Destiny [D2] Trials of Osiris Megathread [2020-04-03] |
- [D2] Trials of Osiris Megathread [2020-04-03]
- Daily Questions [2020-04-04]
- Dynamo & Distribution haven't been properly explained in-game for almost 2 Years.
- Going Flawless should give you the trials armour as ornaments instead of as actual armour. This was people can get the armour from the 7 wins, but only people who go flawless would get the ornaments, giving us a reason to go flawless.
- Eververse purchases funded the outbreak mission, so what has all this crazy eververse spending funded now?
- Remember the HOTFIX
- Hey bungie, since the last 2 seasons have been bounty simulators, how about an emblem to track how many bounties we’ve completed?
- The Grand Daddy Sleeper Simulant
- Not getting loot at 3, 5 & 7 wins.
- If Bungie announced that on Sept 27th, 2020 they’re going back to the original DLC structure I’d be down.
- Rasputin can't keep his own bunkers clear for a day. Why do we think he can help protect humanity?
- Getting trials armor below 60 stats is just a slap in the face
- Just came back 100-0 in gambit prime
- If u ask for a specific KD u better make sure u have it too
- Whoever decided to add the Fallen to the moon seraph tower can burn in the Hellmouth.
- The Last Time Things Were This Salty
- One of my videos got Honorable Mention in the January 9th TWAB, and now almost 3 months later I still don't have my emblem and Bungie has all but ignored me whenever I've asked them about it.
- Tower thoughts : For a game with the ability to one shot with a shotgun and a manufacturer based on the wild west, there is a severe lack of double barrel shotguns in this game.
- I Collect Motes Not Deposit Them
- Destiny 2 updates at 20tps
- Bungie Help: Characters who do not have the Trials of Osiris Weekly Challenge will be unable to earn powerful rewards from their 3rd, 5th, and 7th Trials of Osiris win this week.
- I was bored so I made strike intros for D2!
- I honestly don't think we matter.
- Bungie, Gambit does in fact happen to be a very enjoyable game mode. It NEEDS more content and support.
- [D2] Xûr Megathread [2020-04-03]
[D2] Trials of Osiris Megathread [2020-04-03] Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:03 AM PDT Trials of Osiris are LIVEThis thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of Osiris. FAQWhat is Trials of Osiris?
How Long do the Trials of Osiris last?
Where do I go to find Guardians to compete with in the Trials?
What if I have a question about another piece of armor/weapon or general Trials question?
Trials of Osiris MapCauldron RewardsRotation not known yet, please let us know!
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Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:00 PM PDT New player? Please read the New Light FAQBought the DLC? Shadowkeep FAQNeed Guidance? Collection of selected guidesShadowkeep & New Light known issuesWelcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities! Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself! Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions! Rules
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Dynamo & Distribution haven't been properly explained in-game for almost 2 Years. Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:16 PM PDT How they work:
What the Mods say: DYNAMO:
Nowhere in their Descriptions is it explained you need to be by an Enemy.These Mods were nerfed to require you be near an Enemy, because in Crucible it was possible on Hunter to just Dodge repeatedly at Spawn & get a Super so efficiently it was considered broken. Before the Nerf:
After the Nerf:
This change was made on October 30, 2018. It is now, currently, April 4th, 2020. As of this post that was 522 Days ago.
Here's what is happening in-game today:
I've been bringing this up for literally over a year. Support Forums get ignored. Reddit usually gets a ton of Traction,(heh) but not noticed by Bungie. I finally got some semblance of notice from Cozmo 2 months ago here.
