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    Destiny Daily Questions [2021-07-11]

    Destiny Daily Questions [2021-07-11]

    Daily Questions [2021-07-11]

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light Guide & Gameplay Guide

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    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

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    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Bungie once said the infinite Power scaling on the artifact was: “an experiment”. It’s time that experiment ended. No one should be gatekept from Endgame activities (Master VoG) because they didn’t grind mindless bounties or challenges.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    Before anyone says anything, I like the artifact. In fact, World of Warcraft has had a "seasonal" artifact system for years now, in the form of Artifact Weapons, Azerite, Covenants, etc.

    But the infinite scaling on the artifact needs to end. There are countless problems with the infinite scaling. Hell, the community had to go into full panic mode to stop Bungie from allowing an infinite artifact in Trials.

    It really sucks that I, as a raider, cannot reasonably find a group to do Master VoG because I am only 1333. I found a couple of groups, and despite 1330 being really all you need, it's a hard activity, so all of my groups broke up, and they all blamed a couple members being under 1335, or 1340 even.

    So…the groups I was able to find blamed low light on failure, and then most other groups won't even let me in because they want 1335 minimum, or hell, 1340 minimum. Master VoG is already super challenging, and now it's even harder because I can't even find a group for it because of gatekeeping.

    Datto, Aztecross, and Fallout are 1337 (+17). Hell, Eroar is only 1334. If people who play Destiny for a living can't get to 1340, or even 1335, how am I supposed to reasonably?

    It would take me around 3 million XP to get to 1335. Doable, but it would take hours of grinding dumb bullshit activities that I don't care about and I have played 100000 times just to get to 1335. Not even 1340, which is what half the groups want for Master VoG. I also already did my grind for the season imho by hitting pinnacle cap (1320).

    In order to even attempt the hardest activity in Destiny right now, and ENDGAME activity, I need to grind easy, non-endgame content to be strong enough. That doesn't make any sense at all. This is like the South Park episode of World of Warcraft, where in order to beat the endgame sweatlord, they grind Level 2 Boars for weeks.

    Bungie can rename Bounties to Weekly Challenges, but I'm not gonna grind challenges or bounties this deep into a season. I already hit pinnacle cap via mindless grinding. Now I have to get millions of XP doing more mindless grinding doing NON-endgame activities so I can do the premiere endgame activity?

    I'm okay with grinding. I played World of Warcraft for years, and still come back occasionally. But in WoW, there is a progression from story/leveling to questing to dungeons to heroic/mythic dungeons to raids—not random XP leveling and non-endgame activities to Raiding.

    The infinite power scaling artifact promotes player burnout, needless grinding, and "Moon bounty farmer" gatekeeping from endgame. Bungie lowered the light cap for the season to lessen the grind, especially mid season, but now the mindless grind is ridiculous for the supposed hardest content in the game.

    Again, I realize I could spend hours grinding out 2 more LL, but I don't want to and it wouldn't really help anyway since many groups want 1340, despite most streamers not even being 1340 and the actual LL you need being 1330.

    I propose that artifact levels should be tied to weekly challenges. I believe this would be a good compromise, as there still would be a grind, but I would be able to know that I could definitively max out my artifact instead of grinding mindless XP. Or, Perhaps the first 10 levels could be XP, and then the last 10 could be from challenges. This would keep everyone equal-ish on a weekly basis.

    I don't mind grinding, but I'm not going to grind out millions of XP this late into a season. I am pinnacle power capped, but despite having to do endgame activities to reach this point, I'm not ready for actual endgame content. The artifact should be a nice helping boost, not a mandatory requirement. Endgame Power Level should be earned from endgame or drops, not from killing Level 2 boars.

    EDIT: RIP my inbox. The most common comments I am getting are "not all content is meant for everyone" or "I have XYZ life commitments, and I am 1367, suck it up."

    Farming XP =/= skill. Full stop. I hit the pinnacle power cap for the season—just because I haven't grinded out enough XP ON TOP OF grinding pinnacles doesn't make me bad.

    I'm not going to grind NON-endgame, NON-power activities to farm XP so I can the actually do the highest endgame activity. That's idiotic.

    There is an INSANE irony of having to grind millions of XP doing the easiest, most repetitive activities in the game in order to be able to do the supposed hardest activity in the game.

    If you think farming more XP makes you BETTER than someone with more raid clears or solo flawless dungeon clears OR any other accolade you want to put up, you are out of your damn mind.

