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    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    Destiny Daily Questions [2020-04-16]

    Destiny Daily Questions [2020-04-16]

    Daily Questions [2020-04-16]

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    New player? Please read the New Light FAQ

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    Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

    Be sure to read the Full Year 1 Recap and the Returning Players Guide, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!

    Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


    • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

    • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

    You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    Hey Bungie, instead of partnering with an Energy Drink for your next big release, PLEASE let it be Doritos instead.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    If you made special edition black Doritos for the Darkness arriving, I would buy the whole stock.

    submitted by /u/lawesome94
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    Trials of Osiris Could Lose Nearly Half Its Initial Population This Friday

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Based on rough rounding numbers from Destiny Trials Report, we could very well see an almost 50% reduction in trials population this Friday.

    Week 1 - 380k players.

    Week 2 - 340k players (~10% from week 1).

    Week 3 - 300k players (~20% from week 1).

    Week 4 - 278k players (~27% from week 1).

    Week 5 - 234k players (~38% from week 1).

    Week 6 - est ~200k players (~48% from week 1).


    And honestly, I'm not surprised. I'm a member of a very active clan and there are a good handful of players who have played every weekend since release and have yet to hit 3 wins which means all their time, frustrations, and tokens are useless and unrewarded. We also have pvp gods who have the flawless title or will have it this weekend who have said they're done for the season because there's no motivation to continue playing. Personally for me, I went flawless the first two weekends and haven't gone since and I'm debating on even playing it this weekend or not.

    I can't provide any further criticism or analysis that hasn't already been given by much smarter players. Honestly, I just wish they had stuck with the D1Y3 Trials formula but of course bungie had to change things just for the sake of changing them, not because the changes were actually good. But, just to highlight what I believe are the reasons for a dwindling player base and a disappointing trials experience (not necessarily in order of importance/impact):

    1. Passive play from most teams because the meta, every week since launch, has been Revoker + Hardlight. This past week, the third most used weapon, Mindbenders, had less than half the amount of kills than revoker at number 2 (3.38m vs 1.45m).

    2. Requiring 3 wins for token turn in.

    3. Lack of adept weapons for flawless.

    4. Allowing token farming via card resets without a full card complete or at least a loss (not mercy, an actual loss) on the card.

    5. Skill creep (shoutout to /u/ascendantnomad ) which reinforces the bottom tier players to leave each week, narrowing the pool of players, the spectrum of skill, and creating sweatier and sweatier experiences week after week.

    Proposed solutions? Just riffing off the top of my head:

    1. Hardlight needs an adjustment. NOT a nerf, an adjustment. Autos on their own are in a good place in the sandbox right now, but this gun is creating problems specifically in trials when you can open a door or hold a lane and just fire away hoping to get a ricochet kill or a pick with revoker, spam hardlight at the orb, force the 3v2 if not a 3v1 if you get a ricochet, and then collapse or wait out cap point. Getting a pick and holding an orb is a legit strategy and how trials works by nature, but the ability to get a pick and then not have to push the orb or collapse because you can prefire hardlight leads to many benefits with little to no costs. Make the ricochet bullets do 50% damage instead of double damage is my suggestion.

    2. Remove tokens and bring back post-match and bounty completion drops. There is nothing to be gained by players like my clan mates where we spend a few hours bashing our heads against a wall trying to get a few of them to three wins so they can at least get once piece of gear each weekend. When they don't get a single drop after a few hours, they don't come back the next week.

    3. Bring back adept weapons. Come on, this is so obvious I cannot believe this is even an issue. How trials was designed to "not go out half baked" but without the adept weapons is inexcusable. Bring them back immediately.

    4. Removing tokens should hopefully prevent most token farmers. There will still be stat chasers that will reset cards over and over again to boost their KD and win %, but those should be a much smaller portion of the player pool than those token farming. Additionally, something is up with card based matchmaking. I've played 1st matches against teams on a 10 win streak and flawless for the week on a Friday late afternoon/evening. I've also played teams on my flawless card trying to get the 10 win triumph that were on their first match of the weekend. 7+ wins should only be playing teams with 7+ wins.