That was Jan 23rd of this year. Still no update on it in-game. It's not the problems with Trials, Bunkers, Seasonal Content, Season Track, Disabled Exotics, or whatever the hot-topic of this week to complain about is that makes me lose faith in Bungie & this game. It's the small issues like a simple Text Change being consistently ignored that make me lose faith in this game & Bungie. This is probably the stupidest thing to be so passionate about getting changed that no one but me cares about it. The fact still stands that it has almost been 2 Years & a Text Change can't even be passed up as Feedback successfully. TLDR,These 2 Mod Descriptions suck. You need to be near an Enemy or they do nothing. The Descriptions say nothing about being near an Enemy. Text in Descriptions needs to be updated. It's been 522 Days since Mods were changed. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:50 AM PDT This was I could put my trials ornaments on anything, so I can have high stat rolled gear with trials ornaments. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:00 AM PDT So I think it's already pretty well established that eververse is out of hand so I won't touch on that, BUT it was stated awhile back that the Whisper ornaments funded the outbreak prime mission. We've seen a MASSIVE increase in eververse content and as far as I can see nothing to show for it. My concerns are that one of these two situations is happening 1.) they've been funding our lackluster seasonal content, making me wonder where the annual pass money went to Or 2.) they haven't funded anything or are funding the development of a different game entirely Bungie can we just get some insight on what you're doing with that record 300 million in profit?? Edit: To add, no I am not expecting them to release any real details. I'm just hoping for some transparency and maybe an indication of how they're going to utilize this new model because currently I see no reason to invest in another annual pass as I wholeheartedly do not believe it was worth the money. Edit2: "I'm not going to say "MTX funds the studio" or "pays for projects like Shadowkeep" -- it doesn't wholly fund either of those things. But it does help fund ongoing development of Destiny 2, and allows us to fund creative efforts we otherwise couldn't afford. For example: Whisper of the Worm's ornaments were successful enough that it paid [dev cost-wise] for the Zero Hour mission/*rewards to be constructed (this shit matters!). " [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:21 AM PDT "Fixed an issue where Trials of Osiris challenges were not being reset properly, causing some players to not receive rewards. " Guess what, the challenges still don't work. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:36 PM PDT At this point it makes sense if bounties are all the content nowadays [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Grand Daddy Sleeper Simulant Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:00 AM PDT Can we get Bungie to add the ability of this weapon to penetrate Barrier Champion Shields? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not getting loot at 3, 5 & 7 wins. Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:52 AM PDT So I just played ToO, got flawless first card and Bungie said no. After both the third, fifth and seventh win me and my friend got no loot, except the other one who got all the loot at the respected wins. This is an absolute joke. The only loot I have gotten is from the flawless chest. How can a game developer that has any interest in making the game good do this? They "develop" ToO for aproximately 2 years, only to have constant bugs and connection errors. Luckily, this week my fireteam haven't experienced any connection errors and neither the fireteams we have faced. Although this was only the first passage *touchwood. The game doesn't let me turn in tokens so I can't even get the loot that I deserve for the wins that I have gotten. I can pickup the flawless passage however the passage requiring five or seven wins are locked as I "haven't reached that win yet" according to the game. Thanks Bungie, love the not "half-baked" and "most important to get right" ToO. Has anyone else experienced this? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:48 PM PDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rasputin can't keep his own bunkers clear for a day. Why do we think he can help protect humanity? Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:30 PM PDT Seriously, don't the rest of you think this every time you do one of those Bunker Buster missions? This warmind is pretty pathetic. I'll bet I could beat it at Risk. Go home Rasputin, you're drunk. