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    Destiny Daily Questions [2020-05-21]

    Destiny Daily Questions [2020-05-21]

    Daily Questions [2020-05-21]

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

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    submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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    I have never felt so disconnected from a season's narrative.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    The Almighty got started on a collision course with the Earth at the start of the season. That was 10 weeks ago. The season ends in less than 3 weeks, and we have had no word on where the Almighty is, or how close it is.

    There's just been nothing. Do the public event, and clear the bunkers. There's a map in the bunkers that could have shown the almighty slowly progressing. It shows the pyramid ships which has been an awesome foreboding feeling.

    But the Almighty? The giant ship hurtling towards us, about to destroy Earth? Zip. It makes it feel like the Almighty doesn't even matter.

    This is honestly the least immersed I've been in a season's narrative, ever.

    submitted by /u/RazekPraxis
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    As a PvP player, I relentlessly grinded PvE to get perfect synergy, god roll guns, and complete off-meta builds. That's all gone with gear sunsetting. I simply cannot invest that much time again.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    I'm a pvp player but I did plenty of pve grinding even though I don't like it. But I did it because I love building and completing my pvp builds. Sort of theory crafting.

    It's taken me 15 months to build 7 fully masterworked pvp builds just for Hunter (to do it on warlock/titan too would be insane).

    I have the standard stompeez, wormhusk etc, but I also really enjoy weird ones like gemini jester, bombardiers (really fun with top arcstrider), and shinobu's vow. I even made a fun "explosive" lucky pants with explosive payload handcannons and top tree Gunslinger for explosive knife.

    I'm not just a meta slave and I enjoyed taking all of the exotics D2 has to their "end point" and see what they're capable of.

    I did this because of the expectation that my time investment MATTERS and that means being permanent. The entire reason why each gear piece takes SO many materials to upgrade in destiny (as opposed to like Division, where you must regrind pieces but upgrading is much easier) is because of light infusion; you only need to do it once. So invest hours to weeks of time. It will be worth it! That's why I even bothered to build/MW stuff in the first place.

    MWing more than just "meta" builds takes months and even year(s). Some gear pieces I do use in more than one build, but then again, exotics take 3 golf balls each. I probably put 50 golf balls into my Hunter alone this past year. And for me, one golf ball per week is a huge task for a pvp player!

    I also grinded menagerie, forges, and Dreaming City for a god roll Retold tale COUNTLESS times. Like daily and religiously. I have like 400 clears in Reckoning III and probably 3x that in tier II. I have over 1,000 menagerie runs. That was all to get my perfect rolls for weapons to fit my gear build's purpose.

    I didn't "enjoy" the grind but I enjoyed achieving and completing my perfect builds. And we all play PvE for different reasons right? I may not have done PvE for the same reason raiders do, but I definitely invested a lot of time/effort.

    Now, with gear sunsetting, I have not done a single menagerie, forge or really ANY pve activity. I just...can't bring myself to do anything because what does it matter? There's no reason to do ...anything or am I wrong here? Maybe 7th seraph CQC sg because it's good for 3 more seasons instead of just 1?

    All of my perfect 100-50-100 and 100-100-60 intellect builds are just...gone. I kinda am sad and mourning this because I loved the wide "menu" selection of fully MW'd builds I had for each pvp map and playlist.

    Now, instead of looking at my builds and imagining the possibilities, I look at them and realize they're gone in just over 1 season. ALL OF THEM.

    Then, there's the future: I feel that with gear sunsetting, we will only ever have enough time to MW our gear pieces for ONLY meta builds (wormhusk, stompeez, etc). It personally takes me 4-6 weeks to fully MW six gear pieces if I'm SOLELY focusing on just that build and nothing else (e.g. pinnacle leveling, trials, etc) and playing every day.

    So how can I build anything other than meta pvp exotic builds in the future? How can I justify building shinobu's vow? By the time I finish building meta exotics and move on to off-meta ones, the sunsetting time will already be due.

    I feel this is a huge huge mistake. I'm 10000% not putting in the same amount of time I used to just to see things go away.

    submitted by /u/koreajames
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    Our guardian's identity is almost entirely based on our weapon loadout. If that identity is being cycled out each year, we need new ways to build craft. We need skill trees back

    Posted: 20 May 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    As it stands right now the weapons in our loadouts define how our guardian plays. The feeling of firing our favorite weapon has become synonymous with the feeling of being our guardian. Recent seasons have made good strides with mods that make it possible to craft a build without relying solely on weapons, but since those are now on a yearly rotation too we need something else.

    Others have correctly made the comparison to games like FFXIV, WoW, Diablo, etc where in those games your character and their abilities are the core of your build and this represents your personal character identity. In Destiny, however, our actual character and subclass abilities matter much less in the grand scheme of the game than our loadout does. No matter which class or subclass you play, most of the neutral game still comes down to your particular choice of weapons. Take away the guns and every hunter plays like every other hunter and the same for titans and warlocks.