    5. Implementing changes that reward the low and mid skill players should provide a healthy population and reduce skill creep. Below average and average teams should be able to hit 3-5 wins each weekend and have the post-match and bounty drops provide at least mid stat tier drops, if not 60+ and chances at decent to god rolls on weapons. It should be challenging for them but rewarding. Above average teams should be able to fight their way to 7-flawless wins at least half the weekends, maybe even carry a clan mate once or twice a season. High skill and god-tier players should be able to hit flawess with their teams multiple times and with some effort carry some players the rest of the weekend.

    In any case, I've loved trials since it dropped in HoW. I played it constantly in D1, went flawless only twice, but played it every weekend because my friends and I could get our shit pushed in, but we still got that doctrine babyyyyy. We don't talk about trials of the nine. But, with D2's iteration of Trials of Osiris, it seems the mode is going to become a place where you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy unless changes are made. Maybe they're not the changes I've proposed above, maybe they're not changes anyone else has proposed since launch. But, something for the entire skill spectrum of players has to change for the better or Trials will be dead within 2 months of launch.

    submitted by /u/RevSirDrColbert
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    Hey creative leads at Bungie! Remember the “Paradox” story mission? Remember how cool it was to have a mission inside a Raid space?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    And how it gave a lot of non raiding players a glimpse into how cool raid areas were and maybe enticed them into trying raids for themselves?

    Oh and got remember how when it was the daily heroic mission you could find those hidden ghosts and end up having an ALTERNATE SECRET ENDING to the mission.

    And remember how that secret ending lead to an exotic weapon?

    All that stuff was sooooo cool. Imagine if there was a story mission inside Last Wish or Garden of Salvation. And that mission had secret collectibles that lead to an exotic.

    I'd absolutely love another mission inside a raid space. It's a chance to show off to other non raiding players how hard you worked on these areas, and maybe get them into raiding.

    submitted by /u/Stewbeef12
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    Bungie has raised more than $350,000 within the first 24 hours of its Guardian's Heart fundraiser

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    I hope Bungie understands we get so upset about the game because we love it.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    We all go on rants and complain and some of us even stop playing the game.

    We get so upset when things aren't working or out favorite exotics are disabled.

    We become no longer interested in playing because of lack of anything to incentivize us.

    But we only feel these things because of how much we love it. We know how good it can be.

    Many of us have made some of our best memories, and more important even some of our best friends with this game.

    We remember our first raids, our perfect God Rolls, our crazy kills in the crucible.

    We remember how fun it was to come into the world Bungie made and explore it down to the dirt.

    THATS why we're upset. Not because the game simply isn't good or we (at least not most of us) don't think Bungie is incompetent. We know what they're capable of. We want this game to succeed. We want others to make the same memories we did. We want to continue to do so for ourselves.

    We don't hate you Bungie. We hate that things aren't as good as they could be. Destiny is capable of success, but so often if falls short of reaching it because of the constant bumps along the way.

    I truly hope things get together soon. I don't want Destiny to fall off for good. I really hope they're listening to us.

    EDIT: to clarify, there absolutely is a difference between being salty because of the state of the game or things being disabled or not working, and telling Bungies employees that they should be fired and throwing insults at them.

    The latter is not ok. I may be salty that Felwinters Helm is still disabled and say "c'mon, why can't we just get this fixed already" but that doesn't mean I would also go and say terrible things to them.

