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    Wednesday, July 21, 2021

    Destiny What's a tools engineer?

    Destiny What's a tools engineer?

    What's a tools engineer?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50492

    This month's tech blog post is a bit different from our last few. Instead of describing a cool piece of tech, I'm going to tell you what it's like to be a certain kind of engineer at Bungie. This is aimed at new engineers, students still in school (or recent graduates just coming out of it), and really anyone new to this industry looking around to see what options are available. With that in mind, I'll be talking about tools engineers, what they do, and why you might want to be one. I'm going to focus on the role as it plays out here at Bungie, but most of the information should apply to other game studios as well.

    Just so that we're all on the same page, I'll start with something that may be obvious. What is a "tool" exactly? When I talk about being a "tools" engineer and working on "tools", I'm referring to any application that's used to develop the game and isn't the game itself. This could be anything from the editors you might be familiar with from engines like Unreal or Unity, to scripts that help you dig into why something isn't working, to applications used to build and deploy new versions of the game as it's being worked on.

    With that out of the way, let's start by looking back at how tools have evolved in the industry. In the early days of game development, teams didn't have dedicated tools engineers, let alone dedicated tools. Often the person making the gameplay engine would be the same one making the art and designing the levels. Or they'd be working closely enough with the people that did those things that they didn't need a separate editor for them. As games became more complex, working directly in code or editing text files became a real bottleneck, so primitive level editors were developed. At first these editors allowed artists and designers to do simple things like draw boxes for walls, and place other boxes for the player, enemies, and other game elements. As time went on, the editors became more sophisticated. As games moved into 3D, editors did too. Some would even let developers see the game as the player would while they worked on it. The reason these tools were created, and kept improving, was that they made working on the game easier with each iteration.

    With more specialized tools came the need to hire people who specialized in creating and maintaining them. Enter the tools engineer. Who are they and what do they do exactly? As I talked to my fellow engineers for this post, a few things came up over and over again:

    Positive Feedback

    The great feedback you get from your team members and people using your tools came up with every single tools engineer I talked to for this post. Since you're working closely with the users of your tools, there's a straight line between them and you. You become directly responsible for improving their workflows, and they often love you for it. Of course, you're not a one-person team tackling problems all on your own, especially at a large studio like Bungie. You're surrounded by other programmers, team leads, testers, producers, and others helping you to track down issues and prioritize work. But you often develop close relationships with content creators, like artists and designers, as that cycle of "find problem - fix problem" repeats over time, and there's nothing like getting a high five (virtual or otherwise) from people you know and respect to give you the warm fuzzies and make you feel like you're out there making the world a little better.

    It's also fun to see how the sausage is made, so to speak. Since you're working so closely with the super-talented people putting the game together, you have a front row seat to the circus that is game development. Once in a while, I'll walk around the studio (or used to, at least, and hope to again soon) to watch people using the tools I've created. I'm always blown away by what I see coming to life on their screens.


    As a tools engineer, you work on all the different applications that go into making the game, and there are a lot of them. You get to work closely with the people using those applications to make sure their workflows are as smooth as possible. There are always new challenges to tackle, new features needed, something becomes slow that used to be fast, some user interface isn't as easy to use as it should be, and so on. One day you're working on perf improvements, the next you're designing or updating the UI. There's no real average day for a tools engineer and you're often able to manage your workload based on your own interests. You could find yourself iterating steadily on the same thing for a while or find that your work changes wildly over the course of a release.

    For example, it's not uncommon to do a lot of planning and talking with content creators at the beginning of a release cycle, doing things like gathering feedback on existing workflows and coming up with mockups of possible new features to improve them. Then as the release progresses you go heads down on the work of implementing the things you planned. As you get closer to ship, you'll often switch to pure bug fix mode.

    Over time, depending on what your interests are, you might also want to move on to a completely different team at some point. Over my time here at Bungie I've created or done major work on tools for a wide variety of people including world artists, gear artists, activity designers, testers, as well as some of our more global tools used by almost everyone. If you like being challenged on a number of different fronts, tools work may be right up your alley.