    If we had a more robust skill tree with the option to pick our own selection of skills, it would go a long way to making our guardians feel more unique while also potentially allowing a more diverse meta each season. Plus it might help alleviate some of the concerns about a not-so-popular idea coming our way this fall. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with said idea, but if you're taking something away from us you have to give us something of equal value in return.

    submitted by /u/hydragon100
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    Hey, can we sunset Champions, too?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    Amongst Taken Captain teleporting, Hydra and Hive Boomer spam blasts, boss stomps... but that's a topic for another time.

    I feel so restricted into what I must use in order to combat these Siva-looking wannabes. I get the idea that the whole point is to get you to use weapons outside of your comfort zone... but them being nearly unstoppable (ha ha) otherwise... they really aren't that fun to fight against.

    submitted by /u/Treshimek
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    I like how GM Nightfalls were supposed to be “watchable” but all I see are streamers spamming invis hunters and skipping everything

    Posted: 20 May 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Gg bungo on not having a champion requirement lmao

    submitted by /u/Synthoceps
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    If the next season is about SIVA I think it would be cool if we got a siva-fied version of the ikelos weapons

    Posted: 20 May 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Those guns were pretty cool, and it would be sick if they brought them back with SIVA, and maybe gave them random rolls

    submitted by /u/Matthematr1x
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    If old armor is going to be retired, can we at least get ascendant shards back for dismantling mw armor?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    iirc bungie said that masterworking armor has to be a decision to be made when you get the gear that you like, but wont that decision be for nothing if they're gonna retire those armor sets eventually? I have no problem retiring guns as it removes the pressure of getting past pinnacle weapons, but armor is a different thing espwcially if they're mw's.

    submitted by /u/drkpneng13
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    Bungie's disconnect in understanding how people play the game

    Posted: 20 May 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    While the job of community managers is often certainly a very thankless lot, and I feel bad about piling up some more, there is still something that feels is further compounding the ongoing issues. There seems to be a certain disconnect between the way the players play the game, and how community managers think (or want) people play the game.

    Take this exchange, for example: https://twitter.com/A_dmg04/status/1261333234505232387

    A top level player is destroying the weapons he spent days getting, because they are becoming useless to him in the content and tiers he wants to run. Dmg tries to explain how that is not what sunsetting means, because you can still take those guns in normal strikes and patrol zones and such, but this sort of signifies not understanding how people play this game. He genuinely seems to believe weapons still have some globally appreciated value, because you can carry them to "some content", even if that content doesn't matter to the player(s) he's addressing. Sunsetting is meant to shake things up at endgame, in both pve and pvp. When discussing the effects of sunsetting, you are implicitly already addressing the endgame crowd, because they are the ones most impacted by these changes. Why, then, are normal strikes and patrol zones even brought into the discussion as arguments for continued weapon and gear viability, when the context for the changes is pretty much only endgame?

    Another exchange is this one: https://twitter.com/A_dmg04/status/1230932117623689216

    During the season of fractaline dumping, players suddenly found themselves in need of a lot of glimmer. Especially if you were grinding weapon bounties, you probably spent millions if not tens of millions of glimmer during the season. Now, the best way to get a lot of glimmer is of course good old Spider.. when he's in the mood to offer a good deal. This isn't very reliable though, and when Spider is not feeling charitable, the glimmer fountains run dry. Lost sectors give a few thousand for a minor time investment, but are severely time restricted. Offering strikes as an option for glimmer grinding feels wrong again, a lack of understanding of what people need the glimmer, and how much they need it - especially in the context of the ongoing season.

    After all, the dynamic changes season by season with how seasonal content, bounties, and objectives are set up. Players will engage the content and objectives differently. The "endgamer" is more likely to try to find optimal routes to objectives; when presented with quests like the Felwinter's Lie, or any other "kill x" objective, they don't necessarily even play your game. They don't suddenly fill your playlists to run strikes to get 1000 kills - they go to the Castellum or Shuro Chi and just grind it all there in an hour, alone. Objectives in strikes, forges, etc see players leaving as soon as they are complete, because for many it's just a complete waste of time to finish the content, because you don't get anything out of it that matters. There is no value in it.