    I have the time. I have the skill. I just refuse to do spend hours grinding Moon bounties or Sidearm Weekly Challenges in Override when I could spend hours instead trying to get Fatebreaker in Master VoG.

    Edit 2: Wow, people love farming XP. I personally don't want to complete all 75 weekly challenges so I can brute force my way at 1350 through Master VoG. I hit the pinnacle cap. I did my grind. Let me play what I want to play at "max" power. I'm fine being "underleveled" for content.

    You can hit 1350 and beyond in Destiny without ever doing a raid, solo legendary lost sector, a dungeon, a nightfall—anything hard. You can never ever be challenged and be 1350, so long as you grind yourself out—and that's the irony a ton of people commenting are missing. I want to be challenged, but I can't because I didn't grind enough XP. That doesn't make any sense, and grinding more XP levels doesn't make you "hardcore" or better than someone.

    submitted by /u/ThatGuyFromTheM0vie
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    If I could do one thing to the weapon system, I'd make Full Auto Trigger System into an installable mod instead of a perk

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    Title. I have repetitive strain injuries from years of poor ergonomics or pushing myself too far without giving myself appropriate breaks. I try to avoid weapons that require too much clicking like hand cannons and pulse rifles to avoid strain. A lot of sidearms can roll full auto like the seventh seraph, but if they don't have it, I basically have to ignore them.

    Gridskipper? Love it, can't use it for long. Bottom Dollar? Awesome. Sunshot? Outbreak? Graviton Lance? Second verse, same as the first. If I could put full auto trigger system on those (I know you can't install mods on Exotics and I still think that's a shame) I would have way more fun in this game. @ Bungie please consider

    submitted by /u/Orudeon
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    I would love having my ghost floating around me while in social areas

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    Then when i hit the "pull the ghost" button for going to orbit (for example) then it just comes at my hand.

    For fashion sake :-P

    I know that having the ghost out is risky, but... come on!! social areas are safe enough haha :-P

    EDIT: loool, i didnt expect this to get upvotes. thanks all

    submitted by /u/KrmChi
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    Ngl Grinding for Stasis fragments suck

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 05:19 AM PDT

    I found getting the aspects already a pain but to find out I have to repeat doing this stuff with stasis more times over is kinda killing my hype for stasis.

    I wouldn't mind if they were their own little short quests where we learn more about stasis or the darkness just like back when we would unlock a light subclass, we'd go to the travellers shard and go into an area and learn about the subclass. but to just mindlessly do stuff x amount of times over and over just makes it mind numbing imo

    submitted by /u/SenseiRP
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    What if Fusion and Trace rifles were vent-style weapons like Halo's covenant plasma rifle?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    Title is a good TLDR. I really wish Fusions and Trace Rifles had overheat/cooldown mechanics instead of the traditional reload animation. Firing could consume a fixed amount of battery energy (which produces heat). Pressing reload would "vent" the heat from the battery.. effectively reloading the weapon. The lower the heat build up, the faster the vent animation.

    Also, all weapons would inherently recharge/vent overtime while equipped or stowed.

    This would make Trace Rifles and Fusions feel more like battery based weapons, while also grant them all inherent Auto-loading Holster/Reconstruction-like characteristics that synergize with perks like Reservoir Burst and High-Impact reserves.

    Just a thought. Thank you for reading, be kind to others, and have a wonderful weekend.

    submitted by /u/WayofSoul
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    Ada-1 should sell armor from the lost planets.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Just like she periodically sells mods from previous seasons, she could also sell armor sets from the lost locations. This would give new players a chance to get some new armor sets and older players a chance to pick up something they might have missed.

    submitted by /u/kevinosx
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    For the amount of ammo used, caster frames feel incredibly week and could use a bump to pve damage.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    8 ammo is just WAAAAAAY to much to spend on the heavy to the point I often find myself not using it.

    Vortex frames use 6, Adaptive frames use 4 and both do Higher damage than the caster frame.

    I get the advantage of using a caster frame is the range but I shouldn't have to give up 8 ammo for it, maybe something like 6 or 5 would be feel better.

    I just want casters to be viable in pve.

    Edit: Ive seen alot of discussion on energy accelerent effecting the swords damage. Whilst true, energy accelerent will be gone soon.

    submitted by /u/luckmyst3r
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    Ada 1 is now selling the "Supercharged" CWL mod! 5 Cost solar mod which allows for 2 extra stacks of charged with light!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Go buy it :)

    submitted by /u/EM1Jedi
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    Some very important things about the Solstice armor grind that I wish I knew earlier

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    Here's a compiled list of a few useful things about the solstice armor grind I've learned over the last couple of days through the internet:

    1. If you want the subclass-colored glows, you can buy them from Eververse for Bright Dust/silver immediately after you finish the blue solstice set and receive the first purple one. You don't need to grind it out to make it magnificent or do any steps beyond that. The only reason to continue is if you want the white glow specifically (and triumphs perhaps).