    Our tools ecosystem is vast and it's not hard to find a bit of tech to carve off and claim as your own, even when you're just starting out. In fact, the most common way for new engineers to ramp up on our code base is for them to take over some feature and start building up expertise in that area while learning from any existing experts.

    By "ownership" I mean digging deep into a system, identifying ways to make it cleaner and more maintainable, working closely with users on upgrades, and being unafraid to propose radical changes (if that's what needed). Your ownership continues to grow as you become the vision holder. If the previous owner is still around, they're often excited to hand it off to you. At Bungie, we prioritize trusting and empowering individuals over maintaining a chain of command. You'll never be told that something is off limits because someone else wrote it and doesn't want it changed. We care deeply about the experience of our artists, designers, writers, testers, and everyone else that use our tools.

    Another example of ownership opportunity that isn't even related to code is when I helped a handful of folks that are especially passionate about user experience (UX) to form a group called Tools UX. We now work to evangelize the importance of usability in our tools and help others to improve it.

    Tools vs. gameplay

    When looking at job descriptions, you might see a studio looking for both "tools" engineers and "gameplay" engineers. Are they really that different? Why don't they just post job openings for "engineers"? There's a lot of overlap for sure. But I'd say the main difference lies in focus. Gameplay engineers will mainly focus on the features within the game, while tools engineers will mostly focus on the needs of the end users of their tools. Sometimes you need to put on your detective hat and pull information out of users who might not know exactly what they want in order to design a better workflow for them. For example, in creating our content merging tool, I worked closely with our user research designer to find out what people expected from such a tool so that it could be made as easy to use as possible.

    There's also the difference of programming language. On Destiny, C++ is used for the engine and C# for the tools, but the same high coding standards apply to both - as well as the same general architectural and programming skills. That said, there might be times as a tools engineer when you need to work in engine code, and vice versa.

    Developing Skills

    If you're an engineer looking for a fun career track in games, and tools work sounds exciting, you might wonder what kinds of skills are important to build? To start with, there are the high coding standards I mentioned. But beyond that, you should be someone interested in solving the types of problems that come when trying to make workflows better. That includes having a knack for communicating with non-technical people in a way that makes more technical concepts clear to them. It also means having a customer service attitude, where your first instinct is to have a conversation about what's going on so you can figure out a way to make it better. If you enjoy designing intuitive interfaces for your tools, so much the better.


    If you're curious about details of the tools used to make Destiny itself, the line count of our main tools solution is 1,903,542, with one generated file that represents all the game structures used in our tools taking up 292,294 of those lines. There are 8,969 *.cs and 1,085 *.xaml files. Of course, those aren't the total lines ever written. I've personally deleted well more than 100,000 lines as part of various cleanup efforts. It also doesn't cover other solutions that contain tools code, or games besides Destiny.

    To put pictures to words, here are screenshots of just some of the editors created with that code...





    Wrap up

    Working on tools is a great option if you're looking to get into game development. You get to work on new and interesting problems all the time, you're always learning new things about the different types of content that goes into the game, and you get that amazing feeling of helping those around you create the things they came here to create. I've been working on tools at Bungie for over a decade now and even though the usual issues around tech debt and wishing you had more time to polish things haven't gone away, I'm still getting the same joy from making people's work lives better and still finding interesting challenges to work on.

    • James Haywood
    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Daily Questions [2021-07-22]

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light Guide & Gameplay Guide

    Want to buy the DLC? Beyond Light Guide

    Returning and not sure what was vaulted? Destiny Content Vault: Year 4

    Unsure what you need to pay for and what's free? Check out the Season of the Splicer Calendar

    Top Known Issues List by Bungie

    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    We also have a nice collection of useful resources below "Useful links" in the sidebar / top menu.