    Don't get me wrong though. Even though my examples are from dmg, I don't want this to be a rag on anyone specific, dmg is doing the best job he can, and I don't want to dismiss non-endgamer ways to play the game either. They are equally valid ways to play. It just feels like currently the community representation is more geared towards a more casual player without there being an understanding of how "endgamers" or "power users" are playing the game and what they want from it. The feeling that there is someone understanding and empathic how I (and many others) want to play the game doesn't seem to be there at this time. If the community managers who interact with the development team and relay them information don't necessary understand the endgame dynamic and players, how can we rely on our wishes and concerns are being properly described? It's nice to ask things like "what kind of feedback would you like to send to the team", but it does nothing to advance understanding of the player base or ways to play. And the lack of that understanding, I feel, is going to lead into many, many more hotly debated and criticized changes and monkey paw deals in the future.

    submitted by /u/mekanika
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    Coolguy has some excellent sandbox discussion in regards to sunsetting. The sandbox needs a full rework for sunsetting to work in both endgame and PvP and not fall flat on it's face.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Link to the video, well worth your watch

    Sunsetting has a lot of people upset, and there's valid points on both sides, which we won't be fully able to know until it's here. However, the sandbox for most weapons is so bad right now that it needs to be addressed. Especially if sunsetting makes it so only a few weapon archetypes are viable and those archetypes are just hot trash.

    submitted by /u/Plummyr
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    Bungie said one of their main goals for grandmaster nf’s was for them to be based on completion rather than how many champions you kill...but then they went ahead and made the rewards drop based on how many champions you killed

    Posted: 20 May 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Kind of backwards isn't it? If I spend 40 minutes in a GM nf, I think I should get more than one or two prisms, regardless of how many champions I killed.

    I think you should get platinum rewards purely for completing it. Why the hell would i ever run one gm when i can run 2-3 1030's in the same amount of time and get far better rewards?

    I'm one GM away from conqueror, then I'm never touching these things again

    submitted by /u/cutfiberlines
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    When a universal ornament is applied to a piece of armor, the armor must continue to show its base season symbol, currently it shows the season of the universal ornament.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    This is especially important now with the ability to make any armor a universal ornament combined with sunsetting.

    Scanning through my vault I see tons of ornamented armor pieces, but just by looking at them it is difficult to tell which season they are from. Bungie appears to be committed to the seasonal model through Year 4, this means we will have 16 seasonal symbols, of which only 4 will be of use at any point.

    Some way to help us eyeball sort through our gear would be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/smegdawg
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    Bungie should make it so retired legendaries are a different color other than purple

    Posted: 20 May 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    It would just be a good quality of life thing, they would still be legendary just with a different color background like red or something

    Edit: thanks for all the support guys, hopefully someone at bungie will see this

    Edit #2: I think the color should be another shade of purple, Idk that might be kind of boring tho

    submitted by /u/Matthematr1x
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    Please don't sunset armor

    Posted: 19 May 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    I don't wanna build another 3 sets for all core gamemodes, if you absolutely have to; reduce the cost of leveling it up and masterworking or make the mats more abundant because casual players cannot attain it

    submitted by /u/Chaos_ZR1
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    Apart from greed I’d love to see bungies reason that transmog isn’t free

    Posted: 20 May 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    I play Diablo quite a lot and transmog for weapons and armour in that game is practically free as it is the equivalent cost of 500 glimmer.

    Edit) Seen a few people saying that it's because they're shifting focus away from eververse but I don't think this will fix the problem the community have with MTX but cause a great feature to have a dark shade on it

    submitted by /u/DanielBarton300402
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    There's an account breaking bug on destiny 1 that prevents access to the game

    Posted: 20 May 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    If your bungie.net account is linked to twitch you'll be unable to log into destiny 1 because of tapir errors.

    Unlinking fixes it but this is probably something that needs to be fixed on the API.

    submitted by /u/TehSavior
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    This season has 26 days left, and I'll make a statement here.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    There are now enough scenes of shooting shotguns while sliding and rocket shooting while jumping in new trailers.

    Stop it.

    submitted by /u/searobber
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    Armor sunsetting makes gambit prime armor almost useless in its dedicated activity.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    i self identify as a reckoner that hasnt been broken by the grind, i got my title in joker wilds before they made some things easier for the whole playerbase, i have 1.0 armor rolls that i spent WAYYYYY to much time grinding for, and armor 2.0 rolls that i also spent a ton of time girnding because bungie still hasnt updated the mote synth to be like menagerie, i have spent 200 hours of my life in gambit prime alone with 20 resets to my name. if using the armor i painstakingly grinded for eventually turns into my biggest disadvantage, then what was all that effort for in the first place??

    This change, out of all the changes the game has gone through since i started playing in black armory, this one makes me feel like ive wasted my time playing this game.

    also, if you grinding last wish or scourge(menagerie grinding was easy and enjoyable) for armament mods, the same logic applies, if any new end game content has those type of enemies, sure youll have infinite heavy, but youll be at a power deficit and anyone who has done a grandmaster nightfall surely knows that purposefully being under light is not enjoyable.

    also im totally not fucking salty that i got a 2.0 taken armaments this tuesday after 70 last wish runs and now ill have to not use it at some point to be at light for future activities. GG i just started grinding scourge again for fallen armaments but now i wont even bother.