    2. For the final stage of unlocking the glows, you don't need to have any of the armor actually equipped, it only needs to be in your inventory.

    3. Once you complete the final step of unlocking the glows on one character, it's automatically done on all the others. You'll still have to grind those other sets from blue to purple and then get to the glows step (which should be much easier with the accelerators), but once you've done that it will be automatically completed.

    4. The "Complete a raid" step for the glows doesn't require a full completion, only the boss. You can look for boss checkpoints on LFG or just teleport to Riven. This may be true for dungeons as well, I haven't tested it myself.

    Edit: it is true for dungeons, only the boss is required.

    Edit: 5. The "complete public events on Europa" can actually be done on any planet instead of just Europa. Thanks u/coreoYEAH

    submitted by /u/Dovahkiin9101
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    I've finally entered the post-scarcity era for consumables/materials and it makes the game so much better!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    I've only been playing the game for less than a year and for a long time I had to grind away for Ascendant Shards, Prisms, Cores etc., and it felt like such a chore.

    I finally reached post-scarcity and have max golf balls and enhancement prisms, hundreds of cores and over 1K legendary shards - and it makes such a big difference to my enjoyment of the game.

    It's so nice to be able to masterwork something good as soon as I get it, to buy anything from Xur without worrying about legendary shards and to never be short of glimmer!

    I know plenty of you guys have been there for ages, but it was a happy moment for me when I realised I was finally free of that grind.

    submitted by /u/DonkeyPlopPlop
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    There should be a ghost mod for a chance to get more spoils during a raid.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 03:44 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/CassinJnr
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    Free Destiny 2 emblems so far

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    For those how need them, Destiny 2 Free Emblems so far:

    xfvkhpn97 - The Visionary

    7lvgtkt7j - Future in Shadow

    ra9xph6kj - Cryonautics

    jynjaay7d - Galilean Excursion

    7d4pkrmd7 - Sequence Flourish

    yrcc3dync - A Classy Order (this is the new Ramen one).

    submitted by /u/jhpadilla
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    we need a nightclub in the tower

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    i was thinking. We have all these dance emotes, some better than others, but there not exactly practical. the guardians gotta unwind somehow and what better way to do that than go dancing.

    i think bungie should add a lil nightclub area to the tower. Strobes, music, and everything. It could be in some unused corner of the map and feature the occasional stop by of some of the tower characters. Honestly more just as joke but i think it would fit well.

    Or we could turn zavala's office into one. that mf never used it anyways

    submitted by /u/FalseTies
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    Now that we've had Armor Synthesis for a while, how are you finding it?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    Today, I finished my last transmog bounty for the season, which made me reflect on the system. Now that we've had it for a little bit, I'm curious to get other player's perspectives.

    So for background, I'm a fairly new player who got in with Beyond Light, so I don't have a ton of armor I wanted to transmog. I'm also in an area that has been in a pretty strict lockdown for a while, so I've been grinding Destiny pretty hard.

    And a disclaimer here: obviously, transmog should have just been a QOL improvement and not a source of grind. However, I'm just going to judge it off of how it's currently been implemented.

    The bounty system I honestly find to be okay. I don't mind doing a bounty to earn a material. I feel a bit accomplished when I complete a bounty and can unlock another ornament.

    I feel like the biggest issues people had with this system when it was announced was the cap. For me, I didn't really run into an issue with it, but that's also because I don't have a ton of cool armor. If I had been playing since launch, I'd probably be upset (although I've mostly settled on one look for each of my characters and only slight change it sometimes).

    I feel like the biggest issue I have is the synthstrand timegating, which I know was a big issue once the season started. I'm not sure I want to calculate how much time I played in order to get 30 bounties worth of synthstrand. There were times where I wanted to do another bounty, but didn't have enough strands and so I just logged off until reset. Synthstrand either needs to be acquired faster or just remove the currency all together and have another way of purchasing the bounties.

    I will say, I've really loved the actual transmog part of the system and have been able to make a ton of cool looks for my guardians, so that's been awesome. But there's room for improvement for sure. Curious to know what everyone's thoughts are, now that we're deeper into the season!