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    What the hell is wrong with people

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    I joined a strike that was on the boss CP I joined team chat and the guy begged me that if we fail I don't leave, so we did it 2 man proving grounds boss he thanked me, when I saw the time it said 45 mins people have been leaving him and he needed to do the strike for SOTC quest, he said it always happens to him, it has happened to me aswell but seriously you don't need to rage quit if your team does not kill the boss first try. Why do people do this

    Edit: it was just a normal strike not a nightfall

    Edit: this post blew up thanks for all the support, I just feel bad for those blueberries out there who get left in the dark all on their own

    submitted by /u/Wontonsoup1400
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    Having 'Sojourner's Tale' come out during Season of the Splicer is really quite awesome. The connection to The Underground Railroad is something a lot of people seem to have missed.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 08:03 AM PDT


    Sojourner Truth was an American abolitionist and women's rights activist. She spoke at rallies and created disturbances allowing people to get on The Underground Railroad.

    The parallels between her life and the lore entry for Sojourner's Tale paint a pretty clear picture. Opal Tometi is someone who plays a significant roll nowadays to that same end, and 'opal' is mentioned in the lore entry as well. What seals the deal is the fact that Eliksni escape via the tunnels that were previously used to keep them locked up. And the way the lore entry starts and finishes, the pipes are silent, the pipes are howling. It's great stuff, the speeches, rallies, and music like congo square music was used to create loud boisterous environments that allowed people to escape. In that same way, I think, the pipes are silent, the pipes are howling signifies both that spider is missing out because his pipes aren't running but also even when they are, they are being used as a distraction so that others can escape to freedom.

    At a time when the subjugation of the Eliksni people is at the forefront of the story being told, and the rampant xenophobia and racism shown by key members tied to the plot drive this all the way home, this seems like a lore slam dunk.

    The only post I saw about it was a meme about Spider calling Crow a little shit. Definitely seemed to miss the importance of the overall sentiment.

    There are other parallels that could be drawn as well from the lore and real life, but frankly I don't know if this subreddit, or any, could really handle it without devolving the discussion down to making statements as people are to do these days. Instead I just wanted to bring up this awesome lore post, and maybe it'll shed some light on why Bungie decided to have certain members of the story act very stereotypically bigoted.

    submitted by /u/Brockelley
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    Towerthought: Guardians going out of bounds to skip half the mechanics on Expunge missions is a much better showcase of our Splicer Abilities having grown, than just spawning a couple of platforms.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    I was just thinking about this while using my corrupted Keys on Tartarus, it kinda makes sense that we're able to just break the simulation like that. In other words, leet haxor time.

    submitted by /u/GonnSolo
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    The lack of Moon or Europa Gambit maps is a huge missed opportunity

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    Obviously Gambit and the Crucible both need maps. But I was thinking about the new destinations we've gotten since Gambit maps ceased being made (the Moon and Europa) and thought about how unique these two maps could be in Gambit.

    The Moon:

    Known for the it's craters and caverns, the Moon map could have the bank located in a large crater, with the spawn points being on the outer edges. Players will be able to climb the crater or go through caves that connect the 3 spawn areas and bank to travel between spawns. The caves will be fast routes through the map but will hold danger around every corner via explosive enemies, powerful melee units and possibly an invader.


    A mix of vex architecture and ice will allow for a unique theme. But the really kicker would be the snowstorm that would occur during invasions and when the Primevil is spawned.

    I'm sure there's more that could be done with these maps. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/SthenicFreeze
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    Hunters are irrelevant in moderate to high-end PvE

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    I believe hunters need more PvE-based buffs because at the moment, literally, nobody wants one on their team because of how little they contribute.

    They used to have tether, then the artifact system made it so every class in the game has an equivalent debuff. Crowd control with tether is nearly useless as well due to how lethal primary and special gls are, esp with chain reaction or blinding grenades.

    Going invisible is alright, sometimes, but doesn't help your team unless you are in gorgons with omnioculus, or you are straight cheesing encounters. Being a res bot is only useful if your team puts themselves in bad positions all the time, which is just indicative poor teammates, plus it you still get shot out of invis by some enemies for whatever reason.

    Arc strider is useless, full stop unless you are using top tree for very specific content where you can melee enemies with liars handshake/one-two punch.

    GG is only good with nighthawk, I guess it's ok with star eaters but they got nerfed to the point where you might as well just run nighthawk. Don't even bother with top tree with the range nerf it has, used to be fun to ad clear. Blade barrage is ok basically only on atheon where you can pop one after another, damage isn't good enough to warrant usage.