    EDIT: i just did a quick private match with a clanmate, at 199 light under him, truth did 245 to kill him, which if he has any kind of overshield in the game(im not 100% sure) he will survive. and depending on how much power increases next season and the fall expansion, testing a 200 handicap isnt so outrageous.

    submitted by /u/duoinvasion
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    Towerthought: I wonder how many times someone at Bungie opened Telesto's file and briefly glanced the recycle bin?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    I would've deleted it by now and blamed the architects.

    submitted by /u/ashley27790
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    To everybody matching with me in rumble...

    Posted: 20 May 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I'm sorry. I'm only in there for redrix, and I shoulder charge everything because I suck at aiming. Also, it's helping me keep my sanity. I'll be out of your hair in 12 more matches.

    submitted by /u/Craiggers324
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    Black talon's catalyst need a rework

    Posted: 20 May 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    The catalyst is that after blocking damage you get a buff that allows you to do more damage. The thing is that the perk doesnt cooperate with the new sword changes. Blocking cause you to lose sword energy which prevent you to use full charged attack

    This is gotta be looked at

    submitted by /u/Blupoisen
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    I wish Destiny respected our time like other games.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    I recently left Destiny 2 after being utterly confused as a New Light player giving up because I had missed out on so much content/story/seasons I always felt out of the loop. I also felt so much pressure to play every day for fear of missing out on story or loot.

    A friend of mine picked up FFXIV and I watched the NoClip documentary about it. One quote really stuck out from the producer/director, Yoshida.

    "With Final Fantasy 14's game design, I never wanted to make it so that you have to play 14 continuously and have to log in every day. I want to avoid forcing people to play because everyone is so busy and I don't think everybody could log in every day and put in the time to play. Even a big fan of MMOs like me. So I think it's OK that people come back when there's a major update to play through it at once. Play the content and then eventually wean out or slowdown and maybe play other video games. Or spend some quality time with your family. I think moving forward, MMOs have to be like that or else it won't stand a chance. And then once an expansion pack comes out, that is when it has as much content as a brand new standalone RPG then that's when we all come back and then enjoy the latest Final Fantasy together. That's the kind of game design that we've always kept in mind as the fundamental base."

    submitted by /u/Doctor_Spahrtan
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    If we are sunsetting even just weapons...let alone armor, infusion ought to be easier.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Infusion weapons usn;t exactly hard now but it used to be much, much easier and cheaper. The reason fir the change was that bungie wanted infusion to be a 'meaningful' choice. If sunsetting pies forward though infusion becomes less about choice and more just making sire you always have a set of gear that can reach the new max light at all.

    To put it another way, going back a system while also keeping the changes meant to make the current system more difficult just seems like a plain oversight. Mixed opinions on weapon sunsetting aside it'd be unhealthy with the current infusion costs, it should for all intensive purposes be more or less trivial again if that gear won't even be kept always relevant.

    submitted by /u/drigisV1
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    Sunsetting Armor = Sunsetting Armor Mods

    Posted: 20 May 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Armor pieces, and the mods that are enabled by them, are a powerful part of player identity. I spent a TON of time building up my mod collection across raids and seasonal activities. Even though it wasn't necessarily super-meta, I loved that I could combine Heavy Handed (Season of the Dawn), Wrath of Rasputin & Rage of the Warmind (Season of the Worthy) and an Armaments mod of my choice (multiple seasons) all together into a unique build.

    The fact that the armor sets that allow these mods will be sunsetted is upsetting. Those mods and armor pieces I poured so much time into getting will no longer be viable in future endgame content.

    I don't necessarily agree with sunsetting weapons, but I can at least understand the rationale behind it. The weapon perk pool grows slowly and rarely is there a big shift in the top, desirable perks. But with armor, Bungie will be sunsetting unique, one-of-a-kind effects. Literally every mod and the unique gameplay they bring will be tossed aside forever.

    Losing your god-rolled sniper rifle sucks, sure. But you can probably feel confident that you will be able to get one that functions similarly enough in the future, if you put in the time. But armor mods? Goodbye. You'll never get to use them in endgame content. If you love a mod-enabled build, enjoy it while it lasts.

    submitted by /u/Gawesome
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    Why isn't there a flat out hoard mode?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    I wanted to get my shotgun kills out of the way for the lie quest. I went to the leviathan for the endless caball spawns. I put on some music to so I wouldn't get bord grinding my shotgun kills. I was listening to re4 mercenaries music. That was the most fun I had I've ever had, A hoard mode will be the most mindless fun for destiny

    submitted by /u/circus_of_value
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    Bungie should add something like the Chrome Dino Game every time you get error coded.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Bonus points if you play as a beaver who jumps over beetles, guitars, weasels, etc.

    submitted by /u/xWinterPR
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