    TLDR: I don't mind bounties, but synthstrand timegating is the biggest issue and the cap is probably annoying for players who have been around for awhile.

    submitted by /u/TheMattInTheBox
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    META shift survey results - Riiswalker domination edition

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 03:21 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. As promised - I've got results from the "Meta Predictions" survey. Thanks to the over 100 people who completed it!

    First - a special shout out to u/bgilliland2278 who guesses closest on TWO of the questions and was not too far off across the board.

    • Top 10 Shotguns (USE %) - It's a pretty decent chunk of change to see a ~14% reduction of use for top shotguns. This doesn't tell the whole story. Felwinters was still the #1 weapon - with 7.21% usage and only a -6% change in Kills:Use. But Riiswalker saw a modest 6% increase in usage and a pretty massive 46% increase in kills. My guess? The good players are moving to Riiswalker.

      • Was: 22.96%
      • Today:19.79%
      • Relative Change: -13.8%
      • Community average response: 19.89%
      • Winner: u/bgilliland2278 - 19.8%
    • Top 4 Aggressive Shotgun (USE %) - Massive change in aggressive shotgun use. Community overestimated the change a bit - but it's real.

      • Was: 14.57%
      • Today: 11.05%
      • Relative Change: -24.2%
      • Community average guess: 10.33%
      • Winner: u/XtraCannon 11.0%
    • Top 6 HC (USE %) - HC use is way up - is this just people using them to feel out the changes? Hard to say. 120 HC Kills/Use really held steady. but look out for Ace of Spades (1.87% use up to 2.17% but with 2.49% of kills)

      • Was: 15.62%
      • Today: 17.26%
      • Relative Change: 10.5%
      • Community average response: 11.78% u/bgilliland2278 - 17.4%
    • Igneous Hammer Kills (KILL %) - 120s haven't gone anywhere yet. But look out for pulse rifles, SMG and 140s (especially ACE) in the upcoming weeks

    • Use % - Top 10 Fusions (USE %) - Fusions didn't get the lift that we expected, and it's really mostly Bastion/Jotunn/Telesto

      • Was: 4.92%
      • Now: 5.21%
      • Relative change: 5.9%
      • Community average response: 6.26%
      • Winner: u/Ubiquitous_cacophony - 5.17%
    • Top 6 Special GLs (USE %) - Almost no change. Community expected more. Streamers demand nerfs.

      • Was: 2.84%
      • Now: 2.93%
      • Relative change: 3.2%
      • Community average response: 4.66%
      • Winner: u/ChiliFajita - 2.9%

    Here's the raw data from the survey: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13vMwzD73TLYhLd8U6u81Q-gUP5cS790swqE-zfSQnYs/edit?usp=sharing

    And here's some messy data on the top 20 weapons last week and this:


    submitted by /u/Leica--Boss
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    So are we going to talk about hunters being absolutely not desirable in endgame content? Or are we just going to keep meme-ing hunter mains?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    Doing master vog this week and it became blatantly apparent having more than one hunter in our fireteam was detrimental.

    In GMs, you either run Omnioculus or get out performed in most cases by welllock, stasislock, ursa titan, fallingstar titan, bubble titan.

    Apart from a very few odd cases where your team dies and you need to go invis and rez someone, hunters are not on par with other classes in high-end pve content atm.

    In master vog teammates are never grouped together for you to actually get decent use out of Omni and if you are running Omni your damage just drops off completely because you're not running celestial and tether barely does damage.

    I don't understand, what's the point of being a hunter? I literally had to level up my titan and get ursas/falling star and unlock stasis painfully slow for the second time on my warlock.

    Ask majority of the hunters how their lfg-ing experience is and it will be very obvious how undesirable they are in endgame content.

    This is the end of the post, now I will urge you all to keep it civil. Thank you for reading.

    Edit- not asking for nerfs on other classes. Asking for buffs to get hunters on par with other classes.

    Edit2- since folks keep bringing this up, I literally don't give a shit about pvp. Please keep the discussion to pve. Thanks.

    Edit3- uh guys seriously this is a pve focused post. Please. Stop justifying hunter not being good in pve content because they are good in pvp. I'd like to see y'all pvp mains explain TTD/chaos reach intellect builds and well/stasis turrets if we're going by that logic. Please I am really not asking for nerfs on other classes. Just please stick to pve convos. Thank you.

    Edit4- lots of interesting insights from multiple angles. Usual hunter hate which stems from overpopulation in crucible. Cool, good job folks. Ya proved to me how insufferable pvp folks are.