    Star eaters were a glimmer of hope for hunters but that was quickly thrown out the window with the 8 orb nerf as well as the damage buff removal (the weapon one not tether).

    Hunter doesn't help their team, or themselves anymore. It's baffling to me that star eaters got nerfed as hard as they did when something like boots of the assembler got its changes, there were memes and it was reverted in a week. Hunters aren't a PVP-only class, I don't know why Bungie is treating them like they are.

    It feels like almost all of the hunter exotics are useless barring nighthawk and passive exotics like the sixth coyote.

    I struggle to figure out how it is even conceivable that their kit is viable in end-game content. They can't even help their team anymore. Why would you use hunter over other classes?

    It sucks.

    Warlocks do everything ridiculously well and it has manifested in the form of Well/Shadebinder/Chaos Reach/Top Tree Nova meta in PvE.

    Titans are well balanced, giving options for risk/reward in thundercrash and middle tree solar as well as direct support for their team in the form of both top and middle tree Void, along with sunspots which are awesome.

    I see posts on here and other d2 social platforms where hunters are becoming other classes just because they are better. The hunter population is dying in end game pve, and it can literally be seen if you just glance at an lfg that requires warlocks and maybe a titan or two.

    Please give hunters some love in PvE, they need it, they've needed it for a long time.

    I want to help my team and give others a reason to want a hunter in their fireteam.

    Edit: Some of the supers as well as the population in end game content and a detail on invis.

    submitted by /u/coronadojoe
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    All rocket frames do the same damage which is quite misleading when it comes to aggressive frames.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    After some testing on that one big cabal guy in that one lost sector on nessus, royal entry (precision frame) and hezen vengeance (aggressive frame) each hit for 69,550 on the guy which puts aggressives at a disadvantage due to the fact they don't have built in tracking like a precision frame.

    I doubt it's intentional but hopefully it gets fixed.

    submitted by /u/BigHippo-
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    I Grinded 1000 Solstice Packages

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    Hello, My name is Monte these are my results from 1000 packages! And it was Painful...

    Useful Info:

    Proof - Proof that I have all the packages and keys needed

    Steam - Proof that it's me

    Google Sheet- The Google Sheet that has all the data on it

    Also, I have done all the armor sets on each class with all white glows done within 17 hours of the launch of the event

    What did I do?

    I farmed over 1000+ of the expunge Tartarus for the 15k keys and did a lot of EAZ with friends and by myself to get the boxes. The reasoning for doing the Corrupted expunge Tartarus was it was the fastest solo farm for keys with 12 per and the runs I did took 3 mins. There was a lot of testing in the first few days on which farm was the best and this was the best in my opinion.

    Why did I do this?

    Well I like to grind and I was challenged to do it so I did it I know I'm not the first but it was a fun achievement for me and tested my "Iron Will" to farm the same thing for that long.

    Well, let's get to the data!

    The Data:


    • Total Cores/Prisms: 319
    • Total Modules: 31
    • Total Legendary Shards: 246
    • Planet Materials: 2510


    • Total Blues: 810 | ~80% / box
    • Total Legendaries: 201 | ~20% / box
    • Total Compass Rose: 145 | ~15% / box
    • Total SoH armor: 136 | ~14% / box

    Other Info:

    Cores drop in stacks of 1-6, 6 being the rarest

    Shards are in stacks of 3

    Planet Mats drop in stacks of 10-25

    Every package you get glimmer but it is a random amount each time (I was maxed so couldn't do anything about that)

    The lowest "High Stat" armor was 58 and the highest "High Stat" armor was 66

    My Thoughts

    I really like SoH but the keys system and box system is not it, they need to do something else with it maybe revamp the whole thing or update I don't really know. The amount of keys you can get from an activity is really strange a Proph Boss Checkpoint gives 2 keys!?! And a expunge gives 12? Makes next to no sense. And on to the rewards which is why I did this and they were pretty bad got no good stats on the armor. And I 27, 27 bonds which have 0 stats I really don't know why the bond is in the pool but hey it doesn't really matter.