    I don't think any one there is stupid or deserves to lose their job, because they don't. I just think that sometimes they may be a bit out of touch with what the players want. And what the players want does not necessarily make them "entitled" because the players are the ones consuming and are the ones Bungie would want to appeal to.

    submitted by /u/BeeBuzzer27
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    I would like to see Trinity Ghoul’s perk “Lighting Rod” proc after a fully drawn precision hit instead of an actual headshot kill. It would make the bow more useful in PvP and PvE

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:03 PM PDT


    Edit: for a more balanced update, let's make it that the perk ONLY procs if you hit the 3 arrows, and make the explosion smaller

    Edit 2: as a guy said on the comment section, just hit every shot

    submitted by /u/PSforeva13
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    If Bungie really wanted to prove that they were listening, they would have put the Scarlet Keep sparrow and ship from this season into the associated strike/dungeon.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Many people bail Bungie out with regards to not implementing feedback due to their development model. This however, would have been more than do-able, as moving items intended for Eververse into a loot pool (prior to the launch of Worthy) surely isn't as demanding a task as reorganising progression or other systems. Given that we already had a Scarlet Keep sparrow and ship when Shadowkeep dropped - and people rightfully criticised it - it's amazing that they released two more into Eververse just two seasons later, whilst leaving Y3 strikes without anything at all, despite extensive feedback regarding strike loot and these items in particular.

    Again, this is another example of Bungie contradicting their paraded statement "We want Destiny to be the best it can be", strikes have been left in the cold for far too long.

    Edit: to the people that are say listening does not mean agreeing, sure, that's true, but I'd ask whether you think that it's a good thing that strike loot has been effectively discontinued? If the answer is no, then we should be asking why Bungie takes no action despite all the listening they supposedly do and continues to fill eververse with loot that could go a long way to incentivise core activities - Eververse has plenty, strikes have nothing.

    submitted by /u/fishk33per
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    When the next Fall expansion drops, it would be cool if there was some sort of story slideshow that goes over what happened between Shadowkeep to the next big expansion, like the one Veteran Destiny players got to see when they launched Destiny 2 for the first time

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    On the topic of the approaching Pyramid Ships... Remember Enceladus?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    By the end of the season we all know The Darkness will reach Saturn. Lots of folks are talking about how Titan should be relevant since it'll be deep in the dangerzone... but what about one of Saturn's other moons, namely Enceladus?

    During the Ace of Spades quest we got a message from Cayde: "If the sun over Nessus escapes nebula cycle, evac labor after dawn under solstice." It's On Enceladus "It" we've presumed, being The Deep Stone Crypt probably.

    There might be a bunch of Exo bodies laying around there just waiting for something to boot them up and take control? Maybe some Exo husks will be possessed by nightmares in the near(ish) future. Just wanted to throw the idea out there hoping folks haven't forgotten about the messages Cayde left for us, they're still worth thinking about.

    Your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Jamie-O
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    I drew my destiny 2 hunter.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Increase XP gains for Normal Activities, Nightfalls, and Raids to be more in line with Bounties.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I firmly believe that doing so would put a sort of "pressure relief" on players who would rather just play and have their time rewarded than just mainly farming bounties to increase their season pass level. To me this solves the issues of:


    • Spending time flying to the tower to pick up multiple bounties and figuring out what you need to equip to get them all done. You can just jump right into the game.

    • It lets players have more freedom to play the way they want, especially if they just want to log in and de-stress.

    • Allows those who like bounty farming to continue doing so without being affected.


    I know the first five levels of each reset has increased XP gains, which is awesome. If that's all you did, you would be battle pass level 50 by the end of the season. But why does there have to be a limit? The season pass should be easily completed by those who spent money on it without having to sink hours into grinding bounties. Which is why I think this would be a great addition to relieving players stress of feeling like they are doing "chores".


    But I also believe that even with increased XP gains, there should be rewards for players who go above and beyond the initial 100 levels. Give those dedicated players SOMETHING to shoot for because we know that if XP gains were increased for activities, they will get the pass done faster.


    Bounties are great supplements and I don't hate them per se, I would rather just jump straight into a match and start blastin' while being awarded a decent amount of XP!


