Full Spectrum – 25 Arc/Void/Solar Kills in the Cosmodrome
    • Shaw Han Weekly – Public Disturbance – Complete Public Events in the Cosmodrome
    • Shaw Han – Crowd Control – Kill 50 Enemies in the Cosmodrome
    • Shaw Han – Bread and Butter – 20 Kinetic Weapon Kills in the Cosmodrome
    • Shaw Han – Specialities – 10 Energy Weapon Kills in the Cosmodrome
    • Shaw Han – Working Remotely – Complete 1 Patrol in the Cosmodrome
    • Failsafe – Super Awesome – 3 Super Multikills on Nessus
    • Failsafe – Lightbringer – Create 10 Orbs of Power on Nessus
    • Failsafe – Cabal or Nothing – Kill 30 Cabal on Nessus

    Step 3 - Follow These Steps:

    1. Fly to Nessus, grab Failsafe's bounties, then run either the Proving Grounds or Insight Terminus Strikes. I think Proving Grounds has a better chance of getting 3 Super multikills, but your milage may vary. Use a Bow, Shotgun, and Heavy Grenade Launcher, at least one of which is Solar. (15 minutes)
    2. Play one Rumble match, and one other Crucible match of your choice. (20 minutes)
    3. Fly TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON, grab Eris's bounties, then head to the Hellmouth to loot chests and slay out. After killing 25 Hive there, finish chests and remaining weapon bounties in Sorrow's Harbor. (10 minutes)
    4. Fly to the Cosmodrome, grab Shaw's bounties, then clear any two Public Events so long as at least one is Heroic. Remember to cycle your elements, and grab a Patrol to do at the same time. (15 minutes)

    Total Bounties Cleared:

    • 22 Dailies
    • Both of Shaw's Weeklies

    Total Time: 60 minutes

    Bounties Per Minute: .4


    • 156,000 XP (unmodified)
    • 15 Vanguard Tokens, 3/8 Vanguard Weekly Challenge
    • 4/8 Crucible Weekly Challenge
    • 4 Enhancement Cores
    • 8 Mod Components
    • 20 Helium Filaments
    • 20 Spinmetal
    • 15 Datalettuce

    Season Ranks Per Hour: 1.56

    Patron Bonus: A species profile for Fallow Deer. Mainly I picked this for the section on distribution, to show just how widespread they are.

    submitted by /u/DeerTrivia
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    Bungie REALLY improved Catalyst grinds over the years!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    As i have great rolls on the Battlegrounds weapons and dont care much about the Swarm I've been grinding the Altar of Sorrows for the Blasphemer and knocking out catalysts at the same time.

    The difference between the likes of Duality, Ticuus etc and the older ones like Polaris Lance, Borealis and Graviton Lance is fucking nuts. Getting the splash kills is ROUGH AF. Even in the Altars.

    Bungie please keep the newer style.

    Oh and no one told me how godlike Duality was in PvE.

    submitted by /u/Brabo-Choke
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    Get your favorite crayons ready

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    My fellow titans, guardian games are upon us.

    While warlocks have given us warmth with their well of radiance they must be taken down

    Hunters...you accused us of cheating last year. While us titans do not hold much of a grudge we can not allow you to win after that

    Now go grab your 64 pack of Crayola crayons and get ready because we have work to do!

    submitted by /u/0SwiftChiller0
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    Bungie, can we please get Dreaming City gear from the Fanatic's Chosen HVTs?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    On Europa, killing the HVTs drops a chest with a single piece of Europa gear. It would be great if the Dreaming City HVTs could do the same with Dreaming City gear. They already drop a chest with blues, so hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to change it to drop DC gear instead.

    submitted by /u/fmarx1
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    give us a good sensitivity slider, just the same way all other good shooters do!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    I cannot wrap my head around why destiny doesnt have a sensitivity slider that is more precise, why can i not choose a 6.5 or a 6.3 or a 7.7 sens. Sens right now cannot be precisely tuned because we can only increment the slider by increments of one.

    Just to illustrate my point, lets say i have a 6 sens on mouse and an ads modifier of 6, lets multiply them to make it easier to understand, so we'd have a ''total ADS sens'' of 36 (or 3.6), if you'd like to go to 37, or to 38 you just cannot, the next closest ''total ads sens'' would be 40(or 4.0).

    Its so weird to me that i cannot finely tume my sens in a shooter, COD allows you to do this fine tunement, battlefield, valorant, im not sure if OW does too but id bet it does, then why not destiny? It would be a really good quality of life change.

    submitted by /u/WranglerAppropriate9
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    I found a solution for crashing when entering Firebase Hades in EDZ.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:59 PM PDT

    The game is crashing for some people after the last update when they try to enter Firebase Hades. I've been searching forums for a workaround because I wanted to finish Challenger's Proving IV that requires you to go there - for a Seasonal Challenge. You have to finish the The Pit, Lost Zone and some other things.

    I'm sure this is already known by anyone who needed it because I'm...not a smart person. In case someone finds this I wanted to help though because it was really bothering me.

    Anyway, the trick I found that worked is to not enter from The Gulch or Winding Cove. Drop at the Sunken Isles point and then work your way south through Echion Hold and Legion's Anchor - the Cabal Base. I had to set a waypoint to some public events to get the navigation to show me the way though but it can be done and the game doesn't crash (at least for me) upon entering Firebase. I don't claim to know why, I suspect it's something to do with loading the "outside" area first but I have no idea. I only know it works when you enter that way.

    Thank you and I'm sorry if this is already known and wasted anyone's time.

    Edit: Oh and I don't know if it matters but I didn't use my Sparrow at all.

    submitted by /u/Doctor_Dino
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    Bungie, please bring back the weekly targeted pinnacle drop of last seasons Coup de Grace mission

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Sincerely, a 1309 7/8 Titan who just got his sixth 1310 butt towel.

    submitted by /u/Xizorfalleen
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    Noobie question but how do people get 90+ armor?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    Even with the +10 mod you need 80 and the max ive ever gotten is 64. Is there a way to farm them?

    submitted by /u/sure_mate_
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    Which Nova bomb does more damage

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    Didn't know if Devour Nova does more damage if the enemy stays in the effect for the whole time and or most of the time

    Or if Slowva does more on impact and most of the smaller bombs break and impact

    I'd do the math myself but it's difficult to find a target that wouldn't die in normal content. And I can't really test it on Taniks as no one is gonna stop doing damage just so I can compare damage lol

    For bonus points anyone know how much damage chaos reach (with or without Geomag) does in comparison. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Shep_-
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