    Thank you to my editor who helped with inputting the data thanks Eato :D

    And a big thanks to Light clan for cheering me on

    Any questions I'll be happy to answer them! :D

    submitted by /u/Officer_Mont-e
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    What in Ghaul’s great nutsack are people doing in the EAZ? It’s baffling.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    I swear nearly everyone just kinda walks around, stands on buildings, randomly shoots their gun. That's about it. Virtually no one is trying to take out any of the bosses. Ever.

    Even crazier is when the chests spawn, they don't even go after them. Still just kind of boppin' around, shooting at a rando dreg. And these players stay the whole time… It doesn't even seem like they're bounty farming.

    It's not even limited to new light sub 30 pass level players either. I see players with 100+ pass ranks doing the same thing. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. Maybe people are just bored of the EAZ but I never remember it being this bad.

    submitted by /u/Golandrinas
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    I really want an auto rifle with explosive payload

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    Imagine how fun an auto rifle with explosive payload would be. Ideally I would like 600 rpm, just cuz that's my favorite. But 720 rpm might be better in this case. The second perk could be field prep or frenzy, or zen moment. Ooh, zen moment on 720 rpms is fun. But if this was an actual weapon, I would easily get 50k kills on this thing. I feel it would have to be a pinnacle weapon for how unique it would be. Or maybe even an exotic, tho I have no thought on an exotic perk.

    submitted by /u/Brownie2Awesome
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    Stranger's Fish was purely for Beyond Light marketing to show players 'something cool' in the trailer.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:21 AM PDT

    It's not funny anymore, Bungie. Where is da fish??

    submitted by /u/datfox_
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    How to beat WARDEN OF NOTHING on GRANDMASTER difficulty explained in about 6 minutes!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Video: https://youtu.be/n2PC5aGqRRs


    Happy to bring you your weekly short grandmaster nightfall guide!

    All 3 champions makes for a fun mix of loadouts here. My recommendation is all 3 players on anti barrier, 2/3 players running overload, and the final player running unstoppable! Anarchy is still awesome even if you aren't one of the unstoppable players.

    This GM isn't too bad if you know how the mines room works. Take your time and draw out the "A" mine as long as you can to give yourself bonus time to wipe ads before moving on to the double mines.

    After that, the boss room is just a DPS check. Trust me... you don't want to fight that guy for an extended period of time.

    As always, any questions? Drop em below, ill try to answer them all!

    Good luck!


    submitted by /u/MacticsG1
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    Fun fact: Explosive Payload allows solar weapons to make warmind cells w/ Wrath of Rasputin.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:24 AM PDT

    I'm honestly surprised at how many people don't know about this, given that dragonfly is generally well known to do the same thing, albeit much less consistently.

    This means you will be able to use the following weapons to make warmind cells as if they were anything else that does solar splash damage:

    • Madrugada SR2 (A blue scout rifle!)
    • Uzume RR4 (Dropping from this weeks nightfall!)

    Those are the only weapons I could think of off the top of my head lol. I'm sure there are more.

    Just saying, if you get a solar weapon with Explosive Payload, don't delete it.

    submitted by /u/DustWalkerr
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    Why explosive shot on the UZUME RR4, this weeks nightfall weapon, is an awful perk for a sniper.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    *EDIT: For clarity, i am specifically talking about explsoive shot on a SNIPER in PVE.

    **EDIT 2: I am fully aware that explosive shot *can* be used to make warmind cells on a solar sniper. However this would require you to get the all kills required for the warmind cell WITH THE EXPLOSIVE SHOT DAMAGE which is a small fraction (16%) of the total damage of the shot. This makes warmind cell generation extremely inconsistent with this weapon, and extremely inconsistent warmind cell generation is not worth losing out on the 10% extra crit damage you get with vorpal weapon. 10% might not sound like a lot but consider the fact that snipers have a very high crit multiplier (3.24x~), that 10% adds a lot to the overall damage of the gun. If you wanted consistent warmind cell generation on a sniper i would suggest the ikelos sniper.