    Edit: I know a number of players do not mind bounties and have no trouble reaching the end of the season pass by using them as their primary source of XP income. This isn't for those players, but they do get supplemental XP, which allows them to complete the pass quicker which is why the suggestion of having more incentive PAST the initial 100 levels was introduced. As to what they could be, anything from more bright engrams to bright dust.

    I am aware that people would "AFK" farm if this were to happen. Which is 100% on Bungie. There needs to be incentive to complete activities, especially strikes. They would need to reintroduce strike specific loot and the "AFK" player would actually need to be there to open the chest. So that idea might help alleviate the issue.


    submitted by /u/blue_13
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    Maybe more than anything else, Bungie needs to get better at managing expectations.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    I feel like Bungie is in a rough place with their fan base. Lots of salt, lots of distrust, and lots of frustration. It's getting to the point where even if they do something right, it's too little too late. This isn't a post to discuss all that. I just merely think it's worth pointing out that if Bungie had framed expectations for seasons properly, I think our reactions would be different.

    If they had said from the get go that while most of the team is busy working on the big expansion, seasons would be smaller with a bit of story with a few new things to experience, I'd probably have been fine with that. Hey, they introduce a new group activity, throw in an exotic or 2, and if you buy the season pass you can have something to grind for. And for the price of 2 cups of coffee you will be guaranteed some high rolled armor stats. Okay, great.

    The problem though is every time we get a new promo video, it's conveying a message that over-promises and under-delivers. THIS is now the ever-evolving world we've been building towards! We've baked Trials in the oven for 2 years and now its BACK (don't even get me started). Play the way YOU want! etc etc etc. That is the problem right there. They are over-promising and under-delivering, and it should be the other way around. THAT is what generates salt, breaks trust, and sows more discontent than anything else-- because it feels like we were sold one thing and got another.

    submitted by /u/MI78
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    Not all maps are made for 6v6, some are downright unbearable with that many people

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    Exodus Blue with 12 people is just awful. Spent the first two minutes of an Iron Banner match spawn camped by the other team, spent the rest running into 3 people ten seconds after spawning.

    With the map being so small, you also guarantee that orbs dropped by supers are going to be picked up, and those supers are getting a lot of kills and dropping a lot of orbs so the usually terrible super spam from minute 3 becomes even worse. The map list for the various 6v6 modes badly needs pruning.

    submitted by /u/ReaperSheep1
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    No need for Rasputin

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Since hard light has infinite range, we should all just shoot the almighty to destroy it.

    submitted by /u/Khandjian
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    Seventh Seraph Rolls to look out for

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    The biggest reason I'm writing this post is for the SS-Submachine Gun and the SS-Service Revolver, both of which I've come to find are extremely unique weapons even aside from their warmind function.

    The Seventh Seraph SMG can roll with Dragonfly which alone doesn't sound like much and it isn't a big deal, until you combine it with Warmind Cells. The Dragonfly perk auto-detonates warmind cells thus creating a fury of explosions and extra damage. This makes it a monster in PvE and a straight up orb generator when Masterworked. I use Fourth times for the first perk as it can add 15-20 extra bullets per mag. I also find the SMG to be extremely easy to control. Pick this gun up and give it a whirl, its so fun!

    Now for the Service Revolver. This gun has so much flinch! Like more than Luna, Crimson, or Ace! With timed payload you can easily outduel AR's and even challenge snipers in PvP. It is the only 180 RPM hand cannon with timed payload making it very special. For the first perk on the gun I would aim for firmly planted although the first row of perks aren't great in general, so really that's all a matter of preference. Timed payload is the bread and butter of this weapon.