    Majority of the hunters agreeing with my post. Minority disagreeing do make some decent arguments but to me personally, I will not run arcstrider, shards, celestial in GMs. An all offensive build just doesn't work that well in my opinion. Your gameplay slows down considerably if you're running an all offensive build.
    Stasis is not as good at crown control as a class who shall not be named. Which is fine not every class needs to have top tier ad control on stasis. Although titans need a buff bungie.

    Running stareaters is not worth the effort and risk.

    Shards is good on atheon.

    Tether is not good because of seasonal mods most seasons.

    Apparently titans were going through a same phase a while back. Glad to see y'all made a comeback nowadays.

    It's a 50/50 of opinions when including non hunter mains in this comment section imo. Obviously biases and personal feelings are involved in pretty much every comment. Including mine, but I tried my best being as objective as possible.

    Final opinion and kinda off topic, After mentioning multiple times this is a pve topic not pvp, I honestly can't wait for the plague that is pvp to get removed at this point from this game. It's literally poisoning everyone's mind to hate every other class. Especially the hunters because we outnumber all other classes in pvp. Seriously, stop it. Get some help.

    submitted by /u/rinzuuu
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    Bring back Hakke weapons

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    I haven't seen a unsunset hakke weapon in the world pool since forsaken, Hakke has some of my favorite weapons like the Halfdan-d which was high impact auto I believe, the only weapon foundry weapons in the game I've seen right now is either Ommolon or Suros in the world loot pool, bungie please bring back Hakke in the world loot pool in the future I want to see more weapon foundries get some love

    Edit people have been saying that there are three currently around Long shadow outrageous fortune, and crimils dagger, crimils dagger is unavailable right now so that leaves two in the current loot pool, sorry for the lack of weapons that are in current loot pool but still there are no Hakke weapons in the current loot pool except the two listed crimils is currently unavailable.

    submitted by /u/Ironfist2880
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    Bungo please, stop penalizing changing weapons to make exotics our only choice

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    Tarrabah can be an amazing weapon, ravenous beast is a fantastic perk for mowing down baddies, but the fact that all progress cancels out when you change weapons is so goddamn frustrating. Vex mythoclast should be able to keep its charges from previous kills too. These weapons are parts of loadouts, we're trying to be strategic about how we kill enemies and guardians, and every time you make an exotic that has this kind of massive problem, it makes us less likely to use them. Please, if we're gonna lose some potency in our Anarchy shots, it would be a great and fair tradeoff to let us keep our charges on these guns so they're used more.

    submitted by /u/bigmacstermind
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    Remove the transmog seasonal cap.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:12 AM PDT

    There are hundreds of different armour pieces, with new armour sets being added every season. It's not fair that you cap our transmog materials to 10 per season, especially now that next season is going to be extended.

    It takes a lot of time to get 1 transmog material, and that's fine….but the seasonal cap is not.

    Rant over, thanks

    submitted by /u/CooledCup
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    I hope the next sets of weapons updated are the EDZ and Nessus

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:43 PM PDT

    TLDR Title

    Bungie has been making strides updating old weapons to be unsunset / reissued / useful to the game again. The EDZ and Nessus weapons are not only still sunset they're still Year 1 Static Rolls. I don't think it's ridiculous to imagine that these two locations are with us for the long haul, so updating their inventories would be much appreciated. Besides, more guns is always better. Heck, right now at Devrim Kay you can buy a static roll Cartesian Coordinate which has already been updated with random rolls and is in an Umbral Engram.

    submitted by /u/SteveHeist
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    Bungie can we have for next Solstice event the ability to track armor progress?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    It woudl be nice ofr the new tracker system to track those objecitves too. Or at the very least have osem sort of popup saying you completed x armor piece. It gets annoying to have to cosntnatly go to inventory back and forth.

    submitted by /u/kissofthehell
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    What is the angriest you’ve ever been at the game?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    I'll tell you mine: the Kell Echo boss at the end of Prophecy was one shot away from death, and then I would've been done with solo flawless. But then I get teleported, so I went to catch up with him. Despite being within range, I die. I put down my controller and said every swear word in the dictionary.

    Anyway, what's yours?

    submitted by /u/RedPandaR10t
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    Is Global Reach bugged?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    I was doing a master nightfall with a friend and during the warsat defense part, one of us created a warmind cell. There were a bunch of dregs and vandals near the cell, so he shot it but it did absolutely nothing to them. There also was no walls or pillars near the cell. I joked that he didn't have global reach, but we both had it on.

    I also had wrath of rasputin on, and he didn't have any other mods.

    submitted by /u/sudomeacat
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