    Hello reddit,

    I keep seeing people recommend explosive shot as a perk to chase on the UZUME RR4, this weeks nightfall weapon reward. With some people even claiming it is better than vorpal because "It works on red bars". I wanted to make this post to inform people how these perks work, so that people don't spend hours of their life farming for a terrible roll.

    TL;DR: Snipers have a high crit multiplier and explosive shot does not scale with crit damage. Use vorpal unless you're body shotting red bars. Vorpal is 10% better on crits when it is proc'd.

    This is entirely incorrect, vorpal is the superior perk in almost every situation and here's why:

    I did all my testing in game, on a lost sector boss using energy snipers.

    sniper body shot damage crit damage
    140rpm no buff 3,813 12,371
    140rpm w/ explosive 1,907 + 2,478 (exp dmg) = 4,835 (15% buff) 10,484 + 2478(exp dmg) = 12,962 (5% buff)
    90rpm no buff 6,720 19,830
    90rpm vorpal 7,728 (15% buff) 22,805 (15% buff)

    There are the numbers, i appreciate this would be easier to digest if i'd have used the same RPM but i did not have access to a vorpal 140rpm or an explosive shot 90rpm. The % will all still be the same.

    Here is the breakdwon:

    - Snipers have a 3.24x (140rpm) - 3.3x (90rpm) crit multiplier. Meaning a crit shot does 3.24x the damage of a body shot. Not sure if the crit multipliers for 90rpm and 140rpm are intentionally different or if it is due to rounding.

    - Explosive shot is flat damage and results in a +15% damage buff to the body, +%5 damage buff to the head on a sniper.

    - Explosive shot removes some of the shot damage of the actual shot in order to convert that into explosive damage, as you can see from the table.

    - Vorpal is a 15% buff to champs/bosses/vehicles


    Vorpal is the better perk in almost every situation, when it is proc'd you get the same damage to the body as explosive shot and 10% more damage to the head. The argument that explosive shot is better does not hold up because the sole purpose of a sniper is to A) Hit a crit and to B) kill majors/champs/bosses, where vorpal performs better.

    You can think of explsoive shot on a sniper as a 5% damage buff and vorpal as a 15% buff to damage on enemies that you're actually going to want to shoot with a sniper.

    I do have clips of the damage if people really want to see


    In theory using 100 as the body shot value you can think about it like this; (100x3.2) + 15 for explosive and for vorpal (100 + 15% ) x 3.2 if that helps you.

    In practice the game does not calculate the damage like this and i have to admit i'm not 100% sure how explosive shot works, the only thing i do know is that explosive damage is flat and is worse than vorpal on snipers / weapons with high crit)

    Explosive shot takes away damage from the shot and adds a flat value for explosive damage. As a result of this it seems that the body shot damage has a 5.5x crit multiplier before it adds the Flat explosive value. If the game were to apply the regular 3.2x crit multiplier and then add the explosive shot damage it would result in a damage loss, so my only guess is that they increased the multiplier in order to actually make it a damage buff.


    sniper body = 100

    - Explosive shot body = 50 + 65 (50% regular body shot + explosive shot value, i have no idea how this value is calculated)

    - Explosive shot crit = (275 + 65) = 340 (50% regular body shot x5.5crit multiplier for some reason + explsovie shot value)

    These are calculated with the vorpal perk active e.g. on a champion

    - Vorpal sniper body = 115 (100 + 15%)

    - Vorpal crit = 373 ( (100 + 15%)x3.24) )

    This checks out because 373 is 10%~ more than 340, which is the number i found out in my in game testing.

    Perhaps someone who is better at maths than me can figure out what's going on with the explosive shot multipliers and damage because i don't really have an explanation.

    submitted by /u/na7hhan
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    Friendly reminder that Warlocks can shoot their Nova Bomb, in case you don't want to wait for it to explode.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    That's the post, that's it. Probably not all Warlocks mains know this, but it is always useful to remember. Have fun in the crucible exploding your nova bombs.

    I recommend top tree.

    submitted by /u/Astraliguss
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    I would love to see more emblems added as rewards to difficult content

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    I'd love to see emblems drop from completing Seals along with their title. Imagine how badass Bungie's design team could make a Rivensbane emblem? Or a Fatebreaker emblem? Enlightened? MMXX? Etc. etc.