    The Seventh Seraph Weapons are great in general, sound and feel amazing. Don't sleep on them!

    submitted by /u/Dethproof814
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    Trials is meant to be an endgame PvP activity that rewards everyone for playing, with the best rewards awaiting the best players at the Lighthouse.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    I feel like this is an easy concept and was pretty much the reward structure in D1 trials. With the casual player not able to get a single reward in a weekend of play and the best players having no reason to go flawless, there is little reason for anyone to stay engaged.

    submitted by /u/Ndcain
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    Some custom Destiny pins I made

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Ive been a pin collector for years and have hundreds of my own. Lately I've been creating my own pins. I just made a Not Forgotten pin and Taken King logo pin that Im very proud of and wanted to share!


    submitted by /u/Dupercane1
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    I don't like the feel that the Darkness is coming during this period in Destiny 2

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    So it seems that many hints point toward the Darkness arriving at last for the second Collapse. I pray and hope that the second Collapse or the Darkness arrival won't be a seasnal event.. I mean that if the Darkness shows up next Season and there won't be any epic story/fight/plot twist..then all the buildup we had since all this time will be destroyed. Don't you think?

    submitted by /u/CthulhuFollower11
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    If there are multiple pyramid ships, why are we assuming there is only one Traveler?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    Maybe more orb boys are on their way to give our traveler some backup.

    Imagine the final showdown. A sky full of circles and triangles.

    Only the superior shape will prevail

    submitted by /u/GrossFaceGuy
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    What happened to the dark space fantasy aesthetic from Destiny 1.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    I absolutely loved the darker tone in destiny one the grit and gloom in places like the dreadnought or the mix of space tech mixed with the solomnes and badassery of the middle ages. On the other hand destiny 2 feels lost it's art direction seems shallow and ineffectual, even raid armor isnt as unique as it used to they feel very surface level and hollow and arent insanely different from the rest of the games loot pool in certain respects I miss stuff like this each set so unique and beautiful. Take for instance the Iron Banner this is a test of strength operated under Lord Saladin leader and one of the only remaining Iron Lords a division of guardians in the dark ages modeled after the knights of the round table and yet we receive armor heavily influenced by 14th and 15th century samurai, where is the correlation. All I'm saying is destiny seems to have lost its identity as a space fantasy and separated its loot from the lore and story of its world and this makes it feel at best emptysnd lacking life.

    Edit: I'm talking about the armor the world spaces are great especially the dreaming city and scarlett keep but the armor needs help.

    submitted by /u/nofuckersirl
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    Last weekend I reached a milestone that I never thought I would get in Destiny 2 and amidst all the frustration right now I thought I would share this

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    So I am a hardcore PVE guy, I am a big Raider (proof: https://raid.report/ps/cka_viking ) and I must have as many if not more in D1

    With that said I have always been "ok" at PVP, with modest stats (im around 1KD and 1.5KDA lifetime, a bit lower than that in comp). I had made my peace (back in the day) with the fact that I would never get Luna, NF or the Unbroken Seal. I was fine with it (after a while) until some friends wanted to do comp and I decided to tag along. We reached fabled and that season I grinded my ass for everything: Recluse, Luna, MT (and I think revoker)

    Since, I have spent a LOT of time in the crucible trying to improve. Spent time in Crucible Playbook, watched videos, scrimmed with some friends etc. Some really good players helped reached legend the first time after I helped them get their first clear of Crown/Scourge and many Rivens.

    I said what the heck and now, 2 seasons after (and swicthign to PC on M&K) I finally got Unbroken this weekend. I know some of you are thinking who cares its easy since Bungo made the Glory changes but its still difficult IMO. I am very proud of this moment and wanted to share it with the community.

    The cherry on top is how the last match to legend actually finished... down to the wire:


    (one of the videos that REALLY helped me understand some of the thigns I was doing wrong was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74e3mByi0d0 )

    Edit: that was the match just before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4r_Fp7nsFM&feature=youtu.be

    submitted by /u/cka_viking
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    Has anyone noticed that The Shattered Throne is the only activity that should have gotten Raid Banners with Shadowkeep, but didn't?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    Like every other remotely hard activity has Raid Banners now. Why not Shattered Throne? Pit of Heresy has them. Usually my fireteam will just take a trip to the tribute hall before the boss and then wait out our supers, but come on Bungie.

    submitted by /u/SirMushroomTheThird
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    Some cool lore for the newcomers: Ahamkara (The Wish Dragons) are still out there and finding them could be easier than you think.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Let's firmly establish something right away:

    For generations, the Dreaming City housed one of the Awoken's most closely guarded secrets. She is known as Riven — Riven of a Thousand Voices. The last known Ahamkara.