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Getting trials armor below 60 stats is just a slap in the face Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:34 PM PDT You tear your ass apart, win those goddamn matches and when finally you get the armor piece it's stats are slightly better than random drop, if not worse. Trials are endgame activity, the rewards should be on the level [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Just came back 100-0 in gambit prime Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:06 PM PDT Me and a blueberry were stuck in a 2v4 after our teammates left, but did we give up? No! Although we were finding it hard to deal with all the ads plus the multiple large and medium blockers getting threw over. Until we got 2 more guys in and that was when I allowed my PvP alter ego out in all its glory. The 3 b-berries would collect the motes while I would run in and kill as many of them as I can keeping their primeval healed and also protecting the b-berries from any would be invaders. Ended up coming back, winning on damage and my final kill score was 32. I don't like Gambit but damn that made me feel good. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
If u ask for a specific KD u better make sure u have it too Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:40 AM PDT The amount of posts I see for 1.5kd plus from people At a 1.0 or lower is actually astonishing. Do u think we are not gonna look? Edit: this post was never about whether kd is a good or bad judgement of skill, just about people that require specific kds in posts that they don't have themselves. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Whoever decided to add the Fallen to the moon seraph tower can burn in the Hellmouth. Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:24 PM PDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Last Time Things Were This Salty Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:30 PM PDT We got Forsaken, and a long, long vidoc from the devs admitting how they fucked up, and what they were doing to fix things. And honestly? Forsaken was a pretty cool improvement. The vidoc made us feel heard in a way we hadn't before. Things finally looked up after and incredibly rocky D2 launch (and having all of our stuff taken away) We're here, a year and a half later, with reports every day of connection issues, things not working, patches not working, exotics being disabled, activities not being rewarding, not to mention the "you had to be there" mentality of seasons. These are issues we've been highlighting for months now, and it's going to be interesting to see if another "apology" vidoc gets marched out in front of us in response. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:53 PM PDT In the January 9th TWAB my video of me flawlessly soloing Pit with two sidearms and a pre-buff sword got honorable mention, and now, almost 3 months later, I haven't gotten my Movie of the Week emblem in game. I didn't ask about it for the first month since I've heard from others who won an emblem from Bungie that they had to wait at least a month before they got theirs, but after that first month I have made THREE different posts on Bungie's help forums about it and have gotten complete silence from them there. Since the help forums didn't work I tried messaging dmg and Cozmo directly on twitter. I messaged dmg and did not get any response from him, and Cozmo's DMs were closed so I made a tweet at both of them instead, which got no response from either of them. The ONLY response I've gotten about any of this was from Griffin Bennett, who responded to me literally two minutes after I messaged him on Twitter and he said he'd pass my message along. I appreciate how quick his response was, but its been exactly a month since I messaged him and I still don't have my emblem. Now I don't know what it takes on Bungie's end to give someone the MOTW emblem, but it can't be that hard when Bert won MOTW and then posted a tweet of his new MOTW emblem just a couple of hours after that TWAB went live. Its frustrating to have to wait almost 3 months for my emblem if its something that can be done that quickly. It feels like whether or not you get your emblem is up to if they actually remember to give it to you or not, and from anyone I've heard that won an emblem, Bungie seems to forget all the time. bungo pls, I just want my emblem [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:06 AM PDT I mean we go around killing everyone with one or two shot in the crucible and this type of weapon doesn't seem too far fetched for a world getting out of a dark age. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I Collect Motes Not Deposit Them Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:04 PM PDT Gambit Prime's been out for over a year but that doesn't mean people got good at it or care to be... Lyrics: Oh, well, imagine As I'm killing the adds in a Gambit Prime match And I can't help but to see No, I can't help but to see all the blueberries' motes ("Gimme motes") "What a beautiful blocker!" "What a beautiful blocker!" says that blueberry to himself And yes, but what a shame What a shame: the invader's on his way . I chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of banking your goshdarn motes?!" No, it's much better to try to get 15 And run around than than count to 25 I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of banking your goshdarn motes?!" No, it's much better to try to get 15 and run around . Oh, well in fact Well, I'll look at it this way I mean technically we don't need to win 'Cause you grabbed all the motes and don't put them in Oh! Well in fact Well, I'll look at it this way I mean technically we don't need to win Cause you grabbed all the motes and don't put them in, don't put them in . I chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of banking your goshdarn motes?!" No, it's much better to try to get 15 and run around than than count to 50 now. I chime in "Haven't you people ever heard of banking your goshdarn motes?!" No, it's much better to try to get 15 than to get our portal at 75 Just bank! I chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of banking your goshdarn motes?!" No, it's much better to try to get 15 'Cause you now gotta get your bounty done I chime in "Haven't you people ever heard of banking your goshdarn motes?!" No, it's much better to try to get 15 even though we have all hundred for our Primeval JUST BANK! . Approved on Bungie creations, yay!: [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:19 AM PDT Title. TPS = Ticks per Seconds, the fixed rate the game logic will update at regardless of frame rate. This is why trades are so common, as any hits within 0.05 of each other are treated as happening at the same time. D2 updates at the same rate as Minecraft and 1/3rd as often as Overwatch, CS:GO and TF2. Low Tickrate means Interpolation and Lag Compensation take over more than they should. You can verify this yourself by loading into a crucible map, loading up wireshark with the rule "host [your local network IP] and udp". Sort by destination and look for packets from your IP to one of bungie's servers ( range). EDIT: Apparently I did a stupid and recorded activity handler tickrate. Will do some further testing, but reports are saying it's about 40tps (which is still far too slow on PC). [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:39 PM PDT Hate to see it, it'll be normal next friday. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I was bored so I made strike intros for D2! Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:25 PM PDT I miss strike intros so I tried making one for most strikes in D2. Most of these are just already existing quotes from the strike put together to form something similar to what we had in D2. I also tried to make it as diverse as possible. Some strikes have very little setup so I couldn´t form a cohesive intro. Tell me what you think! THE ARMS DEALER Zavala: The target is Bracus Zahn. Weapons Dealer. His days of supplying to the Red Legion will soon be over. I´m leaving Operation Forge in the hands of Suraya Hawthorne. Also, Cayde will be there… Good Luck. LAKE OF SHADOWS Devrim Kay: One of Hawthorne's scouts reported Taken energy infecting the water supply. These creatures may have new leader. They've learned defensive tactics and territorial control almost overnight. Our purification tech can only do so much. If this contamination spreads, people will die. SAVATHŪN'S SONG Sloane: Operation Caliban, welcome to the show. Four hours ago, I sent several fireteams to investigate a Hive ritual deep in the Arcology. Something severed our comms and they've gone completely dark. Get in, get out, and don't die. THE INVERTED SPIRE Failsafe: A friendly warning: I am detecting seismic events all along the planet's crust. I have prepared back doors into several key Vex systems. I believe it's a Red Legion research team. *Hey, who wants to bet the Vex will tear us all apart trying to fix it?* EXODUS CRASH Zavala: A band of Fallen touched down on Nessus, and they've raided a secondary crash site for the Exodus Black. She is a powerful ally, and out foothold on this planetoid. We have to help. THE INSIGHT TERMINUS No idea with this one, since the plot starts in the strike itself. The context of the strike is pretty lackluster. THE PYRAMIDION Zavala: Brakion, the Genesis Mind, commands the convertion protocol here on Io. It is programmed to transform every spec of matter on this moon into a machine. Delve into the very core of the Pyramidion and eliminate it. I´m handing you off to Asher Mir and Ikora Rey for briefing based on their collective experience on this place. THE FESTERING CORE Same thing with The Insight Terminus. TREE OF PROBABILITIES Osiris: Guardian, I need your help. The Red Legion continues to patrol this area and it´s campaign for the Infinite Forest rages on. Repeated incursions have caused a glitch and temporal copies of this invasion are being created by the forest. I am counting on you to eliminate them. A GARDEN WORLD Sagira: Hey, guys? We've got a simulation in the forest that is quickly spiraling out of control. Osiris recreated Dendron, the Root Mind