    Also, I'd love to see emblems associated with completing each GM, and some way of altering it for completing that GM solo or under a certain time.

    Another could be a new emblem every season for hitting the highest rank in competitive pvp.

    Lastly, i also wish master VoG had a separate emblem. Maybe this difficulty could've just used that emblem which is instead used as a reward for carrying 10 guardians to their first clear. Sure, there's a ship, but I love emblems more I guess lol.

    Just a fun suggestion, everybody loves emblems, right? Lol

    submitted by /u/mostner7
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    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 05:41 AM PDT

    Serious question when are we gonna get some HÄKKE ar, hc and scouts back in rotation

    submitted by /u/AlchShark
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    Make a heavy waveframe GL

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    I want an exotic GL that when you fire it launches out 3 lines in front of you of whatever its element is, catalyst increases the range of the lines, it would be fun, useful for ad clear (maybe boss DPS???) and I generally just want more crackhead-like weaponry.

    submitted by /u/gormunko_88
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    Why is adept mag such a bad mod?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Adept mag is supposed to "greatly increase magazine size" - implying that it actually has a significant advantage over the normal backup mag mod. Well, it more often than not doesn't.

    I've tried adept mag on a wide variety of weapons and more often than not is only adds +1 or +2 bullets in the mag compared to normal backup mag and sometimes it grants no increase in mag size when compared to its non-adept counterpart. This shouldn't be a thing taking into account the -10 handling the mod slaps on your gun.

    Could adept mag get an increase to the mag size buff it gives in order to make it ever worth using?

    submitted by /u/Steele21725
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    Can we get a Hunt playlist for Nightmare and Empire Hunts in the Vanguard menu?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    It's a shame this amazing content is kinda forgotten by everyone.

    I feel like all these Nightmare hunts and Empire hunts, which are essentially just slightly shorter strikes, are going to waste and it would feel great to see these added to the Vanguard playlist menu to earn Vanguard rep in future seasons.

    You could even go ahead and add in some of the Baron hunts from Forsaken into the playlist too. All of these missions were really great back in the day and putting them into a collective activity playlist would be a really nice touch.

    You could even do difficulty options on them like we have now and let that be an avenue to earn the Nightfall exclusive weapons from previous seasons.

    submitted by /u/Friendly_Elites
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    Vendor Engrams(Shaxx, Zavala, Drifter) should award that activities weapons instead of one from the world loot pool.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 10:21 PM PDT


    Sure, these activities are part of the world, but it seems like everything drops world loot pool weapons these days, and having a spot where I can get more consistant legendary crucible, strike, and gambit weapons would be very nice since, for example, it seems like I get 5x the survivors epitaphs than I do Frozen Orbits, with each weapon respectively from each activity.

    submitted by /u/Why_and_rancho
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    Bungie, if you gonna keep matching casuals with top elite players in pvp, at least lower mercy rule score from 75/80 points down to 60...

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    I really could have used those 3 Minutes matchtime better than just serving as cannon fodder for a 4-stack of top elite players. I am just average (maybe slightly above). And getting mercy so often isn't fun.

    I pointed that problem out long ago before you removed SBMM but started speaking about it during Forsaken/Shadowlands. Now the problem is real. Matches get canceled almost every time. Sweats are game-defining and normal players just don't want to play at all pvp.

    One of my last raid team members "nailed" it perfectly with his statement. He said "I would rather ram a rusty nail in my eye than actually playing PvP in Destiny".

    So, if you gonna keep CBMM, at least lower the mercy rule score from 75/80 point difference to 60. Most teams don't even can come back from 60 point difference, so please stop wasting our time we could have in a possible better lobby.


    Or you know just give us optional SBMM back.

    submitted by /u/Crucible_Tilt
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    Borealis and hard light need to have barrier rounds intrinsically added to them

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    We've seen what borealis with what I mentioned could do last season the thing for me became to go to weapon for mach game content and we see the same with hard light this season and how the weapons are designed for shields there begging for it

    submitted by /u/ethand2300
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