    -Petra Venj (voice introduction as you enter the Last Wish Raid for the first time)

    With me so far? Good. Now as far as we know, we have not observed any LIVE specimens of Ahamkara other than their bones on several exotic armor pieces (Young Ahamkara's Apine, Skull of Dire Ahamkara, etc.). What you need to remember, though, is that Ahamkara were known for their trickery involving "Perception and Expectation".

    Wish Magic

    Ahamkara have a power that was known to the Awoken of the Dreaming City as "Wish-Magic". Another way to put it is the Ahamkara (a.k.a. "Wish Dragons") could turn a request into an observable reality based on that inherent expectation of the wisher. Simply, they can twist what the wisher can see. A rather odd and somewhat amusing example of this is in the lore tab of the legendary raid bow Tyrrany of Heaven:

    The Ahamkara looked like somebody's kindly old grandpa just now. And it could play a mean hand of cards. "Twenty," it crooned as it raised the stakes. She saw Caliban's eye sensors dilate.

    The Ahamkara is playing poker, disguised as an elderly man. This is the key and the lock-pick of their space magic: perception manipulation.


    If you go to the Dreaming City—I mean really, why wouldn't you? It's beautiful there!—you will undoubtedly notice the abundance of shiny surfaces and crystals. This isn't merely an architectural taste, this is a deliberate countermeasure to Wish Dragon magic.

    Shuro Chi, during her Pilgrimage patrols, tells you various stories about the Dreaming City and its' history. These stories have several parts when you visit the same area on different occasions. One of these stories takes you to inspect the large geodes/crystals and listen to Shuro Chi explain their purpose.

    One of her stories reads:

    The Ahamkara always came and went from the Dreaming City by way of this platform, which meant they always passed by these geodes. We used them as protective measures. Shiny surfaces can reveal some of the Ahamkara's secrets — if you know what to look for.

    Remember how Wish Magic works? The dragons can manipulate their appearance to the observer or wisher, but a reflective surface can bypass that manipulation.

    Shuro Chi continues in another visit to this patrol area:

    Reflections are powerful things. They can disarm certain kinds of magic. Wish-magic, in particular, is susceptible — since it is so heavily dependent on expectation and perception…

    If you look at things in a reflection, you may not see what it is directly in front of you. Rather, you may be able to see a Dragon in disguise.

    Know this, Guardian. If an Ahamkara has hidden itself away beyond Jupiter, if the last of them did not die here in the Dreaming City… you can reveal their true intentions with reflective surfaces.

    Keep an Eye Out

    With everything else going on in the universe right now, one thing to remember is that there are ALWAYS other stories entangling themselves with the universe that surrounds us. There are things happening behind the scenes that we could easily miss.

    Shuro Chi also teaches us good lessons about maintaining an open and creative mind:

    We built the Dreaming City with the help of Ahamkara. Their wishes fueled our innovations, but it was our own ingenuity that shaped our evolution as a people. Wishes go only so far with the short-sighted and unimaginative.

    So keep an eye out for all things shiny. You could easily stumble upon a freaking Dragon.

    submitted by /u/Kahiyao
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    I throw a Dawnblade projectile. It hits a Hunter in mid air and explodes. But because they jumped, they somehow manage to only take 50 damage and survive. This should not happen, ever.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    Why does this happen? How does a super hit, deal damage, but not kill? And I don't mean splash damage, either; It didn't hit any walls, ceilings, or floors, just their body. I think I even experienced this with throwing hammers, too.

    Why can a hunter survive those supers just by jumping, something the other two classes die trying?

    submitted by /u/Elevasce
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