using the forest. Once again, the situation escaped his oversight. Now that Panoptes has fallen, the Root Mind is attempting to take its place and govern the forest. STRANGE TERRAIN Zavala: The Hive is back, guardian. A small army is amassing deep below the surface of the Martian ice cap. They are leading an operation to corrupt the planet's core. Their leader, Nokris, is a dangerous heretic whose ritual must not complete. We can´t risk losing Mars to the Hive. WILL OF THE THOUSANDS Ana Bray: Calling all guardians! Rasputin is under attack! The worm god Xol has launched a direct assault and he's going to tear him apart unless he act fast. Head to the power station and I'll help taking him down. BROODHOLD Spider: Two star-crossed lovers have sullied my shore: Our old friend the Mindbender – may he rest in pieces – and In Anânh, a Hive Brood Queen, traitor to her kin. I´m told there´s a whole nest seething beneath my Shore and I want it exterminated. Destroy it, and I´ll consider it a partial reparation of your debts. THE HOLLOWED LAIR The Fanatic: Hello, dead thing. It brought pleasure killing my friends, I´m sure. Your uncontrollable bloodlust, taken out on all held dear. Come to slaughter my children? Me, perhaps? Come, killer. I return the favor. WARDEN OF NOTHING Drifter: How you livin' hotshot? I thought you and your Ghost might come back. We won´t get this prison in order if we don´t find the Warden´s servitor. The thing went wackadoo as soon as Variks left the building, thinks it IS him. It´s running the whole prison through some combat subroutine called "Challenge of the Elders". Let´s just say you´re in for the biggest gunfight to ever happen in prison. I´m a little jealous. THE CORRUPTED Petra Venj: Descent into the heart of the temple. You´re looking for one of the Queen´s techeuns. "Tech witches" you guardians call them. Her name is Sedia. She was Taken, but she can be saved. Her will is not her own. Grant her the mercy that she cannot grant you. THE SCARLET KEEP Same thing with TIT and TFC. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I honestly don't think we matter. Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:16 PM PDT "We" being any player from not only D1, but also pre-'free to play' launch; anyone who remembers a Destiny with better story, character design, content creation, etc. It would seem that, after we have all paid for their infrastructure, they are content to provide cheap, hollow "seasons" with emote-heavy content & very little storytelling after the manner of the F2P battle royale genre. I honestly don't believe veteran players are calculated into the model, other than importing a few weapons/armor/maps over just to placate people with a dose of nostalgia. Every season follows the same copy & paste formula: run a short mission, get artifact, then grind mind-numbingly to earn tokens to turn into somewhere. Rank up & earn the same armor pieces repeatedly and (here we go) emotes. Where is the expanded ability to tell a story that was hyped as the benefit of them going to the seasonal model? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:16 PM PDT Contrary to what the loud vocal minority on reddit claim it's a fun gametype with a large following. It also has a lot of bounties each day to do so that makes it great for battlepass XP grinding. We need several things, including but not limited to 1) New Weapons. ( trials of the 9 weapons would work great as rewards here. ) 2) New maps. ( we've had the same maps for a year+, also move the gambit maps into gambit prime please. We need a moon and mercury map for sure...) 3)a new gambit prime set OR being able to socket seasonals/Ornaments. 4) some more drifty boy exotic quest(s) 5) Event game modes? MAYHEM GAMBIT PRIME, Ooops all taken, etc. It needs other things too but those are the big ones for me. I love the game type and enjoy it significantly, as do thousands of other players. Give it some much needed love please. Edit: Yeet [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Patch DIDN'T FIX THE TRIALS RESET Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:21 PM PDT
Looks like I was wrong, and this week is bugged. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[D2] Xûr Megathread [2020-04-03] Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:04 AM PDT Xûr, Agent of the Nine Description: A peddler of strange curios, Xûr's motives are not his own. He bows to his distant masters, the Nine. Location: Giant's Scar, IO Exotic Gear:
What's a Xûr? Xûr, Agent of the Nine, is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the Worlds, depending on the current Flashpoint. Xûr sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them. TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal. When does Xûr visit? Xûr visits every Friday at 17:00 UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here. Sort comments by New to join the conversation! [link] [comments] |
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